John J. Donohue III
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Why Is John J. Donohue III Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, John J. Donohue III is an American law professor, economist, and the C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professor of Law at Stanford Law School. He is widely known for his writings on effect of legalized abortion on crime and for his criticism of John Lott's book More Guns, Less Crime.
John J. Donohue III's Published Works
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Published Works
- Continuous Versus Episodic Change: The Impact of Civil Rights Policy on the Economic Status of Blacks (1991) (516)
- Shooting Down the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis (2002) (218)
- The Changing Nature of Employment Discrimination Litigation (1991) (176)
- Measurement Error, Legalized Abortion, and the Decline in Crime: A Response to Foote and Goetz (2005) (2006) (125)
- Right‐To‐Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State‐Level Synthetic Control Analysis (2017) (107)
- Collaborative evaluation in North America: Evaluators' self-reported opinions, practices and consequences (1996) (105)
- The Employment Consequences of Wrongful-Discharge Laws: Large, Small, or None at All? (2004) (102)
- The Selection of Employment Discrimination Disputes for Litigation: Using Business Cycle Effects to Test the Priest-Klein Hypothesis (1995) (83)
- Studying the Iceberg from Its Tip: A Comparison of Published and Unpublished Employment Discrimination Cases (1990) (79)
- The Schooling of Southern Blacks: The Roles of Legal Activism and Private Philanthropy, 1910-1960 (2000) (72)
- Islam in transition : Muslim perspectives (1982) (67)
- Guns, Violence, and the Efficiency of Illegal Markets (1998) (66)
- Legalized Abortion and Crime (1999) (65)
- The Latest Misfires in Support of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis (2003) (57)
- Estimating the Impact of the Death Penalty on Murder (2009) (56)
- Assessing the Relative Benefits of Incarceration: The Overall Change Over the Previous Decades and the Benefits on the Margin (2009) (54)
- The Impact of Right to Carry Laws and the NRC Report: The Latest Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy (2011) (50)
- The Impact of Damage Caps on Malpractice Claims: Randomization Inference with Difference-in-Differences (2007) (47)
- Nondiscretionary concealed weapons law: a case study of statistics, standards of proof, and public policy (1999) (47)
- Ionic interactions in electroactive self-assembled monolayers of ferrocene species (1991) (46)
- The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Teen Childbearing (2009) (44)
- The Death Penalty: No Evidence for Deterrence (2006) (44)
- More Guns, Less Crime Fails Again: The Latest Evidence from 1977 – 2006 (2009) (41)
- Adsorption and micellization influence the electrochemistry of redox surfactants derived from ferrocene (1989) (37)
- Guns, Crime, and the Impact of State Right-to-Carry Laws (2004) (36)
- Opting for the British Rule: Or, If Posner and Shavell Can't Remember the Coase Theorem, Who Will? (1991) (35)
- The Impact of Concealed-Carry Laws (2003) (34)
- The Buwayhid Dynasty in Iraq 334h./945 to 403h./1012: Shaping Institutions for the Future (2003) (33)
- Right-to-Carry Laws and Violent Crime: A Comprehensive Assessment Using Panel Data and a State-Level Synthetic Controls Analysis (2017) (32)
- Understanding the Time Path of Crime (1998) (32)
- Did Miranda Diminish Police Effectiveness (1998) (32)
- Warrior Dreams: The Martial Arts and the American Imagination (1994) (31)
- Rethinking America's Illegal Drug Policy (2011) (30)
- Employment Discrimination Law in Perspective: Three Concepts of Equality (1994) (30)
- The Final Bullet in the Body of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis (2003) (25)
- The Final Bullet in the Body of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis (2003) (25)
- The Effects of Fee Shifting on the Settlement Rate: Theoretical Observations on Costs, Conflicts and Contingency Fees (1991) (25)
- The Law and Economics of Antidiscrimination Law (2005) (25)
- Is Title VII Efficient (1986) (24)
- Structural characterization of sialylated tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides with blood group H and Le(x) activity isolated from bovine submaxillary mucin. (1990) (23)
- Economic Models of Crime and Punishment (2007) (22)
- Prohibiting Sex Discrimination in the Workplace: An Economic Perspective (1989) (22)
- Diverting the Coasean River: Incentive Schemes to Reduce Unemployment Spells (1989) (22)
- The Evolution of Employment Discrimination Law in the 1990s: A Preliminary Empirical Investigation (2005) (22)
- The Impact of Race on Policing, Arrest Patterns, and Crime (1998) (20)
- The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime Over the Last Two Decades (2019) (20)
- An Empirical Evaluation of the Connecticut Death Penalty System Since 1973: Are There Unlawful Racial, Gender, and Geographic Disparities? (2014) (20)
- Further Evidence that Legalized Abortion Lowered Crime (2004) (19)
- Determinants of job turnover of young men and women in the United States: a hazard rate analysis. (1988) (18)
- Advocacy Versus Analysis in Assessing Employment Discrimination Law (1992) (17)
- Assessing Post‐ADA Employment: Some Econometric Evidence and Policy Considerations (2011) (17)
- Law and Macroeconomics: Employment Discrimination Litigation Over the Business Cycle (1993) (17)
- A Mass-balance nitrate model for predicting the effects of land use on ground-water quality in municipal wellhead-protection areas (1990) (17)
- Further Thoughts on Employment Discrimination Legislation: A Reply to Judge Posner (1987) (17)
- Foundations of Employment Discrimination Law (1997) (16)
- Law and Economics: The Road Not Taken (1988) (16)
- Saving lives by regulating guns: Evidence for policy (2017) (15)
- Discrimination in Employment (1998) (14)
- Do Police Reduce Crime? A Reexamination of a Natural Experiment (2013) (14)
- Yet Another Refutation of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis—With Some Help From Moody and Marvell (2009) (13)
- Mass-balance model for predicting nitrate in ground water (1990) (12)
- Why We Should Discount the Views of Those Who Discount Discounting (1999) (11)
- Comey, Trump, and the Puzzling Pattern of Crime in 2015 and Beyond (2017) (11)
- The forge of the spirit : ritual, motion, and meaning in the Japanese martial tradition (1988) (11)
- Firearms on College Campuses: Research Evidence and Policy Implications (2016) (11)
- The Law & Economics of Tort Law: The Profound Revolution (1989) (11)
- The impact of the death penalty on murder (2009) (11)
- A Clarification on Data Availability (2003) (9)
- Re-Evaluating Federal Civil Rights Policy (1991) (8)
- New Evidence in the 'More Guns, Less Crime' Debate: A Synthetic Controls Approach (2012) (7)
- The Search for Truth: In Appreciation of James J. Heckman (2001) (7)
- Empirical Evaluation of Law: The Dream and the Nightmare (2015) (7)
- The Effect of Joint and Several Liability on the Settlement Rate--Mathematical Symmetries and Metaissues about Rational Litigant Behavior: Comment on Kornhauser and Revesz (1994) (7)
- Posner's Symphony No. 3: Thinking About the Unthinkable (1987) (6)
- Herding the ox : the martial arts as moral metaphor (1998) (6)
- Laws Facilitating Gun Carrying and Homicide. (2017) (5)
- A practical organizational efficiency measure (2016) (5)
- Clinton and Bush's Report Cards on Crime Reduction: The Data Show Bush Policies Are Undermining Clinton Gains (2004) (5)
- New sample introduction technique for mass spectrometer (1970) (5)
- Testing the Immunity of the Firearm Industry to Tort Litigation (2017) (4)
- Social Action, Private Choice, and Philanthropy: Understanding the Sources of Improvements in Black Schooling in Georgia, 1911-1960 (1998) (4)
- Understanding the Reasons for and Impact of Legislatively Mandated Benefits for Selected Workers (2001) (4)
- Rethinking the progressive agenda: The reform of the American regulatory state, by Susan Rose-Ackerman. New York: The Free Press, 1992, 301 pp. Price: $24.95 cloth (1994) (4)
- Collaborative Evaluation in North America: Evaluators' Self-reported Opinions, Practices and Consequences1 (1996) (4)
- More Guns, More Unintended Consequences: The Effects of Right-to-Carry on Criminal Behavior and Policing in Us Cities (2022) (3)
- Jury Nullification in Modified Comparative Negligence Regimes (2011) (3)
- Collaborative Evaluation: Survey of Practice in North America. (1995) (3)
- Tengu: The Mountain Goblin (2008) (3)
- Empirical Analysis and the Fate of Capital Punishment (2016) (3)
- Letter: A Reply to Rubin on the Death Penalty (2006) (2)
- Introduction to the Death Penalty Symposium (2009) (2)
- More Gun Carrying, More Violent Crime (2018) (2)
- RTC Laws Increase Violent Crime: Moody and Marvell Have Missed the Target (2019) (2)
- Does Terrorism Increase Crime? A Cautionary Tale (2005) (2)
- Some Thoughts on Law and Economics and the Theory of Second Best (1998) (2)
- Employment Discrimination: Law and Theory (2009) (2)
- Fighting Crime: An Economists View (2005) (2)
- Drug Prohibition and Its Alternatives (2013) (2)
- What can be done to stem gun violence (2013) (2)
- Faith, power, and violence : muslims and christians in a plural society, past and present (1998) (2)
- The dimensions of discipleship: Organizational paradigm, mystical transmission, vested interest and identity in the Japanese martial arts (1991) (2)
- The New Option Offense for Winning Basketball (1988) (2)
- Economics of Labor and Employment Law (2007) (2)
- Chapter 18 Antidiscrimination Law (2007) (2)
- Strategic Human Resource Planning - Theory and Methods: Scenario-Based Planning Approaches (2004) (2)
- Stanford Law School John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics (1998) (1)
- Nondiscretionary Concealed Weapons Laws: A Case Study of Statistics, Standards of Proof, and Public Policy Reviewing: (2001) (1)
- A Continuous-Time Stochastic Model of Job Mobility: A Comparison of Male-Femals Hazard Rates of Young Workers (1986) (1)
- Kaho: Cultural Meaning and Educational Method in Kata Training (2012) (1)
- There's no evidence that death penalty is a deterrent against crime (2015) (1)
- How US Gun Control Compares to the Rest of the World (2015) (1)
- The Swerve to “Guns Everywhere”: A Legal and Empirical Evaluation (2020) (1)
- A reply to Rubin on the death penalty (2006) (1)
- Understanding the 1990s Crime Drops in the U.S. and Canada (2007) (1)
- More About Pupil-Managed Classes (1961) (1)
- When will America wake up to gun violence (2012) (1)
- Study Shows Scales Of Justice Askew When It Comes To Death Penalty (2012) (1)
- Using Market Incentives to Promote Auto Occupant Safety (1989) (1)
- Rethinking Equality in the Global Society (1997) (1)
- A Panel-Based Proxy for Gun Prevalence in the Us (2019) (1)
- Reply to Professors Ellickson and Stigler (1989) (1)
- Regulating Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Magazines for Ammunition. (2022) (1)
- Impact of descriptive versus evaluative constructive feedback on public speakers' performance self-efficacy. (2001) (1)
- Introduction: When the Death Penalty Goes Public (2019) (1)
- A Comparison of Male-Female Hazard Rates of Young Workers, 1968-1971 (1986) (1)
- Man with a Pan: Culinary Adventures of Fathers Who Cook for Their Families (2011) (1)
- Mistranslations of God: fundamentalism in the twenty-first century 1 (2004) (1)
- Increasing Murders but Overall Lower Crime Suggests a Growing Gun Problem. (2022) (1)
- Outlier Nation: Homicides, Incarceration, Guns and Gun Culture (2013) (1)
- Book Review - Forbidden Grounds: The case against employment discrimination law (1993) (0)
- Reflections on the Newtown Shooting One Year Later (2013) (0)
- Discernment and Truth by Mark A. McIntosh (2005) (0)
- Book Review of The Great American Decline (2007) (0)
- Improved notation controller (1979) (0)
- Glossip v. Gross: Examining Death Penalty Data for Clarity (2015) (0)
- Stable dental care products for prevention of plaque (1987) (0)
- The Discretion of Judges and Corporate Executives: An Insider's View of the Disney Case (2006) (0)
- The Legal Response to Discrimination: Does Law Matter? (2011) (0)
- Substance vs. Sideshows in the More Guns, Less Crime Debate: A Comment on Moody, Lott, and Marvell (2013) (0)
- Remarks on a suggestion by Lee (1971) (0)
- Laws Facilitating Gun Carrying and Homicide - Do files -- (2019) (0)
- Laws Facilitating Gun Carrying and Homicide: Code (2017) (0)
- Based on these Minnesota cases, Barzelay provides a thoughtful, balanced, and modest discussion of generalizations. He sees creating appropriate types (2016) (0)
- Testimony in Support of Connecticut Senate Bill 1035 and House Bill 6425, Abolishing the Death Penalty (2011) (2011) (0)
- Regulating Guns: Smart Laws & Dumb Laws (2015) (0)
- Can Guns, or Gun Violence, Be Controlled? (2002) (0)
- The Effects of Joint and Several Liability on Settlement Rates: Mathematical Symmetries and Meta-Issues in the Analusis of Rational Litigant Behavior (1994) (0)
- Improved gun buyer background checks would impede some mass shootings, Stanford expert says.pdf (2015) (0)
- The Politics of Judicial Opposition (2010) (0)
- Law Professor Amicus Brief on Negligent Entrustment of AR-15 in Sandy Hook Case (2017) (0)
- Another Mass Shooting: An Update on U.S. Gun Laws (2018) (0)
- From the SelectedWorks of John Donohue June , 1998 Discrimination in Employment (2016) (0)
- Hazard Rates of Young Male and Female Workers--Recent Developments (Working Paper #51) (1986) (0)
- Faculty on Point: Professor John Donohue III on Guns and Crime (2015) (0)
- Studying Labor Market Institutions in the Lab: Minimum Wages, Employment Protection, and Workfare. Comment (2007) (0)
- Executive Compensation (1999) (0)
- Florida School Shooting: Gun Legislation, Mental Health, and Prevention (2018) (0)
- Some Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice Policy (2019) (0)
- Drones, Guns, Race & Superheroines (2014) (0)
- Regulating Guns: Smart Laws & Dumb Laws (Part 2) (2015) (0)
- Be skeptical about claims of benefits of concealed carry permits (2016) (0)
- For truth and justice : Martyrdom in the three religious traditions (1998) (0)
- More Guns, Less Crime Fails Again: The Latest Evidence from 1977 â•fi 2006 (2009) (0)
- Bloomberg Law: Juvenile Convicts Get Their Day in Court (Audio) (2016) (0)
- Brief of Amici Curiae Economists and Professors of Law and Economics in Support of Respondents (2018) (0)
- Ovitz Performance In Disney Role Is Faulted at Trial (2004) (0)
- Is widespread gun ownership worth the price of more violence (2015) (0)
- The Evolution of Employment Discrimination Law in the 1990s: An Empirical Examination (2005) (0)
- 8-1-2005 Does Terrorism Increase Crime ? A Cautionary Tale (2013) (0)
- Strategic HR Planning - Theory and Methods: A Primer on Strategic Human Resource Planning in the CF (2004) (0)
- Stable antiplate toothpaste composition (1987) (0)
- Review of the Road to Abolition (2009) (0)
- Finding the Way Home, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria, Video (17 minutes), 2001 (2001) (0)
- Murder in Decline in the 1990s: Why the U.S. and N.Y.C. Were Not That Special," Book Review of Frank Zimring's (2008) (0)
- Donohue Senate Testimony on Job Corps 1994 (1994) (0)
- Books in Review- Can Gun Control Work (2002) (0)
- Bloomberg Law: Gun Bans go to Washington After Tragedy (Audio) (2016) (0)
- Gun Lunacy Rides High in America (2013) (0)
- It's Going to Take More Than Background Checks and AR-15 Bans to Stop Mass Shootings (2018) (0)
- The Death Penalty (2013) (0)
- Session 1: Use of Statistics in Death Penalty Litigation (2016) (0)
- More Guns Less Crime Thesis (2012) (0)
- Security, Democracy and Restraint (2006) (0)
- Organizing Thinking about Organizations (1999) (0)
- Gun Policy Debate (2014) (0)
- Interview with John Donohue on Gun Violence, Korean Radio, June 21, 2017 (2017) (0)
- John J. Donohue was on Morning Bloomberg Law Brief to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling in Abramski v. United States, which upholds the ban on firearm straw purchasers. (2014) (0)
- Law and Economics of Discrimination (2014) (0)
- Some Thoughts on Affirmative Action (1998) (0)
- Book Review - When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment (2010) (0)
- Expert Witness Says Disney Had Cause to Fire President (2004) (0)
- A panel-based proxy for gun prevalence in US and Mexico (2022) (0)
- No TitleWhat Concealed-Carry Gun Laws Mean for Individual Freedom and Public Safety (2016) (0)
- Acknowledgement of Reviewers 2012 (2014) (0)
- John Donohue, When Social Sciences Save Lives (2012) (0)
- Time To Kill The Death Penalty (2012) (0)
- Anti-Discrimination Law (2008) (0)
- The Demise of the Death Penalty in Connecticut (2016) (0)
- Capital Punishment Does Not Deter Homicides (2015) (0)
- YLS Students Play Role in Connecticut’s Decision to Repeal Death Penalty (2012) (0)
- Disney had good reason to fire Ovitz (2004) (0)
- A Noteon theTheoryandPracticeofIslamic Banking (1998) (0)
- Replication Files for JELS RTC paper (2019) (0)
- Ban guns, end shootings? How evidence stacks up around the world (2015) (0)
- Data and do files for JELS RTC paper (2019) (0)
- Ideology and economy in upland Southeast Asia: A Reappraisal of Political Systems of Highland Burma * (1984) (0)
- The 10-day waiting period is reasonable (2014) (0)
- 4 Gun Control Steps U.S. Needs Now (2016) (0)
- Reducing civilian firepower would boost police and community safety, Stanford expert says (2016) (0)
- Budo Mind and Body: Training Secrets of the Japanese Martial Arts (2012) (0)
- Estimating the Effect of U.S. Concealed Carry Laws on Homicide: A Replication and Sensitivity Analysis (2022) (0)
- Book Review: Sharafuddin Maneri. The Hundred Letters (1981) (0)
- Why the NRA fights background checks (2013) (0)
- Room for Debate Forum on the More Guns, Less Crime Isssue (2011) (0)
- Assault on a queen : film (1966) (0)
- Better Laws Might Have Helped in Tucson (2011) (0)
- The Knicks Boldly Go Where Companies Have Not (2006) (0)
- Rethink the "War on Drugs" (2007) (0)
- Introduction to Advanced Systems Monitor (1973) (0)
- The Heat: US gun violence (2018) (0)
- Book review: Charles Ogletree and Austin Sarat (eds), The Road to Abolition? The Future of Capital Punishment in the United States, NYU Press: New York, 2009; 374 pp.: 139780814762172 (2011) (0)
- The Overlook martial arts reader : an anthology of historical and philosophical writings (1989) (0)
- Toothpaste composition with a content of peroxydiphosphate (1983) (0)
- Bloomberg Law: Appeals Court Reviews MD Gun Law (Audio) (2016) (0)
- Catheters, in particular balloon catheter, and plastic mass to its manufacturing (1978) (0)
- Analyzing Death - Race and Bias in Capital Punishment (2015) (0)
- Why 'Y' Radio Address: Gun Laws After Tucson Shootings (2011) (0)
- Book review: The great American decline, Franklin E. Zimring. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. 257 pp. (including index). US$29.95. ISBN 0—19—518115—8 (2008) (0)
- Posner's Third Symphony: Thinking about the Unthinkable (1987) (0)
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