Anind Dey
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Computer Science
Anind Dey's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Georgia Tech
- Masters Computer Science Georgia Tech
- Bachelors Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Anind Dey Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Anind Dey is a computer scientist. He is the Dean of the University of Washington Information School. Dey is formerly the director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests lie at the intersection of human–computer interaction and ubiquitous computing, focusing on how to make novel technologies more usable and useful. In particular, he builds tools that make it easier to build useful ubiquitous computing applications and supporting end users in controlling their ubiquitous computing systems.
Anind Dey's Published Works
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Published Works
- Understanding and Using Context (2001) (5361)
- Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-Awareness (1999) (5164)
- A Conceptual Framework and a Toolkit for Supporting the Rapid Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications (2001) (3249)
- Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning (2008) (2325)
- The context toolkit: aiding the development of context-enabled applications (1999) (1418)
- Providing architectural support for building context-aware applications (2000) (1239)
- A stage-based model of personal informatics systems (2010) (971)
- Heuristic evaluation of ambient displays (2003) (623)
- Why and why not explanations improve the intelligibility of context-aware intelligent systems (2009) (514)
- Smart Devices are Different: Assessing and MitigatingMobile Sensing Heterogeneities for Activity Recognition (2015) (491)
- Understanding my data, myself: supporting self-reflection with ubicomp technologies (2011) (480)
- Planning-based prediction for pedestrians (2009) (474)
- Location-Based Services for Mobile Telephony: a Study of Users' Privacy Concerns (2003) (469)
- Securing context-aware applications using environment roles (2001) (468)
- CybreMinder: A Context-Aware System for Supporting Reminders (2000) (418)
- Is Context-Aware Computing Taking Control away from the User? Three Levels of Interactivity Examined (2003) (389)
- A Context-Based Infrastructure for Smart Environments (2000) (362)
- The Conference Assistant: combining context-awareness with wearable computing (1999) (360)
- Principles of Smart Home Control (2006) (349)
- Who wants to know what when? privacy preference determinants in ubiquitous computing (2003) (341)
- Personal privacy through understanding and action: five pitfalls for designers (2004) (341)
- Psycho-physiological measures for assessing cognitive load (2010) (336)
- AWARE: Mobile Context Instrumentation Framework (2015) (313)
- Navigate like a cabbie: probabilistic reasoning from observed context-aware behavior (2008) (312)
- a CAPpella: programming by demonstration of context-aware applications (2004) (281)
- Understanding and prediction of mobile application usage for smart phones (2012) (278)
- Modeling Interaction via the Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy (2010) (269)
- Context-Aware Computing: The CyberDesk Project (1998) (264)
- Understanding Human-Smartphone Concerns: A Study of Battery Life (2011) (251)
- Context-awareness in wearable and ubiquitous computing (1997) (249)
- iCAP: Interactive Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications (2006) (248)
- Factors influencing quality of experience of commonly used mobile applications (2012) (238)
- Simulated augmented reality windshield display as a cognitive mapping aid for elder driver navigation (2009) (237)
- A toolkit for managing user attention in peripheral displays (2004) (229)
- CyberDesk: a framework for providing self-integrating context-aware services (1998) (226)
- Assessing demand for intelligibility in context-aware applications (2009) (212)
- UbiComp 2003: Ubiquitous Computing (2003) (210)
- Rapidly Exploring Application Design Through Speed Dating (2007) (208)
- Getting closer: an empirical investigation of the proximity of user to their smart phones (2011) (202)
- Serendipity: Finger Gesture Recognition using an Off-the-Shelf Smartwatch (2016) (165)
- Toolkit to support intelligibility in context-aware applications (2010) (163)
- A smartphone-based sensing platform to model aggressive driving behaviors (2014) (162)
- From awareness to connectedness: the design and deployment of presence displays (2006) (157)
- Contextual experience sampling of mobile application micro-usage (2014) (152)
- Designing mediation for context-aware applications (2005) (151)
- Lifelogging memory appliance for people with episodic memory impairment (2008) (146)
- Modeling and Understanding Human Routine Behavior (2016) (143)
- A fieldwork of the future with user enactments (2012) (143)
- How it works: a field study of non-technical users interacting with an intelligent system (2007) (139)
- Discovering different kinds of smartphone users through their application usage behaviors (2016) (124)
- Distributed mediation of ambiguous context in aware environments (2002) (121)
- The challenges of user-centered design and evaluation for infrastructure (2003) (118)
- iCAP: an informal tool for interactive prototyping of context-aware applications (2003) (117)
- An Architecture to Support Context-Aware Applications (1999) (117)
- Reducing users' perceived mental effort due to interruptive notifications in multi-device mobile environments (2015) (112)
- The what, who, where, when, why and how of context-awareness (2000) (109)
- Investigating intelligibility for uncertain context-aware applications (2011) (100)
- Lean and zoom: proximity-aware user interface and content magnification (2008) (99)
- Using context to reveal factors that affect physical activity (2012) (99)
- Probabilistic pointing target prediction via inverse optimal control (2012) (99)
- A spark of activity: exploring informative art as visualization for physical activity (2012) (98)
- Using Decision-Theoretic Experience Sampling to Build Personalized Mobile Phone Interruption Models (2011) (97)
- Support for context-aware intelligibility and control (2009) (91)
- Providing good memory cues for people with episodic memory impairment (2007) (90)
- Automatically detecting problematic use of smartphones (2013) (87)
- The Family Intercom: Developing a Context-Aware Audio Communication System (2001) (86)
- Mobile phone sensors and supervised machine learning to identify alcohol use events in young adults: Implications for just-in-time adaptive interventions. (2017) (84)
- Sensor-based observations of daily living for aging in place (2014) (82)
- Reflecting on pills and phone use: supporting awareness of functional abilities for older adults (2011) (81)
- TherML: occupancy prediction for thermostat control (2013) (76)
- Real-time feedback for improving medication taking (2014) (76)
- Automotive user interfaces: human computer interaction in the car (2010) (76)
- Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: Statistical Analysis, Data Mining and Machine Learning of Smartphone and Fitbit Data (2019) (76)
- Toward Personalized Activity Recognition Systems With a Semipopulation Approach (2016) (74)
- Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (2012) (72)
- Attelia: Reducing user's cognitive load due to interruptive notifications on smart phones (2015) (72)
- ProactiveTasks: the short of mobile device use sessions (2014) (72)
- Managing Personal Information Disclosure in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (2003) (70)
- Ubiquitous Computing: Defining an HCI Research Agenda for an Emerging Interaction Paradigm (1998) (67)
- The Tesserae Project: Large-Scale, Longitudinal, In Situ, Multimodal Sensing of Information Workers (2019) (67)
- uBPMN: A BPMN extension for modeling ubiquitous business processes (2016) (66)
- Connected Giving: Ordinary People Coordinating Disaster Relief on the Internet (2007) (65)
- Know thyself: monitoring and reflecting on facets of one's life (2010) (65)
- Parent-driven use of wearable cameras for autism support: a field study with families (2012) (64)
- The Principle of Maximum Causal Entropy for Estimating Interacting Processes (2013) (63)
- Using visualizations to increase compliance in experience sampling (2008) (63)
- Snap-To-It: A User-Inspired Platform for Opportunistic Device Interactions (2016) (62)
- Is Someone in this Office Available to Help Me? (2012) (62)
- Revisiting human-battery interaction with an interactive battery interface (2013) (62)
- Understanding physiological responses to stressors during physical activity (2012) (61)
- Distributed and disappearing user interfaces in ubiquitous computing (2001) (61)
- Uncovering information needs for independent spatial learning for users who are visually impaired (2013) (60)
- Human Behavior Modeling with Maximum Entropy Inverse Optimal Control (2009) (60)
- Design of an intelligible mobile context-aware application (2011) (59)
- Web accessibility for low bandwidth input (2002) (58)
- Detecting Drinking Episodes in Young Adults Using Smartphone-based Sensors (2017) (58)
- Customizable 3D Printed Tactile Maps as Interactive Overlays (2016) (58)
- Estimation of Symptom Severity During Chemotherapy From Passively Sensed Data: Exploratory Study (2017) (57)
- Differentiating Higher and Lower Job Performers in the Workplace Using Mobile Sensing (2019) (57)
- Securacy: an empirical investigation of Android applications' network usage, privacy and security (2015) (57)
- Depression Estimation Using Audiovisual Features and Fisher Vector Encoding (2014) (57)
- How routine learners can support family coordination (2010) (56)
- Exploring the design and use of peripheral displays of awareness information (2004) (56)
- Leveraging Routine Behavior and Contextually-Filtered Features for Depression Detection among College Students (2019) (56)
- Location-Based Services (2010) (56)
- Studying the experience of mobile applications used in different contexts of daily life (2011) (54)
- Sensors Know When to Interrupt You in the Car: Detecting Driver Interruptibility Through Monitoring of Peripheral Interactions (2015) (54)
- EarBuddy: Enabling On-Face Interaction via Wireless Earbuds (2020) (54)
- Personal informatics and HCI: design, theory, and social implications (2011) (53)
- User interfaces for smart things -- A generative approach with semantic interaction descriptions (2014) (53)
- A Conceptual Model and a Metaphor of Everyday Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (2002) (49)
- A Peripheral Display Toolkit (2003) (49)
- XDBrowser: User-Defined Cross-Device Web Page Designs (2016) (48)
- Context-Awareness and Mobile Devices (2008) (47)
- Usability of car dashboard displays for elder drivers (2011) (45)
- Situated Interaction and Context-Aware Computing (2001) (45)
- Supporting interspecies social awareness: using peripheral displays for distributed pack awareness (2005) (45)
- Modeling and intelligibility in ambient environments (2009) (45)
- n-Gram Geo-trace Modeling (2011) (45)
- Considerations for technology that support physical activity by older adults (2012) (44)
- Learning Accuracy and Availability of Humans Who Help Mobile Robots (2011) (43)
- Why do they still use paper?: understanding data collection and use in Autism education (2013) (43)
- Designing for Ubiquitous Computing: A Case Study in Context Sensing (1999) (43)
- Inverse Optimal Heuristic Control for Imitation Learning (2009) (42)
- Learning patterns of pick-ups and drop-offs to support busy family coordination (2011) (41)
- Mixed-initiative conflict resolution for context-aware applications (2008) (41)
- Automated and Adaptive Threshold Setting: Enabling Technology for Autonomy and Self-Management (2005) (40)
- CyberDesk: a framework for providing self-integrating ubiquitous software services (1997) (39)
- Considering context in the design of intelligent systems: Current practices and suggestions for improvement (2016) (39)
- How robots' questions affect the accuracy of the human responses (2009) (39)
- Designing for collaborative reflection (2014) (38)
- Towards attention-aware adaptive notification on smart phones (2016) (38)
- Towards maximizing the accuracy of human-labeled sensor data (2010) (38)
- Dirty desktops: using a patina of magnetic mouse dust to make common interactor targets easier to select (2007) (37)
- Assessing real-time cognitive load based on psycho-physiological measures for younger and older adults (2014) (37)
- Competitive Live Evaluations of Activity-Recognition Systems (2015) (37)
- The Use of Ubiquitous Computing for Business Process Improvement (2016) (36)
- Embedded assessment of aging adults: A concept validation with stakeholders (2010) (35)
- CyberDesk: automated integration of desktop and network services (1997) (35)
- Distributed Mediation of Imperfectly Sensed Context in Aware Environments (2000) (34)
- Gaze-Based Annotations for Reading Comprehension (2015) (34)
- Lessons Learned from Large-Scale User Studies: Using Android Market as a Source of Data (2012) (34)
- Social Media as a Passive Sensor in Longitudinal Studies of Human Behavior and Wellbeing (2019) (33)
- Socially-Aware Requirements for a Smart Home (2005) (33)
- Sampling techniques to improve big data exploration (2017) (32)
- How Does COVID-19 impact Students with Disabilities/Health Concerns? (2020) (32)
- Everyday Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (2002) (32)
- Augmenting human senses to improve the user experience in cars: applying augmented reality and haptics approaches to reduce cognitive distances (2016) (32)
- Detecting Depression and Predicting its Onset Using Longitudinal Symptoms Captured by Passive Sensing (2021) (31)
- Stress Recognition - A Step Outside the Lab (2014) (30)
- Indoor-ALPS: an adaptive indoor location prediction system (2014) (30)
- Toward Building a Safe, Secure, and Easy-to-Use Internet of Things Infrastructure (2016) (29)
- Automated recognition of hypertension through overnight continuous HRV monitoring (2018) (29)
- Providing Architectural Suppor t for Building Context-Aware Applications (2000) (29)
- Towards a Deconstruction of the Privacy Space (2003) (29)
- Using passively collected sedentary behavior to predict hospital readmission (2016) (29)
- SiteView: Tangibly Programming Active Environments with Predictive Visualization (2003) (29)
- Enabling the use of context in interactive applications (2000) (28)
- Casalendar: a temporal interface for automated homes (2014) (27)
- Route Guidance Modality for Elder Driver Navigation (2012) (27)
- A context-aware service provision system for smart environments based on the user interaction modalities (2013) (27)
- Designer Support for Context Monitoring and Control (2003) (26)
- User profiling from their use of smartphone applications: A survey (2019) (26)
- Quantifying Aversion to Costly Typing Errors in Expert Mobile Text Entry (2017) (25)
- Energy efficient indoor tracking on smartphones (2014) (25)
- Jadoo: a paper user interface for users unfamiliar with computers (2006) (24)
- Evaluating Intelligibility Usage and Usefulness in a Context-Aware Application (2013) (24)
- Clench Interface: Novel Biting Input Techniques (2019) (24)
- Acquiring Accurate Human Responses to Robots’ Questions (2012) (24)
- Urban computing in theory and practice: towards a transdisciplinary approach (2014) (24)
- Smart Homes, Families, and Control (2006) (23)
- The Limits of Expert Text Entry Speed on Mobile Keyboards with Autocorrect (2019) (23)
- Towards Everyday Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing (2003) (23)
- Hermes -- A Context-Aware Application Development Framework and Toolkit for the Mobile Environment (2012) (23)
- A Conceptual Model and a Metaphor of Everyday Privacy in Ubiquitous (2002) (23)
- Leveraging Collaborative-Filtering for Personalized Behavior Modeling (2021) (23)
- Perspectives on Pervasive Health from Some of the Field's Leading Researchers (2011) (22)
- AR interfacing with prototype 3D applications based on user-centered interactivity (2010) (22)
- Architecture and Applications of Virtual Coaches (2012) (22)
- Context-Aware Mobile Media and Social Networks (2009) (22)
- Explanations in Context-Aware Systems (2009) (21)
- Using lifelogging to support recollection for people with episodic memory impairment and their caregivers (2008) (21)
- Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms with Passive Sensing in the Wild (2019) (21)
- FROM CONCEPTION TO DESIGN, A Practical Guide to Designing Ambient Displays (2003) (21)
- Supporting End User Programming of Context-Aware Applications (2003) (21)
- Anonymous smartphone data collection: factors influencing the users’ acceptance in mobile crowd sensing (2016) (21)
- Imputing Missing Social Media Data Stream in Multisensor Studies of Human Behavior (2019) (21)
- Variability patterns for business processes in BPMN (2016) (20)
- What Have You Done with Location-Based Services Lately? (2009) (20)
- Using physiological sensors to detect levels of user frustration induced by system delays (2015) (20)
- Maximum Causal Entropy Correlated Equilibria for Markov Games (2011) (20)
- My agent as myself or another: effects on credibility and listening to advice (2007) (20)
- Leveraging Human Routine Models to Detect and Generate Human Behaviors (2017) (20)
- Time to reflect: Supporting health services over time by focusing on collaborative reflection (2016) (19)
- A Web Interface for Generating Customized 3D-Printable Tactile Maps (2015) (18)
- PerCCS: person-count from carbon dioxide using sparse non-negative matrix factorization (2015) (18)
- Probabilistic, Decision-theoretic Disease Surveillance and Control (2011) (18)
- A qualitative study of smartwatch usage and its usability (2018) (18)
- Context-Aware Computing (2010) (18)
- Improved Sleep Detection Through the Fusion of Phone Agent and Wearable Data Streams (2020) (17)
- Task Behavior and Interaction Planning for a Mobile Service Robot that Occasionally Requires Help (2011) (17)
- Performance Evaluation Gaps in a Real-Time Strategy Game Between Human and Artificial Intelligence Players (2018) (17)
- College from home during COVID-19: A mixed-methods study of heterogeneous experiences (2021) (17)
- Ambient Interfaces that Motivate Changes in Human Behavior (2007) (17)
- CBT MobileWork©: User-Centered Development and Testing of a Mobile Mental Health Application for Depression (2020) (17)
- Passively-sensed Behavioral Correlates of Discrimination Events in College Students (2019) (16)
- Context-Aware Authentication Framework (2009) (16)
- Achieving Ubiquity: The New Third Wave (2010) (15)
- Creating Smart Buildings and Cities (2017) (15)
- 'MASTerful' Matchmaking in Service Transactions: Inferred Abilities, Needs and Interests versus Activity Histories (2016) (15)
- Selecting Individual and Population Models for Predicting Human Mobility (2018) (15)
- Designing Personal Informatics Applications and Tools that Facilitate Monitoring of Behaviors (2009) (14)
- A Real-Time Mobile Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior Before and After Cancer Surgery: Usability and Feasibility Study (2020) (14)
- Fast Planning for Dynamic Preferences (2008) (14)
- Using unlabeled Wi-Fi scan data to discover occupancy patterns of private households (2013) (14)
- Namatad: Inferring occupancy from building sensors using machine learning (2016) (14)
- Soft Authentication with Low-Cost Signatures (2014) (14)
- Jointly Predicting Job Performance, Personality, Cognitive Ability, Affect, and Well-Being (2020) (14)
- Extraction of Behavioral Features from Smartphone and Wearable Data (2018) (14)
- SonicASL: An Acoustic-based Sign Language Gesture Recognizer Using Earphones (2021) (13)
- On the Quality of Real-world Wearable Data in a Longitudinal Study of Information Workers (2020) (13)
- The Group Context Framework: An Extensible Toolkit for Opportunistic Grouping and Collaboration (2015) (13)
- Smart bag: managing home and raising children (2007) (13)
- The Effectiveness of Haptic Cues as an Assistive Technology for Human Memory (2009) (13)
- IOS Crowd-Sensing Won't Hurt a Bit!: AWARE Framework and Sustainable Study Guideline for iOS Platform (2020) (12)
- Augmenting Collections of Everyday Objects: A Case Study of Clothes Hangers As an Information Display (2004) (12)
- Position Paper on Using Contextual Information to Improve Awareness of Physical Activity (2009) (12)
- Developing Voice-only Applications in the Absence of Speech Recognition Technology (1997) (11)
- Social Eye Tracking: Gaze Recall with Online Crowds (2015) (11)
- Evaluation of progressive image loading schemes (2010) (11)
- Evaluation of StarCraft Artificial Intelligence Competition Bots by Experienced Human Players (2016) (11)
- An Activity Recognition System for Ambient Assisted Living Environments (2012) (11)
- Keyboard Surface Interaction: Making the keyboard into a pointing device (2016) (10)
- Grafitter: leveraging social media for self reflection (2009) (10)
- Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study (2021) (10)
- Support for the Adapting Applications and Interfaces to Context (2005) (10)
- Looking Back in Wonder: How Self-Monitoring Technologies Can Help Us Better Understand Ourselves (2010) (10)
- From self-monitoring to self-understanding: Going beyond physiological sensing for supporting wellbeing (2011) (10)
- Understanding expert-novice differences in geometry problem-solving tasks: a sensor-based approach (2014) (10)
- Rapid Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications (2003) (10)
- Smooth Gaze: a framework for recovering tasks across devices using eye tracking (2018) (10)
- Modeling and Adding Intelligibility to Human Activity (2008) (10)
- Automotive user interfaces and interactive applications in the car (2013) (10)
- From Conception to Design (2003) (9)
- Introducing decision-aware business processes (2015) (9)
- Designing and Building Context-Aware Applications (2000) (9)
- Making Machine-Learning Applications for Time-Series Sensor Data Graphical and Interactive (2017) (9)
- Mobile-based Monitoring of Parkinson's Disease (2018) (9)
- Gender Profiling From a Single Snapshot of Apps Installed on a Smartphone: An Empirical Study (2020) (9)
- Wearable experience capture for episodic memory support (2008) (8)
- Supporting Wellbeing Through Improving Interactions and Understanding in Self-Monitoring Systems (2012) (8)
- A Case Study on Iteratively Assessing and Enhancing Wearable User Interface Prototypes (2017) (8)
- The story of our lives: From sensors to stories in self-monitoring systems (2012) (8)
- Using Multiple Contexts to Detect and Form Opportunistic Groups (2015) (8)
- I see, you design: user interface intelligent design system with eye tracking and interactive genetic algorithm (2019) (8)
- Modeling and Using Context, 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2005, Paris, France, July 5-8, 2005, Proceedings (2005) (8)
- SonicASL (2021) (8)
- ACTIVITY RECOGNITION ON SMART DEVICES: Dealing with diversity in the wild (2016) (8)
- Capturing and Reviewing Context in (2006) (8)
- Human-centered planning for effective tast autonomy (2012) (8)
- WHO ARE THE SMARTPHONE USERS?: Identifying user groups with apps usage behaviors (2017) (8)
- PINC: persuasion, influence, nudge & coercion through mobile devices (2011) (8)
- Using Crowd Sourcing to Measure the Effects of System Response Delays on User Engagement (2016) (8)
- Transdisciplinary approaches to urban computing (2015) (7)
- Learning Selectively Conditioned Forest Structures with Applications to DBNs and Classification (2007) (7)
- Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (2010) (7)
- Characterizing the impact of topology on IoT stream processing (2018) (7)
- Challenges of Parkinson's Disease: User Experiences with STOP (2019) (7)
- iCAP: Rapid Prototyping of Context-Aware Applications (2003) (7)
- TypeOut: Leveraging Just-in-Time Self-Affirmation for Smartphone Overuse Reduction (2022) (7)
- Developing HCI Education Crossing Asia (2015) (6)
- UbiComp 2003 : ubiquitous computing : 5th International Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, October 12-15, 2003 : proceedings (2003) (6)
- Capture & Access Lifelogging Assistive Technology for People with Episodic Memory Impairment (2007) (6)
- HulaMove: Using Commodity IMU for Waist Interaction (2021) (6)
- Understanding practices and needs of researchers in human state modeling by passive mobile sensing (2021) (6)
- Stuck in the Middle: Bridging the Gap Between Design, Evaluation, and Middleware (2001) (5)
- Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (2009) (5)
- Body area networks for ambulatory psychophysiological monitoring: a survey of off-the-shelf sensor systems (2010) (5)
- Affect Modeling with Field-based Physiological Responses (2015) (5)
- Applying Dynamic Integration as a Software Infrastructure for Context-Aware Computing (1997) (5)
- CharIoT: an end-user programming environment for the IoT (2017) (5)
- Using Interaction to Improve Intelligence : How Intelligent Systems Should Ask Users for Input (5)
- Wearable Therapy – Detecting Information from Wearables and Mobiles that are Relevant to Clinical and Self-directed Therapy (2016) (5)
- Bluewave: enabling opportunistic context sharing via bluetooth device names (2016) (5)
- Virtual Machines for Remote Computing : Measuring the User Experience (2015) (5)
- Distress among undergraduates: Marginality, stressors and resilience resources. (2021) (5)
- Predicting Job Performance Using Mobile Sensing (2021) (5)
- Exploratory machine learning modeling of adaptive and maladaptive personality traits from passively sensed behavior (2022) (4)
- A Macro and Micro Context Awareness Model for the Provision of Services in Smart Spaces (2012) (4)
- Mobile Assessment of Acute Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning in Young Adults: Observational Study (2020) (4)
- The Pervasive 2007 Workshops (2008) (4)
- Advances in Pervasive Computing. Adjunct Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Pervasive Computing (2005) (4)
- Real-Time Depth-Camera Based Hand Tracking for ASL Recognition (2017) (4)
- Healthy Cities Ambient Displays (2003) (4)
- A Survey of Passive Sensing in the Workplace (2022) (3)
- Investigating smartphone user differences in their application usage behaviors: an empirical study (2019) (3)
- Thematic issue on contribution of Artificial Intelligence to Ambient Intelligence (2009) (3)
- Asking Questions and Developing Trust (2009) (3)
- Monitoring and Feedback to Increase Awareness of Exercise Activities (2005) (3)
- Special issue on “Intelligent systems and services for ubiquitous computing” (2009) (3)
- Exploring the Value of Information Delivered to Drivers (2017) (3)
- Online Selection of Mediated and Domain-Specific Predictions for Improved Recommender Systems (2009) (3)
- Context-Aware Coproduction: Implications for Recommendation Algorithms (2019) (3)
- Weights of evidence for intelligible smart environments (2012) (3)
- Impact of Online Learning in the Context of COVID-19 on Undergraduates with Disabilities and Mental Health Concerns (2022) (3)
- Democratization of healthcare through self-monitoring technologies (2010) (3)
- Information fusion in future generation communication environments (2011) (3)
- Integrated Driving Aware System in the Real-World: Sensing, Computing and Feedback (2016) (3)
- Mobile phone sensor-based detection of subjective cannabis intoxication in young adults: A feasibility study in real-world settings. (2021) (3)
- Pervasive Healthcare 2010: Two Perspectives (2011) (2)
- When the Interface is the User ’ s Face : Ideas for Research and Applications (2005) (2)
- Anubis: An attestation protocol for distributed context-aware applications (2010) (2)
- Predicting Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes During the COVID-19 Stay-at-home Period: Observational Study Using Passively Sensed Behaviors and Digital Phenotyping (2022) (2)
- emoBAN: Improving Quality of Life via Psychophysiological Mobile Computing (2010) (2)
- Quantifying the Uncertainty of Next-Place Predictions (2016) (2)
- Examining Needs and Opportunities for Supporting Students Who Experience Discrimination (2021) (2)
- CobLE: Confidence-Based Learning Ensembles (2014) (2)
- Who Wants to Know? (2019) (2)
- Software provision in smart environment based on fuzzy logic intelligibility (2012) (2)
- Can Smartphone Co-locations Detect Friendship? It Depends How You Model It (2020) (2)
- A population model for predicting human mobility (2015) (2)
- Multi-modal Interruptions on Primary Task Performance (2018) (2)
- Using iOS for inconspicuous data collection: a real-world assessment (2020) (2)
- Feasibility and infrastructural study of AR interfacing and intuitive simulation on 3D nonlinear systems (2008) (2)
- Collaborative eye tracking based code review through real-time shared gaze visualization (2021) (2)
- A Systematic Approach for Exploring Tradeoffs in Predictive HVAC Control Systems for Buildings (2017) (2)
- Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Modeling and Using Context (2005) (2)
- Edit distance modulo bisimulation: a quantitative measure to study evolution of user models (2014) (2)
- Flexibility Versus Routineness in Multimodal Health Indicators: A Sensor-based Longitudinal in Situ Study of Information Workers (2022) (2)
- Triggers and Barriers to Insight Generation in Personal Visualizations (2021) (1)
- Clench Interaction: Novel Biting Input Techniques (2019) (1)
- Lack of Belonging Predicts Depressive Symptomatology in College Students (2022) (1)
- Beyond VR and AR: Reimagining Experience Sharing and Skill Transfer Towards an Internet of Abilities (Dagstuhl Seminar 17062) (2017) (1)
- Approaches to Authority in Online Disaster Relief Communities After Hurricane Katrina (2007) (1)
- “The Social Car”: Workshop on socially-inspired C2X interaction (2012) (1)
- Grafitter (2009) (1)
- A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams (2022) (1)
- Analyzing the Influence of Phone Context Data on the Performance of Human Mobility Predictors (2015) (1)
- Automotive user interfaces and interactive applications in the car (2012) (1)
- GLOBEM Dataset: Multi-Year Datasets for Longitudinal Human Behavior Modeling Generalization (2022) (1)
- Tensions in Representing Behavioral Data in an Electronic Health Record (2021) (1)
- Smart Lifelogging Technology for Episodic Memory Support (2011) (1)
- Persuasive Technology or Explorative Technology? (2013) (1)
- The Personalization of Mobile Health Interventions (2019) (1)
- CoRhythMo: A Computational Framework for Modeling Biobehavioral Rhythms from Mobile and Wearable Data Streams (2020) (1)
- Computational frameworks for context-aware hybrid sensor fusion (2016) (1)
- Field Evaluation of an Intelligible Context-Aware Application (2011) (1)
- Senbay: a platform for instantly capturing, integrating, and restreaming of synchronized multiple sensor-data stream (2018) (1)
- editoral: Situated Interaction and Context-Aware Computing (2001) (1)
- Inaugural editorial of CCF transactions on pervasive computing and interaction (2019) (1)
- Mobile user experience beyond the laboratory: Towards methodology for QoE-QoS evaluation in natural user environments (2010) (1)
- Computational Model of Human Routine Behaviours (2018) (1)
- The Future of Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectroscopy (2002) (1)
- Machine Learning Modeling of Adaptive and Maladaptive Personality Traits from Passively Sensed Behavior (2021) (0)
- GLOBEM (2022) (0)
- Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI 2009, in-cooperation with ACM SIGCHI, Essen, Germany, 21-22 September 2009 (2009) (0)
- AppLens 2019: the 2nd international workshop on mining and learning from smartphone apps for users (2019) (0)
- 0258 Early Semester Sleep Variability Predicts Depression Among College Students (2020) (0)
- UCI 2007 Organizing and Program Committees (2007) (0)
- Inaugural editorial of CCF transactions on pervasive computing and interaction (2019) (0)
- Brevia and Demonstrations Presentations (2005) (0)
- Demography Based Automated Teller Machine (2012) (0)
- Special Thanks to S&P's Reviewers (2005) (0)
- Smooth Gaze: a framework for recovering tasks across devices using eye tracking (2018) (0)
- UBICOMP 2001: Informal Proceedings (2001) (0)
- Proposal for Workshop on AppLens: Mining and Learning from Smartphone Apps for Users (2018) (0)
- Welcome Message from the Chairs (2015) (0)
- Augmenting human senses to improve the user experience in cars: applying augmented reality and haptics approaches to reduce cognitive distances (2015) (0)
- Session details: Sensing in the home (2014) (0)
- Usability and Context-aware Systems (2010) (0)
- Reducing the Need for Human-Labeled Sensor Data By Automatically Applying Domain Knowledge (2010) (0)
- A Real-Time Mobile Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior Before and After Cancer Surgery: Usability and Feasibility Study (Preprint) (2019) (0)
- Human Computer Inte raction in the Car (2010) (0)
- Identifying Behavioral Phenotypes of Loneliness and Social Isolation with Passive Sensing: 3-Fold Analysis (2019) (0)
- Sensor-based observations of daily living for aging in place (2014) (0)
- Yes, Free Parking Lot App, No, Invisible Health Check App in My Car”: Young drivers’ needs analysis on vehicle area network services (2012) (0)
- Reviewers Index (2017) (0)
- XDBrowser : Challenges in Engineering a Next-Generation , Cross-Device Web Browser (2016) (0)
- Intelligible software delivery in smart environments supported by a macro and micro context awareness model (2013) (0)
- Mobile Phone Sensor-Based Detection of Subjective Cannabis “High” in Young Adults: A Feasibility Study in Real-World Settings (2021) (0)
- Constantly connected: At what price and with what rewards? (2016) (0)
- Serendipity-empowered path planning for predictive task completion (2015) (0)
- Automated recognition of hypertension through overnight continuous HRV monitoring (2017) (0)
- Challenges : Using Personal Sensor Networks for Scientific Behavioral Studies in the Wild (2010) (0)
- A Real-Time Mobile Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior Before and After Cancer Surgery: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (2022) (0)
- Is Someone in this Office Available to Help Me? (2011) (0)
- Message from the Program Chair and Vice Chairs (2019) (0)
- A Context Management Framework based on Wisdom of Crowds for Social Awareness applications (2010) (0)
- Sensor-based assessment of the in-situ quality of human computer interaction in the cars : final research report. (2016) (0)
- Outflows from High-Redshift Radio Galaxies (1997) (0)
- Keynote Talk 2: Designing Interactive Systems in an Age of Ubiquity (2019) (0)
- Anonymous smartphone data collection: factors influencing the users’ acceptance in mobile crowd sensing (2015) (0)
- Activity Recommendation: Optimizing Life in the Long Term (2020) (0)
- - 1-Designing and Building Context-Aware Applications (2000) (0)
- BoldMove: Enabling IoT Device Control on Ubiquitous Touch Interfaces by Semantic Mapping and Sequential Selection (2022) (0)
- Using Everyday Routines for Understanding Health Behaviors (2020) (0)
- MobiQuitous 2007 Messages from the Program Committee Chairs (2007) (0)
- Intelligent Systems in an Increasingly Confusing World (2011) (0)
- Prediction of Hospital Readmission from Longitudinal Mobile Data Streams (2021) (0)
- Session details: At work (2013) (0)
- Intelligible software delivery in smart environments supported by a macro and micro context awareness model (2013) (0)
- Digital Biomarkers of Symptom Burden Self-Reported by Perioperative Patients Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery: Prospective Longitudinal Study (Preprint) (2021) (0)
- Acquiring Accurate Human Responses to Robots’ Questions (2012) (0)
- Understanding health and behavioral trends of successful students through machine learning models (2021) (0)
- Senbay (2018) (0)
- Mobile User Experience Beyond the Laboratory: Towards a Methodology for QoE-QoS Evaluation in Natural User Environments (A Position Paper) (2011) (0)
- 2007 Reviewers (2007) (0)
- PerCom 2008 special issue (2008) (0)
- Adding Intelligibility to Machine Learning-Based Interactive Systems (2008) (0)
- Welcome Message from the UbiComp Adjunct Chairs (2014) (0)
- Pervasive Food (2015) (0)
- Leveraging Mobile Phone Sensors, Machine Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence to Predict Imminent Same-Day Binge Drinking Events to Support Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions: A Feasibility Study. (2022) (0)
- Nightly sleep duration predicts grade point average in the first year of college. (2023) (0)
- A chronology of SIGCHI conferences (2022) (0)
- Variability patterns for business processes in BPMN (2015) (0)
- Supporting introspective human behaviours through technologies (2009) (0)
- Design and Study of an Ambient Display Embedded in the Wardrobe (2003) (0)
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