Harish Chander
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Researcher ORCID 0000-0001-9427-2936
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Computer Science
Harish Chander's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Harish Chander's Published Works
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Published Works
- Mitochondrial Protein Quality Control by the Proteasome Involves Ubiquitination and the Protease Omi* (2008) (160)
- Enhanced luminescence of Y3Al5O12 : Ce3+ nanophosphor for white light-emitting diodes (2006) (156)
- Development of nanophosphors—A review (2005) (143)
- Structural, optical and photoluminescence properties of ZnS: Cu nanoparticle thin films as a function of dopant concentration and quantum confinement effect (2007) (130)
- Factors Affecting Amine Production by a Selected Strain of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (1989) (72)
- Broad yellow orange emission from SrAl2O4:Pr3+ phosphor with blue excitation for application to white LEDs (2009) (66)
- Synthesis of nanocrystals of long persisting phosphor by modified combustion technique (2004) (60)
- Cdc42-interacting protein 4 is a Src substrate that regulates invadopodia and invasiveness of breast tumors by promoting MT1-MMP endocytosis (2011) (58)
- The influence of firefighter boot type on balance (2013) (57)
- Factors affecting lipase production in Aspergillus wentii. (1980) (55)
- Bright red luminescence and energy transfer of Pr3+-doped (Ca,Zn)TiO3 phosphor for long decay applications (2006) (55)
- State-of-the-art review of athletic wearable technology: What 113 strength and conditioning coaches and athletic trainers from the USA said about technology in sports (2020) (51)
- Enhancement of luminescent properties of ZnS:Mn nanophosphors by controlled ZnO capping (2004) (49)
- Tuning of emission colours in strontium aluminate long persisting phosphor (2003) (49)
- Role of boric acid in synthesis and tailoring the properties of calcium aluminate phosphor (2007) (48)
- Intense red-emitting Y4Al2O9:Eu3+ phosphor with short decay time and high color purity for advanced plasma display panel. (2009) (48)
- Impact on balance while walking in occupational footwear (2014) (47)
- Studies on the decay characteristics of strontium aluminate phosphor on thermal treatment (2003) (44)
- Individuals with chronic ankle instability exhibit dynamic postural stability deficits and altered unilateral landing biomechanics: A systematic review. (2019) (44)
- Insecticidal potential and biological activity of Indian indigenous plants against Musca domestica L. (1981) (43)
- Skp2B attenuates p53 function by inhibiting prohibitin (2010) (37)
- Transducer of Cdc42-dependent actin assembly promotes breast cancer invasion and metastasis (2013) (36)
- Exogenous ketone salts do not improve cognitive responses after a high-intensity exercise protocol in healthy college-aged males. (2018) (36)
- CIP4 Promotes Lung Adenocarcinoma Metastasis and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis (2014) (34)
- Wearable Stretch Sensors for Human Movement Monitoring and Fall Detection in Ergonomics (2020) (32)
- Synthesis and optical properties of ZnO/MgO nanocomposite (2008) (32)
- Characterization of ZnS:Cu, Br electroluminescent phosphor prepared by new route (2003) (32)
- The influence of occupational footwear on dynamic balance perturbations (2015) (32)
- Structural, morphological and photoluminescence characteristics of sol-gel derived nano phase CeO2 films deposited using citric acid (2007) (31)
- Awakening the “guardian of genome”: reactivation of mutant p53 (2018) (30)
- Repellency of different plant extracts and commercial formulations used as prophylactic sprays to protect bagged grain against Tribolium castaneum: a field study. (2000) (29)
- Effectiveness of turmeric powder and mustard oil as protectants in stored milled rice against the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (1991) (29)
- Flatfeet: Biomechanical implications, assessment and management. (2019) (28)
- Skp2B Overexpression Alters a Prohibitin-p53 Axis and the Transcription of PAPP-A, the Protease of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 4 (2011) (28)
- Closing the Wearable Gap: Mobile Systems for Kinematic Signal Monitoring of the Foot and Ankle (2018) (28)
- CIP4 promotes metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer and is associated with poor patient prognosis (2015) (27)
- Synthesis and improved photoluminescence of Eu:ZnO phosphor (2007) (25)
- Effect of nutritional factors on the production of antifungal substance by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis (1990) (25)
- Optimization of culture conditions of probiotic bifidobacteria for maximal adhesion to hexadecane (2003) (25)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part II: Sensor Orientation and Placement for Foot and Ankle Joint Kinematic Measurements (2019) (24)
- Influence of military workload and footwear on static and dynamic balance performance (2018) (24)
- Recent advances in HER2 positive breast cancer epigenetics: Susceptibility and therapeutic strategies. (2017) (23)
- Heel contact dynamics in alternative footwear during slip events (2015) (23)
- Nano-structured ZnO films by sol-gel process (2007) (23)
- Luminescence properties of cerium doped nanocrystalline yttrium silicate (2005) (23)
- Luminescence enhancement of (Ca,Zn)TiO3:Pr3+ phosphor using nanosized silica powder (2006) (23)
- Factors affecting lipase production in Syncephalastrum racemosum (1983) (23)
- Controlled growth of ZnS:Mn nanophosphor in porous silica matrix (2004) (22)
- Enhancement of luminescence in ZnMgO thin‐film nanophosphors and application for white light generation (2008) (22)
- Green chemistry-mediated synthesis of nanostructures of afterglow phosphor (2008) (22)
- Amelioration of Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity by Irbesartan, A Selective AT1 Receptor Antagonist (2004) (21)
- Neuromuscular control in individuals with chronic ankle instability: A comparison of unexpected and expected ankle inversion perturbations during a single leg drop-landing. (2019) (21)
- Laboratory evaluation of plant extracts as repellents to the rust red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), on jute fabric (1999) (21)
- Slip initiation in alternative and slip-resistant footwear (2017) (21)
- Skp2B Stimulates Mammary Gland Development by Inhibiting REA, the Repressor of the Estrogen Receptor (2007) (21)
- PURIFICATION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF LIPASE FROM Streptococcus faecalis (1979) (20)
- Optimization of boric acid content in developing efficient blue emitting, long persistent phosphor (2005) (20)
- In vivo demonstration of enhanced probiotic effect of co‐immobilized Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum (2006) (20)
- Self-catalytic synthesis, structure and properties of ultra-fine luminescent ZnO nanostructures for field emission applications (2010) (19)
- Lipolytic Activity of Syncephalastrum racemosum (1982) (19)
- Impact of alternative footwear on human balance (2016) (19)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part III: Use of Stretch Sensors in Detecting Ankle Joint Kinematics During Unexpected and Expected Slip and Trip Perturbations (2019) (19)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part IV: 3D Motion Capture Cameras Versus Soft Robotic Sensors Comparison of Gait Movement Assessment (2019) (18)
- Factors Affecting Lipase Production in Rhizopus nigricans (1981) (18)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part VI: Human Gait Recognition Using Deep Learning Methodologies (2020) (18)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part V: Development of a Pressure-Sensitive Sock Utilizing Soft Sensors (2019) (18)
- Thermoluminescence of Tb doped Gd2O2S phosphor (2003) (17)
- Impact of military type footwear and load carrying workload on postural stability (2018) (16)
- Enhanced luminescence and degradation resistance in Tb modified Yttrium Borate core–nano silica shell phosphor under UV and VUV excitation (2011) (16)
- Nanocrystal formation and luminescence properties of ZnS based doped nanophosphors. (2005) (16)
- Surface distribution studies and improved photoluminescence characteristics of silica coated ZnS:Mn nanophosphor layers (2005) (15)
- Complex roles of discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinases in cancer (2021) (15)
- Toca-1 is suppressed by p53 to limit breast cancer cell invasion and tumor metastasis (2014) (15)
- Factors affecting amine production in Streptococcus cremoris (1986) (15)
- Characterization of Deoxyribonuclease-Positive Enterococci Isolated from Milk and Milk Products. (1982) (15)
- Effect of Incubation Temperature and Heat Treatments of Milk from Cow and Buffalo on Acid and Flavor Production by Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. (1980) (15)
- Postural Control in Workplace Safety: Role of Occupational Footwear and Workload (2017) (15)
- Impact of Virtual Reality–Generated Construction Environments at Different Heights on Postural Stability and Fall Risk (2020) (14)
- Binding of proteases to fibrillar amyloid-beta protein and its inhibition by Congo red. (2007) (14)
- Publication trends in library and information science: A bibliometric analysis of Library Management journal (2014) (14)
- High expression of FBP17 in invasive breast cancer cells promotes invadopodia formation (2018) (14)
- TOF-SIMS and laser-SNMS investigations of dopant distribution in nanophosphors (2005) (14)
- Luminescence enhancement in ZnO nanocrystals by polarized light (2010) (13)
- Aortic Valve Replacement with Biological Substitute (1998) (13)
- Reactivity of typhoid patients sera with stress induced 55 kDa phenotype in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (2004) (13)
- Impact of military type footwear and workload on heel contact dynamics during slip events (2018) (13)
- Macrophage Cell Death Due to Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi and Its Acid Stress Protein Has Features of Apoptosis (2005) (13)
- Growth, microstructure, UV and orange pink emission from ZnO nanocones (2008) (12)
- Photoluminescence shifts in silver-doped nanocrystalline Cd1−xZnxS (2007) (12)
- Ground reaction forces during a drop vertical jump: Impact of external load training. (2018) (12)
- Slip outcomes in firefighters: A comparison of rubber and leather boots (2016) (12)
- Balance Performance and Training Among Female Athletes (2016) (12)
- Assessment of balance among adolescent track and field athletes (2016) (12)
- Virtual-Reality-Induced Visual Perturbations Impact Postural Control System Behavior (2019) (11)
- Lower Limb Joint Kinetics During a Side-Cutting Task in Participants With or Without Chronic Ankle Instability. (2020) (11)
- Time resolved spectroscopic studies on some nanophosphors (2008) (11)
- Influence of military-type workload and footwear on muscle exertion during static standing (2017) (11)
- Thermoluminescence of an X-ray induced defect in CaS:Ce (1986) (10)
- Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and milk products. (1990) (10)
- A comfort analysis of using smart glasses during "picking" and "putting" tasks (2021) (10)
- Laboratory evaluation of natural embelin as a grain protectant against some insect pests of wheat in storage (1987) (10)
- Balance Performance in Collegiate Athletes: A Comparison of Balance Error Scoring System Measures (2017) (10)
- 55 kDa outer-membrane protein from short-chain fatty acids exposed Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi induces apoptosis in macrophages (2006) (10)
- Effect of Auxins on Rooting Behaviour of Neem ( Azadirachta indica ) Branch Cuttings (2001) (10)
- Understanding and arresting degradation in highly efficient blue emitting BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ phosphor—A longstanding technological problem (2013) (10)
- The role of military footwear and workload on ground reaction forces during a simulated lateral ankle sprain mechanism. (2018) (10)
- Impact of occupational footwear during simulated workloads on energy expenditure (2018) (10)
- Lower-Extremity Kinematics During Ankle Inversion Perturbations: A Novel Experimental Protocol That Simulates an Unexpected Lateral Ankle Sprain Mechanism. (2019) (9)
- Falls in Geriatric Populations and Hydrotherapy as an Intervention: A Brief Review (2018) (9)
- Mean muscle activation comparison between fastballs and curveballs with respect to the upper and lower extremity. (2019) (9)
- Mechanisms of Anti-Tumor Activity of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) (2020) (9)
- The Importance of Baselining Division 1 Football Athlete Jumping Movements for Performance, Injury Mitigation, and Return to Play (2019) (9)
- Effect of a simulated tactical occupation task on physiological strain index, stress and inflammation (2020) (9)
- Lipase activity of Lactobacillus brevis (2004) (9)
- Binding of trypsin to fibrillar amyloid beta-protein (2006) (9)
- A Review on Synthesis of Nanophosphors – Future Luminescent Materials (2006) (9)
- Efficacy of Natural Embelin Against the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium Castaneum Herbst (1985) (9)
- Ground Reaction Forces in Alternative Footwear during Slip Events (2015) (9)
- Influence of lactic bacteria cells on the oxidative stability of ghee (1986) (9)
- Lipolytic activity of lactic acid bacteria (1971) (9)
- Impact of Occupational Footwear and Workload on Lower Extremity Muscular Exertion (2018) (9)
- Effect of TiO2 and Fe doped TiO2 nanoparticles on mitochondrial membrane potential in HBL-100 cells. (2019) (8)
- Comparative evaluation of fungicidal quinones and natural embelin against some insect pests of storage (1989) (8)
- Wearables for Biomechanical Performance Optimization and Risk Assessment in Industrial and Sports Applications (2022) (8)
- Ankle kinematics, center of pressure progression, and lower extremity muscle activity during a side-cutting task in participants with and without chronic ankle instability. (2020) (8)
- Validity and Reliability of StriveTM Sense3 for Muscle Activity Monitoring During the Squat Exercise (2020) (8)
- Studies on optimal conditions for amine production by E. coli (1988) (8)
- Prevalence of enterococci in frozen dairy products and their pathogenicity (1984) (8)
- The Impact of Firefighter Physical Fitness on Job Performance: A Review of the Factors That Influence Fire Suppression Safety and Success (2018) (8)
- Anticipating ankle inversion perturbations during a single-leg drop landing alters ankle joint and impact kinetics. (2019) (8)
- Does Minimalist Footwear Design Aid in Postural Stability and Fall Prevention in Ergonomics? (2019) (8)
- Professional Inclination of Library and Information Science (LIS) Students of India (2013) (8)
- Impact of Occupational Footwear and Workload on Postural Stability in Work Safety. (2019) (7)
- External load training does not alter balance performance in well-trained women (2018) (7)
- Bilateral spatiotemporal postural control impairments are present in participants with chronic ankle instability. (2019) (7)
- Heat Resistance and Other Characteristics of Deoxyribonuclease Positive Enterococci Isolated from Milk and Milk Products (1985) (7)
- Development of a direct delivery system for a co-culture of L. acidophilus and B. bifidum based on micro-entrapment (2005) (7)
- Heat Resistance of Some Selected Toxigenic Enterococci in Milk and Other Suspending Media (1988) (7)
- Role of Lipids in Growth and Lipase Production by Rhizopus stolonifer. (1981) (7)
- Closing the Wearable Gap-Part VII: A Retrospective of Stretch Sensor Tool Kit Development for Benchmark Testing (2020) (6)
- Role of amino acids on the growth and lipase production ofStreptococcus faecalis (1975) (6)
- Incidence of Enterococcal Thermonuclease in Milk and Milk Products (1984) (6)
- Helmet Prototype Response Time Assessment using NCAA Division 1 Collegiate Football Athletes (2019) (6)
- The Influence of an Acute Bout of Whole Body Vibration on Human Postural Control Responses (2018) (6)
- Motor adaption during repeated motor control testing: Attenuated muscle activation without changes in response latencies. (2018) (6)
- Production of Lipase by Byssochlamys fulva. (1983) (5)
- Factors Affecting Enterotoxin Production by Thermonuclease Positive Streptococcus faecium IF‐100 Isolated from an Infant Food (1985) (5)
- Factors affecting lipase production in Mucor mucedo (1982) (5)
- Biochemical changes in cheese by lipolytic and non-lipolytic cultures (1986) (5)
- Closing the Wearable Gap–Part IX: Validation of an Improved Ankle Motion Capture Wearable (2021) (5)
- Lipolytic activity of Aspergillus wentii. (1980) (5)
- Photoluminescence Study of the Sol–Gel Derived (Ba0.5Sr0.5) TiO3 Thin Films for the Characterization of Trap States (2005) (5)
- Preliminary Analysis of StrongArm® Ergoskeleton on Knee and Hip Kinematics and User Comfort (2017) (5)
- Acorus calamus rhizomes as a protectant of milled rice against Sitophilus oryzae and Tribolium castaneum. (1990) (4)
- Effect of a simulated tactical occupation stressor and task complexity on mental focus and related physiological parameters (2018) (4)
- Occupational falls: interventions for fall detection, prevention and safety promotion (2020) (4)
- Studies on intestinal microflora of human infants. (2000) (4)
- Antibacterial activity of lysozyme against some common food poisoning organisms (1984) (4)
- Factors Affecting Lipase Production by Mucor racemosus. (1981) (4)
- The Interaction of Cognitive Interference, Standing Surface, and Fatigue on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity (2019) (4)
- Fatty acids liberated by mutants of lactic acid bacteria from milk fat. (1980) (4)
- Characterization of thin films of ZnO prepared by sol-gel processes (2004) (4)
- High formin binding protein 17 (FBP17) expression indicates poor differentiation and invasiveness of ductal carcinomas (2020) (4)
- Influence of body composition on selected jump performance measures in collegiate female athletes (2013) (4)
- Minimalist style boot improves running but not walking economy in trained men (2020) (4)
- Impact of Fat Grip Attachments on Muscular Strength and Neuromuscular Activation During Resistance Exercise. (2019) (4)
- Abstract 4053: Formin-binding protein-17 (FBP17) is a target of p53 and promotes invadopodia formation in breast cancer cells (2014) (4)
- Induction of salt tolerance in Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris by adaptation (2003) (3)
- The use of wearable devices in cognitive fatigue: current trends and future intentions (2021) (3)
- Deterioration of textile vs. electronic components over time in athletic wearable devices (2021) (3)
- KIBRA Team Up with Partners to Promote Breast Cancer Metastasis (2019) (3)
- Amine production by Streptococcus lactis under different growth conditions. (1988) (3)
- Apoptotic cell death of macrophages by iron-stressed Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (2004) (3)
- Impact of alternative footwear on human energy expenditure (2017) (3)
- Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles Prepared through Soft Chemical Route (2007) (3)
- Current Scenario of Patent Act: Compulsory Licensing (2013) (3)
- Public health significance of enterococci in milk and milk products. (1980) (3)
- Muscle Activity during Postural Stability Tasks: Role of Military Footwear and Load Carriage (2020) (3)
- Closing the Wearable Gap—Part VIII: A Validation Study for a Smart Knee Brace to Capture Knee Joint Kinematics (2021) (3)
- Impact of Ketone Salt Containing Supplement on Cardiorespiratory and Oxidative Stress Response in Firefighters Exercising in Personal Protective Equipment (2019) (3)
- External Load and Muscle Activation Monitoring of NCAA Division I Basketball Team Using Smart Compression Shorts (2021) (3)
- Effect of antibiotic resistance on the flavour profile of lactic acid bacteria (1989) (3)
- A bibliometric study of reference sources in Punjabi, 1891–2012 (2013) (3)
- Effects of Weighted Vest Loading during Daily Living Activities on Countermovement Jump and Sprint Performance. (2020) (3)
- Brighter glow in ZnS nanocrystals with polarized light (2008) (3)
- Development of plasma display panel phosphors at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi (2009) (2)
- Role of lipids on the growth and lipase production by Penicillium chrysogenum. (1980) (2)
- Differences in Falls and Recovery from a Slip Based on an Individual’s Lower Extremity Corrective Response (2019) (2)
- An Assessment of Energy and Groundwater Consumption of Textile Dyeing Mills in Bangladesh and Minimization of Environmental Impacts via Long-Term Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Baseline (2022) (2)
- Reactivation of heat injured Escherichia coli cells in milk (1985) (2)
- Synthesis of gadolinium oxide nanocuboids for in vitro bioimaging applications (2019) (2)
- Effect of three nitrogenous fertilizers on the solution composition of a saline sodic soil (1972) (2)
- Benefits of IMU-based Wearables in Sports Medicine: Narrative Review (2022) (2)
- Validation of a Bat Handle Sensor for Measuring Bat Velocity, Attack Angle, and Vertical Angle (2021) (2)
- Effect of feeding micro-entrapped co-culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum on the immune response and protection of mice infected with Salmonella typhimurium (2006) (2)
- Evaluation of the 14C-urea breath test using indigenously produced 14C-urea capsules and a modified technique for trapping exhaled breath: a pilot study (2014) (2)
- In Silico Finite Element Analysis of the Foot Ankle Complex Biomechanics: A Literature Review. (2021) (2)
- Effect of tyrosine concentration on tyramine production at different incubation temperatures. (1990) (2)
- Military-Type Workload and Footwear Alter Lower Extremity Muscle Activity during Unilateral Static Balance: Implications for Tactical Athletic Footwear Design (2020) (2)
- Impact of Prolonged Exposure to a Slippery Surface on Postural Stability (2021) (2)
- Production of Thermonuclease Deficient Mutants from an Enterotoxigenic Thermonuclease Producing Strain of Staphylococcus aureus (1981) (2)
- Insecticidal activity of Embelia ribes Burm. (1987) (2)
- Virtual Reality Induced Symptoms and Effects: Concerns, Causes, Assessment & Mitigation (2022) (2)
- In-vitro anti-cancer and in-vivo immunomodulatory activity of two new compounds isolated from wheatgrass ( Triticum aestivum L.) (2019) (2)
- Prognostic significance of CHAC1 expression in breast cancer (2022) (2)
- High levels of unfolded protein response component CHAC1 associates with cancer progression signatures in malignant breast cancer tissues (2022) (2)
- Role of Occupational Footwear and Prolonged Walking on Lower Extremity Muscle Activation during Maximal Exertions and Postural Stability Tasks (2021) (2)
- Impact of Sub-Clinical and Clinical Compression Socks on Postural Stability Tasks among Individuals with Ankle Instability (2022) (1)
- Impact Of Low Intensity Workload On Muscle Exertion In Alternative Footwear: 908 Board #304 May 27, 2 (2015) (1)
- An improved synthesis of 14C labelled glycerol using sodium borohydride (1987) (1)
- Optimum conditions required for tryptamine production. (1990) (1)
- The impact of using wearable devices on the operator during manual material handling tasks (2022) (1)
- Frontline Publishers of Punjabi Language Books (2020) (1)
- The Effect Of Commonly Used Alternative Footwear On Balance: 1161 Board #6 May 28, 8 (2015) (1)
- Lower extremity joint kinematics of a simulated lateral ankle sprain after drop landings in participants with chronic ankle instability (2021) (1)
- Preparation of copper, nickel and manganese lactoferrin from cow and buffalo colostrum and their bacteriostatic role. (1990) (1)
- Alternative Footwear’s Influence on Static Balance Following a One Mile Walk: 1156 Board #1 May 28, 8 (2015) (1)
- The Influence of Occupational Footwear on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity During Balance Perturbations: 2545 Board #250 May 30, 11 (2014) (1)
- Sequential order of swing phase initiation in baseball (2020) (1)
- Is it me or the room moving? Recreating the classical “moving room” experiment with virtual reality for postural control adaptation (2020) (1)
- Inhibition activity of lactoferrin against toxigenic s aureus (1)
- Toxicity of biogenic amines extracted from Cheddar cheese. (1990) (1)
- Assessment of performance of Nitinol-based arch wedge supports in bearing forces and stresses due to human movement using FEA (2018) (1)
- Effective Speech Enhancement Algorithm for Mobile Communication Using Cascading of Frequency and Time Domain Algorithms (2017) (1)
- Noise Interference Impacts Simple and Choice Response Times during a Lower Extremity Cognitive–Motor Task (2023) (1)
- The Walls Are Closing in: Postural Responses to a Virtual Reality Claustrophobic Simulation (2022) (1)
- Influences of Athletic Footwear on Ground Reaction Forces During A Sidestep Cutting Maneuver on Artificial Turf (2018) (1)
- Casein degradation and amino acid liberation in milk by two highly proteolytic strains of lactic acid bacteria. (1977) (1)
- Simulation of spray drying with reaction: Absorption of hydrogen sulfide in ammoniacal solution of zinc chloride (1993) (1)
- Evaluating Human Balance Following an Exercise Intervention in Previously Sedentary, Overweight Adults (2017) (1)
- Enterocin typing of enterococci isolated from dried infant foods. (1986) (1)
- Lead Leg Corrective Responses to Varying Slip Severity (2019) (1)
- Performance of lactic starter cultures adapted to varied pH in Elliker's broth (2002) (1)
- High-Intensity Interval Training in Middle-Distance NCAA Division I 800/1500m Collegiate Athletes (2020) (1)
- The Effects of Postural Control Measures on Induced Slip Outcomes (2019) (1)
- The Roadmap for Indian Academic Libraries in the Twenty first Century (2017) (1)
- Books Published in Punjabi: A Case Study of Bhasha Vibhag, Punjab (2017) (1)
- Cancer informatics analysis indicates high CHAC2 associated with unfavorable prognosis in breast cancer (2022) (1)
- Mean particle size determination of ground sugar using near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (2006) (1)
- Screening of Milk and Milk Products for Thermonuclease (1984) (1)
- Effect of activators and inhibitors on the activity of purified lipase from Streptococcus faecalis. (1979) (1)
- Impact of Alternative Footwear on Balance Perturbations: 907 Board #303 May 27, 2 (2015) (1)
- Microstructural characteristics and photoluminescence performance of nanograined thermally treated CeO2-TiO2 xerogels (2007) (1)
- Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee: A Contemporary Study (2000) (1)
- Effects of 7-Day Ketone Ingestion and a Physiological Workload on Postural Stability, Cognitive, and Muscular Exertion Measures in Professional Firefighters (2019) (1)
- Lactoferrin - antibacterial protein of milk. (1980) (1)
- Novel Evidence Of Cortical Control In Severe Slip Responses (2019) (1)
- The Effects of Exercise Induced Muscle Damage on Knee Joint Torque and Balance Performance (2018) (1)
- Sensory Organization Test Conditions Influence Postural Strategy Rather than Footwear or Workload (2021) (1)
- Corrigendum to “The influence of firefighter boot type on balance” [Int. J. Ind. Ergonom. 43 (2013) 77–81] (2013) (1)
- Low-pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition of Silicon Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Characterisation (2008) (1)
- Publication Output of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge: A Bibliometric Analysis (2016) (1)
- Comparison of the Capacitance of a Cyclically Fatigued Stretch Sensor to a Non-Fatigued Stretch Sensor When Performing Static and Dynamic Foot-Ankle Motions (2022) (1)
- An analysis of postural control strategies in various types of footwear with varying workloads (2021) (1)
- Gathering your 'sea legs': Extended durations in an offshore environment increases postural sway excursions. (2021) (1)
- Examination of the Influence of Lead Leg Recovery Mechanics on Slip Induced Outcomes (2019) (1)
- Correction to: Biomedical applications of L‑alanine produced by Pediococcus acidilactici BD16 (alaD+) (2022) (1)
- A multipurpose toolkit for teaching DSP in an undergraduate course (2017) (1)
- Secrets of the self : the obsessional element in selected works of nineteenth-century English secular confessional prose from Charles Lamb to Oscar Wilde (1980) (0)
- Effects of Ketone Ingestion on Single and Dual-Task Postural Stability and Muscular Exertion in Firefighters (2020) (0)
- Effect of a Simulated Tactical Occupation Stressor on Physiological Strain Index and Blood Pressure: 2951 Board #234 June 1 3 (2018) (0)
- Effect of supplementation of sugar and salt on the antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus bulgaricus. (1990) (0)
- Wearable Stretch Sensors | Encyclopedia (2020) (0)
- Antibiotic resistance of toxigenic Staphylococcus aureus from buffalo udders. (1990) (0)
- Studies on factors affecting aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus (WS) (2004) (0)
- Using human factors engineering and Garvin’s product quality to develop a basketball shoe taxonomy (2020) (0)
- (A Govt of India Enterprise) SEA Section, Corporate Office, (2009) (0)
- Closing the Wearable Gap: Foot–ankle kinematic modeling via deep learning models based on a smart sock wearable (2023) (0)
- Impact of Alternative Footwear on Human Energy Expenditure: 3254 Board #159 June 2 3 (2017) (0)
- Impact of military footwear type and a load carriage workload on slip initiation biomechanics (2020) (0)
- Phospholipids and electrolyte changes during experimentally induced diarrhoea in ligated intestinal loops of rabbit. (1982) (0)
- Computational Design and Analysis of Nitinol-Based Arch Wedge Support (2018) (0)
- An Overview of SAARC National Libraries (2018) (0)
- Impact Of An Exercise Intervention On Human Balance Center Of Pressure Sway Parameters In Previously Sedentary, Overweight Adults: 2325 Board #338 June 1 3 (2017) (0)
- P.V. Narasimha Rao : biographical glimpses (1995) (0)
- Subjective Evaluation of Spectral and Time Domain Cascading Algorithm for Speech Enhancement for Mobile Communication (2017) (0)
- A process for producing nanowires of metal oxides having lower valence state dopants (2008) (0)
- Distribution of lipolytic bacteria in khoa (0)
- Additively manufactured metal foot orthotics and educating tomorrow's engineering entrepreneur: lessons learned from NSF I-Corps (2020) (0)
- Subject mapping of Punjabi language books: a bibliometric study (2020) (0)
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- Sensory and Tactile Comfort Assessment of Sub-Clinical and Clinical Compression Socks on Individuals with Ankle Instability (2022) (0)
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- Can High Intensity Interval Training Effect Division I College 800/1500m Runner’s Performance (2019) (0)
- More than a footwedge: Golf-specific footwear alters muscle activation patterns during standing balance (2020) (0)
- Stroke Disease Detection and Prediction using Extreme Gradient Boosting (2023) (0)
- The applicability of existing acceptance models for enterprise organizational technology acceptance of wearables (2022) (0)
- Minimalist Style Military Boot Does Not Improve Walking Economy Under Load In Trained Males (2019) (0)
- Abstract 787: Tumor suppressor p53 inhibits expression of the pro-metastasis protein Toca-1. (2013) (0)
- Abstract 5311: Transducer of Cdc42-dependent actin assembly-1 (Toca-1) promotes breast cancer invasion and metastasis (2012) (0)
- Quick on Your Feet: Modifying the Star Excursion Balance Test with a Cognitive Motor Response Time Task (2023) (0)
- Public health significance of milk borne intoxications i. Staphylococcus and clostridium (0)
- The Influence of Whole-Body Vibration on Rate of Force Development during an Isometric Clean Pull: 2865 Board #180 May 29, 3 (2015) (0)
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- Quantification of Ground Reaction Forces for Skilled Versus Recreational Baseball Hitting (2019) (0)
- Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Voluntary Torque Following Exercise Induced Muscle Damage in Recreationally Trained Females (2015) (0)
- Occupational Footwear Design Influences Biomechanics and Physiology of Human Postural Control and Fall Risk (2022) (0)
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- Gathering Your ‘Sea Legs’: Changes In Postural Control Following Extended Duration In An Offshore Environment (2020) (0)
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- The Opportunity to Collect Kinetic Forces During a Round of Golf Using Wearable Devices: Single-Subject Case Study – The Full Swings (2023) (0)
- Expression of heat shock and acid stress regulated outer membrane proteins in salmonella typhi and their interaction with phagocytic cells (2003) (0)
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- Ranganathan's Spiral: An Aerial View of Scientific Method (2021) (0)
- Structural Disorders in Gd2O2S:Tb Phosphors (1989) (0)
- Performance Evaluation of Electrocoagulation Reactor for the Treatment of Distillery Wastewater (2019) (0)
- Lower Extremity Muscle Activation in Alternative Footwear during Stance Phase of Slip Events (2021) (0)
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- Professional Inclination and Academic Background of The Library and Information Science Students (2014) (0)
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- Bibliometric Study of Publications in Conference Proceedings of SRFLIS Summit during 2014-2019 (2020) (0)
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- Changes in enterococcal population during storage of reconstituted infant food. (1987) (0)
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- Minimalist Style Military Boot Improves Running Economy Under Load In Trained Males (2019) (0)
- Evaluating Perturbations To Human Balance Following An Exercise Intervention In Previously Sedentary, Overweight Adults: 2320 Board #333 June 1 3 (2017) (0)
- Six Weeks of at Home BTrackS Target Tracking Training Induces Sustained Dynamic Balance Improvement in Healthy Young Adults (2023) (0)
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- Profile of LIS Schools and Faculty Members in Maharashtra. Nagpur (2013) (0)
- Effect of auxins on sprouting and rooting in branch cuttings of Azadirachta indica A. Juss (1995) (0)
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