David S. Touretzky
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American computer scientist
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Computer Science
David S. Touretzky's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University
- Masters Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University
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Why Is David S. Touretzky Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David S. Touretzky is a research professor in the Computer Science Department and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a BA in Computer Science at Rutgers University in 1978, and earned a master's degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Touretzky has worked as an Internet activist in favor of freedom of speech, especially what he perceives as abuse of the legal system by government and private authorities. He is a notable critic of Scientology.
David S. Touretzky's Published Works
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Published Works
- A Spin Glass Model of Path Integration in Rat Medial Entorhinal Cortex (2006) (584)
- The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems (1984) (584)
- Hippocampal Replay Is Not a Simple Function of Experience (2010) (574)
- Bayesian theories of conditioning in a changing world (2006) (410)
- Advances in neural information processing systems 2 (1989) (362)
- A Clash of Intuitions: The Current State of Nonmonotonic Multiple Inheritance Systems (1987) (333)
- A Distributed Connectionist Production System (1988) (329)
- Cognitive maps beyond the hippocampus (1997) (316)
- A Skeptical Theory of Inheritance in Nonmonotonic Semantic Networks (1987) (304)
- The Role of the Hippocampus in Solving the Morris Water Maze (1998) (287)
- Segmentation of spatial experience by hippocampal theta sequences (2012) (269)
- Theory of rodent navigation based on interacting representations of space (1996) (261)
- Symbols Among the Neurons: Details of a Connectionist Inference Architecture (1985) (207)
- Neural network simulation at Warp speed: how we got 17 million connections per second (1988) (201)
- Envisioning AI for K-12: What Should Every Child Know about AI? (2019) (192)
- Representation and Timing in Theories of the Dopamine System (2006) (171)
- Implicit Ordering of Defaults in Inheritance Systems (1984) (155)
- Learning with Ensembles: How Over--tting Can Be Useful (1996) (134)
- BoltzCONS: Dynamic Symbol Structures in a Connectionist Network (1990) (132)
- What's hidden in the hidden layers? (1989) (110)
- Shaping robot behavior using principles from instrumental conditioning (1997) (95)
- Modeling attractor deformation in the rodent head-direction system. (2000) (93)
- Operant Conditioning in Skinnerbots (1997) (91)
- A distributed connectionist representation for concept structures (1987) (79)
- Long-Term Reward Prediction in TD Models of the Dopamine System (2002) (77)
- Connectionist models : proceedings of the 1990 summer school (1991) (76)
- Neural Representation of Space Using Sinusoidal Arrays (1993) (72)
- Reinforcement learning models of the dopamine system and their behavioral implications (2003) (68)
- Model Uncertainty in Classical Conditioning (2003) (65)
- Connectionist Models and Linguistic Theory: Investigations of Stress Systems in Language (1993) (64)
- Cancellation in a Parallel Semantic Network (1981) (60)
- Optical Chinese character recognition using probabilistic neural networks (1997) (58)
- Accelerating K-12 computational thinking using scaffolding, staging, and abstraction (2013) (53)
- Influence of path integration versus environmental orientation on place cell remapping between visually identical environments. (2005) (53)
- A Calculus for Inheritance in Monotonic Semantic Nets (1987) (52)
- Towards a Computational Theory of Rat Navigation (1999) (51)
- Similarity and Discrimination in Classical Conditioning: A Latent Variable Account (2004) (51)
- Context Learning in the Rodent Hippocampus (2007) (50)
- A Skeptic's Menagerie: Conflictors, Preemptors, Reinstaters, and Zombies in Nonrnonotonic Inheritance (1991) (48)
- A Computational Basis for Phonology (1989) (47)
- Path Planning (2003) (44)
- Common LISP - a gentle introduction to symbolic computation (1989) (41)
- Navigating with landmarks: computing goal locations from places codes (1997) (38)
- Demonstrating the Ability of Elementary School Students to Reason About Programs (2018) (38)
- LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation (1984) (36)
- Tekkotsu: A Framework for AIBO Cognitive Robotics (2005) (36)
- Behavioral considerations suggest an average reward TD model of the dopamine system (2000) (34)
- A Connectionist Implementation of Cognitive Phonology (1989) (31)
- A Year in K-12 AI Education (2019) (31)
- Connectionism and Compositional Semantics (1989) (30)
- Deforming the hippocampal map (2005) (29)
- A Parallel Licensing Model of Normal Slips and Phonemic Paraphasias (1997) (28)
- Timing and Partial Observability in the Dopamine System (2002) (28)
- Preparing computer science students for the robotics revolution (2010) (27)
- Inheritance Theory and Networks with Roles (1991) (27)
- Proceedings of the 1997 conference on Advances in neural information processing systems 10 (1990) (26)
- Gallery of CSS Descramblers (2002) (25)
- Neural Representation of Space in Rats and Robots (1999) (25)
- Reconstructing Physical Symbol Systems (1994) (23)
- Advances in neural information processing systems : proceedings of the ... conference (1989) (22)
- Coarse-Coded Symbol Memories and Their Properties (1988) (21)
- Teaching Kodu with physical manipulatives (2014) (20)
- A latent cause theory of classical conditioning (2006) (20)
- Synaptic learning models of map separation in the hippocampus (2000) (17)
- Symbol Structures in Connectionist Networks: Five Properties and Two Architectures (1987) (17)
- Changes in goal selection induced by cue conflicts are in register with predictions from changes in place cell field locations. (2007) (16)
- Separating hippocampal maps (1999) (15)
- Evaluating the Effect of Using Physical Manipulatives to Foster Computational Thinking in Elementary School (2017) (15)
- The Tekkotsu "Crew": Teaching Robot Programming at a Higher Level (2010) (15)
- Place field dissociation and multiple maps in hippocampus (2006) (14)
- Calypso for Cozmo: Robotic AI for Everyone (Abstract Only) (2018) (14)
- Connectionist Approaches to Language Learning (1991) (14)
- Computational thinking and mental models: From kodu to calypso (2017) (14)
- A visually driven hippocampal place cell model (1998) (13)
- Dual-coding representations for robot vision programming in Tekkotsu (2007) (13)
- Robotics for computer scientists: what’s the big idea? (2013) (12)
- Modeling Interactions of the Rat's Place and Head Direction Systems (1995) (12)
- Seven big ideas in robotics, and how to teach them (2012) (12)
- Proceedings of the 1993 Connectionist Models Summer School (2014) (12)
- Tekkotsu: Cognitive Robotics on the Sony AIBO (2004) (12)
- PARSEC: a structured connectionist parsing system for spoken language (1992) (12)
- Special Session: AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative (2019) (11)
- Visualizing evaluation in applicative languages (1992) (11)
- An investigation of the gradient descent process in neural networks (1996) (11)
- The Tekkotsu robotics development environment (2011) (11)
- Connectionist and symbolic representations (1998) (11)
- Semantic Reasoning in Young Programmers (2017) (10)
- Teaching "Lawfulness" With Kodu (2016) (10)
- Operant behavior suggests attentional gating of dopamine system inputs (2001) (10)
- AI for K-12: Making Room for AI in K-12 CS Curricula (2019) (10)
- Four Capacity Models for Coarse-Coded Symbol Memories (1987) (10)
- The reaching task: evidence for vector arithmetic in the motor system? (1994) (9)
- Modeling Temporal Structure in Classical Conditioning (2001) (9)
- Phonological Rule Induction: An Architectural Solution (1990) (9)
- Analyzing the Energy Landscapes of Distributed Winner-Take-All Networks (1988) (9)
- Neural Network Classifiers for Optical Chinese Character Recognition (1999) (8)
- Application of a model of instrumental conditioning to mobile robot control (1997) (8)
- Dopamine and inference about timing (2002) (8)
- An inexpensive hand-eye system for undergraduate robotics instruction (2009) (8)
- Representing conceptual structures in a neural network (1987) (8)
- Rules and Maps in Connectionist Symbol Processing (1989) (8)
- Landmark Arrays and the Hippocampal Cognitive Map (1999) (8)
- The ARTSI Alliance: Recruiting Underrepresented Students to Computer Science and Robotics to Improve Society (2008) (7)
- Cognitive Primitives for Mobile Robots (2004) (7)
- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , pp . 11-19 , 1994 Towards a Computational Theory of Rat Navigation (1994) (7)
- Introducing an experimental cognitive robotics curriculum at historically black colleges and universities (2008) (7)
- Nonmonotonic Inheritance and Generic Reflexives (1988) (7)
- Calliope: Mobile Manipulation From Commodity Components (2010) (7)
- What a Perceptron Reveals about Metrical Phonology (1991) (7)
- The Rodent Navigation Circuit (2002) (6)
- Report on the AAAI 2010 Robot Exhibition (2011) (6)
- The ARTSI Alliance: Using Robotics and AI to Recruit African-Americans to Computer Science Research (2011) (6)
- Two Derivations Suffice: The Role of Syllabification in Cognitive Phonology (1990) (6)
- Artificial Intelligence Thinking in K-12 (6)
- Sequence Manipulation Using Parallel Mapping Networks (1991) (5)
- Viewpoint: Free speech rights for programmers (2001) (5)
- The Sinusoidal Array: A Theory of Representation for Spatial Vectors (1994) (5)
- Scaling Properties of Coarse-Coded Symbol Memories (1987) (5)
- A Connectionist Learning Approach to Analyzing Linguistic Stress (1991) (5)
- Beyond associative memory : connectionists must search for other cognitive primitives (1988) (5)
- From Syllables to Stress: A Cognitively Plausible Model (1990) (5)
- Continuity, polysemy and representation: understanding the verb ‘cut’ (1994) (4)
- Navigating with the Tekkotsu Pilot (2011) (4)
- Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1995) (4)
- Connectionist Models: Proceedings of the Summer School Held in San Diego, California on 1990 (1990) (3)
- A model of the rodent head direction system (1997) (3)
- Connectionist models as neural abstractions (1987) (3)
- Extending Tekkotsu to New Platforms for Cognitive Robotics (2007) (3)
- Feature Center: Getting the Picture from Documents and Drawings (1995) (3)
- Free speech rights for programmers. (2001) (3)
- Proceedings of the 1990 conference on Advances in neural information processing systems 3 (1990) (3)
- A model of the rodent head direction system that accounts for unique properties of anterior thalamic head direction cells (1999) (2)
- How should young children approach programming (2013) (2)
- Should first-order logic be neurally plausible? (1993) (2)
- Gestalt Perception (2021) (2)
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2, [NIPS Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 27-30, 1989] (1990) (2)
- Path integrator contributions to hippocampal map formation (2005) (2)
- Controlling Search Dynamics by Manipulating Energy Landscapes (1989) (2)
- An inference algorithm for networks that mix strict and defeasible inheritance (1991) (2)
- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1994) (1)
- On the proper treatment of thermostats (1988) (1)
- Machine Learning and the Five Big Ideas in AI (2022) (1)
- A comparison of reduction in APL with polyarity in LISP (1983) (1)
- Blocks World Vision for the AIBO Robot (2006) (1)
- Couplets: Helping Elementary School Students Recognize Structure in Code (Abstract Only) (2018) (1)
- Interactive Visualizations of Word Embeddings for K-12 Students (2022) (1)
- Building the Pascaline: Digital Computing Like It's 1642 (Abstract Only) (2015) (1)
- Small Scale Manipulation with the Calliope Robot (2012) (1)
- Connectionist models are also algorithmic (1987) (1)
- Parallel Mapping Circuitry in a Phonological Model (1991) (1)
- ARTSI robotics roadshow-in-a-box: turnkey solution for providing robotics workshops to middle and high school students (abstract only) (2012) (1)
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1989) (1)
- Designing and Refining of Questions to Assess Students' Ability to Mentally Simulate Programs and Predict Program Behavior (Abstract Only) (2016) (1)
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction in Reducing Program Reasoning Fallacies in Elementary Level Students (2019) (1)
- Rule Representations in a Connectionist Chunker (1989) (1)
- Exploiting Syllable Structure in a Connectionist Phonology Model (1990) (1)
- Rationale for a 'Many Maps' Phonology Machine (1990) (1)
- Graphical Display of Search Trees for Transparent Robot Programming (2012) (1)
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, NIPS, Denver, CO, USA, November 27-30, 1995 (1996) (0)
- How States are Preparing Their Students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (2022) (0)
- Lessons Learned From Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Middle School Students (2022) (0)
- Introduction (1991) (0)
- The AAAI 2011 Robot Exhibition (2012) (0)
- Vc Dimension Further Information 3.3 Optimization Algorithms 3 Learning from Data (1996) (0)
- Video Applications Development Platform (1993) (0)
- Rules and maps II : recent progress in connectionist symbol processing (1990) (0)
- Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1988) (0)
- Artificial Intelligence (2018) (0)
- Book review (1990) (0)
- Integration by Rat Head Direction Cells Passive Transport Disrupts Directional Path (2006) (0)
- Issues in Symbol Processing (1987) (0)
- BOF: Organizing State-Level Efforts for K-12 AI Education (2022) (0)
- Proceedings of the Connectionists Models Summer School Held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on June 17-26, 1988 (1989) (0)
- parameters such as cr and A, that is Pr(lw , or) = Pr(). Posterior probabilities of network weights are as follows. For regression with Gaussian error and unknown a, (2007) (0)
- Co-Designing an AI Curriculum with University Researchers and Middle School Teachers (2022) (0)
- News and Notes (2005) (0)
- Book review (1988) (0)
- Matthew Zeidenberg, Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence (1993) (0)
- Proceedings of the 1990 Summer School on Connectionist models (1991) (0)
- Invited Talk Abstracts (2011) (0)
- Creating an educational robot by embedding a learning agent in the physical world (abstract only) (2013) (0)
- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1990) (0)
- Technology. His Current Research Interests In- Clude Neural Computation, Statistical Learning Theory, and Handwriting Recognition. Kwok and Yeung: Constructive Algorithms for Structure Learning \some Approximation Properties of Projection Pursuit Learning Networks," in Advances in Neural Information (1997) (0)
- A New Set of Eyes and a New Pair of Legs: A Robust Learning Environment for Advanced High School Robotics (2011) (0)
- LISP: introducción al cálculo simbólico (1986) (0)
- Leg Design for a Praying Mantis Robot (2012) (0)
- Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology (1996) (0)
- Computing Goal Locations from Place Codes (2019) (0)
- Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, May 18-20, 2011, Palm Beach, Florida, USA (2011) (0)
- Human-Like Understanding of Two-Line Figures (2011) (0)
- Phonology as a window on symbol processing: theoretical and computational paradigms (1991) (0)
- Object Recognition Tools for Educational Robots (2008) (0)
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