Jessica Vitak
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American information scientist
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Jessica Vitak's Degrees
- PhD Information Studies University of Maryland, College Park
- Masters Communication University of Maryland, College Park
- Bachelors Communication University of California, Santa Barbara
Why Is Jessica Vitak Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jessica Vitak is an American information scientist who is an associate professor at the University of Maryland. She is faculty in the University of Maryland College of Information Studies and Communication Department. She serves as Director of the University of Maryland Human–Computer Interaction Lab and an Associate Member of the Social Data Science Center .
Jessica Vitak's Published Works
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Published Works
- Cultivating Social Resources on Social Network Sites: Facebook Relationship Maintenance Behaviors and Their Role in Social Capital Processes (2014) (733)
- It's Complicated: Facebook Users' Political Participation in the 2008 Election (2011) (568)
- Teens, Video Games, and Civics: Teens' Gaming Experiences Are Diverse and Include Significant Social Interaction and Civic Engagement. (2008) (543)
- Explicating Affordances: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Affordances in Communication Research (2017) (495)
- The Impact of Context Collapse and Privacy on Social Network Site Disclosures (2012) (485)
- Student use of Facebook for organizing collaborative classroom activities (2011) (349)
- Personal Internet use at work: Understanding cyberslacking (2011) (308)
- Norm evolution and violation on Facebook (2012) (267)
- Negotiating Privacy Concerns and Social Capital Needs in a Social Media Environment (2011) (257)
- ‘There’s a network out there you might as well tap’: Exploring the benefits of and barriers to exchanging informational and support-based resources on Facebook (2013) (245)
- Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence (2013) (180)
- Social Network Site Affordances and Their Relationship to Social Capital Processes (2015) (175)
- "You can't block people offline": examining how facebook's affordances shape the disclosure process (2014) (164)
- The Ties That Bond: Re-Examining the Relationship between Facebook Use and Bonding Social Capital (2011) (157)
- Beyond the Belmont Principles: Ethical Challenges, Practices, and Beliefs in the Online Data Research Community (2016) (156)
- Digital footprints: online identity management and search in the age of transparency (2007) (154)
- Perceptions of facebook's value as an information source (2012) (153)
- Organizational Media Affordances: Operationalization and Associations with Media Use (2017) (125)
- Privacy in Interaction: Exploring Disclosure and Social Capital in Facebook (2012) (120)
- Online Social Network Sites and the Concept of Social Capital (2013) (113)
- Designing Cyberbullying Mitigation and Prevention Solutions through Participatory Design With Teenagers (2016) (111)
- The "S" in Social Network Games: Initiating, Maintaining, and Enhancing Relationships (2011) (110)
- It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens (2014) (110)
- Identifying Women's Experiences With and Strategies for Mitigating Negative Effects of Online Harassment (2017) (107)
- Balancing Audience and Privacy Tensions on Social Network Sites: Strategies of Highly Engaged Users (2015) (90)
- Assessing structural correlates to social capital in Facebook ego networks (2014) (88)
- "Why won't you be my Facebook friend?": strategies for managing context collapse in the workplace (2012) (86)
- Who wants to know?: question-asking and answering practices among facebook users (2013) (85)
- 'No Telling Passcodes Out Because They're Private' (2017) (84)
- Calling All Facebook Friends: Exploring Requests for Help on Facebook (2013) (73)
- Understanding the Role of Privacy and Trust in Intelligent Personal Assistant Adoption (2019) (71)
- Users and nonusers: interactions between levels of adoption and social capital (2013) (65)
- Ethics Regulation in Social Computing Research: Examining the Role of Institutional Review Boards (2017) (60)
- Americans' willingness to adopt a COVID-19 tracking app The role of app distributor (2020) (50)
- Characterizing the Use of Browser-Based Blocking Extensions To Prevent Online Tracking (2018) (48)
- Performing honor online: The affordances of social media for surveillance and impression management in an honor culture (2016) (46)
- Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections (2014) (43)
- A contextual approach to information privacy research (2020) (42)
- Privacy Attitudes and Data Valuation Among Fitness Tracker Users (2018) (39)
- Co-designing online privacy-related games and stories with children (2018) (38)
- Coordinating the ordinary: social information uses of Facebook by adults (2011) (37)
- The valuation of privacy premium features for smartphone apps: The influence of defaults and expert recommendations (2017) (33)
- More Than Just Privacy: Using Contextual Integrity to Evaluate the Long-Term Risks from COVID-19 Surveillance Technologies (2020) (33)
- Privacy and Security Considerations For Digital Technology Use in Elementary Schools (2019) (33)
- Strength of Social Cues in Online Impression Formation (2013) (32)
- Users and Nonusers : Interactions between Levels of Facebook Adoption and Social Capital (2012) (31)
- ‘There’s nothing really they can do with this information’: unpacking how users manage privacy boundaries for personal fitness information (2018) (27)
- Unpacking Social Media’s Role in Resource Provision: Variations across Relational and Communicative Properties (2014) (26)
- 'I Knew It Was Too Good to Be True" (2018) (26)
- Facebook "Friends": How Online Identities Impact Offline Relationships (2008) (24)
- Securing the human: Employee security vulnerability risk in organizational settings (2017) (24)
- Bridging the Gap between Privacy by Design and Privacy in Practice (2016) (23)
- Open Science, Closed Doors? Countering Marginalization through an Agenda for Ethical, Inclusive Research in Communication (2021) (22)
- Privacy at the Margins| Socially Mediated Visibility: Friendship and Dissent in Authoritarian Azerbaijan (2018) (22)
- "With Your Help... We Begin to Heal": Social Media Expressions of Gratitude in the Aftermath of Disaster (2016) (20)
- Balancing Privacy Concerns and Impression Management Strategies on Facebook (2015) (19)
- The Future of Networked Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities (2015) (18)
- Intelligent Personal Assistants and the Intercultural Negotiations of Dataveillance in Platformed Households (2019) (18)
- Factors Motivating Customization and Echo Chamber Creation Within Digital News Environments (2019) (18)
- Facebook as a Research Tool in the Social and Computer Sciences (2016) (15)
- "You Don't Have To Know My Past": How WeChat Moments Users Manage Their Evolving Self-Presentation (2020) (15)
- The Platformization of the Classroom: Teachers as Surveillant Consumers (2019) (14)
- Women’s Responses to Online Harassment (2020) (13)
- In Whose Best Interest?: Exploring the Real, Potential, and Imagined Ethical Concerns in Privacy-Focused Agenda (2017) (12)
- Excavating awareness and power in data science: A manifesto for trustworthy pervasive data research (2021) (12)
- 'There's a Network Out There You Might as Well Tap': Social Support and Information-Sharing on Facebook by Adult Users (2010) (12)
- Beyond Cyberbullying: Self-Disclosure, Harm and Social Support on ASKfm (2017) (12)
- Measuring Americans’ Comfort With Research Uses of Their Social Media Data (2021) (11)
- Grieving in the 21st Century: Social Media's Role in Facilitating Supportive Exchanges Following Community-Level Traumatic Events (2016) (9)
- Strengthening Children’s Privacy Literacy through Contextual Integrity (2020) (9)
- Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Social Media to Grieve Following the Loss of Pet (2017) (9)
- Academic Caregivers on Organizational and Community Resilience in Academia (Fuck Individual Resilience) (2021) (8)
- Online Identity Construction and Expectation of Future Interaction (2011) (7)
- Librarians as Information Intermediaries: Navigating Tensions Between Being Helpful and Being Liable (2018) (7)
- Korean mothers' KakaoStory use and its relationship to psychological well-being (2015) (6)
- Designing for Data Awareness: Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns About “Smart” Technologies (2021) (4)
- Truly Problematic or Merely Habitual? An Integrated Model of the Negative Consequences of Social Networking (2010) (4)
- Scholarship on well-being and social media: A sociotechnical perspective. (2022) (4)
- Qualitative approaches to cybersecurity research (2016) (4)
- Leveraging funds of knowledge to manage privacy practices in families (2019) (4)
- THIS뀀ȠCOPY뀀ȠIS뀀ȠFOR뀀ȠRESEARCH뀀ȠAND뀀ȠEDUCATIONAL뀀ȠPURPOSES뀀ȠONLY뀀Ƞ 뀀Ƞ Examining social adjustment to college in the age of social media: Factors influencing successful transitions and persistence Computers & Education Volume 67 (2013), 193-207 (2013) (4)
- A Digital Path to Happiness (2016) (4)
- Privacy in Adolescence (2022) (3)
- Creating a Library Privacy Policy by Focusing on Patron Interactions (2020) (3)
- A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words, But Friendships Matter More: Applying Warranting Theory to Facebook (2011) (3)
- Editorial introduction: "Information privacy in the digital age" (2020) (3)
- "Our Hearts Go Out": Social Support and Gratitude after Disaster (2016) (3)
- Research Ethics in HCI: A SIGCHI Community Discussion (2022) (3)
- Harnessing Social Technology in Students’ Transition to College: Facebook’s Role in Student Adjustment and Persistence (2012) (2)
- Communicating Information Needs on Facebook (Also Featured in Virtual Conference) (2012) (2)
- "Finsta gets all my bad pictures": Instagram Users' Self-Presentation Across Finsta and Rinsta Accounts (2022) (2)
- Social Adjustment to College Scale (2014) (1)
- Human-Centered Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Current & Future Trends (2023) (1)
- Happiness and Fear (2020) (1)
- Power, Stress, and Uncertainty: Experiences with and Attitudes toward Workplace Surveillance During a Pandemic (2023) (0)
- Privacy and Disclosure in a Social Networking Community (2014) (0)
- Beyond the #justice hashtags: Understanding digital participation after police-involved Deaths (2020) (0)
- When research is the context: Cross-platform user expectations for social media data reuse (2023) (0)
- Theory and the social nature of information (2013) (0)
- Calling All Facebook Friends: Exploring Broadcasted Mobilization Requests on Facebook (2013) (0)
- Privacy Interventions and Education (PIE): Encouraging Privacy Protective Behavioral Change Online (2023) (0)
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