Anthony G. Constantinides
Professor of Signal Processing
Anthony G. Constantinides's Rankings

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Anthony G. Constantinides's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Masters Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering Stanford University
Why Is Anthony G. Constantinides Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Anthony George Constantinides FREng FIET is a professor of signal processing and the founder of the Communications and Signal Processing Group of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Imperial College London. He has been actively involved with research in various aspects of digital filter design, digital signal processing, and communications for more than 40 years. Professor Constantinides' research spans a wide range of digital signal processing and communications, both from the theoretical as well as the practical points of view. His recent work has been directed toward the demanding problems arising in Financial signal processing and he now leads the Financial Signal Processing Lab in the EEE department of Imperial College London.
Anthony G. Constantinides's Published Works
Published Works
- MIMO Wireless Communications (2007) (649)
- Lagrange programming neural networks (1992) (374)
- Spectral Transformations for Digital Filters (1970) (290)
- Variable size block matching motion compensation with applications to video coding (1990) (221)
- Least mean mixed-norm adaptive filtering (1994) (200)
- Digital filters and their applications (1978) (166)
- A novel kurtosis driven variable step-size adaptive algorithm (1999) (118)
- Finite word length FIR filter design using integer programming over a discrete coefficient space (1982) (89)
- Digital signal processing schemes for efficient interpolation and decimation (1983) (76)
- Least-mean kurtosis: a novel higher-order statistics based adaptive filtering algorithm (1994) (76)
- Segmented-image coding: Performance comparison with the discrete cosine transform (1988) (76)
- A fast recursive shortest spanning tree for image segmentation and edge detection (1997) (64)
- Estimation of direction of arrival using information theory (2005) (63)
- Audio–Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments (2008) (58)
- Data Fusion for Modern Engineering Applications: An Overview (2005) (57)
- Parallel multistage detection for multiple antenna wireless systems (2002) (54)
- Frequency tracking using constrained adaptive notch filters synthesised from allpass sections (1990) (52)
- Graph—theoretical approach to colour picture segmentation and contour classification (1993) (49)
- Wave active filters (1975) (48)
- Texture analysis based on a human visual model (1990) (47)
- Understanding the Basis of Graph Signal Processing via an Intuitive Example-Driven Approach [Lecture Notes] (2019) (45)
- Introduction to Digital Filtering (1978) (39)
- Subband adaptive filtering for acoustic echo control using allpass polyphase IIR filterbanks (1998) (39)
- LMS+F algorithm (1995) (35)
- On the Intrinsic Relationship Between the Least Mean Square and Kalman Filters [Lecture Notes] (2015) (34)
- An Effective Ultrasound Video Communication System Using Despeckle Filtering and HEVC (2015) (31)
- A novel algorithm for the adaptation of the pole of Laguerre filters (2006) (31)
- New normalized constant modulus algorithms with relaxation (1997) (28)
- Lagrange Programming Neural Network for Nondifferentiable Optimization Problems in Sparse Approximation (2017) (28)
- Linear transformation active filters (1978) (28)
- Toward bias minimization in acoustic feedback cancellation systems. (2007) (27)
- Blind source separation for BLAST (2002) (26)
- Lagrange programming neural networks for time-of-arrival-based source localization (2013) (25)
- Residual echo signal in critically sampled subband acoustic echo cancellers based on IIR and FIR filter banks (1997) (24)
- MMSE space-time equalization for GSM cellular systems (1996) (23)
- Bringing Wearable Sensors into the Classroom: A Participatory Approach [SP Education] (2018) (23)
- Performance comparison of localization techniques for sequential WSN discovery (2012) (23)
- Efficient input-reordering algorithms for fast DCT (1991) (23)
- A unified method for segmentation and edge detection using graph theory (1986) (23)
- A class of stochastic gradient algorithms with exponentiated error cost functions (2009) (23)
- Adaptive blind retrieval techniques for multiuser DS-CDMA signals (1999) (23)
- Soft constraint satisfaction SCS blind channel equalization algorithms (1998) (23)
- Distributed cooperative data relaying for diversity in impulse-based UWB ad-hoc networks (2009) (22)
- Augmented Lagrange Programming Neural Network for Localization Using Time-Difference-of-Arrival Measurements (2018) (22)
- Frequency transformations for digital filters (1967) (21)
- High efficiency video coding for ultrasound video communication in m-health systems (2012) (21)
- Underdetermined-order recursive least-squares adaptive filtering: the concept and algorithms (1997) (20)
- Lagrange Neural Networks for Linear Programming (1992) (20)
- Design technique for a class of stable two-dimensional recursive digital filters (1976) (20)
- Data Analytics on Graphs Part III: Machine Learning on Graphs, from Graph Topology to Applications (2020) (20)
- Colour quantisation through dithering techniques (2003) (19)
- Vertex-frequency graph signal processing: A comprehensive review (2020) (18)
- Introduction to Digital Filtering (1976) (17)
- Design of digital filters from LC ladder networks (1976) (17)
- Data Analytics on Graphs Part II: Signals on Graphs (2020) (17)
- Face recognition based on an improved center symmetric local binary pattern (2018) (17)
- An Efficient and Modular Transmultiplexer Design (1982) (17)
- Image edge detection and segmentation based on the Hilbert transform (1988) (17)
- An heuristic pattern correction scheme for GRNNs and its application to speech recognition (1998) (17)
- The Battle of the Video Codecs in the Healthcare Domain - A Comparative Performance Evaluation Study Leveraging VVC and AV1 (2020) (17)
- Graph Signal Processing - Part III: Machine Learning on Graphs, from Graph Topology to Applications (2020) (17)
- Data Analytics on Graphs Part I: Graphs and Spectra on Graphs (2020) (16)
- Alternative approach to design of wave digital filters (1974) (16)
- Efficient computation of the split-radix FFT (1992) (16)
- Real-Time Adaptation to Time-Varying Constraints for Medical Video Communications (2018) (16)
- Metallothionein expression in the high-risk carotid atherosclerotic plaque (2007) (16)
- An efficient recursive shortest spanning tree algorithm using linking properties (2004) (15)
- Segmented video coding (1988) (15)
- New integer programming scheme for nonrecursive digital filter design (1979) (15)
- Graph Signal Processing - Part II: Processing and Analyzing Signals on Graphs (2019) (15)
- A Generalised Mixed Norm Stochastic Gradient Algorithm (2007) (14)
- Body Sensor Networking, Design and Algorithms (2020) (14)
- Self-contained encrypted image folding (2012) (14)
- Higher-order time-varying allpass filters for signal decorrelation in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (1999) (14)
- Adaptive emergency scenery video communications using HEVC for responsive decision support in disaster incidents (2015) (14)
- Design and implementation of efficient resampling filters using polyphase recursive all-pass filters (1991) (13)
- Very fast discrete Fourier transform, using number theoretic transform (1983) (13)
- Low bit rate video coding using variable block size model (1990) (13)
- Improving the frequency characteristics of the electronically steerable passive array radiator antenna (2004) (13)
- A graph-theoretic approach to colour image segmentation and contour classification (1992) (13)
- Smooth Signal Extraction From Instantaneous Mixtures (2007) (13)
- An 8/spl times/8-block based motion estimation using Kalman filter (1997) (12)
- Recurrent networks for compressive sampling (2014) (12)
- Semi-blind MIMO channel tracking using auxiliary particle filtering (2002) (12)
- Blind source separation of instantaneous MIMO systems based on the least-squares constant modulus algorithm (2005) (12)
- A modified Armijo rule for the online selection of learning rate of the LMS algorithm (2010) (11)
- Some new results on binary linear block codes (1974) (11)
- On the computation of discrete fourier transform using fermat number transform (1984) (11)
- Fast nearest neighbour search algorithms for self-organising map and vector quantisation (1993) (10)
- Architectural approach to alternate low-level primitive structures (ALPS) for acoustic signal processing (1984) (10)
- International conference on digital signal processing (1979) (10)
- Minimum phase FIR filter design from linear phase systems using root moments (1998) (10)
- On 2-variable reactance functions for 2-dimensional recursive filter design (1978) (10)
- A new family of blind adaptive equalization algorithms (1999) (10)
- Power spectrum estimation from values of noisy autocorrelations (1996) (10)
- Atherosclerotic Plaque Motion Analysis from Ultrasound Videos (2006) (10)
- M-health medical video communication systems: An overview of design approaches and recent advances (2013) (9)
- Robust autoregressive modelling through higher order spectral estimation techniques with applications to mammography (1993) (9)
- Medical imaging with neural networks (1994) (9)
- Audio-Visual Person Tracking - A Practical Approach (2012) (9)
- Sliding window adaptive fast QR and QR-lattice algorithms (1998) (9)
- A Data Analytics Perspective of Power Grid Analysis-Part 1: The Clarke and Related Transforms [Lecture Notes] (2019) (9)
- Financial Stress Through Complexity Science (2016) (9)
- LCA based RBF training algorithm for the concurrent fault situation (2016) (9)
- Channel tracking for space-time block coded systems using particle filtering (2002) (9)
- An algorithm for exploiting channel time selectivity in pilot-aided MIMO systems (2007) (8)
- Adaptive temporal decimation algorithm with dynamic time window (1998) (8)
- A pipeline fast Walsh-Fourier transform (1977) (8)
- Effects of packet loss on 3 toll quality speech coders (1989) (8)
- The LMK algorithm with time-varying forgetting factor for adaptive system identification in additive output-noise (1996) (8)
- Bias reduction in acoustic feedback cancellation systems with varying all-pass filters (2006) (8)
- Multiple-input multiple-output least-squares constant modulus algorithms (2003) (8)
- Sequential wireless sensor network discovery using wide aperture array signal processing (2012) (8)
- An Overview of mHealth Medical Video Communication Systems (2015) (8)
- Adaptive weighted least squares algorithm for Volterra signal modeling (2000) (8)
- Design of inherently stable two-dimensional recursive filters imitating the behaviour of one-dimensional analog filters (1978) (8)
- Fast convergent multiuser constant modulus algorithm for use in multiuser DS-CDMA environment (2002) (7)
- Residual signal in sub-band acoustic echo cancellers (1996) (7)
- Design of bandpass digital filters (1969) (7)
- A kurtosis-driven variable step-size LMS algorithm (1996) (7)
- Signal representation for compression and noise reduction through frame-based wavelets (1998) (7)
- Time-varying allpass filters using spectral-shaped noise for signal decorrelation in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (2002) (7)
- Prototype reference transfer function parameters in the discrete-time frequency transformations (1990) (7)
- Active RC filters derivable from LC ladder filters via linear transformations (1976) (7)
- Speech spectral segmentation for spectral estimation and formant modelling (1987) (7)
- A novel orthogonal set adaptive line enhancer tuned with fourth-order cumulants (1992) (7)
- A Neural Approach to the Underdetermined-Order Recursive Least-Squares Adaptive Filtering (1997) (7)
- Unitary Shift Operators on a Graph (2019) (7)
- Visual attention based region of interest coding for video-telephony applications (2006) (7)
- Wireless sensor technology for continuous health monitoring of structures (2010) (7)
- VLSI Architecture for signal processing with alternate low-level primitive structures (ALPS) (1984) (7)
- Theory of Digital filter banks Realized via multivariate Empirical mode Decomposition (2014) (6)
- Nonlinear adaptive prediction of nonstationary signals with application to speech coding (1997) (6)
- Region image coding techniques (1990) (6)
- Image restoration using Lagrange programming neural networks (1991) (6)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Capacity limits of MIMO systems (2007) (6)
- Power spectrum estimation from noisy and limited autocorrelation values: A maximum entropy approach (1997) (6)
- A Parallel Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algorithm for Image Segmentation in Distributed Computing Environment (1999) (6)
- Neural networks and higher order spectra for breast cancer detection (1994) (6)
- Robust ellipse fitting based on Lagrange programming neural network and locally competitive algorithm (2020) (6)
- Resolving manifold ambiguities in direction finding systems (2007) (6)
- Estimation of financial indices volatility using a model with time-varying parameters (2014) (6)
- Image coding using data-dependent triangulation (1997) (6)
- Transferring Wireless High Update Rate Supermedia Streams Over IoT (2018) (6)
- Finite-precision design and implementation of all-pass polyphase networks for echo cancellation in sub-bands (1995) (6)
- Efficient inter mode decision for H.263 to H.264 video transcoding using support vector machines (2009) (6)
- Refreshing DSP Courses through Biopresence in the Curriculum: A Successful Paradigm (2018) (5)
- Phase linearity in polyphase filters (2000) (5)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Notation (2007) (5)
- Synthesis of Chebychev digital filters (1967) (5)
- Iterative determination of local bound constraints in iterative image restoration (1998) (5)
- Cyclic convolution of long sequences using number theoretic transform (1984) (5)
- Nonlinear image processing for optimum composite source coding (1983) (5)
- Vertex-Frequency Graph Signal Processing: A review (2019) (5)
- Blind adaptive Volterra system identification using barrier function methods for constrained optimisation (1997) (5)
- Further noise rejection in linear associative memories (1992) (5)
- Digital Filters with Equiripple Passbands (1969) (5)
- Lagrange Programming Neural Networks for Compressive Sampling (2010) (5)
- An Algebraic Approach to the Estimation of the Order of FIR Filters From Complete and Partial Magnitude and Phase Specifications (2007) (5)
- Control ordered sonar hardware (COSH) - a hardware based signal processing graph implementation (1984) (5)
- Block-Shanno multi-user constant modulus algorithm for use in multi-user CDMA environment (2002) (5)
- Steady-state comparative performance evaluation of piloted adaptive notch filter (2014) (5)
- Elliptic digital filters (1967) (4)
- An intelligent LMS+F algorithm (1996) (4)
- Block momentum-LMS algorithm based on the method of parallel tangents (1997) (4)
- Root moments: a nonlinear signal transformation for minimum FIR filter design (1999) (4)
- Perceptual saliency weighted segmentation algorithm (1999) (4)
- Digital phase-splitting network design for digital f.d.m. applications (1976) (4)
- A Multimicrophone Voice Activity Detection System Based on Mutual Information (2009) (4)
- Impacts of impulse-based ultra-wideband data links on cooperative wireless ad hoc networks (2009) (4)
- Portfolio Cuts: A Graph-Theoretic Framework to Diversification (2019) (4)
- Adaptive real-time HEVC encoding of emergency scenery video (2014) (4)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Introduction (2007) (4)
- Using information theory to detect voice activity (2009) (4)
- Order-recursive underdetermined recursive least-squares adaptive algorithms (1997) (4)
- A Scalable and Adaptive Temporal Segmentation Algorithm for Video Coding (1997) (4)
- A class of doubly stochastic shift operators for random graph signals and their boundedness (2019) (4)
- A combined Kalman filter and constant modulus algorithm beamformer for fast-fading channels (1999) (4)
- Approach to the hardware implementation of digital signal processors using mersenne number transforms (1984) (3)
- Karhunen-Loeve transform using neural networks (1994) (3)
- Space-time coding for wireless communications: Principles and Applications (2006) (3)
- Variable block visual pattern image coding (1993) (3)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Precoding design (2007) (3)
- Roundoff noise of arbitrary linear digital networks (1985) (3)
- Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing. (1984) (3)
- New receiver for joint blind equalization and carrier phase recovery of QAM signals (2003) (3)
- Lagrange programming neural networks for blind Volterra system modelling (1995) (3)
- Least-mean square adaptation of the orthogonal block adaptive line enhancer (1993) (3)
- A Data Analytics Perspective of Power Grid Analysis-Part 2: Teaching Old Power Systems New Tricks [Lecture Notes] (2019) (3)
- The widely linear quaternion recursive total least squares (2015) (3)
- Fast intra mode decision algorithm for H.263 to H.264/AVC transcoding (2008) (3)
- Progressive image Coding from a spanning tree image representation (1987) (3)
- A method for FIR filter design from joint amplitude and group delay characteristics (2001) (3)
- Optimum SINR receiver in dispersive CDMA channels (2004) (3)
- Variation of vector quantisation and speech waveform coding (1991) (3)
- Constant modulus blind equalisation algorithms under soft constraint satisfaction (1997) (3)
- Statistical analysis of a mixed-layer x-ray diffraction peak (1997) (3)
- Asymptotic analysis of the underdetermined recursive least-squares algorithm (1996) (3)
- Guest Editors' Introduction: Neural Networks For Signal Processing (1997) (3)
- Stabilization of third-order, single-stage Sigma-Delta modulators (1999) (3)
- Audio–Visual Active Speaker Tracking in Cluttered Indoors Environments $^{\ast}$ (2009) (3)
- Statistical inference, state distribution, and noisy data (1993) (3)
- Root moments: an alternative interpretation of cepstra for signal feature extraction and modelling (1995) (3)
- A new family of blind CDMA receivers based on second order statistics (2002) (2)
- A new robust adaptive step size LMS algorithm (1996) (2)
- A weighted mixed statistics algorithm for blind source separation (2002) (2)
- Combination of Kalman filter and constant modulus algorithm with variable stepsize for the equalisation of fast-fading channels (1998) (2)
- Compact Representations of Market Securities Using Smooth Component Extraction (2007) (2)
- Matched filtering for CMA-based blind channel estimation (2003) (2)
- A digital signal processing perspective on a stability test of linear system transfer functions (1997) (2)
- Use of sample-and-hold delay circuits for synthesis of raised-cosine filters (1974) (2)
- Texture feature extraction based on primitive analysis (1989) (2)
- Analysis of three-parameter diversely polarized array manifold (2008) (2)
- A Unifying Analysis of Shift Operators on a Graph (2019) (2)
- A novel re-initialization technique for CMA in the presence of channel noise (1998) (2)
- An Example-Driven Introduction to Data Analytics on Graphs (2019) (2)
- Interactive Image Reconstruction from its Incomplete, Irregular and Imprecise Fragments (2018) (2)
- Robust multi-body segmentation (2003) (2)
- A Data Analytics Perspective of the Clarke and Related Transforms in Power Grid Analysis (2018) (2)
- Dynamic Network Adaptation for Real-Time Medical Video Communication (2016) (2)
- Optimum block quantisation in signal processing (1983) (2)
- Classification and Detection of Symbols in Ancient Papyri (2020) (2)
- A gradient adaptive step size algorithm for IIR filters (2003) (2)
- A constant modulus array for real signals (1998) (2)
- Non-Line-of-Sight Mitigation via Lagrange Programming Neural Networks in TOA-Based Localization (2015) (2)
- Pearl: Parallel Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning Library (2022) (2)
- Stochastic conjugate gradient based multi-user constant modulus algorithm for use in multiuser DS-CDMA environment (2002) (2)
- Linear prediction techniques in the Walsh spectral domain for speech analysis and synthesis (1978) (2)
- Leaky constant modulus algorithms: sensitivity of local minima (1999) (2)
- Smart DSP for a Smarter Power Grid: Teaching Power System Analysis through Signal Processing (2019) (2)
- On the use of orthogonal transforms for fractionally-spaced blind equalisation (1999) (2)
- Bounds on moments for band-limited signals (1993) (2)
- Parameters of Butterworth, Tschebyscheff, and elliptic prototype reference transfer functions in discrete-time frequency transformations (1991) (2)
- Object oriented motion and deformation estimation using composite segmentation (1995) (2)
- Adaptive notch filters from lossless bounded real all-pass functions for frequency tracking and line enhancing (1991) (1)
- The Robustness Effect of Acoustic Source Localization on Blind Source Separation and Deconvolution Systems (2007) (1)
- Wisespot, a novel approach for wireless localization of damages in bridges (2012) (1)
- Transition ratio of lowpass digital filters (1970) (1)
- Graph Theory and Metro Traffic Modelling (2019) (1)
- A flexible decimation filter architecture for sigma-delta converters (1994) (1)
- Class of linear binary codes (1974) (1)
- Texture Classification by Local Surface Fitting (1988) (1)
- Class of binary codes (1975) (1)
- Using a differential microphone array to estimate the direction of arrival of two acoustic sources (2006) (1)
- Filtering by approximated densities applied to texture modelling for mammography (1996) (1)
- Bandwidth efficient localization for sustainable and safe building environments (2013) (1)
- Design of discrete coefficient FIR filters using LMS algorithm (1991) (1)
- Complex interpolation for rational orthogonal signal approximation with applications (1994) (1)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Multi-user receiver design (2007) (1)
- Fast DCT to IT conversion using integer approximation for H.263 to H.264 video transcoding (2005) (1)
- Multi-slice image texture edge detection by local vector mapping (1988) (1)
- A hierarchical feedforward adaptive filter for system identification (2002) (1)
- 2002 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing Proceedings : DSP 2002, July 1-3, 2002, Conference Centre P.M. Nomikos, Santorini, Hellas, Greece (2002) (1)
- Distributed Cooperative Data Transfer for UWB Adhoc Network (2007) (1)
- Blind adaptive CDMA receivers based on independent component separation with user-and-delay identification (2002) (1)
- Graph-theoretic approach to composite-source-model estimation for image coding (1984) (1)
- DRIVEN: Diagnostically Robust Ultrasound Video Transmission over Emerging Wireless Networks (2013) (1)
- Hierarchical Filters in a Collaborative Filtering Framework for System Identification and Knowledge Retrieval (2008) (1)
- Neural networks for signal processing - Guest editors' introduction (1997) (1)
- Recent advances in digital filter design: a design framework from complete and partial specifications based on root moments (2004) (1)
- Smooth component extraction from a set of financial data mixtures (2007) (1)
- Digital Signal Processing-91: Proceedings of the International Conference Florence, Italy, 4-6 September, 1991 (1991) (1)
- A hardware efficient realisation of number theoretic convolvers (1986) (1)
- Object oriented motion and deformation estimation using composite image segmentation (1995) (1)
- Online digital filtering (1968) (1)
- A partitioned approach to spectral estimation (1989) (1)
- Cumulant slices for two-dimensional autoregressive signal modeling (1994) (1)
- Robust and fast convergent blind multi-user detectors for DS-CDMA systems in nonstationary multipath environments (2002) (1)
- Efficient number theoretic transforms for convolutions using ROM arrays (1989) (1)
- Digital filter design using root moments for sum-of-all-pass structures from complete and partial specifications (2006) (1)
- Transmultiplexing: Factors Influencing the Design of TDM to FDM Conversion (1980) (1)
- Constant modulus receivers under reduced noise amplification objective (1999) (1)
- Data Analytics on Graphs (2020) (1)
- Vertex-Frequency Graph Signal Processing (2019) (1)
- Fast mersenne number transforms for the computation of discrete fourier transforms (1985) (1)
- Digital Filters: An Overview of Design Techniques (1992) (1)
- Towards Bias Minimisation in Acoustic Feedback Cancelation Systems (2006) (0)
- Robust adaptive semiblind channel identifier (1999) (0)
- Hardware realization of Mersenne number transforms for fast digital convolution (1984) (0)
- Two-Dimensional IIR Filters (2001) (0)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Preface (2007) (0)
- A contribution to the stability test for one-dimensional discrete time linear systems (1999) (0)
- Effective, Real-time Ultrasound Video Communications Over HSPA Networks Using Despekle Filtering (2014) (0)
- Mitigating array sensor malfunctions with mixed second and fourth order statistics (1997) (0)
- Code-aided quasi-maximum SINR algorithms for blind linear multiuser detection (2007) (0)
- Sigma-Delta IIR Filter Realization Using Third-Order Remodulators (1998) (0)
- Lagrange programming neural networks for time-of-arrival-based source localization (2013) (0)
- Cascaded power symmetric IIR filter banks and continuity constrained adaptive algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation in subbands (1998) (0)
- A cumulant based variable step size adaptive algorithm (1997) (0)
- Linear prediction of formants for low bit rate digital speech transmission (1979) (0)
- Research and training challenges within SmartEN Marie Curie ITN (2010) (0)
- A new idea for speech waveform coding using vector quantization and solution to the matching problem in L∞-norm (1989) (0)
- Innovation Starts With Education [From the Guest Editors] (2021) (0)
- Endomorphic signal modelling with application to speech signal representation and coding (1998) (0)
- New bidirectional neural network and application to binary image recognition (1990) (0)
- A VLSI decimation filter for sigma-delta A/D converters (1994) (0)
- Spectral estimation via complementary models (1991) (0)
- Digital Filters: Analysis and Design (1980) (0)
- An analog network approach to train RBF networks based on sparse recovery (2014) (0)
- A novel initialization scheme for blind equalization algorithms (2002) (0)
- Orthogonalization of a frame based wavelet subspace for signal compression and noise reduction (1996) (0)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Bibliography (2007) (0)
- Blind cascaded fractionally-spaced and baud-spaced equaliser (1998) (0)
- A Data Analytics Perspective of Fundamental Power Grid Analysis Techniques (2021) (0)
- Locating an Acoustic Source Using a Mutual Information Beamformer (2009) (0)
- Time-varying allpass filters using spectral-shaped noise for signal decorrelation in stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation (2002) (0)
- Stochastic approximation and data re-use applied to blind adaptive algorithm for interference cancellation RAKE CDMA receiver (2002) (0)
- Group, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Imperial (1982) (0)
- Blind signal recovery using a novel system identification approach (2002) (0)
- A Lagrange Programming Neural Network Approach with an ℓ0-Norm Sparsity Measurement for Sparse Recovery and Its Circuit Realization (2022) (0)
- A Low-Dimensionality Method for Data-Driven Graph Learning (2020) (0)
- Two Dimensional Volterra Filter Modelling of Textured Images Using Weighted Constrained Optimisation (1998) (0)
- Error spectrum shaping approach for lattice filter roundoff noise reduction (2013) (0)
- Blind Source Separation with the weighted mixed statistics algorithm (2002) (0)
- Digital Processing of Speech Signals “ Linear Predictive Coding of Speech ” (2017) (0)
- Aircraft identification using a multi-stage fuzzy neural network (1996) (0)
- Optimization for sigma-delta modulators (1997) (0)
- Comment on "Recursive bandpass digital filter" (1968) (0)
- Adaptive volterra parameter estimation using a zero tolerance optimisation formulation (2000) (0)
- The endomorphic model: An approach to adaptive prediction (2000) (0)
- SmartEN: A Marie Curie Research Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Management of the Human Environment (2009) (0)
- Family of equiripple lowpass digital filters (1970) (0)
- Combinatorial optimization for image representation and object recognition (1989) (0)
- Analog Neural Network Approach for Source Localization Using Time-of-Arrival Measurements (2012) (0)
- Sigma-Delta IIR filter realization (2010) (0)
- Reflections After 50-Plus Years in the Classroom [Reflections] (2021) (0)
- Segmentation and modeling of textured images through combined second- and third-order statistical models (1994) (0)
- Intensity Fluctuation of Stationary Random Noise Cmtaining an .Arbitrary Signal Wave (1969) (0)
- A split-band IIR adaptive line enhancer (1991) (0)
- New society formed (1979) (0)
- New blind start-up scheme to decision-directed MMSE algorithm for CDMA receivers (2003) (0)
- Adaptive step-size blind multi-user detectors for DS-CDMA systems under deterministically and Markovian time-varying multipath environments (2002) (0)
- A novel interpolation method for blind system identification (2001) (0)
- Graph Theory for Metro Traffic Modelling (2021) (0)
- Body sensor networks (2019) (0)
- Self dual l.t.a. filters (1978) (0)
- A Block Refinement Scheme for Tracked MIMO Channel Estimates (2003) (0)
- MIMO Wireless Communications: Fundamentals of receiver design (2007) (0)
- Practical issues concerning moment invariants (1996) (0)
- Gaussian noise blind power spectrum estimation from higher order spectra (1993) (0)
- Improvement for solving the mix-up problem in constant modulus arrays (1999) (0)
- A Globally Stable LPNN Model for Sparse Approximation. (2021) (0)
- Crosstalk in multiplex systems using Walsh functions (1978) (0)
- Autoregressive modelling through joint and weighted second and third order statistics (1994) (0)
- A new idea for speech waveform coding using vector quantization and solution to the matching problem in L/sub infinity /-norm (1989) (0)
- Welcome from the general co-chairs (2010) (0)
- MAFI: A Multi-Asset Fragility Indicator Using Principal Component Analysis (2015) (0)
- Recovery of Sparse Signal from an Analog Network Model (2011) (0)
- Face recognition based on an improved center symmetric local binary pattern (2017) (0)
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