Joshua Knobe
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American philosopher
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Joshua Knobe's Degrees
- PhD Philosophy Princeton University
- Bachelors Philosophy Stanford University
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Why Is Joshua Knobe Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joshua Michael Knobe is an American experimental philosopher, whose work ranges across issues in philosophy of mind and action and ethics. He is Professor of Cognitive Science and Philosophy at Yale University. He is known for his work on the "Knobe effect" and use of experimental methods to understand personal reactions to moral dilemmas.
Joshua Knobe's Published Works
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Published Works
- Intentional Action and Side Effects in Ordinary Language (2003) (830)
- The Folk Concept of Intentionality (1997) (642)
- Moral Responsibility and Determinism: The Cognitive Science of Folk Intuitions (2007) (535)
- Disgust sensitivity predicts intuitive disapproval of gays. (2009) (428)
- Intentional action in folk psychology: An experimental investigation (2003) (366)
- Acting Intentionally and the Side-Effect Effect (2006) (344)
- Experimental philosophy. (2012) (329)
- Person as scientist, person as moralist (2010) (312)
- Cause and Norm (2009) (310)
- The Concept of Intentional Action: A Case Study in the Uses of Folk Psychology (2006) (308)
- Thought experiments. (2011) (282)
- Actor-observer asymmetries in explanations of behavior: new answers to an old question. (2007) (213)
- More than a body: mind perception and the nature of objectification. (2011) (211)
- The True Self: A Psychological Concept Distinct From the Self (2017) (211)
- An Experimental Philosophy Manifesto (2008) (211)
- Intuitions about consciousness: Experimental studies (2008) (196)
- Causal judgment and moral judgment: Two experiments (2008) (194)
- Value Judgments and the True Self (2014) (190)
- Intention, intentional action and moral considerations (2004) (182)
- The Pervasive Impact of Moral Judgment (2009) (180)
- Theory of mind and moral cognition: exploring the connections (2005) (158)
- Folk Moral Relativism (2011) (147)
- Free to punish: a motivated account of free will belief. (2014) (137)
- Conceptual structure and social functions of behavior explanations: beyond person--situation attributions. (2000) (134)
- The folk concepts of intention and intentional action: A cross-cultural study (2006) (131)
- Which behaviors do people explain? A basic actor–observer asymmetry. (1997) (127)
- Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment (2015) (121)
- Moral appraisals affect doing/allowing judgments (2008) (116)
- Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2018) (110)
- Contrastive Knowledge Surveyed (2012) (107)
- Dual character concepts and the normative dimension of conceptual representation (2013) (106)
- Normality: Part descriptive, part prescriptive (2017) (106)
- The distinction between desire and intention: A folk-conceptual analysis (2001) (105)
- The good, the bad and the blameworthy: Understanding the role of evaluative reasoning in folk psychology (2004) (95)
- Causal superseding (2015) (85)
- Consistent Belief in a Good True Self in Misanthropes and Three Interdependent Cultures. (2018) (75)
- Reason Explanation in Folk Psychology (2007) (70)
- Moral Disagreement and Moral Semantics (2018) (70)
- Unifying morality’s influence on non-moral judgments: The relevance of alternative possibilities (2015) (69)
- Folk Psychology and Folk Morality: Response to Critics. (2004) (68)
- Normality and actual causal strength (2017) (66)
- Epistemic modals and context: Experimental data (2014) (58)
- Moral Judgments and Intuitions About Freedom (2009) (55)
- True Happiness: The Role of Morality in the Folk Concept of Happiness (2017) (51)
- The Neural Bases of Directed and Spontaneous Mental State Attributions to Group Agents (2014) (49)
- Thinking like a scientist: Innateness as a case study (2013) (49)
- The Ordinary Concept of Happiness (and Others Like It) (2011) (46)
- Normative Judgments and Individual Essence. (2017) (45)
- Experimental Philosophy Is Cognitive Science (2016) (45)
- Philosophical Implications of Inflationary Cosmology (2003) (42)
- Experimental Philosophy: Volume 2 (2014) (42)
- Modals with a taste of the deontic (2013) (41)
- The Influence of Social Interaction on Intuitions of Objectivity and Subjectivity (2017) (41)
- Do Theories of Implicit Race Bias Change Moral Judgments? (2010) (41)
- Self and other in the explanation of behavior: 30 years later (2002) (37)
- The Case for Nietzschean Moral Psychology (2006) (37)
- Intentional Action and the Praise-Blame Asymmetry (2009) (36)
- A counterfactual explanation for the action effect in causal judgment (2019) (31)
- Free Will and the Scientific Vision (2014) (29)
- Knowledge before belief (2020) (29)
- The Psychological Representation of Modality (2018) (28)
- Philosophical Intuitions Are Surprisingly Robust Across Demographic Differences (2019) (27)
- Autonomy in consumer choice (2020) (27)
- Action Trees and Moral Judgment (2010) (26)
- Philosophers are doing something different now: Quantitative data (2015) (26)
- Folk judgments of causation (2009) (26)
- Free Will and the Bounds of the Self (2011) (26)
- Not all mutualism is fair, and not all fairness is mutualistic. (2013) (26)
- Experimental Philosophical Bioethics (2020) (23)
- The essence of essentialism (2019) (23)
- The ordinary concept of valuing (2009) (22)
- Oxford studies in experimental philosophy (2014) (21)
- Intentional Action in Folk Psychology (2003) (20)
- Strawsonian Variations : Folk Morality and the Search for a Unified Theory 1 (2009) (18)
- Experimental philosophy and folk concepts: Methodological considerations (2006) (18)
- Dual Character Concepts (2011) (18)
- The influence of framing on clinicians' judgments of the biological basis of behaviors. (2016) (17)
- Ordinary Ethical Reasoning and the Ideal of ‘Being Yourself’ (2005) (17)
- Proximate Cause Explained: An Essay in Experimental Jurisprudence (2020) (15)
- Water is and is not H 2 O (2020) (15)
- Cognitive Processes Shaped by the Impulse to Blame (2005) (15)
- Syntax and intentionality: An automatic link between language and theory-of-mind (2014) (15)
- Variantism about Responsibility (2007) (14)
- What Do People Find Incompatible With Causal Determinism? (2016) (13)
- Review of Experimental Philosophy (2008, OUP), Joshua Knobe and Shaun Nichols (eds.) (2010) (12)
- Differences in the Evaluation of Generic Statements About Human and Non-Human Categories (2017) (12)
- Moral Structure Falls Out of General Event Structure (2012) (12)
- Sentimental Rules: On the Natural Foundations of Moral Judgment. (2007) (12)
- Folk Psychology: Science and Morals (2007) (11)
- Can a Robot, an Insect or God Be Aware? (2008) (10)
- The person as moralist account and its alternatives (2010) (10)
- Happiness is from the soul: The nature and origins of our happiness concept. (2020) (10)
- Water Is and Is Not H2O (2017) (10)
- Philosophical Intuitions Are Surprisingly Stable Across both Demographic Groups and Situations (2021) (10)
- Replication of "Kominsky, J. F., Phillips, J., Gerstenberg, T., Lagnado, D., & Knobe, J. (2015). Causal superseding. Cognition, 137, 196-209." (2017) (10)
- Can One Act for a Reason without Acting Intentionally (2009) (10)
- Judgments of actual causation approximate the effectiveness of interventions (2018) (8)
- On the instrumental value of hypothetical and counterfactual thought (2018) (8)
- Dual Character Art Concepts (2020) (8)
- Editorial: Psychology and Experimental Philosophy (2010) (7)
- Knowledge before belief : Response-times indicate evaluations of knowledge prior to belief (2017) (6)
- Interpreting Intent: How Research on Folk Judgments of Intentionality Can Inform Statutory Analysis (2009) (6)
- What comes to mind? (2019) (6)
- Difference and Robustness in the Patterns of Philosophical Intuition Across Demographic Groups (2019) (6)
- Finding the Mind in the Body (2011) (6)
- Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2018) (6)
- Causality, Normality, and Sampling Propensity (2016) (6)
- The effect of abstract versus concrete framing on judgments of biological and psychological bases of behavior (2017) (6)
- Age and Disability Biases in Pediatric Resuscitation Among Future Physicians (2011) (6)
- The Tribalism of Truth. (2018) (4)
- The Concept of Valuing: Experimental Studies (2006) (4)
- Intuitions in the test-tube (2004) (4)
- Mindreading and the Philosophy of Mind (2006) (4)
- Effect sizes and Confidence Intervals (2017) (4)
- Kindhood and essentialism: Evidence from language. (2020) (4)
- Biological Essentialism Correlates With (But Doesn't Cause?) Intergroup Bias. (2021) (3)
- Changing use of formal methods in philosophy: late 2000s vs. late 2010s (2021) (3)
- Value-based Essentialism: Essentialist Beliefs About Social Groups With Shared Values (2020) (3)
- Causal Supersession (2014) (3)
- The new science of morality: an Edge conference (2013) (3)
- Folk Judgments of Normality: Part Statistical, Part Evaluative (2015) (3)
- Evidence for evaluations of knowledge prior to belief (2018) (3)
- Teleology Beyond Explanation (2020) (2)
- Happiness is from the soul: The nature and origins of our happiness concept (2020) (2)
- Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2021) (2)
- Value-based essentialism: Essentialist beliefs about social groups with shared values. (2021) (2)
- The good ship Theseus: The effect of valence on object identity judgments (2014) (2)
- 22. Experimental Philosophy (2012) (1)
- Replication of: "Nahmias, E., Morris, S. G., Nadelhoffer, T., & Turner, J. (2006). Is incompatibilism intuitive? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 73(1), 28-53. (2017) (1)
- Purposes in Law and in Life: An Experimental Investigation of Purpose Attribution (2021) (1)
- The Shape of Blame (2020) (1)
- A Counterfactual Explanation for the Action Effect (2018) (1)
- Editorial: Dimensions of Experimental Philosophy (2010) (1)
- Imagining the good: An offline tendency to simulate good options even when no decision has to be made (2019) (1)
- Acting intentionally and acting for a reason. (2007) (1)
- What Comes to Mind? A Mix of What's Likely and What's Good (2018) (1)
- Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2021) (0)
- Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory (2009) (0)
- Post-replication forms & Final reports (2017) (0)
- [forthcoming in Review of Philosophy and Psychology] (2013) (0)
- Is morality relative? Depends on your personality (2011) (0)
- Pre-replication forms (2017) (0)
- Forthcoming in Journal of Cognition and Culture Experimental Philosophy and Folk Concepts: Methodological Considerations (2006) (0)
- Experimental Philosophy of Consciousness (2022) (0)
- An interaction effect of norm violations on causal judgment (2021) (0)
- Oxford studies in experimental philosophy, volume 2 (2020) (0)
- Running Head : MORAL JUDGMENTS AND FREEDOM Forthcoming in Psychological Inquiry Moral Judgments and Intuitions about Freedom (2009) (0)
- Autonomy in consumer choice (2020) (0)
- Guest Editorial (2017) (0)
- THE COGNITIVE SCIENCE OF RELIGION p17 Underlying Assumptions of CSR p17 Adaptationist and By-product Accounts of Religion p18 By-product Accounts p19 HADD p19 „Promiscuous Teleology‟ p20 MCIs p21 Adaptationist Accounts p24 Religious belief as fostering cooperation through supernatural punishment of (2011) (0)
- Actual knowledge (2021) (0)
- Reviews (2005) (0)
- Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2018) (0)
- Answers to five questions (2009) (0)
- Penultimate draft , forthcoming in Mind & Language 1 Water is and is not H 2 O (2018) (0)
- Introduction (2020) (0)
- Mind the (Truth-Value) Gap: (2013) (0)
- The Relevance of Alternative Possibilities throughout Cognition (2015) (0)
- The effect of abstract versus concrete framing on judgments of biological and psychological bases of behavior (2017) (0)
- Inflated inflation and superseded supersession: testing counterfactual sampling accounts of causal strength judgments (2019) (0)
- Don’t Trust Fodor’s Guide in Monte Carlo: Learning Concepts by Hypothesis Testing Without Circularity∗ (2020) (0)
- Morality special: Our hidden judgements (2010) (0)
- Causation and Culpability 1 Causation , Norm Violation and Culpable Control (2011) (0)
- Replication of "May, J., & Holton, R. (2012). What in the world is weakness of will? Philosophical Studies, 157(3), 341-360." (2017) (0)
- Interview on Experimental Philosophy with Joshua Knobe (2016) (0)
- The Pervasive Impact of Moral Judgment - eScholarship (2009) (0)
- The Ordinary Concept of True Love (2021) (0)
- Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy (2018) (0)
- The Journal of Philosophy Temporal Experience* (0)
- Forthcoming in a special issue of the Journal of Cognition and Culture Folk Intuitions on Free Will (2006) (0)
- Guest Editorial (2017) (0)
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