
Bruce Hammock

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Bruce Hammock's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Bruce Hammock Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dr. Bruce Hammock is an American entomologist, chemist and toxicologist. He is known for his research regarding improving pest control agents, monitoring and determining the human and environmental health effects of pesticides and in medicine work on the inflammation resolving branch of the arachidonate cascade leading to a drug candidate to treat pain and inflammatory disease. Additionally, he made many advances in U.S. agriculture which led to him receiving the Frasch and Spencer Awards of the ACS and the Alexander von Humboldt Award in Agriculture. His early work tested the basic hypothesis in both insects and mammals that regulation of chemical mediators could be as much by specific degradation as by biosynthesis. He exploited this fundamental knowledge both in agriculture and in human pharmacology.

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Bruce Hammock's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Bruce Hammock?

Bruce Hammock is affiliated with the following schools: