Carlos Castillo-Chavez
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Mexican mathematician
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Carlos Castillo-Chavez's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Rice University
- Masters Mathematics Rice University
Why Is Carlos Castillo-Chavez Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carlos Castillo-Chavez is a Mexican-American mathematician who was Regents Professor and Joaquín Bustoz Jr. Professor of Mathematical Biology at Arizona State University. Castillo-Chavez was founder and the Executive Director of the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute and the Institute for Strengthening the Understanding of Mathematics and Science. For 2019, Castillo-Chavez was Provost Visiting Professor in the Applied Mathematics Division and Data Science Initiative at Brown University. Castillo-Chavez retired from Arizona State University at the end of spring 2020.
Carlos Castillo-Chavez's Published Works
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Published Works
- Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology (2001) (2513)
- Dynamical models of tuberculosis and their applications. (2004) (1318)
- The basic reproductive number of Ebola and the effects of public health measures: the cases of Congo and Uganda. (2004) (549)
- On the Computation of R(o) and Its Role on Global Stability (2001) (481)
- Adaptive human behavior in epidemiological models (2011) (377)
- To treat or not to treat: the case of tuberculosis (1997) (338)
- Epidemiological models with age structure, proportionate mixing, and cross-immunity (1989) (329)
- A model for tuberculosis with exogenous reinfection. (2000) (327)
- Backwards bifurcations and catastrophe in simple models of fatal diseases (1998) (319)
- SARS outbreaks in Ontario, Hong Kong and Singapore: the role of diagnosis and isolation as a control mechanism (2003) (294)
- Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: An Introduction (2002) (287)
- Transmission potential of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus and its age-specificity in Japan. (2009) (260)
- Mathematical approaches for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases (2002) (247)
- A core group model for disease transmission. (1995) (244)
- How May Infection-Age-Dependent Infectivity Affect the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS? (1993) (242)
- Asymptotically Autonomous Epidemic Models (1994) (234)
- Model Parameters and Outbreak Control for SARS (2004) (231)
- Estimation of the reproduction number of dengue fever from spatial epidemic data. (2007) (221)
- Stability and bifurcation for a multiple-group model for the dynamics of HIV/AIDS transmission (1992) (219)
- Mass Media and the Contagion of Fear: The Case of Ebola in America (2015) (198)
- Scaling laws for the movement of people between locations in a large city. (2003) (192)
- Pros and cons of estimating the reproduction number from early epidemic growth rate of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 (2010) (189)
- Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings (2015) (188)
- Mathematical and statistical estimation approaches in epidemiology (2009) (181)
- Mathematical Models in Epidemiology (2019) (180)
- A general solution of the problem of mixing of subpopulations and its application to risk- and age-structured epidemic models for the spread of AIDS. (1991) (179)
- Mathematical and Statistical Approaches to Aids Epidemiology (1989) (179)
- Effects of behavioral changes in a smallpox attack model. (2005) (174)
- Global stability of an age-structure model for TB and its applications to optimal vaccination strategies. (1998) (169)
- Tuberculosis models with fast and slow dynamics: the role of close and casual contacts. (2002) (154)
- On the role of long incubation periods in the dynamics of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (1989) (146)
- Competitive Exclusion in Gonorrhea Models and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1996) (143)
- Population modeling of the emergence and development of scientific fields (2008) (142)
- Dynamics of Two-Strain Influenza with Isolation and Partial Cross-Immunity (2005) (127)
- Temporal Variations in the Effective Reproduction Number of the 2014 West Africa Ebola Outbreak (2014) (122)
- The estimation of the effective reproductive number from disease outbreak data. (2009) (120)
- On the Role of Variable Latent Periods in Mathematical Models for Tuberculosis (2001) (114)
- Modeling TB and HIV co-infections. (2009) (111)
- Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence of Multiple Strains in an SIS STD Model (1999) (109)
- Optimal control for pandemic influenza: the role of limited antiviral treatment and isolation. (2010) (107)
- Like-with-like preference and sexual mixing models. (1989) (107)
- Transmission and dynamics of tuberculosis on generalized households. (2000) (105)
- Discrete-time S-I-S models with complex dynamics (2001) (102)
- Estimate of the reproduction number of the 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Barranquilla, Colombia, and estimation of the relative role of sexual transmission. (2016) (101)
- Drinking as an Epidemic—A Simple Mathematical Model with Recovery and Relapse (2007) (101)
- Global behavior of a multi-group SIS epidemic model with age structure (2005) (100)
- Merging Economics and Epidemiology to Improve the Prediction and Management of Infectious Disease (2014) (99)
- Dispersal, disease and life-history evolution. (2001) (92)
- Title Pros and cons of estimating the reproduction number from earlyepidemic growth rate of influenza A ( H 1 N 1 ) 2009 (2010) (89)
- Results on the dynamics for models for the sexual transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (1989) (88)
- An age-structured epidemic model of rotavirus with vaccination (2006) (87)
- Mathematical modelling of tuberculosis epidemics. (2009) (87)
- On the role of variable infectivity in the dynamics of the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic (1989) (85)
- A simple epidemic model with surprising dynamics. (2004) (81)
- Discrete epidemic models. (2010) (80)
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of dengue fever in Peru: 1994–2006 (2008) (80)
- Diseases with chronic stage in a population with varying size. (2003) (78)
- Interaction, pair formation and force of infection terms in sexually transmitted diseases (1989) (76)
- Multiple outbreaks for the same pandemic: Local transportation and social distancing explain the different "waves" of A-H1N1pdm cases observed in México during 2009. (2011) (76)
- Markers of disease evolution: the case of tuberculosis. (2002) (72)
- Transmission dynamics and underreporting of Kala-azar in the Indian state of Bihar. (2010) (70)
- SIS and SIR Epidemic Models Under Virtual Dispersal (2015) (70)
- Mathematical Models of Isolation and Quarantine (2003) (69)
- The impact of relative residence times on the distribution of heavy drinkers in highly distinct environments (2010) (67)
- Some models for epidemics of vector-transmitted diseases (2016) (65)
- A Model for Tuberculosis w Exogenous Reinfection (2000) (65)
- Mathematical Models for Communicable Diseases (2012) (64)
- Mixing in age-structured population models of infectious diseases. (2012) (63)
- The effects of females’ susceptibility on the coexistence of multiple pathogen strains of sexually transmitted diseases (1997) (62)
- Mathematical Approaches to Problems in Resource Management and Epidemiology (1989) (62)
- A cost-based comparison of quarantine strategies for new emerging diseases. (2010) (61)
- Toward a unified theory of sexual mixing and pair formation. (1991) (60)
- Modeling Contact Structures in Biology (1994) (60)
- Scaling of sexual activity (1990) (59)
- Modelling the effect of early detection of Ebola. (2015) (58)
- Raves, clubs and ecstasy: the impact of peer pressure. (2005) (58)
- The role of residence times in two-patch dengue transmission dynamics and optimal strategies. (2015) (57)
- Bioterrorism: Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security (2003) (54)
- Models for the transmission dynamics of fanatic behaviors (2010) (52)
- The logistic equation revisited: the two-sex case. (1995) (52)
- Mobility restrictions for the control of epidemics: When do they work? (2019) (51)
- Mixing framework for social/sexual behavior (1989) (51)
- Modeling control strategies for concurrent epidemics of seasonal and pandemic H1N1 influenza. (2011) (51)
- Interplay between local dynamics and dispersal in discrete-time metapopulation models. (2002) (50)
- On the role of long incubation periods in the dynamics of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Part 2: multiple group models (1990) (50)
- Towards Real Time Epidemiology: Data Assimilation, Modeling and Anomaly Detection of Health Surveillance Data Streams (2007) (47)
- Implications of Systems Dynamic Models and Control Theory for Environmental Approaches to the Prevention of Alcohol- and Other Drug Use-Related Problems (2004) (47)
- Pair Formation in Structured Populations (1991) (46)
- Perspectives on the role of mobility, behavior, and time scales in the spread of diseases (2016) (46)
- Beyond Ebola: lessons to mitigate future pandemics (2015) (46)
- Vector-borne diseases models with residence times - A Lagrangian perspective. (2015) (46)
- The Role of Long Periods of Infectiousness in the Dynamics of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (1989) (45)
- On the Solution of the Two-Sex Mixing Problem (1991) (44)
- A schistosomiasis model with mating structure and time delay. (2008) (43)
- The role of vaccination in the control of sars. (2005) (41)
- Discrete Epidemic Models with Arbitrary Stage Distributions and Applications to Disease Control (2013) (41)
- Did Modeling Overestimate the Transmission Potential of Pandemic (H1N1-2009)? Sample Size Estimation for Post-Epidemic Seroepidemiological Studies (2011) (40)
- Infectious Disease Informatics and Biosurveillance (2012) (40)
- Mathematical Analysis of an SIQR Influenza Model with Imperfect Quarantine (2017) (40)
- The role of spatial mixing in the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. (2006) (39)
- Types of drinkers and drinking settings: an application of a mathematical model. (2011) (39)
- Intraspecific completition, dispersal and disease dynamics in discrete-time patchy environments (2002) (39)
- Effects of treatment and prevalence-dependent recruitment on the dynamics of a fatal disease. (1996) (38)
- Per capita incidence of sexually transmitted infections increases systematically with urban population size: a cross-sectional study (2015) (37)
- Evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial cycling programmes and patient isolation on dual resistance in hospitals (2011) (36)
- Role of Prey Dispersal and Refuges on Predator-Prey Dynamics (2010) (35)
- On the role of cross-immunity and vaccines on the survival of less fit flu-strains. (2007) (34)
- Environmental context, social interactions, and the spread of HIV (1990) (34)
- Modelling the transmission dynamics of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis: application to the 2003 outbreak in Mexico (2006) (33)
- A basic result on the integral for birth-death Markov processes. (1999) (33)
- Mathematical modeling, analysis and simulation of the spread of Zika with influence of sexual transmission and preventive measures (2017) (33)
- Towards a unified theory of mixing and pair formation. (1992) (32)
- Basic Ideas of Mathematical Epidemiology (2001) (31)
- Epidemic Models (2011) (29)
- An Epidemic Model with Virtual Mass Transportation: The Case of Smallpox in a Large City (2003) (29)
- Identification of geographic factors associated with early spread of foot-and-mouth disease. (2003) (28)
- Mathematical Models of Influenza: The Role of Cross-Immunity, Quarantine and Age-Structure (2008) (28)
- Role of short-term dispersal on the dynamics of Zika virus in an extreme idealized environment (2016) (28)
- Optimal control intervention strategies in low- and high-risk problem drinking populations (2010) (27)
- Statistical and mathematical approaches in HIV/AIDS modeling: a review (1989) (27)
- Coexistence of pathogens in sexually-transmitted disease models (2003) (26)
- Epidemics on networks: Reducing disease transmission using health emergency declarations and peer communication (2019) (25)
- A note on the use of influenza vaccination strategies when supply is limited. (2011) (25)
- Review of recent models of HIV/AIDS transmission (1989) (24)
- A note on the use of optimal control on a discrete time model of influenza dynamics. (2011) (24)
- Density-dependent dynamics and superinfection in an epidemic model. (1999) (24)
- Discrete Time S-I-S Models with Simple and Complex Population Dynamics (2000) (24)
- A model for TB with exogenous reinfection (1999) (24)
- Empirical methods for the estimation of the mixing probabilities for socially structured populations from a single survey sample. (1992) (23)
- Dynamics of SI models with both horizontal and vertical transmissions as well as Allee effects. (2014) (23)
- Age-Structured Core Group Model and Its Impact on STD Dynamics (2002) (23)
- Vertical Transmission in a Two-Strain Model of Dengue Fever (2014) (23)
- Using mark-recapture methodology to estimate the size of a population at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. (1992) (22)
- Estimation of invasive pneumococcal disease dynamics parameters and the impact of conjugate vaccination in Australia. (2008) (22)
- A simple epidemiological model for populations in the wild with Allee effects and disease-modified fitness. (2013) (22)
- On the Estimation Problem of Mixing/Pair Formation Matrices with Applications to Models for Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (1992) (21)
- On the existence of stable pairing distributions (1996) (21)
- Recruitment Effects in Heterosexually Transmitted Disease Models (1993) (21)
- Critical response time (time available to implement effective measures for epidemic control): model building and evaluation. (2003) (21)
- Affinity in paired event probability. (1995) (20)
- An Overview of Dynamical Models of Tuberculosis (2002) (20)
- Demographic Recruitment in Sexually Transmitted Disease Models (1992) (20)
- Long-Term Dynamics and Re-Emergence of Tuberculosis (2002) (19)
- Global Dynamics of a Plant-Herbivore Model with Toxin-Determined Functional Response (2012) (19)
- Worst-Case Scenarios and Epidemics (2003) (19)
- Dynamics of a Stage-Structured Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model (2011) (19)
- The role of mobility and health disparities on the transmission dynamics of Tuberculosis (2016) (19)
- Parameter Estimation in Non-Closed Social Networks Related to Dynamics of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1993) (18)
- Community resilience in collaborative learning (2010) (18)
- Hierarchical competition in discrete time models with dispersal (2003) (17)
- Transitional regimes as early warning signals in resource dependent competition models. (2012) (17)
- The Role of Nonlinear Relapse on Contagion Amongst Drinking Communities (2009) (17)
- Assessing the Efficiency of Movement Restriction as a Control Strategy of Ebola (2016) (17)
- Dynamics of a diffusion reaction prey–predator model with delay in prey: Effects of delay and spatial components (2018) (17)
- An application of queuing theory to SIS and SEIS epidemic models. (2010) (17)
- Mathematical studies on human disease dynamics : emerging paradigms and challenges : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Modeling the Dynamics of Human Diseases, Emerging Paradigms and Challenges, July 17-21, 2005, Snowbird, Utah (2006) (17)
- Seasonality of rotavirus infection with its vaccination (2005) (16)
- Urn models and vaccine efficacy estimation. (2000) (16)
- Static behavioral effects on gonorrhea transmission dynamics in a MSM population. (2010) (16)
- Dynamics of Multiple Pathogen Strains in Heterosexual Epidemiological Models (1995) (15)
- Autonomous Risk-Behavior Change, and Non-Linear Incidence Rate, in Models of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (1991) (15)
- Epidemic spread of influenza viruses: The impact of transient populations on disease dynamics. (2011) (15)
- Global Dynamics of Tuberculosis Models with Density Dependent Demography (2002) (15)
- Frequency dependent risk of infection and the spread of infectious diseases (2000) (15)
- Some recent developments on linear determinacy. (2013) (15)
- Multiscale analysis of compartment models with dispersal (2012) (14)
- Myeloid cells in tumour–immune interactions (2010) (14)
- Basic Models in Epidemiology (1995) (14)
- On the Fall and Rise of Tuberculosis (2000) (14)
- Differential impact of sickle cell trait on symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria. (2012) (14)
- Limit Behavior of Pair Formation for a Large Dissolution Rate (1992) (13)
- Some Applications of Structured Models in Population Dynamics (1989) (13)
- On the possible effects of infection-age-dependent infectivity in the dynamics of HIV/AIDS. (1990) (13)
- Dynamical models of ecosystems and epidemics (1989) (13)
- Dynamics of an ”SAIQR” Influenza Model (2014) (13)
- A two-strain TB model with multiple latent stages. (2016) (13)
- Migration Effects on Population Dynamics of the Honeybee-mite Interactions (2017) (13)
- Models for Dengue Transmission and Control (2005) (13)
- Increasing Minority Representation in the Mathematical Sciences: Good models but no will to scale up their impact (2006) (12)
- Stochastic and deterministic models in epidemiology (1995) (12)
- Simple Compartmental Models for Disease Transmission (2019) (12)
- Mathematical Studies on Human Disease Dynamics: Emerging Paradigms and Challenges (Contemporary Mathematics) (2006) (12)
- On the Evolution of Marriage Functions: It Takes Two to Tango (1993) (12)
- Pediatric electrocardiograph abnormalities following Centruroides limpidus tecomanus scorpion envenomation. (2005) (12)
- A note on pair-formation functions (2000) (12)
- Nonlocal response in a simple epidemiological model (1994) (11)
- Models for Sexually Transmitted Diseases with Recruitment (1993) (11)
- Impact of Relative Residence Times in Highly Distinct Environments on the Distribution of Heavy Drinkers. (2010) (11)
- Notes from the heterogeneous: a few observations on the implications and necessity of affinity (2010) (11)
- A Methodology for Asking Sensitive Questions Among College Undergraduates (1990) (11)
- On the dynamics of dengue virus type 2 with residence times and vertical transmission (2016) (10)
- Public vaccination policy using an age-structured model of pneumococcal infection dynamics (2010) (10)
- Dynamics of population communities with prey migrations and Allee effects: a bifurcation approach. (2011) (10)
- J un 2 01 6 Estimation of the reproduction number of the 2015 Zika virus outbreak in Barranquilla , Colombia , and a first estimate of the relative role of sexual transmission (2016) (10)
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Rubella in Peru, 1997–2006: Geographic Patterns, Age at Infection and Estimation of Transmissibility (2009) (9)
- Completion of mixing matrices for non-closed social networks (1995) (9)
- Nonlinear mating models for populations with discrete generations (2002) (9)
- Tuberculosis Control in the US: A Strategy to Meet CDC's Goal (2001) (9)
- Ring Vaccination as a Control Strategy for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (2009) (8)
- The influence of infectious diseases on population genetics. (2006) (8)
- Optimal control of influenza pandemics : The role of antiviral treatment and isolation (2009) (8)
- The Evolution of Age-Structured Marriage Functions: It Takes Two to Tango (1997) (8)
- Critical response to post-outbreak vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease (2005) (8)
- Report on DIMACS Working Group Meeting: Mathematical Sciences Methods for the Study of Deliberate Re (2002) (8)
- Modeling Ebola at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) (2016) (8)
- Mathematical applications associated with the deliberate release of infectious agents (2005) (8)
- Optimal Vaccination Strategies for TB in Age-Structure Populations (1996) (7)
- A pair formation approach to modeling inheritance of social traits (1995) (7)
- A Framework for Modeling Inheritance of Social Traits (1991) (7)
- Clinical diagnostic delays and epidemiology of dengue fever during the 2002 outbreak in Colima, Mexico (2007) (7)
- Lecture 9: Dynamical Models of Tuberculosis and Applications (2012) (7)
- Recruitment into a Core Group and its Effect on the Spread of a Sexually-Transmitted Disease (1996) (6)
- Promoting Research and Minority Participation via Undergraduate Research in the Mathematical Sciences. MTBI/SUMS-Arizona State University (2006) (6)
- Dispersal Between Two Patches in a Discrete Time SEIS Model (2000) (6)
- Resource Consumption, Sustainability, and Cancer (2015) (6)
- Correction to: Mathematical Models in Epidemiology (2019) (6)
- A Tour of the Basic Reproductive Number and the Next Generation of Researchers (2020) (6)
- Report for the Office of Scientific and Technical Information: Population Modeling of the Emergence and Development of Scientific Fields (2006) (6)
- Mathematical Modeling of the Sex Worker Industry as a Supply and Demand System (2006) (6)
- The One-Sex Mixing Problem: A Choice of Solutions? (1990) (6)
- From bee species aggregation to models of disease avoidance: The ben-hur effect (2015) (6)
- Staggered Release Policies for COVID-19 Control: Costs and Benefits of Sequentially Relaxing Restrictions by Age (2020) (6)
- A Distributed Delay Model for Tuberculosis (1996) (5)
- Spatial spread of sexually transmitted diseases within susceptible populations at demographic steady state. (2008) (5)
- Detecting the contagion effect in mass killings; a constructive example of the statistical advantages of unbinned likelihood methods (2018) (5)
- MSJAMA. Mathematical models of isolation and quarantine. (2003) (5)
- Discrete Population Models (2001) (5)
- A simple two-patch epidemiological model with Allee effects and disease-modified fitness (2012) (5)
- A Socially Transmitted Disease: Teacher Qualifications and Dropout Rates (1999) (5)
- Linear character-dependent models with constant time delay in population dynamics (1987) (5)
- A Preliminary Theoretical Analysis of a Research Experience for Undergraduates Community Model (2013) (5)
- The Effects of Female ' s Susceptibility on Coexistence ofMultiple Pathogen Strains of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (2012) (5)
- Nonlinear character dependent models with constant time delay in population dynamics (1987) (5)
- Topics in Evolutionary Ecology (1990) (4)
- Studying Complexity and Risk Through Stochastic Population Dynamics: Persistence, Resonance, and Extinction in Ecosystems (2019) (4)
- Epidemics on attractors (2001) (4)
- Challenges, Opportunities and Theoretical Epidemiology (2019) (4)
- Modelling vector-host disease transmission and food web dynamics through the mixing/pair formation approach (1995) (4)
- Special Issue on Mathematical Models, Challenges, and Lessons Learned from the 2009 A/H1N1 Influenza (2011) (4)
- Building matrix population models when individuals are non-identifiable. (2019) (4)
- On the Relationship Between Tight Coevolution and Superinfection (1996) (4)
- Endemic Disease Models (2019) (4)
- A Comparative Assessment of Visceral Leishmaniasis Burden in Two Eco-epidemiologically Different Countries, India and Sudan (2019) (4)
- Characterization of an outbreak of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Mexico, 2003 (2005) (4)
- The Epidemiological Impact of Rotavirus Vaccination Programs in the United States and Mexico (2009) (4)
- Modeling the Case of Early Detection of Ebola Virus Disease (2015) (4)
- Modeling the dynamics of glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids with time delay: The impact of bariatric surgery on type 2 diabetes mellitus (2019) (4)
- Student-Driven Research at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (2017) (4)
- Modeling the diet dynamics of children: the roles of socialization and the school environment (2018) (4)
- Critical Response Models for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Epidemics (2002) (3)
- Optimal Treatment Strategies for Tuberculosis with Exogenous Reinfection (2010) (3)
- Assessing the Efficiency of \textit{Cordon Sanitaire} as a Control Strategy of Ebola (2015) (3)
- Dynamics of a stochastic delayed Harrison-type predation model: Effects of delay and stochastic components. (2018) (3)
- Identification of Geographical Factors Associated with Early Spread of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the 2001 Uruguayan Epidemic (2003) (3)
- A Test-Bed Procedure for Evaluating One-Sex Mixing Frameworks (1990) (3)
- Continuous Population Models (2001) (3)
- Modeling the transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) in hospitals: A case study (2010) (3)
- On the Modelling of Epidemics (1989) (3)
- Mixing Patterns and Multiple Endemic States in Models of AIDS (1989) (3)
- Modeling eating behaviors: The role of environment and positive food association learning via a Ratatouille effect. (2015) (3)
- Comprar Infectious Disease Informatics And Biosurveillance (Integrated Series In Information Systems, Vol. 27) | Mark Thurmond | 9781441968913 | Springer (2010) (3)
- Food Web Structure and Frequency Dependent Predation (1992) (3)
- The Role of Transactional Sex in the Spread of HIV /AIDS: A Modeling Perspective (2009) (3)
- Models for Endemic Diseases (2011) (2)
- Continuous Single-Species Population Models with Delays (2012) (2)
- A discrete events delay differential system model for transmission of Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) in hospitals (2010) (2)
- The Control , Dynamics and Evolution of Emergent and Re-emergent Diseases in the Context of Sustainability (2013) (2)
- The Mathematicians' Revenge@@@Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology (2002) (2)
- Quasi-Stationary Distributions and Behavior of Birth-Death Markov Process with Absorbing States (1996) (2)
- Dynamics of multiple strains of infectious agents coupled by cross-immunity: A comparison of models (2002) (2)
- Approximations to the Quasistationary Distributions of the SIS and SEIS Epidemic Models for General Distribution of the Duration of the Infectious State (1997) (2)
- On the transmission dynamics of knowledge (2005) (2)
- Inverse problem methods as a public health tool in pneumonoccal vaccination (2008) (2)
- IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO (1995) (2)
- A Distributed-Delay Model for the Local Population Dynamics of a Parasitoid-Host System (1989) (2)
- An age-structured model for pneumococcal infection with vaccination (2008) (2)
- Yachay's promise (2017) (2)
- On the Construction of Arbitrary m-Dimensional Joint Distributions (1991) (2)
- Scaling Laws in Human Sexual Activity (1990) (2)
- Spatial Structure in Disease Transmission Models (2019) (2)
- Remembering Stavros Busenberg. (1995) (2)
- Simulation Studies on Stochastic Models with Heterogeneously Mixing Contact Structures (1993) (2)
- Who Says We R0.Ready for Change (2009) (2)
- On the role of variable latent periods in mathematical models for TB (1999) (2)
- Discrete-Time Nonlinear Pair Formation Models with Geometric Solutions (2000) (2)
- Linear Algebra in Mathematical Population Biology and Epidemiology (2013) (2)
- Dengue Fever and the Zika Virus (2019) (2)
- Models for Influenza (2019) (2)
- The Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute: A successful model for increasing minority representation in the mathematical sciences (2008) (1)
- Global Dynamics of TB Models with Density Dependent Demography (2001) (1)
- Who Says We R(o) Ready for Change (2001) (1)
- Chalenges and Opportunities in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and Medicine: Foreword to Volume 2 (2013) of Biomath (2014) (1)
- Mentorship and the New American University (2004) (1)
- Estimating Vaccine Efficacy in Stochastic SIR Epidemic Models with Non Homogeneous Mixing (1997) (1)
- CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics: Preface (2013) (1)
- Towards A Theoretical Model of Urban Growth (2009) (1)
- How long do people stick to a diet resolution? A digital epidemiological estimation of weight loss diet persistence (2020) (1)
- Studies in Theoretical Biology: A Collection of Undergraduate Research (1996) (1)
- Epidemic Models on Attractors (2000) (1)
- Zhien Ma's contributions to dynamical systems, ecotoxicology and epidemiology - A scientific leader, (2006) (1)
- Assessment of Time Available to Implement Measures for Control of Epidemics (Critical Response Time) in the Context of the 2001 Uruguayan Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak (2002) (1)
- And Other Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (1993) (1)
- The rising prevalence of weapons in unsafe arming configurations discovered in American airports (2019) (1)
- Is There a Marriage Function Yet (1991) (1)
- Differential Behavior of Vectors infected with Chagas ' Disease MTBI-0212 M (2009) (1)
- The Effect of Telephone Follow-up Calls on Sensitive Survey Non-Respondents (1990) (1)
- Nonlinear Mating Models for Populations with Non-Overlapping Generations (2000) (1)
- Two-Group Mixing Processes and Disease Dynamics in Single-Sex Populations (1991) (1)
- Predator-Prey Interactions in Communities with prey dispersal and Allee effects (2009) (1)
- Studies in Theoretical Epidemiology (1992) (1)
- Models of Animals in their Home Range (1993) (1)
- Continuous Models for Two Interacting Populations (2001) (1)
- Why REUs Matter (2015) (1)
- The Dynamics of Poverty and Crime MTBI-0208 (2009) (1)
- Static Behavioral Effects On Gonorrhea Transmission Dynamics (2009) (1)
- President's Initiative on Race: Briefing Paper (1998) (1)
- Disease Transmission Models with Age Structure (2019) (1)
- A TB Model with Infection-Age-Dependent Infectivity (1996) (1)
- Social clustering and the transmission and dynamics of tuberculosis (1999) (1)
- Introduction: A Prelude to Mathematical Epidemiology (2019) (1)
- State-Dependent Mixing and Sexually Transmitted Disease Dynamics (1991) (1)
- Models for HIV/AIDS (2019) (1)
- Analytical Tools for Evolutionary Processes (2007) (1)
- Using inverse problem methods with surveillance data in pneumococcal vaccination (2010) (1)
- A Probabilistic Model of Mixing and Pair Formation with Applications to Epidemiology (1992) (1)
- Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering: From the guest editors (2009) (1)
- Challenges in cybersecurity: Lessons from biological defense systems (2021) (1)
- The Control Reproduction Number and Case-underreporting of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Bihar, India (2009) (1)
- Towards a Quantitative Science of Sustainability (2015) (1)
- Lecture 3: Heterogeneity in Epidemic Models (2012) (1)
- Efficiency of Self-Control Strategies on the Spread of the Insect Vector of Chagas Disease (1996) (1)
- Models with Heterogeneous Mixing (2019) (1)
- Lecture 5: Models for Diseases in Highly Mobile Populations (2012) (0)
- The role of mobility and health disparities on the transmission dynamics of Tuberculosis (2017) (0)
- Harvesting in Two-species Models (2012) (0)
- Models for Diseases Transmitted by Vectors (2019) (0)
- Resource Consumption, Sustainability, and Cancer (2014) (0)
- Lecture 4: Models Structured by Age (2012) (0)
- Models for Ebola (2019) (0)
- Lecture 1: Compartmental Epidemic Models (2012) (0)
- Time-since-infection Immunological Model for Hepatitis C and Observed Treatment Profiles (2009) (0)
- Epidemiology Modeling (2016) (0)
- An abstract theorem in linear and nonlinear deterministic character-dependent models with time delay (1986) (0)
- Introduction and Mathematical Preliminaries (2012) (0)
- Mathematical Models , Challenges , and Lessons Learned from the 2009 A / H 1 N 1 Influenza Pandemic : Preface (2018) (0)
- Lecture 6: Modeling Influenza (2012) (0)
- Influenza Pandemic : Preface (2015) (0)
- Mathematical Model Applications to Disease and Homeland Security (2005) (0)
- Neighborhood effects, college education, and social mobility (2022) (0)
- A new A/H1N1 influenza virus strain. Preface. (2011) (0)
- Nonlocal response in a simple epidemiological modelK (2007) (0)
- Lecture 10: Models for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (2012) (0)
- Lecture 2: Models for Endemic Diseases (2012) (0)
- RESEARCH ARTICLE Notes From the Heterogeneous: A Few Observations on the Implications and Necessity of Anity (2010) (0)
- Epidemiological Models Incorporating Mobility, Behavior, and Time Scales (2019) (0)
- Mathematical Analysis of an SIQR Influenza Model with Imperfect Quarantine (2017) (0)
- Models for Tuberculosis (2019) (0)
- Author ' s personal copy A schistosomiasis model with mating structure and time delay (2008) (0)
- An inverse problem formulation methodology for stochastic models (2010) (0)
- SIS and SIR Epidemic Models Under Virtual Dispersal (2015) (0)
- Challenges and Opportunities in Mathematical and Theoretical Epidemiology (2013) (0)
- Lecture 7: Models for the Dynamics of Influenza (2012) (0)
- Sensitivity analysis of drinking dynamics: From deterministic to stochastic formulations (2008) (0)
- Does gravitational gossip weigh heavy on your local area network (2004) (0)
- The New American University: Mentorship in the Mathematical Sciences (2007) (0)
- Models for Malaria (2019) (0)
- Controlling Foodborne Infections in Lettuce : Testing and Cleaning Methods for Curbing the Spread of E . coli O 157 : H 7 (2018) (0)
- Dynamical Models of Ecosysten1s and Epidemics (1989) (0)
- Towards a Quantitative Science of Sustainability (2014) (0)
- NextGen VOICES: Science and human rights call for submissions. (2017) (0)
- Discrete Epidemic Models with Arbitrary Stage Distributions and Applications to Disease Control (2013) (0)
- Chapter 2 Worst-Case Scenarios and (2015) (0)
- Limit Behavior of Pair Fonnation for A Large Dissolution Rate BU-1172 (2012) (0)
- Limit Behavior of Pair Fonnation for A Large Dissolution Rate BU-1172 (2012) (0)
- Lecture 8: Models for the Transmission Dynamics of HIV (2012) (0)
- An epidemic model for Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis : Application to a 2003 outbreak in Mexico (2005) (0)
- Mixing Patterns in Models of AIDS (2020) (0)
- Models for Populations with Spatial Structure (2012) (0)
- Optimal Control for a Discrete Time Influenza Model (2014) (0)
- BU-1072-MA by (1991) (0)
- Models for Populations with Age Structure (2001) (0)
- Social clustering and the transmission anddynamics of tuberculosisJuan (1999) (0)
- Role of Host-Vector ratio on the dynamics of Zika virus (2016) (0)
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