Deborah Gewertz
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American anthropologist
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Deborah Gewertz's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Anthropology University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Deborah Gewertz Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Deborah B. Gewertz is an American anthropologist. She is the G. Henry Whitcomb 1874 Professor of Anthropology at Amherst College. Gewertz is a fellow of the Association for Cultural Anthropology and the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. Gewertz completed a B.A. in English literature, cum laude at Queens College, City University of New York in 1969. She was a special student at Princeton University from 1968 to 1969. Gewertz earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from the Graduate Center, CUNY in 1977.
Deborah Gewertz's Published Works
Published Works
- Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea: The Telling of Difference (1999) (102)
- Twisted Histories, Altered Contexts: Representing the Chambri in a World System. (1992) (101)
- Articulating Change in the "Last Unknown" (1995) (58)
- Sepik River societies : a historical ethnography of the Chambri and their neighbors (1985) (53)
- on PepsiCo and piety in a Papua New Guinea “modernity” (1996) (51)
- Miraculous Voices: The Auditory Experience of Numinous Objects [and Comments and Replies] (1984) (45)
- Cheap Meat: Flap Food Nations in the Pacific Islands (2010) (34)
- The Individuation of Tradition in a Papua New Guinean Modernity (1996) (30)
- Instant noodles as an antifriction device: making the BOP with PPP in PNG. (2012) (28)
- History and ethnohistory in Papua New Guinea (1985) (27)
- The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise of an Industrial Food into the Twenty-First Century (2013) (27)
- Yali's Question: Sugar, Culture, and History (2004) (26)
- Cultural Alternatives and a Feminist Anthropology: An Analysis of Culturally Constructed Gender Interests in Papua New Guinea (1987) (21)
- Pacific Island gastrologies: following the flaps (2008) (21)
- The Tchambuli View of Persons: A Critique of Individualism in the Works of Mead and Chodorow (1984) (19)
- from darkness to light in the George Brown Jubilee: the invention of nontradition and the inscription of a national history in East New Britain (1994) (19)
- We Think, Therefore They Are? On Occidentalizing the World (1991) (18)
- a historical reconsideration of female dominance among the Chambrl of Papua New Guinea (1981) (16)
- The Alimentary Forms of the Global Life: The Pacific Island Trade in Lamb and Mutton Flaps (2007) (14)
- First Contact with God: Individualism, Agency, and Revivalism in the Duke of York Islands (1993) (14)
- Twisted histories, altered contexts: Notes (1991) (12)
- Sepik River Societies: A Historical Ethnography of the Chambri and Their Neighbors (1987) (11)
- Tit for Tat: Barter Markets in the Middle Sepik (1978) (11)
- Expanding definitions, contracting contexts: a comment on Mosko's ‘Partible penitents’ (2010) (11)
- Negotiating with the state (1991) (11)
- The triumph of capitalism in East New Britain? A contemporary Papua New Guiñean rhetoric of motives (1993) (9)
- Doing Good and Doing Well: Prairie Wetlands, Private Property, and the Public Trust (2015) (9)
- Sleights of Hand and the Construction of Desire in a Papua New Guinea Modernity (1998) (9)
- From intensive agriculture to prairie heritage: a paradox of land repurposing in Eastern South Dakota, USA (2017) (8)
- Managing an endangered species: Palliative care for the pallid sturgeon (2018) (8)
- The Politics of Affinal Exchange: Chambri as a Client Market (1977) (7)
- Why we return to Papua New Guinea (1997) (7)
- Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea: The problem(s) of the poor (1999) (6)
- Retelling Chambri Lives: Ontological Bricolage (2016) (6)
- On Whom Depends the Action of the Elements : Debating among the Chambri People of Papua NewGuinea (1977) (6)
- Pheasant capitalism: Auditing South Dakota's state bird (2015) (6)
- Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea: How the grass roots became the poor (1999) (6)
- Exchange spheres among the Chambri people of Papua New Guinea (1977) (6)
- the chief of the Chambri: social change and cultural permeability among a New Guinea people (1985) (5)
- Linguistic Anthropology: The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia. Marilyn Strathern (1990) (5)
- of unfinished dialogues and paper pigs (1987) (5)
- Cannibal Tours. 1987. A film by Dennis O'Rourke (1989) (4)
- The Handbook of Sociocultural Anthropology (2020) (4)
- Yali's Question (2004) (4)
- Excusing the Haves and Blaming the Have-Nots in the Telling of History (2009) (3)
- In the Steps of Margaret Mead (1984) (2)
- The Myth of the Blood-Men: An Explanation of Chambri Warfare (1978) (1)
- The hidden injuries of class (1999) (1)
- Jealous Women in the Cane (2009) (1)
- The Creation of Patriarchy. GERDA LERNER (1988) (1)
- Review of Encompassing Others: The Magic of Modernity in Melanesia, by Edward LiPuma (2002) (1)
- Gone Primitive: Savage Intellects, Modern Lives. Marianna Torgovnick (1991) (1)
- Responses from the Field Response: Deborah B. Gewertz and Frederick K. Errington (1993) (1)
- Joe Leahy's Neighbours. 1988. A film by Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson (1990) (1)
- From Contentious to Contended: An ‘Event’‐ful Account of Karavaran History (2019) (1)
- Twisted histories, altered contexts: Conclusion: Interlocking stories, intersecting lives (1991) (0)
- many anthropologists have emphasized the tenacity with which Papua New Guineans have maintained traditional customs in the face of (2016) (0)
- The Abandoned Narcotic: Kava and Cultural Stability in Melanesia. RON BRUNTON (1994) (0)
- The new traditionalism: tourism and its transformations (1991) (0)
- Coca‐Globalization: Following Soft Drinks from New York to New Guinea by Robert J. Foster (2009) (0)
- FIVE. Smiles and Shrugs, Worried Eyes and Sighs (2019) (0)
- Response: The Telling of Class in Papua New Guinea (2001) (0)
- Ethnology: A New Guinea Landscape: Community, Space, and Time in the Eastern Highlands. K. J. Patakai-Schweizer. (1981) (0)
- The realization of class exclusions (1999) (0)
- From Darkness to Light in the George Brown Jubilee (2019) (0)
- The Triumph of Capitalism in East New Britain? (2019) (0)
- Net Notations (Ethnography as Commentary: Writing from the Virtual Archive– By Johannes Fabian (2010) (0)
- Dueling Currencies in East New Britain (2019) (0)
- CONCLUSION. One Supersize Does Not Fit All (2019) (0)
- Risky research in a rainforest (2020) (0)
- First Contact with God (2019) (0)
- Exemplars and the reproduction of everyday life: The Amherst affair (1988) (0)
- FOUR. Papua New Guinea’s Flaps (2019) (0)
- The middle class the (new) Melanesian way (1999) (0)
- Anthropology at Its Best: 1993 Annual Meeting (1993) (0)
- The Moral Economy of Mobile Phones: Pacific Islands Perspectives ed. by Robert J Foster and Heather A Horst, and: Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town by Anthony J Pickles (review) (2021) (0)
- Ian Howie-Willis, A Thousand Graduates: Conflict in University Development in Papua New Guinea, 1961-1976 (1982) (0)
- Conclusion (2019) (0)
- The Father Who Bore Me : The Role of Tsambunwuro during Chambri Initiation Ceremonies (2017) (0)
- Introduction (2019) (0)
- Encompassing Others: The Magic of Modernity in Melanesia (review) (2002) (0)
- Class and the definition of reasonability (1999) (0)
- Black Harvest. 1991. A film by Robin Anderson and Bob Connolly. 90 minutes, color (1992) (0)
- Stingy Egalitarianism: (2021) (0)
- TWO. Making Flaps (2019) (0)
- Introduction: On writing the Chambri (1991) (0)
- The written word (1991) (0)
- The initiation: making men in 1987 (1991) (0)
- THREE. Trading Meat (2019) (0)
- Appendix A: Godfried Kolly's life story (1991) (0)
- INTRODUCTION. What’s Not on Our Plates (2019) (0)
- The Telling of Class in Papua New Guinea (2001) (0)
- The Capitalism of Chambri Cosmology: The 2017 Sir Raymond Firth Memorial Lecture (2020) (0)
- Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea: Introduction: the twists and turns of difference (1999) (0)
- Western representations at home (1991) (0)
- Sacred Queens and Women of Consequence: Rank, Gender, and Colonialism in the Hawaiian Islands. Jocelyn Linnekin (1991) (0)
- SIX. Pacific Island Flaps (2019) (0)
- Review of Identity Through History: Living Stories in a Solomon Islands Society, by Geoffrey M. White (1993) (0)
- Namekas: Music in Lake Chambri. 1980. A film by Les McLaren: Kama Wosi: Music in the Trobriand Islands (1986) (0)
- Vanuatu: Politics, Economics and Ritual in Island Melanesia. Michael Allen, ed (1982) (0)
- Reconfiguring Amity at Ramu Sugar Limited (2016) (0)
- Wage, Trade, and Exchange in Melanesia: A Manus Society in the Modern State. JAMES G. CARRIER and ACHSAH H. CARRIER. Studies in Melanesian Anthropology 7. GILBERT H. HERDT, FITZ JOHN PORTER POOLE, and DONALD F. TUZIN, gen. eds. (1990) (0)
- Conclusion: on dark nights of the soul (1999) (0)
- Resistance Through Emulation (2019) (0)
- Always Hungry, Never Greedy: Food and Expression of Gender in a Melane-sian Society. Miriam Kahn. (1989) (0)
- Contrast and Context in New Guinea Culture. Ernest Brandewie. (1982) (0)
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