Ernesto Estrada
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Cuban scientist
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Ernesto Estrada mathematics Degrees
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Physics Mathematics
Ernesto Estrada 's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Havana
- Masters Physics University of Havana
- Bachelors Physics University of Havana
Why Is Ernesto Estrada Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ernesto Estrada is a Cuban-Spanish scientist. He has been Senior ARAID Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Applications at the University of Zaragoza, Spain since 2019. Before that he was the chair in Complexity Science, and full professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He is known by his contributions in different disciplines, including mathematical chemistry and complex network theory.
Ernesto Estrada 's Published Works
Published Works
- Subgraph centrality in complex networks. (2005) (1025)
- The Structure of Complex Networks: Theory and Applications (2011) (580)
- Communicability in complex networks. (2007) (520)
- Chemical Graph Theory (2013) (398)
- Network Properties Revealed through Matrix Functions (2010) (295)
- The Physics of Communicability in Complex Networks (2011) (266)
- Virtual identification of essential proteins within the protein interaction network of yeast (2005) (244)
- Recent advances on the role of topological indices in drug discovery research. (2001) (243)
- Atom–bond connectivity and the energetic of branched alkanes (2008) (240)
- Spectral measures of bipartivity in complex networks. (2005) (238)
- Using network centrality measures to manage landscape connectivity. (2008) (236)
- Spectral Moments of the Edge Adjacency Matrix in Molecular Graphs, 1. Definition and Applications to the Prediction of Physical Properties of Alkanes (1996) (221)
- Characterization of 3D molecular structure (2000) (212)
- Characterization of the folding degree of proteins (2002) (210)
- Subgraph centrality and clustering in complex hyper-networks (2006) (194)
- Communicability across evolving networks. (2011) (184)
- Edge Adjacency Relationships and a Novel Topological Index Related to Molecular Volume (1995) (177)
- A novel approach for the virtual screening and rational design of anticancer compounds. (2000) (159)
- Statistical-mechanical approach to subgraph centrality in complex networks (2007) (156)
- Spectral Moments of the Edge-Adjacency Matrix of Molecular Graphs, 2. Molecules Containing Heteroatoms and QSAR Applications (1997) (147)
- COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Modeling the present, looking at the future (2020) (146)
- Ranking hubs and authorities using matrix functions (2012) (141)
- Network robustness to targeted attacks. The interplay of expansibility and degree distribution (2006) (137)
- Quantifying network heterogeneity. (2010) (133)
- Characterization of the amino acid contribution to the folding degree of proteins (2004) (132)
- In silico studies for the rational discovery of anticonvulsant compounds. (2000) (128)
- Communicability betweenness in complex networks (2009) (120)
- A First Course in Network Theory (2015) (117)
- Atomic branching in molecules (2006) (115)
- Ranking of hair dye substances according to predicted sensitization potency: quantitative structure–activity relationships (2004) (113)
- Topological Indices Based on the Line Graph of the Molecular Graph (1996) (113)
- Characterization of topological keystone species: Local, global and “meso-scale” centralities in food webs (2007) (112)
- Journal of Complex Networks (2013) (110)
- Spectral Moments of the Edge Adjacency Matrix in Molecular Graphs. 3. Molecules Containing Cycles (1998) (104)
- Designing sedative/hypnotic compounds from a novel substructural graph-theoretical approach (1998) (103)
- Novel local (fragment-based) topological molecular descriptors for QSpr/QSAR and molecular design. (2001) (96)
- Topological structural classes of complex networks. (2007) (94)
- Spectral scaling and good expansion properties in complex networks (2006) (89)
- Spectral theory of networks : from biomolecular to ecological systems (2009) (88)
- Food webs robustness to biodiversity loss: the roles of connectance, expansibility and degree distribution. (2007) (85)
- Computer-aided knowledge generation for understanding skin sensitization mechanisms: the TOPS-MODE approach. (2003) (84)
- Generalization of topological indices (2001) (80)
- Complex Networks as Hypergraphs (2005) (77)
- Modelling the diamagnetic susceptibility of organic compounds by a sub-structural graph-theoretical approach (1998) (72)
- Centralities in simplicial complexes. Applications to protein interaction networks. (2018) (71)
- Communicability graph and community structures in complex networks (2009) (69)
- Arsenic speciation in plankton organisms from contaminated lakes: transformations at the base of the freshwater food chain. (2011) (67)
- Quantitative Structure–Toxicity Relationships Using Tops-Mode. 1. Nitrobenzene Toxicity to Tetrahymena Pyriformis (2001) (67)
- Dynamic network centrality summarizes learning in the human brain (2012) (66)
- Protein bipartivity and essentiality in the yeast protein-protein interaction network. (2006) (65)
- Network Science - Complexity in Nature and Technology (2010) (65)
- Generalized walks-based centrality measures for complex biological networks. (2010) (64)
- Edge Adjacency Relationships and Molecular Topographic Descriptors. Definition and QSAR Applications (1996) (62)
- Edge adjacency relationships in molecular graphs containing heteroatoms: a new topological index related to molar volume (1995) (62)
- Extended Wiener indices. A new set of descriptors for quantitative structure-property studies (1998) (60)
- In Silico Studies toward the Discovery of New Anti-HIV Nucleoside Compounds with the Use of TOPS-MODE and 2D/3D Connectivity Indices, 1. Pyrimidyl Derivatives (2002) (60)
- Physicochemical Interpretation of Molecular Connectivity Indices (2002) (58)
- Extension of Edge Connectivity Index. Relationships to Line Graph Indices and QSPR Applications (1998) (57)
- On the Topological Sub-Structural Molecular Design (TOSS-MODE) in QSPR/QSAR and Drug Design Research (2000) (57)
- Communicability reveals a transition to coordinated behavior in multiplex networks (2013) (57)
- Walk-based measure of balance in signed networks: detecting lack of balance in social networks. (2014) (54)
- An Integrated in Silico Analysis of Drug-Binding to Human Serum Albumin (2006) (54)
- Modeling chromatographic parameters by a novel graph theoretical sub-structural approach. (1999) (54)
- Quantitative Structure-Toxicity Relationships Using Tops-Mode. 2. Neurotoxicity of a Non-Congeneric Series of Solvents (2001) (53)
- Introduction to Complex Networks: Structure and Dynamics (2015) (52)
- Quantitative structure-toxicity relationships using TOPS-MODE. 3. Structural factors influencing the permeability of commercial solvents through living human skin (2003) (51)
- Universality in protein residue networks. (2010) (50)
- Can 3D Structural Parameters Be Predicted from 2D (Topological) Molecular Descriptors? (2001) (49)
- The ABC Matrix (2016) (47)
- From Knowledge Generation to Knowledge Archive. A General Strategy Using TOPS-MODE with DEREK To Formulate New Alerts for Skin Sensitization (2004) (47)
- Topological analysis of SARS CoV-2 main protease (2020) (45)
- Path Laplacian matrices: Introduction and application to the analysis of consensus in networks (2012) (45)
- What Are the Limits of Applicability for Graph Theoretic Descriptors in QSPR/QSAR? Modeling Dipole Moments of Aromatic Compounds with TOPS-MODE Descriptors (2003) (45)
- A vibrational approach to node centrality and vulnerability in complex networks (2009) (44)
- The communicability distance in graphs (2012) (44)
- Quantum Interference, Graphs, Walks, and Polynomials. (2018) (44)
- Communicability in temporal networks. (2013) (42)
- How Peer Pressure Shapes Consensus, Leadership, and Innovations in Social Groups (2013) (41)
- Synthesis of compounds with antiproliferative activity as analogues of prenylated natural products existing in Brazilian propolis. (2006) (41)
- On a graph-spectrum-based structure descriptor (2007) (40)
- Topological atomic displacements, Kirchhoff and Wiener indices of molecules (2009) (40)
- Generalised topological indices: Optimisation methodology and physico-chemical interpretation (2005) (38)
- Automatic extraction of structural alerts for predicting chromosome aberrations of organic compounds. (2006) (38)
- Edge-Connectivity Indices in QSPR/QSAR Studies, 1. Comparison to Other Topological Indices in QSPR Studies (1999) (38)
- From molecular graphs to drugs. A review on the use of topological indices in drug design and discovery (2003) (37)
- Combination of 2D-, 3D-Connectivity and Quantum Chemical Descriptors in QSPR. Complexation of - and -Cyclodextrin with Benzene Derivatives (2001) (37)
- Creating molecular diversity from antioxidants in Brazilian propolis. Combination of TOPS-MODE QSAR and virtual structure generation (2004) (36)
- Combinatorial study of degree assortativity in networks. (2011) (35)
- Random Multi-Hopper Model. Super-Fast Random Walks on Graphs (2016) (35)
- Community detection based on network communicability. (2011) (34)
- Three-Dimensional Molecular Descriptors Based on Electron Charge Density Weighted Graphs (1995) (34)
- Path Laplacian operators and superdiffusive processes on graphs. I. one-dimensional case (2016) (34)
- Epidemic spreading in random rectangular networks (2015) (33)
- Edge-Connectivity Indices in QSPR/QSAR Studies, 2. Accounting for Long-Range Bond Contributions (1999) (33)
- Molecular modeling (MM2 and PM3) and experimental (NMR and thermal analysis) studies on the inclusion complex of salbutamol and beta-cyclodextrin. (2000) (33)
- 3D Connectivity Indices in QSPR/QSAR Studies (2001) (33)
- Modeling diamagnetic and magnetooptic properties of organic compounds with the TOSS-MODE approach. (2000) (31)
- Graph Theoretical Invariant of Randic Revisited (1995) (30)
- Communicability Angle and the Spatial Efficiency of Networks (2014) (29)
- Rethinking structural balance in signed social networks (2019) (29)
- Random rectangular graphs. (2015) (29)
- Structure-mutagenicity relationships in 2-furylethylene derivatives. A molecular orbital study of the role of nitro groups. (1998) (29)
- Walk entropies in graphs (2013) (28)
- Resistance Distance, Information Centrality, Node Vulnerability and Vibrations in Complex Networks (2010) (28)
- Communicability and multipartite structures in complex networks at negative absolute temperatures. (2008) (28)
- Randić index, irregularity and complex biomolecular networks. (2010) (27)
- Mapping directed networks (2010) (27)
- Network bipartivity and the transportation efficiency of European passenger airlines (2016) (26)
- Order from chaos: observing hormesis at the proteome level. (2005) (26)
- Communicability geometry captures traffic flows in cities (2018) (26)
- Quantum‐connectivity descriptors in modeling solubility of environmentally important organic compounds (2004) (26)
- What is the meaning of the graph energy after all? (2017) (25)
- On the usefulness of graph-theoretic descriptors in predicting theoretical parameters. Phototoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (2004) (25)
- Generalized Spectral Moments of the Iterated Line Graphs Sequence. A Novel Approach to QSPR Studies (1999) (25)
- Spectral Scaling in Complex Networks (2005) (25)
- Path Laplacian operators and superdiffusive processes on graphs. II. Two-dimensional lattice (2018) (24)
- Novel Strategies in the Search of Topological Indices (2000) (24)
- Continuous symmetry numbers and entropy. (2003) (23)
- Centralities in Simplicial Complexes (2017) (23)
- Complex networks in the Euclidean space of communicability distances. (2012) (23)
- How the parts organize in the whole? A top-down view of molecular descriptors and properties for QSAR and drug design. (2008) (22)
- When local and global clustering of networks diverge (2016) (22)
- Structural contributions of substrates to their binding to P-Glycoprotein. A TOPS-MODE approach. (2010) (22)
- Rational design and first principles studies toward the discovery of a small and versatile proton sponge. (2006) (22)
- Non-local network dynamics via fractional graph Laplacians (2019) (21)
- Connectivity polynomial and long-range contributions in the molecular connectivity model (1999) (21)
- Accounting for the Role of Long Walks on Networks via a New Matrix Function (2016) (20)
- Hyperspherical embedding of graphs and networks in communicability spaces (2014) (19)
- A Computer-based Approach to Describe the 13C NMR Chemical Shifts of Alkanes by the Generalized Spectral Moments of Iterated Line Graphs (2000) (18)
- Modeling Diamagnetic and Magnetooptic Properties of Organic Compounds with the TOSS-MODE Approach (2001) (18)
- Journal of Complex Networks: Quo Vadis? (2013) (18)
- Application of a novel graph-theoretic folding degree index to the study of steroid-DB3 antibody binding affinity (2003) (18)
- Graph and Network Theory (2013) (18)
- Improvement of water solubility of sulfamethizole through its complexation with β- and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (2001) (17)
- Spectral Moments of the Edge Adjacency Matrix in Molecular Graphs. Part 3. Molecules Containing Cycles (1998) (17)
- Bond order weighted graphs in molecules as structure-property indices (1993) (16)
- Information mobility in complex networks. (2009) (16)
- Effect of protein backbone folding on the stability of protein-ligand complexes. (2006) (15)
- Returnability in complex directed networks (digraphs) (2009) (15)
- Risk-Dependent Centrality in Economic and Financial Networks (2019) (15)
- A Topological Index Based on Distances of Edges of Molecular Graphs (1996) (15)
- Epidemics on plants: Modeling long-range dispersal on spatially embedded networks. (2018) (14)
- Core-satellite Graphs. Clustering, Assortativity and Spectral Properties (2015) (14)
- A Protein Folding Degree Measure and Its Dependence on Crystal Packing, Protein Size, Secondary Structure, and Domain Structural Class (2004) (14)
- Molecular Connectivity Indices of Iterated Line Graphs. A New Source of Descriptors for QSPR and QSAR Studies (1998) (14)
- Generalized Graph Matrix, Graph Geometry, Quantum Chemistry, and Optimal Description of Physicochemical Properties (2003) (14)
- Communicability Angles Reveal Critical Edges for Network Consensus Dynamics (2015) (14)
- Fractional-Order Susceptible-Infected Model: Definition and Applications to the Study of COVID-19 Main Protease (2020) (14)
- Long-Range Interactions and Network Synchronization (2017) (13)
- In Silico Studies toward the Discovery of New Anti-HIV Nucleoside Compounds through the Use of TOPS-MODE and 2D/3D Connectivity Indices. 2. Purine Derivatives (2005) (13)
- Graph and Network Theory in Physics (2013) (13)
- Predicting infinite dilution activity coefficients of organic compounds in water by quantum-connectivity descriptors (2006) (13)
- Predicting Triadic Closure in Networks Using Communicability Distance Functions (2014) (13)
- Epidemic spreading in networks with nonrandom long-range interactions. (2011) (13)
- ‘Hubs-repelling’ Laplacian and related diffusion on graphs/networks (2020) (13)
- Consensus dynamics on random rectangular graphs (2016) (13)
- Fractional diffusion on the human proteome as an alternative to the multi-organ damage of SARS-CoV-2 (2020) (13)
- Visualization and machine learning analysis of complex networks in hyperspherical space (2018) (12)
- Generalized Topological Indices. Modeling Gas-Phase Rate Coefficients of Atmospheric Relevance (2007) (12)
- Influence of long-range interactions on quantum interference in molecular conduction. A tight-binding (Hückel) approach. (2019) (12)
- Communicability distance reveals hidden patterns of Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (12)
- Are Social Networks Really Balanced? (2014) (12)
- Synchronizability of random rectangular graphs. (2015) (11)
- Design of highly synchronizable and robust networks (2009) (11)
- Distance-sum heterogeneity in graphs and complex networks (2012) (11)
- Cascading from SARS-CoV-2 to Parkinson’s Disease through Protein-Protein Interactions (2021) (11)
- Communicability geometry of multiplexes (2019) (11)
- Simplex optimization of generalized topological index (GTI-simplex): a unified approach to optimize QSPR models. (2005) (11)
- Two-walks degree assortativity in graphs and networks (2017) (10)
- ‘Clumpiness’ mixing in complex networks (2008) (10)
- Path Laplacians versus fractional Laplacians as nonlocal operators on networks (2021) (10)
- Theoretical and experimental study on the structure of 1-(5-X-fur-2-yl)-2-nitro-2-Y-ethylenes (1999) (9)
- The world-wide waste web (2021) (9)
- A QSAR Study of Quinolones Based on Electrotopological State Index for Atoms (1994) (9)
- Escherynes: Novel carbon allotropes with belt shapes (2012) (9)
- A density-based statistical analysis of graph clustering algorithm performance (2020) (8)
- QSPR/QSAR by Graph Theoretical Descriptors Beyond the Frontiers (2001) (8)
- Synthesis, X-ray Molecular Structure, and Semiempirical Calculations of a New Heteroarylpiperazine Derivative (2000) (8)
- Quantum-chemical foundations of the topological substructural molecular design. (2008) (8)
- Exploring the "Middle Earth" of Network Spectra via a Gaussian Matrix Function (2016) (8)
- Graphs (networks) with golden spectral ratio (2006) (7)
- Returnability as a criterion of disequilibrium in atmospheric reactions networks (2012) (7)
- Metaplex Networks: Influence of the Exo-Endo Structure of Complex Systems on Diffusion (2018) (7)
- Bid Rigging In Public Procurement Of Generic Drugs In Mexico (2013) (7)
- The electron density function of the Hückel (tight-binding) model (2018) (7)
- Atomic displacements due to spin–spin repulsion in conjugated alternant hydrocarbons (2013) (7)
- About the Discriminant Power of the Subgraph Centrality and Other Centrality Measures About the Discriminant Power of the Subgraph Centrality and Other Centrality Measures (Working paper) (2013) (7)
- Three-Dimensional Generalized Graph Matrix, Harary Descriptors, and a Generalized Interatomic Lennard-Jones Potential (2004) (7)
- Gaussianization of the spectra of graphs and networks. Theory and applications (2019) (7)
- Geometrical and spectral study of β-skeleton graphs. (2019) (7)
- Protein-driven mechanism of multiorgan damage in COVID-19 (2020) (6)
- In Silico Studies Toward the Discovery of New anti‐HIV Nucleoside Compounds with the Use of TOPS‐MODE and 2D/3D Connectivity Indices. Part 1. Pyrimidyl Derivatives. (2005) (6)
- GTI-space: the space of generalized topological indices (2008) (6)
- Quasirandom geometric networks from low-discrepancy sequences. (2017) (6)
- Structural Patterns in Complex Networks through Spectral Analysis (2010) (6)
- The many facets of the Estrada indices of graphs and networks (2021) (6)
- Time and space generalized diffusion equation on graph/networks (2022) (6)
- Quantitative structure-antibacterial activity relationship modeling using a combination of piecewise linear regression-discriminant analysis (I): Quantum chemical, topographic, and topological descriptors (2008) (6)
- Degree heterogeneity of graphs and networks. I. Interpretation and the “heterogeneity paradox” (2019) (6)
- Hubs-attracting Laplacian and Related Synchronization on Networks (2020) (5)
- Informational cost and networks navigability (2020) (5)
- Tuned communicability metrics in networks. The case of alternative routes for urban traffic (2018) (5)
- Connectivity-, Wiener- and Harary-Type Indices of Dendrimers (2000) (5)
- Mathematical modelling for sustainable aphid control in agriculture via intercropping (2019) (5)
- Statistical mechanics of two dimensional tilings (2012) (5)
- The Complex Networks of Earth Minerals and Chemical Elements (2008) (5)
- The Structural Interpretation of the RandiIndex (2002) (5)
- Typology ofArgentine Beaches : Composition , Tidal Range and Wave Energy (2007) (5)
- Dynamics impose limits to detectability of network structure (2020) (5)
- Communicability and Communities in Complex Socio-Economic Networks (2009) (5)
- The Structural Interpretation of the RandiIndex (2002) (5)
- Can 3D Structural Parameters Be Predicted from 2D (Topological) Molecular Descriptors (2010) (4)
- Point scattering: A new geometric invariant with applications from (Nano)clusters to biomolecules (2007) (4)
- Back to the Origins. Using Matrix Functions of H\"uckel Hamiltonian for Quantum Interference (2016) (4)
- Maximum walk entropy implies walk regularity (2014) (4)
- Combination of 2D-, 3D-connectivity and quantum chemical descriptors in QSPR. Complexation of alpha- and beta-cyclodextrin with benzene derivatives. (2001) (4)
- Tight-binding "dihedral orbitals" approach to the degree of folding of macromolecular chains. (2007) (4)
- "Melting" of complex networks. A mathematical model of complex networks resilience to external stress (2019) (4)
- A statistical mechanics description of environmental variability in metabolic networks (2013) (4)
- Second-order consensus protocols based on transformed d-path Laplacians (2019) (4)
- The Structural Interpretation of the Randi Index # (2002) (4)
- Tight-binding ‘dihedral orbitals’ approach to electronic communicability in macromolecular chains (2007) (3)
- Random neighborhood graphs as models of fracture networks on rocks: Structural and dynamical analysis (2016) (3)
- On the Dimensionality of Aromaticity Criteria (2006) (3)
- People Who Read this Article Also Read . . . : Part I (2011) (3)
- Folding degrees of azurins and pseudoazurins: Implications for structure and function (2005) (3)
- Degree heterogeneity of graphs and networks. II. Comparison with other indices (2019) (3)
- An Integrated in Silico Analysis of Drug‐Binding to Human Serum Albumin. (2007) (2)
- Football tracking networks: Beyond event-based connectivity (2020) (2)
- d-Path Laplacians and Quantum Transport on Graphs (2020) (2)
- Hubs-biased resistance distances on graphs and networks (2021) (2)
- Social and economic networks (2011) (2)
- Community structure of networks (2011) (2)
- Modeling the Solubility in Water of Environmentally Important Organic Compounds (2007) (2)
- Complex Networks: An Invitation (2010) (2)
- Erratum to: Cascading failures in complex networks (2020) (2)
- From networked SIS model to the Gompertz function (2021) (2)
- Integer-Digit Functions: An Example of Math-Art Integration (2018) (2)
- Network entropy using edge-based information functionals (2020) (2)
- Spatially embedded socio-technical complex networks (2013) (2)
- Topological melting in networks of granular materials (2018) (2)
- Communicability in time-varying networks with memory (2022) (2)
- Metric and topological structure of networks (2011) (1)
- Effect of Protein Folding on the Stability of Protein−Ligand ComplexesJ. Proteome Res.2006,5, 105−111. (2007) (1)
- When local and global clustering of networks (2015) (1)
- Statistical-Mechanical Theory of Topological Indices (2022) (1)
- Combination of 2D-, 3D-Connectivity and Quantum Chemical Descriptors in QSPR. Complexation of α- and β-Cyclodextrin with Benzene Derivatives. (2010) (1)
- Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? mathematical analysis based on the SIS model (2021) (1)
- Graph and Network Theory in Physics. A Short Introduction (2013) (1)
- Complex biomolecular networks: challenges and opportunities. (2012) (1)
- Ranking hubs and authorities using matrix functions. Linear Algebra and Its (2017) (1)
- Double gaussianization of graph spectra (2021) (1)
- Spatial "Artistic" Networks: From Deconstructing Integer-Functions to Visual Arts (2018) (1)
- Acerca del uso de diferentes representaciones moleculares para la predicción de propiedades físico-químicas de compuestos orgánicos. Indice de Wiener de alcanos (1999) (1)
- Communication Melting in Graphs and Complex Networks (2018) (1)
- About the Discriminant Power of (2013) (1)
- Analyzing the impact of SARS CoV-2 on the human proteome (2020) (1)
- Path Laplacian operators and superdiffusive processes on infinite graphs (2016) (1)
- Synchronization in networks of Rössler oscillators with long-range interactions (2018) (1)
- Nonuniform random graphs on the plane: A scaling study. (2021) (1)
- Every nonsingular spherical Euclidean Distance Matrix is a resistance distance matrix (2022) (1)
- Protein residue networks (2011) (1)
- Network bipartitioning in the anti-communicability euclidean space (2020) (1)
- The Wiener Number in the Context of Generalized Topological Indices (2002) (1)
- Accounting for all parts (subgraphs) (2011) (0)
- A Protein Folding Degree Measure and Its Dependence on Crystal Packing, Protein Size, Secondary Structure, and Domain Structural Class [J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci, 44, 1238-1250 (2004)] (2007) (0)
- Modified Schrödinger Equation for Quantum Dynamics of Radicals . Study of Graphene Nanoflakes (2012) (0)
- Random models of networks (2011) (0)
- Adjacency relations in networks (2011) (0)
- Communicability functions in networks (2011) (0)
- Endometriosis umbilical. PresentaciÛn de caso Umbilical Endometriosis. A Case Report (2014) (0)
- Communicability and geometry of complex networks (2016) (0)
- A Graph Theoretic Approach to Atomic Displacements in Fullerenes (2011) (0)
- Author Correction: Loss of structural balance in stock markets (2022) (0)
- Erratum to "Folding degrees of azurins and pseudoazurins. Implications for structure and function" [Computational Biology and Chemistry 29 (2005) 345-353] (2007) (0)
- Expansion and network classes (2011) (0)
- Global network invariants (2011) (0)
- Statistical–mechanical theory of topological indices (2022) (0)
- Indetermination of networks structure from the dynamics perspective. (2019) (0)
- From Knowledge Generation to Knowledge Archive. A General Strategy Using TOPS-MODE with DEREK to Formulate New Alerts for Skin Sensitization. (2004) (0)
- Chapter 4. Spectral Theory of Networks: From Biomolecular to Ecological Systems (2009) (0)
- Protein‐protein interaction networks (2011) (0)
- Integer-Digit Functions: An Example of Math-Art Integration (2018) (0)
- Fractional-Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind of Integer Order (2023) (0)
- On walk entropies in graphs. Response to Dehmer and Mowshowitz (2016) (0)
- Melting in Graphs and Complex Networks (2018) (0)
- The structure of reaction networks (2011) (0)
- Graphs and networks theory (2013) (0)
- From Integer Sequences to Block Designs via Counting Walks in Graphs (2013) (0)
- FS04.3 Hair dyes, prediction of sensitization potential with QSAR (2004) (0)
- Communicability geometry captures traffic flows in cities (2018) (0)
- Umbilical Endometriosis. A Case Report (2016) (0)
- The other fields also exist (2017) (0)
- Integer sequences from walks in graphs (2013) (0)
- Comparison of isolation methods for papaya (Carica papaya L.) volatile compounds (2004) (0)
- 30aTB-6 ネットワーク・グリーン関数によるコミュニティー検出(30aTB ネットワーク一般I,領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理)) (2009) (0)
- El valor de la norma y la crisis en la sociedad colombiana (2002) (0)
- A Protein Folding Degree Measure and Its Dependence on Crystal Packing, Protein Size, Secondary Structure, and Domain Structural Class. (2004) (0)
- Fragments (subgraphs) in complex networks (2011) (0)
- Generalized graph theoretic indices in chemistry (2010) (0)
- On d-Walk Regular Graphs (2013) (0)
- Extensions and foundations of the continuous symmetry measure (2009) (0)
- New results for 2D tilings: Wiener index & statistical mechanics of graphs (2010) (0)
- Opción preferencial por los jóvenes de las clases populares: la experiencia de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia (USB) (2019) (0)
- Special issue on the occasion of the International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications (2014) (0)
- Long-range influences in (social) networks (2018) (0)
- Indirect Long-range Interactions and Network Synchronization (2017) (0)
- Communicability and Bipartivity in Complex Networks at Negative Temperatures (2008) (0)
- Walk Entropies in Quantum Networks (2013) (0)
- Communicability in Networked Systems - Implications for Stability, Spatial Efficiency and Dynamical Process (2018) (0)
- Superdiffusion and time-dependent long-range interactions on networks (2018) (0)
- On Golden Spectral Graphs (2009) (0)
- Spectral Analysis of Complex Networks (2010) (0)
- Colgajo de músculo sóleo para cubrir fracturas expuestas del tercio distal de pierna (2010) (0)
- Future Papers (1969) (0)
- Future Papers. (1998) (0)
- Estrada, Ernesto (2010) Structural patterns in complex networks through spectral analysis. In: Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern (2018) (0)
- Network theory meets history. Local balance in global international relations (2023) (0)
- The Master Oiler (2020) (0)
- Universal properties of mythological networks (2012) (0)
- Topologically induced suppression of explosive synchronization. (2023) (0)
- Spatially embedded socio-technical complex networks (2013) (0)
- Network bypasses sustain complexity (2022) (0)
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