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Jennifer Ahern's Degrees
- Masters Public Health University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Biology Stanford University
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Why Is Jennifer Ahern Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jennifer Ahern is an American epidemiologist. She currently holds the King Sweesy and Robert Womack Endowed Chair and is Associate Dean for Research at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Her research focuses on the effects of the social and physical environment, and programs and policies that alter the social and physical environment, on many aspects of health including violence, substance abuse, mental health, and perinatal health.
Jennifer Ahern's Published Works
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Published Works
- Psychological sequelae of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City. (2002) (1666)
- To GEE or Not to GEE: Comparing Population Average and Mixed Models for Estimating the Associations Between Neighborhood Risk Factors and Health (2010) (867)
- Stigma, discrimination and the health of illicit drug users. (2007) (635)
- Trends of probable post-traumatic stress disorder in New York City after the September 11 terrorist attacks. (2003) (562)
- Increased use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana among Manhattan, New York, residents after the September 11th terrorist attacks. (2002) (430)
- Urban built environment and depression: a multilevel analysis (2005) (363)
- Opiates, cocaine and alcohol combinations in accidental drug overdose deaths in New York City, 1990-98. (2003) (338)
- Television Images and Psychological Symptoms after the September 11 Terrorist Attacks (2002) (323)
- Urban neighborhood poverty and the incidence of depression in a population-based cohort study. (2007) (282)
- Posttraumatic stress disorder in Manhattan, New York City, after the September 11th terrorist attacks (2002) (191)
- The Challenges of Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans’ Transition from Military to Civilian Life and Approaches to Reconnection (2015) (180)
- The association between multiple domains of discrimination and self-assessed health: a multilevel analysis of Latinos and blacks in four low-income New York City neighborhoods. (2003) (178)
- Neighborhood income and income distribution and the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. (2007) (175)
- The urban built environment and overdose mortality in New York City neighborhoods. (2005) (168)
- Preterm birth among African American and white women: a multilevel analysis of socioeconomic characteristics and cigarette smoking (2003) (163)
- Television Images and Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After September 11: The Role of Background Characteristics, Event Exposures, and Perievent Panic (2004) (161)
- Neighborhood socioeconomic status, maternal race and preterm delivery: a case-control study. (2002) (160)
- Sustained increased consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana among Manhattan residents after september 11, 2001. (2004) (159)
- Contextual determinants of drug use risk behavior: A theoretic framework (2003) (155)
- Mental health service and medication use in New York City after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. (2004) (145)
- "Culture of drinking" and individual problems with alcohol use. (2008) (141)
- Consumption of Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Marijuana Among New York City Residents Six Months After the September 11 Terrorist Attacks (2004) (139)
- Estimating the effects of potential public health interventions on population disease burden: a step-by-step illustration of causal inference methods. (2009) (136)
- Neighborhood characteristics and change in depressive symptoms among older residents of New York City. (2009) (131)
- Collective efficacy and major depression in urban neighborhoods. (2006) (128)
- Male fetal loss in the U.S. following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (2010) (126)
- The built environment and alcohol consumption in urban neighborhoods. (2007) (125)
- Income distribution and risk of fatal drug overdose in New York City neighborhoods. (2003) (124)
- Gender, Social Support, and Posttraumatic Stress in Postwar Kosovo (2004) (113)
- Utilization of mental health services following the September 11th terrorist attacks in Manhattan, New York City. (2002) (111)
- Interpersonal Discrimination and the Health of Illicit Drug Users (2005) (103)
- Social context and depression after a disaster: the role of income inequality (2006) (101)
- Longitudinal Determinants of Posttraumatic Stress in a Population-Based Cohort Study (2008) (101)
- Neighborhood smoking norms modify the relation between collective efficacy and smoking behavior. (2009) (101)
- Job Loss, Unemployment, Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and the Persistence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder One Year After the September 11 Attacks (2004) (87)
- Relationship of Self-Reported Asthma Severity and Urgent Health Care Utilization to Psychological Sequelae of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center Among New York City Area Residents (2003) (84)
- Posttraumatic stress in women after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City. (2003) (83)
- A model of underlying socioeconomic vulnerability in human populations: evidence from variability in population health and implications for public health. (2005) (82)
- Elevated ambulatory blood pressure in 20 subjects with Williams syndrome. (1999) (76)
- Psychiatric Medication Use Among Manhattan Residents Following the World Trade Center Disaster (2003) (76)
- Television Watching and the Risk of Incident Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Prospective Evaluation (2007) (73)
- Racial/ethnic disparities in overdose mortality trends in New York City, 1990–1998 (2003) (69)
- Impact of increased syringe access: preliminary findings on injection drug user syringe source, disposal, and pharmacy sales in Harlem, New York. (2002) (64)
- Social norms, collective efficacy, and smoking cessation in urban neighborhoods. (2012) (62)
- What explains the association between neighborhood-level income inequality and the risk of fatal overdose in New York City? (2006) (59)
- Addressing population health and health inequalities: the role of fundamental causes. (2014) (56)
- Distribution of education and population health: an ecological analysis of New York City neighborhoods. (2005) (54)
- Predictors of Peritraumatic Reactions and PTSD Following the September 11th Terrorist Attacks (2006) (53)
- Measuring Unsafe Abortion-Related Mortality: A Systematic Review of the Existing Methods (2013) (51)
- Racial differences in discrimination experiences and responses among minority substance users. (2003) (50)
- Alcohol outlets and binge drinking in urban neighborhoods: the implications of nonlinearity for intervention and policy. (2013) (48)
- Income inequality and risk of suicide in New York City neighborhoods: a multilevel case-control study. (2005) (48)
- Probable Cigarette Dependence, PTSD, and Depression after an Urban Disaster: Results from a Population Survey of New York City Residents 4 Months after September 11, 2001 (2005) (47)
- Prevalence, incidence, and correlates of chlamydia and gonorrhea among young adult injection drug users. (2001) (45)
- Perceived built environment and health-related quality of life in four types of neighborhoods in Xi'an, China. (2016) (45)
- Socioeconomic Factors Explain Racial Disparities in Invasive Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Disease Rates (2017) (44)
- Invited commentary: Considerations about specificity of associations, causal pathways, and heterogeneity in multilevel thinking. (2006) (41)
- Optimizing matching and analysis combinations for estimating causal effects (2016) (39)
- Revisiting rose: comparing the benefits and costs of population-wide and targeted interventions. (2008) (37)
- Cravings as a mediator and moderator of drinking outcomes in the COMBINE study. (2013) (37)
- Predictors of firearm violence in urban communities: A machine‐learning approach (2018) (37)
- Population vulnerabilities and capacities related to health: a test of a model. (2008) (36)
- Navigating non-positivity in neighbourhood studies: an analysis of collective efficacy and violence (2012) (36)
- Gender-specific selection in utero among contemporary human birth cohorts. (2009) (33)
- Maternal Exposure to Unexpected Economic Contraction and Birth Weight for Gestational Age (2011) (32)
- Composition or Context: Using Transportability to Understand Drivers of Site Differences in a Large-scale Housing Experiment (2017) (32)
- Education inequality and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. (2004) (30)
- Education inequality and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana (2007) (29)
- Anger problems and posttraumatic stress disorder in male and female National Guard and Reserve Service members. (2014) (29)
- Relationship of self-reported asthma severity and urgent health care utilization to psychological sequelae of the September 11th attacks among New York City area residents (2003) (29)
- Alcohol Drinking Problems Among New York City Residents after the September 11 Terrorist Attacks (2006) (28)
- Drugs and firearm deaths in New York City, 1990–1998 (2002) (28)
- Mediation of Neighborhood Effects on Adolescent Substance Use by the School and Peer Environments (2018) (28)
- Racial/ethnic differences in screening for colon cancer: report from the New York Cancer Project. (2005) (26)
- The Causes, Course, and Consequences of Anger Problems in Veterans Returning to Civilian Life (2014) (26)
- Needle Exchange Programs and Experience of Violence in an Inner City Neighborhood (2001) (24)
- DNA methylation age calculators reveal association with diabetic neuropathy in type 1 diabetes (2020) (24)
- Collective efficacy, alcohol outlet density, and young men’s alcohol use in rural South Africa (2015) (23)
- More pharmacists in high-risk neighborhoods of New York City support selling syringes to injection drug users. (2002) (22)
- Targeted Estimation of the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Fluid Intelligence in a US Population Sample of Adolescents (2018) (22)
- Psychological sequelae of the September 11th attacks in Manhattan, New York City. (2002) (22)
- Village community mobilization is associated with reduced HIV incidence in young South African women participating in the HPTN 068 study cohort (2018) (21)
- Mental health status among ethnic Albanians seeking medical care in an emergency department two years after the war in Kosovo: a pilot project. (2004) (21)
- War-related psychological sequelae among emergency department patients in the former Republic of Yugoslavia (2004) (21)
- Awareness and perceptions of a communitywide mental health program in New York city after September 11. (2003) (21)
- Acute Changes in Community Violence and Increases in Hospital Visits and Deaths From Stress-responsive Diseases (2018) (20)
- Estimating Effects with Rare Outcomes and High Dimensional Covariates: Knowledge is Power (2016) (20)
- Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans’ Experiences Living with their Parents after Separation from the Military (2012) (20)
- Neighborhood education inequality and drinking behavior. (2010) (19)
- Television Watching and Mental Health in the General Population of New York City After September 11 (2004) (19)
- The roles of outlet density and norms in alcohol use disorder. (2015) (19)
- Predicting the Population Health Impacts of Community Interventions: The Case of Alcohol Outlets and Binge Drinking. (2016) (19)
- Life‐course neighbourhood opportunity and racial‐ethnic disparities in risk of preterm birth (2018) (19)
- In-State and Interstate Associations Between Gun Shows and Firearm Deaths and Injuries (2017) (19)
- Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Role of Childhood Adversities for Mental Disorders Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents (2016) (18)
- Impact of drought on crime in California: A synthetic control approach (2017) (16)
- Firearm and Nonfirearm Violence After Operation Peacemaker Fellowship in Richmond, California, 1996-2016. (2019) (16)
- Changing Patterns in Rates and Means of Suicide in California, 2005 to 2013 (2017) (16)
- A failure of resilience: estimating response of New York City's public health ecosystem to sudden disaster. (2007) (16)
- Occurrence of fatal police violence during pregnancy and hazard of preterm birth in California. (2021) (15)
- Health-related Quality of Life Among Black Sexual Minority Women. (2018) (15)
- Living in Violent Neighbourhoods is Associated with Gestational Weight Gain Outside the Recommended Range. (2017) (14)
- Health status among emergency department patients approximately one year after consecutive disasters in New York City. (2005) (14)
- Health services: #66 Access to psychiatric services in new york city following the septemer 11th terrorist attacks (2002) (14)
- Estimating the Health Effects of Macrosocial Shocks: A Collaborative Approach (2007) (14)
- Neighborhood Context and Binge Drinking by Race and Ethnicity in New York City. (2016) (13)
- Anger and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity in a Trauma-Exposed Military Population: Differences by Trauma Context and Gender. (2015) (13)
- Depression and incident HIV in adolescent girls and young women in HPTN 068: Targets for prevention and mediating factors. (2019) (12)
- Identification of Spikes in Time Series (2018) (11)
- Optimally combining propensity score subclasses (2016) (11)
- Oral β2-Agonist Use by Preschool Children with Asthma in East and Central Harlem, New York (2006) (11)
- Start With the "C-Word," Follow the Roadmap for Causal Inference. (2018) (10)
- Longitudinal relation of community-level income inequality and mortality in Costa Rica. (2011) (10)
- Exposure to community homicide during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: A within-community matched design. (2019) (10)
- Community collective efficacy is associated with reduced physical intimate partner violence (IPV) incidence in the rural province of Mpumalanga, South Africa: findings from HPTN 068 (2018) (10)
- Post-traumatic stress symptoms in the general population after a disaster: Implications for public health (2006) (9)
- Evaluating buprenorphine prescribing and opioid-related health outcomes following the expansion the buprenorphine waiver program (2021) (9)
- Self-reported increase in asthma severity following the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, Manhattan, New York-2001 (2002) (8)
- Exposure to Community Violence and Self-harm in California: A Multilevel, Population-based, Case–Control Study (2018) (8)
- Spatial Proximity to Incidents of Community Violence Is Associated with Fewer Suicides in Urban California (2016) (7)
- Injuries to Children and Adolescents by Law Enforcement: An Analysis of California Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations, 2005-2017. (2021) (7)
- Mediation of firearm violence and preterm birth by pregnancy complications and health behaviors: Addressing structural and post-exposure confounding. (2020) (6)
- Targeted Estimation of Marginal Absolute and Relative Associations in Case–Control Data: An Application in Social Epidemiology (2016) (6)
- Firearm Violence Following the Implementation of California’s Gun Violence Restraining Order Law (2022) (6)
- Associations of firearm dealer openings with firearm self-harm deaths and injuries: A differences-in-differences analysis (2021) (6)
- Multilevel Gender-Equitable Norms and Risk of HIV and Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Acquisition Among Young South African Women: A Longitudinal Analysis of the HIV Prevention Trials Network 068 Cohort. (2019) (5)
- Neighborhood-Level Drinking Norms and Alcohol Intervention Outcomes in HIV Patients Who Are Heavy Drinkers. (2016) (5)
- Military Families' Perceptions of Neighborhood Characteristics Affecting Reintegration: Development of an Aggregate Measure (2017) (5)
- Risk and Protective Factors for Difficulty Controlling Violent Behavior in National Guard and Reserve Service Members (2017) (5)
- Period and birth-cohort effects on age of first phencyclidine (PCP) use among drug users in New York City, 1960 to 2000. (2006) (5)
- Relationship between neighborhood census-tract level socioeconomic status and respiratory syncytial virus-associated hospitalizations in U.S. adults, 2015–2017 (2021) (5)
- articleMale fetal loss in the U . S . following the terrorist attacks of September 11 , 2001 (2010) (5)
- Parent/Caregiver Responses to Gender Identity Associated With HIV-Related Sexual Risk Behavior Among Young Trans Women in San Francisco. (2019) (5)
- Modeling Cash Plus Other Psychosocial and Structural Interventions to Prevent HIV Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa (HPTN 068) (2021) (5)
- Social participation and drug use in a cohort of Brazilian sex workers (2013) (4)
- Multilevel Measures of Education and Pathways to Incident Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa. (2019) (4)
- Nutrition/behavior/psychiatric (2002) (4)
- Neighborhood characteristics, trauma, and the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder in New York City (2004) (4)
- The Importance of Context: Neighborhood Drinking Norms and Heavy Drinking Among HIV Patients. (2016) (4)
- Mental and substance use disorders among legal intervention injury cases in California, 2005-2014. (2019) (4)
- Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Insights From the DCCT/EDIC Study (2018) (4)
- Urban neighborhood socioeconomic status and incidence of depression: Evidence from a population-based cohort study (2007) (4)
- Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of the Gender Equitable Men’s Scale Using a Longitudinal Cohort of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa (2021) (4)
- Population Intervention Measures to Connect Research Findings to Policy. (2016) (3)
- Association between Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Community-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection - United States, 2014-2015. (2021) (3)
- Racial and ethnic differences in associations of community violence with self-harm: a population-based case-control study. (2019) (3)
- Evaluating the Effects of Opioid Prescribing Policies on Patient Outcomes in a Safety-net Primary Care Clinic (2021) (3)
- Original Contribution Depression and Incident HIV in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in HIV Prevention Trials Network 068: Targets for Prevention and Mediating Factors (2020) (3)
- Invited commentary: how research on public school closures can inform research on public hospital closures. (2014) (3)
- Excess Google Searches for Child Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Infoveillance Approach (2022) (3)
- Preventing overdose using information and data from the environment (PROVIDENT): Protocol for a randomised, population-based, community intervention trial. (2021) (3)
- Practice of Epidemiology Identifying Predictors of Opioid Overdose Death at a Neighborhood Level With Machine Learning (2022) (3)
- Life course approach to substance use (2013) (2)
- Multiple-bias analysis as a technique to address systematic error in measures of abortion-related mortality (2016) (2)
- Using Transportability to Understand Differences in Mediation Mechanisms Across Trial Sites of a Housing Voucher Experiment (2020) (2)
- Death at an Early Age: AIDS and Related Mortality in New York City (2010) (2)
- Modeling Combination Interventions to Prevent Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa (HIV Prevention Trials Network 068). (2020) (2)
- Minimum wage policy protects against suicide in the USA (2020) (2)
- Galea and ahern respond (2007) (1)
- Cigarettes smoked among daily and non-daily smokers following CVS Health’s tobacco-free pharmacy policy (2020) (1)
- Within-community Variation in Violence and Risk of Self-harm in California: A Population-based Case-crossover Study. (2019) (1)
- For the patient. Does discrimination affect the mental health of substance abusers? (2003) (1)
- Multiple bias analysis: an application to quantify systematic error in measures of abortion related maternal mortality (2015) (1)
- 496: Urban Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Depression in a Population-Based Cohort Study (2005) (1)
- Commentary on: A Data-Based Approach to Evaluate Representation by Gender and Affiliation in Key Presentation Formats at the SER Annual Meeting. (2021) (1)
- Harnessing Google Health Trends API Data for Epidemiologic Research (2022) (1)
- California's Mental Health Services Act and Mortality Due to Suicide, Homicide, and Acute Effects of Alcohol: A Synthetic Control Application. (2021) (1)
- Ecologic vulnerabilities and capacities related to population health: a test of a model (2008) (1)
- Multiple-bias analysis as a technique to address systematic error in measures of abortion-related mortality (2016) (1)
- Invited Commentary: The Society for Epidemiologic Research's Commitment to Diversity and Equity-Pathways to Filling the Glass. (2021) (1)
- US shelter in place policies and child abuse Google search volume during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022) (1)
- #44 Changing racial/ethnic disparities in homicide mortality in nyc 1990–98 (2002) (1)
- Post-traumatic stress symptoms in the general population after a disaster. Implications for public health: Evidence from a study of the NYC metropolitan area in the aftermath of September 11 (2006) (1)
- Associations between WASH-related violence and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls and young women in South Africa (HPTN 068): a cross-sectional analysis (2022) (1)
- Washington's liquor license system and alcohol-related adverse health outcomes. (2020) (0)
- Sampson's Collective Efficacy Scales--Adapted (2016) (0)
- The Effects of Participation in an Intensive HIV Prevention Trial on Long-Term Socio-Demographic Outcomes Among Young Women in Rural South Africa (2023) (0)
- Gestational Surrogacy in the District of Columbia and Maryland (2016) (0)
- NeighborhoodCharacteristicsandChangein DepressiveSymptomsAmongOlderResidents ofNewYorkCity (2009) (0)
- Changes in Adolescent HPV Vaccination Following Incorporation Into California’s Pay-for-Performance Program (2016) (0)
- Explaining Variability in Population Health: The Role of Underlying Ecologic Vulnerabilities and Capacities (2006) (0)
- Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans’ Experiences Living with their Parents after Separation from the Military (2012) (0)
- 81 Injuries caused by law enforcement among young people: disparities and trends among California emergency department and hospital patients, 2005–2014 (2020) (0)
- The Authors Respond. (2018) (0)
- tmleCommunity: A R Package Implementing Target Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Community-level Data (2020) (0)
- Nonfatal Assault Injury Trends in California, 2005 to 2015 (2019) (0)
- Early Life Transitions Increase the Risk for HIV Infection: Using Latent Class Growth Models to Assess the Effect of Key Life Events on HIV Incidence Among Adolescent Girls in Rural South Africa (2021) (0)
- Vital Signs: Health Disparities in Hemodialysis-Associated Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections - United States, 2017-2020. (2023) (0)
- Socioeconomic factors explain racial disparities in community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aureus disease rates (2015) (0)
- Vital Signs: Health Disparities in Hemodialysis-Associated Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections — United States, 2017–2020 (2023) (0)
- Reviewer Names for 2016 (2017) (0)
- Neighborhood Social Capital and Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration: A Multilevel Survival Analysis in Brazil. (2014) (0)
- Multi-level gender equitable norms and risk of HIV and HSV-2 acquisition among young South African women: a longitudinal analysis of the HPTN 068 cohort (2019) (0)
- Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Community-based Causal Effect of Community-Level Stochastic Interventions (2020) (0)
- AlcoholOutletsandBingeDrinkinginUrban Neighborhoods:TheImplicationsofNonlinearityfor InterventionandPolicy (2013) (0)
- Associations between antidepressant use patterns during pregnancy and birth outcomes among periconception antidepressant users. (2023) (0)
- Divergence Between Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Fatal Overdose Burden: A Population-Based Statewide Study. (2022) (0)
- California’s Public Safety Realignment Act and prisoner mortality (2023) (0)
- SocialNorms,CollectiveEfficacy,andSmokingCessation inUrbanNeighborhoods (2012) (0)
- Multilevel measures of education and pathways to incident HSV-2 in adolescent girls and young women in South Africa (HPTN 068) (2019) (0)
- 482. Association between Socioeconomic Status Factors and Incidence of Community-Associated Clostridium difficile Infection Utilizing Factor Analysis—United States, 2014–2015 (2018) (0)
- Respondent- Driven Sampling to Assess Cumulative Lifetime Incidence of Abortion in Soweto, South Africa: A Methodological Assessment. (2023) (0)
- Early Life Transitions Increase the Risk for HIV Infection: (2021) (0)
- 540-S: Variability in Population Health among Vulnerable Neighborhoods: The Contribution of Individual Socioeconomic Distribution (2005) (0)
- Conducting Density-Sampled Case-Control Studies using Survey Data with Complex Sampling Designs: A Simulation Study. (2021) (0)
- Reviewer Names for 2014 (2015) (0)
- Correction to: Modeling Cash Plus Other Psychosocial and Structural Interventions to Prevent HIV Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in South Africa (HPTN 068) (2021) (0)
- Assessment of Case Fatality Rates and Overall Prevalence of Firearm Violence in California, 2005-2019 (2022) (0)
- Examining Mediators of the Relationship Between Community Mobilization and HIV Incidence Among Young South African Women Participating in the HPTN 068 Study Cohort (2021) (0)
- Associations Between Gun Shows and Firearm Deaths and Injuries (2018) (0)
- Siberian live birth sex ratios and the SPrOO hypothesis (2004) (0)
- Original Contribution Mediation of Firearm Violence and Preterm Birth by Pregnancy Complications and Health Behaviors: Addressing Structural and Postexposure Confounding (2020) (0)
- Works Title Anger and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity in a Trauma-Exposed Military Population : Differences by Trauma Context and Gender Permalink (2015) (0)
- Letter to AJPH in response to “Is educational inequality protective? A response to Galea and Ahern” by Spencer Moore, Mark Daniel, Yan Kestens. (2006) (0)
- Experiences of discrimination and the mental and physical health of drug users (2007) (0)
- The role of firearm and alcohol availability in firearm suicide: A population-based weighted case-control study (2023) (0)
- Accounting for Misclassification and Selection Bias in Estimating Effectiveness of Self-managed Medication Abortion (2022) (0)
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