Deanna M. Church
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Deanna M. Church's Degrees
- PhD Genetics Stanford University
- Bachelors Biology University of California, Santa Cruz
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Why Is Deanna M. Church Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Deanna Church is a scientist working in the areas of bioinformatics and genomics. She is known for her work on the human genome, "making the genome a friendlier place". Life Church graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia in 1990. She received a doctorate in Genomics from University of California, Irvine in 1997. Church describes her passion for bioinformatics as connected to her enjoyment of problem solving and being in a team that has direct impacts on people's medical care.
Deanna M. Church's Published Works
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Published Works
- Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. (2001) (15222)
- A novel gene containing a trinucleotide repeat that is expanded and unstable on Huntington's disease chromosomes (1993) (7826)
- An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes (2012) (7565)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information: update (2004) (5431)
- Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project (2007) (5196)
- Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome. (2002) (4609)
- Molecular basis of myotonic dystrophy: Expansion of a trinucleotide (CTG) repeat at the 3′ end of a transcript encoding a protein kinase family member (1992) (2604)
- Consensus statement: chromosomal microarray is a first-tier clinical diagnostic test for individuals with developmental disabilities or congenital anomalies. (2010) (2348)
- ClinVar: public archive of relationships among sequence variation and human phenotype (2013) (2116)
- Mutations in the transmembrane domain of FGFR3 cause the most common genetic form of dwarfism, achondroplasia (1994) (1190)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology (2003) (1179)
- Direct determination of diploid genome sequences (2016) (603)
- Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes (2017) (550)
- Evaluation of GRCh38 and de novo haploid genome assemblies demonstrates the enduring quality of the reference assembly. (2017) (541)
- Lineage-Specific Biology Revealed by a Finished Genome Assembly of the Mouse (2009) (472)
- Modernizing Reference Genome Assemblies (2011) (402)
- A genome-wide comparison of recent chimpanzee and human segmental duplications (2005) (396)
- An evidence-based approach to establish the functional and clinical significance of copy number variants in intellectual and developmental disabilities (2011) (395)
- Spidey: a tool for mRNA-to-genomic alignments. (2001) (336)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2020) (323)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2018) (296)
- Isolation of genes from complex sources of mammalian genomic DNA using exon amplification (1994) (275)
- Cross-species sequence comparisons: a review of methods and available resources. (2003) (275)
- Structure and expression of the Huntington's disease gene: Evidence against simple inactivation due to an expanded CAG repeat (1994) (269)
- Shotgun sequence assembly and recent segmental duplications within the human genome (2004) (259)
- The Ras GTPase-activating-protein-related human protein IQGAP2 harbors a potential actin binding domain and interacts with calmodulin and Rho family GTPases (1996) (249)
- Mouse segmental duplication and copy number variation (2008) (240)
- Assembly: a resource for assembled genomes at NCBI (2015) (223)
- dbVar and DGVa: public archives for genomic structural variation (2012) (211)
- The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution (2019) (205)
- Completing the map of human genetic variation (2007) (199)
- Resolving the full spectrum of human genome variation using Linked-Reads (2017) (161)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information: 2002 update (2002) (155)
- Extending reference assembly models (2015) (138)
- Dissecting the Causal Mechanism of X-Linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism by Integrating Genome and Transcriptome Assembly (2017) (135)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2007) (133)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2008) (131)
- Analysis of segmental duplications and genome assembly in the mouse. (2004) (125)
- Single haplotype assembly of the human genome from a hydatidiform mole (2014) (120)
- Sequence variations in the public human genome data reflect a bottlenecked population history (2002) (120)
- A general approach for detecting expressed mutations in AML cells using single cell RNA-sequencing (2019) (111)
- Erratum: Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome: International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium (Nature (2001) 409 (860-921)) (2001) (106)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2012) (100)
- Molecular definition of deletions of different segments of distal 5p that result in distinct phenotypic features. (1995) (97)
- Reference quality assembly of the 3.5-Gb genome of Capsicum annuum from a single linked-read library (2017) (96)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2011) (90)
- A novel G protein-coupled receptor kinase gene cloned from 4p16.3. (1992) (85)
- Public data archives for genomic structural variation (2010) (82)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2014) (76)
- A radiation hybrid map of mouse genes (2001) (74)
- Good laboratory practice for clinical next-generation sequencing informatics pipelines (2015) (71)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2009) (68)
- Protein synthesis requirements for nuclear division, cytokinesis, and cell separation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1991) (61)
- Generation of RCAS vectors useful for functional genomic analyses. (2001) (59)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2005) (58)
- A variant by any name: quantifying annotation discordance across tools and clinical databases (2016) (53)
- Achieving high-sensitivity for clinical applications using augmented exome sequencing (2015) (52)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2006) (51)
- A high-resolution physical and transcript map of the Cri du chat region of human chromosome 5p. (1997) (48)
- Cloning of the α–adducin gene from the Huntington's disease candidate region of chromosome 4 by exon amplification (1992) (37)
- High-throughput sequencing of the DBA/2J mouse genome (2010) (36)
- The Genome Assembly Archive: A New Public Resource (2004) (35)
- Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Early Emergence of Liver Parenchymal and Non-parenchymal Cell Lineages (2020) (34)
- Identification and characterization of two novel tetratricopeptide repeat-containing genes. (1996) (34)
- Candidate single nucleotide polymorphism selection using publicly available tools: a guide for epidemiologists. (2006) (34)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2021) (33)
- Genome Reference Consortium (2013) (33)
- Haplotyping the Vitis collinear core genome with rhAmpSeq improves marker transferability in a diverse genus (2020) (32)
- Identification of human chromosome 9 specific genes using exon amplification. (1993) (30)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2001) (29)
- Mouse Chromosome 2 (1999) (27)
- A gene from chromosome 4p16.3 with similarity to a superfamily of transporter proteins. (1993) (25)
- High-Quality Assembly of an Individual of Yoruban Descent (2016) (21)
- Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes (2019) (20)
- Connecting sequence and biology in the laboratory mouse. (2003) (20)
- Principles and Recommendations for Standardizing the Use of the Next-Generation Sequencing Variant File in Clinical Settings. (2017) (19)
- Clone DB: an integrated NCBI resource for clone-associated data (2012) (18)
- De novo assembly of the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) genome with linked-reads and long-read technologies minimizes gaps and provides exceptional Y chromosome assembly (2020) (18)
- Building and Improving Reference Genome Assemblies (2017) (18)
- Transcript mapping of the human chromosome 11q12-q13.1 gene-rich region identifies several newly described conserved genes. (1998) (18)
- Rapid generation of nested chromosomal deletions on mouse chromosome 2. (2000) (16)
- Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (2009) (15)
- Alternate-locus aware variant calling in whole genome sequencing (2016) (14)
- Linked-Read sequencing resolves complex structural variants (2017) (13)
- Corrigendum: Direct determination of diploid genome sequences. (2018) (13)
- The effects of common structural variants on 3D chromatin structure (2020) (12)
- A radiation hybrid map of human chromosome 5 with integration of cytogenetic, genetic, and transcript maps. (1997) (12)
- Mutation detection in thousands of acute myeloid leukemia cells using single cell RNA-sequencing (2018) (11)
- Molecular basis of myotonic dystrophy: expansion of a trinucleotide (CTG) repeat at the 3' end of a transcript encoding a protein kinase family member. (1992) (10)
- Gene identification by exon amplification. (1999) (10)
- Genomes for all (2018) (8)
- Birth, expansion, and death of VCY-containing palindromes on the human Y chromosome (2019) (7)
- An evidence-based approach to establish the functional and clinical significance of CNVs in intellectual and developmental disabilities (7)
- WebaCGH: an interactive online tool for the analysis and display of array comparative genomic hybridisation data. (2006) (6)
- Charting the emergent organotypic landscape of the mammalian gut endoderm at single-cell resolution (2018) (6)
- Online resources for genomic structural variation. (2012) (5)
- Back to Bermuda: how is science best served? (2009) (5)
- Exon trapping and sequence-based methods of gene finding in transcript mapping of human 4p 16.3 (1997) (5)
- Evaluation of GRCh38 and de novo haploid genome assemblies demonstrates the enduring quality of the reference assembly (2016) (4)
- A next-generation human genome sequence. (2022) (4)
- De novo genome assembly of the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) developed through a combination of linked-reads and long-read technologies (2018) (3)
- Efficiency and specificity of gene isolation by exon amplification (1993) (2)
- A framework for evaluating edited cell libraries created by massively parallel genome engineering (2021) (2)
- Encyclopedia of the mouse genome VII. Mouse chromosome 2. (1998) (2)
- Abstract 1457: Genomic characterization of a PDX model of T-DM1-resistant HER2+ invasive ductal carcinoma using augmented exome sequencing (2015) (2)
- Thousands of human sequences provide deep insight into single genomes (2020) (2)
- Reference Databases for Disease Associations (2015) (1)
- The 2000 Chromosome Committee Reports for the Mouse Genome (2000) (1)
- Variation Overview (2017) (1)
- Abstract 3616: Fix the fixation: effect of formalin fixation on targeted sequencing, variant calling and gene expression (2016) (1)
- Birth, expansion, and death of VCY-containing palindromes on the human Y chromosome (2019) (1)
- The effects of common structural variants on 3D chromatin structure (2020) (1)
- Mouse chromosome 2 (2009) (0)
- Figure 10. [Screenshot of NCBI Sviewer display...]. (2013) (0)
- Figure 11. [A: Search interface for TPF...]. (2013) (0)
- Additional file 1 of Alternate-locus aware variant calling in whole genome sequencing (2016) (0)
- Genome Workbench: a Desktop Application for Viewing and Analyzing Sequence Data (2012) (0)
- Reference quality assembly of the 3.5-Gb genome of Capsicum annuum from a single linked-read library (2018) (0)
- [Table, dbVar and structural variation]. (2013) (0)
- Figure 5. [Top panel: RefSeq copy of...]. (2013) (0)
- Author Correction: A general approach for detecting expressed mutations in AML cells using single cell RNA-sequencing (2022) (0)
- Alternate-locus aware variant calling in whole genome sequencing (2016) (0)
- Abstract 3899: Integrating RNA/DNA analysis with a comprehensive cancer panel to improve interpretations of stage four metastatic renal cell carcinoma (2015) (0)
- Table 1. [Identifiers used by ClinVar]. (2013) (0)
- Figure 2. [Sequence hierarchy in human chromosome...]. (2013) (0)
- Molecular Cytogenetics Using Linked-Reads (2016) (0)
- Figure 3. [Detailed display of an RCV record. This is currently the default display.]. (2013) (0)
- A chromosome-length assembly of the Hawaiian Monk seal (Neomonarchus schauinslandi) confirms genomic stability in the Pinnipeds and a prolonged history of “genetic purging” (2022) (0)
- Quantitative Profiling of Large and Complex Single Cell Populations (2017) (0)
- Using Linked-Reads to Enable Efficient de novo Diploid Assembly (2017) (0)
- A Chromosome-Length Assembly of the Hawaiian Monk Seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi): A History of “Genetic Purging” and Genomic Stability (2022) (0)
- Figure 7. [Schematic of component overlaps and...]. (2013) (0)
- Abstract 281: Identifying genetic variation and cellular heterogeneity with a comprehensive cancer analysis toolkit (2018) (0)
- Figure 3. [A: Ideogram representation of the...]. (2013) (0)
- Figure 2. [Tabular results of a ClinVar search.]. (2013) (0)
- Abstract 533: Accurately identifying expressed somatic variants for neoantigen detection and immuno-oncology (2016) (0)
- Figure 1. [Schematic representation of the assembly...]. (2013) (0)
- Connecting the Lab to the Genome: CloneDB (2012) (0)
- Extending reference assembly models (2015) (0)
- Accuracy and content-enhanced exome and transcriptome sequencing to guide therapeutic decision making in cancer treatment. (2014) (0)
- Figure 8. [GRC website. A: GRC announcements...]. (2013) (0)
- Analytical validation of comprehensive assays for genomic profiling of cancer from DNA and RNA (2016) (0)
- Abstract 3612: Challenges in variant searching and annotation for clinical cancer testing (2016) (0)
- A variant by any name: quantifying annotation discordance across tools and clinical databases (2017) (0)
- Direct Detection of Expressed Mutations in AML Cells Using Single Cell RNA-Sequencing, and Its Impact on Defining Sources of Expression Heterogeneity (2018) (0)
- Effect of assaying the matched normal on clinical cancer sequencing results. (2016) (0)
- Figure 1. [Overview of the flow of...]. (2013) (0)
- Abstract 3636: Improved clinical variant calling and HLA genotyping with GRCh38 (2016) (0)
- Figure 9. [Detail from issue-specific page at...]. (2013) (0)
- Thousands of human sequences provide deep insight into single genomes (2020) (0)
- Enabling More Complete Genome Analysis Using 10x Linked-Reads (2016) (0)
- The emergent landscape of the mouse gut endoderm at single-cell resolution (2019) (0)
- Physical mapping in the Cri du Chat region on human chromosome 5 (1994) (0)
- Back to Bermuda (2009) (0)
- Accessing the Human Genome (2002) (0)
- Abstract 3169: The benefits and burdens of assaying matched normal tissue when sequencing cancer genomes (2016) (0)
- Abstract 3576: Creating and accurately interpreting clinical grade cancer exomes: Challenges and solutions (2014) (0)
- Abstract 3400: Characterizing genomic variation and tumor heterogeneity in cancer (2018) (0)
- Abstract 4744: Solving genomic assay trade-offs with an optimized, extended cancer gene panel for research and clinical applications (2015) (0)
- Figure 6. [Dataflow for GRC assembly updates.]. (2013) (0)
- Tools for Managing and Comparing Assemblies (2009) (0)
- Achieving high-sensitivity for clinical applications using augmented exome sequencing (2015) (0)
- Abstract 1013: Analyzing infiltrating B cell populations in the tumor microenvironment using single cell transcriptomics (2018) (0)
- The detection of clinically relevant cancer mutations using a high depth, augmented, comprehensive cancer gene panel. (2015) (0)
- Abstract A2-39: Augmented targeted NGS in cancer diagnostics: Comparing gene panels and whole exome sequencing for accurate detection of driver mutations (2015) (0)
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