
Graham Colditz

Most Influential Person Now

Australian epidemiologist

Graham Colditz's Academic­ Rankings

Graham Colditz
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Why Is Graham Colditz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Graham Andrew Colditz MD, DrPH is an Australian chronic disease epidemiologist. He is the inaugural Niess-Gain Professor at Washington University School of Medicine, where he is associate director for Prevention and Control at the Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center. He directs the Master of Population Health Science at Washington University School of Medicine. During medical training he was excited by the potential for prevention of chronic diseases. With encouragement from mentors he pursued training in the US as it was routine for academics in Australia to obtain overseas training at that time. He is internationally recognized for leadership in cancer prevention, and is often interviewed by media for input on this topic. With members of Cancer Prevention and Control at Siteman, he blogs on issues relating to cancer prevention and screening. According to Google Scholar statistics, Colditz has a h-index of more than 300.

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Graham Colditz's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Graham Colditz?

Graham Colditz is affiliated with the following schools: