Jonathan Katz
American cryptographer
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Computer Science Mathematics
Jonathan Katz 's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Columbia University
- Masters Computer Science Columbia University
- Bachelors Mathematics University of Maryland, College Park
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Why Is Jonathan Katz Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jonathan Katz is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland who conducts research on cryptography and cybersecurity. In 2019–2020 he was a faculty member in the Volgenau School of Engineering at George Mason University, where he held the title of Eminent Scholar in Cybersecurity. In 2013–2019 he was director of the Maryland Cybersecurity Center at the University of Maryland.
Jonathan Katz 's Published Works
Published Works
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography (2007) (2166)
- Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctions, Polynomial Equations, and Inner Products (2008) (1166)
- A pairwise key predistribution scheme for wireless sensor networks (2005) (1131)
- Chosen-Ciphertext Security from Identity-Based Encryption (2004) (1099)
- A Forward-Secure Public-Key Encryption Scheme (2003) (888)
- Faster Secure Two-Party Computation Using Garbled Circuits (2011) (631)
- Scalable Protocols for Authenticated Group Key Exchange (2003) (528)
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography (Chapman & Hall/Crc Cryptography and Network Security Series) (2007) (518)
- Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Using Human-Memorable Passwords (2001) (439)
- Key-Insulated Public Key Cryptosystems (2002) (400)
- Proofs of Storage from Homomorphic Identification Protocols (2009) (391)
- Ring Signatures: Stronger Definitions, and Constructions without Random Oracles (2006) (371)
- Toward secure key distribution in truly ad-hoc networks (2003) (359)
- Private Set Intersection: Are Garbled Circuits Better than Custom Protocols? (2012) (356)
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Second Edition (2014) (355)
- Introduction to Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols (2007) (355)
- All Your Queries Are Belong to Us: The Power of File-Injection Attacks on Searchable Encryption (2016) (333)
- Signing a Linear Subspace: Signature Schemes for Network Coding (2009) (332)
- Permacoin: Repurposing Bitcoin Work for Data Preservation (2014) (289)
- Improved Efficiency for CCA-Secure Cryptosystems Built Using Identity-Based Encryption (2005) (280)
- Efficiency improvements for signature schemes with tight security reductions (2003) (267)
- Strong Key-Insulated Signature Schemes (2003) (264)
- Signature Schemes with Bounded Leakage Resilience (2009) (257)
- Secure Remote Authentication Using Biometric Data (2005) (255)
- Universally Composable Password-Based Key Exchange (2005) (244)
- Parallel and Concurrent Security of the HB and HB+ Protocols (2006) (240)
- Universally Composable Multi-party Computation Using Tamper-Proof Hardware (2007) (231)
- A Group Signature Scheme from Lattice Assumptions (2010) (230)
- Overcoming the Hole in the Bucket: Public-Key Cryptography Resilient to Continual Memory Leakage (2010) (222)
- Robust Fuzzy Extractors and Authenticated Key Agreement From Close Secrets (2006) (217)
- Rational Secret Sharing, Revisited (2006) (199)
- On expected constant-round protocols for Byzantine agreement (2006) (197)
- Modeling insider attacks on group key-exchange protocols (2005) (195)
- Unforgeable Encryption and Chosen Ciphertext Secure Modes of Operation (2000) (186)
- Round-Optimal Secure Two-Party Computation (2004) (185)
- Efficient Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification (2011) (183)
- Secure Network Coding Over the Integers (2010) (174)
- Secure two-party computation in sublinear (amortized) time (2012) (169)
- Round-Optimal Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (2011) (164)
- Chosen-Ciphertext Security of Multiple Encryption (2005) (158)
- Aggregate Message Authentication Codes (2008) (150)
- Universally Composable Synchronous Computation (2013) (149)
- Bridging Game Theory and Cryptography: Recent Results and Future Directions (2008) (143)
- Improved Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge with Applications to Post-Quantum Signatures (2018) (142)
- Authenticated Garbling and Efficient Maliciously Secure Two-Party Computation (2017) (140)
- Efficient Secure Computation with Garbled Circuits (2011) (137)
- Nonoutsourceable Scratch-Off Puzzles to Discourage Bitcoin Mining Coalitions (2015) (137)
- Global-Scale Secure Multiparty Computation (2017) (135)
- Complete Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation (2011) (130)
- Efficient Rational Secret Sharing in Standard Communication Networks (2010) (126)
- Efficient and Non-interactive Non-malleable Commitment (2001) (121)
- vSQL: Verifying Arbitrary SQL Queries over Dynamic Outsourced Databases (2017) (120)
- Smooth Projective Hashing and Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange from Lattices (2009) (117)
- Secure Multi-Party Computation of Boolean Circuits with Applications to Privacy in On-Line Marketplaces (2012) (113)
- Two-server password-only authenticated key exchange (2005) (113)
- Complete characterization of security notions for probabilistic private-key encryption (2000) (112)
- Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation Using Symmetric Cut-and-Choose (2013) (110)
- One-Round Protocols for Two-Party Authenticated Key Exchange (2004) (110)
- Automating Efficient RAM-Model Secure Computation (2014) (106)
- Efficient and secure authenticated key exchange using weak passwords (2009) (104)
- Reliable broadcast in radio networks: the bounded collision case (2006) (99)
- Round Efficiency of Multi-party Computation with a Dishonest Majority (2003) (97)
- Quid-Pro-Quo-tocols: Strengthening Semi-honest Protocols with Dual Execution (2012) (95)
- Partial Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation (2010) (93)
- Rational Protocol Design: Cryptography against Incentive-Driven Adversaries (2013) (93)
- Fair Computation with Rational Players (2012) (91)
- Incentivizing Blockchain Forks via Whale Transactions (2017) (91)
- IntegriDB: Verifiable SQL for Outsourced Databases (2015) (90)
- Revisiting Square-Root ORAM: Efficient Random Access in Multi-party Computation (2016) (89)
- Attacking cryptographic schemes based on "perturbation polynomials" (2009) (89)
- Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption (2003) (89)
- Improving the round complexity of VSS in point-to-point networks (2008) (87)
- A new framework for efficient password-based authenticated key exchange (2010) (87)
- Coupled-Worlds Privacy: Exploiting Adversarial Uncertainty in Statistical Data Privacy (2013) (86)
- Efficient Signature Schemes with Tight Reductions to the Diffie-Hellman Problems (2007) (85)
- Amortizing Garbled Circuits (2014) (81)
- On the Security of the Free-XOR Technique (2012) (81)
- Secure text processing with applications to private DNA matching (2010) (80)
- On achieving the "best of both worlds" in secure multiparty computation (2007) (78)
- Authenticated data structures, generically (2014) (76)
- Forward Secrecy in Password-Only Key Exchange Protocols (2002) (73)
- Adaptively-Secure, Non-interactive Public-Key Encryption (2005) (70)
- Composability and On-Line Deniability of Authentication (2009) (70)
- Multi-Client Non-interactive Verifiable Computation (2013) (70)
- Cryptographic Counters and Applications to Electronic Voting (2001) (66)
- Verifiable Oblivious Storage (2014) (63)
- Efficient and Non-malleable Proofs of Plaintext Knowledge and Applications (2003) (62)
- Wolverine: Fast, Scalable, and Communication-Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits (2021) (61)
- Byzantine Agreement with a Rational Adversary (2012) (61)
- Universally-Composable Two-Party Computation in Two Rounds (2007) (61)
- Characterization of Security Notions for Probabilistic Private-Key Encryption (2005) (60)
- Fixing Cracks in the Concrete: Random Oracles with Auxiliary Input, Revisited (2017) (59)
- A Generic Construction for Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption (2004) (58)
- Concurrently-Secure Blind Signatures Without Random Oracles or Setup Assumptions (2007) (57)
- Digital Signatures (2010) (55)
- 2-hop Blockchain: Combining Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake Securely (2020) (55)
- Implementing Cryptographic Program Obfuscation (2014) (53)
- Round Complexity of Authenticated Broadcast with a Dishonest Majority (2007) (52)
- Signature Schemes Based on the (Strong) RSA Assumption (2010) (52)
- Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment (2009) (50)
- Adaptively secure broadcast, revisited (2011) (49)
- Collusion-Free Multiparty Computation in the Mediated Model (2009) (47)
- Threshold Cryptosystems Based on Factoring (2002) (46)
- Constant-Round Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity (2011) (45)
- Which Languages Have 4-Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs? (2008) (45)
- Adaptively Secure, Universally Composable, Multiparty Computation in Constant Rounds (2015) (45)
- Faster Secure Two-Party Computation in the Single-Execution Setting (2017) (44)
- Efficient cryptographic protocols preventing man-in-the-middle attacks (2002) (43)
- Multi-Client Verifiable Computation with Stronger Security Guarantees (2015) (43)
- On Constructing Universal One-Way Hash Functions from Arbitrary One-Way Functions (2005) (42)
- Round-Efficient Secure Computation in Point-to-Point Networks (2007) (41)
- Complete Fairness in Multi-Party Computation Without an Honest Majority (2009) (41)
- Efficient and Secure Multiparty Computation from Fixed-Key Block Ciphers (2020) (40)
- vRAM: Faster Verifiable RAM with Program-Independent Preprocessing (2018) (39)
- Analyzing the HB and HB+ Protocols in the "Large Error" Case (2006) (38)
- Efficient, Reusable Fuzzy Extractors from LWE (2017) (38)
- Efficient, Adaptively Secure, and Composable Oblivious Transfer with a Single, Global CRS (2013) (35)
- A Fake Online Repository Generation Engine for Cyber Deception (2019) (35)
- Secure Computation of MIPS Machine Code (2016) (34)
- Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Block-Cipher Modes of Operation (2014) (33)
- Limits on the Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cryptographic Constructions (2011) (33)
- Cryptography and the Economics of Supervisory Information: Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality (2013) (33)
- Cryptography Resilient to Continual Memory Leakage (2010) (33)
- Privacy in Distributed Average Consensus (2017) (32)
- A Zero-Knowledge Version of vSQL (2017) (32)
- Efficient Three-Party Computation from Cut-and-Choose (2014) (32)
- Optimizing Authenticated Garbling for Faster Secure Two-Party Computation (2018) (32)
- Lower bounds on the efficiency of encryption and digital signature schemes (2003) (31)
- Complete fairness in secure two-party computation (2008) (31)
- 10-Round Feistel is Indifferentiable from an Ideal Cipher (2016) (31)
- Implementation of Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks against PGP and GnuPG (2002) (31)
- A Game-Theoretic Framework for Analyzing Trust-Inference Protocols (2004) (31)
- Mystique: Efficient Conversions for Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Applications to Machine Learning (2021) (31)
- Pseudonymous Secure Computation from Time-Lock Puzzles (2014) (30)
- Incremental Unforgeable Encryption (2001) (30)
- Automated Analysis and Synthesis of Authenticated Encryption Schemes (2015) (29)
- Anon-Pass: Practical Anonymous Subscriptions (2013) (29)
- On the Security of Time-Locked Puzzles and Timed Commitments (2020) (29)
- 5Gen: A Framework for Prototyping Applications Using Multilinear Maps and Matrix Branching Programs (2016) (29)
- A Watermark for Large Language Models (2023) (28)
- ALITHEIA: Towards Practical Verifiable Graph Processing (2014) (28)
- A Chosen Ciphertext Attack Against Several E-Mail Encryption Protocols (2000) (27)
- Collusion-Preserving Computation (2012) (27)
- Simple and Efficient Two-Server ORAM (2018) (26)
- Synchronous Consensus with Optimal Asynchronous Fallback Guarantees (2019) (26)
- Efficient 3-Party Distributed ORAM (2018) (25)
- Limits of Computational Differential Privacy in the Client/Server Setting (2011) (25)
- How Fair is Your Protocol?: A Utility-based Approach to Protocol Optimality (2015) (25)
- Efficiently Enforcing Input Validity in Secure Two-party Computation (2016) (24)
- Handling Expected Polynomial-Time Strategies in Simulation-Based Security Proofs (2008) (23)
- Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement with Subquadratic Communication (2020) (23)
- How to Encrypt with a Malicious Random Number Generator (2008) (22)
- Analysis of a Proposed Hash-Based Signature Standard (2016) (22)
- KeyChains: A Decentralized Public-Key Infrastructure (2006) (21)
- Covert Security with Public Verifiability: Faster, Leaner, and Simpler (2019) (21)
- Constant-Round Multi-party Private Set Union Using Reversed Laurent Series (2012) (21)
- Competing (Semi-)Selfish Miners in Bitcoin (2019) (21)
- Pseudonymous Broadcast and Secure Computation from Cryptographic Puzzles (2015) (21)
- On Black-Box Constructions of Predicate Encryption from Trapdoor Permutations (2009) (21)
- Feasibility and Completeness of Cryptographic Tasks in the Quantum World (2013) (21)
- Knowledge-oriented secure multiparty computation (2012) (20)
- Impossibility of Blind Signatures from One-Way Permutations (2011) (20)
- Feasibility and Infeasibility of Adaptively Secure Fully Homomorphic Encryption (2013) (18)
- Universally Composable Multi-party Computation with an Unreliable Common Reference String (2008) (18)
- Provable Security of (Tweakable) Block Ciphers Based on Substitution-Permutation Networks (2018) (18)
- Reducing Complexity Assumptions for Statistically-Hiding Commitment (2005) (18)
- More is Less: Perfectly Secure Oblivious Algorithms in the Multi-Server Setting (2018) (17)
- Adversarial Classification Under Differential Privacy (2020) (17)
- Selective-Opening Security in the Presence of Randomness Failures (2016) (16)
- Trust-preserving set operations (2004) (16)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2016 (2016) (16)
- An Oblivious Parallel RAM with O(log2 N) Parallel Runtime Blowup (2016) (16)
- (Efficient) Universally Composable Oblivious Transfer Using a Minimal Number of Stateless Tokens (2014) (16)
- Feasibility and Infeasibility of Secure Computation with Malicious PUFs (2014) (16)
- An Expressive (Zero-Knowledge) Set Accumulator (2017) (16)
- Constant-Round Group Key Exchange from the Ring-LWE Assumption (2019) (15)
- The Cut-and-Choose Game and Its Application to Cryptographic Protocols (2016) (15)
- Faster Two-Party Computation Secure Against Malicious Adversaries in the Single-Execution Setting (2016) (14)
- Better Concrete Security for Half-Gates Garbling (in the Multi-Instance Setting) (2020) (14)
- Constant-Overhead Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs (2021) (13)
- Efficient Cryptographic Protocols Based on the Hardness of Learning Parity with Noise (2007) (13)
- Anon-Pass: Practical Anonymous Subscriptions (2013) (13)
- Tracing Insider Attacks in the Context of Predicate Encryption Schemes (2011) (12)
- Statistical Privacy in Distributed Average Consensus on Bounded Real Inputs (2019) (12)
- Provable Security of Substitution-Permutation Networks (2017) (12)
- Authenticated broadcast with a partially compromised public-key infrastructure (2010) (11)
- A Unified Approach to Idealized Model Separations via Indistinguishability Obfuscation (2016) (11)
- Functional Encryption from (Small) Hardwae Tokens (2013) (10)
- Secure Remote Authentication Using Biometrics (2005) (10)
- (Efficient) Universally Composable Two-Party Computation Using a Minimal Number of Stateless Tokens (2011) (10)
- Identity-Based Zero Knowledge (2004) (10)
- Universally Composable Relaxed Password Authenticated Key Exchange (2020) (10)
- Binary Tree Encryption: Constructions and Applications (2003) (9)
- Incentivizing Double-Spend Collusion in Bitcoin (2017) (9)
- Predicate Encryption Supporting Disjunctions, Polynomial Equations, and Inner Products (2012) (9)
- Network-Agnostic State Machine Replication (2020) (9)
- Subset Predicate Encryption and Its Applications (2017) (8)
- Secure Computation with Sublinear Amortized Work (2011) (8)
- Bounds on the efficiency of black-box commitment schemes (2010) (8)
- Boosting the Security of Blind Signature Schemes (2021) (8)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2016 (2016) (7)
- Hash Functions from Defective Ideal Ciphers (2015) (7)
- A New Framework for Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (2010) (7)
- Authenticated Garbling and Efficient Maliciously Secure Multi-Party Computation (2017) (7)
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 5th International Conference, ACNS 2007, Zhuhai, China, June 5-8, 2007, Proceedings (2007) (6)
- Information-Theoretic Privacy in Distributed Average Consensus (2018) (6)
- Tardigrade: An Atomic Broadcast Protocol for Arbitrary Network Conditions (2021) (6)
- Manticore: Efficient Framework for Scalable Secure Multiparty Computation Protocols (2021) (6)
- EasyPQC: Verifying Post-Quantum Cryptography (2021) (6)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2017 (2017) (6)
- The Random Oracle Model (2010) (6)
- Self-Protective Behaviors Over Public WiFi Networks (2017) (6)
- Exploiting approximate transitivity of trust (2007) (6)
- A game-theoretic model motivated by the darpa network challenge (2012) (5)
- Algebraic Adversaries in the Universal Composability Framework (2021) (5)
- Post-Quantum Security of the Even-Mansour Cipher (2021) (5)
- Handling Expected Polynomial-Time Strategies in Simulation-Based Security Proofs (2005) (4)
- Bounds on the Efficiency of "Black-Box" Commitment Schemes (2005) (4)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2016 (2016) (4)
- Distributing the setup in universally composable multi-party computation (2014) (4)
- Secure sharing in distributed information management applications : problems and directions (2010) (4)
- A study of separations in cryptography: new results and new models (2011) (4)
- Knowledge inference for optimizing and enforcing secure computations (2013) (4)
- Symmetric-Key Broadcast Encryption: The Multi-sender Case (2017) (4)
- Authenticated Garbling and Communication-Efficient, Constant-Round, Secure Two-Party Computation (2017) (3)
- Verifiable Graph Processing (2018) (3)
- Compact Signatures for Network Coding (2008) (3)
- Spreading the Privacy Blanket: Differentially Oblivious Shuffling for Differential Privacy (2021) (3)
- Public-key cryptography - PKC 2015 : 18th IACR international conference on practice and theory in public-key cryptography Gaithersburg, MD, USA, March 30 - April 1, 2015 : proceedings (2015) (3)
- Digital Signatures: Background and Definitions (2010) (3)
- Decision and Game Theory for Security - Second International Conference, GameSec 2011, College Park, MD, Maryland, USA, November 14-15, 2011. Proceedings (2011) (3)
- Non-Interactive Cryptography in the RAM Model of Computation (2014) (2)
- Digital Signatures (Advances in Information Security) (2005) (2)
- An Analysis of the Algebraic Group Model (2022) (2)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2017 (2017) (2)
- Multi-User Non-Interactive Verifiable Computation (2012) (2)
- Multi-Input Functional Encryption (2013) (2)
- Public-Key Cryptography -- PKC 2015 (2015) (2)
- RPPLNS: Pay-per-last-N-shares with a Randomised Twist (2021) (1)
- Practical Secure Two-Party Computation : Techniques , Tools , and Applications (2014) (1)
- Round-Optimal Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (2012) (1)
- CoVault: A Secure Analytics Platform (2022) (1)
- One-round multi-party communication complexity of distinguishing sums (2013) (1)
- A Large-Scale Proof-of-Stake Blockchain in the Open Setting∗ (or, How to Mimic Nakamoto’s Design via Proof-of-Stake) (2019) (1)
- Bounds on the Efficiency of Encryption and Digital Signatures (2002) (1)
- Public-Key Cryptography (2010) (1)
- One-Round Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (2010) (1)
- Full-Domain Hash (and Related) Signature Schemes (2010) (1)
- Review of networked life: 20 questions and answers by Mung Chiang (2014) (1)
- Review of identity-based encryption by Sanjit Chattarjee and Palash Sarkar (2013) (1)
- Review of efficient secure two-party protocols: techniques and constructions by Carmit Hazay and Yehuda Lindell (2012) (1)
- Improving the Round Complexity of ‘ Round-Optimal ’ VSS ∗ (2007) (1)
- Lecture on Relativization (2008) (1)
- Signing a subspace: Signatures for network coding (2009) (1)
- Post-Quantum Security of the (Tweakable) FX Construction, and Applications (2022) (1)
- Lecture on Hû astad's Switching Lemma (2015) (0)
- CoVault: Secure Selective Analytics of Sensitive Data for the Public Good (2022) (0)
- Lecture 38 1 Signature Schemes From Any One-Way Function (0)
- Review of the block cipher companion by Lars R. Knudsen and Matthew J.B. Robshaw (2014) (0)
- Partial Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation (2010) (0)
- Musings on the HashGraph Protocol: Its Security and Its Limitations (2022) (0)
- Amortized Sublinear Secure Multi Party Computation (2011) (0)
- Designing Robust and Resilient Tactical MANETs (2014) (0)
- Session details: Session 6C: Crypto 1 (2018) (0)
- Signature Schemes from Identification Schemes (2010) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory Last updated : November , 2015 Lecture 8 Notes (2015) (0)
- " Digital Signatures " 2 Summary of the Book 2.1 Part I: Setting the Stage 2.2 Part Ii: Digital Signature Schemes without Random Oracles (2015) (0)
- Session details: Authentication (2005) (0)
- PSPACE , zero knowledge (2018) (0)
- How to Authenticate any Data Structure (2015) (0)
- Cmsc 858k — Advanced Topics in Cryptography Lecture 22 (2004) (0)
- Session details: Secure routing in ad hoc networks (2004) (0)
- Designing Robust and Resilient Tactical MANETs Report Title (2015) (0)
- A Permissionless Proof-of-Stake Blockchain with Best-Possible Unpredictability (2021) (0)
- Which Languages Have 4-Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs? (2010) (0)
- Number Theory and Cryptographic Hardness Assumptions (2014) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory Lecture 22 1.1 a Pcp for Satisfiable Quadratic Equations: an Overview (2014) (0)
- Broadcast and Byzantine Agreement (2021) (0)
- 1 More on Randomized Complexity Classes (0)
- BackPackers: A New Network Paradigm for Secure and High-performance Blockchains (2019) (0)
- Review of "A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra by Victor Shoup", Cambridge University Press, 2005 (2006) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory Last updated : February , 2008 Handout 13 (2008) (0)
- Review of "Primality Testing in Polynomial Time by Martin Dietzfelbinger", Springer-Verlag, 2004 (2006) (0)
- On the Algebraic Eraser and the Ben-Zvi , Blackburn , and Tsaban Attack (2017) (0)
- Private Anomaly Detection in Linear Controllers: Garbled Circuits vs. Homomorphic Encryption (2022) (0)
- Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2019: 39th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 18–22, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (2019) (0)
- Information-TheoreticPrivacy inDistributedAverage Consensus ? (2018) (0)
- 1 Public-Key Identification Schemes (2004) (0)
- Lower Bounds via Crossing Sequence Arguments (2007) (0)
- Message Authentication Codes (2020) (0)
- An Oblivious Parallel RAM with O ( log 2 N ) Parallel Runtime Kartik Nayak (2016) (0)
- 1 Randomized Time Complexity 1 . 1 How Large is BPP ? (2015) (0)
- *Advanced Topics in Public-Key Encryption (2020) (0)
- Lecture Time-Bounded Derandomization (2011) (0)
- AP airwise Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (2005) (0)
- Review of Applied Information Security by David Basin, Patrick Schaller, and Michael Schläpfer (2013) (0)
- *Post-Quantum Cryptography (2020) (0)
- Feasibility and Infeasibility of Secure Computation with Malicious PUFs (2019) (0)
- On the Effectiveness of Pre-Processing for Cracking Salted Passwords DRAFT : Not for Distribution ∗ (2015) (0)
- Session details: Session 4B: Secure Computation 1 (2018) (0)
- A Provably Secure, Lightweight Protocol for Anonymous Authentication (2022) (0)
- 1 Space-Bounded Derandomization (2011) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory Last updated : November , 2011 Lecture 21 (2011) (0)
- Review of "Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilitic Analysis by Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal", Cambridge University Press, 2005 (2007) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory : Fall 2005 Last updated : November , 2005 Lecture 10 (0)
- 1 Configuration Graphs and the Reachability Method 1 . 1 NL and NL-Completeness (2011) (0)
- Algebraic Eraser : Key Exchange Protocol , Hickory Hash Functions and Attacks (2017) (0)
- Perfectly Secret Encryption (2014) (0)
- Turing Machines , diagonalization , the halting problem , reducibility 1 Turing Machines (0)
- Cryptographic Hardness Assumptions (2010) (0)
- 1 Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs (2008) (0)
- *Theoretical Constructions of Symmetric-Key Primitives (2020) (0)
- Digital Signature Schemes (2020) (0)
- Practical Constructions of Symmetric-Key Primitives (2020) (0)
- Information-Theoretic Privacy For Distributed Average Consensus: Bounded Integral Inputs (2018) (0)
- Lecture Space-Bounded Derandomization (2008) (0)
- Sco X-1 and Cyg X-2 as binary systems (1975) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory : Fall 2005 Last updated : September , 2005 Lecture 2 (0)
- Constructions Based on Bilinear Maps (2010) (0)
- Constructions Based on General Assumptions (2010) (0)
- Bidirectionally-Secure Cryptosystems (0)
- (Efficient) Universally Composable Oblivious Transfer Using a Minimal Number of Stateless Tokens (2018) (0)
- Hash Functions and Applications (2020) (0)
- An Oblivious Parallel RAM with O ( log 2 N ) Parallel Runtime Blowup Kartik Nayak (2016) (0)
- Public-Key Encryption (2020) (0)
- Cryptographi Counters and Appli ations to Ele troni Voting (0)
- Quantum Zero Knowledge (2020) (0)
- Notes on Complexity Theory Last updated : September , 2015 Lecture 5 Notes (2015) (0)
- *Algorithms for Factoring and Computing Discrete Logarithms (2020) (0)
- 4th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (cset '11) Opening Remarks Faster Secure Two-party Computation Using Garbled Circuits No Plan Survives Contact: Experience with Cybercrime Measurement Security Experimentation and the Real World Should Security Researchers Experiment More and D (0)
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What Are Jonathan Katz 's Academic Contributions?
Jonathan Katz is most known for their academic work in the field of computer science. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and mathematics.
Jonathan Katz has made the following academic contributions: