Edward O. Wilson
U.S. biologist and author, (1929 – 2021), Birmingham, Alabama, USA
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Edward O. Wilson's Degrees
- Masters Biology University of Alabama
- Bachelors Biology University of Alabama
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Why Is Edward O. Wilson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Myrmecology, Biodiversity, Sociobiology
Edward O. Wilson is the world’s leading expert on ants, a specialty known as myrmecology, but that’s not all. He is also considered the father of biodiversity and the father of sociobiology. He is the Pellegrino University Research Professor Emeritus of Entomology at the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and a lecturer at Duke University. He earned his BS and MS in biology from the University of Alabama. He was named to the Harvard Society of Fellows, which enabled him to travel around the world studying ant species from Australia to Cuba. He graduated from Harvard University with his PhD.
His interest in entomology began at an early age. He suffered a loss of vision in his right eye, forcing him to look differently at the world. He began to focus on the tiniest creatures, as those were the ones he could see best. At 18, he was collecting flies to study, but a lack of insect pins caused by the war made him switch to ants.
His book, On Human Nature, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1979. In 1991, he won yet another Pulitzer Prize, for The Ants, which he wrote with Bert Hölldobler. He is the founder of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation.
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According to Wikipedia, Edward Osborne Wilson ForMemRS was an American biologist, naturalist, ecologist, and entomologist known for developing the field of sociobiology. Born in Alabama, Wilson found an early interest with nature and frequented the outdoors. At age seven, he was partially blinded in a fishing accident; due to his reduced sight, Wilson resolved to study entomology. After matriculating at the University of Alabama, Wilson transferred to complete his dissertation at Harvard University, where he distinguished himself in multiple fields. In 1956, he co-authored a paper defining the theory of character displacement; in 1967, he developed the theory of island biogeography with Robert MacArthur.
Edward O. Wilson's Published Works
Published Works
- The Theory of Island Biogeography (1969) (15802)
- Sociobiology. The New Synthesis (1975) (4005)
- The Insect Societies (1974) (3510)
- Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (1998) (2186)
- Caste and ecology in the social insects. (1979) (1943)
- The biophilia hypothesis (1993) (1779)
- The Diversity of Life (1992) (1681)
- The evolution of eusociality (2010) (1287)
- The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies (2008) (1054)
- Rethinking the Theoretical Foundation of Sociobiology (2007) (999)
- Tropical Dry Forests The Most Endangered Major Tropical Ecosystem (1988) (704)
- The Social Conquest of Earth (2012) (695)
- The Current State of Biological Diversity (1988) (682)
- Experimental Zoogeography of Islands: The Colonization of Empty Islands (1969) (659)
- GENES, MIND AND CULTURE (1984) (658)
- Eusociality: origin and consequences. (2005) (633)
- Genes, mind, and culture : the coevolutionary process (1982) (633)
- The Little Things That Run the world* (The Importance and Conservation of Invertebrates) (1987) (631)
- Screening Plants for New Medicines (1988) (530)
- The Nature of the Taxon Cycle in the Melanesian Ant Fauna (1961) (528)
- Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life (2016) (502)
- The global biodiversity of coral reefs: a comparison with rain forests. (1997) (501)
- The analysis of olfactory communication among animals. (1963) (476)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (1992) (475)
- Biodiversity II: understanding and protecting our biological resources (1997) (457)
- The Future of Life (2002) (451)
- The Subspecies Concept and Its Taxonomic Application (1953) (425)
- The number of queens: An important trait in ant evolution (2004) (420)
- Taxonomy: Impediment or Expedient? (2004) (397)
- Chemical communication among workers of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Fr. Smith) 1. The Organization of Mass-Foraging (1962) (352)
- Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History (2007) (325)
- A primer of population biology (1972) (309)
- Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Edition (2000) (301)
- The Sociogenesis of Insect Colonies (1985) (298)
- The Origin and Evolution of Polymorphism in Ants (1953) (285)
- Experimental Zoogeography of Islands. A Two‐Year Record of Colonization (1970) (275)
- The rise of the ants: a phylogenetic and ecological explanation. (2005) (265)
- Success and Dominance in Ecosystems: The Case of the Social Insects (1991) (260)
- Caste and division of labor in leaf-cutter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Atta) (1983) (248)
- The Ecological Detective (2013) (242)
- Biophilia and the Conservation Ethic (2017) (240)
- Caste and division of labor in leaf-cutter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Atta) (1980) (236)
- The Loss of Diversity Causes and Consequences (1988) (233)
- Threats to Biodiversity. (1989) (224)
- Journey to the ants: a story of scientific exploration (1994) (224)
- The relation between caste ratios and division of labor in the ant genus Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1984) (206)
- The unity of knowledge. (1999) (202)
- The arboreal ant fauna of Peruvian Amazon forests : a first assessment (1987) (202)
- Caste and division of labor in leaf-cutter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Atta) (1983) (200)
- Chemical Releaser of Necrophoric Behavior in Ants (1958) (195)
- Primate Diversity and the Tropical Forest Case Studies from Brazil and Madagascar and the Importance of the Megadiversity Countries (1988) (192)
- Biophilia. Harvard University Press. (1984) (183)
- Caste and division of labor in leaf-cutter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Atta) (1980) (182)
- Specimen collection: an essential tool. (2014) (181)
- Structural and Functional Diversity in Temperate Forests (1988) (180)
- Chemical Communication in the Social Insects. (1965) (179)
- Evolution "for the Good of the Group The process known as group selection was once accepted unthinkingly, then was widely discredited; it's time for a more discriminating assessment (2008) (178)
- Some Ecological Characteristics of Ants in New Guinea Rain Forests (1959) (178)
- The Tropical Forest Canopy The Heart of Biotic Diversity (1988) (177)
- The multiple recruitment systems of the african weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1978) (176)
- Mapping the biosphere: exploring species to understand the origin, organization and sustainability of biodiversity (2012) (174)
- The Biological Diversity CrisisDespite unprecedented extinction rates, the extent of biological diversity remains unmeasured (1985) (171)
- A fifty-year plan for biodiversity surveys. (1992) (168)
- Causes of ecological success: the case of the ants. The sixth tansley lecture (1987) (165)
- A Consistency Test for Phylogenies Based on Contemporaneous Species (1965) (164)
- On the Future of Conservation Biology (2000) (164)
- Chemical communication among workers of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Fr. Smith) 2. An information analysis of the odour trail (1962) (161)
- Behavioral discretization and the number of castes in an ant species (1976) (158)
- Experimental Zoogeography of Islands: Defaunation and Monitoring Techniques (1969) (157)
- Dense heterarchies and mass communication as the basis of organization in ant colonies. (1988) (154)
- The Barometer of Life (2010) (148)
- The encyclopedia of life (2003) (146)
- Taxonomy as a fundamental discipline. (2004) (143)
- Journey to the Ants (1990) (142)
- Division of labor in fire ants based on physical castes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Solenopsis). (1978) (141)
- A global biodiversity map. (2000) (138)
- Pheidole in the new world : a dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus (2003) (138)
- Kin Selection as the Key to Altruism: Its Rise and Fall (2005) (138)
- The Ergonomics of Caste in the Social Insects (1968) (131)
- Translation of epigenetic rules of individual behavior into ethnographic patterns. (1980) (130)
- One Giant Leap: How Insects Achieved Altruism and Colonial Life (2008) (127)
- 7 – Chemical Communication within Animal Species (1970) (125)
- The species equilibrium. (1969) (123)
- Moral Philosophy as Applied Science (1986) (122)
- Chemical Communication and "Propaganda" in Slave-Maker Ants (1971) (121)
- Estimating Reductions in the Diversity of Tropical Forest Species (1988) (119)
- Our Diminishing Tropical Forests (1988) (118)
- On Human Nature (1979) (116)
- Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. (1982) (116)
- The Evolution of the Alarm-Defense System in the Formicine Ants (1971) (115)
- The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth (2006) (112)
- Academic press, inc. (1995) (107)
- Tropical Forests and Their Species Going, Going … ? (1988) (106)
- Group Selection and Its Significance for Ecology (1973) (105)
- The alarm-defence system of the ant Acanthomyops claviger (1968) (102)
- Limitations of inclusive fitness (2013) (102)
- A Monographic Revision of the ant Genus Lasius (2015) (102)
- Why Put a Value on Biodiversity (1988) (101)
- The organization of colony defense in the ant Pheidole dentata mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1976) (101)
- Colony-specific territorial pheromone in the African weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille). (1977) (100)
- Source and Possible Nature of the Odor Trail of Fire Ants (1959) (100)
- The First Mesozoic Ants, with the Description of a New Subfamily (1967) (98)
- The Power of Story: (2019) (97)
- Biodiversity at its utmost: tropical forest beetles. (1997) (96)
- A social ethogram of the neotropical arboreal ant Zacryptocerus varians (Fr. Smith) (1976) (95)
- A Chemical Releaser of Alarm and Digging Behavior in the Ant Pogonomyrmex Badius (Latreille) (1958) (92)
- The Evolution of the Dacetine Ants (1959) (92)
- Biochemical Polymorphism in Ants (1965) (91)
- Ecological Diversity in Coastal Zones and Oceans (1988) (89)
- Précis of Genes, Mind, and Culture (1982) (88)
- Monitoring Biological Diversity for Setting Priorities in Conservation (1988) (84)
- Models of Cultural and Genetic Change@@@Cultural Transmission and Evolution.@@@Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. (1982) (82)
- The relation between biological and cultural evolution (1985) (81)
- Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity (2009) (81)
- Glandular Sources and Specificity of Some Chemical Releasers of Social Behavior in Dolichoderine Ants (1959) (80)
- Enemy specification in the alarm-recruitment system of an ant (1975) (79)
- Communication by Tandem Running in the Ant Genus Cardiocondyla (1959) (79)
- Biology and the social sciences. (1990) (78)
- Queen Control in Colonies of Weaver Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1983) (74)
- Chemical communication. (1977) (74)
- What Mainstream Economists Have to Say About the Value Biodiversity (1988) (74)
- What is sociobiology? (1978) (72)
- The Leafcutter Ants: Civilization by Instinct (2010) (71)
- Recruitment Trails in the Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex Badius (1970) (70)
- The Outlook for new Agricultural and Industrial Products from the Tropics (1988) (69)
- Incest Avoidance as a Function of Environment and Heredity [and Comments and Reply] (1981) (66)
- Biodiversity research requires more boots on the ground (2017) (66)
- Competitive and aggressive behavior (1970) (65)
- From so simple a beginning: The four great books of Charles Darwin. (2006) (65)
- The Ants of Polynesia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). (2013) (64)
- Quantitative studies of liquid food transmission in ants (1957) (63)
- Invasion and Extinction in the West Indian Ant Fauna: Evidence from the Dominican Amber (1985) (63)
- Weaver ants: social establishment and maintenance of territory. (1977) (62)
- Diversity in and Among Grasslands (1988) (61)
- Correlates of variation in the major/minor ratio of the ant, Pheidole dentata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1985) (60)
- The First Mesozoic Ants (1967) (60)
- Challenges to Biological Diversity in Urban Areas (1988) (59)
- Chemical communication among workers of the fire ant Solenopsis saevissima (Fr. Smith) 3. The experimental induction of social responses (1962) (59)
- The ecology of some North American dacetine ants. (1953) (58)
- Ecological Science and the Human Predicament (1998) (57)
- The earliest known ants: an analysis of the Cretaceous species and an inference concerning their social organization (1987) (57)
- Serendipity in the Exploration of Biodiversity What Good are Weedy Tomatoes (1988) (56)
- In Search of Nature (1996) (55)
- The evolution of communal nest-weaving in ants. (1983) (55)
- Academic vigilantism and the political significance of sociobiology. (1976) (55)
- Breaking out of biogeographical modules: range expansion and taxon cycles in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole (2015) (55)
- Commodity, Amenity, and Morality The Limits of Quantification in Valuing Biodiversity (1988) (55)
- Building a Scientifically Sound Policy for Protecting Endangered Species (1995) (54)
- The alarm-defence system of the ant Lasius alienus (1969) (54)
- The Soldier of the Ant, Camponotus (Colobopsis) fraxinicola, as a Trophic Caste (1974) (53)
- Consilience. The Unity of Knowledge. London (Abacus) 1998. (1998) (53)
- The Meaning of Human Existence (2014) (52)
- Ants From the Cretaceous and Eocene Amber of North America (1985) (49)
- Lessons from Mediterranean-Climate Regions (1988) (49)
- Integrated Science and The Coming Century of The Environment (1998) (48)
- Patchy Distributions of Ant Species in New Guinea Rain Forests (1958) (48)
- Gene-culture translation in the avoidance of sibling incest. (1980) (48)
- Orientation to nest material by the ant, Pogonomyrmex badius (Latreille) (1970) (48)
- Behavior of Daceton armigerum (Latreille), with a classification of self-grooming movements in ants. (1962) (47)
- Nowak et al. reply (2011) (47)
- The Anatomical Source of Trail Substances in Formicine Ants (1964) (46)
- Oribatid mite predation by small ants of the genus Pheidole (2005) (46)
- The Population Consequences of Polygyny in the Ant Leptothorax curvispinosus (1974) (44)
- Is humanity suicidal? (1993) (44)
- Economics and the Preservation of Biodiversity (1988) (43)
- The evolution wars : a guide to the debates (2000) (43)
- Time to revive systematics. (1985) (43)
- The Effects of Complex Social Life on Evolution and Biodiversity (1992) (42)
- A Fossil Ant Colony: New Evidence of Social Antiquity (1964) (42)
- Aneuretus simoni Emery, a major link in ant evolution. (1956) (42)
- Human Behavioural Ecology (2003) (42)
- The Biological Basis of Morality (2005) (41)
- The evolution of ethics (1985) (41)
- Letters to a Young Scientist (2013) (40)
- The general form of Hamilton’s rule makes no predictions and cannot be tested empirically (2017) (40)
- Information Management for the Conservation of Biodiversity (1988) (40)
- Evolutionary perspectives on environmental problems (2007) (39)
- Sociobiology. The New Synthesis. Cambridge, MA (The Belknap Press) 1975. (1975) (38)
- Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 3. The subfamily Dolichoderinae. (1985) (37)
- Nature Divided, Scientists United: US–Mexico Border Wall Threatens Biodiversity and Binational Conservation (2018) (37)
- Behavior of the cryptobiotic predaceous antEurhopalothrix heliscata, n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Basicerotini) (1984) (36)
- Agroecology and in Situ Conservation of Native Crop Diversity in the Third World (1988) (36)
- Aversive Behavior and Competition within Colonies of the Ant Leptothorax curvispinosus (1974) (35)
- The Fire Ant (1958) (35)
- Tropical social parasites in the ant genusPheidole, with an analysis of the anatomical parasitic syndrome (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1984) (34)
- The coming pluralization of biology and the stewardship of systematics (1989) (34)
- Encounter: the envelope and the twig. (1978) (34)
- Restoration of Degraded Lands in the Amazon Basin (1988) (33)
- Increasing Diversity by Restoring Damaged Ecosystems (1988) (33)
- Natural selection drives the evolution of ant life cycles (2014) (33)
- Diversity Crises in the Geological Past (1988) (31)
- Microbial biodiversity and biotechnology. (1997) (31)
- The Rise of the Global Exchange Economy and the Loss of Biological Diversity (1988) (31)
- Genes, Mind, and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process: 25th Anniversary Edition (2005) (30)
- Using Science and Technology to Reestablish Species Lost in Nature (1988) (30)
- Modes of Spontaneous Chromosomal Mutation and Karyotype Evolution in Ants with Reference to the Minimum Interaction Hypothesis (2011) (30)
- Sex differences in cooperative silk-spinning by weaver ant larvae. (1980) (29)
- The Case against the Trinomen (1954) (29)
- The Condor's Shadow: The Loss and Recovery of Wildlife in America (1994) (29)
- Observations on the behavior of the Cerapachyine ants (1958) (29)
- Between-caste aversion as a basis for division of labor in the ant Pheidole pubiventris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1985) (29)
- Nest area exploration and recognition in leafcutter ants (Atta cephalotes) (1986) (29)
- Habitat Selection by the Queens of to Field-Dwelling Species of Ants (1966) (28)
- Weaver Ants (2008) (28)
- On Advocacy by Environmental Scientists : What , Whether , Why , and How (2009) (28)
- The Trinidad Cave Ant Erebomyrma (= Spelaeomyrmex) Urichi(Wheeler), With a Comment on Cavernicolous Ants in General (1962) (28)
- Everybody's Story: Wising Up to the Epic of Evolution (1999) (28)
- Systematics and the future of biology (2005) (28)
- Die Einheit des Wissens (1998) (27)
- Consilience among the great branches of learning. (1998) (27)
- A Primer of Population Biology. (1972) (27)
- The Organization of a Nuptial Flight of the Ant Pheidole sitarches Wheeler (1957) (27)
- Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia. I. The tribe Leptogenyini. II. The tribes Amblyoponini and Platythyreini. (1958) (27)
- Molecular phylogeny of Indo‐Pacific carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Camponotus) reveals waves of dispersal and colonization from diverse source areas (2015) (26)
- Host tree selection by the Neotropical ant Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). (1990) (26)
- Conservation of Biological Diversity in Botanical Gardens (1988) (26)
- Slavery in Ants (1975) (26)
- Biodiversity: Challenge, Science, Opportunity (1994) (25)
- G. Evelyn Hutchinson and the Invention of Modern Ecology (2011) (25)
- Soil-binding pilosity and camouflage in ants of the tribes Basicerotini and Stegomyrmecini (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) (2004) (24)
- Environment: Early ant plagues in the New World (2005) (24)
- Human-caused extinction of birds. (1997) (24)
- The Fossil Members of the Ant Tribe Leptomyrmecini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1987) (23)
- Die soziale Eroberung der Erde: Eine biologische Geschichte des Menschen (2013) (23)
- Economic assessment of a 40,000 t/y mixed plastic waste pyrolysis plant using direct heat treatment with molten metal: A case study of a plant located in Belgium. (2020) (23)
- Some central problems of sociobiology (1975) (23)
- The Effect of Global Climatic Change on Natural Communities (1988) (23)
- Caste-specific techniques of defense in the polymorphic antPheidole embolopyx (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1985) (23)
- Ecology and behavior of the neotropical cryptobiotic antBasiceros manni (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Basicerotini) (1986) (23)
- Ecology and Behavior of the primitive cryptobiotic antPrionopelta amabilis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1986) (23)
- Life on earth (1973) (23)
- A general method for estimating threshold concentrations of odorant molecules. (1969) (22)
- An ant genus-group (Prenolepis) illuminates the biogeography and drivers of insect diversification in the Indo-Pacific. (2018) (22)
- The Morphology of the Proventriculus of a Formicine Ant (1952) (21)
- The organization of flood evacuation in the ant genusPheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1986) (21)
- [The Solenopsis saevissima complex in South America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)]. (1952) (20)
- Survival of the selfless (2007) (20)
- Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 2. The first fossil army ants. (1985) (20)
- Conserving and Monitoring Biotic Diversity Some African Examples (1988) (20)
- Evolution: survival of the selfless (2007) (20)
- Scientists, Scholars, Knaves and Fools (1998) (20)
- Genomics: How to make a social insect (2006) (19)
- Unified Architectural Theory: Form, Language, Complexity—a Companion to Christopher Alexander's "The Phenomenon of Life: the Nature of Order, Book 1" (2013) (19)
- Scientific Natural History: Telling the Epics of Nature (2014) (19)
- How to Unify Knowledge (2001) (19)
- Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia III. Rhytidoponera in western Melanesia and the Moluccas. IV. The tribe Ponerini. (1958) (19)
- Intensive Technology in the Care of Ex Situ Populations of Vanishing Species (1988) (19)
- The True Army Ants of the Indo-Australian Area (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae) (2015) (19)
- Purification of the Fire Ant Trail Substance (1965) (18)
- The ants of the Florida Keys. (1964) (18)
- Genes, Mind and Culture. (1983) (18)
- Nature matters11The full text of this commentary is available via AJPM Online at www.elsevier.com/locate/ajpmonline. (2001) (18)
- Communication in the primitive cryptobiotic ant Prionopelta amabilis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1992) (18)
- Sense and stability in animal names. (2005) (18)
- Caste and division of labor inErebomyrma, a Genus of dimorphic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) (1986) (17)
- The Social Biology of Ants (2011) (17)
- Multiple review of Wilson's sociobiology (1976) (17)
- The Queerness of Social Evolution (1973) (17)
- Deep Ecology Meets the Developing World (1988) (17)
- Evaluation of microbial transport during aerobic bioaugmentation of an RDX-contaminated aquifer (2015) (17)
- Populafton Biology and Evolution. Proceedings of an international symposium, Syracuse, N. Y., 1967. Richard C. Lewontin, Ed. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, 1968. x + 206 pp., illus. $8 (1969) (16)
- A Contract with the Earth (2007) (16)
- Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences (2016) (16)
- Revisionary Notes on the Sanguinea and Neogagates Groups of the Ant Genus. Formica (1955) (16)
- The Ants of the Juan Fernández Islands: Genesis of an Invasive Fauna (2006) (16)
- Mind in the Biosphere; Mind of the Biosphere (1988) (16)
- Feeding Behavior in the Ant Rhopalothrix biroi Szabó (1956) (15)
- Rain forest canopy: the high frontier (1991) (15)
- Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia. V. The tribe Odontomachini. (1959) (15)
- Conservation of Tropical Forests (1981) (15)
- Einführung in die Populationsbiologie (1973) (15)
- The Importance of Biological Field Stations (1982) (15)
- Caste and Division of Labor (1990) (14)
- New parasitic ants of the genusKyidris, with notes on ecology and behavior (1956) (14)
- The Importance of Ants (1990) (13)
- Can Technology Aid Species Preservation (1988) (13)
- Nature matters. (2001) (13)
- Identifying and Protecting the Origins of Our Food Plants (1988) (13)
- Southern Wonder: Alabama's Surprising Biodiversity (2013) (12)
- The prospects for a unified sociobiology. (1971) (12)
- The tenuis and selenophora groups of the ant genus Ponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1957) (12)
- Ants of Barbados (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) (2016) (12)
- Ende der biologischen Vielfalt (1992) (12)
- Conserving Earth's Biodiversity (2000) (12)
- On global biodiversity estimates (2003) (12)
- The Plight of Taxonomy (1971) (12)
- The Earth as a Living Organism (1988) (11)
- Evolutionary psychology: Conceptual foundations (2005) (11)
- Museums, research collections, and the biodiversity challenge. (1997) (11)
- Nature Revealed: Selected Writings, 1949-2006 (2006) (11)
- Ecological and genetic models of diversity: Lessons across disciplines (2007) (11)
- Ecological Restoration Reflections on a Half-Century of Experience at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum (1988) (11)
- Diversity and Biological Invasions of Oceanic Islands (1988) (11)
- The attempt to suppress human behavioral genetics. (1980) (11)
- Colony Odor and Kin Recognition (1990) (10)
- Foreword from the Scientific Side (2005) (9)
- Holism and reduction in sociobiology: Lessons from the ants and human culture (1991) (9)
- Deforestation and Indians in Brazilian Amazonia (1988) (9)
- Ants from Three Remote Oceanic Islands (1961) (9)
- Cryobiology, Embryo Transfer, and Artificial Insemination in Ex Situ Animal Conservation Programs (1988) (9)
- The Army Ants (1990) (9)
- The Serengeti Lion. A Study of Predator-Prey Relations. George B. Schaller. Drawings by Richard Keane. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1972. xiv, 480 pp. $12.50. Wildlife Behavior and Ecology (1973) (8)
- A Major New Opportunity to Finance the Preservation of Biodiversity (1988) (8)
- The Defining Traits of Fire Ants and Leaf-Cutting Ants (2019) (8)
- The First Workerless Parasite in the Ant Genus Formica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1976) (8)
- Environmental Expertise (1998) (8)
- Dacetinops, a new ant genus from New Guinea (1957) (8)
- Biodiversity, prosperity and value. (1991) (8)
- Genes and culture, protest and communication (1982) (8)
- Division of Labor in a Nest of the Slavemaking Ant Formica Wheeleri Creighton (1955) (8)
- Studies on the ant fauna of Melanesia. VI. The tribe Cerapachyini. (1959) (8)
- Human sociobiology: A preface (1984) (7)
- Santa Rosalia the turning of the century and a new age of exploration. (1997) (7)
- Social insect histology from the nineteenth century: the magnificent pioneer sections of Charles Janet. (2008) (7)
- Response: Barometer of Life (2010) (7)
- Communal silk-spinning by larvae ofDendromyrmex tree-ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1981) (7)
- Restoring Diversity in Salt Marshes Can We Do It (1988) (7)
- Island Biogeography in the 1960s: Theory and Experiment (2009) (7)
- Cultural Evolution : Accomplishments and Future Prospects (2008) (7)
- A new interpretation of the frequency curves associated with ant polymorphism (1954) (7)
- Predatory behaviour in the ant-like wasp Methocha stygia (Say) (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) (1973) (7)
- The Validity of the “Consistency Test” for Phylogenetic Hypotheses (1967) (7)
- Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 4. A giant ponerine in the genus Paraponera. (1986) (7)
- The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees. Karl von Frisch. Translated from the German edition (Berlin, 1965) by Leigh E. Chadwick. Belknap Press (Harvard University Press), Cambridge, Mass., 1967. xiv + 566 pp., illus. $15 (1968) (6)
- Ecology of ants and termites. (1978) (6)
- The Fungus Growers (1990) (6)
- Conserving earth's biodiversity with E.O. Wilson (2002) (6)
- The Social Instinct (1976) (6)
- A World in One Cubic Foot: Portraits of Biodiversity (2012) (6)
- Science and ideology (1995) (6)
- Reflections on a life in science (1990) (6)
- Comment on Spracklandus Hoser, 2009 (Reptilia, Serpentes, ELAPIDAE): request for confirmation of availability of the generic name and for the nomenclatural validation of the journal in which it was published (Case 3601; BZN 70:234 237; 71:30 38; 133-135,181-182 ,252-253) (2015) (6)
- The Conservation of Biodiversity in Latin America A Perspective (1988) (6)
- Preserving Biological Diversity in the Tropical Forests of the Asian Region (1988) (6)
- A Christian View of Biodiversity (1988) (6)
- American Museum of Natural History: 125 Years of Expedition and Discovery (1995) (6)
- Anthill: A Novel (2010) (6)
- Chimaeridris, a new genus of hook-mandibled myrmicine ants from tropical asia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1989) (6)
- The ants of Rennell and Bellona Islands. (1962) (6)
- Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects. (MPB-12), Volume 12 (1979) (6)
- The Insects : readings from Scientific American (1977) (6)
- Ecology and Behavior of the Ant Belonopelta deletrix Mann (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1955) (6)
- Pheidole Nasutoides, a New Species of Costa Rican Ant That Apparently Mimics Termites (1992) (5)
- Kingdom of Ants: José Celestino Mutis and the Dawn of Natural History in the New World (2010) (5)
- The linnaean enterprise: Past, present and future. (2005) (5)
- Alternatives to Destruction Research in Panama (1988) (5)
- Forced to Choose (2018) (5)
- The Tropical Forestry Action Plan Recent Progress and New Initiatives (1988) (5)
- The impact of rapid gene discovery technology on studies of evolution and biodiversity. (1997) (5)
- Sympatry of the ants Conomyrma bicolor (Wheeler) and C. pyramica (Roger). (1957) (5)
- How to unify knowledge. Keynote address. (2001) (5)
- Microalgae culture to treat piggery anaerobic digestion effluent (2014) (5)
- José Celestino Mutis, the ants, and Pheidole mutisi sp. nov. (2008) (4)
- The ethical implications of human sociobiology. (1980) (4)
- Five decades of invasion genetics (2014) (4)
- Promethean Fire. Reflections on the Origin of Mind. Cambridge, MA (Harvard University Press) 1983. (1983) (4)
- The Age of the Environment (2000) (4)
- Epigenesis and the evolution of social systems. (1981) (4)
- Symbioses with Other Arthropods (1990) (4)
- The nature of human nature. (1978) (4)
- And Today We're Going to Talk about Biodiversity … that's Right, Biodiversity (1988) (4)
- A Crucifix for Dracula: Wendell Berry Meets Edward O. Wilson (2001) (4)
- The Ecocentric Approach to Sustainable Development. Ecology, Economics and Politics (2010) (4)
- Classification and Origins (1990) (4)
- Genes and racism (1981) (4)
- A new parasitic ant of the genus Monomorium from Alabama, with a consideration of the status of genus Epixenus Emery. (1957) (4)
- Biodiversity and systematics: their application to agriculture. (1997) (4)
- Migration and Dispersal of Insects by Flight . C. G. Johnson. Methuen, London, 1969 (U.S. distributor, Barnes and Noble, New York). xxii + 766 pp., illus. $24 (1969) (3)
- Sociobiology: A Secular Theology (1979) (3)
- Behavior of the Cuban Lizard Chamaeleolis chamaeleontides (Dumeril and Bibron) in Captivity (1957) (3)
- Evolution and Our Inner Conflict (2013) (3)
- Erratum: Eusociality: Origin and consequences (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (September 20, 2005) 102, 38 (13367-13371)) (2005) (3)
- Tropical sustainable development and biodiversity. (1997) (3)
- Die Hälfte der Erde: Ein Planet kämpft um sein Leben (2016) (3)
- Recent Advances in Systematics (1968) (3)
- Animal Colonies. Development and Function through Time. Richard S. Boardman, Alan H. Cheetham, and William A. Oliver, Jr., Eds. Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Stroudsburg, Pa., 1973. xiv, 604 pp., illus. $35 (1974) (3)
- First record of a species from the New World Pheidole flavens-complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) introduced to the southwestern Pacific (2014) (3)
- The Dawn of Intelligence (1983) (3)
- Recycling of aluminium laminated pouches and Tetra Pak cartons by molten metal pyrolysis – Pilot-scale experiments and economic analysis (2022) (3)
- Biology of Termites. Kumar Krishna and Frances M. Weesner, Eds. Academic Press, New York, 1969-70. 2 vols. Vol. 1, xiv, 600 pp., illus.; vol. 2, xvi, 648 pp., illus. $32 each (1970) (3)
- Blattschneiderameisen – der perfekte Superorganismus (2011) (3)
- Opinion: two views: how much math do scientists need? (2013) (3)
- A Note To Consilience Readers (2017) (3)
- The Status of the Ant Genus Microbolbos Donisthorpe (1955) (3)
- A New Leptothorax From Alabama (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (1950) (3)
- AFTER KATRINA Disasters widen rich – poor divide THE DOGS OF SCIENCE Psychiatric disorders made simple MULTIPLE EXCITONS Three ’ s company , four ’ s a crowd How standard natural selection explains the evolution of eusociality (2010) (3)
- Ecology, evolution and population biology (1974) (3)
- The discovery of the Cerapachyine ants on New Caledonia, with the description of new species of Phyracaces and Sphinctomyrmex (1957) (3)
- 12 The Unification of the Behavioral Sciences (2008) (3)
- The biological basis of culture (2010) (2)
- The worker caste of the parasitic ant Monomorium metoecus Brown and Wilson, with notes on behavior. (1958) (2)
- Consilience and complexity (1998) (2)
- Symbioses among Ant Species (1990) (2)
- The Environmental Ethic (1996) (2)
- The Major Historical Trends of Biodiversity Studies (2010) (2)
- Sergei kovalev: a colleague in trouble. (1976) (2)
- Encyclopedia of life: should species description equal gene sequence? A reply (2003) (2)
- Are There Alternatives to Destruction (1988) (2)
- The 8 Million Species We Don't Know (2018) (2)
- Animal behavior: Readings from Scientific American (1975) (2)
- On Flanders' Hypothesis of Caste Determination in Ants (1953) (2)
- Symbioses between Ants and Plants (1990) (2)
- Ants: the civilized insect (2006) (2)
- A suggested revision of nomenclatural procedure in animal taxonomy. (1968) (2)
- New Science, New Urbanism, New Architecture? — Editors' Introduction (2004) (2)
- On incest and mathematical modeling (1984) (2)
- Preface to the Princeton Landmarks in Biology Edition (2001) (2)
- Non-verbal Communication. R. A. Hinde, Ed. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1972. xiv, 444 pp. + plates. $17.50 (1972) (1)
- Salvaging the Library of Life (2002) (1)
- Island Biogeography : Patterns in Species Richness (2003) (1)
- Optimization in Evolution@@@Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects. (1980) (1)
- Consilience: the role of human nature in the emergence of social artifacts (2014) (1)
- A Pioneering Adventure Becomes an Ecological Classic: The Pioneers (2017) (1)
- Sociobiology and History@@@Genes, Mind, and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process@@@Sociobiology and the Preemption of Social Sciences@@@Sociobiology Examined@@@Sociobiology and Human Politics@@@Man, the Promising Primate (1982) (1)
- Animal communication: a summing up. (1978) (1)
- “Scientists versus Whaling”: Whose Errors of Judgment? (2003) (1)
- Integrating Science and Conservation (2000) (1)
- Sociobiology, Individuality, and Ethics: A Response (2015) (1)
- Genetics and the Con.servationof Animals in Fragmented Habitats (2011) (1)
- Foraging Strategies, Territory, and Population Regulation (1990) (1)
- Museum of Comparative Zoology: Expanded "Skeleton Staff" (1991) (1)
- Restoring Diversity The Search for a Social and Economic Context (1988) (1)
- CHAPTER TWO. Area and Number of Species (2001) (1)
- Saving the Sumatran Rhino (2003) (1)
- The Poetic Species: A Conversation with Edward O. Wilson and Robert Hass (2014) (1)
- Comment: Protect biodiversity hot spots and the rest will follow (2009) (1)
- Promethean Fire: Reflections on the Origin of the Mind (1984) (1)
- On the future of biology. (2009) (1)
- The Harvesting Ants (1990) (1)
- Ethology and sociobiology: a point of definition (1979) (1)
- "On the conflicts between biological and social evolution and between psychology and moral tradition": Comment. (1976) (1)
- The Organization of Species Communities (1990) (1)
- Social Behaviour: Profile: Look to the ants (2010) (1)
- Dedication: Frank Morton Carpenter (1992) (1)
- Modern taxonomy. (1972) (1)
- Response: the value of systematics. (1986) (1)
- E. O. Wilson, Stephen Pope, and Philip Hefner: A Conversation (2001) (1)
- Der Aufbau eines Superorganismus (2010) (1)
- A Memorial Tribute to William L. Brown (2000) (1)
- Researchers Challenge E. O. Wilson Over Evolutionary Theory (2021) (1)
- International Development and the Protection of Biological Diversity (1988) (1)
- Fitness Trade-Offs and Environmentally Induced Mutation Buffering in Isogenic C. elegans (2015) (1)
- The Colony Life Cycle (1990) (1)
- Life : cells, organisms, populations (1977) (1)
- Carroll Milton Williams (2 December 1916-11 October 1991) (1997) (1)
- Ameisen : Die heimliche Weltmacht ( Ants : Nature ? s Secret Power ) ( 2004 ) (2018) (1)
- Social Homeostasis and Flexibility (1990) (1)
- Review of : Consilience : the Unity of Knowledge by (2016) (1)
- A Mammal Gallery Five Word Pictures and Three Poems (1988) (1)
- Dynamic Zoogeography. With Special Reference to Land Animals. MIKLOs D. F. Udvardy. Illustrated by Charles S. Papp. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1969. xviii + 446 pp. + plates. $17.50 (1970) (1)
- The Drive to Discovery (2016) (1)
- 2 0 Moral Philosophy as Applied Science (1994) (1)
- CHAPTER FOUR. The Strategy of Colonization (2001) (1)
- Social insects. (1971) (1)
- Altruism and the Origin of the Worker Caste (1990) (1)
- Collecting, Culturing, Observing (1990) (1)
- Biological Engineering for Sustainable Biomass Production (1988) (1)
- Species and Projected Costs for a Barometer of Life (2010) (1)
- The Primary Epigenetic Rules (2005) (0)
- Land Grant Application- Wilson, Edward (Cumberland) (2017) (0)
- An Argument From Evolutionary Naturalism (2009) (0)
- Opening Joint Session: Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada, and Entomological Society of Quebec (1973) (0)
- Gene-Culture Coevolution and Social Theory (2005) (0)
- Speaking out. (1993) (0)
- Social Contagion: "I'll Have What She's Having" By Max Sutherland (2007) (0)
- Truth in science [Book Review] (1988) (0)
- A Pulitzer for the Ants (2007) (0)
- The Lands Council is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the woods, waters, and wildlife of the Inland Northwest. (2005) (0)
- Genes, Mind and Culture (discussion) (1984) (0)
- Perspective: Systematics and the future of biology (2005) (0)
- Newsmaker interview. Down-to-earth science fiction. Interview by Elizabeth Pennisi. (2010) (0)
- Who Said That (2012) (0)
- Cold Water Spirit (1988) (0)
- A Biologist Remembers. Karl von Frisch. Translated from the German edition (Berlin, 1957) by Lisbeth Gombrich. Pergamon, New York, 1967. x + 200 pp., illus. $6 (1968) (0)
- 7. Stammessysteme als grundlegendes menschliches Merkmal (2013) (0)
- 12. Die Erfindung der Eusozialität (2013) (0)
- "Testing the Kin Selection Theory: Who Controls the Investments?" from The Ants (1990), by Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson (2018) (0)
- in the different vegetation types of the Espinhaço Mountain Range: floristic composition and environmental influence (2022) (0)
- Queen Numbers and Domination (1990) (0)
- The Beetle Genus Paralimulodes Bruch in North America, with Notes on Morphology and Behavior (Coleoptera: Limulodidae) (1954) (0)
- Religion and Science Should Join to Save the Planet (2006) (0)
- Culture analyzed in the mode of the natural sciences (1983) (0)
- Homo sapiens II_2_2010 (2011) (0)
- CHAPTER THREE. Further Explanations of the Area-Diversity Pattern (2001) (0)
- Inside knowledge (2020) (0)
- Down-to-Earth Science Fiction (2010) (0)
- 5 Apocalypses now (2016) (0)
- William Hamilton (1936-2000) (2000) (0)
- A Symposium on Secret Spaces (2000) (0)
- Ecology from Russia: Schooling in the Ecology of Fish . D. V. Radakov. Translated from the Russian edition (Moscow, 1972) by H. Mills. Halsted (Wiley), New York, 1973. viii, 174 pp. illus. $19.75. (1975) (0)
- The Biogeography of the Mind (2005) (0)
- Special Review: An Entomologist and A Gentleman (1996) (0)
- The Specialized Predators (1990) (0)
- The rebirth of Gorongosa (2013) (0)
- 2005 Conference on Communication and Environment (2005) (0)
- The Ecology of Insect Populations in Theory and Practice. L. R. Clark, P. W. Geier, R. D. Hughes, and R. F. Morris. Methuen, London; Barnes and Noble, New York, 1967. 246 pp., illus. $8 (1967) (0)
- Ecology Institute Prizes 1990 in the field of Terrestrial Ecology (1990) (0)
- The Secondary Epigenetic Rules (2005) (0)
- CHAPTER ONE. The Importance of Islands (2001) (0)
- Evolutionary genetics of a bizarre adaptation: elongated forelegs of South African Rediviva bees as an adaptation to their Diascia flower hosts (2019) (0)
- I Fundamental concepts 1 Introduction and overview (2015) (0)
- Comments and News (2013) (0)
- William M. Mann (1959) (0)
- Responding to the Reviews of Elshtain, Kaye, and Ruse (1999) (0)
- Arnti Vnlhro Notes National Museum of Natural History Bulletin for Teachers (0)
- Avian Mating Systems : The Aquatic Warbler is Unique me (2003) (0)
- Models of human motivation in sociology (2001) (0)
- CHAPTER SEVEN. Evolutionary Changes Following Colonization (2001) (0)
- Apis mellifera: Honeybee Ecology . A Study of Adaptation in Social Life. Thomas D. Seeley. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1985. X, 202 pp., illus. $39.50; paper, SI4.50. Monographs in Behavior and Ecology. (1986) (0)
- Supplementary Information for “ The evolution of eusociality ” (2010) (0)
- Can biology do better than faith (2005) (0)
- 9. The Biogeography of the West Indian Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (2019) (0)
- Non-lte Modelling of The Infrared Emissions In The Atmosphere of Titan (2002) (0)
- A Conversation with... Dr. Edward O. Wilson (1996) (0)
- 3. Die Langstrecke (2013) (0)
- Prefatory Chapter (2) (2001) (0)
- Response to J.Dobrzanska and J.Dobrzanski on the raids of Poluergus (1989) (0)
- Evaluation of microbial transport during aerobic bioaugmentation of an RDX-contaminated aquifer (2015) (0)
- 6 Gleichen wir Göttern (2016) (0)
- Trophobionten und Hirtenameisen (2013) (0)
- Krieg und Aussenpolitik (2016) (0)
- 13. Erfindungen, die die sozialen Insekten voranbrachten (2013) (0)
- 16 Umdeutung der Geschichte (2016) (0)
- Sozialparasiten: die Codeknacker (1995) (0)
- Der Durchbruch der Attini Attini (2011) (0)
- 25. Der Ursprung der Religion (2013) (0)
- Leben und Tod einer Kolonie (1995) (0)
- Kommunikation Kommunikation bei Atta (2011) (0)
- Agrarräuber Agrarräuber und Agrarparasiten Agrarparasit (2011) (0)
- Der Aufstieg der Blattschneiderameisen (2011) (0)
- 13 Die völlig fremde Wasserwelt (2016) (0)
- Konflikt- und Dominanzverhalten (1995) (0)
- The Third Wave's Third Way: Networks vs. Elementary Particles ‐ Summer 2006 (2008) (0)
- 3 Über wie viel Biodiversität verfügen wir noch (2016) (0)
- 17 Das Erwachen (2016) (0)
- 15. Altruismus und Eusozialität bei Insekten (2013) (0)
- Das Erkennen von Nestgenossinnen (2013) (0)
- Wie lernt man Populationsbiologie (1973) (0)
- 6. Kreative Kräfte (2013) (0)
- 14. Das wissenschaftliche Dilemma der Seltenheit (2013) (0)
- Caste in Social Insects: Sozialpolymorphismus bei Insekten . Probleme der Kastenbildung im Tierreich. GErhard H. Schmidt, Ed. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1974. xxiv, 974 pp., illus. DM 290. Bücher der Zeitschrift Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau . (1975) (0)
- 2. Die beiden Pfade der Eroberung (2013) (0)
- 10. Die kreative Explosion (2013) (0)
- 17. Soziale Instinkte als Werk der natürlichen Selektion (2013) (0)
- 4 Nachruf auf das Nashorn (2016) (0)
- Die seltsamsten Ameisen (1995) (0)
- 1 Die Welt geht zweimal unter (2016) (0)
- Nachweise zu den Abbildungen und Tabellen (2013) (0)
- 19. Das Aufkommen einer neuen Theorie der Eusozialität (2013) (0)
- 21. Die Evolution der Kultur (2013) (0)
- Vom Ursprung der Arbeitsteilung (1995) (0)
- 2 Die Menschheit braucht eine Biosphäre (2016) (0)
- 8. Krieg als angeborenes Übel der Menschheit (2013) (0)
- Krieg und Außenpolitik (1995) (0)
- Die perfekten Superorganismen (2011) (0)
- 24. Der Ursprung von Moral und Ehrbegriff (2013) (0)
- 9. Die Auswanderung (2013) (0)
- Arbeitsteilung im Superorganismus (2013) (0)
- Genetische Grundlagen der sozialen Evolution (2010) (0)
- Pfade und Futtertransportstrassen Futtertransportstraße (2011) (0)
- 5. Der Faden durch das Labyrinth der Evolution (2013) (0)
- 27. Eine neue Aufklärung (2013) (0)
- 9 Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung (2016) (0)
- 1. Die Natur des Menschen (2013) (0)
- Auf den Spuren der Ameisen (2013) (0)
- 12 Die unbekannten Netze des Lebens (2016) (0)
- 7 Die Beschleunigung des Artensterbens (2016) (0)
- Der Lebenszyklus Lebenszyklus der Blattschneiderameisen (2011) (0)
- 11 Die Herrgott-Spezies (2016) (0)
- Vom Ursprung des Altruismus bei Ameisen (2013) (0)
- 18. Die Kräfte der sozialen Evolution (2013) (0)
- Nachwort: Wer wird überleben? (1995) (0)
- 20. Was ist die Natur des Menschen (2013) (0)
- Wie sich Ameisen verständigen (1995) (0)
- Biogeographie: Theorie des Gleichgewichts der Arten (1973) (0)
- 22. Der Ursprung der Sprache (2013) (0)
- 8 Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels: Land, Meer und Luft (2016) (0)
- 16. Insekten machen den Riesensprung (2013) (0)
- 14 Das unsichtbare Reich (2016) (0)
- Wie Ameisen ihre Umwelt kontrollieren (1995) (0)
- Die Vorherrschaft der Ameisen (1995) (0)
- Rediscovery of New Caledonian bulldog ant. Insights into island disharmony (2014) (0)
- Nester der Blattschneiderameisen (2011) (0)
- 23. Die Evolution der Kulturvielfalt (2013) (0)
- Der anthropologische Diskurs über Aggression (1996) (0)
- Hygiene Hygiene in der Symbiose (2011) (0)
- Pilzzüchtende Blattschneiderameisen: die ultimativen Superorganismen (2010) (0)
- Das Kastensystem Kastensystem von Atta (2011) (0)
- Die Symbiose Symbiose von Ameise und Pilz (2011) (0)
- Entscheidungsregeln in ihrer genetischen Evolution (2010) (0)
- Das Rätsel der Spezies Mensch (2017) (0)
- 20 Der Weg durch den Engpass (2016) (0)
- Ernte Ernte der Vegetation (2011) (0)
- Wie man Ameisen untersucht (1995) (0)
- Die Hälfte der Erde (2016) (0)
- 26. Der Ursprung der kreativen Künste (2013) (0)
- One cubic foot: miniature surveys of biodiversity (2010) (0)
- Title Breaking out of biogeographical modules : range expansion andtaxon cycles in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole (2015) (0)
- Nature ’ s Epics and Scientific Natural History Experimental Evolution of Multicellular Complexity An Ecological Approach to Production Agriculture (0)
- Bill’s discussion of prudence adds to a robust literature in the field, including previous work by Alberto Coil in these pagesi and Arnold Wolfers’ classic “Statesmanship and Moral Choice.”2 Many of Ball’s contemporaries ruminated (2012) (0)
- Of Insects and Man (2019) (0)
- 11. Der Spurt zur Zivilisation (2013) (0)
- FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE (2004) (0)
- 21 Was zu tun ist (2016) (0)
- Books in brief (2011) (0)
- Response : The Value of Systematics (1986) (0)
- War and Redemption in Gorongosa (2014) (0)
- Tarts, Seagulls, and Senator Proxmire: The Politics of Obscurantism (1979) (0)
- Termites as Ecological Agents: Termites and Soils . K. E. Lee and T. G. Wood. Academic Press, New York, 1971. x, 252 pp., illus. $11.50. (1972) (0)
- Taxonomic exploration. (1980) (0)
- Biodiversity research requires more boots on the ground (2017) (0)
- Myrmecology: An Introduction to the Behavior of Ants . John H. Sudd. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1967. 208 pp., illus. Cloth. $8.25: paper. $3.95. (1967) (0)
- 19 Die Hälfte der Erde: So retten wir die Biosphäre (2016) (0)
- CHAPTER EIGHT. Prospect (2001) (0)
- Animal communication. (1972) (0)
- The Coevolutionary Circuit (2005) (0)
- Ecology of Ants and Termites: Production Ecology of Ants and Termites . M. V. Brian, Ed. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1977. xviii, 410 pp., illus. $41. International Biological Programme 13. (1978) (0)
- PATHS OF GLORY: Following Army Ants as They March Through the Tropics (1989) (0)
- Records TLCS TLCS/t TLCSx TGCS TGCS/t TLCR h-index (2013) (0)
- Letter from Edward O. Wilson, Museum of Comparative Zoology to Donald W. Pfaff (1980) (0)
- Altruism: Its Rise and Fall (2016) (0)
- Insect Sex Attractants. Martin Jacobson. Interscience (Wiley), New York, 1965. 154 pp. Illus. $7.75 (1965) (0)
- Center for Applied Biodiversity Science. Integrating science and conservation. (2000) (0)
- Endless forms most strange : a review of The Superorganism : the Beauty , Elegance , and Strangeness of Insect Societies , by Bert Hölldobler and (2009) (0)
- Wohnungssuche und Umzug (2013) (0)
- The case for consilience: A summation (1998) (0)
- CHAPTER FIVE. Invasibility and the Variable Niche (2001) (0)
- International Union for the study of social insects north American section (2005) (0)
- The Sociobiological Challenge * " In 1975 , (2009) (0)
- Ponerine Ameisen: die grosse Radiation (2010) (0)
- Chapter 2 Human Sociobiology : The Essential (2015) (0)
- ! ! ! ! Nurture becomes nature : ! the evolving place of psychology in the theory of evolution ! ! ! ! (2014) (0)
- The Gene-Culture Adaptive Landscape (2005) (0)
- Apis mellifera: Honeybee Ecology. (1986) (0)
- Human Sociobiology : The Essential (2017) (0)
- CHAPTER SIX. Stepping Stones and Biotic Exchange (2001) (0)
- Vanishing before our eyes. Not since an asteroid smacked earth 65 million years ago have animal and plant species died out so fast. We have no idea what we're losing. (2000) (0)
- Aus Liebe zu Ameisen (1995) (0)
- La communication animale (1977) (0)
- 4. Die Ankunft (2013) (0)
- Mechanisms of Insect Dispersal: Migration and Dispersal of Insects by Flight . C. G. Johnson. Methuen, London, 1969 (U.S. distributor, Barnes and Noble, New York). xxii + 766 pp., illus. $24. (1969) (0)
- Myrmecology: Ant Larvae . Review and Synthesis. George C. Wheeler and Jeanette Wheeler. Entomological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., 1976. vi, 108 pp., illus. Paper, $11. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, No. 7. (1977) (0)
- The Concepts of Disciplines and Antidisciplines (2019) (0)
- A Consideration of the Genetic Foundation of Human Social Behavior (2019) (0)
- Zitierte Literatur und Literaturhinweise (2016) (0)
- : Toward a Unified Theory of Social Insect Caste Reviewed Work ( s ) : Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects (2014) (0)
- Gene-Culture Translation (2005) (0)
- Ants of the Formica Fusca Group in Florida (1974) (0)
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