Grace Wahba
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American statistician
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Grace Wahba's Degrees
- PhD Statistics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Grace Wahba Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Grace Goldsmith Wahba is an American statistician and retired I. J. Schoenberg-Hilldale Professor of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is a pioneer in methods for smoothing noisy data. Best known for the development of generalized cross-validation and "Wahba's problem", she has developed methods with applications in demographic studies, machine learning, DNA microarrays, risk modeling, medical imaging, and climate prediction.
Grace Wahba's Published Works
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Published Works
- Spline Models for Observational Data (1990) (6862)
- Smoothing noisy data with spline functions (1978) (3720)
- Generalized cross-validation as a method for choosing a good ridge parameter (1979) (2936)
- Some results on Tchebycheffian spline functions (1971) (1389)
- Smoothing noisy data with spline functions (1975) (1371)
- A Correspondence Between Bayesian Estimation on Stochastic Processes and Smoothing by Splines (1970) (1039)
- A Least Squares Estimate of Satellite Attitude (1965) (1004)
- Practical Approximate Solutions to Linear Operator Equations When the Data are Noisy (1977) (814)
- Bayesian "Confidence Intervals" for the Cross-validated Smoothing Spline (1983) (681)
- Some New Mathematical Methods for Variational Objective Analysis Using Splines and Cross Validation (1980) (598)
- A Comparison of GCV and GML for Choosing the Smoothing Parameter in the Generalized Spline Smoothing Problem (1985) (567)
- Improper Priors, Spline Smoothing and the Problem of Guarding Against Model Errors in Regression (1978) (567)
- Multicategory Support Vector Machines (2004) (471)
- Support vector machines, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and randomized GACV (1999) (433)
- Smoothing spline models for the analysis of nested and crossed samples of curves. Commentaries. Authors' reply (1998) (411)
- A completely automatic french curve: fitting spline functions by cross validation (1975) (409)
- Support Vector Machines for Classification in Nonstandard Situations (2002) (382)
- Spline Interpolation and Smoothing on the Sphere (1981) (371)
- Smoothing spline ANOVA for exponential families, with application to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy : the 1994 Neyman Memorial Lecture (1995) (265)
- Automatic Smoothing of the Log Periodogram (1980) (230)
- Minimizing GCV/GML Scores with Multiple Smoothing Parameters via the Newton Method (1991) (195)
- Hybrid Adaptive Splines (1997) (194)
- Reliable stereological method for estimating the number of microscopic hepatocellular foci from their transections. (1983) (173)
- Optimal Convergence Properties of Variable Knot, Kernel, and Orthogonal Series Methods for Density Estimation. (1975) (153)
- Smoothing Spline ANOVA with Component-Wise Bayesian “Confidence Intervals” (1993) (149)
- Testing the (Parametric) Null Model Hypothesis in (Semiparametric) Partial and Generalized Spline Models (1988) (141)
- Multivariate Bernoulli distribution (2012) (136)
- Smoothing spline ANOVA models for large data sets with Bernoulli observations and the randomized GACV (2000) (127)
- Gcvpack – routines for generalized cross validation (1987) (123)
- Generalized Inverses in Reproducing Kernel Spaces: An Approach to Regularization of Linear Operator Equations (1974) (114)
- Ill Posed Problems: Numerical and Statistical Methods for Mildly, Moderately and Severely Ill Posed Problems with Noisy Data. (1980) (109)
- Data-Based Optimal Smoothing of Orthogonal Series Density Estimates (1981) (107)
- Variable Selection and Model Building via Likelihood Basis Pursuit (2004) (105)
- Inequality-Constrained Multivariate Smoothing Splines with Application to the Estimation of Posterior Probabilities (1987) (104)
- Soft and hard classification by reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods (2002) (103)
- Semiparametric Analysis of Variance with Tensor Product Thin Plate Splines (1993) (100)
- Adaptive Tuning of Numerical Weather Prediction Models: Randomized GCV in Three- and Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation (1995) (97)
- Problem 65-1: A least squares estimate of satellite attitude (1966) (96)
- Constrained Regularization for Ill Posed Linear Operator Equations, with Applications in Meteorology and Medicine. (1982) (96)
- Convergence rates of approximate least squares solutions of linear integral and operator equations of the first kind (1974) (93)
- Cloud Classification of Satellite Radiance Data by Multicategory Support Vector Machines (2004) (80)
- Partial and interaction spline models for the semiparametric estimation of functions of several variables (1986) (79)
- Periodic splines for spectral density estimation: the use of cross validation for determining the degree of smoothing (1975) (79)
- How to Smooth Curves and Surfaces with Splines and Cross-Validation (1979) (76)
- A cross validated bayesian retrieval algorithm for nonlinear remote sensing experiments (1985) (76)
- Design Problems for Optimal Surface Interpolation. (1979) (76)
- Cross-Validated Spline Methods for the Estimation of Three-Dimensional Tumor Size Distributions from Observations on Two-Dimensional Cross Sections (1984) (75)
- Neural Networks and Related Methods for Classification - Discussion (1994) (75)
- The computation of generalized cross-validation functions through householder tridiagonalization with applications to the fitting of interaction spline models (1989) (73)
- Surface fitting with scattered noisy data on Euclidean D-space and on the sphere (1984) (72)
- Interpolating Spline Methods for Density Estimation I. Equi-Spaced Knots (1975) (69)
- Bootstrap confidence intervals for smoothing splines and their comparison to bayesian confidence intervals (1995) (69)
- When is the optimal regularization parameter insensitive to the choice of the loss function (1990) (68)
- Multivariate Function and Operator Estimation, Based on Smoothing Splines and Reproducing Kernels (1992) (68)
- Good Ridge Parameter (1979) (66)
- Convergence rates of certain approximate solutions to Fredholm integral equations of the first kind (1973) (64)
- On the Regression Design Problem of Sacks and Ylvisaker (1971) (64)
- Framework for kernel regularization with application to protein clustering. (2005) (59)
- Partial Spline Models for the Inclusion of Tropopause and Frontal Boundary Information in Otherwise Smooth Two- and Three-Dimensional Objective Analysis (1986) (59)
- The Bias-Variance Tradeoff and the Randomized GACV (1998) (58)
- Convergence rates of "thin plate" smoothing splines wihen the data are noisy (1979) (56)
- Erratum: Spline Interpolation and Smoothing on the Sphere (1982) (56)
- A Polynomial Algorithm for Density Estimation (1971) (52)
- On the Distribution of Some Statistics Useful in the Analysis of Jointly Stationary Time Series (1968) (51)
- Statistical Properties and Adaptive Tuning of Support Vector Machines (2002) (50)
- Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Temperature Using Smoothing Spline ANOVA (1998) (50)
- Doubly penalized likelihood estimator in heteroscedastic regression (2004) (50)
- Optimal Smoothing of Density Estimates (1977) (48)
- Support Vector Machines, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and the Randomized Gacv 1 1 Support Vector Machines, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and the Randomized Gacv (1998) (48)
- An introduction to model building with repro-ducing kernel hilbert spaces (2000) (46)
- LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm with application to ophthalmology and genomic data. (2006) (46)
- Gacv for support vector machines (2000) (45)
- Regularization and approximation of linear operator equations in reproducing kernel spaces (1974) (43)
- Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Multivariate Bernoulli Observations With Application to Ophthalmology Data (2001) (43)
- Behavior near zero of the distribution of GCV smoothing parameter estimates (1995) (43)
- Optimal spline smoothing of fMRI time series by generalized cross-validation (2003) (42)
- Vector Splines on the Sphere, with Application to the Estimation of Vorticity and Divergence from Discrete, Noisy Data (1982) (40)
- Detecting disease-causing genes by LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm (2007) (39)
- Generalized Approximate Cross Validation For Support Vector Machines, Or, Another Way To Look At Mar (1999) (39)
- Soft Classiication, A. K. A. Risk Estimation, via Penalized Log Likelihood and Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance (1993) (39)
- On the Estimation of Functions of Several Variables from Aggregated Data. (1982) (38)
- Statistical Decision Theory and Related Topics III (1982) (36)
- Using distance covariance for improved variable selection with application to learning genetic risk models (2015) (36)
- Using distance correlation and SS-ANOVA to assess associations of familial relationships, lifestyle factors, diseases, and mortality (2012) (36)
- A class of approximate solutions to linear operator equations (1973) (35)
- Adaptive Tuning of Numerical Weather Prediction Models: Simultaneous Estimation of Weighting, Smoothing, and Physical Parameters (1998) (34)
- Smoothing and Ill-Posed Problems (1979) (32)
- Data mining, neural nets, trees — Problems 2 and 3 of Genetic Analysis Workshop 15 (2007) (31)
- Examining the relative influence of familial, genetic, and environmental covariate information in flexible risk models (2009) (30)
- Regression Design for Some Equivalence Classes of Kernels (1974) (30)
- Some Tests of Independence for Stationary Multivariate Time Series (1971) (30)
- Histosplines with Knots Which are Order Statistics (1976) (29)
- Generalization and regularization in nonlinear learning systems (1998) (29)
- Estimation of the Coefficients in a Multidimensional Distributed Lag Model (1969) (29)
- Structured Machine Learning for Soft Classification with Smoothing Spline ANOVA and Stacked Tuning, Testing, and Evaluation (1993) (27)
- Statistical tests and identifiability conditions for pooling and analyzing multisite datasets (2018) (25)
- Soft Classification, a. k. a. Risk Estimation, via Penalized Log Likelihood and Smoothing Spline Ana (1993) (23)
- Using smoothing spline anova to examine the relation of risk factors to the incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy. (1997) (22)
- Discussion: Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (1991) (21)
- Optimal Properties and Adaptive Tuning of Standard and Nonstandard Support Vector Machines (2003) (20)
- Optimal use of sampled tissue sections for estimating the number of hepatocellular foci. (1984) (19)
- Dicussion on the meeting on ‘Statistical approaches to inverse problems’ (2004) (18)
- 8. Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind (1990) (18)
- Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Exponential Families , with Application to theWisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy 1 2 (1995) (17)
- Interpolating Surfaces: High Order Convergence Rates and Their ASsociated Designs, with Application to X-Ray Image Reconstruction. (1978) (17)
- An Averaging Method for the Stiff Highly Oscillatory Problem (1976) (17)
- Variational methods in simultaneous optimum interpolation and initialization (1982) (17)
- Numerical experiments with the thin plate histospline (1981) (17)
- The approximate solution of linear operator equations when the data are noisy (1976) (16)
- Design Criteria and Eigensequence Plots for Satellite-Computed Tomography (1985) (16)
- LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm with application to ophthalmology data (2006) (15)
- Learning Higher-Order Graph Structure with Features by Structure Penalty (2011) (15)
- Distance shrinkage and Euclidean embedding via regularized kernel estimation (2014) (15)
- 4. Estimating the Smoothing Parameter (1990) (15)
- Hypothesis Testing in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Applications in Alzheimer's Disease (2016) (13)
- Discussion: Linear Smoothers and Additive Models (1989) (13)
- [Monotone Regression Splines in Action]: Comment (1988) (13)
- Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits for Very Large, Nearly Regular Data Sets, with Application to Historical (1995) (13)
- Comment [on "Smooth pycnophylactic interpolation for geographical regions"]. (1979) (13)
- Multivariate thin plate spline estimates for the posterior probabilities in the classification problem (1983) (13)
- Estimating Tree-Structured Covariance Matrices via Mixed-Integer Programming (2009) (12)
- Adaptive tuning of numerical weather prediction models: Part I: randomized GCV and related methods i (1995) (12)
- An introduction to reproducing kernel hilbert spaces and why they are so useful (2003) (11)
- Smoothing Splines (2011) (11)
- A note on generalized cross-validation with replicates (1992) (11)
- Discussion: Projection Pursuit (1985) (11)
- Comment on "Support Vector Machines with Applications" (2006) (10)
- Discussion: Consistent Nonparametric Regression (1977) (10)
- Some Results on Tchebychefian Spline Functions (1971) (9)
- Some exponentially decreasing error bounds for a numerical inversion of the Laplace transform (1975) (9)
- On the Minimization of a Quadratic Functional Subject to a Continuous Family of Linear Inequality Constraints (1973) (9)
- Margin-like quantities and generalized approximate cross validation for support vector machines (1999) (9)
- Regularization and Cross Validation Methods for Nonlinear, Implicit, Ill-posed Inverse Problems (1990) (9)
- On the Relation Between the GACV and Joachims’ ξα Method for Tuning Support Vector Machines, With Extensions to the Non-Standard Case (2001) (9)
- When can Multi-Site Datasets be Pooled for Regression? Hypothesis Tests, $\ell_2$-consistency and Neuroscience Applications (2017) (8)
- Subpixel Curvature Estimation of the Corpus Callosum via Splines and its Application to Autism (2004) (8)
- Splines in Nonparametric Regression (2006) (8)
- Rates of convergence of some estimators for a semiparametric model (1988) (8)
- Simulation studies of smoothing parameter estimates and bayesian confidence intervals in bernoulli ss anova models (1995) (8)
- Parameter estimation in linear dynamic systems (1980) (7)
- Getting better contour plots with S and GCVPACK (1993) (7)
- An introduction to smoothing spline ANOVA models in RKHS, with examples in geographical data, medicine, atmospheric sciences and machine learning (2003) (7)
- Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation with Thin Plate Spline Thresholding (2006) (7)
- The partitioned LASSO-patternsearch algorithm with application to gene expression data (2012) (7)
- Group variable selection via convex log‐exp‐sum penalty with application to a breast cancer survivor study (2013) (6)
- Graph-based data analysis: tree-structured covariance estimation, prediction by regularized kernel estimation and aggregate database query processing for probabilistic inference (2008) (6)
- Penalized Likelihood Regression in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces with Randomized Covariate Data (2010) (6)
- A Canonical Form For the Problem of Estimating Smooth Surfaces. (1975) (5)
- Variable Selection via Basis Pursuit for Non-Gaussian Data (2001) (5)
- Cross Validated Spline Methods for Direct and Indirect Sensing Experiments. (1982) (5)
- The Asymptotic Behavior of the Nonlinear Estimators of the Diffusion Tensor and Tensor-Derived Quantities with Implications for Group Analysis (2006) (5)
- Statistical Model Building, Machine Learning, and the Ah-Ha Moment (2013) (5)
- Multivariate Model Building With Additive Interaction and Tensor Product Thin Plate Splines (1991) (5)
- [A Statistical Perspective on Ill-Posed Inverse Problems]: Comment (1986) (4)
- The Asymptotic Distribution of Diffusion Tensor and Fractional Anisotropy Estimates (2006) (4)
- Statistical Learning in Medical Data Analysis (2007) (4)
- Multivariate Model Building and Model Identification (1990) (4)
- Backfitting in smoothing spline anova, with application to historical global temperature data (1996) (4)
- Approximate Regularized Solutions to Linear Operator Equations When the Data-Vector Is Not in the Range of the Operator. (1973) (4)
- 2005 Joint Statistical Meetings Biometrics Section , Section on Nonparametric Statistics , ENAR (2005) (4)
- 5. Confidence Intervals (1990) (3)
- Optimal Spline Smoothing of FMRI Time Series (2002) (3)
- Determination of an optimal mesh for a collocation-projection method for solving two-point boundary value problems (1979) (3)
- Penalized Log Likelihood Density Estimation , via Smoothing-Spline ANOVA and ranGACV-Comments to Hansen and Kooperberg , ‘ Spline Adaptation in Extended Linear Models ’ (3)
- Representer Theorem (2019) (3)
- A New Approach to the Numerical Evaluation of the Inverse Radon Transform with Discrete, Noisy Data (1981) (3)
- Cross Validation and Constrained Regularization Methods for Mildly Ill Posed Problems. Revision. (1980) (3)
- Convergence Properties of the Method of Regularization for Noisy Linear Operation Equations. (1973) (3)
- Encoding Dissimilarity Data for Statistical Model Building. (2010) (3)
- A Linear Mixed Effects Clustering Model for Multi-species Time Course Gene Expression Data 1 (2008) (3)
- On the optimal choice of nodes in the collocation-projection method for solving linear operator equations (1976) (3)
- Partial Spline Models for the Estimation of the Three Dimensional Atmospheric Temperature Distribution from Satellite Radiance Data and Tropopause Height Information (1986) (2)
- Positive definite functions, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces and all that (2014) (2)
- A Nonparametric Method for Estimation of Arterial Wall Shear Stress (2003) (2)
- Quantitative Study of Smoothing Spline-ANOVA Based Fingerprint Methods for Attribution of Global War (1999) (2)
- Optimizing the limit setting potential of a multivariate analysis using the Bayes posterior ratio (2003) (2)
- Implications of Heterogeneous Variance of Tensor-Derived Quantities for Group Comparisons (2007) (2)
- Adaptive Tuning, Four Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation, and Representers in Rkhs Adaptive Tuning, 4d-var and Representers in Rkhs (1998) (2)
- 11. Numerical Methods (1990) (2)
- Using distance covariance for improved variable selection (2014) (2)
- Minimax Optimal Rates of Estimation In Functional ANOVA Models When Data On Derivatives Are Available (2017) (1)
- Penalized likelihood regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces with randomized covariate non-Gaussian data (2009) (1)
- Using distance covariance for improved variable selection with applications to genetic risk models (2014) (1)
- Kernel Regularization and Dimension Reduction (2006) (1)
- The Multicategory Support Vector Machine, with Application to the Classification of Simulated and Real MODIS Data into Clear, Ice Cloud and Water Cloud Categories. (2003) (1)
- NO . 1155 September 4 , 2009 Encoding Dissimilarity Data for Statistical Model Building (2009) (1)
- Learning graph structure with parametric and non-parametric models (2012) (1)
- 6. Partial Spline Models (1990) (1)
- Spline Functions: Overview (2017) (1)
- IPAM Graduate Summer School : Intelligent Extraction of Information From Graphs and High Dimensional Data (2005) (1)
- 23 Statistical Learning in Medical Data Analysis (2007) (1)
- On the dynamic estimation of relative weights for observation and forecast in numerical weather prediction (1988) (0)
- 3. Equivalence and Perpendicularity, or, What's so Special about Splines? (1990) (0)
- 2. More Splines (1990) (0)
- Statistical Models for Control, Optimization, Reliability, and Life Testing. (1973) (0)
- 2 What is an RKHS ? (2019) (0)
- 10. Additive and Interaction Splines (1990) (0)
- Bootstrap Con dence Intervals for Smoothing Splines and theirComparison to Bayesian ` Con dence Intervals ' 1 (2011) (0)
- Doubly Penalized Likelihood Estimator in Heteroscedastic Regression 1 (0)
- Based on " a Framework for Kernel Regularization with Application to Protein Clustering " , by and Joint Work on Kernel Regularization Tuning with Fan Lu (in Progress) (2006) (0)
- Adaptive tuning, 4-D Var and representers in RKHS (2001) (0)
- Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation with Thin Plate Spline (2006) (0)
- Cross spectral distribution theory for mixed spectra and estimation of prediction filter coefficients (1987) (0)
- Statistical Models for Time Series and Life Testing with Applications in Engineering Systems. (1977) (0)
- Automatic Classification of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Data 1 (2005) (0)
- 12. Special Topics (1990) (0)
- Smoothing, Regularization and Ill-Posed Inverse Problems; Robust and Convex Estimation of Functions of Several Variables. (1983) (0)
- Combining Observations with Models: Penalized Likelihood and Related Methods in Numerical Weather Prediction (2000) (0)
- Dissimilarity Data in Statistical Model Building and Machine Learning Grace Wahba (2011) (0)
- The ( Nonstandard ) Multicategory Suport Vector Machine , with Application to Classification of Satellite-Observed Radiance Profiles (0)
- Statistical Models for Control and Optimization Techniques. (1972) (0)
- Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation with Thin Plate Spline Thresholding 1 (2006) (0)
- 9. Further Nonlinear Generalizations (1990) (0)
- A Property of Some Normal Matrices: 10645 (2000) (0)
- A Family of Summation Formulae (1968) (0)
- Based on " a Framework for Kernel Regularization with Application to Protein Clustering " , by and Joint Work on Kernel Regularization Tuning with Fan Lu and S ¨ Undüz Keles¸(in Progress) (2006) (0)
- On the Optimal Choice of Nodes in the C-P Method for Solving Linear Operator Equations. (1973) (0)
- Emanuel Parzen and a Tale of Two Kernels (2017) (0)
- Emanuel Parzen: A Memorial, and a Model With the Two Kernels That He Championed (2018) (0)
- 7. Finite-Dimensional Approximating Subspaces (1990) (0)
- Backward multiple imputation estimation of the conditional lifetime expectancy function with application to censored human longevity data (2015) (0)
- Corrections (1973) (0)
- Applications of Distance Correlation in Biomedical Data Grace Wahba and Jing Kong Based on Jing Kong's PhD dissertation, to appear and "Using distance covariance for improved variable selection" UW-Madison Statistics Dept TR1177 (2014) (0)
- NASA installs massively parallel processor (2006) (0)
- NO . 1166 August 23 , 2011 The Partitioned LASSO-Pattersearch Algorithm With Application to Gene Expression Data (2011) (0)
- 2 Likelihood Basis Pursuit 2 . 1 Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Exponential (2006) (0)
- Spline Function: Overview (2014) (0)
- Design criteria and eigensequence plots for satellite-computed tomography. [in meteorology] (1985) (0)
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