Jaak Panksepp
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Estonian-American neuroscientist
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Biology Psychology
Jaak Panksepp's Degrees
- PhD Psychology University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Masters Psychology University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Bachelors Psychology Duke University
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Why Is Jaak Panksepp Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jaak Panksepp was an Estonian-American neuroscientist and psychobiologist who coined the term "affective neuroscience", the name for the field that studies the neural mechanisms of emotion. He was the Baily Endowed Chair of Animal Well-Being Science for the Department of Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology, and Physiology at Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, and Emeritus Professor of the Department of Psychology at Bowling Green State University. He was known in the popular press for his research on laughter in non-human animals.
Jaak Panksepp's Published Works
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Published Works
- Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (1998) (3920)
- Self-referential processing in our brain—A meta-analysis of imaging studies on the self (2006) (2383)
- The role of nucleus accumbens dopamine in motivated behavior: a unifying interpretation with special reference to reward-seeking (1999) (1389)
- Affective consciousness: Core emotional feelings in animals and humans (2005) (922)
- Toward a general psychobiological theory of emotions (1982) (886)
- The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (2012) (678)
- Brain Substrates of Infant–Mother Attachment: Contributions of Opioids, Oxytocin, and Norepinephrine (1998) (655)
- The neurobiology of positive emotions (2006) (631)
- Ultrasonic vocalizations as indices of affective states in rats. (2002) (592)
- Sleep as a fundamental property of neuronal assemblies (2008) (537)
- Endogenous opioids and social behavior (1980) (514)
- Behavioral functions of the mesolimbic dopaminergic system: An affective neuroethological perspective (2007) (498)
- The ontogeny of play in rats. (1981) (496)
- The emotional sources of "chills" induced by music. (1995) (480)
- The biology of social attachments: opiates alleviate separation distress. (1978) (466)
- The psychobiology of play: Theoretical and methodological perspectives (1984) (459)
- Emotional sounds and the brain: the neuro-affective foundations of musical appreciation (2002) (428)
- Anticipation of play elicits high-frequency ultrasonic vocalizations in young rats. (1998) (426)
- Acute effects of steroid hormones and neuropeptides on human social–emotional behavior: A review of single administration studies (2012) (409)
- “Laughing” rats and the evolutionary antecedents of human joy? (2003) (402)
- Ultrasonic vocalizations of rats (Rattus norvegicus) during mating, play, and aggression: Behavioral concomitants, relationship to reward, and self-administration of playback. (2008) (395)
- Social deprivation and play in rats. (1980) (362)
- The basic emotional circuits of mammalian brains: Do animals have affective lives? (2011) (360)
- At the interface of the affective, behavioral, and cognitive neurosciences: Decoding the emotional feelings of the brain (2003) (351)
- 50-kHz chirping (laughter?) in response to conditioned and unconditioned tickle-induced reward in rats: effects of social housing and genetic variables (2000) (330)
- A neurochemical theory of autism (1979) (324)
- Effects of morphine and naloxone on separation distress and approach attachment: Evidence for opiate mediation of social affect (1978) (321)
- Neurobiology of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats: Electrode mapping, lesion, and pharmacology studies (2007) (320)
- The role of brain emotional systems in addictions: a neuro-evolutionary perspective and new 'self-report' animal model. (2002) (292)
- Human medial forebrain bundle (MFB) and anterior thalamic radiation (ATR): imaging of two major subcortical pathways and the dynamic balance of opposite affects in understanding depression. (2012) (284)
- Review: The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness (2000) (280)
- Handbook of the hypothalamus (1979) (274)
- A critical role for "affective neuroscience" in resolving what is basic about basic emotions. (1992) (268)
- Feeling the Pain of Social Loss (2003) (265)
- Affiliative Behavior, Ultrasonic Communication and Social Reward Are Influenced by Genetic Variation in Adolescent Mice (2007) (264)
- A Proposal for a Coordinated Effort for the Determination of Brainwide Neuroanatomical Connectivity in Model Organisms at a Mesoscopic Scale (2009) (264)
- Cross-Species Affective Neuroscience Decoding of the Primal Affective Experiences of Humans and Related Animals (2011) (262)
- Aggression elicited by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus in albino rats. (1971) (259)
- Neurologizing the Psychology of Affects: How Appraisal-Based Constructivism and Basic Emotion Theory Can Coexist (2007) (257)
- The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales: Normative Data and Implications (2003) (255)
- Nucleus accumbens amphetamine microinjections unconditionally elicit 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats. (2001) (251)
- Anticipation of rewarding electrical brain stimulation evokes ultrasonic vocalization in rats. (2000) (243)
- What is Basic about Basic Emotions? Lasting Lessons from Affective Neuroscience (2011) (242)
- The periconscious substrates of consciousness: Affective states and the evolutionary origins of the self. (1998) (238)
- Brain Systems for the Mediation of Social Separation‐Distress and Social‐Reward Evolutionary Antecedents and Neuropeptide Intermediaries a (1997) (237)
- Ultra-Low-Dose Buprenorphine as a Time-Limited Treatment for Severe Suicidal Ideation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2016) (235)
- Tickling induces reward in adolescent rats (2001) (230)
- Emotional endophenotypes in evolutionary psychiatry (2006) (229)
- Toward a cross-species understanding of empathy (2013) (228)
- Toward a cross-species understanding of empathy (2013) (228)
- Cross-species affective functions of the medial forebrain bundle—Implications for the treatment of affective pain and depression in humans (2011) (226)
- Frequency-modulated 50kHz ultrasonic vocalizations: a tool for uncovering the molecular substrates of positive affect (2011) (217)
- The seven sins of evolutionary psychology (2001) (212)
- High-Frequency Ultrasonic Vocalizations Index Conditioned Pharmacological Reward in Rats (1999) (212)
- Emotional foundations of music as a non-pharmacological pain management tool in modern medicine (2011) (212)
- The seven sins of evolutionary psychology (2001) (212)
- Social reward among juvenile mice (2007) (210)
- Dissociations between appetitive and consummatory responses by pharmacological manipulations of reward-relevant brain regions. (1996) (207)
- The trans-species concept of self and the subcortical–cortical midline system (2008) (206)
- Reanalysis of feeding patterns in the rat. (1973) (202)
- The ‘resting-state hypothesis’ of major depressive disorder—A translational subcortical–cortical framework for a system disorder (2011) (202)
- An incentive model of rewarding brain stimulation. (1969) (200)
- The SEEKING mind: Primal neuro-affective substrates for appetitive incentive states and their pathological dynamics in addictions and depression (2011) (195)
- Ascending endorphin inhibition of distress vocalization. (1981) (194)
- The “Id” Knows More than the “Ego” Admits: Neuropsychoanalytic and Primal Consciousness Perspectives on the Interface Between Affective and Cognitive Neuroscience (2012) (191)
- Empathy Is Moderated by Genetic Background in Mice (2009) (191)
- Affective neuroscience of the emotional BrainMind: evolutionary perspectives and implications for understanding depression (2010) (191)
- Neuroevolutionary sources of laughter and social joy: Modeling primal human laughter in laboratory rats (2007) (186)
- The brain's emotional foundations of human personality and the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (2011) (178)
- Rodent empathy and affective neuroscience (2011) (176)
- Depression: An Evolutionarily Conserved Mechanism to Terminate Separation Distress? A Review of Aminergic, Peptidergic, and Neural Network Perspectives (2009) (176)
- Textbook of Biological Psychiatry (2003) (169)
- Why Does Depression Hurt? Ancestral Primary-Process Separation-Distress (PANIC/GRIEF) and Diminished Brain Reward (SEEKING) Processes in the Genesis of Depressive Affect (2011) (166)
- Sensory modulation of juvenile play in rats. (1987) (163)
- The neurochemical control of crying (1980) (161)
- Opiates and play dominance in juvenile rats. (1985) (160)
- An autoradiographic map of (3H) diprenorphine binding in rat brain: Effects of social interaction (1981) (160)
- Reduction of distress vocalization in chicks by opiate-like peptides (1978) (159)
- Can PLAY diminish ADHD and facilitate the construction of the social brain? (2007) (156)
- 1 – Brain Opioids and Social Emotions (1985) (156)
- The neurochemistry of behavior. (1986) (149)
- Effects of neonatal decortication on the social play of juvenile rats (1994) (147)
- Is subcortical–cortical midline activity in depression mediated by glutamate and GABA? A cross-species translational approach (2010) (144)
- Differential parametric modulation of self‐relatedness and emotions in different brain regions (2009) (142)
- In search of the neurobiological substrates for social playfulness in mammalian brains (2011) (140)
- Effects of hypothalamic lesions on mouse-killing and shock-induced fighting in rats. (1971) (138)
- Opioid blockade and social comfort in chicks (1980) (135)
- Primary Emotional Systems and Personality: An Evolutionary Perspective (2017) (134)
- The trans-species core SELF: The emergence of active cultural and neuro-ecological agents through self-related processing within subcortical-cortical midline networks (2009) (132)
- Opioid modulation of ingestive behavior (1981) (132)
- Brain opioids and mother—infant social motivation (1994) (128)
- Effects of morphine and naloxone on play-rewarded spatial discrimination in juvenile rats. (1990) (125)
- Beyond a Joke: From Animal Laughter to Human Joy? (2005) (123)
- What is neuropsychoanalysis? Clinically relevant studies of the minded brain (2012) (117)
- An Evolutionary Framework to Understand Foraging, Wanting, and Desire: The Neuropsychology of the SEEKING System (2012) (117)
- Brief report: A double-blind study of naltrexone in infantile autism (1992) (117)
- The roots of empathy: Through the lens of rodent models (2017) (116)
- Human brain EEG indices of emotions: Delineating responses to affective vocalizations by measuring frontal theta event-related synchronization (2011) (115)
- The long-term psychobiological consequences of infant emotions: Prescriptions for the twenty-first century. (2001) (114)
- Oxytocin Effects on Emotional Processes: Separation Distress, Social Bonding, and Relationships to Psychiatric Disorders (1992) (114)
- The neuro-evolutionary cusp between emotions and cognitions : Implications for understanding consciousness and the emergence of a unified mind science (2000) (114)
- The effects of early social isolation on the motivation for social play in juvenile rats. (1992) (113)
- Chronic intermittent amphetamine pretreatment enhances future appetitive behavior for drug- and natural-reward: interaction with environmental variables (2002) (112)
- Brain opioids and autism: An updated analysis of possible linkages (1987) (112)
- Low-dose naltrexone effects on plasma chemistries and clinical symptoms in autism: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study (1995) (112)
- Hypothalamic regulation of energy balance and feeding behavior. (1974) (111)
- Exposure to Cocaine Dynamically Regulates the Intrinsic Membrane Excitability of Nucleus Accumbens Neurons (2010) (111)
- Oxytocin mediates acquisition of maternally associated odor preferences in preweanling rat pups. (1996) (110)
- Rethinking the cognitive revolution from a neural perspective: How overuse/misuse of the term ‘cognition’ and the neglect of affective controls in behavioral neuroscience could be delaying progress in understanding the BrainMind (2011) (109)
- Breeding for 50-kHz Positive Affective Vocalization in Rats (2005) (109)
- Morphine reduces social cohesion in rats (1979) (105)
- Modeling depression: social dominance–submission gene expression patterns in rat neocortex (2006) (104)
- Modulation of hypothalamic self-stimulation and escape behavior by chlordiazepoxide. (1970) (104)
- Emotions as Viewed by Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: An Exercise in Consilience (1999) (103)
- Hypervigilance for fear after basolateral amygdala damage in humans (2012) (101)
- Affective neuroscientific and neuropsychoanalytic approaches to two intractable psychiatric problems: Why depression feels so bad and what addicts really want (2011) (100)
- On the Embodied Neural Nature of Core Emotional Affects (2005) (99)
- The effects of selective breeding for differential rates of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations on emotional behavior in rats. (2009) (98)
- Neural and Neurochemical Control of the Separation Distress Call (1988) (98)
- Advances in Biological Psychiatry (1996) (97)
- Modeling ADHD-type arousal with unilateral frontal cortex damage in rats and beneficial effects of play therapy (2003) (97)
- Personality and biological markers of creativity (2005) (96)
- Expression of c-fos gene activation during rough and tumble play in juvenile rats (2002) (96)
- Socially-induced brain ‘fertilization’: play promotes brain derived neurotrophic factor transcription in the amygdala and dorsolateral frontal cortex in juvenile rats (2003) (95)
- Feeding in response to repeated protamine zinc insulin injections (1975) (94)
- Imaging the structure of the human anxious brain: a review of findings from neuroscientific personality psychology (2013) (94)
- Low-dose naltrexone for disease prevention and quality of life. (2009) (92)
- High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic over the medial cerebellum induces a shift in the prefrontal electroencephalography gamma spectrum: a pilot study in humans (2003) (91)
- Mathematical analysis of energy regulatory pattens of normal and diabetic rats. (1975) (91)
- The social defeat animal model of depression shows diminished levels of orexin in mesocortical regions of the dopamine system, and of dynorphin and orexin in the hypothalamus (2012) (91)
- The affective brain and core consciousness: How does neural activity generate emotional feelings? (2008) (89)
- Fenfluramine anorexia: A peripheral locus of action (1983) (88)
- Reconciling cognitive and affective neuroscience perspectives on the brain basis of emotional experience (2017) (87)
- Social defeat, a paradigm of depression in rats that elicits 22-kHz vocalizations, preferentially activates the cholinergic signaling pathway in the periaqueductal gray (2007) (84)
- The flow of anoetic to noetic and autonoetic consciousness: A vision of unknowing (anoetic) and knowing (noetic) consciousness in the remembrance of things past and imagined futures (2009) (84)
- Inverse Effects of Oxytocin on Attributing Mental Activity to Others in Depressed and Healthy Subjects: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled fMRI Study (2010) (84)
- Can anthropomorphic analyses of separation cries in other animals inform us about the emotional nature of social loss in humans? Comment on Blumberg and Sokoloff (2001). (2003) (83)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Psychostimulants, and Intolerance of Childhood Playfulness (1998) (81)
- Naltrexone and other potential new pharmacological treatments of autism. (1991) (81)
- Rough-and-tumble play in human children (2003) (79)
- Repeated cocaine exposure induces sensitization of ultrasonic vocalization in rats (2009) (79)
- Dynamic Interactions of Behavior and Amine Neurochemistry in Acquisition and Maintenance of Social Rank in Crayfish (2001) (79)
- Neurochemical control of moods and emotions: Amino acids to neuropeptides. (1993) (79)
- Positive affective vocalizations during cocaine and sucrose self-administration: A model for spontaneous drug desire in rats (2011) (79)
- AMPA/kainate, NMDA, and dopamine D1 receptor function in the nucleus accumbens core: a context-limited role in the encoding and consolidation of instrumental memory. (2005) (78)
- Rough and tumble play: A fundamental brain process. (1993) (78)
- Is satiety mediated by the ventromedial hypothalamus? (1971) (78)
- A novel NMDA receptor glycine-site partial agonist, GLYX-13, has therapeutic potential for the treatment of autism (2011) (77)
- Chapter 4 – THE ANATOMY OF EMOTIONS (1986) (76)
- Tractographic Analysis of Historical Lesion Surgery for Depression (2010) (76)
- A re-examination of the role of the ventromedial hypothalamus in feeding behavior. (1971) (75)
- The Riddle of Laughter (2000) (75)
- Brain emotional systems and qualities of mental life: From animal models of affect to implications for psychotherapeutics. (2009) (74)
- A neurocognitive theory of higher mental emergence: From anoetic affective experiences to noetic knowledge and autonoetic awareness (2011) (72)
- Anatomy of the hypothalamus (1979) (72)
- Music chills: The eye pupil as a mirror to music’s soul (2016) (71)
- Dopamine and SEEKING: Subcortical “Reward” Systems and Appetitive Urges (2008) (71)
- Uncovering the molecular basis of positive affect using rough-and-tumble play in rats: a role for insulin-like growth factor I (2010) (71)
- Insulin, glucose and hypothalamic regulation of feeding. (1972) (71)
- Comparative approaches in evolutionary psychology: molecular neuroscience meets the mind. (2002) (70)
- Comparative approaches in evolutionary psychology: molecular neuroscience meets the mind. (2002) (70)
- An Affective Neuroscience Framework for the Molecular Study of Internet Addiction (2016) (68)
- Archaeology of mind (1982) (67)
- Evolutionary aspects of self- and world consciousness in vertebrates (2015) (67)
- Regional brain cholecystokinin changes as a function of friendly and aggressive social interactions in rats (2004) (66)
- The basic neuroscience of emotional experiences in mammals: The case of subcortical FEAR circuitry and implications for clinical anxiety (2011) (65)
- Laughing Rats? Playful Tickling Arouses High-Frequency Ultrasonic Chirping in Young Rodents (2010) (65)
- Rats selectively bred for low levels of 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations exhibit alterations in early social motivation. (2008) (65)
- Decreased Feeding after Injections of Amino-acids into the Hypothalamus (1971) (63)
- Octodon degus. A useful animal model for social-affective neuroscience research: Basic description of separation distress, social attachments and play (2011) (63)
- Possible Brain Opioid Involvement in Disrupted Social Intent and Language Development of Autism (1987) (63)
- Difference between plasma N- and C-terminally directed beta-endorphin immunoreactivity in infantile autism. (1994) (63)
- Origins of Effortful Control: Infant and Parent Contributions. (2013) (63)
- Criteria for basic emotions: Is DISGUST a primary “emotion”? (2007) (62)
- Opioids: From Physical Pain to the Pain of Social Isolation (2007) (61)
- Drugs and stimulus-bound attack. (1971) (61)
- Brain responses to chronic social defeat stress: Effects on regional oxidative metabolism as a function of a hedonic trait, and gene expression in susceptible and resilient rats (2011) (59)
- Casomorphins reduce separation distress in chicks (1984) (59)
- Towards a neurobiologically based unified theory of aggression (2004) (58)
- Naloxone facilitates amygdaloid kindling in rats (1980) (58)
- Modification of diurnal feeding patterns by palatability (1975) (58)
- Ethological analyses of crayfish behavior: a new invertebrate system for measuring the rewarding properties of psychostimulants (2004) (57)
- Energy balance and play in juvenile rats (1985) (57)
- Altruism and aggression: The psychobiology of prosocial behaviors: separation distress, play, and altruism (1986) (57)
- The role of GABA in the ventromedial hypothalamic regulation of food intake (1980) (54)
- Individual differences in Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (ANPS) primary emotional traits and depressive tendencies. (2017) (53)
- Cross-Species Neuroaffective Parsing of Primal Emotional Desires and Aversions in Mammals (2013) (53)
- The Affective Core of the Self: A Neuro-Archetypical Perspective on the Foundations of Human (and Animal) Subjectivity (2017) (53)
- Oxytocin sharpens self-other perceptual boundary (2013) (53)
- Positive emotional learning is regulated in the medial prefrontal cortex by GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors (2011) (52)
- Evaluation of rat ultrasonic vocalizations as predictors of the conditioned aversive effects of drugs (2001) (51)
- Extinction induced drinking in hungry rats. (1972) (51)
- Brief report: A synopsis of an open-trial of naltrexone treatment of autism with four children (1991) (51)
- Chronic alterations in serotonin function: dynamic neurochemical properties in agonistic behavior of the crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. (2002) (51)
- Does any aspect of mind survive brain damage that typically leads to a persistent vegetative state? Ethical considerations (2007) (50)
- Affective Consciousness and the Instinctual Motor System: The Neural Sources of Sadness and Joy (2000) (50)
- The pleasure in brain substrates of foraging (1982) (49)
- Empathy and the Laws of Affect (2011) (48)
- Emotions and Psychopathology (1988) (48)
- Suppression of food intake in diabetic rats by voluntary consumption and intrahypothalamic injection of glucose (1976) (47)
- The Power of the Word May Reside in the Power of Affect (2008) (47)
- A method of recording sniffing in the free-moving rat. (1970) (47)
- Amine neurochemistry and aggression in crayfish (2003) (46)
- Primary Process Affects and Brain Oxytocin (2009) (46)
- Social isolation effects on the “behavioral despair” forced swimming test: Effect of age and duration of testing (1991) (46)
- Dorsomedial diencephalic involvement in the juvenile play of rats. (1985) (46)
- Toward affective circuit-based preclinical models of depression: Sensitizing dorsal PAG arousal leads to sustained suppression of positive affect in rats (2011) (46)
- Effects of intraaccumbens amphetamine on production of 50kHz vocalizations in three lines of selectively bred Long-Evans rats (2011) (46)
- Physiology of the hypothalamus (1980) (45)
- Mapping patterns of depression-related brain regions with cytochrome oxidase histochemistry: Relevance of animal affective systems to human disorders, with a focus on resilience to adverse events (2011) (45)
- Prior morphine experience induces long-term increases in social interest and in appetitive behavior for natural reward (2007) (45)
- Neuroimaging Helps to Clarify Brain Affective Processing Without Necessarily Clarifying Emotions (2013) (45)
- Drug-seeking behavior in an invertebrate system: Evidence of morphine-induced reward, extinction and reinstatement in crayfish (2009) (44)
- The Neurodynamics of Emotions: An Evolutionary-Neurodevelopmental View (2000) (44)
- Affective Neuroscience Strategies for Understanding and Treating Depression (2014) (44)
- Brief social isolation, pain responsivity, and morphine analgesia in young rats (2004) (43)
- Imaging Human Emotions and Affective Feelings: Implications for Biological Psychiatry (2004) (43)
- Toward a cross‐species neuroscientific understanding of the affective mind: do animals have emotional feelings? (2011) (43)
- Future of Neuropeptides in Biological Psychiatry and Emotional Psychopharmacology: Goals and Strategies (2004) (42)
- Regional brain cholecystokinin changes as a function of rough-and-tumble play behavior in adolescent rats (2006) (42)
- The emotional antecedents to the evolution of music and language (2009) (42)
- An improved pharmacological procedure for depletion of noradrenaline: pharmacology and assessment of noradrenaline-associated behaviors. (1982) (42)
- Noradrenergic pathways and sleep-waking states in cats. (1973) (42)
- Stress-induced, glucocorticoid-dependent strengthening of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in midbrain dopamine neurons (2009) (42)
- How are emotions distinguished from moods, temperament, and other related affective constructs? (1994) (42)
- The relationship between self-stimulation and sniffing in rats: does a common brain system mediate these behaviors? (1994) (41)
- Neuroscience. Feeling the pain of social loss. (2003) (41)
- The Emergence of Primary Anoetic Consciousness in Episodic Memory (2014) (41)
- Rats selectively bred for low levels of play-induced 50kHz vocalizations as a model for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A role for NMDA receptors (2013) (41)
- d-Glucose infusions into the basal ventromedial hypothalamus and feeding (1981) (40)
- Brain regional neuropeptide changes resulting from social defeat. (2007) (40)
- Central metabolic and humoral factors involved in the neural regulation of feeding. (1975) (40)
- Cliff-edged fitness functions and the persistence of schizophrenia (2005) (40)
- Primary-process separation-distress (PANIC/GRIEF) and reward eagerness (SEEKING) processes in the ancestral genesis of depressive affect. (2014) (39)
- The cross‐mammalian neurophenomenology of primal emotional affects: From animal feelings to human therapeutics (2016) (39)
- The neuroevolutionary and neuroaffective psychobiology of the prosocial brain (2007) (39)
- Affective consciousness in animals: perspectives on dimensional and primary process emotion approaches (2010) (39)
- Psychopharmacology of Social Play (1987) (39)
- On the motivational deficits after medial hypothalamic lesions. (1972) (39)
- Effects of a single and repeated morphine treatment on conditioned and unconditioned behavioral sensitization in Crayfish (2010) (38)
- Why does separation distress hurt? Comment on MacDonald and Leary (2005). (2005) (38)
- What is an emotional feeling? Lessons about affective origins from cross-species neuroscience (2012) (37)
- Social influences on morphine-conditioned place preference in adolescent BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice (2011) (37)
- Spanish Validation of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (2011) (36)
- Behavioral studies of the hypothalamus (1980) (36)
- Opiates and homing. (1980) (36)
- d-amphetamine stimulates unconditioned exploration/approach behaviors in crayfish: Towards a conserved evolutionary function of ancestral drug reward (2011) (36)
- Effects of α-MSH on motivation, vigilance and brain respiration (1976) (36)
- Preclinical Modeling of Primal Emotional Affects (SEEKING, PANIC and PLAY): Gateways to the Development of New Treatments for Depression (2014) (36)
- The neurobiology of emotions: Of animal brains and human feelings. (1989) (36)
- Playful handling by caretakers reduces fear of humans in the laboratory rat (2012) (35)
- The pharmacology of endorphin modulation of chick distress vocalization (1984) (35)
- Hypothalamic radioactivity after intragastric glucose- 14 C in rats. (1972) (35)
- Play, ADHD, and the Construction of the Social Brain: Should the First Class Each Day Be Recess?. (2008) (35)
- Neurohumoral and endocrine control of feeding (1979) (34)
- Juvenile play in the rat: Thalamic and brain stem involvement (1987) (34)
- Brain Emotional Circuits and Psychopathologies (1988) (33)
- The Psycho- and Neurobiology of Fear Systems in the Brain (1991) (33)
- Simple Ethological Models of Depression: Social-Isolation Induced “Despair” in Chicks and Mice (1991) (33)
- Cholinergic modulation of separation distress in the domestic chick. (1981) (33)
- Intranasal adminsitration of oxytocin in postnatal depression: implications for psychodynamic psychotherapy from a randomized double-blind pilot study (2015) (33)
- The prolonged effects of naloxone on play behavior and feeding in the rat. (1985) (32)
- Selective breeding for 50kHz ultrasonic vocalization emission produces alterations in the ontogeny and regulation of rough-and-tumble play (2012) (32)
- Differential entrainment of a social rhythm in adolescent mice (2008) (32)
- Gray Zones at the Emotion/Cognition Interface: A Commentary (1990) (31)
- Elevation of REM sleep following inhibition of protein synthesis. (1972) (31)
- The Evolutionary Sources of Jealousy (2010) (30)
- Opiate effects on social behavior of juvenile dogs as a function of social deprivation (1989) (30)
- Emotional causes and consequences of social-affective vocalization (2010) (30)
- Cost-benefits of computer modelling (1979) (30)
- Philosophical Implications of Affective Neuroscience (2012) (30)
- Offense and defense vs. rage and fear: A matter of semantics? (1979) (30)
- Social Support and Pain (2005) (29)
- The psychobiology of emotions: the animal side of human feelings (1989) (29)
- Effects of fluoxetine on play dominance in juvenile rats (1996) (29)
- Affective Neuroscience and the Ancestral Sources of Human Feelings (2007) (28)
- The Role of Nature and Nurture for Individual Differences in Primary Emotional Systems: Evidence from a Twin Study (2016) (28)
- Analysis of the relationships between self-stimulation sniffing and brain-stimulation sniffing (1992) (28)
- Resting-State Functional Connectivity of Antero-Medial Prefrontal Cortex Sub-Regions in Major Depression and Relationship to Emotional Intelligence (2015) (28)
- Infant-mother recognition in a social rodent (Octodon degus). (2010) (28)
- The neurobiology of social loss in animals: Some keys to the puzzle of psychic pain in humans. (2011) (28)
- Can “mind” and behavior be understood without understanding the brain?: A response to Bunge☆ (1990) (27)
- Age-dependent and strain-dependent influences of morphine on mouse social investigation behavior (2011) (27)
- Suppression of feeding in cats following 2-deoxy-D-glucose. (1973) (27)
- Exposure to Cocaine Alters Dynorphin-Mediated Regulation of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Nucleus Accumbens Neurons (2011) (27)
- Empathy and the action-perception resonances of basic socio-emotional systems of the brain. (2001) (27)
- Damasio's error? (2003) (27)
- Tickling, a Technique for Inducing Positive Affect When Handling Rats (2018) (27)
- Primal emotional-affective expressive foundations of human facial expression (2016) (26)
- High ANGER and low agreeableness predict vengefulness in German and Chinese participants (2018) (26)
- Effects of beta-chlornaltrexamine on separation distress in chicks. (1982) (26)
- Chronomics of autism and suicide. (2005) (26)
- Intraoral self injection: II. The simulation of self-stimulation phenomena with a conventional reward (1967) (26)
- The Quest for Long-Term Health and Happiness: To Play or Not to Play, That Is the Question (1998) (26)
- Insulin and glucostatic control of feeding. (1972) (25)
- Gene array profiling of large hypothalamic CNS regions in lactating and randomly cycling virgin mice. (2005) (25)
- Positive Emotional Learning Induces Resilience to Depression: A Role for NMDA Receptor-mediated Synaptic Plasticity (2016) (25)
- Affective preclinical modeling of psychiatric disorders: taking imbalanced primal emotional feelings of animals seriously in our search for novel antidepressants (2015) (25)
- Primary emotional traits in patients with personality disorders. (2016) (25)
- Effects of clonidine and yohimbine on the social play of juvenile rats (1985) (25)
- Effect of chronic neonatal morphine and naloxone on sensorimotor and social development of young rats (1989) (25)
- Opioid effects on social behavior of kennel dogs (1983) (24)
- Cognitive Conceptualism—Where Have All the Affects Gone? Additional Corrections for Barrett et al. (2007) (2008) (24)
- Sleep-waking patterns in cats after administration of fenfluramine and other monoaminergic modulating drugs. (1973) (24)
- Positive and negative contrast effects with hypothalamic reward (1969) (24)
- Introducing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and its Property of Causal Inference in Investigating Brain-Function Relationships (2004) (24)
- The influence of culture on basic affective systems: the comparison of Turkish and American norms on the affective neuroscience personality scales (2014) (23)
- Differential influence of social versus isolate housing on vicarious fear learning in adolescent mice. (2016) (23)
- Opioid excess hypothesis of autism : a double-blind study of naltrexone (1990) (23)
- Quantitative Behavioral Techniques for the Study of Crustacean Aggression (2002) (23)
- Fetal and neonatal exposure to trimethylolpropane phosphate alters rat social behavior and emotional responsivity. (1999) (23)
- Alteration of c-Fos mRNA in the accessory lobe of crayfish is associated with a conditioned-cocaine induced reward (2012) (22)
- Validation of a novel social investigation task that may dissociate social motivation from exploratory activity (2009) (22)
- Effects of Serotonin Depletion on the Play of Juvenile Rats (1997) (22)
- Playful handling as social enrichment for individually- and group-housed laboratory rats (2013) (21)
- Is fibromyalgia an endocrine/endorphin deficit disorder? Is low dose naltrexone a new treatment option? (2012) (21)
- Electrically induced affective attack from the hypothalamus of the albino rat (1969) (21)
- Carving "natural" emotions: "Kindly" from bottom-up but not top-down. (2008) (20)
- Emotions and the Aging Brain (1996) (20)
- The role of norepinephrine in feeding behavior (1982) (20)
- Effects of para-chlorophenylalanine on food intake in rats (1974) (20)
- Paradoxical Effects of Serotonin and Opioids in Pemoline-Induced Self-Injurious Behavior (1999) (20)
- Commentary on the possible role of oxytocin in autism (1993) (20)
- Emotional feelings originate below the neocortex: Toward a neurobiology of the soul (2007) (19)
- The ventromedical hypothalamus and metabolic adjustments of feeding behavior. (1973) (19)
- Motor and locomotor responses to systemic amphetamine in three lines of selectively bred Long-Evans rats (2011) (19)
- Inhibition of glycolytic metabolism and sleep-waking states in cats. (1973) (18)
- The search for the fundamental brain/mind sources of affective experience (2004) (18)
- The vicissitudes of preclinical psychiatric research: justified abandonment by big pharma? (2012) (18)
- Positive incentive contrast with rewardings electrical stimulation of the brain. (1970) (18)
- SEEKING and depression in stroke patients: An exploratory study (2013) (17)
- Playful handling of laboratory rats is more beneficial when applied before than after routine injections (2015) (17)
- Toward a Neuroscience of Emotion (1998) (17)
- Long-term changes in rat social behavior following treatment with trimethylolpropane. (1998) (17)
- A Role for Affective Neuroscience in Understanding Stress: The Case of Separation Distress Circuitry (1990) (17)
- Modulation of separation distress by α-MSH (1990) (17)
- Play behavior in rats pretreated with scopolamine: Increased play solicitation by the non-injected partner (2006) (17)
- Do brain lesions in stroke affect basic emotions and attachment? (2015) (17)
- Effects of quipazine and methysergide on play in juvenile rats (1985) (17)
- Social Support and Pain: How Does the Brain Feel the Ache of a Broken Heart? (2005) (17)
- On Preventing Another Century of Misunderstanding: Toward a Psychoethology of Human Experience and a Psychoneurology of Affect: Commentary by Jaak Panksepp (Bowling Green, Ohio) (2000) (16)
- Positive and negative contrast in licking with shifts in sucrose concentration as a function of food deprivation (1971) (16)
- Brain Emotion Systems, Personality, Hopelessness, Self/Other Perception, and Gambling Cognition: A Structural Equation Model (2016) (16)
- Effects of ACTH(1–24) and ACTH/MSH(4–10) on isolation-induced distress vocalization in domestic chicks (1990) (16)
- Why Depression Feels Bad (2010) (16)
- Hormonal Control of Feeding Behavior and Energy Balance (1975) (16)
- Personality Neuroscience: Why It Is of Importance to Consider Primary Emotional Systems! (2020) (16)
- The Value of Using an Evolutionary Framework for Gauging Children's (2013) (16)
- The affective cerebral consequence of music: Happy vs sad effects on the EEG and clinical implications. (1997) (16)
- Nimodipine alters acquisition of a visual discrimination task in chicks. (1990) (16)
- Effects of midbrain tegmental lesions on sleep and regional brain serotonin and norepinephrine levels in cats. (1973) (16)
- Brief social isolation, pain responsiveness, and morphine analgesia in young rats. (1980) (15)
- Repeated cocaine treatments induce distinct locomotor effects in Crayfish (2012) (15)
- Subliminal Affect Valence Words Change Conscious Mood Potency but Not Valence: Is This Evidence for Unconscious Valence Affect? (2012) (15)
- Use of tramadol in psychiatric care: A comprehensive review and report of two cases. (2017) (15)
- On the animalian values of the human spirit: the foundational role of affect in psychotherapy and the evolution of consciousness (2002) (14)
- Mirrors and feelings: Have you seen the actors outside? (2011) (14)
- The Long-Term Psychobiological Consequences of Infant Emotions: Prescriptions for the Twenty-First Century (2001) (14)
- Calcitonin Gene—Related Peptide in the Brain (1992) (14)
- Intraoral self injection: I. Effects of delay of reinforcement on resistance to extinction and implications for self-stimulation (1967) (14)
- Evolutionary substrates of addiction: The neurochemistries of pleasure seeking and social bonding in the mammalian brain. (2010) (14)
- Social conditioned place preference in the captive ground squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus): Social reward as a natural phenotype. (2015) (14)
- The Psycho-Neurology of Cross-Species Affective/Social Neuroscience: Understanding Animal Affective States as a Guide to Development of Novel Psychiatric Treatments. (2017) (14)
- Glutamatergic modulation of separation distress: Profound emotional effects of excitatory amino acids in chicks (2011) (13)
- Treatment of ADHD with methylphenidate may sensitize brain substrates of desire: Implications for changes in drug abuse potential from an animal model (2002) (13)
- The instinctual basis of human affect: Affective imaging of laughter and crying (2003) (13)
- Drives, Affects, Id Energies, and the Neuroscience of Emotions: Response to the Commentaries by Jaak Panksepp (Bowling Green, Ohio) (1999) (13)
- The “id” knows more than the “ego” admits (2018) (13)
- Neuro-Psychoanalysis May Enliven the Mindbrain Sciences (2007) (13)
- Interaction of genetics and separation in canine hyperkinesis and in differential responses to amphetamine (1980) (12)
- Reflections on Rough and Tumble Play, Social Development, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (2012) (12)
- Clinical case report: opiate antagonist and event-related desynchronization in 2 autistic boys. (1995) (12)
- The effect of intertrial interval on running performance for ESB (1968) (12)
- The effects of melatonin on isolation distress in chickens (1994) (11)
- Sleep-waking patterns and brain biogenic amine levels in cats after administration of 6-hydroxydopamine into the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum. (1973) (11)
- Medial and lateral hypothalamic oxygen consumption as a function of age, starvation and glucose administration in rats (1975) (11)
- Toward the Constitution of Emotional Feelings: Synergistic Lessons From Izard’s Differential Emotions Theory and Affective Neuroscience (2015) (11)
- Emerging Neuroscience of Fear and Anxiety: Therapeutic Practice and Clinical Implications (2004) (10)
- Biological Psychiatry Sketched—Past, Present, and Future (2004) (10)
- The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry: The neural nature of the core SELF: implications for understanding schizophrenia (2003) (10)
- (−)-Hydroxycitrate and conditioned aversions (1977) (10)
- Brief periods of positive peer interactions mitigate the effects of total social isolation in young Octodon degus. (2011) (10)
- Hypothalamic regulation of energy balance and feeding behavior. 1974. (1995) (10)
- The role of brain norepinephrine in clonidine suppression of isolation-induced distress in the domestic chick (2004) (9)
- Effects of early-life FGF2 on ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and the mu-opioid receptor in male Sprague-Dawley rats selectively-bred for differences in their response to novelty (2019) (9)
- Tolerance in the depression of intake when amphetamine is added to the rat's food (1973) (9)
- Biological Basis of Childhood Neuropsychiatric Disorders (2004) (9)
- Universality and Diversity in the Vocalization of Emotions (2008) (8)
- How Primary-Process Emotional Systems Guide Child Development (2012) (8)
- Metabolic hormones and regulation of feeding: a reply to Woods, Decke, and Vasselli. (1975) (8)
- Switched-on consciousness - clarifying what it means - response to de Quincey (2006) (8)
- Will better psychiatric treatments emerge from top‐down or bottom‐up neuroscientific studies of affect? (2014) (8)
- Sweetened ethanol drinking during social isolation: enhanced intake, resistance to genetic heterogeneity and the emergence of a distinctive drinking pattern in adolescent mice (2017) (8)
- Making Sense of Our Emotions. (1996) (8)
- “The dream of reason creates monsters” . . . especially when we neglect the role of emotions in REM-states (2000) (8)
- Feelings and Emotions: Basic Affects and the Instinctual Emotional Systems of the Brain (2004) (8)
- Cross-cultural affective neuroscience personality comparisons of Japan, Turkey and Germany (2018) (8)
- ANPS: Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales : Deutsche Version (2017) (7)
- Schizophrenia: The elusive disease (2004) (7)
- The effect of lever retraction on resistance to extinction of a response rewarded with electrical stimulation of the brain (1968) (7)
- 2. In defense of multiple Core Affects (2012) (7)
- Instinctual foundations of animal minds: Comparative perspectives on the evolved affective neural substrate of emotions and learned behaviors. (2017) (7)
- The science of parenting : practical guidance on sleep, crying, play, and building emotional well-being for life (2006) (7)
- The Primary Process Affects in Human Development, Happiness, and Thriving (2011) (7)
- Neuro-Evolutionary Foundations of Infant Minds: From Psychoanalytic Visions of How Primal Emotions Guide Constructions of Human Minds toward Affective Neuroscientific Understanding of Emotions and Their Disorders (2019) (7)
- Analysis of the disruption of maternal social bonds in Octodon degus: separation distress in restricted reunion tests. (2011) (7)
- Toward a science of ultimate concern (2005) (7)
- “Mindscoping” pain and suffering (2002) (7)
- An overdue burial for the serotonin theory of anxiety (1986) (7)
- The neuroevolutionary sources of mind: The ancestral constitution of affective consciousness and the core-SELF (2015) (6)
- Integrating bottom-up internalist views of emotional feelings with top-down externalist views: Might brain affective changes constitute reward and punishment effects within animal brains? (2014) (6)
- The Cradle of Consciousness: A Periconscious Emotional Homunculus?: Commentary by Jaak Panksepp (Bowling Green) (2000) (6)
- Perinatal decortication impairs performance on an 8-arm radial maze task (1990) (6)
- Brain SEEKING Circuitry in Neuroeconomics: A Unifying Hypothesis for the Role of Dopamine-Energized Arousal of the Medial Forebrain Bundle in Enthusiasm-Guiding Decision-Making (2016) (6)
- Rat 22-kHz Ultrasonic Vocalizations as a Measure of Emotional Set Point During Social Interactions (2018) (6)
- Naltrexone open trial with a 5-year-old-boy. A social rebound reaction. (1992) (6)
- The affiliative playfulness and impulsivity of extraverts may not be dopaminergically mediated (1999) (6)
- Chapter 8 Fear and anxiety mechanisms of the brain: Clinical implications (2000) (5)
- Correction: The Role of Nature and Nurture for Individual Differences in Primary Emotional Systems: Evidence from a Twin Study (2016) (5)
- ADHD and the neural consequences of play and joy: A framing essay for the following empirical paper (2002) (5)
- Foreword: Perspectives on Passages Toward an Affective Neurobiology of Mind? (2010) (5)
- Neural behaviorism: From brain evolution to human emotion at the speed of an action potential (2000) (5)
- Perinatal leupeptin retards subsequent acquisition of a visual discrimination task in chicks. (1987) (5)
- Commentary on “Becoming Aware of Feelings” (2005) (5)
- Energetic effects of emotions on cognitions (2005) (5)
- The Instinctual Basis of Human Affect: Affective and fMRI Imaging of Laughter and Crying (2005) (5)
- Commentary on “Toward a Neuroscience of Empathy: Integrating Affective and Cognitive Perspectives” (2007) (4)
- Extinction following intracranial reward: Frustration or drive decay? (1968) (4)
- Antonio Damasio’s Looking for Spinoza (2004) (4)
- Imaging the structure of the human anxious brain: a review of findings from neuroscientific personality psychology (2014) (4)
- Differential ultrasonic indices of separation distress in the presence and absence of maternal cues in infant rats bred for high and low positive social affect (2013) (4)
- Response to Commentaries (1996) (4)
- The hypothalamic 14C differential and feeding behavior (1974) (4)
- The “Dynamic Unconscious” May Be Experienced: Can We Discuss Unconscious Emotions When There Are no Adequate Measures of Affective Change? (2011) (4)
- Commentary on “Integrating the Psychoanalytic and Neurobiological Views of Panic Disorder” (2005) (4)
- An inexpensive electro-fistular swivel for negative feedback control of self-stimulation. (1967) (4)
- Dorsomedial diencephalic control of juvenile play in the rat (1984) (4)
- Chapter 1 – The Pleasures and Pains of Brain Regulatory Systems for Eating (2010) (4)
- Affective‐Social Neuroscience Approaches to Understanding Core Emotional Feelings in Animals (2008) (4)
- A meditation on the affective neuroscientific view of human and animalian MindBrains (2012) (4)
- Toward an Understanding of the Constitution of Consciousness Through the Laws of Affect (2013) (4)
- Laughing rats? Playful tickling arouses 50 KHz ultrasonic chirping in young rats (1998) (4)
- The Future of Human Nature: Implications for Research, Policy, and Ethics (2012) (4)
- Neuropsychoanalytic notes on addiction (2018) (4)
- Radiant Cool: A Novel Theory of Consciousness (2004) (3)
- Naltrexone in infantile autism (1994) (3)
- Long-term behavioral sensitization induced by a bridged organophosphate (1996) (3)
- Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature.ByDavid J Buller.A Bradford Book. Cambridge (Massachusetts): MIT Press.$34.95. xiii + 550 p; ill.; index. ISBN: 0–262–02579–5. 2005. (2006) (3)
- ADHD and Play (2012) (3)
- Commentary on “Is There a Drive to Love?” (2008) (3)
- Emotional dynamics of the organism and its parts (2005) (3)
- The Role of Brain Emotional Systems in the Construction of Social Systems (1994) (3)
- Developmental underpinnings of social behavior (2016) (3)
- Medial forebrain bundle stimulation elicits psychotropic side effects in Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation for PD – new insights through Diffusion Tensor Imaging (2009) (3)
- Appendix A: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics (2003) (3)
- The serotonergic puzzle-box of anxiety (1991) (3)
- The neuroevolutionary sources of mind (2015) (3)
- Brain processes for “good” and “bad” feelings: How far back in evolution? (2016) (3)
- Commentary on “Understanding Addictive Vulnerability” (2003) (3)
- Modulation of separation distress by alpha-MSH. (1990) (3)
- The Self and “Its” Vicissitudes: Commentary by Jaak Panksepp (2002) (3)
- The emotional fundamentals of personality and the higher affective polarities of mind: comment on "personality from a cognitive-biological perspective" by Y. Neuman. (2014) (2)
- Loving opioids in the brain (2005) (2)
- The Neuropsychology of Mental Illness: A non-reductive physicalist account of affective consciousness (2009) (2)
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2010) (2)
- to Three Novel Therapeutics Affective Neuroscience Strategies for Understanding and Treating Depression : From Preclinical Models (2014) (2)
- Book Reviews (2011) (2)
- Reply to Gallistel (1969) (2)
- Appetite and food intake. Dahlem konferenzen life sciences report 2 Trevor Silverstone, issue editor and Silke Bernhard, series editor, 1976, produced for Dahlem Konferenzen by Abakon Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. 478 pages, with curricula vitae of participants and subject index; $26.50 (1977) (2)
- Hormone toxicity in the newborn By Fred A. Kincl. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1990, $145.00 (xiv+334 pages), ISBN 3-540-51153-9 (1992) (2)
- Responses of guinea pigs to brain stimulation during isolation: Examining the transition from ``protest'' to depressive-like behavior (2013) (2)
- Free will and the varieties of affective and conative selves (2004) (2)
- On the brain and personality substrates of psychopathy (1995) (2)
- Anxiety viewed from the upper brain stem: Though panic and fear yield trepidation, should both be called anxiety? (1982) (2)
- Response to the Commentaries (2009) (2)
- Toward an open-minded comparative study of the neuroevolutionary substrates of affect: Rejoinder to Blumberg and Sokoloff's (2003) reply. (2003) (2)
- Formative Experiences: The Basic Affective Circuits of Mammalian Brains: Implications for Healthy Human Development and the Cultural Landscapes of ADHD (2010) (2)
- An attempt to evaluate the role of hearing in the social play of juvenile rats (1988) (2)
- Chapter 11 – Dietary Constituents and Self-Selection Procedures: Solid Foods (1977) (2)
- Prolactin and Modulation of Social Processes in Domestic Chicks (1997) (2)
- The affective neuroeconomics of social brains: One man's cruelty is another's suffering (2006) (2)
- The influence of culture on basic affective systems: the comparison of Turkish and American norms on the affective neuroscience personality scales (2014) (2)
- Affective Consciousness and the Instinctual Motor System (2000) (2)
- Book Reviews (2003) (1)
- Crossing the brain-mind rubicon: How might we scientifically understand basic human emotions and core affective feelings of other animals? (2014) (1)
- Opiate antagonists: effects on the social aggression of rats and autistic children (1990) (1)
- COMMENTARY Rewarding and Punishing Properties of Deep Brain Stimulation: The Most Promising Entry Points for Constitutive Studies of Affective Experiences in Other Animal s... With Profound Psychiatric Implications for Human Consciousness and Psychiatric Therapeutics (2015) (1)
- The Brain and Emotion (1999) (1)
- Affective Neuroscience Personality Scale (2018) (1)
- Stress, Sleep, and Sexuality in Psychiatric Disorders (2004) (1)
- Chapter 2 Emotional circuits of the mammalian brain: Implications for biological psychiatry (2000) (1)
- Affective reflections and refractions within the BrainMind (2008) (1)
- Empathy through the ages: A comparative perspective on rodent models of shared emotion. (2017) (1)
- Endogenous opioids and childhood autism (1994) (1)
- Simulating the Primal Emotions of the Mammalian Brain: The Affective Feelings of Mental Life and Implications for Al-robotics (2007) (1)
- Wired to Connect: Neuroscience, Relationships, and Therapy (2007) (1)
- 8 Judgments of the Affective Valence of Spontaneous Vocalizations : The Influence of Situational Context 109 (2008) (1)
- Empathy through the ages: A comparative perspective on rodent models of shared emotion. (2017) (1)
- 14 2 tHE CoRE EMotIoNAL SyStEMS oF tHE MAMMALIAN bRAIN the fundamental substrates of human emotions (2006) (1)
- Are emotions more than learned behaviors? Edmund T. Rolls Emotions Explained (2006) (1)
- The archaeology of mind [extracts] (2018) (1)
- Cognition and Motivation: Biological Foundations (2012) (1)
- Emotions Explained, Edmund T. Rolls. Oxford University Press (2005), £39.95/$75.00 (606 pp.), ISBN: 0-19-857003-1 (2006) (1)
- Understanding the Neurobiology of Core Positive Emotions through Animal Models (2014) (1)
- Top-down causation in the brain: Promises for cognitive psychology and challenges for research (2013) (0)
- Toward a Neurocognitive Psychology of Emotions. (1987) (0)
- Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory--Chinese Version (2018) (0)
- Emotional Foundations of Creativity (2019) (0)
- A study of relations between intracranial self-stimulation and operant behavior maintained by food reward (1967) (0)
- Secret Passages offers the reader a comprehensive survey of the rich and varied perspectives of contemporary psychoanalysis, organized by an expert guiding us through unfamiliar and unexpected passages, much (2014) (0)
- The hypothalamic 14 C differential and feeding behavior (2013) (0)
- Cross-cultural affective neuroscience personality comparisons of Japan, Turkey and Germany (2018) (0)
- Contents Vol. 47, 2014 (2014) (0)
- Effect of α-MSH on Separation Induced Distress Vocalizations in Chicks (1988) (0)
- P28 Human medial forebrain bundle (MFB) and anterior thalamic radiations (ATR): Diffusion tensor imaging anatomical description of two affective pathways that promote a dynamic balance of opposite affects (SEEKING and GRIEF) (2011) (0)
- Brain Affective Processing Without Necessarily Clarifying Emotions (2014) (0)
- Editorial Board (2013) (0)
- How do Calories Count (1993) (0)
- Psychobiology of reproductive behavior: An evolutionary perspective David Crews, ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987. $19.95 (350 pp) ISBN 0-12-732090-6 (1990) (0)
- Responses of domestic chicks to social loss and reunion (2012) (0)
- Socioendocrinology of primate reproduction Toni E. Ziegler and Fred B. Bercovitch, eds. New York, Wiley-Liss, 1990, $72.50 (217 pages), ISBN 0-471-56757-4 (1991) (0)
- [Opiate hypothesis of the origin of early childhood autism and sequelae for psychopharmacotherapy]. (1992) (0)
- 4. “Nature proposes…and science disposes” tertiary vs primary process approaches to emotions and affects: Commentary on Jim Russell’s position (2012) (0)
- 15. My reflections on commentaries and concluding perspectives (2012) (0)
- Sleep and dreaming, Part 2: The importance of the SEEKING system for dream-related learning and the complex contributions to dreaming of memory mechanisms, transcription factors, sleep activation events, reentrant architecture, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), periaqueductal gray (PAG), and the (2018) (0)
- Child Development and the Emotional Circuits of Mammalian Brains (2016) (0)
- Challenging Convention in Empathy Research: Developing a Mouse Model and Initial Neural Analyses (2018) (0)
- Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales--Chinese Translation (2018) (0)
- 43 Animal Minds : Do Animals have Emotional Lives? (2012) (0)
- What is an emotional feeling? Lessons about affective origins from cross-species neuroscience (2011) (0)
- How to cite: Wettlaufer, Jörg. “Neurohistorical and Evolutionary Aspects of a History of Shame and Shaming.” In: “Environment, Culture, and the Brain: New Explorations in Neurohistory,” edited by Edmund Russell, RCC Perspectives (2012) (0)
- Sex differences in social and mathematical cognition: an endocrine perspective 177 (2008) (0)
- Commentary (2004) (0)
- Vengeance Scale--Chinese Version (2018) (0)
- Vengeance Scale--German Version (2018) (0)
- 10 Neuropsychoanalytic notes on addiction (2011) (0)
- The Philosophy of Affective Neuroscience (2010) (0)
- On medial hypothalamic control of feeding (1981) (0)
- Editorial Board (2013) (0)
- Primal emotions and cultural evolution of language:: Primal affects empower words (2015) (0)
- Järvilehto’s seductive ideas: Provocative concepts without data? (2001) (0)
- The medial forebrain bundle-A forgotten structure in the human brain identified with statistical fiber mapping (2011) (0)
- Animal Minds Do Animals have Emotional Lives? (2013) (0)
- Volume Author Index (2003) (0)
- Top-down versus bottom-up perspectives on clinically significant memory reconsolidation. (2015) (0)
- Evidence for an adipokinetic mechanism in the ventromedial hypothalamus (2005) (0)
- Primal emotional-affective expressive foundations of human facial expression (2016) (0)
- Short- and long-term effects of asphyxia on juvenile play (1987) (0)
- Where, When, and How Does an Appraisal Become an Emotion? "The Times They Are a Changing" (2016) (0)
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine (2007) (0)
- Jaak Panksepp -selected References (2014) (0)
- Social influences on morphine-conditioned place preference in adolescent BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice (2011) (0)
- Impulsive Children on Psychostimulants: A National Scandal in the Making? (1998) (0)
- Response to Ongoing Discussion (Vol. 1, No. 1) by Jaak Panksepp (Bowling Green, Ohio) (2001) (0)
- Why Behaviorism, to Survive and Triumph, Must Abandon Its Very Name: an Open Letter (2002) (0)
- Given the chance, the normal brain can casually avoid what it would otherwise intensely fear (1982) (0)
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