Carolyne Van Vliet
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American physicist
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Carolyne Van Vliet's Degrees
- Masters Physics Stanford University
- Bachelors Physics California Institute of Technology
Why Is Carolyne Van Vliet Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carolyne Marina Van Vliet was a Dutch-American physicist notable for the theory of generation-recombination noise and for the theory of quantum transport in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, as well as for her many contributions to the foundations of Linear Response Theory. She was a Fellow of the American Physical Society and of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers .
Carolyne Van Vliet's Published Works
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Published Works
- Electrical current in solids with position-dependent band structure (1978) (163)
- Linear response theory revisited III: One‐body response formulas and generalized Boltzmann equations (1982) (107)
- Noise in single injection diodes. I. A survey of methods (1975) (79)
- Macroscopic and microscopic methods for noise in devices (1994) (78)
- Comment on "Position-dependent effective masses in semiconductor theory" (1984) (73)
- Noise Limitations in Solid State Photodetectors (1967) (71)
- Markov Approach to Density Fluctuations Due to Transport and Scattering. I. Mathematical Formalism (1971) (67)
- Linear response theory revisited. I. The many‐body van Hove limit (1978) (67)
- Noise in Semiconductors and Photoconductors (1958) (63)
- Linear response theory revisited. II. The master equation approach (1979) (61)
- General transport theory of noise in pn junction-like devices—I. Three-dimensional Green's function formulation (1972) (59)
- A survey of results and future prospects on quantum 1ƒf noise and 1ƒf noise in general (1991) (54)
- Markov Approach to Density Fluctuations Due to Transport and Scattering. II. Applications (1971) (50)
- Noise sources in transport equations associated with ambipolar diffusion and Shockley-Read recombination (1970) (50)
- Noise in single injection diodes. II. Applications (1975) (48)
- Carrier densities and emitter efficiency in degenerate materials with position-dependent band structure (1978) (47)
- The Shockley-like equations for the carrier densities and the current flows in materials with a nonuniform composition (1980) (45)
- Noise and admittance of the generation—Recombination current involving SRH centers in the space-charge region of junction devices (1976) (44)
- Electronic noise in semiconductors (1956) (41)
- High injection theories of the p−n junction in the charge neutrality approximation (1966) (41)
- Conduction current and generalized einstein relations for degenerate semiconductors and metals (1976) (40)
- Quantum mechanical determination of the potential and carrier distributions in the inversion layer of metal—oxide—semiconductor devices (1979) (36)
- Linear response theory revisited. IV. Applications (1984) (36)
- Temperature‐fluctuation noise of thin films supported by a substrate (1980) (35)
- Ambipolar transport of carrier density fluctuations in germanium (1958) (34)
- Fundamental 1/ƒ noise in silicon bipolar transistors (1988) (34)
- The quantum correction of the Einstein relation for high frequencies (1977) (32)
- Investigation of trapping centre parameters by the thermostimulated capacitor discharge (1968) (32)
- On the noise generated by diffusion mechanisms (1958) (30)
- Generation Recombination Noise in Intrinsic and Near‐Intrinsic Germanium Crystals (1958) (29)
- Irreversible Thermodynamics and Carrier Density Fluctuations in Semiconductors (1958) (29)
- Theory of Transport Noise in Semiconductors (1981) (28)
- On the separation of quasi-Fermi levels and the boundary conditions for junction devices☆ (1980) (26)
- Bandgap narrowing and emitter efficiency in heavily doped emitter structures revisited (1993) (24)
- Measurements of noise and response to modulated light of cadmiumsulphide single crystals (1956) (20)
- Electronic noise in photoconducting insulators (1956) (20)
- Wannier-Slater theorem for solids with nonuniform band structure (1982) (20)
- On van Kampen's objections against linear response theory (1988) (19)
- Measurements on current noise in carbon resistors and in thermistors (1954) (18)
- The transfer-impedance method for noise in field-effect transistors (1979) (17)
- 1/f noise in amorphous silicon and hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films (1991) (16)
- Conductivity and noise in thin films of nonhydrogenated amorphous silicon in the hopping regime (1985) (16)
- The Effective Density of States in the Conduction and Valence Bands for Arbitrary Band Structures (1980) (15)
- Nonthermal Equilibrium Fluctuations of Electrons and Holes (1964) (15)
- Quantum 1/f Noise Associated with Intervalley Scattering in Nondegenerate Semiconductors. I. Analytical Calculations (1989) (14)
- Current in semiconductors with position‐dependent band gap and electron affinity (1977) (14)
- Quantum electrodynamical theory of infrared effects in condensed matter (1990) (13)
- Current-voltage relations and equivalent circuits of transistors at high injection levels (1974) (13)
- Responsivity and noise in illustrative solid-state chemical sensors☆ (1995) (13)
- Low frequency noise in electron tubes: B. Measurements on triodes under normal operating conditions (1952) (13)
- Carrier density fluctuations in semiconductors and photoconductors with one kind of trapping centers (1960) (13)
- Noise associated with reduction, multiplication and branching processes (1979) (13)
- Superstatistical emission noise (1981) (12)
- Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (New and Revised Printing) (2008) (12)
- Noise spectra resulting from diffusion processes in a cylindrical geometry (1965) (12)
- Observation of single‐carrier space‐charge‐limited flow in nitrogen‐doped α‐silicon carbide. I. I‐V characteristics and impedance (1985) (11)
- The quantum Boltzmann equation and some applications to transport phenomena (1988) (11)
- An accurate analysis of noise in rectangular bipolar transistors including current crowding (1980) (11)
- General Transport Theory of Noise in p-n Junction-Like Devices (1972) (10)
- MacDonald's theorem and Milatz's theorem for multivariate stochastic processes (1977) (10)
- Generation–recombination noise in gallium nitride-based quantum well structures (2003) (10)
- 1/f noise and its unusual high-frequency deactivation at high biasing currents in carbon black polymers with residual 1/fγ (γ = 2.2) noise and a preliminary estimation of the average trap energy (2012) (10)
- Generation-recombination noise in various photoconductive semiconductors (1961) (10)
- Electrical and optical bandgap narrowing due to heavy doping in silicon (1986) (9)
- Low frequency noise in electron tubes: A. space charge reduction of flick er effect (1952) (9)
- Physical interpretation of the noise reduction for the generation—Recombination current due to SRH centers in the space-charge layer (1977) (9)
- Noise Properties of n-Type Gold-Doped Silicon (1968) (9)
- Electrical fluctuations and photoinduced current transients in CdxHg1−xTe long wavelength epilayers (1999) (9)
- Observation of single‐carrier space‐charge‐limited flow in nitrogen‐doped α‐silicon carbide. II. Electrical noise (1985) (9)
- Electronic noise due to multiple trap levels in homogeneous solids and in space-charge layers (2003) (8)
- On the interaction of a black-body radiation field with a photoconductor (1977) (8)
- The diffusion noise source and the steady state fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a Boltzmann gas (1985) (8)
- Evidence of Electromagnetic Quantum 1/f Noise Found in Gold Thin Films (1984) (8)
- Theory of intermediate and high injection noise in transistors (1974) (8)
- Quantum electrodynamical theory of infrared effects in condensed matter: II. Radiative corrections of cross sections and scattering rates and quantum 1f noise (1990) (8)
- General transport theory of noise in PN junction-like devices—II. Carrier correlations and fluctuations for high injection (1972) (7)
- Partition 1ƒ noise in pentodes and its quantum interpretation (1987) (7)
- Secondary Emission of Thin Self‐Supported Films of MgO (1962) (7)
- Inversion layer carrier mobility in metal–oxide–semiconductor devices (1980) (7)
- On mobility fluctuations in 1/f noise (1981) (7)
- Experiments on Fluctuations in Optically Quenched CdS and CdSe Crystals (1968) (7)
- Lorentzian noise in the two-dimensional electron gas of AlxGa1−xAs/GaAs quantum wells (1999) (6)
- On the equivalence of the Fokker-Planck method and the free-energy method for the calculation of carrier density fluctuations in semiconductors (1957) (6)
- Linear momentum quantization in periodic structures (1967) (6)
- Generation–recombination fluctuations in Mercury–Cadmium Telluride (1970) (6)
- Remarks on the high injection characteristics of p–n junction diodes (1973) (6)
- Transmission line model of high injection noise in junction diodes (1977) (6)
- Electronic Processes and Fluctuations in Optically Quenched CdS and CdSe Crystals (1968) (6)
- Quantum Boltzmann equations for binary interactions between identical particles (1983) (5)
- Semiclassical electrical current expressions for materials with position-dependent band structure in the near equilibrium approximation (1997) (5)
- Partition 1/f noise in vacuum pentodes (1984) (5)
- Diffusion noise in double-injection diodes in the ohmic relaxation regime (1971) (5)
- Noise measurements in thin films of amorphous silicon (1985) (5)
- Flicker Noise in Oxide Cathodes Arising from Diffusion and Drift of Ionized Donors (1964) (5)
- 12. Noise in Electronic Devices (1964) (4)
- On the derivation of the Pauli and van Hove master equations (1978) (4)
- 1/f noise in mobility fluctuations and the boltzmann equation (1983) (4)
- On the noise caused by diffusion and surface recombination (1964) (4)
- Quantum electron transport beyond linear response (2002) (4)
- Random walk and 1/f noise (2002) (4)
- Generation–Recombination and Diffusion Noise in Cadmium Sulphide Photoconductors (1967) (4)
- Master hierarchy of kinetic equations for binary interactions in the adiabatic approximation (1983) (4)
- Electrical current through extended and localized states from the quantum Boltzmann equation (1985) (4)
- On the temperature dependence of the Hooge parameter αH in n and p-channel silicon JFETs (1988) (3)
- Generation–recombination noise and photo-induced transient conductivity in epitaxial CdHgTe long wavelength infrared detectors (1999) (3)
- Connection between sources formalism and correlation formalism for transport noise: Application to injection diodes (1976) (3)
- Photon fluctuations and their interaction with solids (1976) (3)
- Aharonov-Bohm effect with integer and half-integer flux quanta (1987) (3)
- Absence of Temperature Fluctuations in 1/f Noise Correlation Experiments in Silicon (1982) (3)
- Concerning the theory of generation-recombination noise in solids (1964) (3)
- Derivation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem (1958) (3)
- Quantum transport in solids (1997) (3)
- Noise measurements on photo avalanche diodes (1981) (3)
- Some properties of the phenomenological relaxation modes of g-r noise (1969) (2)
- Observation of single‐carrier space‐charge‐limited flow in nitrogen‐doped α‐silicon carbide. III. Computer calculations (1986) (2)
- Reconciliation of Photon Noise Statistics and Electron Statistics in a Solid in Equilibrium with the Radiation Field (1978) (2)
- On the two Green's function procedures for transport noise (1979) (2)
- Extension of Burgess' variance theorem to autocorrelation functions and spectra (1982) (2)
- Transport in heavily doped devices (1985) (2)
- Diffusion noise and the high-frequency extension of the Einstein relation (1979) (2)
- Comment on the measurement of bandgap narrowing from the minority‐carrier current in heavily doped emitters (1993) (2)
- Ehrenfest derivation of the mean forces acting in materials with nonuniform band structure: A canonical approach (1995) (2)
- Time-reversal symmetry in nonstationary Markov processes with application to some fluctuation theorems. (2012) (2)
- Mobility-Fluctuation 1/f Noise in Nonuniform Nonlinear Samples and in Mesa Structures (1982) (2)
- Carrier multiplication and noise in avalanche devices (1978) (1)
- Noise in single injection diodes of spherical and cylindrical geometry (1976) (1)
- Noise Due to Reduction and Multiplication Processes (1978) (1)
- Erratum: Linear response theory revisited. IV. Applications[J. Math Phys. 25, 1391(1984)] (1984) (1)
- Temperature fluctuation noise in thin pyroelectric films (1980) (1)
- Noise in ZnO: A surface phenomenon (1967) (1)
- Field‐Enhanced Secondary‐Electron Emission from Polar Crystals (1965) (1)
- On the integral width of cascaded tuned amplifiers (1954) (1)
- New noise problems in an old form: ``Recycling'' fluctuation phenomena (2008) (0)
- Generalized Canonical Ensembles (2008) (0)
- Branching Processes and Continuous Stochastic Phenomena (2008) (0)
- Stochastic Optical Signals and Photon Fluctuations (2008) (0)
- Magnetoresistance for the Sondheimer‐Wilson Model in a Metal and for a Mixed Nondegenerate Semiconductor (1995) (0)
- Two‐point occupation–correlation functions as obtained from the stochastic Boltzmann transport equation (semi‐classical) and the many‐body microscopic master equation (quantal) (2008) (0)
- Aspects of Quantum Fluids (2008) (0)
- The Occupation-Number State Formalism; Spin and Statistics (2008) (0)
- Quantum Mechanical Determination of the Potential and Carrier Distributions in the Inversion Layer of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices (1979) (0)
- Introduction to the State of Large Systems and Some Probability Concepts (2008) (0)
- Ensembles in the Presence of Reservoirs: The Canonical and Grand-Canonical Ensemble (2008) (0)
- Statistics of Closed Systems (2008) (0)
- Master hierarchy of kinetic equations for binary collisions II: Addenda (1997) (0)
- Critical Phenomena: General Features of Phase Transitions (2008) (0)
- Quantum Boltzmann Transport Equation in the Presence of Interactions; Application to the 2D Hall Effect (1994) (0)
- Quantum fluctuation theorems and work-energy relationships with due regard for convergence, dissipation and irreversibility (2016) (0)
- Linear Response Theory, Reduced Operators and Convergent Forms (2008) (0)
- Ninth International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems : (including 1/f noise and noise in biological systems and membranes), Montréal, May 25-29, 1987 (1987) (0)
- The Quantum Boltzmann Equation and Some Applications of Modified Linear Response (2008) (0)
- Study of Noise and Defect Levels in Infrared Cadmium Mercury Telluride (2000) (0)
- Fluctuations in fractional and in multiple occupancy systems (1969) (0)
- On the surface channel mobility in MOS devices under strong inversion (1980) (0)
- The Boltzmann Distribution and Chemical Applications (2008) (0)
- Ideal Quantum Gases and Elementary Excitations in Solids (2008) (0)
- Renormalization: Theory and Examples (2008) (0)
- Electron fluctuations in Zn-doped GaAs in thermal equilibrium and under optical excitation (1969) (0)
- Theory of Avalanche Noise (1978) (0)
- Thermodynamics in the Microcanonical Ensemble, Classical and Quantal (2008) (0)
- The high-injection transmission line model of p−n diode and p−n−p transistor noise☆ (1978) (0)
- The Boltzmann Transport Equation and Boltzmann's H–Theorem (2008) (0)
- Hydrodynamic Equations and Conservation Theorems; Barycentric Flow (2008) (0)
- The Two-Dimensional Ising Model and Spin Waves (2008) (0)
- Brownian Motion and the Mesoscopic Master Equation (2008) (0)
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