Diane Ravitch
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American academic
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Diane Ravitch's Degrees
- PhD History Columbia University
Why Is Diane Ravitch Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Diane Silvers Ravitch is a historian of education, an educational policy analyst, and a research professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Previously, she was a U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education. In 2010, she became "an activist on behalf of public schools". Her blog at DianeRavitch.net has received more than 36 million page views since she began blogging in 2012. Ravitch writes for the New York Review of Books.
Diane Ravitch's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Problems with the Use of Student Test Scores to Evaluate Teachers. EPI Briefing Paper #278. (2010) (515)
- The Closing of the American Mind (1987) (452)
- The Death and Life of the Great American School System (2010) (402)
- The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980 (1983) (391)
- تقــــريــر عـــن فصـــل مــــن كتـــاب نظام الموت والحياة للمدرسة الأمريكية الكبرى: كيف يقوض الاختبار والاختيار التعليم The Death and Life of the Great American School System How Test and Choice Are Undermining Education (2010) (358)
- Bridging the Gap Between Standards and Achievement The Imperative for Professional Development in Education (2002) (354)
- National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide (1995) (330)
- What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know: A Report on the First National Assessment of History and Literature (1987) (319)
- Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms (2000) (276)
- Left back : a century of battles over school reform (2001) (273)
- Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools (2013) (226)
- The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003) (145)
- Making Good Citizens: Education and Civil Society (2001) (138)
- The Great School Wars: A History of the New York City Public Schools (1974) (110)
- The Great School Wars: New York City, 1805-1973. (1975) (95)
- A nation still at risk (1998) (83)
- Diversity and Democracy: Multicultural Education in America. (1990) (80)
- The schools we deserve : reflections on the educational crises of our times (1985) (69)
- New Schools for a New Century. The Redesign of Urban Education. (1997) (61)
- Learning from the Past. What History Teaches Us about School Reform. (1995) (61)
- Schools Make a Difference. (1981) (56)
- Debating the Future of American Education: Do We Need National Standards And Assessments? (1996) (56)
- The revisionists revised : a critique of the radical attack on the schools (1979) (54)
- The Schools We Deserve (1985) (52)
- The Illusion of Educational Omnipotence@@@The Great School Wars: New York City, 1805-1973, A History of the Public Schools as Battlefield of Social Change. (1975) (51)
- The Language Police (2003) (47)
- A Culture in Common. (1991) (45)
- Brookings papers on education policy (1998) (35)
- The Case for National Standards and Assessments (1996) (35)
- Time to Kill "No Child Left Behind". (2009) (35)
- Why Public Schools Need Democratic Governance (2010) (35)
- A Consumer's Guide to High School History Textbooks. (2004) (34)
- What makes a good school? (1982) (31)
- The Plight of History in American Schools. (1991) (30)
- The Future of No Child Left Behind. (2009) (28)
- Why We're behind: What Top Nations Teach Their Students but We Don't. (2009) (26)
- Kid stuff : marketing sex and violence to America's children (2003) (24)
- Hoaxes in Educational Policy (2014) (24)
- Deep like the Rivers: Education in the Slave Quarter Community, 1831-1865@@@The Separate Problem: Case Studies of Black Education in the North, 1900-1930@@@Schooled to Order: A Social History of Public Schooling in America (1981) (23)
- Thin Gruel: How the Language Policy Drain the Life and Content from Our Texts. (2003) (23)
- Launching a Revolution in Standards and Assessments. (1993) (23)
- The Revival of History: A Response (1989) (21)
- Education after the culture wars (2002) (21)
- Beyond the Basics: Achieving a Liberal Education for All Children. (2007) (20)
- City schools : lessons from New York (2000) (20)
- National Standards and Curriculum Reform: A View from The Department of Education (1992) (19)
- Promise and peril. (2013) (19)
- Challenges to Teacher Education (2007) (18)
- Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy (2009) (18)
- The American reader : words that moved a nation (1991) (18)
- The Meaning of the New Coleman Report. (1981) (17)
- Who Prepares Our History Teachers? Who Should Prepare Our History Teachers? (1998) (17)
- Should We Teach Patriotism? (2006) (17)
- 50 States, 50 Standards? The Continuing Need for National Voluntary Standards in Education. (1996) (16)
- Brookings Papers on Education Policy: 1998 (2002) (16)
- Student Performance: The National Agenda in Education (1999) (14)
- Forgotten heroes of American education : the great tradition of teaching teachers (2006) (14)
- The Democracy Reader: Classic and Modern Speeches, Essays, Poems, Declarations, and Documents on Freedom and Human Rights Worldwide (1993) (14)
- On Thinking about the Future. (1983) (14)
- The Precarious State of History. (1985) (14)
- In Need of a Renaissance: Real Reform Will Renew, Not Abandon, Our Neighborhood Schools. (2010) (13)
- Review of College- and Career-Ready Students (2010) (13)
- On the History of Minority Group Education in the United States (1976) (12)
- Epistemic Network Analysis as a Tool for Engineering Design Assessment (2015) (12)
- A New Vision for City Schools. (1996) (11)
- Educating an urban people : the New York City experience (1984) (11)
- September 11: Seven Lessons for the Schools. (2002) (11)
- Education Reform 1995-1996 (1996) (11)
- Forgetting the Questions: The Problem of Educational Reform. (1983) (11)
- No Trivial Pursuit. (1988) (11)
- Adventures in Wonderland: A Scholar in Washington (2016) (11)
- Early Childhood Home Visitation Program Models: An Objective Summary of the Evidence About Which Are Effective (2009) (10)
- Schools in Cities: Consensus and Conflict in American Educational History (1983) (10)
- A Different Kind of Education for Black Children. (2000) (9)
- History's Struggle to Survive in the Schools (2007) (9)
- Somebody's Children: Expanding Educational Opportunities for All America's Children (1994) (8)
- What 17-Year Olds Don't Know Is Shocking, but Boards Can Do More Than Fret. (1987) (8)
- Education Reform, 1994-1995. A Report from the Educational Excellence Network to Its Education Policy Committee and the American People. (1995) (8)
- Tot Sociology Or What Happened to History in the Grade Schools (2016) (8)
- Our Schools Our Future Are We Still at Risk? (Forum) (2003) (7)
- A Report from Eastern Europe. (1991) (6)
- Recycling Reforms: The U.S. Department of Education Has Created an Office in Charge of Funding Innovation. Can We Avoid the Mistakes of the Past? (2004) (6)
- Developing National Standards in Education. (1992) (6)
- The Proposal in Perspective (1983) (6)
- The Schools are for Learning. (1976) (6)
- The New Politics of Choice (1995) (6)
- History and Educational Reform (1996) (6)
- The Continuing Crisis: Fashions in Education. (1984) (6)
- Social Science and Social Policy: The "White Flight" Controversy. (1978) (6)
- The Uses and Misuses of Tests. (1984) (6)
- Dictating to the Schools: A Look at the Effect of the Bush and Obama Administration on Schools. (2011) (6)
- The Teacher Accountability Debate (2016) (5)
- Democracy: What It Is, How To Teach It. (1990) (5)
- The scars and trophies of a reformer (2005) (5)
- Under Extreme Duress, School Choice Success (1997) (5)
- Back to the Future: The New Conservatism in Education@@@What Do Our 17-Year Olds Know?@@@Cultural Literacy@@@The Closing of the American Mind (1990) (5)
- Review of Cutting school: Privatization, segregation, and the end of public education (2019) (5)
- To Be a Member of The Governing Board. (2009) (5)
- National Standards in Education (1997) (5)
- A Good School. (1984) (5)
- November 20). The myth of Chinese super schools. (2014) (4)
- Education and Democracy: The United States of America as a Historical Case Study (2008) (4)
- Technology and the Curriculum: Promise and Peril (2018) (4)
- Broken Promises: What the Federal Government Can Do to Improve American Education (2000) (4)
- The School Marketplace: Has Commercialization Gone Too Far?. (2001) (4)
- What We've Accomplished Since WWII. (1984) (4)
- Multiculturalism in the Curriculum. (1989) (4)
- The New Right and the Schools: Why Mainstream America is Listening to Our Critics. (1982) (4)
- A Century of Skills Movements. (2010) (4)
- A Citizen's Guide to Standards. (1995) (4)
- American Traditions of Education (2001) (4)
- Different Drummers: The Role of Nonpublic Schools in America Today (1991) (4)
- Review of None of the Above: The untold story of the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, corporate greed, and the criminalization of educators (2019) (3)
- A reflection on the professional preparation of teachers (2008) (3)
- Why Public Schools Need Democratic Governance: By Endorsing Mayoral Control and Privatization, the Obama Administration Is Making a Risky Bet (2010) (3)
- The Paideia Proposal: A Symposium. (1983) (3)
- The English reader : what every literate person needs to know (2006) (3)
- What Happens to Low-Income New York Students When They Move From Public to Private Schools (2000) (3)
- Better than alternatives (1997) (3)
- Brookings Papers on Education Policy, 2005. (2005) (3)
- The Revisionists Revised: A Critique of the Radical Attack on the Schools. (1979) (2)
- The Test of Time. (2003) (2)
- Reviews: Surveying the Sociology Journals (1972) (2)
- The Controversy over National History Standards (2019) (2)
- Historical Perspectives on the Current Education Reforms. (1993) (2)
- Excellence in Humanities Teaching. (1983) (2)
- Policymaking and Research (2011) (2)
- Urban Politics and Changing Schools: A Competitive View (1983) (2)
- Another Report Card, Another "F"@@@American Memory: A Report on the Humanities in the Nation's Public Schools.@@@Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know.@@@What do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? A Report on the First National Assessment of History and Literature. (1988) (2)
- Community Control Revisited. (1972) (2)
- The American Reader (1990) (2)
- Frank J. Battisti Memorial Lecture: School Reform: Past, Present, and Future (2000) (1)
- Does Education Really Need More Innovation in the Age of Scientifically Based Research (2008) (1)
- 2014 John Dewey Lecture: Does Evidence Matter? (2015) (1)
- Are Truth-in-Testing Laws a Fraud?. (1979) (1)
- A response to Auster (1991) (1)
- Politicizing History@@@The Revisionists Revised: A Critique of the Radical Attack on the Schools. (1979) (1)
- The Leader of the Resistance: An Interview with Diane Ravitch (2014) (1)
- Magna Charter? A Report Card on School Reform in 1995 (1995) (1)
- Education Still Matters. (1978) (1)
- School Decentralization in New York City 1975 [and] Detroit's Experience with School Decentralization. (1975) (1)
- Schools in Cities: Consensus and Conflict in American Educational History.@@@Schools in Central Cities: Structure and Process. (1985) (1)
- The Ambiguous Legacy of "Brown vs. Board of Education.". (1984) (1)
- The Rhetoric of Decentralization. (1974) (1)
- The Evolution of School Desegregation Policy: 1964–1978 (1978) (1)
- The Dreams of Livingston College. (1969) (1)
- A Welcome Return: Why the Essay Section Will Improve the SAT. (2002) (1)
- Working for kids-all kids (2014) (0)
- Ravitch–Tilson Debate (2017) (0)
- Viewpoint: Toward a head-on collision (1981) (0)
- Kindness Is Society (2012) (0)
- TEACHING: Lawrence A. Cremin (2016) (0)
- CTU: Only Two Certified Librarians Left at Virtually All African-American High Schools in Chicago (2015) (0)
- NEPC Review: College- and Career-Ready Students (2010) (0)
- World-Class Standards: The Key to Excellence and Equity in Education (1993) (0)
- Historian Ravitch Trades Fact for Fiction: Latest Book Indifferent to the Standards of Social Science (2014) (0)
- Standards-based Education Reform Has a More than 20- Year History. a Standards-based Vision Was Enacted in National Academy of Education Working Group on Standards, Assessments, and Accountability (0)
- Nowhere Land: Textbooks Caught between the Right and the Left (2005) (0)
- The Principles that Bind Us Together (1993) (0)
- Are Party Politics the Cause of Britain ’ s Educational Decline ? (2016) (0)
- EdSpeak and Doubletalk: A Glossary to Decipher Hypocrisy and Save Public Schooling (2019) (0)
- TO: Honorable Mary K. Wakefield Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration Honorable David A. Hansell Acting Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families RE: Comments on Proposed Evidence Criteria in HHS Home Visitation Initiative (2010) (0)
- Problem We Seek To Address: Federal social programs, set up to address important U.S. problems, often fall short by funding models/strategies ("interventions") that are not effective. (2010) (0)
- Education and Economic Depression. (1976) (0)
- Ravitch, Diane, National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995. (1995) (0)
- The Test of Time: A Nation at Risk Was an Historic Document-For Its Time. Now We Know That While Its Findings Were Dead on, Its Reform Agenda Relied Too Much on the Existing System. (Feature) (2003) (0)
- Why the “Reformers” Will Lose (2015) (0)
- Integration, Segregation, Pluralism. (1976) (0)
- Selective memory: textbooks whitewash the '60s (2004) (0)
- Why Public Education Will Survive and Prevail (2015) (0)
- Reform and Reaction in Education@@@The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980. (1984) (0)
- TITLE Getting the Word Out: Proceedings of a National Forum on Disseminating Educational Research and Development (1991) (0)
- Education and culture in a free society (1991) (0)
- EdSpeak (Paperback): A Glossary of Education Terms, Phrases, Buzzwords, and Jargon. (2007) (0)
- We do have a few suggested revisions which, although in the nature of refinement, may be critical to the Fund's success. Our suggestions, and reasons for offering them, are as follows: (2009) (0)
- School Politics, Chicago Style. (1977) (0)
- Scott Walker: The Leading Reactionary in the Republican Primary (2015) (0)
- Schools and Cities (1985) (0)
- chapter 3: Education and Democracy: The United States of America as a Historical Case Study (2008) (0)
- Overlooked Strategies To Reduce Health Care Costs (2009) (0)
- Education Interview of the Month: Christopher Saldaña Interviews Diane Ravitch About Privatization (2020) (0)
- The Changing Academic Landscape: III: The Dreams of Livingston College (1969) (0)
- Not The Whole Story (2016) (0)
- Revirement de la ministre de l'éducation (2012) (0)
- Choice, Testing, and the Jigsaw Society. (2001) (0)
- Canarsie and Fuentes: The Limits of School Decentralization. (1973) (0)
- Policy Dialogue: Twenty Years of Test-Based Accountability (2022) (0)
- 1. New York: The Obsolete Factory (2017) (0)
- Peter Greene: The American Way is the Hard Way (2015) (0)
- The role of the Federal Government in promoting health through the schools: report from the Department of Education. (1992) (0)
- Letters (1993) (0)
- A Forgotten Hero of Liberal Education. (2001) (0)
- Holding Education Hostage (2013) (0)
- Ravitch, Diane, "Changing the Poisonous Narrative: A Conversation with Diane Ravitch," Educational Leadership, 69(December 2011/January 2012), 54-58. (2011) (0)
- The Changing History-Social Science Curriculum: A Booklet for Parents. (1990) (0)
- Reviving the Craft of Writing. (1984) (0)
- “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” and Other Good Things about Being a Historian of Education (2011) (0)
- Doomed to Fail: The Built-In Defects of American Education (Book) (2004) (0)
- We Must Persist Despite the Odds (2015) (0)
- The Great Equalizer (2016) (0)
- The Debate about Standards. (1981) (0)
- Whither the History of Urban Education (2016) (0)
- Chapter 1. Education and Democracy (2017) (0)
- Ohio: Time to End Charter Corruption! (2015) (0)
- Reduce the Explosive Growth in U.S. Health Care Costs Board of Advisors (2011) (0)
- Talent Developed: Conversations with Masters in the Arts and Sciences (1999) (0)
- Crisis, Crisis, Where Is the Crisis? Recent Popular Sociologies of Education@@@The World Crisis in Education: The View from the Eighties.@@@Illiterate America.@@@The Schools We Deserve: Reflections on the Educational Crises of Our Times. (1986) (0)
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