Ezra T. Newman
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Theoretical physicist
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Ezra T. Newman's Degrees
- PhD Physics California Institute of Technology
- Masters Physics Stanford University
Why Is Ezra T. Newman Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ezra Theodore Newman was an American physicist, known for his many contributions to general relativity theory. He was professor emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. Newman was awarded the 2011 Einstein Prize from the American Physical Society.
Ezra T. Newman's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- An Approach to Gravitational Radiation by a Method of Spin Coefficients (1962) (2057)
- Metric of a Rotating, Charged Mass (1965) (911)
- Empty-Space Generalization of the Schwarzschild Metric (1963) (670)
- Note on the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs Group (1966) (618)
- Spin‐s Spherical Harmonics and ð (1967) (593)
- Note on the Kerr Spinning‐Particle Metric (1965) (576)
- Reality of the Schwarzschild Singularity (1968) (322)
- Behavior of Asymptotically Flat Empty Spaces (1962) (321)
- New conservation laws for zero rest-mass fields in asymptotically flat space-time (1968) (266)
- Self-dual gauge fields (1980) (209)
- Spacetime perspective of Schwarzschild lensing (2000) (157)
- Structure of Gravitational Sources (1965) (138)
- Heaven and its properties (1976) (130)
- The Theory of H-space (1981) (126)
- A connection between the Einstein and Yang-Mills equations (1989) (103)
- The metric and curvature properties of H-space (1978) (95)
- Maxwell's equations and complex Minkowski space (1973) (94)
- Null Geodesic Congruences, Asymptotically-Flat Spacetimes and Their Physical Interpretation (2009) (92)
- Conformal Einstein spaces (1985) (92)
- Conserved Quantities in the Einstein‐Maxwell Theory (1969) (78)
- On a classical, geometric origin of magnetic moments, spin angular momentum and the Dirac gyromagnetic ratio (2002) (74)
- The Lorentz Group and the Sphere (1970) (71)
- Kerr-Newman metric (2014) (70)
- The Kerr-Newman metric: A Review (2014) (69)
- Differential Geometry from Differential Equations (2000) (62)
- Empty Space Metrics Containing Hypersurface Orthogonal Geodesic Rays (1962) (61)
- Some reductions of the self‐dual Yang–Mills equations to integrable systems in 2+1 dimensions (1995) (60)
- Hyperbolic Differential Equations in Two Dimensions (1968) (56)
- Null Geodesic Congruences, Asymptotically-Flat Spacetimes and Their Physical Interpretation (2009) (54)
- A Class of Null Flat‐Space Coordinate Systems (1963) (53)
- Note on the Robinson‐Trautman Solutions (1967) (53)
- The Theory of Caustics and Wave Front Singularities with Physical Applications (1999) (53)
- Theory of light cone cuts of null infinity (1983) (51)
- Static, Axially Symmetric Point Horizons (1968) (48)
- Motion and structure of singularities in general relativity (1969) (47)
- Complex coordinate transformations and the Schwarzschild-Kerr metrics (1973) (47)
- Exact universal gravitational lensing equation (1998) (46)
- Coordinate systems associated with asymptotically shear‐free null congruences (1972) (46)
- Spin-coefficient formalism (2009) (43)
- Complexification of the algebraically special gravitational fields (1974) (42)
- Equations of motion for the sources of asymptotically flat spaces (1972) (41)
- (p,pn) + (p,2n) AND (p,2p) CROSS SECTIONS IN MEDIUM WEIGHT ELEMENTS (1955) (38)
- A curiosity concerning angular momentum (1974) (37)
- (p, pn) and (p, αn) Excitation Functions (1954) (36)
- Maxwell fields and shear-free null geodesic congruences (2004) (35)
- Tail of a Gravitational Wave (1968) (34)
- Canonical structures on anti-self-dual four-manifolds and the diffeomorphism group (1991) (34)
- Linearized Einstein theory via null surfaces (1995) (32)
- Trapped Surfaces and the Development of Singularities (1971) (30)
- Differential equations and conformal geometry (2002) (30)
- Projective connections associated with second-order ODEs (2003) (30)
- On Hamiltonian systems with first‐class constraints (1991) (30)
- A complex minkowski space approach to twistors (1975) (29)
- Dynamics of light cone cuts of null infinity (1997) (28)
- The Kahler Structure of Asymptotic Twistor Space (1977) (27)
- Cartan normal conformal connections from differential equations (2002) (27)
- New Approach to Einstein's Empty Space Field Equations (1961) (26)
- Twistor surfaces and right-flat spaces (1978) (26)
- Tensorial spin-s harmonics (2005) (25)
- Source-free Yang-Mills theories (1978) (24)
- Lienard-Wiechert fields and general relativity (1974) (24)
- Asymptotically Flat Space-Times (1980) (23)
- Nuclear-Structure Studies of Nb91,92,93,95,97 and Mo94 with the (He3, d) Reaction (1969) (23)
- The Eikonal equation in flat space: Null surfaces and their singularities. I (1998) (22)
- On the dynamics of characteristic surfaces (1995) (22)
- Conformal Einstein equations and Cartan conformal connection (2003) (22)
- Algebraically special H‐spaces (1976) (21)
- The large footprints of H-space on asymptotically flat spacetimes (2005) (21)
- A NUT-like solution with fluid matter (1983) (21)
- Conformal Lorentzian metrics on the spaces of curves and 2-surfaces (2003) (20)
- On extracting physical content from asymptotically flat spacetime metrics (2008) (18)
- Bäcklund transformations for the anti‐self‐dual Yang–Mills equations (1988) (18)
- A Note on Asymptotically Flat Spaces (1971) (18)
- The Eikonal equation in asymptotically flat space-times (1999) (17)
- Algebraically special perturbations of the Schwarzschild metric (1973) (17)
- Green’s functions of the edh operators (1989) (16)
- A fundamental solution to the CCC equations (2013) (16)
- Electromagnetic dipole radiation fields, shear-free congruences and complex centre of charge world lines (2005) (15)
- On the construction of Hamiltonians (1988) (15)
- Einstein Prize Talk: Light-Cones in Relativity: Real, Complex and Virtual - with Applications (2011) (15)
- Image distortion from optical scalars in nonperturbative gravitational lensing (2000) (15)
- The Kerr congruence (1974) (15)
- Variations of the parallel propagator and holonomy operator and the Gauss law constraint (1993) (15)
- Mirror states inA=15from 60-MeVLi6-induced reactions onC12 (1975) (14)
- OBSERVATION OF CHARGE-ASYMMETRY EFFECTS IN THE REACTION $sup 2$H($alpha$,$sup 3$H)$sup 3$He AT 27.4 MeV c.m. (1970) (14)
- Cartan normal conformal connections from pairs of second-order PDEs (2004) (14)
- Yang-Mills theory in null-path space (1983) (13)
- The generalized good cut equation (2010) (12)
- Application of the Semidirect Product of Groups (1971) (12)
- Null cones in Schwarzschild geometry (1998) (12)
- Twisting null geodesic congruences and the Einstein–Maxwell equations (2005) (12)
- The real meaning of complex Minkowski-space world-lines (2009) (12)
- A note on helicity (1981) (12)
- A Possible Connexion between the Gravitational Field and Elementary Particle Physics (1965) (12)
- On the physical meaning of the Robinson–Trautman–Maxwell fields (2006) (11)
- Gauge theories, the holonomy operator, and the Riemann–Hilbert problem (1986) (11)
- The universal cut function and type II metrics (2006) (11)
- Observables in Singular Theories by Systematic Approximation (1957) (11)
- Canonical Transformations and Commutators in the Lagrangian Formalism (1956) (11)
- Note on the Dynamics of Gravitational Sources (1965) (11)
- Measurement of Distance in General Relativity (1959) (11)
- CR structures and asymptotically flat spacetimes (2005) (11)
- Applications of the intertwining operators for representations of the restricted Lorentz group (1972) (11)
- $sup 47$K MASS FROM THE REACTION $sup 48$Ca(d,$sup 3$He)$sup 47$K (1966) (11)
- Rigid Frames in Relativity (1959) (11)
- Image distortion in nonperturbative gravitational lensing (2000) (10)
- Light cone cuts of null infinity in Schwarzschild geometry (1983) (10)
- The O(3,1) Yang-Mills equations and the Einstein equations (1991) (10)
- Quantization of the null-surface formulation of general relativity (1997) (9)
- Twisting null geodesic congruences, scri, H-space and spin-angular momentum (2005) (9)
- Asymptotically flat H spaces (1981) (9)
- Iterative approach to gravitational lensing theory (1999) (9)
- Some Properties of Empty Space‐Time (1961) (9)
- Fermat potentials for nonperturbative gravitational lensing (2002) (9)
- Gravitational Lensing from a Space-Time Perspective (2003) (9)
- On the quantization of the Null-Surface formulation of GR (1996) (9)
- Fuzzy spacetime from a null-surface version of general relativity (1996) (9)
- Nondiverging algebraically special ℋ-spaces (1977) (8)
- Generalization of Green's Theorem (1969) (8)
- 2-geometries and the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (2004) (8)
- Motion and Structure of Singularities in General Relativity. II (1971) (8)
- The eikonal equation, envelopes and contact transformations (2003) (8)
- Pseudo-Minkowskian coordinates in asymptotically flat space-times (1997) (8)
- Asymptotic twistor theory and the Kerr theorem (2005) (7)
- Asymptotically stationary and static spacetimes and shear free null geodesic congruences (2009) (7)
- Holonomy and the Einstein equations (1991) (7)
- Generalized Lienard‐Wiechert Fields (1972) (7)
- A simple solution generation method for anti-self-dual Yang-Mills equations (1988) (6)
- Quadratures for self‐dual GL(2,C) Yang–Mills fields (1987) (6)
- Maxwell’s equations and the bundle of null directions on Minkowski space (1985) (6)
- Space and Null Infinity (1977) (6)
- 3-geometries and the HamiltonJacobi equation (2004) (6)
- A Biased and Personal Description of GR at Syracuse University, 1951–1961 (2005) (6)
- Twistors and the asymptotic behaviour of massless spin- fields (1996) (6)
- Vacuum non-expanding horizons and shear-free null geodesic congruences (2009) (6)
- General relativity via complete integrals of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (2005) (6)
- The Remarkable Efficacy of Complex Methods in General Relativity (1988) (6)
- The general solution of the vacuum einstein equation in the limit of strong gravity (1988) (6)
- Comparative studies of lensing methods (2000) (5)
- Diffeomorphism algebras and the Nahm and Ward equations (1992) (5)
- Non-local equations for general relativity (1992) (5)
- A combined Kerr-NUT soultion of the Einstein field equation. (1966) (5)
- The geometry of regular shear-free null geodesic congruences, CR functions and their application to the flat-space Maxwell equations (2007) (5)
- A note on asymptotically flat spaces. II (1983) (5)
- Electromagnetically induced gravitational perturbations (2008) (5)
- New Approach to the Motion of a Pole‐Dipole Particle (1970) (4)
- Light-cones, almost light-cones and almost-complex light-cones (2017) (4)
- Poincaré Pseudosymmetries in Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes (1999) (4)
- ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF DEUTERONS FROM Be$sup 9$(p,d)Be$sup 8$ (1953) (4)
- The geometry of open bosonic strings (1986) (4)
- Structure of three‐twistor particles (1982) (4)
- Newton’s second law, radiation reaction and type II Einstein–Maxwell fields (2011) (4)
- On the density of the Ward ansätze in the space of anti-self-dual Yang Mills solutions (1990) (4)
- The Lorentz transformation: Simplification through complexification (2010) (4)
- Test of isospin conservation by a comparison ofH3(He3,He4)H2andHe3(He3,He4)2pat 16.0 MeV c.m. (1974) (3)
- The vacuum Einstein equations via holonomy around closed loops on characteristic surfaces (1995) (3)
- A note on self-dual gravitational fields (1985) (3)
- The gravitational field of a radiating electromagnetic dipole (2008) (3)
- On the physical interpretation of asymptotically flat gravitational fields (2008) (3)
- The parallel propagator as basic variable for Yang-Mills theory (1992) (3)
- High symmetry solutions of the anti‐self‐dual Yang–Mills equations (1990) (3)
- Special solutions of the Sparling equation (1986) (3)
- Light-cone cuts of I+ for charged-Kerr geometry (1984) (3)
- A note on left‐flat space–times (1980) (3)
- Maxwell's equations, linear gravity, and twistors (1984) (3)
- Asymptotically Flat Space-Times and its Hidden Recesses: An Enigma from GR (2016) (3)
- Asymptotically flat space–times: an enigma (2016) (3)
- Approximate ℋ spaces (1977) (3)
- “Infrared” Maxwell fields (1986) (3)
- New Approach to the Einstein and Maxwell‐Einstein Field Equations (1961) (3)
- Characteristic surface data for the eikonal equation (1998) (3)
- A new approach to the vacuum Einstein equation (1984) (2)
- Newman-Penrose Stokes fields for radio astronomy (2010) (2)
- Gravity, holonomy and light-cone cuts (1991) (2)
- Erratum: Comparative studies of lensing methods [Phys. Rev. D 62, 024025 (2000)] (2000) (2)
- Twistors in Mathematics and Physics: A Two-surface Encoding of Radiative Space-times (1990) (2)
- Classical mechanics via general relativity and Maxwell’s theory: a bit of magic (2018) (2)
- A changed perspective concerning asymptotically flat Einstein/Einstein–Maxwell space–times (2019) (2)
- Dynamics of Fermat potentials in nonperturbative gravitational lensing (2002) (2)
- Levels in ^{144}Nd from the ^{143}Nd(d,p) and the ^{146}Nd(p,t) reactions (1976) (2)
- Electrodynamic radiation reaction and general relativity (2008) (2)
- A non-local variable for general relativity. (1983) (2)
- A remark on null infinity (1975) (1)
- The Maxwell, Yang-Mills and Einstein equations and closed path parallel propagation (1986) (1)
- A spinor reformulation of the null surface treatment of GR (2000) (1)
- A fundamental solution to the CCC equations (2014) (1)
- A Non-Local Approach to the Vacuum Maxwell, Yang-Mills, and Einstein Equations (1986) (1)
- On bi‐Hamiltonian structures (1990) (1)
- Characteristic Formulation of the Eikonal Equation (1998) (1)
- Singularities: Their structure and motion (1971) (1)
- Conformal Geometry, Differential Equations and Associated Transformations (2002) (1)
- Geodesic deviation and Minikowski space (1990) (1)
- Bäcklund transformations for the antiselfdual Yang-Mills equations (2013) (1)
- Reminiscences about Josh Goldberg and general relativity (2011) (1)
- Yang–Mills equations and solvable groups. II (1988) (1)
- Surprising structures hiding in Penrose’s future null infinity (2017) (1)
- Tensors, spinors, and functions on the unit sphere (1976) (1)
- 43 51 v 1 [ gr-q c ] 2 5 Ju l 2 01 0 NP Stokes fields for radio astronomy (2010) (1)
- Erratum: ``GR via characteristic surfaces'' [J. Math. Phys. 36, 4984-5004 (1995)] (1999) (1)
- Conjugate points along null geodesics of asymptotically flat spacetimes (1998) (1)
- Shear-Free Null Geodesic Congruences (2004) (0)
- Characteristic Surfaces and the Einstein Equations (1993) (0)
- RESEARCH IN GENERAL RELATIVITY. Final Report. (1970) (0)
- Erratum: “Linearized Einstein theory via null surfaces” [J. Math. Phys. 36, 5005–5022 (1995)] (1999) (0)
- Electioneering at the polls (1968) (0)
- Fe b 20 16 Asymptotically Flat SpaceTimes and its Hidden Recesses : An Enigma from GR (2018) (0)
- Real structures in asymptotically flat ℋ spaces (1983) (0)
- Complex space--time and some curious consequences (1975) (0)
- qc / 0 30 20 16 v 1 5 F eb 2 00 3 Projective connections associated with second order ODEs (2008) (0)
- Complex Maxwell and Einstein Fields (1974) (0)
- Mirror states in A = 15 from 60-MeV $sup 6$Li-induced reactions on $sup 12$C (1975) (0)
- Velocity of energy flow (1978) (0)
- Obituary to P. Bergmann (2003) (0)
- NUCLEAR-STRUCTURE STUDIES OF $sup 91$ $sup 92$ $sup 93$ $sup 95$ $sup 97$Nb AND $sup 94$Mo WITH THE ($sup 3$He,d) REACTION. (1969) (0)
- NEW RARE-EARTH ALPHA EMITTER, $sup 148$Eu (1964) (0)
- Light-cones, almost light-cones and almost-complex light-cones (2017) (0)
- Light Cone Cuts of Schwarzschild Geometry (1983) (0)
- On integrating the left-flat vacuum Einstein equations (2013) (0)
- Null infinity, H-space and equations of motion (2006) (0)
- A changed perspective concerning asymptotically flat Einstein/Einstein–Maxwell space–times (2019) (0)
- Classical mechanics via general relativity and Maxwell’s theory: a bit of magic (2018) (0)
- Thoughts and speculations on the question: is space-time turbulent? (1990) (0)
- CHARGE-ASYMMETRY EFFECTS IN THE REACTION $sup 2$H($sup 4$He,$sup 3$He)$sup 3$H. (1972) (0)
- Rotation in general relativity. I, II (1978) (0)
- Singularities of wavefronts and lightcones in the context of GR via null foliations (2000) (0)
- Ja n 20 00 Iterative Approach to Gravitational Lensing Theory (2000) (0)
- 4D Conformal metrics, the eikonal equation and fourth-order ODEs (2005) (0)
- Asymptotically shear-free and twist-free null geodesic congruences (2007) (0)
- Test of isospin conservation by a comparison of $sup 3$H($sup 3$He,$sup 4$He)$sup 2$H and $sup 3$He($sup 3$He,$sup 4$He)2p at 16.0 MeV c.m. (1974) (0)
- Erratum: “Lorentzian metrics from characteristic surfaces” [J. Math. Phys. 36, 4975–4983 (1995)] (1999) (0)
- Institute for Mathematical Physics Poincar E Pseudo{symmetries in Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes Poincar E Pseudo-symmetries in Asymptotically at Spacetimes (2009) (0)
- Classical and Quantum Alternatives to Gravitational Theories Report of Workshop A5 (1984) (0)
- Geometry of flat-space null geodesic congruences (2020) (0)
- Geometry of flat-space null geodesic congruences (2020) (0)
- GR and classical mechanics: Magic? (2018) (0)
- An Introduction to Complex Manifolds (1980) (0)
- A variational principle for time of arrival of null geodesics (1998) (0)
- Surprising Structures Hiding at Penrose’s Future Null Infinity (2017) (0)
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