Charles Spielberger
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Clinical psychologist
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Charles Spielberger's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Iowa
Why Is Charles Spielberger Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Charles Donald Spielberger, Ph.D. was a clinical community psychologist well-known for his development of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In 1972, as incoming president of the Southeastern Psychological Association he appointed the organization's Task Force on the Status of Women, chaired by Ellen Kimmel.
Charles Spielberger's Published Works
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Published Works
- Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (1970) (24786)
- STAI manual for the State-trait anxiety inventory ("self-evaluation questionnaire") (1970) (4234)
- Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (Form Y (1983) (3233)
- Manual for the state-trait anxiety inventory (form Y) : "self-evaluation questionnaire" (1983) (2430)
- State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (2012) (1778)
- State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory (2010) (1751)
- Anxiety: Current Trends in Theory and Research (1972) (1232)
- Advances in personality assessment (1982) (1200)
- Theory and research on anxiety (1966) (1190)
- Stress and Anxiety (1981) (1120)
- Anxiety as an Emotional State (1972) (1055)
- Adapting educational and psychological tests for cross-cultural assessment (2004) (1020)
- The experience and expression of anger : Construction and validation of an anger expression scale (1985) (927)
- Anxiety and behavior (1966) (919)
- Issues, Designs, and Technical Guidelines for Adapting Tests Into Multiple Languages and Cultures (2004) (717)
- STAXI-2 : State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 : professional manual (1999) (611)
- Assessment of Anger: The State-Trait Anger Scale (2013) (575)
- Assessment of Anger: The State-Trait Anger Scale (2013) (575)
- State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. (1994) (572)
- Measuring the experience, expression, and control of anger. (1995) (414)
- Measuring Epistemic Curiosity and Its Diversive and Specific Components (2003) (408)
- Measuring anxiety and anger with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI). (1999) (400)
- The Experience, Expression, and Control of Anger (1988) (362)
- Assessment of state and trait anxiety: Conceptual and methodological issues. (1985) (348)
- Current topics in clinical and community psychology (1969) (347)
- State‐Trait Anger Expression Inventory (2010) (337)
- Encyclopedia of applied psychology (2004) (332)
- Psychometric properties of the STAI: a reply to Ramanaiah, Franzen, and Schill. (1984) (332)
- Assessment of Emotions: Anxiety, Anger, Depression, and Curiosity (2009) (322)
- Test anxiety: A transactional process model. (1995) (294)
- Cross-Cultural Anxiety (1982) (244)
- Emotional reactions to surgery. (1973) (242)
- CHAPTER 14 – The Effects of Anxiety on Complex Learning and Academic Achievement (1966) (240)
- Factor structure of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. (1997) (237)
- Validation of the State-Trait Distinction in Anxiety Research. (1975) (228)
- Test Anxiety Inventory (2010) (226)
- Creating healthier workplaces: The American Psychological Association/National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health cooperative agreement. Introduction and historical overview. (1997) (223)
- Understanding Stress and Anxiety (1980) (198)
- Descriptive behaviorism versus cognitive theory in verbal operant conditioning. (1966) (194)
- The nature and treatment of test anxiety. (1976) (190)
- War-related stress. Addressing the stress of war and other traumatic events. (1991) (177)
- Effects of smoking/nicotine on anxiety, heart rate, and lateralization of EEG during a stressful movie. (1989) (170)
- Occupational stress: measuring job pressure and organizational support in the workplace. (1998) (165)
- Effects of state anxiety and task difficulty on computer-assisted learning. (1969) (161)
- Test anxiety: Theory, assessment, and treatment. (1995) (160)
- The measurement of perceptual curiosity (2004) (160)
- International handbook of anger : constituent and concomitant biological, psychological, and social processes (2010) (145)
- The role of awareness in verbal conditioning. (1962) (139)
- Anxiety and educational achievement (1971) (136)
- Encyclopedia of psychological assessment (2002) (135)
- Occupational stress: Job pressures and lack of support. (2003) (126)
- Personality and smoking behavior. (1982) (124)
- The effects of manifest anxiety on the academic achievement of college students. (1962) (123)
- Development of the Spanish edition of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. (1971) (122)
- Digit span: An indicant of trait or state anxiety? (1969) (121)
- Notes and comments trait-state anxiety and motor behavior. (1971) (118)
- Emotions and Anxiety: New Concepts, Methods, and Applications (1976) (114)
- Cognitive and affective learning strategies (1979) (114)
- Family stress: Integrating theory and measurement. (1992) (113)
- Theory and research on anxiety ; in Anxiety and behavior (1966) (106)
- Anxiety in sports : an international perspective (1989) (104)
- Anxiety and Behaviour (1966) (103)
- Anger assessment with the STAXI-CA: psychometric properties of a new instrument for children and adolescents (2004) (103)
- Advances in Test Anxiety Research (1984) (100)
- Emotional and familial determinants of elevated blood pressure in black and white adolescent males. (1987) (97)
- Is the state-trait anxiety inventory multidimensional? (1980) (94)
- The Job Stress Survey: Measuring gender differences in occupation stress. (1994) (94)
- The nature and measurement of depression (2003) (89)
- Job stress in managers, professionals, and clerical workers (1991) (89)
- The effects of relaxation training and the passage of time on measures of state- and trait-anxiety. (1968) (88)
- Gender Differences in Test Anxiety and Academic Performance of Medical Students (2012) (82)
- Measurement of state and trait anxiety in elderly mental health clients (1980) (80)
- Verbal Conditioning: Method, Process, or Principle? (1970) (77)
- Manifest anxiety, intelligence, and college grades. (1959) (77)
- The nature and measurement of sensory curiosity (2005) (75)
- Effects of Organizational Level and Gender on Stress in the Workplace (2002) (75)
- Measuring Occupational Stress: The Job Stress Survey (1995) (74)
- Cross-Cultural Assessment of Emotional States and Personality Traits (2006) (73)
- Anxiety (drive), stress, and serial-position effects in serial-verbal learning. (1966) (73)
- Self-Evaluation Questionnaire: STAI Form X-1 (1968) (69)
- International handbook of anger (2010) (68)
- Factor Structure of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for Middle-Aged Men and Women (1998) (66)
- Attitudes of Hispanic, Black, and Caucasion University Students Toward Mental Illness (1981) (66)
- Anxiety, drive theory, and computer-assisted learning. (1970) (62)
- The Job Stress Survey: assessing perceived severity and frequency of occurrence of generic sources of stress in the workplace. (1999) (62)
- The State-Trait Depression Scales: An International Comparison (2002) (57)
- Positive and Negative Affect in the Factor Structure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Japanese Workers (1998) (57)
- Job stress in university, corporate, and military personnel (1994) (55)
- The effects of awareness and attitude toward the reinforcement on the operant conditioning of verbal behavior. (1962) (54)
- The Japanese adaptation of the STAI Form Y in Japanese working adults--the presence or absence of anxiety. (1998) (53)
- Effects of trait and state anxiety on the performance of elementary school children in traditional and individualized multiage classrooms. (1975) (50)
- Anger and anxiety in essential hypertension (1991) (50)
- Information and incentive value of the reinforcing stimulus in verbal conditioning. (1966) (48)
- The assessment of state and trait anxiety with the Rorschach test. (1972) (48)
- Stress And Emotion (2019) (47)
- On the relationship between manifest anxiety and intelligence. (1958) (44)
- Review of Profile of Mood States. (1972) (43)
- Group counseling and the academic performance of anxious college freshmen. (1962) (41)
- Measuring Alexithymia: Reliability, Validity, and Prevalence (2014) (39)
- Community psychology : perspectives in training and research (1970) (38)
- Frequency of blood types in a homogeneous group of manic-depressive patients. (1961) (38)
- Job Stress Survey (2010) (38)
- Stress And Emotion : Anxiety, Anger, & Curiosity (2013) (38)
- The Nature and Measurement of Anger (2010) (36)
- Improving the academic performance of anxious college freshmen: A group-counseling approach to the prevention of underachievement. (1964) (36)
- Emotional and familial determinants of elevated blood pressure in black and white adolescent females. (1987) (35)
- Anxiety, Cognition and Affect (2019) (33)
- Depression in a Cancer Patient Population (2001) (33)
- Evaluating Performance of Law Enforcement Personnel during a Stressful Training Scenario (2004) (33)
- An investigation of the causal influence of trait and state anxiety on academic achievement. (1976) (33)
- On the relation between family smoking habits and the smoking behavior of college students (1983) (32)
- Effects of smoking on heart rate, anxiety, and feelings of success during social interaction (1987) (30)
- The Rationality/Emotional Defensiveness Scale--II. Convergent and discriminant correlational analysis in males and females with and without cancer. (1992) (30)
- Reliability and Validity of the Greek Version of the STAIC (2003) (30)
- What is learned in verbal conditioning (1962) (29)
- Measuring the Psychological Vital Signs of Anxiety, Anger, Depression, and Curiosity in Treatment Planning and Outcomes Assessment. (2004) (28)
- [The French adaptation of the STAXI-2, C.D. Spielberger's State-trait anger expression inventory]. (2008) (28)
- Effects of age and gender on the relationship between anxiety and coronary artery disease. (1987) (27)
- Curiosity and Exploratory Behavior (2012) (25)
- Anxiety and intelligence in paired-associate learning. (1970) (25)
- Development of the Hindi edition of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. (1973) (25)
- Evidence of denial and item-intensity specificity in the state-trait anxiety inventory (1987) (25)
- Chilean Experimental Version of the State-Trait Depression Questionnaire (ST–DEP): State Subscale (S–DEP) (2010) (25)
- The effects of locus of control and anxiety on verbal conditioning. (1973) (24)
- Personality characteristics of users of smokeless tobacco compared with cigarette smokers and non-users of tobacco products (1995) (24)
- Stress and anxiety, vol. IX (1984) (24)
- A description and analysis of the operation and validity of the psychological stress evaluator. (1980) (23)
- Assessing emotional expression: Spanish adaptation of the Rationality/Emotional Defensiveness Scale☆ (1997) (22)
- Operant Conditioning of Plural Nouns: A Failure to Replicate the Greenspoon Effect (1962) (22)
- The Rationality/Emotional Defensiveness Scale--I. Internal structure and stability. (1991) (22)
- The measurement of coping in achievement situations: an international comparison (2001) (21)
- Community psychology in transition : proceedings of the National Conference on Training in Community Psychology (1977) (21)
- Complex incidental learning as a function of anxiety and task difficulty. (1958) (21)
- Constructing, Adapting, and Validating Admissions Tests in Multiple Languages: The Israeli Case (2004) (20)
- A cross-cultural study of the test anxiety levels in Iranian and Indian students (1983) (20)
- An indicant of trait or state anxiety? (1969) (20)
- Induced mediating states in verbal conditioning (1963) (20)
- Cross-cultural comparisons of personality dimensions: England and America (1986) (19)
- The Measurement and Teaching of Creativity (2012) (18)
- Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Spielberger‘s State-trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (FSTAXI-2) (2013) (18)
- Cross-cultural assessment of emotions: The expression of anger (2011) (18)
- Motivational, emotional, and personality characteristics of smokeless tobacco users compared with cigarette smokers (1998) (18)
- Walter Bradford Cannon: Pioneer of stress research (1994) (17)
- Visual recognition thresholds as a function of verbal ability and word frequency. (1963) (17)
- State and Trait Anxiety in Voluntary Withdrawal of Student Naval Aviators from Flight Training (1973) (16)
- Handbook of Managerial Behavior and Occupational Health (2009) (16)
- Effects of instructions on measures of state and trait anxiety in flight students. (1972) (16)
- Do High- and Low-Active Adolescents Have Different Prototypes of Physically Active Peers? (2009) (15)
- Factors in manic-depressive reactions. (1959) (15)
- Measuring anxiety in hospitalized geriatric patients. (1983) (14)
- Self-report of chest pain symptoms and coronary artery disease in patients undergoing angiography (1991) (14)
- Needed Research on Stress and Anxiety. A Special Report of the USOE-Sponsored Grant Study: Critical Appraisal of Research in the Personality-Emotions-Motivation Domain. IBR Report No. 72-10. (1972) (13)
- Stress and Emotion : Anxiety, Anger and Curiosity, Volume 17 (2007) (13)
- The Relation of State-Anger to Self-Esteem, Perceptions of Family Structure and Attributions of Responsibility for Divorce of Custodial Mothers in the Stabilization Phase of the Divorce Process (1998) (13)
- Psychological defense mechanisms, motivation and the use of tobacco (2006) (13)
- Evidence of a practice effect on the Miller Analogies Test. (1959) (13)
- Refugee Mental Health (2019) (13)
- Value achievement and authoritarian attitudes in psychiatric patients (1963) (12)
- Personality determinants of the use of tobacco products (2004) (12)
- Anxiety, threat, and awareness in verbal conditioning. (1966) (12)
- The effects of serial position and design difficulty on recall of the Bender-Gestalt test designs. (1955) (12)
- Anxiety in pregnancy and its relation to use of oxytocin and analgesia in labour (1985) (12)
- Personality and smokeless tobacco use. (1988) (11)
- Construction and validation of a japanese adaptation of the test anxiety inventory (1992) (10)
- Psychometric Properties and Research with the Norwegian State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (2018) (10)
- Personality, motivational and situational determinants of regular and occasional use of smokeless tobacco (2000) (10)
- Injury control. A promising field for psychologists. (1992) (9)
- Test Anxiety: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment. The Series in Clinical and Community Psychology. (1995) (9)
- Experience, expression, and control of anger in a Chinese society: The case of Singapore. (1996) (9)
- The Effects of Anxiety on Computer-Assisted Learning. (1970) (8)
- Effects of awareness and threat of shock on verbal conditioning. (1966) (8)
- Mental health consultation with groups (1965) (7)
- Family Smoking Patterns and Smoking among Eighth and Tenth Grade Students (1988) (7)
- Intrapersonal Conflict, Life Stress, and Emotion (2014) (7)
- Further evidence of a practice effect on the Miller Analogies Test. (1961) (7)
- Empirical Assessment of Marital Distress: The Marital Distress Scale for the MMPI-2 (2013) (7)
- Case seminar of group mental health consultation. (1974) (6)
- The Eysenck Psychoticism Scale (2013) (6)
- Occupational Stress and Health (2005) (6)
- The Eysenck Psychoticism Scale (2013) (6)
- The effects of stuttering behavior and response set on recognition thresholds. (1956) (6)
- Personality Assessment in America (1992) (5)
- Implicit Epistemological Bias and the Problem of Awareness in Verbal Conditioning: A Reply to Greenspoon (1963) (5)
- The Experience and Expression of Anger in Divorced Mothers (1999) (5)
- Stress and Anxiety in Sports (2021) (5)
- Emotional Reactions to Frightening and Neutral Scenes in Story Theatre. (1978) (4)
- Job Stress Survey (JSS) (2010) (4)
- Anxiety and Cue Utilization in Human Learning and Memory John H. Mueller (2015) (4)
- Effects of medical education on anxiety in students. (1967) (4)
- Palmar sweating as a function of individual differences in manifest anxiety. (1966) (4)
- Verbal Conditioning with Verbal and Monetary Reinforcers (1966) (4)
- Process of family stress: A response to Boss (1992) and Kazak (1992). (1992) (4)
- Profile of the membership of the Society for Personality Assessment: comparisons between 1987 and 1990. (1992) (4)
- Emotions and Anxiety (PLE: Emotion) : New Concepts, Methods, and Applications (2015) (4)
- Practices and programs (2006) (3)
- Advances in Personality Assessment : Volume 5 (2013) (3)
- Advances in Personality Assessment : Volume 5 (2013) (3)
- Susceptibility to Stress and Anxiety in Relation to Performance, Emotion, and Personality: The Ergopsychometric Approach (2014) (3)
- Effects of Anxiety on Communication Tasks for Children in Traditional and Individualized-Multiage Classrooms (2005) (3)
- State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (1988) (3)
- On the Relationship between Manic-Depressive Psychosis and Inner-Directed Character (1962) (3)
- Report of the treasurer: 1989: The 1980s: A roller coaster decade for APA finances. (1990) (3)
- Assessment of Anxiety in Spanish Elementary School Children (2018) (3)
- Effects of stress, emotion, and Type-A behavior on heart disease and psychological disorders (2019) (2)
- Correlates and Possible Causes of Mathematics Anxiety (2013) (2)
- The Relationship of Personality Characteristics to Attrition and Performance Problems of Navy and Air Force Recruits (1979) (2)
- Executive stress in the Netherlands. A survey of managers (1986) (2)
- Correlates and Possible Causes of Mathematics Anxiety (2013) (2)
- Interventions with special needs populations (2006) (1)
- Report of the treasurer: 1988: Turning the deficit around: Better days ahead. (1989) (1)
- Psychological Assessment and Clinical Practice: Problems and Prospects (2013) (1)
- The Construct of Machiavellianism: Twenty Years Later (2013) (1)
- State and Trait Anxiety in the Student Naval Aviator Who Voluntarily Withdraws from Flight Training (1971) (1)
- Contributions to general psychology : selected readings for introductory psychology (1968) (1)
- Sport-Related Anxiety: Current Trends in Theory and Research (2021) (1)
- Psychological Assessment and Clinical Practice: Problems and Prospects (2013) (1)
- Culture and intelligence (2004) (1)
- Errors in Shooting Judgment and Performance by Law Enforcement Personnel During a Stressful Training Scenario (2004) (1)
- Neurophysiological Studies of Stress, Arousal, and Anxiety (2014) (1)
- State and Trait Anxiety in Student Naval Aviators. (1970) (1)
- Encyclopedia of Psychological Assessment. Volume 1 A-L. (2003) (1)
- The Psychophysiology of Anxiety William F. Hodges (2015) (0)
- Regulation of the Energetic Level of Behavior: Performance under Stress Consisting of High Discrepancy between Intensity of Stimulation and Level of Reactivity (2014) (0)
- A sourcebook of theory and research (1986) (0)
- Smoking, Personality and Health (2012) (0)
- The Relationship of Test Anxiety to Intelligence and Academic Performance (2018) (0)
- do h igh- aNd lo W-acTiVe adolesce NTs h aVe diFFeReNT PRo To Ty Pes o F Physically a cTiVe PeeRs? (2009) (0)
- Encyclopedia of applied psychology, Vol. 2 (F-Per) (2004) (0)
- Guest reviewers for volume 5 (1977) (0)
- A Promising Field for Psychologists (1992) (0)
- Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association. (1966) (0)
- The SWS-international survey of work stress and mental health: Symposium.: (359012004-005) (2013) (0)
- State-Trait Anger Scale (STAS) 1983 (2007) (0)
- Reflections on Fifty Years of Personality Assessment and Future Directions for the Field (2019) (0)
- The Multiproblem Neighborhood project (1968) (0)
- Energetics, activation, behavior. (1965) (0)
- State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory--Spanish Version (2021) (0)
- Personality Assessment in America: An Introduction (2019) (0)
- Anxiety (2022) (0)
- Rationality/Emotional Defensiveness Scale--Spanish Adaptation (2013) (0)
- Advances in Personality Assessment (Vol. 10:). James N. Butcher (1996) (0)
- Report of the Treasurer: 1987. A year of trial, tribulation, and transition. (1988) (0)
- Epistemic Curiosity Scale (2019) (0)
- Type A Behavior and the Processing of Causal Attributions of Success and Failure (2014) (0)
- MMPI Interpretation: The Effects of Demographic Variables (2013) (0)
- MMPI Interpretation: The Effects of Demographic Variables (2013) (0)
- Injury-Related and Demographic Influences on Emotional and Personality Functioning Post-TBI: (710332007-001) (2013) (0)
- Sensory Curiosity Scale (2018) (0)
- Clinician or technician? A reply to Rubenzer (1991) (0)
- Current Research in the Comprehensive Rorschach System (2013) (0)
- Current Research in the Comprehensive Rorschach System (2013) (0)
- The relationship between State-Trait Anxiety and intelligent in Puerto Rican psychiatric patients (1973) (0)
- The Therapist Interprets the Message. (1968) (0)
- State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) 1984 (2012) (0)
- Work Stress Experienced by Persons with Severe Mental Disorders (2013) (0)
- Anger/hostility, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular diseases (1997) (0)
- Fundamentals and overview (2006) (0)
- The psychology of stress and nutrition (1994) (0)
- Translation and Adaptation of State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-Y) in Urdu (2012) (0)
- Smokers and ex-smokers: Reactions of college students to the Surgeon General’s cancer report (1964) (0)
- The Nature and Treatment of Test Anxiety Jeffrey Bede ll (2015) (0)
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