Huai Wang
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Researcher, ORCID id # 0000-0002-5404-3140
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Computer Science
Huai Wang's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Huai Wang's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Reliability of Capacitors for DC-Link Applications in Power Electronic Converters—An Overview (2014) (838)
- Toward Reliable Power Electronics: Challenges, Design Tools, and Opportunities (2013) (620)
- Transitioning to Physics-of-Failure as a Reliability Driver in Power Electronics (2014) (492)
- Low voltage ride-through of single-phase transformerless photovoltaic inverters (2013) (323)
- Design for reliability of power electronic systems (2012) (283)
- Reactive power injection strategies for single-phase photovoltaic systems considering grid requirements (2014) (219)
- Wide-Scale Adoption of Photovoltaic Energy: Grid Code Modifications Are Explored in the Distribution Grid (2015) (209)
- Use of a Series Voltage Compensator for Reduction of the DC-Link Capacitance in a Capacitor-Supported System (2014) (190)
- Catastrophic failure and fault-tolerant design of IGBT power electronic converters - an overview (2013) (178)
- Prediction of Bond Wire Fatigue of IGBTs in a PV Inverter Under a Long-Term Operation (2015) (168)
- Frequency Adaptive Selective Harmonic Control for Grid-Connected Inverters (2015) (153)
- A Hybrid Power Control Concept for PV Inverters With Reduced Thermal Loading (2014) (151)
- An Overview of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Power Electronics (2020) (140)
- Power control flexibilities for grid-connected multi-functional photovoltaic inverters (2014) (127)
- A Robust Passive Damping Method for LLCL-Filter-Based Grid-Tied Inverters to Minimize the Effect of Grid Harmonic Voltages (2014) (121)
- Reliability Oriented Design Tool For the New Generation of Grid Connected PV-Inverters (2015) (118)
- Reliability of Power Electronic Converter Systems (2015) (117)
- Mission Profile Based System-Level Reliability Analysis of DC/DC Converters for a Backup Power Application (2018) (109)
- A Review of the Condition Monitoring of Capacitors in Power Electronic Converters (2015) (107)
- New Approaches to Reliability Assessment: Using physics-of-failure for prediction and design in power electronics systems (2016) (99)
- Lifetime Estimation of DC-Link Capacitors in Adjustable Speed Drives Under Grid Voltage Unbalances (2019) (89)
- Suggested grid code modifications to ensure wide-scale adoption of photovoltaic energy in distributed power generation systems (2013) (85)
- Constant power generation of photovoltaic systems considering the distributed grid capacity (2014) (79)
- A ZCS Current-Fed Full-Bridge PWM Converter With Self-Adaptable Soft-Switching Snubber Energy (2009) (79)
- A Temperature-Dependent Thermal Model of IGBT Modules Suitable for Circuit-Level Simulations (2016) (75)
- On the Stability of Power Electronics-Dominated Systems: Challenges and Potential Solutions (2019) (74)
- Mission profile based multi-disciplinary analysis of power modules in single-phase transformerless photovoltaic inverters (2013) (69)
- Benchmarking of constant power generation strategies for single-phase grid-connected Photovoltaic systems (2016) (68)
- Wear-Out Failure Analysis of an Impedance-Source PV Microinverter Based on System-Level Electrothermal Modeling (2019) (60)
- Analysis and Mitigation of Dead-Time Harmonics in the Single-Phase Full-Bridge PWM Converter With Repetitive Controllers (2018) (57)
- An Overview of Condition Monitoring Techniques for Capacitors in DC-Link Applications (2021) (57)
- A review of the condition monitoring of capacitors in power electronic converters (2016) (56)
- Real field mission profile oriented design of a SiC-based PV-inverter application (2013) (55)
- Simplified Thermal Modeling for IGBT Modules With Periodic Power Loss Profiles in Modular Multilevel Converters (2019) (54)
- A Two-Terminal Active Capacitor (2017) (53)
- A Dual Active Bridge Converter With an Extended High-Efficiency Range by DC Blocking Capacitor Voltage Control (2018) (50)
- A Bidirectional Resonant DC–DC Converter Suitable for Wide Voltage Gain Range (2018) (48)
- An Overview of Capacitive DC-Links-Topology Derivation and Scalability Analysis (2020) (47)
- Impact of lifetime model selections on the reliability prediction of IGBT modules in modular multilevel converters (2017) (47)
- Benchmarking of Constant Power Generation Strategies for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems (2018) (47)
- A High-Voltage ZVZCS DC--DC Converter With Low Voltage Stress (2008) (46)
- A Digital Twin Based Estimation Method for Health Indicators of DC–DC Converters (2021) (43)
- Condition monitoring for DC-link capacitors based on artificial neural network algorithm (2015) (43)
- Power cycling test and failure analysis of molded Intelligent Power IGBT Module under different temperature swing durations (2016) (42)
- A 1-MHz Series Resonant DC–DC Converter With a Dual-Mode Rectifier for PV Microinverters (2019) (40)
- Reliability-oriented design and analysis of input capacitors in single-phase transformer-less photovoltaic inverters (2013) (39)
- Reliability of capacitors for DC-link applications — An overview (2013) (38)
- Mission-Profile-Based System-Level Reliability Analysis in DC Microgrids (2019) (36)
- Harmonics mitigation of dead time effects in PWM converters using a repetitive controller (2015) (36)
- Degradation testing and failure analysis of DC film capacitors under high humidity conditions (2015) (35)
- A reliability-oriented design method for power electronic converters (2013) (35)
- Overview of catastrophic failures of freewheeling diodes in power electronic circuits (2013) (35)
- An Improved Stray Capacitance Model for Inductors (2019) (35)
- Instantaneous thermal modeling of the DC-link capacitor in PhotoVoltaic systems (2015) (34)
- Reliability of Power Electronic Systems for EV/HEV Applications (2021) (33)
- A Class of High-Input Low-Output Voltage Single-Step Converters with Low Voltage Stress on the Primary-Side Switches and High Output Current Capacity (2011) (33)
- Design for reliability in power electronics in renewable energy systems – status and future (2013) (30)
- Reduced junction temperature control during low-voltage ride-through for single-phase photovoltaic inverters (2014) (30)
- Asymmetrical Reactive Power Capability of Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter Based STATCOMs for Offshore Wind Farm (2019) (29)
- A Structure-Reconfigurable Series Resonant DC–DC Converter With Wide-Input and Configurable-Output Voltages (2019) (28)
- Mission profile translation to capacitor stresses in grid-connected photovoltaic systems (2014) (27)
- Comprehensive evaluation on efficiency and thermal loading of associated Si and SiC based PV inverter applications (2013) (27)
- A Novel Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Improved Risk Analysis of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in Marine Power Systems Application (2018) (27)
- The Impact of Topology and Mission Profile on the Reliability of Boost-type Converters in PV Applications (2018) (26)
- A humidity-dependent lifetime derating factor for DC film capacitors (2015) (25)
- Thermal Modeling and Design Optimization of PCB Vias and Pads (2020) (25)
- Mission Profile-Based System-Level Reliability Prediction Method for Modular Multilevel Converters (2020) (25)
- A System Engineering Approach Using FMEA and Bayesian Network for Risk Analysis—A Case Study (2019) (25)
- System-level reliability assessment of power stage in fuel cell application (2016) (25)
- Energy storage system by means of improved thermal performance of a 3 MW grid side wind power converter (2013) (25)
- A Lifetime Prediction Method for LEDs Considering Real Mission Profiles (2017) (25)
- Reliability-Oriented Optimization of the LC Filter in a Buck DC-DC Converter (2017) (24)
- Investigation into the control methods to reduce the DC-link capacitor ripple current in a back-to-back converter (2014) (24)
- Capacitive DC links in power electronic systems-reliability and circuit design (2018) (23)
- Sensitivity Analysis of Inductive Power Transfer Systems With Voltage-Fed Compensation Topologies (2019) (23)
- Comprehensive investigation on current imbalance among parallel chips inside MW-scale IGBT power modules (2015) (23)
- Modeling framework of voltage-source converters based on equivalence with synchronous generator (2018) (23)
- A New Concept of High-Voltage DC–DC Conversion Using Asymmetric Voltage Distribution on the Switch Pairs and Hybrid ZVS–ZCS Scheme (2012) (23)
- Power Electronics Reliability: State of the Art and Outlook (2021) (22)
- Protection Scheme for Modular Multilevel Converters Under Diode Open-Circuit Faults (2018) (21)
- Study on Oscillations During Short Circuit of MW-Scale IGBT Power Modules by Means of a 6-kA/1.1-kV Nondestructive Testing System (2015) (21)
- Improved reliability of single-phase PV inverters by limiting the maximum feed-in power (2014) (21)
- The impact of grid unbalances on the reliability of DC-link capacitors in a motor drive (2017) (20)
- System-level reliability enhancement of DC/DC stage in a single-phase PV inverter (2018) (20)
- Single-Phase Bridgeless PFC Topology Derivation and Performance Benchmarking (2020) (20)
- Prediction of bond wire fatigue of IGBTs in a PV inverter under long-term operation (2016) (19)
- The impact of mission profile models on the predicted lifetime of IGBT modules in the modular multilevel converter (2017) (19)
- Modeling and Control of DC-DC Converters (2018) (19)
- Design for reliability and robustness tool platform for power electronic systems — Study case on motor drive applications (2018) (19)
- Mission profile based sizing of IGBT chip area for PV inverter applications (2016) (18)
- Application of Digital Twin Concept in Condition Monitoring for DC-DC Converter (2019) (18)
- Lifetime estimation of electrolytic capacitors in a fuel cell power converter at various confidence levels (2016) (17)
- Impact of Modulation Strategies on the Reliability and Harmonics of Impedance-Source Inverters (2020) (17)
- Artificial Neural Network based DC-link capacitance estimation in a diode-bridge front-end inverter system (2017) (17)
- Reliability oriented design of a grid-connected photovoltaic microinverter (2017) (17)
- A ZCS full-bridge PWM converter with self-adaptable soft-switching snubber energy (2008) (16)
- Artificial Intelligence-Aided Thermal Model Considering Cross-Coupling Effects (2020) (16)
- A Review on Electrothermal Modeling of Supercapacitors for Energy Storage Applications (2019) (16)
- Capacitor Condition Monitoring Based on the DC-Side Start-Up of Modular Multilevel Converters (2020) (16)
- Fast and Accurate Icepak-PSpice Co-Simulation of IGBTs under Short-Circuit with an Advanced PSpice Model (2014) (15)
- A design tool to study the impact of mission-profile on the reliability of SiC-based PV-inverter devices (2014) (15)
- A reconfigurable series resonant DC-DC converter for wide-input and wide-output voltages (2017) (15)
- A Viable Mission Profile Emulator for Power Modules in Modular Multilevel Converters (2019) (15)
- Degradation modeling for reliability estimation of DC film capacitors subject to humidity acceleration (2019) (15)
- A Reference Submodule Based Capacitor Condition Monitoring Method for Modular Multilevel Converters (2020) (15)
- Electro-thermal modeling of high power IGBT module short-circuits with experimental validation (2015) (15)
- Enabling Data-Driven Condition Monitoring of Power Electronic Systems With Artificial Intelligence: Concepts, Tools, and Developments (2021) (15)
- Reduction of DC-link capacitor in case of cascade multilevel converters by means of reactive power control (2014) (14)
- A novel concept to reduce the DC-link capacitor in PFC front-end power conversion systems (2012) (14)
- Capacitance estimation algorithm based on DC-link voltage harmonics using artificial neural network in three-phase motor drive systems (2017) (14)
- Design for reliability in renewable energy systems (2017) (14)
- A unified derivation of second-order switching surface for boundary control of DC-DC converters (2009) (14)
- Reliability Assessment of Transformerless PV Inverters Considering Mission Profiles (2015) (14)
- Study of a new technique to reduce the dc-link capacitor in a power electronic system by using a series voltage compensator (2011) (13)
- Cost assessment of three power decoupling methods in a single-phase power converter with a reliability-oriented design procedure (2016) (13)
- A Thermal Modeling Method Considering Ambient Temperature Dynamics (2020) (12)
- Capacitance estimation for dc-link capacitors in a back-to-back converter based on Artificial Neural Network algorithm (2016) (12)
- Mission Profile Based Power Converter Reliability Analysis in a DC Power Electronic Based Power System (2018) (12)
- Analytical model for LLC resonant converter with variable duty-cycle control (2016) (12)
- Lifetime benchmarking of two DC-link passive filtering configurations in adjustable speed drives (2018) (12)
- Bridgeless PFC Topology Simplification and Design for Performance Benchmarking (2021) (12)
- Renewable Energy Systems: Technology Overview and Perspectives (2017) (11)
- On Power Electronized Power Systems: Challenges and Solutions (2018) (11)
- Impact of Long-Term Mission Profile Sampling Rate on the Reliability Evaluation of Power Electronics in Photovoltaic Applications (2018) (11)
- Investigation on the short-circuit behavior of an aged IGBT module through a 6 kA/1.1 kV non-destructive testing equipment (2014) (11)
- Real mission profile based lifetime estimation of fuel-cell power converter (2016) (11)
- Simplified Multi-time Scale Thermal Model Considering Thermal Coupling in IGBT Modules (2019) (11)
- An Icepak-PSpice co-simulation method to study the impact of bond wires fatigue on the current and temperature distribution of IGBT modules under short-circuit (2014) (11)
- Lifetime Prediction of DC-Link Capacitors in Multiple Drives System Based on Simplified Analytical Modeling (2021) (11)
- A DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Ripple Reduction Method for a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter With Single Delta Bridge Cells (2019) (11)
- A Two-Terminal Active Inductor With Minimum Apparent Power for the Auxiliary Circuit (2019) (10)
- An analytical circuit based nonlinear thermal model for capacitor banks (2018) (10)
- Degradation effect on reliability evaluation of aluminum electrolytic capacitor in backup power converter (2017) (10)
- Design for Reliability of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems (2014) (10)
- A hybrid damping method for LLCL-filter based grid-tied inverter with a digital filter and an RC parallel passive damper (2013) (10)
- System-Level Lifetime Prediction for LED Lighting Applications Considering Thermal Coupling Between LED Sources and Drivers (2018) (9)
- A temperature-dependent thermal model of IGBT modules suitable for circuit-level simulations (2014) (9)
- Wide-Scale Adoption of Photovoltaic Energy (2016) (9)
- Sizing of the series dynamic breaking resistor in a doubly fed induction generator wind turbine (2014) (9)
- Converter-level FEM simulation for lifetime prediction of an LED driver with improved thermal modelling (2017) (9)
- Reliability Assessment of Hybrid Capacitor Bank Using Electrolytic- and Film-Capacitors in Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters (2019) (9)
- Stand-Alone Operation of Distributed Generation Systems With Improved Harmonic Elimination Scheme (2021) (8)
- Reactive power compensation capability of a STATCOM based on two types of Modular Multilevel Cascade Converters for offshore wind application (2017) (8)
- A Converter-Level on-State Voltage Measurement Method for Power Semiconductor Devices (2021) (8)
- A voltage control method for an active capacitive DC-link module with series-connected circuit (2017) (8)
- An Improved di/dt-RCD Detection for Short-Circuit Protection of SiC mosfet (2021) (8)
- Balanced Conduction Loss Distribution among SMs in Modular Multilevel Converters (2018) (8)
- Hold-up time analysis of a dc-link module with a series voltage compensator (2012) (8)
- Energy Saving and Efficient Energy Use By Power Electronic Systems (2017) (8)
- Efficiency Enhancement of Bridgeless Buck-Boost PFC Converter with Unity PF and DC Split to Reduce Voltage Stresses (2018) (8)
- Reactive Power Impacts on LCL Filter Capacitor Lifetime in Grid-Connected Inverter (2020) (8)
- An AC resistance optimization method applicable for inductor and transformer windings with full layers and partial layers (2017) (8)
- Thermal Characterization of Silicon Carbide MOSFET Module Suitable for High-Temperature Computationally Efficient Thermal-Profile Prediction (2020) (8)
- Winding design of series AC inductor for dual active bridge converters (2018) (7)
- Reliability analysis of grid-interfaced filter capacitors (2018) (7)
- Submodule Level Power Loss Balancing Control for Modular Multilevel Converters (2018) (7)
- A Cost-Constrained Active Capacitor for a Single-Phase Inverter (2020) (7)
- Computational-Efficient Thermal Estimation for IGBT Modules Under Periodic Power Loss Profiles in Modular Multilevel Converters (2019) (7)
- Cost-Volume-Reliability Pareto Optimization of a Photovoltaic Microinverter (2019) (7)
- The feasibility study on thermal loading control of wind power converters with a flexible switching frequency (2015) (7)
- Analytical Modeling of 9-150 kHz EMI in Single-Phase PFC Converter (2019) (7)
- Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Condition Monitoring of DC-link Capacitors Based on Capacitance Estimation (2015) (7)
- A lifetime prediction method for LEDs considering mission profiles (2016) (7)
- Reliability evaluation of an impedance-source PV microconverter (2018) (6)
- A Simplified On-State Voltage Measurement Circuit for Power Semiconductor Devices (2021) (6)
- A method for hotspot temperature estimation of aluminum electrolytic capacitors (2017) (6)
- First Observations in Degradation Testing of Planar Magnetics (2019) (6)
- Reliability engineering in power electronic converter systems (2015) (6)
- Model-Based Design and Optimization of Hybrid DC-Link Capacitor Banks (2020) (6)
- Thermal Coupling and Network Modeling for Planar Transformers (2018) (6)
- Thermal Optimized Operation of the Single-Phase Full-Bridge PV Inverter under Low Voltage Ride-Through Mode (2013) (6)
- Reduced-Order Thermal Modeling for Photovoltaic Inverters Considering Mission Profile Dynamics (2020) (6)
- A generic topology derivation method for single-phase converters with active capacitive DC-links (2016) (6)
- Stability analysis and dynamic response of a DC-link module with a series voltage compensator (2013) (6)
- A comprehensive investigation on the short circuit performance of MW-level IGBT power modules (2015) (6)
- Lifetime prediction of aluminum electrolytic capacitors in LED drivers considering parameter shifts (2018) (6)
- Impedance characteristics modeling of a two-terminal active capacitor (2017) (6)
- On the Explainability of Black Box Data-Driven Controllers for Power Electronic Converters (2021) (6)
- The Faraday Shields Loss of Transformers (2020) (6)
- A Simplification Method for Power Device Thermal Modeling With Quantitative Error Analysis (2019) (6)
- A fixed-frequency bidirectional resonant DC-DC converter suitable for wide voltage range (2017) (6)
- A class of single-step high-voltage DC-DC converters with low voltage stress and high output current capacity (2009) (6)
- Introducing state-trajectory control for the synchronous interleaved boost converter (2015) (5)
- Lifetime estimation of DC-link capacitors in a single-phase converter with an integrated active power decoupling module (2016) (5)
- Wear-out failure of an IGBT module in motor drives due to uneven thermal impedance of power semiconductor devices (2020) (5)
- Thermal resistance modelling and design optimization of PCB vias (2018) (5)
- Reliability assessment of single-phase grid-connected PV microinverters considering mission profile and uncertainties (2017) (5)
- Design for Accelerated Testing of DC-Link Capacitors in Photovoltaic Inverters Based on Mission Profiles (2021) (5)
- Mission Profile-based Accelerated Testing of DC-link Capacitors in Photovoltaic Inverters (2019) (5)
- A Mission-Profile-Based Tool for the Reliability Evaluation of Power Semiconductor Devices in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (2020) (5)
- Uncertainties in the Lifetime Prediction of IGBTs for a Motor Drive Application (2018) (5)
- A Temperature-dependent Thermal Model of Silicon Carbide MOSFET Module for Long-term Reliability Assessment (2018) (5)
- Thermal Modelling of Planar Transformers Considering Internal Power Loss Distribution (2019) (5)
- Degradation Analysis of Planar Magnetics (2020) (5)
- Reliability Study of Input Side Capacitors in Impedance-Source PV Microconverters (2019) (4)
- A voltage doubler circuit to extend the soft-switching range of dual active bridge converters (2017) (4)
- Reliablity assessment of fuel cell system — A framework for quantitative approach (2016) (4)
- Reliability Evaluation and Optimization of Capacitor Bank (2018) (4)
- Analysis of indirect rotor field oriented control-based induction machine performance under inaccurate field-oriented condition (2017) (4)
- A Self-Power Method for a Converter-Level on-State Voltage Measurement Concept (2021) (4)
- Investigation of Switching Oscillations for Silicon Carbide MOSFETs in Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters (2020) (4)
- Reliability evaluation of a single-phase H-bridge inverter with integrated active power decoupling (2016) (4)
- An analytical turn-on power loss model for 650-V GaN eHEMTs (2018) (4)
- Modeling and Optimization of Displacement Windings for Transformers in Dual Active Bridge Converters (2018) (4)
- Waveform control method for mitigating harmonics of inverter systems with nonlinear load (2015) (4)
- Uncertainty analysis of capacitor reliability prediction due to uneven thermal loading in photovoltaic applications (2018) (4)
- An active capacitor with self-power and internal feedback control signals (2017) (4)
- Lifetime prediction of LED lighting systems considering thermal coupling between LED sources and drivers (2017) (4)
- A DC-link Capacitor Voltage Oscillation Reduction Method for a Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter with Single Delta Bridge Cells (MMCC-SDBC) (2018) (4)
- Simplified Power Loss Model for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors in Single-Phase Inverters (2020) (4)
- Reliability-oriented design of LC filter in buck DC-DC converter (2015) (4)
- Safe Operating Area of DC-Link Film Capacitors (2021) (4)
- Impact of Mission Profile Dynamics on Accuracy of Thermal Stress Modeling in PV Inverters (2020) (4)
- A Condition Monitoring Method for Three Phase Inverter Based on System-Level Signal (2018) (4)
- Long lifetime DC-link voltage stabilization module for smart grid application (2012) (4)
- Performance Evaluation of a Two-terminal Active Inductor in the DC-link Filter of a Three-phase Diode Bridge Rectifier (2019) (3)
- Transient Voltage Stress Modeling for Submodules of Modular Multilevel Converters under Grid Voltage Sags (2018) (3)
- Intelligent Transition Control between Grid-Connected and Standalone Modes of Three-Phase Grid-Integrated Distributed Generation Systems (2021) (3)
- A new ZVS-PWM current-fed full-bridge converter with full soft-switching load range (2016) (3)
- Simplified Estimation of the Junction Temperature Fluctuation at the Output Frequency for IGBT Modules in Modular Multilevel Converters (2018) (3)
- Switching Characterization of SiC MOSFETs in Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter Application (2019) (3)
- Differential Mode Noise Prediction and Analysis in Single-Phase Boost PFC for the New Frequency Range of 9–150 kHz (2021) (3)
- Parameters Identification of Buck Converter Based on Dynamic Characteristics (2019) (3)
- A multi-port thermal coupling model for multi-chip power modules suitable for circuit simulators (2018) (3)
- Proceedings of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2013 (2013) (3)
- Thermal stress reduction of quasi-Z source inverter drive by model predictive control (2018) (3)
- Reliability and Risk Assessment in a Power Electronic Based Power System (PEPS): Using Non-Constant Failure Rates of Converters (2018) (3)
- A Bridgeless Buck-flyback PFC Converter with High PF and Dead Angles Eliminated (2019) (3)
- Series Resonant DC-DC Converter With Dual-Mode Rectifier for PV Microinverters (2018) (3)
- Reliability-oriented design of a cost-effective active capacitor (2017) (3)
- Single-stage Bridgeless Buck-boost PFC Converter with DC Split for Low Power LED applications (2018) (3)
- Impact of the Thermal-Interface-Material Thickness on IGBT Module Reliability in the Modular Multilevel Converter (2018) (3)
- Predictive control of buck converter using nonlinear output capacitor current programming (2010) (3)
- A Voltage-Based Multiple Fault Diagnosis Approach for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters (2022) (3)
- Practical Submodule Capacitor Sizing for Modular Multilevel Converter Considering Grid Faults (2020) (3)
- Analytical Modeling and Design of Capacitor Bank Considering Thermal Coupling Effect (2021) (3)
- Reliability Analysis of Power Electronic-based Power Systems (2019) (3)
- Two-Dimensional Thermal Modeling and Parametric Optimization of Printed Circuit Board Vias (2019) (3)
- A single position loop control strategy for high-speed voice coil motor based on active disturbance rejection control (2017) (2)
- A Comparative Study on Converter-Level On-State Voltage Measurement Circuits for Power Semiconductor Devices (2021) (2)
- Multi-objective Design of LC Filter for High-efficiency, High-power-density and High-performance Buck Converter (2019) (2)
- Reliability of DC-link Capacitors in Two-Stage Micro-Inverters Under Different PV Module Sizes (2019) (2)
- Dissipation Factor as a Degradation Indicator for Electrolytic Capacitors (2023) (2)
- EMI Modeling of Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped SiC Inverter Under Different Modulation Schemes (2019) (2)
- Low voltage ride through peformance of a STATCOM based on modular multilevel cascade converters for offshore wind application (2017) (2)
- IET Power Electronics (2014) (2)
- Power loss analysis and comparision of DC and AC side decoupling module in a H-bridge inverter (2016) (2)
- System-Level Power Loss Evaluation of Modular Multilevel Converters (2019) (2)
- A new soft-switched high step-up DC-DC converter with dual coupled inductors (2017) (2)
- Long-Term Climate Impact On IGBT Lifetime (2020) (2)
- From chip to inverter: Electro-thermal modeling and design for paralleled power devices in high power application (2018) (2)
- Benchmark of DC-link LC Filters based on Passive Inductor and Two-terminal Active Inductor (2019) (2)
- An analytical essential switching loss estimation method for modular multilevel converters with nearest level modulation (2017) (2)
- Impact of Space Vector Modulation Strategies on the Reliability of Impedance-Source Inverters (2018) (2)
- Precharge strategies for isolated modular DC-DC converters under two different start-up conditions (2017) (2)
- Reliability Evaluation of DC-link Capacitors in Multi-drive Systems (2019) (2)
- Impact of the Circulating Current Control on Transient Submodule Voltage Stresses for Grid-Tied Modular Multilevel Converters During Grid Faults (2019) (2)
- EMI Filter Robustness in Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter (2022) (2)
- Loss Analysis of SiC-based Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters under Different Modulation Schemes (2020) (2)
- Fundamental frequency region-based thermal control of power electronics modules in high power motor drive (2018) (1)
- System-level Risk Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (2018) (1)
- Guest Editorial Joint Special Section on Power Conversion & Control in Photovoltaic Power Plants (2019) (1)
- Influence of DC Link Capacitance on Power Efficiency of Single-Phase Inverter (2018) (1)
- Duty Cycle based Condition Monitoring of MOSFETs in Digitally-Controlled DC-DC Converters (2020) (1)
- Thermal Modeling and Sizing of PCB Copper Pads (2018) (1)
- Practical considerations of the start-up procedure for an active capacitor (2017) (1)
- Benchmarking of capacitor power loss calculation methods for wear-out failure prediction in PV inverters (2019) (1)
- A Minimum Viable Mission Profile Emulator for IGBT Modules in Modular Multilevel Converters (2019) (1)
- Precise Inductor Current Ripple Distribution of Three-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter (2019) (1)
- Lifetime Prediction of the Film Capacitor based on Early Degradation Information (2021) (1)
- Approaching repetitive short circuit tests on MW-scale power modules by means of an automatic testing setup (2016) (1)
- Reliability of Power Electronic Converter Systems [Member News] (2016) (1)
- Reliability of Capacitors and Magnetic Components in Power Electronic Applications (2020) (1)
- Adequacy Evaluation of an Islanded Microgrid (2021) (1)
- A new concept of high input voltage to low load voltage (1500 V – 48V) DC-DC conversion with hybrid ZVS-ZCS and asymmetrical voltage distribution (2010) (1)
- Reliability of DC-link capacitors in power electronic converters (2015) (1)
- Differential Mode Noise Estimation and Filter Design for Interleaved Boost Power Factor Correction Converters (2021) (1)
- The Application of Improved SVM in Mixed Circuit (2012) (1)
- Parasitics of Orthocyclic Windings in Inductors and Transformers (2021) (1)
- A Mixed Conduction Mode-Controlled Bridgeless Boost PFC Converter and Its Mission Profile-Based Reliability Analysis (2022) (1)
- A reliability-oriented component sizing procedure for cost benchmarking of capacitive DC-links (2017) (1)
- Reactive Power Impacts on LCL Filter Capacitor Lifetime and Reliability in DFIG Grid-Connected Inverter (2018) (1)
- Lifetime Investigation of DC-link Capacitors in Multiple Slim Drives System (2019) (0)
- FEPPCON XI – Part II: Reliability of Power Electronic Systems (2023) (0)
- Analytical Modeling of 9-150 kHz EMI in Three-Phase Active Rectifiers (2020) (0)
- Uneven Inter-turn Voltage Distribution among Windings of Medium-voltage Medium/High-frequency Transformers (2020) (0)
- Mission Profile Based Adaptive Carrier Frequency Control for Modular Multilevel Converters for Medium Voltage Applications (2019) (0)
- Differential mode noise prediction and analysis in single and three phase grid-tied inverters for the frequency range of 9-150 kHz (2021) (0)
- Thermal Stress Model of Transversal Forced Air-Cooled Capacitor Banks for MW Power Converters (2019) (0)
- Failure Modes and Effect Analysis for Risk Minimizing in Critical Components of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System (2018) (0)
- End-of-Life Detection of Power Electronic Converters by Exploiting an Application-Level Health Precursor (2022) (0)
- A Modified H-Bridge Transformerless PhotoVoltaic Neutral-point-clamped inverter with constant common mode voltage (2020) (0)
- Special Issue on Robust Design and Reliability in Power Electronics, 2015 (2015) (0)
- A component-reduced Zero-Voltage Switching three-level DC-DC converter (2016) (0)
- Risk Analysis of the Power Conditioner in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System (2018) (0)
- Aalborg Universitet Mission Profile-based Accelerated Testing of DC-link Capacitors in Photovoltaic (2018) (0)
- Non-Destructive Investigation on Short Circuit Capability of Wind- Turbine-Scale IGBT Power Modules (2014) (0)
- System-Level Thermal Modeling of a Modular Multilevel Converter (2020) (0)
- Electrical stress suffered by medium voltage medium frequency transformer (2021) (0)
- An empirical model for thermal interface materials based on experimental characterizations under realistic conditions (2018) (0)
- A Modified PBC Controller Using Dynamic Damping Injection for LCL-Filtered Grid-Tied Inverter with Zero Steady State Error (2019) (0)
- Thermal Modeling of an Electrolytic Capacitor Bank (2020) (0)
- Aalborg Universitet Harmonics mitigation of dead time effects in PWM converters using a repetitive (2014) (0)
- 2013 Twenty-Eighth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2013) (2013) (0)
- Exploiting the Converter Efficiency as Application-level Health Estimation Precursor (2021) (0)
- Robustness Assessment of the EMI Filter in a Three-Level Inverter (2021) (0)
- Analysis and optimized design of an efficient high-voltage converter with high output capacity (2010) (0)
- Parasitic Effect Compensation Method for IGBT ON-State Voltage Measurement in Traction Inverter Application (2022) (0)
- A Directly Pulsation Power Control Strategy for Single-Phase Power Converters With E-cap Free (2016) (0)
- Novel Concepts of High Voltage DC-DC Power Conversions for Energy Savings in Modern Public Transport (2011) (0)
- Single-step high-voltage high-efficient compact power converters for energy savings in modern public transport (2010) (0)
- Aalborg Universitet Design for reliability and robustness tool platform for power electronic systems Study case on motor drive applications (2017) (0)
- Novel Power Conversion System Contributing to Green Public Transport (2011) (0)
- DM Noise Estimation and DM EMI Filter Design for Interleaved Boost PFC Converters (2021) (0)
- DC Link Module and Method for Reducing DC Link Capacitance (2017) (0)
- Core Energy Capacitance of NiZn Inductors (2023) (0)
- Mission Profile Based Reliability Analysis of A Bridgeless Boost PFC (2021) (0)
- Aalborg Universitet Lifetime Benchmarking of Two DC-link Passive Filtering Configurations in Adjustable Speed (2018) (0)
- Validation of Thermal Stress Modeling in PV Inverters under Mission Profile Operation (2020) (0)
- Power converters and control of LEDs (2021) (0)
- Analysis and optimized design of a new DC-DC converter with asymmetrical voltage distribution for stepping down 1500 V to 48 V (2011) (0)
- Design and Benchmark of Capacitive DC Links for the Hold-up Time Application (2019) (0)
- An Approximation Model of AC Resistance for Inductor and Transformer Windings with Partial Layers (2020) (0)
- New energy-efficient high-voltage DC-DC power conversion technology (2012) (0)
- The Impact of Topology on the Reliability of Boost-type Converters in PV Applications (2018) (0)
- The Role of Power Electronics in Modern Energy System Integration (2022) (0)
- Risk Evaluation of Hybrid Microgrids Considering DC-Link Voltage Stability (2022) (0)
- Two-thermal-states model predictive control for IGBT in three-phase inverter (2018) (0)
- Design and Optimization of EMI Filter for Interleaved PFC Converters with Phase-Shedding Control (2020) (0)
- Condition Monitoring for Capacitors in Modular Multilevel Converter based on High-frequency Transient Analysis (2021) (0)
- Reliability Improvement of Voltage Regulator Modules by a Virtual Series Voltage Source (2022) (0)
- Differential Model EMI Filter Analysis for Interleaved Boost PFC Converters Considering Optimal Phase Shifting (2020) (0)
- Application of Support Vector Machine in the Mixed Circuit Fault Diagnosis (2013) (0)
- Loss and Thermal Modeling of Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) Under Standard Current Surge Mission Profile (2019) (0)
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