
C. Bradley Moore

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  • Chemistry

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According to Wikipedia, Charles Bradley Moore is an American chemist and research administrator. His research focused on the application of lasers to understand the behavior and reaction dynamics of energized molecules and energy transfer between molecules. He is currently professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley, where he had a long career as a faculty member actively engaged in research . While at UC Berkeley, Moore also served in several administrative roles, including chair of the department of chemistry , dean of the college of chemistry , and director of the chemical sciences division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory . He was vice president for research at Ohio State University and held the same position at Northwestern University . He is also professor emeritus at Northwestern. Moore is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

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C. Bradley Moore's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With C. Bradley Moore?

C. Bradley Moore is affiliated with the following schools: