Gerard Loughlin
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British theologian
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Why Is Gerard Loughlin Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gerard Patrick Loughlin is an English Roman Catholic theologian and religious scholar. He is Professor of Theology and Religion at the University of Durham, England. He is the author of Telling God's Story: Bible Church and Narrative Theology and Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology .
Gerard Loughlin's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Telling God's story (1996) (84)
- Queer Theology : Rethinking the Western Body (2008) (69)
- The Man Who Fell to Earth (2000) (44)
- Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology (2004) (43)
- Boss, Sarah Jane, Empress and Handmaid: On Nature and Gender in the Cult of the Virgin Mary (2000) (29)
- Telling God's Story: Bible, Church and Narrative Theology (1999) (22)
- The basis and authority of doctrine (1997) (19)
- What Is Queer? Theology after Identity (2008) (15)
- Sexing the Trinity (1998) (11)
- Theology in the University. (2009) (11)
- Squares and Circles: John Hick and the Doctrine of the Incarnation (1991) (10)
- Pauline Conversations: Rereading Romans 1 in Christ (2004) (7)
- Noumenon and Phenomena (1987) (6)
- Biblical Bodies (2005) (6)
- Found in Translation: Ovid, David Malouf and the Werewolf (2007) (5)
- The Long Take: Messianic Time in Andrei Tarkovsky's Nostalghia (2009) (5)
- Myths, Signs and Significations (1986) (5)
- Self‐Healing Extranodal Cutaneous Rosai‐Dorfman in a Child (2015) (5)
- Book Review: Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered (1991) (5)
- Gathered at the Altar: Homosexuals and Human Rights (2004) (4)
- Catholic homophobia (2018) (4)
- Cinema Divinite: A Theological Introduction (2005) (3)
- The wonder of Newman's education. (2011) (3)
- The University Without Question: John Henry Newman and Jaques Derrida on Faith in the University (2004) (3)
- Paradox and Paradigms: defending the case for a revolution in theology of religions (1985) (2)
- Sex After Natural Law (2003) (2)
- Thinking of That Than Which Nothing Greater can be Thought (1991) (2)
- Baptismal Fluid (1998) (2)
- ‘To Live and Die Upon a Dogma’: Newman and Post/Modern Faith (2003) (2)
- On Telling the Story of Jesus (1984) (2)
- A response to David Bentley Hart's The Beauty of the Infinite (2007) (1)
- The Literal Sense and the Senses of Scripture (2015) (1)
- Seeing in the Dark: Plato's Cinema and Christ's Cave1 (2000) (1)
- See-Saying/Say-Seeing (1988) (1)
- Book Review: The Word Made Strange (1998) (1)
- Nouvelle théologie : a return to Modernism? (2011) (1)
- Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Responses to the Work of David Brown. Edited by Robert MacSwain and Taylor Worley. (2016) (1)
- Gender Ideology: For a ‘Third Sex’ Without Reserve (2018) (1)
- Telling God's Story: Eating the Word (1996) (0)
- Book Review: The Myth of Christian Uniqueness (1989) (0)
- Book Review: The Shape of Catholic Theology: An Introduction to its Sources, Principles, and History, Aidan Nichols OP (T & T Clark 1991), 374 pp, £12.50 pbk (1993) (0)
- Speaking of a Personal God: An Essay in Philosophical Theology. By Vincent Brummer. Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. x + 160. Hardback, £30; paperback, £9.95. (1995) (0)
- Book Review: The Redemption (2007) (0)
- Essere creatura, diventare umano : una critica a Oliver O'Donovan [translated by Giovanni Pernigotto]. (2010) (0)
- Book Review: Faith After Foundationalism (1990) (0)
- Telling God's Story: Around Christ (1996) (0)
- Book Review: Problems of Religious Pluralism By John Hick Macmillan 1985 x + 148 pp. £22.50 (h/b), £7.95 (p/b); The Experience of Religious Diversity Edited by John Hick and Hasan Askari Gower 1985 vi + 236 pp. £18.50 (1986) (0)
- Holy Texts of Deception: Christian Gnosticism and the Writings of Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (1995) (0)
- Book review: Christ, Providence and History: Hans W. Frei's public theology (2008) (0)
- Chapter 24. Catholic Modernism (2010) (0)
- God's Sex (2008) (0)
- Editorial (2009) (0)
- Making it plain (1996) (0)
- Book Review: Theology and Philosophy (1990) (0)
- Journal of Contemporary Religion (2009) (0)
- Paul, sex, and the possibility of self‐gift: a reply to Timothy Radcliffe (1986) (0)
- Character/circumstance/community (1996) (0)
- Ecstatic Morality and Sexual Politics: A Catholic and Antitotalitarian Theory of the Body – By G. J. McAleer (2009) (0)
- Book Reviews (1972) (0)
- Editorial (2010) (0)
- Book Reviews not yet considered, Ferguson succeeds on all counts. Aberrations in Black represents an impressive scholarly debut by one of the leading young minds in the profession. dw (2007) (0)
- Imaging in Cardiac Electrophysiology (2017) (0)
- Review: Revelation and Story. Narrative Theology and the Centrality of Story. (2004) (0)
- Book Review: God in Christian Perspective (1996) (0)
- Word and Supplement: Speech Acts, Biblical Texts, and the Sufficiency of Scripture. By Timothy Ward. Pp. x + 332. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. isbn 0 19 924438 3. £50 (2005) (0)
- Book Review: Theology and Film: Challenging the Sacred/Secular Divide (2010) (0)
- Letter to the Editor (2000) (0)
- Book Review: Christ, Ethics and Tragedy (1990) (0)
- Contents (2018) (0)
- Editorial (2009) (0)
- Disordered Bodies and the Body of Christ (2016) (0)
- Them and us: a reply to Teofilo Pugeda (2022) (0)
- Book Review: History and the Triune God: Contributions to Trinitarian Theology, [iirgen Moltmann (SCM Press 1991), xx +204 pp, £12.95 pbk (1993) (0)
- Book Review: God Matters By Herbert McCabe Geoffrey Chapman 1987 vi + 249 pp. £12.50 p/b; Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert McCabe OP Edited by Brian Davies Geoffrey Chapman 1987 xii + 243 pp. £18.50 h/b (1988) (0)
- Gay and Lesbian theologies: Repetitions with critical difference (2003) (0)
- The body in the text : realism and non-realism, revelation and writing-experience. (2004) (0)
- Making it Plain: Austin Farrer and the Inspiration of Scripture (1992) (0)
- Book Review: Global Responsibility (1992) (0)
- Book Review: The Trinitarian Foundation of Human Sexuality as Revealed by Christ According to Hans Urs von Balthasar (2002) (0)
- Revelation and Story. Narrative Theology and the Centrality of Story (Book) (2004) (0)
- Seeing in the Dark (2008) (0)
- Book Review: The Structure of Resurrection Belief (1988) (0)
- Frederick D. Aquino, An Integrative Habit of Mind: John Henry Newman on the Path to Wisdom. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2012, x + 129pp. $29.00 (2016) (0)
- Book Review: Against John Hick (1986) (0)
- Pity and Pardon in Scorsese’s Palimpsest, Bringing Out the Dead (2019) (0)
- Repetition and Identity, Catherine Pickstock, Oxford University Press, 2013 (ISBN 978-0-19-968361-1), xxii + 211 pp., pb £12.99 (2015) (0)
- Telling God's Story: True stories (1996) (0)
- The Poets' Jesus: Representations at the End of a Millennium (review) (2003) (0)
- Book Review: Christianity and the World Religions (1988) (0)
- Book Review: Theology, Death and Dying (1987) (0)
- Mirroring God's world: a critique of John Hick's speculative theology (1987) (0)
- Book Review: The Open Text (1994) (0)
- Breezes: Religious Images in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (2002) (0)
- Newman and the Word. Edited by Terrence Merrigan and Ian T. Ker. (Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 27.) Pp. v+260. Louvain: Peeters/Sterling, VA: Eerdmans, 2000. ¿22. 90 429 0921 8 (2003) (0)
- Book Review: Foucault and Augustine: Reconsidering Power and Love (2006) (0)
- Homosexuality and Christian ethics. (2014) (0)
- Systematic Theology and Other Religions (1993) (0)
- Bible and Film: Suffering and Special Effects (2012) (0)
- Want of Family (2008) (0)
- Preface to the paperback edition (1996) (0)
- Book Review: Difference in Philosophy of Religion (2005) (0)
- Book Review: Consciousness and the Mind of God (1995) (0)
- Telling God's Story: Only love (1996) (0)
- Visible and Invisible: George Tyrrell and Christ's Bodies* (2018) (0)
- The event of God (1996) (0)
- Telling God's Story: Future now (1996) (0)
- Becoming‐Skyscraper: Ayn Rand's Architect (2003) (0)
- Book Review: God and the Web of Creation (1997) (0)
- Readings of the Bible (1993) (0)
- Book Review: Theology and Narrative (1995) (0)
- Over the Ashes (1992) (0)
- Writing the Trinity (1994) (0)
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