Charbel Farhat
Aerospace Engineer
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Charbel Farhat's Degrees
- PhD Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
- Masters Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
- Bachelors Aerospace Engineering Stanford University
Why Is Charbel Farhat Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Charbel Farhat is the Vivian Church Hoff Professor of Aircraft Structures in the School of Engineering at Stanford University, where from 2008 to 2023, he chaired the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. From 2022 to 2023, he chaired this department as the inaugural James and Anna Marie Spilker Chair of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is also Professor in the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, and Director of the Stanford-King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology Center of Excellence for Aeronautics and Astronautics. From 2017 to 2023, he served on the Space Technology Industry-Government-University Roundtable; from 2015 to 2019, he served on the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board ; from 2008 to 2018, he served on the United States Bureau of Industry and Security's Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee at the United States Department of Commerce; and from 2007 to 2018, he served as the Director of the Army High Performance Computing Research Center at Stanford University. He was designated by the US Navy recruiters as a Primary Key-Influencer and flew with the Blue Angels during Fleet Week 2014.
Charbel Farhat's Published Works
Published Works
- A method of finite element tearing and interconnecting and its parallel solution algorithm (1991) (1385)
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2019) (822)
- Partitioned analysis of coupled mechanical systems (2001) (755)
- Load and motion transfer algorithms for fluid/structure interaction problems with non-matching discrete interfaces: Momentum and energy conservation, optimal discretization and application to aeroelasticity (1998) (675)
- FETI‐DP: a dual–primal unified FETI method—part I: A faster alternative to the two‐level FETI method (2001) (656)
- Interpolation Method for Adapting Reduced-Order Models and Application to Aeroelasticity (2008) (602)
- Efficient non‐linear model reduction via a least‐squares Petrov–Galerkin projection and compressive tensor approximations (2011) (550)
- The GNAT method for nonlinear model reduction: Effective implementation and application to computational fluid dynamics and turbulent flows (2012) (488)
- Torsional springs for two-dimensional dynamic unstructured fluid meshes (1998) (482)
- Two efficient staggered algorithms for the serial and parallel solution of three-dimensional nonlinear transient aeroelastic problems (2000) (469)
- Implicit parallel processing in structural mechanics (1994) (450)
- Partitioned procedures for the transient solution of coupled aeroelastic problems (2001) (424)
- Geometric conservation laws for flow problems with moving boundaries and deformable meshes, and their impact on aeroelastic computations (1996) (403)
- The Discontinuous Enrichment Method (2000) (398)
- Provably second-order time-accurate loosely-coupled solution algorithms for transient nonlinear computational aeroelasticity (2006) (380)
- Mixed explicit/implicit time integration of coupled aeroelastic problems: Three‐field formulation, geometric conservation and distributed solution (1995) (372)
- Partitioned procedures for the transient solution of coupled aroelastic problems Part I: Model problem, theory and two-dimensional application (1995) (369)
- Nonlinear model order reduction based on local reduced‐order bases (2012) (368)
- The discrete geometric conservation law and the nonlinear stability of ALE schemes for the solution of flow problems on moving grids (2001) (368)
- A simple and efficient automatic fem domain decomposer (1988) (361)
- A scalable dual-primal domain decomposition method (2000) (359)
- Optimal convergence properties of the FETI domain decomposition method (1994) (359)
- A three-dimensional torsional spring analogy method for unstructured dynamic meshes (2002) (347)
- Reduced-order fluid/structure modeling of a complete aircraft configuration (2006) (324)
- Updating finite element dynamic models using an element-by-element sensitivity methodology (1993) (304)
- An Online Method for Interpolating Linear Parametric Reduced-Order Models (2011) (286)
- A discontinuous Galerkin method with Lagrange multipliers for the solution of Helmholtz problems in the mid-frequency regime (2003) (268)
- Application of a three-field nonlinear fluid–structure formulation to the prediction of the aeroelastic parameters of an F-16 fighter (2003) (259)
- Dimensional reduction of nonlinear finite element dynamic models with finite rotations and energy‐based mesh sampling and weighting for computational efficiency (2014) (244)
- Automatic partitioning of unstructured meshes for the parallel solution of problems in computational mechanics (1993) (239)
- A method for interpolating on manifolds structural dynamics reduced‐order models (2009) (229)
- Bubble Functions Prompt Unusual Stabilized Finite Element Methods (1994) (224)
- An Unconventional Domain Decomposition Method for an Efficient Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Finite Element Systems (1992) (221)
- Time‐decomposed parallel time‐integrators: theory and feasibility studies for fluid, structure, and fluid–structure applications (2003) (216)
- On the significance of the geometric conservation law for flow computations on moving meshes (2000) (207)
- The two-level FETI method for static and dynamic plate problems Part I: An optimal iterative solver for biharmonic systems (1998) (207)
- Coupled Analytical Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems (2001) (200)
- Stabilization of projection‐based reduced‐order models (2012) (199)
- A simple and efficient extension of a class of substructure based preconditioners to heterogeneous structural mechanics problems (1999) (190)
- Structure‐preserving, stability, and accuracy properties of the energy‐conserving sampling and weighting method for the hyper reduction of nonlinear finite element dynamic models (2015) (187)
- Aeroelastic Dynamic Analysis of a Full F-16 Configuration for Various Flight Conditions (2003) (186)
- Matching fluid and structure meshes for aeroelastic computations : a parallel approach (1995) (182)
- Second-order time-accurate and geometrically conservative implicit schemes for flow computations on unstructured dynamic meshes (1999) (181)
- The second generation FETI methods and their application to the parallel solution of large-scale linear and geometrically non-linear structural analysis problems (2000) (178)
- A Variational Multiscale Method for the Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Turbulent Flows on Unstructured Meshes - Application to vortex shedding (2004) (178)
- Multiphysics simulations (2013) (177)
- Residual-Free Bubbles for the Helmholtz Equation (1996) (176)
- A two-level domain decomposition method for the iterative solution of high frequency exterior Helmholtz problems (2000) (160)
- Adaptation of Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Models and Application to an F-16 Configuration (2007) (159)
- Multiphysics simulations: Challenges and opportunities (2013) (154)
- Design and analysis of ALE schemes with provable second-order time-accuracy for inviscid and viscous flow simulations (2003) (151)
- Sensitivity analysis and design optimization of three‐dimensional non‐linear aeroelastic systems by the adjoint method (2003) (147)
- A scalable Lagrange multiplier based domain decomposition method for time‐dependent problems (1995) (142)
- Design optimization using hyper-reduced-order models (2015) (136)
- TOP/DOMDEC : a software tool for mesh partitioning and parallel processing and applications to CSM a (1995) (134)
- Two-level domain decomposition methods with Lagrange multipliers for the fast iterative solution of acoustic scattering problems (2000) (134)
- Toward Real-Time Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Aeroelastic Computations Using a Database of Reduced-Order Information (2010) (131)
- Progressive construction of a parametric reduced‐order model for PDE‐constrained optimization (2014) (126)
- The two-level FETI method. Part II: Extension to shell problems, parallel implementation and performance results (1998) (126)
- Higher-Order Subiteration-Free Staggered Algorithm for Nonlinear Transient Aeroelastic Problems (1998) (117)
- A higher-order generalized ghost fluid method for the poor for the three-dimensional two-phase flow computation of underwater implosions (2008) (117)
- A low‐cost, goal‐oriented ‘compact proper orthogonal decomposition’ basis for model reduction of static systems (2011) (116)
- Extending substructure based iterative solvers to multiple load and repeated analyses (1994) (113)
- Dynamic implosion of underwater cylindrical shells: Experiments and Computations (2013) (110)
- A numerically scalable domain decomposition method for the solution of frictionless contact problems (2001) (109)
- Robust and provably second‐order explicit–explicit and implicit–explicit staggered time‐integrators for highly non‐linear compressible fluid–structure interaction problems (2010) (107)
- Application of the FETI method to ASCI problems—scalability results on 1000 processors and discussion of highly heterogeneous problems (2000) (105)
- Algorithms for interface treatment and load computation in embedded boundary methods for fluid and fluid–structure interaction problems (2011) (105)
- A new finite element concurrent computer program architecture (1987) (104)
- Design and analysis of robust ALE time-integrators for the solution of unsteady flow problems on moving grids (2004) (103)
- An unconditionally stable staggered algorithm for transient finite element analysis of coupled thermoelastic problems (1991) (101)
- Three‐dimensional discontinuous Galerkin elements with plane waves and Lagrange multipliers for the solution of mid‐frequency Helmholtz problems (2006) (101)
- A transient FETI methodology for large‐scale parallel implicit computations in structural mechanics (1994) (101)
- A Lagrange multiplier based divide and conquer finite element algorithm (1991) (99)
- Improved Damage Location Accuracy Using Strain Energy-Based Mode Selection Criteria (1997) (97)
- Learning constitutive relations from indirect observations using deep neural networks (2019) (95)
- A parallel active column equation solver (1988) (95)
- Mesh partitioning for implicit computations via iterative domain decomposition: Impact and optimization of the subdomain aspect ratio (1995) (94)
- The discontinuous enrichment method for multiscale analysis (2003) (92)
- On a component mode synthesis method and its application to incompatible substructures (1994) (90)
- Salinas: A Scalable Software for High-Performance Structural and Solid Mechanics Simulations (2002) (90)
- A general approach to nonlinear FE computations on shared-memory multiprocessors (1989) (89)
- Higher‐order extensions of a discontinuous Galerkin method for mid‐frequency Helmholtz problems (2004) (89)
- Modeling and Simulation of Multiphysics Systems (2005) (86)
- Time‐parallel implicit integrators for the near‐real‐time prediction of linear structural dynamic responses (2006) (86)
- A Scalable Substructuring Method By Lagrange Multipliers For Plate Bending Problems (1996) (83)
- A linearized method for the frequency analysis of three-dimensional fluid/structure interaction problems in all flow regimes (2001) (80)
- Review and assessment of interpolatory model order reduction methods for frequency response structural dynamics and acoustics problems (2012) (78)
- CFD‐Based Nonlinear Computational Aeroelasticity (2004) (77)
- A unified framework for accelerating the convergence of iterative substructuring methods with Lagrange multipliers (1998) (70)
- An ALE formulation of embedded boundary methods for tracking boundary layers in turbulent fluid-structure interaction problems (2014) (69)
- A non Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for the Exterior Helmholtz Problem (1997) (69)
- FIVER: A finite volume method based on exact two-phase Riemann problems and sparse grids for multi-material flows with large density jumps (2012) (68)
- Nonlinear Model Reduction for CFD Problems Using Local Reduced Order Bases (2012) (66)
- Two-dimensional viscous flow computations on the Connection Machine: unstructured meshes, upwind schemes and massively parallel computations (1993) (65)
- A Minimum Overlap Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioner and Applications in 3D Flow Simulations (1998) (64)
- A space–time discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of the wave equation in the time domain (2009) (63)
- A dynamic variational multiscale method for large eddy simulations on unstructured meshes (2006) (63)
- High performance solution of three-dimensional nonlinear aeroelastic problems via parallel partitioned algorithms: methodology and preliminary results (1997) (62)
- POD-based Aeroelastic Analysis of a Complete F-16 Configuration: ROM Adaptation and Demonstration (2005) (61)
- Incorporation of linear multipoint constraints in substructure based iterative solvers. Part 1: a numerically scalable algorithm (1998) (61)
- An Energy Based Optimum Sensor Placement Criterion and its Application to Structural Damage Detection (1994) (61)
- Computational algorithms for tracking dynamic fluid–structure interfaces in embedded boundary methods (2012) (61)
- Three‐dimensional finite element calculations in acoustic scattering using arbitrarily shaped convex artificial boundaries (2002) (61)
- Simulation of compressible viscous flows on a variety of MPPs: computational algorithms for unstructured dynamic meshes and performance results (1994) (60)
- On the stability of projection-based model order reduction for convection-dominated laminar and turbulent flows (2020) (60)
- Stability analysis of dynamic meshes for transient aeroelastic computations (1993) (60)
- A discontinuous Galerkin method with plane waves and Lagrange multipliers for the solution of short wave exterior Helmholtz problems on unstructured meshes (2004) (60)
- On the solution of three-dimensional inverse obstacle acoustic scattering problems by a regularized Newton method (2002) (56)
- Using a reduced number of Lagrange multipliers for assembling parallel incomplete field finite element approximations (1992) (55)
- Gradient-based constrained optimization using a database of linear reduced-order models (2015) (55)
- The FETI family of domain decomposition methods for inequality-constrained quadratic programming: Application to contact problems with conforming and nonconforming interfaces (2009) (54)
- Geometric conservation laws for aeroelastic computations using unstructured dynamic meshes (1995) (54)
- Unusual Stabilized Finite Element Methods and Residual-Free-Bubbles (1996) (53)
- A computational framework for the simulation of high‐speed multi‐material fluid–structure interaction problems with dynamic fracture (2015) (53)
- Convergence Analysis of a Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Plane Waves and Lagrange Multipliers for the Solution of Helmholtz Problems (2009) (52)
- Higher-Order Staggered and Subiteration Free Algorithms for Coupled Dynamic Aeroelasticity Problems (1998) (52)
- A retrofit based methodology for the fast generation and optimization of large-scale mesh partitions: Beyond the minimum interface size criterion (1996) (52)
- The discontinuous enrichment method for elastic wave propagation in the medium‐frequency regime (2006) (51)
- Projection‐based model reduction for contact problems (2015) (50)
- A discontinuous enrichment method for capturing evanescent waves in multiscale fluid and fluid/solid problems (2008) (50)
- Fast frequency sweep computations using a multi‐point Padé‐based reconstruction method and an efficient iterative solver (2007) (49)
- A FETI‐preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large‐scale stochastic finite element problems (2009) (49)
- A domain decomposition method for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of Helmholtz problems with plane waves and Lagrange multipliers (2009) (49)
- Modeling of Fuel Sloshing and its Physical Effects on Flutter (2013) (48)
- A Compact Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Basis for Optimization-Oriented Reduced-Order Models (2008) (48)
- Accelerated mesh sampling for the hyper reduction of nonlinear computational models (2017) (47)
- Application of the FETI Method to ASCI Problems: Scalability Results on One Thousand Processors and Discussion of Highly Heterogeneous Problems (1999) (46)
- Evaluation of Aeroelastic Uncertainty Analysis Methods (2010) (46)
- Transient aeroelastic computations using multiple moving frames of reference (1990) (46)
- A time‐parallel implicit method for accelerating the solution of non‐linear structural dynamics problems (2009) (45)
- On-Demand CFD-Based Aeroelastic Predictions Using a Database of Reduced-Order Bases and Models (2009) (44)
- A numerically scalable dual-primal substructuring method for the solution of contact problems––part I: the frictionless case (2004) (44)
- A multilevel projection‐based model order reduction framework for nonlinear dynamic multiscale problems in structural and solid mechanics (2017) (43)
- Overview of the discontinuous enrichment method, the ultra‐weak variational formulation, and the partition of unity method for acoustic scattering in the medium frequency regime and performance comparisons (2012) (43)
- A systematic approach for constructing higher-order immersed boundary and ghost fluid methods for fluid-structure interaction problems (2012) (43)
- A modular multibody analysis capability for high-precision, active control and real-time applications (1991) (43)
- Transient finite element computations on 65536 processors: The connection machine (1990) (42)
- An Integrated Platform for the Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Thermal Interaction Problems (2002) (42)
- A two-step, two-field hybrid method for the static and dynamic analysis of substructure problems with conforming and non-conforming interfaces (1998) (42)
- On the accuracy, stability, and performance of the solution of three-dimensional nonlinear transient aeroelastic problems by partitioned procedures (1996) (41)
- Strain and stress computations in stochastic finite element methods (2008) (41)
- Compressed Sensing and Time-Parallel Reduced-Order Modeling for Structural Health Monitoring Using a DDDAS (2007) (41)
- Incorporation of Feedback Control into a High-Fidelity Aeroservoelastic Fighter Aircraft Model (2010) (41)
- Iterative solution of large‐scale acoustic scattering problems with multiple right hand‐sides by a domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers (2001) (41)
- A FETI‐DP method for the parallel iterative solution of indefinite and complex‐valued solid and shell vibration problems (2005) (40)
- An adaptive scheme for a class of interpolatory model reduction methods for frequency response problems (2013) (40)
- On the mapping of massively parallel processors onto finite element graphs (1989) (38)
- Implicit time integration of a class of constrained hybrid formulations—Part I: Spectral stability theory (1995) (38)
- Adaptation of POD-based Aeroelastic ROMs for Varying Mach Number and Angle of Attack: Application to a Complete F-16 Configuration (2005) (38)
- Multidisciplinary Simulation of the Maneuvering of an Aircraft (2001) (38)
- Design of Efficient Partitioned Procedures for the Transient Solution of Aeroelastic Problems (2000) (38)
- On the Use of Discrete Nonlinear Reduced-Order Models for the Prediction of Steady-State Flows Past Parametrically Deformed Complex Geometries (2016) (37)
- Beyond Conventional Mesh Partitioning Algorithms and the Minimum Edge Cut Criterion: Impact on Realistic Realistic Applications (1995) (37)
- A nonparametric probabilistic approach for quantifying uncertainties in low‐dimensional and high‐dimensional nonlinear models (2017) (36)
- A mechanics‐informed artificial neural network approach in data‐driven constitutive modeling (2022) (36)
- The Dual Schur Complement Method with Well-Posed Local Neumann Problems: Regularization with a Perturbed Lagrangian Formulation (1993) (36)
- On a data-driven environment for multiphysics applications (2005) (35)
- Mesh sampling and weighting for the hyperreduction of nonlinear Petrov–Galerkin reduced‐order models with local reduced‐order bases (2020) (34)
- A discontinuous enrichment method for three‐dimensional multiscale harmonic wave propagation problems in multi‐fluid and fluid–solid media (2008) (34)
- The GNAT nonlinear model reduction method and its application to uid dynamics problems (2011) (33)
- A shape optimization methodology for reducing the sonic boom initial pressure rise (2002) (33)
- An embedded boundary framework for compressible turbulent flow and fluid–structure computations on structured and unstructured grids (2014) (33)
- Mesh adaptation framework for embedded boundary methods for computational fluid dynamics and fluid‐structure interaction (2019) (33)
- A discontinuous enrichment method for the finite element solution of high Péclet advection-diffusion problems (2009) (32)
- Shape Optimization Methodology for Reducing the Sonic Boom Initial Pressure Rise (2007) (32)
- Parallel heterogeneous algorithms for the solution of three-dimensional transient coupled aeroelastic problems (1995) (32)
- Computation of unsteady viscous flows around moving bodies using the k–ε turbulence model on unstructured dynamic grids (2000) (31)
- An iterative domain decomposition method for the solution of a class of indefinite problems in computational structural dynamics (2005) (31)
- An enhanced FIVER method for multi-material flow problems with second-order convergence rate (2017) (31)
- Simulation of Parachute Inflation Dynamics Using an Eulerian Computational Framework for Fluid-Structure Interfaces Evolving in High-Speed Turbulent Flows (2018) (31)
- A fast method for solving acoustic scattering problems in frequency bands (2001) (31)
- A family of position- and orientation-independent embedded boundary methods for viscous flow and fluid-structure interaction problems (2018) (31)
- Which parallel finite element algorithm for which architecture and which problem (1990) (30)
- A discontinuous enrichment method for variable‐coefficient advection–diffusion at high Péclet number (2011) (30)
- A family of domain decomposition methods for the massively parallel solution of computational mechanics problems (2000) (29)
- Conceptual Layout of Aeroelastic Wing Structures by Topology Optimization (2002) (29)
- DDEMA: A Data Driven Environment for Multiphysics Applications (2003) (29)
- The discontinuous enrichment method for medium-frequency Helmholtz problems with a spatially variable wavenumber (2014) (28)
- Selection of experimental modal data sets for damage detection via model update (1993) (28)
- Model Predictive Control under Coupled Fluid-Structure Constraints Using a Database of Reduced-Order Models on a Tablet (2013) (28)
- Aeroelastic Analysis of F-16 and F-18/A Configurations Using Adapted CFD-Based Reduced-Order Models (2007) (28)
- Towards a Dynamic Data Driven System for Structural and Material Health Monitoring (2006) (27)
- On the Stability of Reduced-Order Linearized Computational Fluid Dynamics Models Based on POD and Galerkin Projection: Descriptor vs Non-Descriptor Forms (2014) (27)
- A fictitious domain decomposition method for the solution of partially axisymmetric acoustic scattering problems. Part 2: Neumann boundary conditions (2002) (27)
- A multilevel FETI‐DP method and its performance for problems with billions of degrees of freedom (2018) (26)
- Optimization of aeroelastic systems using coupled analytical sensitivities (2000) (26)
- Reduction of nonlinear embedded boundary models for problems with evolving interfaces (2014) (26)
- Analytically Based Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Nonlinear Aeroelastic Systems (2000) (26)
- Recent Advances in Reduced-Order Modeling and Application to Nonlinear Computational Aeroelasticity (2008) (25)
- CFD on moving grids: from theory to realistic flutter, maneuvering, and multidisciplinary optimization (2005) (24)
- Concurrent iterative solution of large finite element systems (1987) (24)
- On the spectral stability of time integration algorithms for a class of constrained dynamics problems (1993) (23)
- A higher‐order discontinuous enrichment method for the solution of high péclet advection–diffusion problems on unstructured meshes (2010) (23)
- Real-time solution of linear computational problems using databases of parametric reduced-order models with arbitrary underlying meshes (2016) (23)
- On the implicit time integration of semi‐discrete viscous fluxes on unstructured dynamic meshes (1999) (23)
- Parallel/vector improvements of the frontal method (1991) (22)
- On the limitations of bubble functions (1994) (22)
- A Practical Factorization of a Schur Complement for PDE-Constrained Distributed Optimal Control (2013) (22)
- A consistency analysis of a class of concurrent transient implicit/explicit algorithms (1990) (21)
- Scalable Environment for Quantification of Uncertainty and Optimization in Industrial Applications (SEQUOIA) (2017) (21)
- Improved accuracy for the Helmholtz equation in unbounded domains (2004) (20)
- Probabilistic learning for modeling and quantifying model‐form uncertainties in nonlinear computational mechanics (2018) (20)
- Modeling, simulation and validation of supersonic parachute inflation dynamics during Mars landing (2019) (20)
- A coarse/fine preconditioner for very ill-conditioned finite element problems (1989) (20)
- Multiprocessors in computational mechanics (1987) (19)
- Structure-attached corotational fluid grid for transient aeroelasticcomputations (1993) (19)
- CFD-Based Aeroelastic Eigensolver for the Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Regimes (2001) (19)
- An Adaptive POD-Krylov Reduced-Order Model for Structural Optimization (2009) (19)
- A second-order time-accurate implicit finite volume method with exact two-phase Riemann problems for compressible multi-phase fluid and fluid-structure problems (2014) (18)
- Redesigning the Skyline Solver for Parallel/Vector Supercomputers (1990) (18)
- FETI-H: a scalable domain decomposition method for high frequency exterior Helmholtz problems (1999) (17)
- CFD based simulation of the unsteady aeroelastic response of a maneuvering vehicle (2000) (17)
- A high-order discontinuous Galerkin method with Lagrange multipliers for advection-diffusion problems (2013) (17)
- Construction of Parametrically-Robust CFD-Based Reduced-Order Models for PDE-Constrained Optimization (2013) (17)
- Modeling and Quantification of Model-Form Uncertainties in Eigenvalue Computations Using a Stochastic Reduced Model (2017) (17)
- Effects of Fuel Slosh on Flutter Prediction (2009) (17)
- A computationally tractable framework for nonlinear dynamic multiscale modeling of membrane woven fabrics (2020) (17)
- A natural partitioning scheme for parallel simulation of multibody systems (1991) (17)
- A hybrid discontinuous in space and time Galerkin method for wave propagation problems (2014) (17)
- Incorporation of linear multipoint constraints in domain-decomposition-based iterative solvers – Part II: Blending FETI-DP and mortar methods and assembling floating substructures (2007) (17)
- Parallel Implementation of Direct Solution Strategies for the Coarse Grid Solvers in 2-level FETI Method (1998) (17)
- Mesh partitioning algorithms for the parallel solution of partial differential equations (1993) (17)
- Domain Decomposition Methods 10 (1998) (17)
- A study of higher-order discontinuous Galerkin and quadratic least-squares stabilized finite element computations for acoustics (2006) (17)
- Computational bottlenecks for PROMs : precomputation and hyperreduction (2020) (17)
- On the significance of the GCL for flow computations on moving meshes (1999) (17)
- Quadratic Approximation Manifold for Mitigating the Kolmogorov Barrier in Nonlinear Projection-Based Model Order Reduction (2022) (17)
- A conservative algorithm for exchanging aerodynamic and elastodynamic data in aeroelastic systems (1998) (16)
- Tailoring domain decomposition methods for efficient parallel coarse grid solution and for systems w (1994) (16)
- Energy based design and analysis of staggered solvers for nonlinear transient aeroelastic problems (2000) (16)
- An Interpolation Method for the Adaptation of Reduced-Order Models to Parameter Changes and Its Application to Aeroelasticity (2007) (16)
- A dual‐primal FETI method for solving a class of fluid–structure interaction problems in the frequency domain (2012) (16)
- Viscous Flow Computations on MPP Systems: Implementational Issues and Performance Results for Unstructured Grids (1993) (16)
- An embedded boundary approach for resolving the contribution of cable subsystems to fully coupled fluid‐structure interaction (2019) (16)
- Massively Parallel Processing Boosts the Solution of Industrial Electromagnetic Problems: High Performance Out-of-Core Solution of Complex Dense Systems (1997) (15)
- An Optimal Lagrange Multiplier Based Domain Decomposition Method for Plate Bending Problems (1995) (15)
- Sonic boom mitigation via shape optimization using an adjoint method and application to a supersonic fighter aircraft (2008) (15)
- Proceedings of the Fourth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods (1989) (15)
- Bypassing Numerical Difficulties Associated with Updating Simultaneously Mass and Stiffness Matrices (1995) (15)
- Extending Sensitivity-Based Updating to Lightly Damped Structures (1997) (14)
- Preconditioning the FETI Method for Problems with Intra- and Inter-Subdomain Coefficient Jumps (1997) (14)
- Design and Evaluation of Staggered Partitioned Procedures for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations (1997) (14)
- Dynamic-Data-Driven Real-Time Computational Mechanics Environment (2004) (14)
- On the Characterization of the Fréchet Derivative with Respect to a Lipschitz Domain of the Acoustic Scattered Field (1999) (14)
- Predictive Modeling with Learned Constitutive Laws from Indirect Observations (2019) (14)
- Schwarz Methods for the Unsteady Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Meshes (1996) (14)
- In situ adaptive reduction of nonlinear multiscale structural dynamics models (2020) (13)
- A New Coarsening Operator for the Optimal Preconditioning of the Dual and Primal Domain Decomposition Methods: Application to Problems with Severe Coefficient Jumps (1996) (13)
- Nonlinear Flutter Analysis of an F-16 in Stabilized, Accelerated, and Increased Angle of Attack Flight Conditions (2002) (13)
- A high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for unsteady advection-diffusion problems (2017) (13)
- A discontinuous finite element method for the helmholtz equation (2000) (13)
- Scalable FETI Algorithms for Frictionless Contact Problems (2008) (13)
- Design Architecture of a Data Driven Environment for Multiphysics Applications (2003) (13)
- The DGDD method for reduced-order modeling of conservation laws (2021) (13)
- Predictive Simulation of Underwater Implosion: Coupling Multi-Material Compressible Fluids With Cracking Structures (2014) (12)
- Solution of finite element systems on concurrent processing computers (1987) (12)
- Feasible Probabilistic Learning Method for Model-Form Uncertainty Quantification in Vibration Analysis (2019) (12)
- Solving Navier- Stokes Equations On a Massively Parallel Processor: Beyond the 1 Gflop Performance (1990) (12)
- Towards the ultimate iterative substructuring method: Combined numerical and parallel scalability, and multiple load cases (1994) (12)
- Fast Neural Network Predictions from Constrained Aerodynamics Datasets (2019) (12)
- Applications of a variational multiscale method for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows on moving/deforming unstructured grids (2009) (11)
- Model Reduction Framework with a New Take on Active Subspaces for Optimization Problems with Linearized Fluid‐Structure Interaction Constraints (2020) (11)
- Shape Optimization with F-Function Balancing for Reducing the Sonic Boom Initial Shock Pressure Rise (2004) (11)
- On the Robustness of Residual Minimization for Constructing POD-Based Reduced-Order CFD Models (2013) (10)
- A discontinuous Galerkin method with Lagrange multipliers for spatially-dependent advection-diffusion problems (2017) (10)
- On the stability of projection-based linear reduced-order models: Descriptor vs non-descriptor forms (2012) (10)
- High-Fidelity Aeroservoelastic Predictive Analysis Capability Incorporating Rigid Body Dynamics (2011) (10)
- Discrete embedded boundary method with smooth dependence on the evolution of a fluid‐structure interface (2020) (10)
- An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Concept for Viscous Fluid-Structure Computations Using Eulerian Vertex-Based Finite Volume Methods (2018) (10)
- Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of Highly Flexible Flapping Wings Using an ALE Formulation of Embedded Boundary Method (2014) (10)
- Mixed finite volume/finite element massively parallel computations: Euler flows, unstructured grids, and upwind approximations (1992) (10)
- Optimization of mesh partitions and impact on parallel CFD (1995) (10)
- Dynamic Finite Element Simulations on the Connection Machine (1989) (10)
- Parameterization Framework for Aeroelastic Design Optimization of Bio-Inspired Wing Structural Layout (2016) (10)
- Towards a Validated FSI Computational Framework for Supersonic Parachute Deployments (2019) (10)
- On the Stability of Linearized Reduced-Order Models: Descriptor vs Non-Descriptor Form and Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction (2012) (10)
- Fast computation of the wall distance in unsteady Eulerian fluid‐structure computations (2018) (9)
- Total energy conservation in ALE schemes for compressible flows (2010) (9)
- An Embedded Boundary Method for Viscous Fluid/Structure Interaction Problems and Application to Flexible Flapping Wings (2012) (9)
- Multiple-stencil dispersion analysis of the Lagrange multipliers in a discontinuous Galerkin method for the Helmholtz equation (2003) (9)
- Enhanced Partitioned Procedures for Solving Nonlinear Transient Aeroelastic Problems (1998) (9)
- Implicit transient finite element structural computations on MIMD systems - FETI vs. direct solvers (1993) (9)
- Second-Order Implicit Schemes that Satisfy the GCL for Flow Computations on Dynamic Grids (1998) (9)
- A fictitious domain decomposition method for the solution of partially axisymmetric acoustic scattering problems. Part I: Dirichlet boundary conditions (9)
- Frechet Differentiability with respect to Lipschitz Domain and a Stability Estimate for Direct Acoustic Scattering Problems (1998) (9)
- Aerodynamic Parameter Adaptation of CFD-Based Reduced-Order Models (2007) (9)
- Expanding a flutter envelope using accelerated flight data: application to an F16 fighter configuration (2000) (9)
- Locating and identifying structural damage using a sensitivity-based model updating methodology (1993) (9)
- Finite Volume/Element Discretization on Unstructured Meshes of the Multiscale Formulation of the Large Eddy Simulation Method and Application to Vortex Shedding (2003) (9)
- Real-time solution of computational problems using databases of parametric linear reduced-order models with arbitrary underlying meshes (2015) (8)
- 9. Optimizing Substructuring Methods for Repeated Right Hand Sides, Scalable Parallel Coarse Solvers, and Global/Local Analysis (1995) (8)
- A discontinuous enrichment method for the efficient solution of plate vibration problems in the medium‐frequency regime (2010) (8)
- Three-field-based nonlinear aeroelastic simulation technology - Status and application to the flutter analysis of an F-16 configuration (2002) (8)
- Residualization of an Aircraft Linear Aeroelastic Reduced Order Model to Obtain Static Stability Derivatives (2008) (8)
- 6. A Time-Parallel Implicit Methodology for the Near-Real-Time Solution of Systems of Linear Oscillators (2007) (8)
- Modal superposition dynamic analysis on concurrent multiprocessors (1986) (8)
- Active Manifold and Model-Order Reduction to Accelerate Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (2021) (8)
- Improving the convergence rate of a transient substructuring iterative method using the rigid body modes of its static equivalent (1995) (7)
- A Complete Aeroservoelastic Model: Incorporation of Oscillation-Reduction-Control into a High-Order CFD/FEM Fighter Aircraft Model (2009) (7)
- Linear-Theory-Based Shape Optimization for Sonic Boom Minimization (2003) (7)
- Scalable Substructuring by Lagrange Multipliers in Theory and Practice (1998) (7)
- A method to solve spectral stochastic nite element problems for large-scale systems (2008) (7)
- Special Issue on Model Reduction (2015) (6)
- Validation of a High-Fidelity Supersonic Parachute Inflation Dynamics Model and Best Practice (2022) (6)
- On the efficiency of model updating via genetic algorithm for structural damage detection (1995) (6)
- Linear and nonlinear finite element analysis on multiprocessor computer systems (1988) (6)
- A stochastic projection-based hyperreduced order model for model-form uncertainties in vibration analysis (2018) (6)
- Preliminary Verification and Validation Test Suite for the CFD Component of Supersonic Parachute Deployment FSI Simulations (2018) (6)
- The Discrete Geometric Conservation Law and its Effects on Nonlinear Stability and Accuracy (2001) (6)
- Development of a Coupled and Unified Solution Method for Fluid-Structure Interactions (2009) (6)
- A domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers for the massively parallel solution of large-scale contact problems (2002) (6)
- Computational fluid dynamics with irregular grids on the connection machine (1991) (6)
- Application of Multiple Methods for Aeroelastic Uncertainty Analysis (2008) (6)
- Parameterization Framework for the MDAO of Wing Structural Layouts (2018) (6)
- A Shape Optimization Methodology with F-Function Lobe Balancing for Mitigating the Sonic Boom (2002) (6)
- Towards parallel I/O in finite element simulations (1989) (6)
- Hyperreduction of CFD Models of Turbulent Flows using a Machine Learning Approach (2020) (6)
- Aeroservoelastic Predictive Analysis Capability (2007) (6)
- Neural Networks Predict Fluid Dynamics Solutions from Tiny Datasets (2019) (5)
- Provably stable and time‐accurate extensions of Runge–Kutta schemes for CFD computations on moving grids (2012) (5)
- A Hybrid Substructuring Method and an Adaptive Refinement Scheme for the Distributed Solution of Three-Dimensional Structural Problems (1992) (5)
- Dynamic Data Driven Methodologies for Multiphysics System Modeling and Simulation (2005) (5)
- Numerical simulation of vortex shedding flows past moving obstacles using the κ-ε turbulence model on unstructured dynamic meshes (1997) (5)
- Parallel Implementation of the Two-level Feti Method (5)
- On the Solution of Inverse Obstacle Acoustic Scattering Problems with a Limited Aperture (2003) (5)
- Model Verification and Validation Assessment for a Simulation of Supersonic Parachute Inflation during Martian Entry (2018) (5)
- A method of finite element tearing and interconnecting for the Helmholtz problem (1998) (5)
- Corrigendum to "The GNAT method for nonlinear model reduction: Effective implementation and application to computational fluid dynamics and turbulent flows" [J. Comput. Physics 242 (2013) 623-647] (2013) (5)
- Application of a Dynamic Variational Multiscale Method to the LES of Separated Turbulent Flows (2007) (5)
- A hybrid discontinuous Galerkin method for computing the ground state solution of Bose-Einstein condensates (2012) (4)
- Fast structural design and analysis via hybrid domain decomposition on massively parallel processors (1993) (4)
- A Padé‐based factorization‐free algorithm for identifying the eigenvalues missed by a generalized symmetric eigensolver (2009) (4)
- Effects of Structural Parameters on the FSI Simulation of Supersonic Parachute Deployments (2019) (4)
- The GNAT nonlinear model-reduction method with application to large-scale turbulent flows. (2013) (4)
- Active Manifold and Model Reduction for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization (2020) (4)
- Linear Reduced-Order Model Predictive Control (2020) (4)
- Simulation of the continuous parametric identification of an accelerating aeroelastic system (1999) (4)
- A Blended Fictitious/Real Domain Decomposition Method for Partially Axisymmetric Exterior Helmholtz Problems with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions (2002) (4)
- Variable degree Schwarz methods for the implicit solution of unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations on two-dimensional unstructured meshes (1996) (4)
- Design and Time-Accuracy Analysis of ALE Schemes for Inviscid and Viscous Flow Computations on Moving Meshes (2003) (4)
- UAV Aircraft Carrier Landing Using CFD-Based Model Predictive Control (2020) (4)
- Aeroelastic Coupling between a Thin Divergent and High Pressure Jets (2000) (4)
- A finite element-based fictitious domain decomposition method for the fast solution of partially axisymmetric sound-hard acoustic scattering problems (2003) (4)
- An ALE-Eulerian Formulation of Embedded Boundary Methods for Turbulent Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems (2013) (4)
- On a finite element method for solving compressible flows (1998) (4)
- Finite element model updating of lightly damped structures using complex modes (1996) (3)
- Evaluation of an Advanced Suite of Numerical Codes for Structural Simulation of Parachute Fabric (2018) (3)
- Spatial discretization issues for the energy conservation in compressible flow problems on moving grids (2003) (3)
- A Homogenized Flux-Body Force Approach for Modeling Porous Wall Boundary Conditions in Compressible Viscous Flows (2019) (3)
- Projection-based Model Order Reduction for Flight Dynamics and Model Predictive Control (2020) (3)
- Homogenized Flux-Body Force Treatment of Compressible Viscous Porous Wall Boundary Conditions (2021) (3)
- Analysis of a Possible Coupling in a Thrust Inverter (2000) (3)
- Computational Algorithms for Tracking Dynamic Fluid-Structure Interfaces in Embedded/Immersed Boundary Methods (2011) (3)
- Application of Unsteady Fluid-Structure Methods to Problems in Aeronautics and Space (2003) (3)
- Computational Strategies for Finite Element Simulations on Supercomputers with 4 to 65,536 Processors (1989) (3)
- Gradient based aerodynamic shape optimization using the FIVER embedded boundary method (2016) (3)
- Robust and globally efficient reduction of parametric, highly nonlinear computational models and real time online performance (2022) (3)
- Highly accurate and stable algorithms for the static and dynamic analyses of independently modeled substructures (1996) (3)
- Interaction between a Pulsating Flow and a Perforated Membrane (2000) (3)
- A computationally tractable framework for nonlinear dynamic multiscale modeling of membrane fabric (2020) (3)
- Projection-Based Model Reduction with Stability Guarantee (2011) (3)
- Scelernomic analysis of structures considering connection slip (1986) (2)
- Update: Modeling Supersonic Parachute Inflations for Mars Spacecraft (2022) (2)
- An Iterative Method for the Solution of Three-Dimensional Inverse Acoustic Scattering Problems (2002) (2)
- Energy vs. accuracy vs. number of actuators trade-off studies for the shape control of space truss structures (1996) (2)
- A Fluid-Structure Coupled Computational Framework for Fluid-Induced Failure and Fracture (2015) (2)
- Parallel processing in structural mechanics: blending mathematical, implementational and technological advances (1991) (2)
- Recent advances in parametric nonlinear model order reduction: treatment of shocks, contact and interfaces, structure-preserving hyper reduction, acceleration of multiscale formulations, and application to design optimization (2016) (2)
- A numerical method for solving aeroelastic eigen problems in all flight regimes (1997) (2)
- Re-Engineering of an Aeroelastic Code for Solving Eigen Problems in All Flight Regimes (1997) (2)
- The discontinuous enrichment method for multiscale and higher‐frequency wave propagation problems. (2009) (2)
- Studies into Computational Modeling of Fabric in Inflatable Structures (2019) (2)
- F-Function Lobe Balancing for Sonic Boom Minimization (2008) (2)
- Time-Accurate Schemes for Computing Two- and Three-Dimensional Viscous Fluxes on Unstructured Dynamic Meshes (1996) (2)
- Structured compressible flow computations on the connection machine (1990) (2)
- Dynamics of three-dimensional space crane - Motion requirements and computational considerations (1990) (2)
- Nonparametric probabilistic approach of model uncertainties introduced by a projection-based nonlinear reduced-order model (2016) (2)
- A Stress-Control-Based Live-Fire Ground Testing Methodology (2004) (2)
- A physics-based digital twin for model predictive control of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle landing (2022) (2)
- A FETI-based algorithm for the iterative solution of unilateral contact problems (1999) (2)
- Special Issue: Advances in Embedded Interface Methods (2015) (2)
- Toward the updating of large-scale dynamic finite element models using massive instrumentation (1996) (2)
- Towards Model Order Reduction for Uncertainty Propagation in Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury (2017) (2)
- A FETI Method for a Class of Indefinite or Complex Second- or Fourth-Order Problems (2005) (2)
- Nonlinear Projection-Based Model Order Reduction in the Presence of Adaptive Mesh Refinement (2023) (1)
- A Higher-Order Generalized Ghost Fluid Method for the Poor for the Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow Computation of Underwater Explosions and Implosions (1)
- Aerodynamic Shape Optimization using an Embedded Boundary Method with Smoothness Guarantees (2020) (1)
- Vanguard developments in computational methods for fluid‐structure interaction (2021) (1)
- On Data-Driven Modeling and Simulation of Aero-Thermo-Mechanically Degrading Nonlinear Continuum Systems (2006) (1)
- A scalable substructuring method for static, transient and vibration analyses on massively parallel processors (2000) (1)
- An Eulerian-ALE Embedded Boundary Method for Turbulent Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems (2012) (1)
- Linearized Aeroelastic Computations in the Frequency Domain Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (2015) (1)
- Large Scale FE Parallel Nonlinear Computations Using a Homotopy Method (1987) (1)
- Simulation of Parachute Inflation Dynamics (PID) Using an Eulerian Computational Framework for Evolving Fluid-Structure Interfaces in High Speed Turbulent Flows (2016) (1)
- Training a Neural-Network-Based Surrogate Model for Aerodynamic Optimisation Using a Gaussian Process (2020) (1)
- Dimensionality Reduction of Embedded Boundary Models for Problems with Large Shape Changes (2022) (1)
- ECSW : An Energy-based Structure-preserving Method for the Hyper Reduction of Nonlinear Finite Element Reduced-Order Models (2014) (1)
- 38. A Fictitious Domain Decomposition Method for High Frequency Acoustic Scattering Problems (2001) (1)
- Professor Roland W. Lewis bows out as Editor (2007) (1)
- Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, 4th, Copper Mountain, CO, Apr. 9-14, 1989, Proceedings (1989) (1)
- Large-Eddy Simulation of Supersonic Retropropulsion Test at NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (2022) (1)
- A Stress-Based Optimization Method for Reproducing In-Flight Loads Using a Reduced Number of Concentrated Forces (2007) (1)
- Numerical simulation of vortex shedding flows past moving obstacles using the k-epsilon turbulence model on unstructured dynamic meshes (1998) (1)
- A Mechanics-Informed Neural Network Framework for Data-Driven Nonlinear Viscoelasticity (2023) (1)
- Stress-Based Optimization Method for Reproducing In-Flight Loads Using Concentrated Forces (2008) (1)
- Underwater imaging using a hybrid Kirchhoff migration: direction of arrival method and a sparse surface sensor array. (2010) (1)
- Towards Data-Driven Modeling and Simulation of Multiphysics Degrading Systems (2006) (1)
- Model order reduction of embedded boundary models (2013) (1)
- A Systematic Procedure for Achieving Higher-Order Spatial Accuracy in Ghost Fluid and Other Embedded Boundary Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems ∗ (2011) (1)
- A High-order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Unsteady Flow Problems (2016) (1)
- Acceleration of a Physics-Based Machine Learning Approach for Modeling and Quantifying Model-Form Uncertainties and Performing Model Updating (2022) (1)
- Validation, verification and evaluation (Panel) (1994) (1)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Multidisciplinary Thermal Analysis of Hot Aerospace Structures (2010) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- Recent Developments in High-Performance Computational Vibro-Acoustics in the Medium Frequency Regime (2012) (0)
- Discernment of Wall Functions and Turbulence Statistics for Common Supersonic Retropropulsion Configurations (2023) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- A Computational Framework Based on Variational LES Method for the Multi-Disciplinary Analysis of MAVS With Flapping Wings (2008) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- Methodologies for Predicting and Testing the Effects of Combat Damage on Flight Envelopes (2004) (0)
- Variable Degree Schwarz Methods for Unsteady Compressible Flows (2004) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- High-performance parallel analysis of coupled problems for aircraft propulsion (1994) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- FIVER : A Computational Framework for Compressible Multi-Material Problems with Second-Order Convergence Rate (2014) (0)
- Real Time Predictive Flutter Analysis and Continuous Parameter Identification of Accelerating Aircraft. (2001) (0)
- Parametric studies of aerodynamic properties of wings using various forms of machine learning (2020) (0)
- Detecting Damage in Composite Structures via Finite Element Model Updating (1995) (0)
- Space‐local reduced‐order bases for accelerating reduced‐order models through sparsity (2022) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Strain and stress analysis of uncertain engineering systems (0)
- Model Order Reduction and Physics-Based Machine Learning: Challenges, Progress, and Impact (2021) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- Modeling model-form uncertainties in eigenvalue computations using a data-driven stochasticreduced-order model (2017) (0)
- A Practical Factorization of a Schur Complement for PDE-Constrained Distributed Optimal Control (2014) (0)
- An Adaptive Sampling Procedure for Training a Neural Network Based On a Gaussian Process (2021) (0)
- Coupled structural, thermal, phase-change and electromagnetic analysis for superconductors, volume 1. Final Report, September 1988-March 1993 (1993) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Real-Time Dynamic Data-Driven Simulation of Continuum Systems (2004) (0)
- Control-Oriented Aeroelastic Reduced-Order Modeling of Fighters (2011) (0)
- Newton-Like Method for Solving Inverse Obstacle Acoustic Scattering Problems (2000) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Optimal Input and Output Blending for Adaptive Suppression of Adverse Aeroservoelastic Dynamics (2010) (0)
- Design and Evaluation of Staggered Partitioned Procedures for Fluid-structure Interaction Simulations Construction Et Evaluation De Proccdures Ddcalles Pour La Simulation D'interactions Fluide-structure (2010) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- 46. G. Wittum. Multi-grid Methods for Stokes and Navier-stokes Equations with Transform- Ing Smoothers: Algorithms and Numerical Results. Gmres: a Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Non-symmetric Linear Systems.grid and Iccg for Problems with Interfaces. In (1995) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- New Results - Mathematical Modeling in CFD (2006) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- Multi-Scale Modeling and Large-Scale Transient Simulation of Ballistic Fabric (2008) (0)
- Unstructured CFD computations on the KSR-1: Preliminary results (1995) (0)
- Advanced Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction for Softgoods in Supersonic Flow (2018) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Hybrid CMS methods with model reduction for assembly of structures (1991) (0)
- The discontinuous enrichment method for variable wavenumber medium-frequency Helmholtz problems. (2013) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Substructuring by Lagrange multipliers for solids and plates (1996) (0)
- On the solution of three‐dimensional inverse acoustic scattering problems (2001) (0)
- Fixed Wing Aircraft Optimization : Real -‐ (2013) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- Uncertainty analysis of large-scale systems using domain decomposition (0)
- A Higher-Order Position-and Orientation-Independent Embedded Boundary Method for High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows (2016) (0)
- New Results - Modelling (2003) (0)
- Calcul d'interfaces entre matériaux en compressible (2011) (0)
- Issue Information (2022) (0)
- Enhancing the Performance and Robustness of a Non-Parametric Probabilistic Method for Uncertainty Quantification and Model Updating (2023) (0)
- A Hybrid Kirchhoff Migration Direction-of-Arrival Method for Underwater Imaging of Complex Objects Using Sparse Sensor Arrays (2011) (0)
- New Results - Mathematical Modelling (2008) (0)
- Enforcing Boundary Conditions for Discrete Nonlinear Aerodynamic Reduced-Order Models (2014) (0)
- 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER (2004) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- An On-Line Method for Interpolating Linear Reduced-Order Structural Dynamics Models (2009) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- Issue Information (2017) (0)
- On the maneuvering of a flexible space crane (1990) (0)
- Parallel Processing and Scientific Applications (1992) (0)
- Time-Galerkin integrators for the dynamic simulation of local reduced order models (2015) (0)
- HPC for the optimization of aeroelastic systems (2001) (0)
- Parametrized Aeorelastic Reduced-Order Modeling of Fighters (2009) (0)
- Issue Information (2018) (0)
- Mitigating the Kolmogorov Barrier for the Reduction of Aerodynamic Models using Neural-Network-Augmented Reduced-Order Models (2023) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Computational methods and software systems for dynamics and control of large space structures (1990) (0)
- Massively Parallel and Scalable Implicit Time Integration Algorithms for Structural Dynamics (1997) (0)
- Local Basis Approach for the Reduction of CFD-Based Embedded Boundary Models (2023) (0)
- Special Issue in Tribute to Professor Ted Belytschko (2015) (0)
- 80 Variable-degree Schwarz Methodsfor Unsteady Compressible (2007) (0)
- Development of Improved Modeling and Analysis Techniques for Dynamics of Shell Structures (1991) (0)
- Simulation of the Transient Aeroelastic Response of a Realistic Aircraft Configuration During Three-Dimensional High G Maneuvers (2001) (0)
- Game Changing Computational Engineering Technology (2010) (0)
- Domain decomposition methods 10 : the Tenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, August 10-14, 1997, Boulder, Co (1998) (0)
- Neural-Network-Augmented Projection-Based Model Order Reduction for Mitigating the Kolmogorov Barrier to Reducibility of CFD Models (2022) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- A Four-Field Computational Framework for the Aerothermomechanical Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles (2009) (0)
- Towards real-time simulation of large space structures: Stabilization of fluid/thermal/structure interactions and implementation on high performance supercomputers (1989) (0)
- HPCC Methodologies for Structural Design and Analysis on Parallel and Distributed Computing Platforms (1998) (0)
- Finite Element Analysis on Concurrent Machines (2020) (0)
- On the Accuracy and Convergence of Minimum-Residual-Based Nonlinear Reduced-Order Models in CFD (2013) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Design optimization using hyper-reduced-order models (2014) (0)
- Methodologies for Predicting and Testing the Combat Damage on Flight Envelopes (2006) (0)
- Issue Information (2020) (0)
- Issue Information (2019) (0)
- Biopiracy: Business Vs Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity (2021) (0)
- Piecewise-Global Nonlinear Model Order Reduction for PDE-Constrained Optimization in High-Dimensional Parameter Spaces (2022) (0)
- Multidisciplinary and multiscale modeling of aerodynamic decelerator systems (2019) (0)
- Issue Information (2023) (0)
- Aerodynamic Optimization with Large Shape and Topology Changes using Embedded Boundary Method (2022) (0)
- Recent advances in nonlinear model reduction for design and associated uncertainty quantification (2016) (0)
- Change of Journal Editorship (2011) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- A Domain Decomposition Solver for the Discontinuous Enrichment Method for the Helmholtz Equation (2013) (0)
- PDE-Constrained Optimization Using Hyper-Reduced-Order Models (2014) (0)
- Issue Information (2021) (0)
- Coupled structural, thermal, phase-change and electromagnetic analysis for superconductors, Volume 2. Final Report (1993) (0)
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