Andrew P. Sage
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American engineer
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Andrew P. Sageengineering Degrees![](
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Electrical Engineering
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Andrew P. Sage's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Masters Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Andrew P. Sage Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Andrew Patrick Sage was an American systems engineer and Emeritus Professor and Founding Dean Emeritus at the School of Information Technology and Engineering of the George Mason University. Biography Born in Charleston, South Carolina Sage received his BA in 1955 in Electrical Engineering at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, his MA in 1956 in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his PhD also in Electrical Engineering in 1960 at the Purdue University.
Andrew P. Sage's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1987) (682)
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 5 (1990) (665)
- Estimation theory with applications to communications and control (1979) (586)
- On the Systems Engineering and Management of Systems of Systems and Federations of Systems (2001) (516)
- Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management (2011) (386)
- Adaptive filtering with unknown prior statistics (1969) (322)
- Behavioral and Organizational Considerations in the Design of Information Systems and Processes for Planning and Decision Support (1981) (247)
- Introduction to systems engineering (2000) (207)
- Decision support systems engineering (1991) (204)
- Knowledge management and knowledge sharing: A review (2005) (195)
- System Identification (1971) (193)
- A model of multiattribute decisionmaking and trade-off weight determination under uncertainty (1984) (175)
- On the use of interpretive structural modeling for worth assessment (1975) (144)
- Complex adaptive systems (2002) (135)
- ARIADNE: A knowledge-based interactive system for planning and decision support (1984) (127)
- The Defense Industry (1981) (127)
- Systems integration and architecting: An overview of principles, practices, and perspectives (1998) (108)
- Processes for System Family Architecting, Design, and Integration (2007) (105)
- On applications of interpretive structural modeling to higher education program planning (1975) (96)
- Optimum Systems Control (1979) (95)
- Information Systems Frontiers in Knowledge Management (1999) (94)
- Enterprise architecture measures of effectiveness (2004) (94)
- Algorithms for sequential adaptive estimation of prior statistics (1969) (93)
- Methodologies for Risk and Hazard Assessment: A Survey and Status Report (1980) (87)
- Economic Cycles: An Analysis of Underlying Causes (1977) (83)
- Toward a NASA-Specific Project Management Framework (2005) (82)
- An introduction to probability and stochastic processes (1973) (78)
- Systems Management for Information Technology and Software Engineering (1995) (77)
- On Sonar Signal Analysis (1970) (75)
- Perspectives on imperfect information processing (1987) (70)
- Software systems engineering (1990) (68)
- Case studies of systems engineering and management in systems acquisition (2004) (65)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics (2004) (62)
- Human Interaction with Computers (1980) (62)
- The defense industry (1982) (61)
- Systems engineering education (2000) (60)
- Large and small scale sensitivity analysis of optimum estimation algorithms (1968) (57)
- Comparison of some methods used for process identification (1968) (55)
- Emerging technology-evaluation methodology: with application to micro-electromechanical systems (1993) (55)
- Sensitivity analysis of discrete filtering and smoothing algorithms (1968) (50)
- A System of Systems Focused Enterprise Architecture Framework and an Associated Architecture Development Process (2002) (45)
- Risk management for sustainable development (1998) (42)
- A Case for an International Consortium on System-of-Systems Engineering (2007) (39)
- System identification in large scale systems with hierarchical structures (1973) (38)
- Concise encyclopedia of information processing in systems &organizations (1990) (37)
- Human interaction with computers (1981) (36)
- Closed Loop Optimization of Fixed Configuration Systems (1966) (36)
- Systems engineering: Fundamental limits and future prospects (1981) (35)
- The IEEE Systems. Man, and Cybernetics Society: past, present, and future (1992) (33)
- Sustainable Development: Issues in Information, Knowledge, and Systems Management (1999) (33)
- Multilevel discrete time system identification in large scale systems (1974) (32)
- A Multiple Objective Optimization-Based Approach to Choicemaking (1980) (30)
- Optimum Estimation of Bit Synchronization (1969) (29)
- The digital computation of discrete spectra using the fast Fourier transform (1970) (29)
- Introduction and Survey of Group Decision Making with Applications to Worth Assessment (1975) (28)
- An overview of automated reasoning (1990) (27)
- Decision Support with Partially Identified Parameters. (1981) (27)
- A Systems Management Approach for Improvement of Organizational Performance Measurement Systems (2000) (26)
- Conflict and risk management in complex system of systems issues (2003) (26)
- Linear systems control (1978) (24)
- Systems engineering and systems management for reengineering (1995) (24)
- Infusion of cognitive engineering into systems engineering processes and practices (2005) (24)
- Architecting for enterprise resource planning (2007) (23)
- Systems engineering research (2008) (23)
- On group assessment of utility and worth attributes using interpretive structural modeling (1977) (22)
- Real-time digital simulation for systems control (1966) (22)
- Human system interface concerns in support system design (1983) (22)
- Feedback Loops (1992) (22)
- Information systems engineering for distributed decisionmaking (1987) (21)
- System of systems integration and test (2005) (20)
- Gradient and Quasi-linearization Computational Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems (1967) (20)
- The role of service oriented architectures in systems engineering (2010) (19)
- Maximum likelihood identification of time varying and random system parameters (1972) (19)
- A methodological framework for systemic design and evaluation of computer aids for planning and decision support (1981) (19)
- Systems engineering and information technology: catalysts for total quality in industry and education (1992) (18)
- An intelligent data-base interface using psychological similarity between data (1983) (18)
- On hierarchical structure adaptation and systems identification (1974) (17)
- Applications in artificial intelligence (1986) (17)
- Modeling and Simulation in Systems Engineering (2001) (16)
- Systems engineering : methodology & applications (1977) (16)
- Maximum a posteriori filtering and smoothing algorithms (1970) (16)
- Systems Engineering for Software Productivity (1987) (16)
- Engineering of a System of Systems (2008) (16)
- On filtering and smoothing algorithms for non-linear state estimation† (1970) (15)
- Hierarchical system identification of states and parameters in interconnected power systems (1974) (15)
- Decision and information structures in regret models of judgment and choice (1983) (15)
- On Discrete Sequential Estimation of Bit Synchronization (1970) (14)
- Sensitivity Analysis in Systems for Planning and Decision Support (1981) (14)
- Algorithms for Discrete Sequential Maximum Likelihood Bias Estimation and Associated Error Analysis (1971) (14)
- Identification and Modeling of States and Parameters of Nuclear Reactor Systems (1967) (14)
- System design for human interaction (1987) (14)
- Enterprise architecture and the ways of wickedness (2010) (13)
- Analysis of Modeling and Bias Errors in Discrete-Time State Estimation (1971) (13)
- Speech Data Rate Reduction Part I: Applicability of Modern Estimation Theory (1973) (13)
- A Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Enterprise Knowledge Sharing Model (2008) (13)
- Nonlinear sequential algorithms for estimation under uncertainty (1970) (13)
- Systems engineering and management for industrial ecology and sustainable development (1997) (13)
- Aiding the Human Decisionmaker through the Knowledge-Based Sciences (1986) (13)
- On digital replica correlation algorithms with applications to active sonar (1969) (13)
- Simulation‐Based Acquisition (2005) (12)
- Error analysis of modeling and bias errors in continuous time state estimation (1971) (12)
- Identification and modelling of large-scale systems using sensitivity analysis † (1973) (12)
- Discrete Variables (1992) (12)
- A sequential method for system identification in hierarchical structure (1973) (12)
- Systems engineering: Purpose, function, and structure (1998) (11)
- Methodological Considerations in the Design of Large Scale Systems Engineering Processes. (1981) (11)
- Toward Systems Ecology (1998) (11)
- Human and organizational error as a basis for process reengineering: with applications to systems integration planning and marketing (1998) (11)
- An overview of group and organizational decision support systems (1991) (11)
- Systems Engineering: Basic Concepts and Life Cycle (2010) (10)
- On the use of interpretive structural modeling to obtain models for worth assessment (1974) (10)
- Least-Squares Curve Fitting and Discrete Optimum Fitting (1967) (10)
- A support system for multiple perspectives knowledge management and conflict resolution (2000) (10)
- Research needs and the phenomena of decisionmaking and operations (1985) (10)
- An enterprise architecture methodology to address the Enterprise Dilemma (2010) (10)
- Optimum design and error analysis of digital integrators for discrete system simulation (1965) (9)
- Object oriented methodologies in decision and information technologies (1993) (9)
- The IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society: historical development, current status, and future perspectives (2003) (9)
- Group decision support using Toulmin argument structures (1996) (9)
- Editorial Two-Part IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (1996) (8)
- Knowledge transfer: An innovative role for information engineering education (1987) (8)
- Sequential estimation and identification of reflection coefficients by minimax entropy inverse filtering (1975) (8)
- Error and sensitivity analysis of stochastic approximation algorithms for linear system identification (1974) (8)
- On decision making and worth assessment (1975) (7)
- A theory of situation assessment for decision support (1991) (7)
- Knowledge representation and interpretation in decision support systems (1982) (7)
- Estimation and Identification 1 (1972) (7)
- Handbook on Knowledge Management: Volume 1, Knowledge Matters; Volume 2, Knowledge Directions, by Holsapple, Clyde W. (Editor) (2003) (7)
- Hierarchical system identification of models for urban dynamics (1973) (7)
- Estimation Using Stochastic Feedback with Applications to Integrated Navigation Systems (1971) (7)
- Optimal control of nuclear reactors (1972) (7)
- Risk in system of systems engineering and management (2008) (7)
- Multi-person decision analysis in large scale systems—group decision making☆ (1975) (7)
- User‐Centered Systems Engineering Framework (2005) (7)
- Management of Library Networks Policy Analysis, Implementation and Control (1981) (7)
- Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment: Cost, Value, and Competition in Information and Knowledge Intensive Systems, Organizations, and Enterprises (2011) (7)
- Work, workflow and information systems (2007) (7)
- Sensitivity analysis of fixed point linear smoothing algorithms (1968) (6)
- The Role of Systems Engineering in Electrical Engineering Education (1979) (6)
- New algorithms for estimation with sequentially correlated measurement noise (1971) (6)
- Risk management systems engineering (1995) (6)
- Manufacturing systems engineering and management (1996) (6)
- Representation and interpretation of information for decision support with imperfect knowledge (1985) (6)
- Hierarchical structuring for system identification (1974) (6)
- Managerial planning: An optimum and stochastic control approach [Book reviews] (1979) (6)
- Sensitivity and error analysis algorithms for combined estimation and control systems (1975) (6)
- An enterprise knowledge-sharing model: a complex adaptive systems perspective on improvement in knowledge sharing (2005) (6)
- Information, knowledge and systems management approaches for a new global reserve currency (2011) (6)
- Identification of Aircraft Stability and Control Parameters Using Hierarchical State Estimation (1974) (6)
- Experiments in nonlinear and nonstationary system identification via quasilinearization and differential approximation. (1966) (6)
- Information and Knowledge Perspectives in Systems Engineering and Management for Innovation and Productivity Through Enterprise Resource Planning (2007) (6)
- Multi person decision analysis in large-scale hierarchical systems—team decision theory† (1975) (6)
- A Class of Differential Games with Two Pursuers Versus One Evader (1973) (6)
- Suboptimal adaptive control of a nonlinear plant (1966) (6)
- Computational algorithms for discrete detection and likelihood ratio computation (1970) (6)
- 7.2.1 Issues for Systems Engineering Research (2004) (5)
- An interactive inquiry system (1985) (5)
- On the management of information imperfection in knowledge based systems (1986) (5)
- Computer-based intelligence support: an integrated expert systems and decision support systems approach (1987) (5)
- On hierarchical estimation and system identification using the MAP criterion (1973) (5)
- Economic systems analysis : microeconomics for systems engineering, engineering management, and project selection (1983) (5)
- Systems Engineering for Risk Management (1995) (5)
- Theater Battle Management Core System Systems Engineering Case Study (2011) (4)
- Using systems engineering to address socio-technical global challenges (2008) (4)
- A methodology for the evaluation of research and development projects and associated resource allocation (1981) (4)
- Linear system identification by autoregressive model decomposition (1975) (4)
- A simulation perspective on knowledge management and sharing, and conflict and complexity in social systems management (2000) (4)
- Development of a mission statement for information and knowledge architectures for systems management of a global reserve currency (2012) (4)
- Speech Data Rate Reduction Part II: Applicability of Sensitivity and Error Analysis (1973) (4)
- Multiple Objective Evaluation and Choicemaking under Risk with partial Preference Information. (1981) (4)
- System Identification (Mathematics in Science and Engineering Series) (1972) (4)
- On measures for decision model structuring (1980) (4)
- Discrete system sensitivity and variable increment sampling (1967) (3)
- Identification of aircraft stability and control parameters using multilevel, hierarchical estimation (1974) (3)
- On the application of multiple criteria decision making to a problem in defence systems acquisition (1980) (3)
- Systems engineering and management case study design for enterprise resource planning (2007) (3)
- Extending the Friedman-Sage systems engineering case study framework forenterprise architecture case study research (2010) (3)
- Correspondence item: Error analysis algorithms for distributed parameter filtering (1972) (3)
- System optimization using quasilinearization and sensitivity analysis (1972) (3)
- Behavioral and organizational models for human decisionmaking (1982) (3)
- Terminal State Error Analysis Using Adjoint-Generated Sensitivities (1969) (3)
- Societal systems: planning, policy and complexity : J.N. Warfield, 490 pp., diagrams, 6×9 in., John Wiley New York, 1976, Price $25.00. (1977) (3)
- Simulation and model driven experimentation in systems engineering (1999) (3)
- The Environmental Advisory Service (EASe): A Decision Support System for Comprehensive Screening of Local Land-Use Development Proposals and Comparative Evaluation of Proposed Land-Use Plans (1985) (3)
- A technique for the real time digital simulation of nonlinear control processes. (1966) (3)
- Error bounds in optimum smoothing (1969) (3)
- Systems Engineering Drivers (2006) (3)
- State Variables (1992) (3)
- Estimation of multi-input systems with ‘noiseless’ outputs (1971) (2)
- Whither Simulation Based Acquisition ? (2001) (2)
- Associates systems for decision support (1994) (2)
- Case studies of systems engineering and management in systems acquisition: Regular Paper (2004) (2)
- Algorithms for continuous sequential maximum likelihood bias estimation and associated error analysis (1971) (2)
- Review of handbook on knowledge Management: Volume 1, knowledge matters; volume 2, knowledge directions by Clyde W. Holsapple. 2003 (2002) (2)
- Group decision making under multiple criteria: Methods and applications: Ching-Lai HWANG and Ming-Jeng LIN Volme 281 in: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer, Berlin, 1987, xi + 400 pages, DM 70.00 (1988) (2)
- An Interactive Approach to Alternative Ranking Involving Inverse Decision Aiding (1982) (2)
- Systematic measurements: At the interface between information and systems management, systems engineering, and operations research (1997) (2)
- An overview of system design for human interaction (1987) (2)
- A useful change of variable for a class of linear differential systems (1966) (2)
- Aiding the Decision-Maker through the Knowledge-Based Sciences (1986) (2)
- Knowledge support systems and group decision technology (1990) (2)
- On assessment of utility and worth of multi-attributed consequences in large-scale systems (1976) (2)
- A framework for interoperability assessments in Systems of Systems and Families of Systems (2012) (2)
- Sequential suboptimal adaptive control of nonlinear systems. (1966) (2)
- Models for Knowledge Representation and Cognitive Effort in Human Problem Solving (1984) (2)
- The Intellectual Basis for and Content of SE (2006) (1)
- Systems Engineering and Management of Enterprise Information Systems: Ecological, Architectural, and Foundation Program Issues (2002) (1)
- Editorial Scope (1999) (1)
- Cost‐Benefit And Cost‐Effectiveness Analyses and Assessments (2011) (1)
- Book review: System dynamics and the analysis of change (1983) (1)
- Default reasoning using least exception logic (1990) (1)
- Improving requirements inspection through the use of a constructive reading inspection process (2001) (1)
- Identification methods for large scale systems (1974) (1)
- An Efficient Method for Digital Simulation and Modeling of Linear Communication and Control Systems (1966) (1)
- A least exception logic shell for intelligent systems (1992) (1)
- Smoothing in a Large Scale Intelligent Database Using Psychological Data Similarity (1984) (1)
- A similarity-based reasoning model for intelligent interfaces (1986) (1)
- Organizations, organizational cultures, catalysts for change in organizations (1993) (1)
- Environment, rationality perspectives, and coordination structures for decision aiding in complex distributed organizational systems (1992) (1)
- Electronic simulation of the biological clock (1962) (1)
- Exogenous Variables (1992) (1)
- On Information Structuring in Choice Making: A Case Study of Systems Engineering Decisionmaking in Beef Cattle Production (1979) (1)
- Multiple objective evaluation and prioritization under risk with partial preference information (1983) (1)
- Madan G. Singh (1946-2002): distinguished academic, scholar, and entrepreneur (2003) (1)
- A learning approach for incorporation of imperfect knowledge in decision support system design (1985) (1)
- Systems Engineering: Analysis, Design, and Information Processing for Analysis and Design (2015) (1)
- Application of a methodology for evaluation prioritization and resource allocation to energy conservation program planning (1981) (1)
- Electrical Engineering Education (1999) (1)
- Conflict and risk in systems management as complex adaptive systems issues (2001) (1)
- System dynamics and the analysis of change: Edited by B. E. Paulré (1983) (1)
- Hierarchical Inference in Large Scale Systems (1981) (1)
- Least exception logic (1989) (1)
- An introduction to probability & stochastic processes (2013) (1)
- Associative learning using similarity knowledge bases for relational database search (1984) (1)
- Information Systems Engineering for Organizational Effectiveness (1995) (1)
- Time Horizons (1992) (1)
- On the Application of Systems Methodology to Economic and Organizational Management of Integrated Industrial Complexes (1977) (1)
- On the Value Dependent Role of the Identification Processing and Evaluation of Information in Risk/Benefit Analysis (1981) (1)
- Operator Algebra for Differential Systems (1967) (1)
- Error Analysis, Sensitivity, and Prior Statistics (1969) (1)
- The innovations approach to space-time filtering and smoothing (1972) (1)
- Supply–Demand Equilibria and Microeconomic Systems Analysis and Assessment Models (2011) (0)
- INCOSE Journal Systems Engineering (1998) (0)
- Review of "Human Interaction with Computers" by H. T. Smith and Thomas R. G. Green (1981) (0)
- A Model Reference Adaptive Re-Entry Flight Control System (1965) (0)
- A Framework for Human Interactions in Complex Systems (1996) (0)
- Effective Systems (1992) (0)
- On uncertain suboptimum estimation with hypothesis switching (1970) (0)
- Board of Associate Editors (2010) (0)
- On Systems Engineering editorial procedures and processes (1998) (0)
- Review of "The Defense Industry" by Jacques S. Gansler (1981) (0)
- Automation and Problem Solving in Human-Machine Systems (1996) (0)
- Difference Equations, Ordinary (1992) (0)
- Information technology management of university education: Part 3. A methodology for information system design and development (2014) (0)
- Orthonormalized expansion of optical transfer functions (1970) (0)
- On conditional mean estimation in additive and multiplicative noise (1970) (0)
- News CSS Centennial Medal Recipients The staff of IEEE Control System Magazine would like to congratulate the CSS recipients of the 1984 IEEE Centennial Medal Award. The list below are the CSS Centennial Medalists. (1984) (0)
- On Human System Identification (1982) (0)
- 7. Cost Assessment (2011) (0)
- A Knowledge Based Interactive Procedure for Planning and Decision Support under Uncertainty and Parameter Imprecision (1983) (0)
- Linear control systems - a computer-aided approach: M. Jamshidi and M. Malek-Zavarei (1989) (0)
- Book Reviews (1970) (0)
- Decision support system (2014) (0)
- Review of "Economic Cycles: An Analysis of Underlying Causes" by Nathaniel J. Mass (1977) (0)
- Information Processing (1992) (0)
- Production and the Theory of the Firm (2011) (0)
- Book review (1969) (0)
- Markov Processes (1992) (0)
- Pag Group Decision Support Using Toulmin Argument Structures (2008) (0)
- Identification ofAircraft Stability andControl Parameters Using (1974) (0)
- Use of Second Order Stochastic Dominance in Decision Aiding. (1981) (0)
- A digital time-domain synthesis technique for feedback control systems (1961) (0)
- Maximum likelihood partially adaptive estimation (1972) (0)
- Differential Equations (1992) (0)
- An Interactive Knowledge Support System with Imperfect Information: Toward A Microcomputer Implementation of ARIADNE (1987) (0)
- Maximum likelihood estimation of bias in discrete linear systems (1970) (0)
- Closed Systems (1992) (0)
- Intelligent humans, intelligent systems, and intelligent human-systems (1988) (0)
- Natural language processing; a knowledge-engineering approach: Richard E. Cullingford (1988) (0)
- Random Variables (1992) (0)
- A sensitivity analysis of discrete detection algorithms (1970) (0)
- A Casefora StandardforSystemsEngineering Methodology (1977) (0)
- Dynamic Systems (1992) (0)
- Review of "Management of Library Networks Policy Analysis, Implementation and Control" by William B. Rouse and Sandra H. Rouse (1981) (0)
- On Human Information Processing and Inference Analysis as Large Scale Systems Problems (1982) (0)
- Large Stochastic Systems (1992) (0)
- On the application of systems engineering methodology to emergency communication system program planning. (1978) (0)
- Human Interfaces in Group Decision Making: A Case for Multiobjective Analysis (1982) (0)
- Bayes' Rule (1992) (0)
- Decomposition (2019) (0)
- Information technology management of university education: Part 2. Case histories of information management (2014) (0)
- Outputs (2021) (0)
- Improving defect detection ability with adaptive software inspection checklists (1999) (0)
- Systems Engineering (2007) (0)
- Information technology for the welfare of mankind (1984) (0)
- SpeechDataRate Reduction1:Applicability of ModernEstimation Theory (1973) (0)
- Approximate Reasoning in Expert Systems, Madan M. Gupta, Abraham Kandel, Wyllis Bandler, Jerzy B. Kiszka (Eds.). North-Holland, Amsterdam (1985) (1986) (0)
- Ieee Standard for Software Maintenance Ieee-sa Standards Board Introduction Participants the following Persons Were on the Balloting Committee: Ieee Standard for Software Maintenance 1. Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Terminology (0)
- Systems Engineering and Information Technology: Catalysts for Total Quality in Industry and Education First IEEE SMC Society Joseph G. Wohl Career Award Paper (1992) (0)
- Computational Algorithms for a Pseudo-Bayes Digital Radar Receiver (1970) (0)
- Normative or Welfare Economics, Decisions and Games, and Behavioral Economics (2011) (0)
- Stochastic Processes (1992) (0)
- The Theory of the Consumer (2011) (0)
- Partition (2020) (0)
- Perspectives on System Identification (1984) (0)
- Information technology management of university education: Part 1. An overview of university executive functions (2014) (0)
- Development of a Mixed Scanning Interactive System for Decision Support. (1984) (0)
- Human System Interface Concerns Design* in Support System (2002) (0)
- Applications in Artificial Intelligence (1987) (0)
- A survey of estimation and modeling in socio economic systems (1977) (0)
- Invariant imbedding in control, estimation, and system identification (1991) (0)
- Iteration (1992) (0)
- Algorithms forDiscreteSequential Maximum LikelihoodBiasEstimationand Associated ErrorAnalysis (1971) (0)
- Optimal and suboptimal guidance and control for low thrust orbital transfer. (1966) (0)
- Knowledge Bases (1992) (0)
- An Evaluation of ARIADNE (Alternative Ranking Interactive Aid Based on Dominance Structure Information Elicitation) (1983) (0)
- Meet Andy Sage (2012) (0)
- R66-61 Digital Simulation of Large Scale Systems (1966) (0)
- Software Engineering Practices; are Software Quality and Time to Market Incompatible? - An Interview with Steve Cross (2002) (0)
- Design of multi-disciplinary publications in both traditional and in online forms (2015) (0)
- Introduction to Computer Systems: Analysis, Design, and Applications (1989) (0)
- TerminalStateError AnalysisUsingAdjoint- GeneratedSensitivities (1969) (0)
- Model Reference Adaptive Control of a Nuclear Rocket Engine (2011) (0)
- Systems management for organizational support (1993) (0)
- Approaches to Investment Valuation (2011) (0)
- Transients (2019) (0)
- Deterministic Systems (1992) (0)
- The Space Congress ® Proceedings 1965 ( 2 nd ) New Dimensions in Space Technology Apr 5 th , 8 : 00 AM A Model Reference Adaptive Re-Entry Flight Control System (2019) (0)
- Estimation UsingStochastic Feedback with Applications toIntegrated Navigation Systems (1971) (0)
- Electronic simulation of daily rhythm in nocturnal animals (1963) (0)
- Systems and decision support issues in network pricing (2003) (0)
- 10. Contemporary Perspectives (2011) (0)
- A hierarchical approach to multi-person decision analysis in large scale systems (1974) (0)
- Information Technology (2008) (0)
- Issue 5: “What Distinguishes Complex Adaptive Systems From Other Kinds of Systems?” (2010) (0)
- Real Options for Investment Valuation (2011) (0)
- Methodologies for Systems Simulation (1980) (0)
- Behavioral issues in a knowledge based interactive system for decision support (1982) (0)
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