Charles E. Schaefer
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American psychologist
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Clinical Psychology
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Charles E. Schaefer's Degrees
- PhD Clinical Psychology Fordham University
- Masters Psychology Fordham University
- Bachelors Psychology Rutgers University
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Why Is Charles E. Schaefer Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Charles E. Schaefer was an American psychologist considered by many to be the "Father of Play Therapy" who has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show and Good Morning America. He was Professor of Psychology and was Director of both the Center for Psychological Services and the Crying Baby Clinic at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Charles E. Schaefer's Published Works
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Published Works
- Handbook of parent training: Parents as co-therapists for children's behavior problems. (1989) (239)
- Play diagnosis and assessment (2000) (162)
- The Therapeutic Powers of Play (1992) (127)
- A biographical inventory for identifying creativity in adolescent bys. (1968) (118)
- Handbook of parent training : helping parents prevent and solve problem behaviors (2007) (81)
- Fifteen Effective Play Therapy Techniques (2002) (78)
- Relocation: A review of the effects of residential mobility on children and adolescents. (1995) (76)
- Night Waking and Temperament in Early Childhood (1990) (75)
- Measurement of playfulness: A neglected therapist variable. (1997) (73)
- Short-Term Play Therapy for Children (2000) (72)
- Biographical correlates of artistic and literary creativity in adolescent girls. (1969) (71)
- Clinical Handbook of Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (1995) (70)
- School-based play therapy (2001) (69)
- Imaginary companions and creative adolescents. (1969) (68)
- Effects of Laughing, Smiling, and Howling on Mood (2002) (62)
- Sense of Humor and Creativity (1996) (55)
- Foundations of play therapy (2011) (53)
- An Investigation of Validity of the Subjective Happiness Scale (2004) (52)
- Development of a Creativity Scale for the Adjective Check List (1969) (50)
- Play therapy with adults (2003) (48)
- Prescriptive play therapy. (2001) (48)
- Effect of Forced Laughter on Mood (2002) (47)
- Family Play Therapy (1994) (44)
- Empirically Based Play Interventions for Children (2015) (39)
- The self-concept of creative adolescents. (1969) (35)
- Therapeutic Use of Child's Play (1976) (35)
- The Therapeutic Powers of Play and Play Therapy (2012) (34)
- How to Help Children with Common Problems (1981) (30)
- Play therapy for psychic trauma in children. (1994) (29)
- Contemporary Play Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice. (2006) (27)
- Concurrent Validity of the Creative Personality Scale of the Adjective Check List (1991) (27)
- Note on the Concepts of Creativity and Intelligence. (1971) (27)
- 101 Favorite Play Therapy Techniques (1997) (27)
- The Prediction of Creative Achievement from a Biographical Inventory (1969) (26)
- Childhood Encopresis and Enuresis: Causes and Therapy (1979) (25)
- Play Therapy Techniques (2002) (24)
- Innovative interventions in child and adolescent therapy (1988) (24)
- Play therapy with adolescents (2005) (23)
- Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An Individualized Approach to Assessment and Treatment (2005) (23)
- Therapies for children (1977) (21)
- Defining Verbal Abuse of Children: A Survey (1997) (21)
- A five-year follow-up study of the self-concept of creative adolescents. (1973) (21)
- Children in Residential Care: Critical Issues in Treatment (1977) (21)
- A Psychological Study of 10 Exceptionally Creative Adolescent Girls (1970) (21)
- The Franck Drawing Completion Test as a measure of creativity. (1971) (20)
- Play therapy for preschool children (2010) (20)
- Therapies for school behavior problems (1980) (20)
- Integrative Play Therapy (2011) (19)
- A factor analytic and reliability study of the devereux elementary school behavior rating scale (1975) (19)
- Handbook of Play Therapy (2015) (19)
- A factor analytic and reliability study of the Devereux Child Behavior Rating Scale (1973) (18)
- 101 more favorite play therapy techniques (2010) (18)
- Follow-up Study of a Creativity Scale for the Adjective Check List (1972) (17)
- Clinical Handbook of Sleep Disorders in Children (1995) (16)
- Innovative psychotherapy techniques in child and adolescent therapy (1999) (15)
- Game play : therapeutic use of childhood games (1986) (15)
- Ages and Stages: A Parent's Guide to Normal Childhood Development (2000) (15)
- Development of a Creativity Attitude Survey for Children (1970) (15)
- A Twenty-Five Year Follow-up Study of Ten Exceptionally Creative Adolescent Girls (1991) (14)
- Catharsis: Effectiveness in children's aggression. (2005) (13)
- Foundations of play therapy, 2nd ed. (2011) (13)
- The Importance of Measuring Metaphorical Thinking in Children (1975) (13)
- Clinical Psychology Students' Perceptions of an Academic Climate for Caring (1993) (11)
- Group therapies for children and youth (1982) (11)
- School-Based Play Therapy: Drewes/School-Based (2010) (11)
- Short-term play therapy for children, 2nd ed. (2006) (10)
- International handbook of play therapy : advances in assessment, theory, research, and practice (2005) (10)
- Note on Psychometric Properties of Playfulness Scales with Adolescents (2005) (10)
- The need for “psychological parents” by children in residential treatment (1977) (10)
- The use of behavior ratings in assessing the effect of residential treatment with latency age boys (1972) (9)
- “Onomatopoeia and Images”: Further Evidence of Validity (1970) (9)
- Beyond Directive or Nondirective: Moving the Conversation Forward (2012) (9)
- Play therapy for very young children (2008) (9)
- Relationship between Masculinity-Femininity and Creativity as Measured by the Franck Drawing Completion Test (1970) (8)
- The Barron-Welsh Art Scale as a Predictor of Adolescent Creativity (1968) (8)
- Family Therapy Techniques for Problem Behaviors of Children and Teenagers (1984) (8)
- Curative Factors in Play Therapy (1999) (8)
- Essential Play Therapy Techniques: Time-Tested Approaches (2016) (7)
- Handbook of Play Therapy: O'Connor/Handbook of Play Therapy (2015) (7)
- Psychological Needs Underlying the Creative Process (1992) (7)
- Development of an Originality Scale for the Franck Drawing Completion Test (1970) (7)
- Treatment of Night Wakings in Early Childhood: Maintenance of Effects (1990) (7)
- Behavioral change: program evaluation and staff feedback. (1975) (7)
- Predictive Validity of the Biographical Inventory Creativity: Five-Year Follow-up Study (1972) (6)
- Clinical and developmental issues in psychotherapy with preschool children: Laying the groundwork for play therapy. (2010) (6)
- The Development of a Transactional Analysis Scale for the Adjective Check List (1976) (6)
- Development of a new scale for selecting child care personnel (1973) (6)
- Primary Process Elements in the Draw-a-Person Protocols of Creative Young Women (1972) (6)
- Measuring social relationships in emotionally disturbed boys. (1973) (5)
- Empirically based play interventions for children (2nd ed.). (2016) (5)
- The use of anatomical dolls to assess child sexual abuse: A critical review. (1993) (5)
- Self-rating of a child care worker: A comparison with children's ratings (1975) (5)
- Advances and innovations (1994) (5)
- Play Therapy in Middle Childhood (2015) (5)
- Self-concepts of creative girls: a twenty-five year follow-up. (1990) (4)
- Evidence supporting the benefit of play for mild to moderate behavior problems of preschool children. (2010) (4)
- Handbook of play therapy, Vol. 2: Advances and innovations. (1994) (4)
- Primary-Process Thinking in Thematic Fantasies of Creative Adolescents. (1971) (4)
- Implications of transitional object use: A review of empirical findings. (1994) (4)
- Fundamental Concepts and Practices of Puppet Play Therapy (2017) (3)
- Advances in Therapies for Children (1991) (3)
- Creativity and the projection of movement responses. (1969) (3)
- A note on the relationship between the comfortable interpersonal distance scale and the sociometric status of emotionally disturbed children. (1976) (3)
- Residential treatment: A view from the child (1972) (3)
- Clinical Psychology Students' Subjective Stress Ratings during Their Doctoral Training (1995) (3)
- Using a mail questionnaire to evaluate the community adjustment of children discharged from residential treatment. (1977) (3)
- How to Talk to Children About Really Important Things (1984) (3)
- How to Talk to Teens About Really Important Things: Specific Questions and Answers and Useful Things to Say (1999) (3)
- An Exploratory Study Of Teachers' Descriptions Of The "Ideal" Pupil. (1973) (3)
- Treating Psychogenic Encopresis: A Case Study (1978) (2)
- Adults' Perceptions of Favorite Childhood Play Experiences: A Replication Study (1997) (2)
- Puppet Play Therapy : A Practical Guidebook (2017) (2)
- Therapies for Psychosomatic Disorders in Children (1994) (2)
- Undergraduate Students' Perceptions of an Academic Climate for Caring (1995) (2)
- Towards semantic clarity in play therapy. (2016) (2)
- Fulfillment of Promise: 40-Year Follow-up of Creative Adolescent Girls (2006) (2)
- CHAPTER 8 – Play Therapy (1980) (1)
- The Quotable Play Therapist: 238 of the All-Time Best Quotes on Play and Play Therapy (1994) (1)
- Introduction: Developmentally appropriate play therapy in middle childhood. (2016) (1)
- The cottage life questionnaire: A new measure of social climate in children's residential centers (1974) (1)
- Comparative Validity of the Harris Quality and Point Scales (1971) (1)
- How to influence children : a handbook of practical parenting skills (1978) (1)
- Helping Parents Solve Their Children's Behavior Problems (1998) (1)
- A Follow-up Study of Infants Who Wake at Night (2000) (1)
- Sociometric status and altruistic friendship in emotionally disturbed boys. (1974) (1)
- Teach your child to behave : disciplining with love, from two to eight years (1990) (0)
- Social Skills Play Groups for Children With Disruptive Behavior Disorders (2011) (0)
- NY Essential Play Therapy Techniques : Time-Tested Approaches (2017) (0)
- Symbolism of Basic Geometrical Shapes (1997) (0)
- Therapies for children / by Charles E. Schaefer and Howard L. Millman (1980) (0)
- Group Therapies for Children and Youth: Principles and Practices of Group Treatment (1982) (0)
- The New Short-Term Therapies for Children: A Guide for the Helping Professions and Parents. (1985) (0)
- Play Therapy Research: Issues for 21st Century Progress (2015) (0)
- How to Influence Children: A Complete Guide for Becoming a Better Parent (1978) (0)
- How To Talk to Your Kids about Really Important Things: For Children Four to Twelve. Specific Questions and Answers and Useful Things To Say. (1994) (0)
- Comprar Therapies for School Behavior Problems: A Handbook of Practical Interventions | Jeffrey A. Cohen | 9780875894836 | Wiley (2007) (0)
- Raising Baby right (1992) (0)
- Investigating ethnic prejudice among boys in residential treatment. (1976) (0)
- Some guidelines on the effective use of punishment (1976) (0)
- Basic Principles and Core Practices of Prescriptive Play Therapy (2019) (0)
- Outcome Ratings for Psychotherapy by Graduate Students and Professional Therapists (2000) (0)
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