Jeremy England
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American physicist, researching protein folding and self-replication
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Jeremy England's Degrees
- PhD Physics Stanford University
Why Is Jeremy England Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jeremy England is an American physicist who uses statistical physics arguments to explain the spontaneous emergence of life, and consequently, the modern synthesis of evolution. England terms this process "dissipation-driven adaptation".
Jeremy England's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Dissipation Bounds All Steady-State Current Fluctuations. (2015) (388)
- Statistical physics of self-replication. (2012) (348)
- Role of solvation effects in protein denaturation: from thermodynamics to single molecules and back. (2011) (252)
- Confinement to organelle-associated inclusion structures mediates asymmetric inheritance of aggregated protein in budding yeast. (2012) (193)
- Dissipative adaptation in driven self-assembly. (2015) (188)
- Thoroughly sampling sequence space: Large‐scale protein design of structural ensembles (2002) (121)
- Structural determinant of protein designability. (2002) (107)
- Statistical Physics of Adaptation (2014) (98)
- Natural selection of more designable folds: A mechanism for thermophilic adaptation (2003) (89)
- Chemical denaturants inhibit the onset of dewetting. (2008) (60)
- Spontaneous fine-tuning to environment in many-species chemical reaction networks (2017) (55)
- A Role for Confined Water in Chaperonin Function (2008) (46)
- Low rattling: A predictive principle for self-organization in active collectives (2020) (37)
- Minimum energetic cost to maintain a target nonequilibrium state. (2017) (37)
- Measurement of Rapid Protein Diffusion in the Cytoplasm by Photo-Converted Intensity Profile Expansion (2017) (35)
- Morphogen gradient from a noisy source. (2005) (35)
- Allostery in protein domains reflects a balance of steric and hydrophobic effects. (2011) (34)
- Self-Organized Resonance during Search of a Diverse Chemical Space. (2017) (33)
- Potential for modulation of the hydrophobic effect inside chaperonins. (2008) (27)
- Limits of predictions in thermodynamic systems: a review (2017) (27)
- Theory for an order-driven disruption of the liquid state in water. (2008) (24)
- Rattling the cage: computational models of chaperonin-mediated protein folding. (2008) (24)
- Polyglutamine shows a urea‐like affinity for unfolded cytosolic protein (2011) (19)
- Nonequilibrium associative retrieval of multiple stored self-assembly targets (2018) (16)
- Quantitative theory of hydrophobic effect as a driving force of protein structure (2014) (16)
- Drive-specific adaptation in disordered mechanical networks of bistable springs (2019) (13)
- Charge, hydrophobicity, and confined water: putting past simulations into a simple theoretical framework. (2010) (12)
- Inside the chaperonin toolbox: theoretical and computational models for chaperonin mechanism (2009) (12)
- To fold or expand—a charged question (2010) (9)
- Structural Basis for Modulation of Quality Control Fate in a Marginally Stable Protein (2015) (8)
- Design of conditions for self-replication. (2017) (7)
- Stabilization and Release Effects of Pluronic F 127 in Protein Drug Delivery (1999) (7)
- Least-rattling feedback from strong time-scale separation. (2017) (7)
- Learning about learning by many-body systems (2020) (6)
- Self-organized novelty detection in driven spin glasses (2019) (6)
- Far-from-equilibrium distribution from near-steady-state work fluctuations. (2015) (5)
- Every Life Is on Fire: How Thermodynamics Explains the Origins of Living Things (2022) (2)
- Active regeneration unites high- and low-temperature features in cooperative self-assembly. (2018) (2)
- An Exact Model of Fluctuations in Gene Expression (2004) (2)
- Thermodynamic Expression for Nonequilibrium Steady-State Distribution of Macroscopic Observables (2015) (2)
- Quantifying many-body learning far from equilibrium with representation learning (2020) (1)
- of structural ensembles Thoroughly sampling sequence space : Large-scale protein design (2002) (1)
- Speed, strength and dissipation in biological self-assembly (2017) (1)
- Limits of Predictions in Thermodynamic Systems (2017) (1)
- Machine learning outperforms thermodynamics in measuring how well a many-body system learns a drive (2021) (1)
- Learning about learning about many-body physics (2021) (0)
- Dynamical fine-tuning to external forcing in disordered networks of bistable springs (2019) (0)
- Physico-chemical conditions for self-replication (2017) (0)
- Hot Wired (2020) (0)
- Entropy and Irreversible Change: The Thermodynamics of Evolutionary Adaptation [Video] (2016) (0)
- GNisi: A graph network for reconstructing Ising models from multivariate binarized data (2021) (0)
- Principle of Least Rattling from Strong Time-scale Separation (2017) (0)
- Self-organization in robot swarms and beyond (2019) (0)
- Self-organized computation in the far-from-equilibrium cell (2023) (0)
- Quantifying statistical mechanical learning in a many-body system with machine learning (2020) (0)
- Sufficient physical conditions for self-replication (2017) (0)
- Nonequilibrium speed-up of multi-target self-assembly (2018) (0)
- Theory and simulation of explicit solvent effects on protein folding in vitro and in vivo (2009) (0)
- Simple Causal Relationships in Gene Expression Discovered through Deep Learned Collective Variables (2023) (0)
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