David L. Heymann
Infectious disease epidemiologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David L. Heymann is an American infectious disease epidemiologist and public health expert, based in London. Early life and education Heymann was born in Pennsylvania, USA. He received his Bachelor of Arts from Pennsylvania State University and later obtained an MD from Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He also received a diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Heymann did two years of practical epidemiology training with the Epidemic Intelligence Service, during which time Heymann was part of the international team that investigated the first outbreak of Ebola in Zaire and the first outbreak of Legionnaire's disease, in Philadelphia.
David L. Heymann's Published Works
Published Works
- COVID-19: towards controlling of a pandemic (2020) (1174)
- Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (2004) (1046)
- "Herd immunity": a rough guide. (2011) (965)
- COVID-19: what is next for public health? (2020) (860)
- Ecology of zoonoses: natural and unnatural histories (2012) (586)
- Digital technologies in the public-health response to COVID-19 (2020) (539)
- Lessons learnt from easing COVID-19 restrictions: an analysis of countries and regions in Asia Pacific and Europe (2020) (511)
- The reemergence of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1995. Commission de Lutte contre les Epidémies à Kikwit. (1999) (472)
- Will Ebola change the game? Ten essential reforms before the next pandemic. The report of the Harvard-LSHTM Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola (2015) (429)
- Communicable diseases in complex emergencies: impact and challenges (2004) (406)
- Global health security: the wider lessons from the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic (2015) (388)
- Are high-performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic? (2020) (376)
- Epidemic arboviral diseases: priorities for research and public health. (2017) (361)
- Zika virus and microcephaly: why is this situation a PHEIC? (2016) (338)
- The effect of malaria and malaria prevention in pregnancy on offspring birthweight, prematurity, and intrauterine growth retardation in rural Malawi. (1996) (338)
- The Ebola outbreak, 2013–2016: old lessons for new epidemics (2017) (312)
- Hajj: infectious disease surveillance and control (2014) (268)
- New Strategies for the Elimination of Polio from India (2006) (256)
- SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Vaccines (2021) (247)
- Serology testing in the COVID-19 pandemic response (2020) (240)
- Hot spots in a wired world: WHO surveillance of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. (2001) (226)
- Re-emergence of monkeypox in Africa: a review of the past six years. (1998) (221)
- Fragmented health systems in COVID-19: rectifying the misalignment between global health security and universal health coverage (2020) (202)
- Ebola hemorrhagic fever: Tandala, Zaire, 1977-1978. (1980) (198)
- Q&A: The novel coronavirus outbreak causing COVID-19 (2020) (197)
- SARS to novel coronavirus – old lessons and new lessons (2020) (184)
- Containment of Antibiotic Resistance (1998) (173)
- Challenges of drug resistance in the developing world (2012) (172)
- Human monkeypox – After 40 years, an unintended consequence of smallpox eradication (2020) (171)
- Global Surveillance, National Surveillance, and SARS (2004) (157)
- The problem of malaria and malaria control in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. (1996) (152)
- Randomised controlled trials for Ebola: practical and ethical issues (2014) (147)
- Protective efficacy of a monovalent oral type 1 poliovirus vaccine: a case-control study (2007) (146)
- Exploring the evidence base for national and regional policy interventions to combat resistance (2016) (146)
- Rumors of disease in the global village: outbreak verification. (2000) (138)
- International cooperation to improve access to and sustain effectiveness of antimicrobials (2016) (128)
- Emerging infectious diseases and pandemic potential: status quo and reducing risk of global spread (2014) (127)
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Romania (1991) (121)
- Public health response to influenza A(H1N1) as an opportunity to build public trust. (2010) (119)
- Long-lasting treated mosquito nets: a breakthrough in malaria prevention. (2001) (118)
- Malaria parasite infection during pregnancy and at delivery in mother, placenta, and newborn: efficacy of chloroquine and mefloquine in rural Malawi. (1996) (116)
- Malaria treatment and prevention in pregnancy: indications for use and adverse events associated with use of chloroquine or mefloquine. (1996) (109)
- Plasmodium falciparum associated placental pathology: a light and electron microscopic and immunohistologic study. (1989) (108)
- Risk factors for HIV infection among abandoned Romanian children (1993) (106)
- Diagnostics for COVID-19: moving from pandemic response to control (2021) (105)
- Integrating Genome-based Informatics to Modernize Global Disease Monitoring, Information Sharing, and Response (2012) (101)
- Data sharing and outbreaks: best practice exemplified (2020) (100)
- Public health surveillance (2011) (99)
- Monkeypox — Enhancing public health preparedness for an emerging lethal human zoonotic epidemic threat in the wake of the smallpox post-eradication era (2018) (98)
- The international response to the outbreak of SARS in 2003. (2004) (92)
- Control of communicable diseases manual : an official report of the American Public Health Association (2004) (90)
- Mainstreaming One Health (2012) (90)
- Comparability of treatment groups and risk factors for parasitemia at the first antenatal clinic visit in a study of malaria treatment and prevention in pregnancy in rural Malawi. (1996) (89)
- Rates and risk factors for mortality during the first two years of life in rural Malawi. (1996) (87)
- Reducing the cost of HIV antibody testing (1993) (86)
- National UK programme of community health workers for COVID-19 response (2020) (85)
- Public health implications of emerging zoonoses. (2000) (85)
- The epidemiology of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Zaire 1976. (1978) (84)
- A search for Ebola virus in animals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon: ecologic, virologic, and serologic surveys, 1979-1980. Ebola Virus Study Teams. (1999) (84)
- Global surveillance of communicable diseases. (1998) (83)
- COVID-19—Zoonosis or Emerging Infectious Disease? (2020) (80)
- Global Public Health Security (2007) (80)
- Epidemic preparedness in urban settings: new challenges and opportunities (2020) (79)
- Transplacental transmission of Plasmodium falciparum in rural Malawi. (1996) (79)
- Prospective assessment of mortality among a cohort of pregnant women in rural Malawi. (1996) (79)
- London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: public health surveillance and epidemiology (2014) (78)
- Transmission of HIV, hepatitis B virus, and other bloodborne pathogens in health care settings: a review of risk factors and guidelines for prevention. World Health Organization. (1991) (74)
- Resistance to Anti-Infective Drugs and the Threat to Public Health (2006) (74)
- In vivo efficacy of chloroquine treatment for Plasmodium falciparum in Malawian children under five years of age. (1986) (72)
- Preparation of polyvalent viral immunofluorescent intracellular antigens and use in human serosurveys (1981) (72)
- Prophylaxis of varicella in high-risk children: dose-response effect of zoster immune globulin. (1981) (71)
- Militaries and global health: peace, conflict, and disaster response (2019) (70)
- A global call for new polio vaccines (2005) (69)
- Food-borne outbreak of Giardia lamblia. (1990) (68)
- Deadly comrades: war and infectious diseases (2002) (67)
- UN High-Level Meeting on antimicrobials—what do we need? (2016) (65)
- Strategies for laboratory HIV testing: an examination of alternative approaches not requiring Western blot. (1994) (64)
- OPV Cessation--the Final Step To a "Polio-Free" World (2005) (63)
- Mefloquine therapy for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in children under 5 years of age in Malawi: in vivo/in vitro efficacy and correlation of drug concentration with parasitological outcome. (1990) (62)
- Discovery and Description of Ebola Zaire Virus in 1976 and Relevance to the West African Epidemic During 2013-2016. (2016) (61)
- Medicinal and other products and human and animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: memorandum from a WHO meeting. (1997) (58)
- Pathogens, prejudice, and politics: the role of the global health community in the European refugee crisis (2016) (58)
- Rift Valley Fever and a New Paradigm of Research and Development for Zoonotic Disease Control (2013) (58)
- Antenatal chloroquine chemoprophylaxis in Malawi: chloroquine resistance, compliance, protective efficacy and cost. (1990) (57)
- Considerations regarding mass vaccination against typhoid fever as an adjunct to sanitation and public health measures: potential use in an epidemic in Tajikistan. (1999) (57)
- Burden of Severe Pneumonia, Pneumococcal Pneumonia and Pneumonia Deaths in Indian States: Modelling Based Estimates (2015) (57)
- Post-Ebola reforms: ample analysis, inadequate action (2017) (56)
- Ebola hemorrhagic fever: lessons from Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (1999) (55)
- Community level antibiotic utilization in India and its comparison vis-à-vis European countries: Evidence from pharmaceutical sales data (2018) (52)
- SARS and emerging infectious diseases: a challenge to place global solidarity above national sovereignty. (2006) (50)
- The effect of placental malaria infection on perinatal mortality in rural Malawi. (1996) (49)
- Ebola Virus Neutralizing Antibodies Detectable in Survivors of theYambuku, Zaire Outbreak 40 Years after Infection (2017) (48)
- SARS legacy: outbreak reporting is expected and respected (2013) (48)
- The growth and strategic functioning of One Health networks: a systematic analysis. (2018) (46)
- Preparedness for emerging epidemic threats: a Lancet Infectious Diseases Commission (2019) (45)
- The Evolving Infectious Disease Threat: Implications for national and global security (2003) (45)
- Preparedness for emerging epidemic threats: a Lancet Infectious Diseases Commission (2019) (45)
- Risk Management in a Polio‐Free World (2006) (44)
- Toward Ecosystem Services as a Basis for Design (2010) (43)
- Malaria epidemiology in central Myanmar: identification of a multi-species asymptomatic reservoir of infection (2017) (43)
- Calling for a COVID-19 One Health Research Coalition (2020) (42)
- Eradicating polio. (2004) (41)
- SARS: A Global Response to an international threat (2004) (41)
- Yellow fever vaccine supply: a possible solution (2016) (41)
- Immunogenicity and Safety of Measles Vaccine in III African Children (1988) (40)
- Ebola between outbreaks: intensified Ebola hemorrhagic fever surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1981-1985. (1999) (40)
- HIV infection and breast‐feeding: policy implications through a decision analysis model (1992) (40)
- Towards a global definition of responsible antibiotic use: results of an international multidisciplinary consensus procedure (2018) (39)
- Dangerous pathogens in the laboratory: from smallpox to today's SARS setbacks and tomorrow's polio-free world (2004) (38)
- John Snow's legacy: epidemiology without borders (2013) (38)
- Efficacy of chemoprophylaxis in preventing Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia and placental infection in pregnant women in Malawi. (1988) (38)
- Social, Behavioural and Environmental Factors and Their Impact on Infectious Disease Outbreaks (2005) (38)
- Prevention is better than cure for emerging infectious diseases (2014) (37)
- Providing incentives to share data early in health emergencies: the role of journal editors (2015) (37)
- Partnerships, Not Parachutists, for Zika Research. (2016) (37)
- Malaria infection in infancy in rural Malawi. (1996) (36)
- Control, elimination, eradication and re-emergence of infectious diseases: getting the message right. (2006) (36)
- Building the case for embedding global health security into universal health coverage: a proposal for a unified health system that includes public health (2018) (36)
- A Global Biomedical R&D Fund and Mechanism for Innovations of Public Health Importance (2015) (35)
- Mass vaccination: when and why. (2006) (35)
- Reducing risks to health and wellbeing at mass gatherings: the role of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2016) (35)
- Strengthening Global Public Health Surveillance through Data and Benefit Sharing (2018) (34)
- Lymphatic filariasis: setting the scene for elimination. (2000) (33)
- World Health Assembly 2008: climate change and health (2008) (33)
- Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections in female prostitutes in Dakar, Senegal. (1998) (32)
- Infant and second-year mortality in rural Malawi: causes and descriptive epidemiology. (1996) (32)
- A call to action for the new decade of vaccines (2011) (31)
- Oral poliovirus vaccine in tropical Africa: greater impact on incidence of paralytic disease than expected from coverage surveys and seroconversion rates. (1987) (30)
- Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative. (2005) (30)
- Polio eradication: finishing the job and protecting the investment. (2004) (30)
- Lessons From the West Africa Ebola Epidemic: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological and Social and Behavioral Science Research Priorities (2018) (28)
- Ebola: learn from the past (2014) (28)
- Early detection and response to meningococcal disease epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa: appraisal of the WHO strategy. (2002) (28)
- Euro 2012 European Football Championship Finals: planning for a health legacy (2014) (28)
- STD vaccines--an overview. (1997) (28)
- The year 2008: a breakthrough year for health protection from climate change? (2008) (27)
- Comparative efficacy of alternative primary therapies for Plasmodium falciparum infections in Malawi. (1987) (27)
- Mass gatherings medicine: international cooperation and progress (2014) (27)
- Sugar, tobacco, and alcohol taxes to achieve the SDGs (2018) (27)
- Integrating climate action for health into covid-19 recovery plans (2020) (27)
- A vision of a world without polio: the OPV cessation strategy. (2006) (26)
- Objectives and methodology in a study of malaria treatment and prevention in pregnancy in rural Malawi: The Mangochi Malaria Research Project. (1996) (26)
- Measles eradication: past is prologue (2010) (25)
- Making new vaccines affordable: a comparison of financing processes used to develop and deploy new meningococcal and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (2011) (25)
- Ebola: the challenging road to recovery (2015) (25)
- Identifying the reasons for low immunization coverage. A case study of Yaounde (United Republic of Cameroon). (1982) (24)
- One health: science, politics and zoonotic disease in Africa (2017) (24)
- Demographic and Spatial Predictors of Anemia in Women of Reproductive Age in Timor-Leste: Implications for Health Program Prioritization (2014) (23)
- Prevention and control of communicable diseases. (1995) (23)
- Share mobile and social-media data to curb COVID-19 (2020) (22)
- Navigating from SARS-CoV-2 elimination to endemicity in Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Singapore (2021) (21)
- Infections at the Animal/Human Interface: Shifting the Paradigm from Emergency Response to Prevention at Source (2012) (21)
- Global environmental change and human health (2008) (20)
- Disease surveillance for the COVID-19 era: time for bold changes (2021) (19)
- Health crises and migration (2014) (19)
- Estimation of incidence of poliomyelitis by three survey methods in different regions of the United Republic of Cameroon. (1983) (19)
- Strategies for AIDS prevention and control in sub-Saharan Africa. (1991) (18)
- Syndromic surveillance: two decades experience of sustainable systems – its people not just data! (2019) (18)
- Reemerging pathogens and diseases out of control (1997) (17)
- Gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum: the case for prophylaxis in tropical Africa. (1984) (17)
- Smallpox containment updated: considerations for the 21st century (2004) (17)
- The evolving epidemiology of human monkeypox -questions still to be answered. (2021) (17)
- Oral rehydration therapy in Malawi: impact on the severity of disease and on hospital admissions, treatment practices, and recurrent costs. (1990) (17)
- Emerging infectious diseases: opportunities at the human-animal-environment interface (2014) (16)
- Field trial of a heat-stable measles vaccine in Cameroon. (1979) (16)
- Meningococcal vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa (1997) (16)
- Input Controls in the Public Sector: What Does Economic Theory Offer? (1988) (15)
- The fight over flu (2012) (15)
- Can the military contribute to global surveillance and control of infectious diseases? (1998) (15)
- International Colloquium on Ebola Virus Research: summary report. (1997) (15)
- Living with the COVID-19 pandemic: act now with the tools we have (2020) (14)
- Polio eradication: interrupting transmission, towards a polio-free world (2006) (14)
- Middle East respiratory syndrome in the shadow of Ebola (2015) (13)
- The Value of the One Health Approach: Shifting from Emergency Response to Prevention of Zoonotic Disease Threats at Their Source. (2013) (13)
- Further field testing of the more heat-stable measles vaccines in Cameroon. (1982) (13)
- Surveillance in eradication and elimination of infectious diseases: a progression through the years. (2011) (13)
- Evolving Infectious Disease Threats to National and Global Security (2003) (12)
- The Problems with Polio: Toward Eradication (2013) (12)
- The microbial threat in fragile times: balancing known and unknown risks. (2002) (12)
- Mother to child. (1990) (11)
- Pandemic diseases preparedness and response in the age of COVID‐19—a symposium report (2020) (11)
- A Qualitative Stakeholder Analysis of Avian Influenza Policy in Bangladesh (2017) (11)
- Ebola: missed opportunities for Europe-Africa research. (2015) (11)
- What needs to be done to control the spread of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus? (2015) (10)
- Applying lessons from SARS to a newly identified coronavirus (2013) (10)
- The One Health path to infectious disease prevention and resilience (2017) (10)
- Rapid sexually transmitted disease assessment in two developing countries. (1994) (10)
- Poliomyelitis eradication and pandemic influenza (2006) (10)
- DFID Zoonoses Report 6. Prioritising the need for new diagnostics, medicine, vaccines and management practices of zoonoses which have significant impact in the developing world. (2012) (10)
- The polio eradication endgame. As polio eradication nears realization, such real-world vaccination strategies could hold lessons for the future in AIDS vaccine development. (2006) (9)
- Zoonoses 1 Ecology of zoonoses: natural and unnatural histories (2012) (9)
- Preparing for the next pandemic (2013) (8)
- Ebola, International Health Regulations, and global safety (2014) (8)
- Taxonomy of medically important fungi in the molecular era (2013) (8)
- Validity of International Health Regulations in Reporting Emerging Infectious Diseases (2012) (8)
- Ebola vaccines: keep the clinical trial protocols on the shelf and ready to roll out (2015) (8)
- Protecting investments in polio eradication: the past, present and future of surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (2004) (7)
- Successful smallpox eradication: what can we learn to control COVID-19? (2020) (7)
- Innovations in COVID-19 testing: the road from pandemic response to control (2021) (7)
- What to do about antimicrobial resistance (2016) (7)
- Travel measures in the SARS-CoV-2 variant era need clear objectives (2022) (7)
- NPHIs as Focal Points for Leadership in Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (2008) (7)
- SARS: A Global Perspective (2003) (6)
- The polio eradication end game: what it means for Europe. (2014) (6)
- Comprar Control Of Communicable Diseases Manual | D. Heymann | 9780875531892 | American Heart Association (2008) (6)
- Ebola: burying the bodies (2015) (6)
- Enhancing preparedness for tackling new epidemic threats (2017) (6)
- Be prepared: Europe needs Ebola outbreak consortium (2015) (5)
- The new decade of vaccines – Authors' reply (2012) (5)
- Ebola: transforming fear into appropriate action Michiel Hofman Sokhieng (2017) (5)
- Triumphs, trials, and tribulations of the global response to MERS coronavirus (2014) (5)
- Meningococcal vaccine in sub-Saharan Africa [letter] (1997) (5)
- Communicable Disease and Disability of the Poor (2001) (5)
- A global analysis of One Health Networks and the proliferation of One Health collaborations (2023) (5)
- Strengthening Public Health Leadership in Africa: An Innovative Fellowship Program. (2019) (5)
- House-to-house and school lameness surveys in Cameroon: a comparison of two methods for estimating the prevalence and annual incidence of paralytic poliomyelitis. (1984) (5)
- Forum on Microbial Threats Board on Global Health - Institute of Medicine The National Academies (2006) (5)
- Meningococcal carriage among Hajj pilgrims, risk factors for carriage and records of vaccination: a study of pilgrims to Mecca (2021) (5)
- Transmission ofHIV,hepatitis Bvirus, andother bloodborne pathogens inhealth caresettings: a reviewofriskfactors andguidelines forprevention (1991) (4)
- Antimicrobials: access and sustainable eff ectiveness 5 International cooperation to improve access to and sustain eff ectiveness of antimicrobials (2016) (4)
- Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases from plague and cholera to Ebola and AIDS: a potential for international spread that transcends the defences of any single country (2005) (4)
- Global and regional governance of One Health and implications for global health security (2023) (4)
- Yellow fever in Africa (2016) (4)
- Advancing One human–animal–environment Health for global health security: what does the evidence say? (2023) (4)
- Setting targets for HIV/AIDS—What lessons can be learned from other disease control programmes? (2019) (4)
- Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS: global and regional epidemiology. (1995) (4)
- CHAPTER 7 – Disease Eradication and Control (2011) (4)
- Emerging and other infectious diseases: epidemiology and control. (1997) (4)
- Infectious Disease Threats to National and Global Security (2003) (3)
- How prepared is the world? Identifying weaknesses in existing assessment frameworks for global health security through a One Health approach (2023) (3)
- Facing forward after Ebola: questions for the next director general of the World Health Organization (2016) (3)
- Public Health Surveillance for Communicable Diseases: From Rigid and Static to Flexible and Innovative. (2017) (3)
- The epidemiology of aids in romania (1991) (3)
- Mass Vaccination and Public Health (2015) (3)
- In vivo efficacy of quinine treatment for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Malawian children. (1990) (3)
- Commentary: Emerging and other communicable diseases. (1998) (3)
- Preparing for a New Global Threat – Part I (2005) (3)
- Reducing the cost of HIV antibody testing (1993) (3)
- AIDS-related research in sub-Saharan Africa. (1990) (3)
- Treatment, prophylaxis and research priorities for developing countries. (1993) (2)
- Interview with David L. Heymann, MD, representative for polio eradication and former Executive Director, Communicable Diseases, World Health Organization. Interview by Madeline Drexler. (2003) (2)
- An Evaluation of the Key Indicator Based Surveillance System for International Health Regulations (IHR) -2005 Core Capacity Requirements in India (2014) (2)
- Human resources for health: time to move out of crisis mode (2016) (2)
- The Politics of Fear: Médecins Sans Frontières and the West African Ebola Epidemic, Michiel Hofman, Sokhieng Au (Eds.). Oxford University Press, US (2017), 304, US$24·95., ISBN: 9780190624477 (2017) (2)
- Two years of COVID-19: many lessons, but will we learn? (2022) (2)
- We must take a One Health approach to improve pandemic infection control (2020) (2)
- Emerging Infections (2009) (1)
- Access to Medicine Index—what about sustainability? (2017) (1)
- Dealing with Global Infectious Disease Emergencies (2005) (1)
- Diplomacy and Global Health Security (2012) (1)
- Population movements and infectious diseases. (1998) (1)
- Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance (2006) (1)
- Mass Immunization Strategies (2012) (1)
- Non-Medical Aspects of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: Maximum Protection with Minimal Disruption (2000) (1)
- Immunogenicity and safety of measles vaccine in ill African children. (1988) (1)
- Response to an outbreak (2007) (1)
- The laboratory, epidemiology, nosocomial infection and HIV. (1994) (1)
- Ebola and other emerging infectious diseases (2018) (1)
- Monitoring Infectious Diseases (1998) (1)
- Evaluation of the Global TB Drug Facility (2003) (1)
- Oral rehydration therapy in Malawi: impact on hospital admissions hospital treatment practices severity of disease and hospital recurrent costs. (1988) (1)
- Pandemic preparedness in the 21st century: which way forward? (2021) (1)
- Adding to the mantra: vaccines prevent illness and death, and preserve existing antibiotics. (2022) (1)
- Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases in Our Global Village (2007) (1)
- Measles eradication – Authors' reply (2011) (1)
- Public Health Surveillance: A Vital Alert and Response Function (2018) (1)
- Social Distance in Deceptive Behavior : Experimental Evidence from Malawi (2018) (1)
- A massive effort against diseases of poverty: What role will research play? (2001) (0)
- Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: Challenges for International, (2016) (0)
- Antibiotic use in communities: Assessing knowledge, perceptions and practice in Kenya (2020) (0)
- The Who Role in Surveillance and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (2001) (0)
- Malaria epidemiology in central Myanmar: identification of a multi-species asymptomatic reservoir of infection (2017) (0)
- The Historical Evolution of International Collaborations in Cross Border Infectious Disease Events… From the Quarantine in Europe during the Medieval Plague Outbreaks on (2011) (0)
- Accelerating Access to in vitro Diagnostics: Urgent Need for Increasing the Speed and Efficiency of Regulatory Review and Policy Development for in vitro Diagnostics for Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemic Preparedness and Response (2021) (0)
- CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia without HIV infection. (1993) (0)
- The new decade of vaccines Reply (2012) (0)
- Modelling Based Estimates for Severe Pneumonia and Pneumonia Deaths in Indian States (2015) (0)
- Book Review Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Vaccines, Prevention and Control Edited by Lawrence R. Stanberry and David I. Bernstein. 468 pp., illustrated. San Diego, Calif., Academic Press, 2000. $119.95. 0-12-663330-4 (2001) (0)
- 9.17 Emerging and re-emerging infections (2009) (0)
- Influence of human behaviour on the spread of avian influenza through the Bangladeshi poultry trade network (2016) (0)
- Perspectives from the Royal Society of Medicine One Health: The Missing Link Conference and Soulsby Lecture 2021 (2022) (0)
- Keeping ahead of the resistance curve: product bundling to conserve artemisinin-based combination therapy. (2015) (0)
- Mpox neglect and the smallpox niche: a problem for Africa, a problem for the world (2023) (0)
- Investing in disease and risk factor surveillance (2006) (0)
- Global Health Security: The Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (2017) (0)
- Polio Eradication - Africa's flagship programme back on track? (2004) (0)
- Epstein-Barr Virus Infections (2015) (0)
- Cholera vaccine and mass gatherings: protecting the crowds. (2023) (0)
- Notifying emerging infectious diseases to the World Health Organization: Are the International Health Regulations fit for purpose? (2012) (0)
- Public Health Infrastructure (2020) (0)
- Validity of the Surveillance Quality Indicators - Timeliness and Completeness - in Surveillance Systems with Variable Data Quality (2014) (0)
- Comparison of the requirements for different HIV testing objectives Method of Test results collecting False False blooda positive negative Identification of Voluntary Minimalb Very low asymptomatic HIV-infected persons Diagnosis of Voluntary Minimal Very low HIV-related disease (2008) (0)
- major health problems 1266 Economic impact of emerging and re-emerging infections (2009) (0)
- Emerging Infections, the International Health Regulations, and Macro-Economy (2014) (0)
- Global Poverty and Human Development (2007) (0)
- Integrating epidemiological and human behavioural research for the development of effective animal health interventions (2016) (0)
- Global health--the threat to the U.K. or why should we care? (2009) (0)
- A controlled experience with a thermostable measles vaccine in Cameroun. (1979) (0)
- Donald A. Henderson (1928–2016) (2016) (0)
- Book Review The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis By Paul A. Offit. 238 pp., illustrated. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 2005. $27.50. 0-300-10864-8 (2006) (0)
- Sale of children must be eliminated. Development and gender issues stressed. (1996) (0)
- A Return to BC19: From Virtual to Real International Travel — the Road is Long (2021) (0)
- Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: A Global Perspective (2002) (0)
- Innovation and personal protective equipment (PPE) decontamination: Toward more sustainable infection prevention and control (2021) (0)
- Virginia Berridge, Public Health: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) pp. 160, £7.99, paperback, ISBN: 9780199688463. (2016) (0)
- The Sovereignty of Disease (2006) (0)
- Standardized prevalence ratio for anemia among women of reproductive age in Timor-Leste (normalized to national prevalence of 23.1%). (2014) (0)
- Measles eradication Reply (2011) (0)
- Leaders launch 'final push' for a polio-free Africa as virus from Kano, Nigeria continues to threaten continent's extraordinary achievements in polio eradication. , (2004) (0)
- [A controlled experience with a thermostabile measles vaccine in Cameroon (author's transl)]. (1979) (0)
- Who should direct WHO? (2016) (0)
- Polio Eradication: Ongoing Innovation to End an Ancient Scourge (2016) (0)
- From smallpox to polio and beyond: disease surveillance in India. (2004) (0)
- Emerging and Re‐Emerging Infectious Diseases (2014) (0)
- Berridge Virginia , Public Health: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) (2017) (0)
- Emerging and re-emerging infections (2021) (0)
- 2 Mass vaccination in the Twentieth Century — Smallpox Eradication (2006) (0)
- Control of infections: the role of the World Health Organization (2002) (0)
- LSHTM Research Online learned from (2019) (0)
- Set of interviews. (2015) (0)
- Oralrehydration therapy inMalawi: impact on theseverity ofdisease andonhospital admissions, treatment practices, andrecurrent costs (1990) (0)
- Early detection and response to meningococcal disease epidemics in sub-SaharanAfrica : appraisal of theWHOstrategy (2017) (0)
- Investing in emerging infectious diseases: a systematic analysis of UK research (2014) (0)
- Addressing the challenges of disease elimination (2016) (0)
- Emerging Infections: What Have We Learned After 15 Years? (2008) (0)
- Military networks for surveillance of communicable diseases. (1969) (0)
- Postscript: Challenges for the future. Emerging infections and the international traveller (2001) (0)
- Infectious Disease: Still Exploiting Human Weakness at the Turn of the Century. (1999) (0)
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