Judith Curry
American climatologist
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Judith Curry's Degrees
- PhD Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago
- Masters Atmospheric Science University of Chicago
- Bachelors Geography Northern Illinois University
Why Is Judith Curry Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Judith A. Curry is an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include hurricanes, remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, polar climates, air-sea interactions, climate models, and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric research. She was a member of the National Research Council's Climate Research Committee, published over a hundred scientific papers, and co-edited several major works. Curry retired from academia in 2017 at age 63, coinciding with her public climate change skepticism.
Judith Curry's Published Works
Published Works
- Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment (2005) (3045)
- A New Double-Moment Microphysics Parameterization for Application in Cloud and Climate Models. Part I: Description (2005) (869)
- Overview of Arctic Cloud and Radiation Characteristics (1996) (769)
- Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on winter snowfall (2012) (754)
- Sea Ice-Albedo Climate Feedback Mechanism (1995) (638)
- Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (2002) (554)
- An intermediate one‐dimensional thermodynamic sea ice model for investigating ice‐atmosphere interactions (1993) (403)
- Deconvolution of the Factors Contributing to the Increase in Global Hurricane Intensity (2006) (376)
- A parameterization of ice cloud optical properties for climate models (1992) (374)
- Impact of Shifting Patterns of Pacific Ocean Warming on North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones (2009) (368)
- Berkeley Earth Temperature Averaging Process (2013) (343)
- A Large Eddy Simulation Study of a Quasi-Steady, Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer (2000) (307)
- Interpretation of recent Antarctic sea ice variability (2004) (293)
- Encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences (2002) (292)
- Clouds, Radiation, and the Diurnal Cycle of Sea Surface Temperature in the Tropical Western Pacific (1996) (275)
- Annual Cycle of Radiation Fluxes over the Arctic Ocean: Sensitivity to Cloud Optical Properties (1992) (253)
- Seasonal prediction skill of ECMWF System 4 and NCEP CFSv2 retrospective forecast for the Northern Hemisphere Winter (2012) (219)
- Evaluation of short‐term climate change prediction in multi‐model CMIP5 decadal hindcasts (2012) (207)
- Modulation of North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity by Three Phases of ENSO (2011) (205)
- Year on ice gives climate insights (1999) (200)
- Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans (1998) (199)
- Cloud overlap statistics (1989) (186)
- Confronting Models with Data: The Gewex Cloud Systems Study (2003) (181)
- Which Bulk Aerodynamic Algorithms are Least Problematic in Computing Ocean Surface Turbulent Fluxes (2003) (169)
- The Aerosonde Robotic Aircraft: A New Paradigm for Environmental Observations (2001) (161)
- Status of and outlook for large-scale modeling of atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions in the Arctic (1998) (147)
- On the Formation of Continental Polar Air (1983) (142)
- Cloud Resolving Simulations of Mixed-Phase Arctic Stratus Observed during BASE: Sensitivity to Concentration of Ice Crystals and Large-Scale Heat and Moisture Advection (2000) (141)
- Interactions among Turbulence, Radiation and Microphysics in Arctic Stratus Clouds (1986) (136)
- Climate Science and the Uncertainty Monster (2011) (127)
- Retrieval of precipitation from satellite microwave measurement using both emission and scattering (1992) (124)
- FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment (2013) (118)
- Characteristics of small tropical cumulus clouds and their impact on the environment (1998) (117)
- Classification of clouds over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean using combined infrared and microwave satellite data (1995) (117)
- Applications of Aerosondes in the Arctic (2004) (117)
- Applications of SHEBA/FIRE data to evaluation of snow/ice albedo parameterizations (2001) (116)
- The implications for climate sensitivity of AR5 forcing and heat uptake estimates (2015) (115)
- Terminal Velocities of Droplets and Crystals: Power Laws with Continuous Parameters over the Size Spectrum (2002) (114)
- Accelerated warming of the Southern Ocean and its impacts on the hydrological cycle and sea ice (2010) (111)
- Observational and Theoretical Studies of Solar Radiation in Arctic Stratus Clouds (1984) (111)
- The theory of ice nucleation by heterogeneous freezing of deliquescent mixed CCN. Part I: Critical radius, energy, and nucleation rate (2004) (110)
- Impact of clouds on the surface radiation balance of the Arctic Ocean (1993) (110)
- Extended-Range Probabilistic Forecasts of Ganges and Brahmaputra Floods in Bangladesh (2010) (107)
- A new double-moment microphysics parameterization for application in cloud and climate models. Part II: Single-column modeling of arctic clouds (2005) (106)
- Recent Arctic Sea Ice Variability: Connections to the Arctic Oscillation and the ENSO (2004) (103)
- Occurrence and characteristics of lower tropospheric ice crystals in the arctic (1990) (102)
- Possible roles of ice nucleation mode and ice nuclei depletion in the extended lifetime of Arctic mixed‐phase clouds (2005) (100)
- Sensitivity of modeled arctic mixed‐phase stratocumulus to cloud condensation and ice nuclei over regionally varying surface conditions (2008) (97)
- Review of Science Issues, Deployment Strategy, and Status for the ARM North Slope of Alaska–Adjacent Arctic Ocean Climate Research Site (1999) (95)
- Asian summer monsoon prediction in ECMWF System 4 and NCEP CFSv2 retrospective seasonal forecasts (2012) (95)
- Evaporation–Precipitation Variability over the Mediterranean and the Black Seas from Satellite and Reanalysis Estimates (2010) (92)
- Evaluation of an ensemble of Arctic regional climate models: spatiotemporal fields during the SHEBA year (2006) (90)
- Mean and turbulence structure of the summertime Arctic cloudy boundary layer (1988) (90)
- Determination of characteristic features of cloud liquid water from satellite microwave measurements (1993) (87)
- Fall Velocities of Hydrometeors in the Atmosphere: Refinements to a Continuous Analytical Power Law. (2005) (85)
- Evaluation of turbulent fluxes at the ocean surface using surface renewal theory (1996) (81)
- Airborne observations of summertime surface features and their effect on surface albedo during FIRE/SHEBA (2001) (78)
- An evaluation of Arctic cloud and radiation processes during the SHEBA year: simulation results from eight Arctic regional climate models (2008) (77)
- Infrared Radiative Properties of Summertime Arctic Stratus Clouds (1985) (76)
- Decadal variations in the global atmospheric land temperatures (2013) (76)
- Interactions among aerosols, clouds, and climate of the Arctic Ocean (1995) (72)
- Aerosol size spectra and CCN activity spectra: Reconciling the lognormal, algebraic, and power laws (2006) (69)
- Modeling the thermodynamics of a sea ice thickness distribution. 1. Sensitivity to ice thickness resolution (1997) (67)
- The Theory of Ice Nucleation by Heterogeneous Freezing of Deliquescent Mixed CCN. Part II: Parcel Model Simulation (2005) (66)
- Comparison of surface radiative flux data sets over the Arctic Ocean (2005) (65)
- Role for Eurasian Arctic shelf sea ice in a secularly varying hemispheric climate signal during the 20th century (2014) (65)
- Toward the Theory of Stochastic Condensation in Clouds. Part I: A General Kinetic Equation. (1999) (64)
- Toward an integrated assessment of the impacts of extreme wind events on Barrow, Alaska (2004) (62)
- Intercomparison of Arctic Regional Climate Models: Modeling Clouds and Radiation for SHEBA in May 1998 (2006) (62)
- Evolution of the cloudy boundary layer during the autumnal freezing of the Beaufort Sea (1997) (60)
- Modeling clouds observed at SHEBA using a bulk microphysics parameterization implemented into a single-column model (2003) (60)
- A new theory of heterogeneous ice nucleation for application in cloud and climate models (2000) (60)
- Disposition of solar radiation in sea ice and the upper ocean (1995) (59)
- Evaluation of short-term climate change prediction in multi-model CMIP 5 decadal hindcasts (2012) (58)
- Cloud-aerosol interactions during autumn over Beaufort Sea (2001) (58)
- Modeling cloud fraction and horizontal variability in marine boundary layer clouds (1997) (57)
- Reply to “Comment on ‘The Impact of Recent Forcing and Ocean Heat Uptake Data on Estimates of Climate Sensitivity’” (2018) (55)
- Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity on Intraseasonal Time Scales (2010) (54)
- High-Resolution Satellite-Derived Dataset of the Surface Fluxes of Heat, Freshwater, and Momentum for the TOGA COARE IOP (1999) (53)
- Application of Aerosondes to Melt-Pond Observations over Arctic Sea Ice (2006) (53)
- Water vapor feedback over the Arctic Ocean (1995) (53)
- Comparing Arctic Regional Climate Model (2002) (52)
- Analysis of satellite-derived Arctic tropospheric BrO columns in conjunction with aircraft measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC (2011) (52)
- Atmospheric convective plumes emanating from leads: 2. Microphysical and radiative processes (1995) (51)
- Comparison of cloud liquid water paths derived from in situ and microwave radiometer data taken during the SHEBA/FIREACE (2001) (51)
- Reasoning about climate uncertainty (2011) (51)
- Determination of Ice Water Path and Mass Median Particle Size Using Multichannel Microwave Measurements (2000) (48)
- Relationships between Large-Scale Heat and Moisture Budgets and the Occurrence of Arctic Stratus Clouds (1985) (48)
- Determination of surface turbulent fluxes over leads in Arctic (1997) (48)
- Remote Sensing of Ice Water Characteristics in Tropical Clouds Using Aircraft Microwave Measurements (1998) (47)
- Radiative characteristics of the Arctic atmosphere during spring as inferred from ground-based measurements (1997) (47)
- Thermodynamic Theory of Freezing and Melting of Water and Aqueous Solutions (2004) (45)
- Evolution of new ice and turbulent fluxes over freezing (1998) (45)
- Influence of Urban Heating on the Global Temperature Land Average using Rural Sites Identified from MODIS Classifications (2013) (44)
- Precipitation characteristics in Greenland‐Iceland‐Norwegian Seas determined by using satellite microwave data (1997) (43)
- Response to Comment on "Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment" (2006) (43)
- Determination of surface turbulent fluxes for the Tropical Ocean‐Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean‐Atmosphere Response Experiment: Comparison of satellite retrievals and in situ measurements (1996) (42)
- Liquid water content and precipitation characteristics of stratiform clouds as inferred from satellite microwave measurements (1990) (42)
- Lead-induced atmospheric circulations (1995) (42)
- Retrieval of cloud droplet size from visible and microwave radiometric measurements during INDOEX: Implication to aerosols' indirect radiative effect (2003) (41)
- Toward the Theory of Stochastic Condensation in Clouds. Part II: Analytical Solutions of the Gamma-Distribution Type (1999) (41)
- Modeling clouds and radiation for the November 1997 period of SHEBA using a column climate model (1999) (41)
- Mixing Politics and Science in Testing the Hypothesis That Greenhouse Warming Is Causing a Global Increase in Hurricane Intensity (2006) (41)
- Extended Prediction of North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones (2012) (40)
- Tropical Ice Water Amount and Its Relations to Other Atmospheric Hydrological Parameters as Inferred from Satellite Data (1999) (40)
- Variability of the tropical and subtropical ocean surface latent heat flux during 1989–2000 (2006) (39)
- Probabilistic discrimination between large-scale environments of intensifying and decaying African Easterly Waves (2010) (37)
- Vertical stratification of tropical cloud properties as determined from satellite (1997) (37)
- Variability of sea ice emissivity estimated from airborne passive microwave measurements during FIRE SHEBA (2001) (37)
- Atmospheric convective plumes emanating from leads: 1. Thermodynamic structure (1995) (37)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds (2014) (35)
- Modeling the thermodynamics of a sea ice thickness distribution: 2. Sea ice/ocean interactions (1997) (35)
- High supersaturation and modes of ice nucleation in thin tropopause cirrus: Simulation of the 13 July 2002 Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers case (2006) (35)
- Evaluation of data sets used to force sea ice models in the Arctic Ocean (2002) (35)
- Surface characteristics and atmospheric footprint of springtime Arctic leads at SHEBA (2003) (34)
- Modeling with explicit spectral water and ice microphysics of a two‐layer cloud system of altostratus and cirrus observed during the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment (2001) (34)
- Two contrasting views of multidecadal climate variability in the twentieth century (2014) (34)
- The Contribution of Radiative Cooling to the Formation of Cold-Core Anticyclones (1987) (34)
- Refinements to the Köhler's theory of aerosol equilibrium radii, size spectra, and droplet activation: Effects of humidity and insoluble fraction (2007) (33)
- Transition between suppressed and active phases of intraseasonal oscillations in the Indo-Pacific warm pool (2006) (32)
- Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) (1995) (30)
- Determination of areal surface-feature coverage in the Beaufort Sea using aircraft video data (1997) (30)
- A springtime cloud over the Beaufort Sea polynya: Three-dimensional simulation with explicit spectral microphysics and comparison with observations (2003) (30)
- A simple analytical model of aerosol properties with account for hygroscopic growth 1. Equilibrium size spectra and cloud condensation nuclei activity spectra (1999) (29)
- Analysis of spatial distribution in tropospheric temperature trends (2004) (29)
- An Investigation of the Relationship between Emission and Scattering Signals in SSM/I Data (1998) (28)
- in the North Atlantic Ocean as determined from SSM/I and SSM/T2 observations (1996) (28)
- Critical humidities of homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation: Inferences from extended classical nucleation theory (2009) (28)
- Satellite Retrieval of Lower-Tropospheric Ice Crystal Clouds in the Polar Regions (1993) (26)
- Reply to Li and Wu: Arctic sea ice and winter snowfall (2012) (25)
- Simulation of arctic low-level clouds observed during the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment using a new bulk microphysics scheme (2001) (25)
- The Role of Physical Processes in Determining the Interdecadal Variability of Central Arctic Sea Ice (1999) (24)
- Assessment of some parameterizations of heterogeneous ice nucleation in cloud and climate models (2010) (23)
- Causes of the northern high‐latitude land surface winter climate change (2007) (23)
- A Diagnostic Study of the Evolution of an Intense North American Anticyclone during Winter 1989 (1993) (23)
- Complementary use of passive and active remote sensing for detection of penetrating convection from CloudSat, CALIPSO, and Aqua MODIS (2012) (22)
- Assessment of Aircraft Icing Potential Using Satellite Data (1992) (22)
- A simple analytical model of aerosol properties with account for hygroscopic growth: 2. Scattering and absorption coefficients (1999) (22)
- Variability in tornado frequency associated with U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones (2009) (22)
- Effects of Rheology and Ice Thickness Distribution in a Dynamic-Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model (1999) (22)
- A statistical model of drop‐size spectra for stratocumulus clouds (1996) (22)
- High-Resolution Satellite Surface Latent Heat Fluxes in North Atlantic Hurricanes (2011) (21)
- Parameterization of Cloud Drop Activation Based on Analytical Asymptotic Solutions to the Supersaturation Equation (2009) (21)
- Application of Aerosondes to high‐resolution observations of sea surface temperature over Barrow Canyon (2004) (21)
- Sensitivity of the Thickness of Arctic Sea Ice to the Optical Properties of Clouds (1990) (21)
- Application of cloud vertical structure from CloudSat to investigate MODIS‐derived cloud properties of cirriform, anvil, and deep convective clouds (2013) (20)
- Kinetics of Cloud Drop Formation and Its Parameterization for Cloud and Climate Models (2008) (20)
- Application of a serial extended forecast experiment using the ECMWF model to interpret the predictive skill of tropical intraseasonal variability (2009) (20)
- Characterization of springtime leads in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas from airborne and satellite observations during FIRE/SHEBA (2002) (19)
- Characterization of springtime leads in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas from airborne and satellite observations during FIRE/SHEBA (2002) (19)
- Modelling the mean and turbulent structure of the summertime Arctic cloudy boundary layer (1995) (18)
- Nullifying the climate null hypothesis (2011) (18)
- Climate science: Uncertain temperature trend (2014) (17)
- Role of radiative transfer in the modeled mesoscale development of summertime arctic stratus (1997) (17)
- Toward the modeling of enhanced basal melting in ridge keels (2000) (16)
- Study of tropical cyclogenesis using satellite data (1995) (15)
- Retrieval and characterization of cloud liquid water path using airborne passive microwave data during INDOEX (2001) (15)
- Atmospheric water balance in Typhoon Nina as determined from SSM/I satellite date (1994) (14)
- ‘Evolution of a Storm-driven Cloudy Boundary Layer in the Arctic’ (2003) (14)
- Radiative transfer in the summertime Arctic (2001) (14)
- Comment on “Atlantic and Pacific multidecadal oscillations and Northern Hemisphere temperatures” (2015) (13)
- Response of sea-ice models to perturbations in surface heat flux (1997) (13)
- Interactions of Arctic Aerosols with Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Northern Eurasia and their Role in the Arctic Climate System (2010) (13)
- The Second GEWEX Cloud System Study Science and Implementation Plan (2000) (13)
- Vertical Heat Transfer in the Lower Atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean During Clear-sky Periods (2004) (12)
- Heterogeneity of sea ice surface temperature at SHEBA from aircraft measurements (2003) (12)
- Observation and Interpretation of Microwave Cloud Signatures over the Arctic Ocean during Winter (2003) (11)
- Springtime Visibility in the Arctic (1991) (11)
- Introduction to special section: FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment (2001) (11)
- Possible role of ice crystals in ozone destruction of the lower arctic atmosphere (1993) (11)
- Satellite retrieval of tropical precipitation using combined International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project DX and SSM/I Data (1996) (11)
- Interactions between North Atlantic Clouds and the Large-Scale Environment (1992) (11)
- Earth Atmospheric Land Surface Temperature and Station Quality in the Contiguous United States (2013) (10)
- Analytical Solutions to the Stochastic Kinetic Equation for Liquid and Ice Particle Size Spectra. Part II: Large-Size Fraction in Precipitating Clouds (2008) (10)
- Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere: A Course in Theoretical Meteorology (2004) (10)
- Parameterization of homogeneous ice nucleation for cloud and climate models based on classical nucleation theory (2012) (10)
- A climatology of easterly waves in the tropical Western Hemisphere (2016) (10)
- Effects of entrainment and droplet sedimentation on the microphysical structure of status and stratocumulus clouds (1998) (9)
- Analytical Solutions to the Stochastic Kinetic Equation for Liquid and Ice Particle Size Spectra. Part I: Small-Size Fraction (2008) (8)
- Climate change: no consensus on consensus. (2013) (8)
- Entropy of a convecting water‐air system and the interpretation of cloud morphogenesis (1997) (8)
- Thermodynamic feedback processes in a single-column sea-ice-ocean model (1997) (8)
- Potential for estimating cloud liquid water path over sea ice from airborne passive microwave measurements (2001) (7)
- Observations of sea ice using a low-cost unpiloted aerial vehicle [presentation] (2002) (7)
- Use of the Aerosonde Unihabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the Fourth Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX 4) (2002) (7)
- Characteristics of Small Tropical Cumulus Clouds and Their Radiative Impact (1998) (6)
- Arctic cloudiness in spring from satellite imagery: Some comments (1988) (6)
- Deliquescence and Efflorescence in Atmospheric Aerosols (2014) (5)
- The effects of snowfall on a snow-ice-thickness distribution (1997) (5)
- Earth Atmospheric Land Surface Temperature and Station Quality in the United States (2011) (5)
- Climate variability: Nonlinear aspects (2002) (5)
- Impact of dust aerosols on Hurricane Helene's early development through the deliquescent heterogeneous freezing mode (2011) (5)
- Comparing Arctic regional models (2002) (4)
- THERMODYNAMICS | Moist (Unsaturated) Air (2003) (4)
- Aerosonde Operations in the Arctic (2002) (4)
- Opinion: Can scientists rebuild the public trust in climate science? (2010) (3)
- Two contrasting views of multidecadal climate variability in the 20 th century by (2014) (3)
- Overview of North Slope of Alaska/adjacent Arctic Ocean Science issues (1995) (3)
- Modeling the summertime Arctic cloudy boundary layer (1996) (3)
- Comment on "Climate Science and the Uncertainty Monster" by (2016) (2)
- Evaluation of AGCM Radiation Parameterizations in the Arctic (2002) (2)
- Berkeley Earth Temperature Averaging Process — supplement on statistical and mathematical methods (2012) (2)
- Evaluation of satellite sea surface temperature in the southern hemisphere using Chinese Antarctic research cruise observations (2011) (2)
- The New Polar Explorers of the 21st. Century: Autonomous Vehicles (2003) (1)
- THERMODYNAMICS | Saturated Adiabatic Processes (2015) (1)
- The impact of tropical cyclone size on North Atlantic ACE and PDI (2008) (1)
- Sensitivity of M-PACE mixed-phase stratocumulus to cloud condensation and ice nuclei in a mesoscale model with two-moment bulk cloud microphysics (2003) (1)
- Properties of Water and Aqueous Solutions (2014) (1)
- Evaluation of an ensemble of Arctic regional climate models: spatiotemporal fields during the SHEBA year (2006) (1)
- Airborne observations of leads in the Beaufort Sea (1998) (1)
- Heterogeneous Nucleation of Drops and Ice Crystals (2014) (1)
- Biases in the Modeled Surface Radiative Fluxes in Column Climate Simulations of SHEBA in May (1999) (1)
- What ice crystal nucleation mechanisms are active in the different types of cirrus clouds in the Florida area and how do these different nucleation processes influence the feedback between supersaturation and nucleation impact the evolution of the cloud? (2005) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: Broad Size Spectra in Clouds and the Theory of Stochastic Condensation (2014) (0)
- Interactions Between Arctic Sea Ice and Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Presence of Leads (1993) (0)
- Terminal Velocities of Drops and Crystals (2014) (0)
- Causes and implications of the growing divergence between climate model simulations and observations (2014) (0)
- Integrated approach to observing the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and glaciers in the polar regions (2001) (0)
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE Application of Aerosondes to Melt-Pond Observations over Arctic Sea Ice (2008) (0)
- Effects of Inhomogeneous Cloud Properties on 2-D Longwave Radiative Transfer (1998) (0)
- Final Report: A Coordinated Effort to Improve Parameterization of High-Latitude Cloud and Radiation Processes (2003) (0)
- Polar-Hardened Aerosonde UAVs for Studying Atmospheric Processes and Sea Ice (2008) (0)
- Decadal Variability and Predictability in This Issue Evaluation of Short-term Climate Change Prediction in Multi-model Cmip5 Decadal Hindcasts..............7 Evaluation of Multidecadal Variability in Cmip5 Surface Solar Radiation and Inferred Under-estimation of Aerosol Direct Effects over Europe, C (0)
- A Hierarchical Modeling Study of the Interactions Among Turbulence, Cloud Microphysics, and Radiative Transfer in the Evolution of Cirrus Clouds (2005) (0)
- Surface heat fluxes of tropical cyclones from satellite data sets and reanalyses (2010) (0)
- Decadal Variability and Predictability in This Issue Evaluation of Short-term Climate Change Prediction in Multi-model Cmip5 Decadal Hindcasts..............7 Evaluation of Multidecadal Variability in Cmip5 Surface Solar Radiation and Inferred Under-estimation of Aerosol Direct Effects over Europe, C (0)
- Impact of aerosols on the Arctic hydrological cycle (2010) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: References (2014) (0)
- Application of LES (Large Eddy Simulation) to Understanding and Parameterizing the Arctic Cloudy Boundary Layer (2002) (0)
- Microwave Emissivity of Sea Ice Estimated from Aircraft Measurements during FIRE-SHEBA (0)
- Summertime Arctic Clouds and Radiation Over SHEBA (1999) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: Wet Aerosol Processes (2014) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: Clouds and Their Properties (2014) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: Parameterizations of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation (2014) (0)
- Applications of the Aerosonde to Long-Term Observations in the Arctic (2001) (0)
- The Climate - Change or No Change (2011) (0)
- Comment on Kokkola et al. (2008) (2009) (0)
- Interannual to decadal variations in Earth global temperature estimates have often been identi (2013) (0)
- Comment on "Comparisons with analytical solutions from Khvorostyanov and Curry (2007) on the critical droplet radii and supersaturations of CCN with insoluble fractions" by Kokkola et al. (2008) (2009) (0)
- Interactive comment on “Assessment of parameterizations of heterogeneous ice nucleation in cloud and climate models” by J. A. Curry and V. I. Khvorostyanov (2010) (0)
- Variability in North Atlantic Tropical Storm Frequency and Season Length in Relation to Sea-Surface Temperature (1851-2005) (2006) (0)
- Determination and impact of surface radiative processes for TOGA COARE (1991) (0)
- A seamless system for medium range, subseasonal and seasonal probabalistic forecasts of energy demand (2013) (0)
- Falling out of the Ivory Tower: a Case Study of Mixing Hurricane Science, Politics, and the Media (2006) (0)
- Federal Preemption of Pesticide Labeling Claims (1995) (0)
- Documenting, Understanding, and Predicting the Aggregate Surface Radiation Fluxes for SHEBA (2001) (0)
- Climate Change and Global Energy Security: Debate and Book Signing (2011) (0)
- Diffusion and Coagulation Growth of Drops and Crystals (2014) (0)
- Climate uncertainty and risk (2018) (0)
- Microphysics of Arctic Mixed Phase Clouds (2005) (0)
- Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Microphysics of Clouds: Activation of Cloud Condensation Nuclei into Cloud Drops (2014) (0)
- Global Climate Change and its Impacts on Georgia (2009) (0)
- Impact of the ~ 2400 yr solar cycle on climate and human societies (2016) (0)
- THERMODYNAMICS | Humidity Variables (2015) (0)
- Analytical Solutions to the Stochastic Kinetic Equation for Precipitating Clouds (2014) (0)
- Radiative and Microphysical Properties of Autumnal Arctic Clouds (1998) (0)
- Interactive comment on “ Assessment of parameterizations of heterogeneous ice nucleation in cloud and climate models ” by J . A . Curry (2010) (0)
- 1 Kinetics of Cloud Drop Formation and Its Parameterization for Cloud and Climate Models (0)
- The federal preemption debate in pharmaceutical labeling product liability actions. (2007) (0)
- Thermodynamic feedback processes in a single-column sea-ice–ocean model (1997) (0)
- Comment on Kokkola et al. (2008) - Comparisons with analytical solutions from Khvorostyanov and Curry (2007) on the critical droplet radii and supersaturations of CCN with insoluble fractions (2009) (0)
- The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project (2012) (0)
- Application of global weather and climate model output to the design and operation of wind-energy systems (2015) (0)
- What ice crystal nucleation mechanisms are active in the different types of cirrus clouds in the Florida area and how do these different nucleation processes influence the feedback between supersaturation and nucleation impact the evolution of the cloud? (2005) (0)
- SEAFLUX: Ocean Surface Turbulent Flux Project (Invited) (2001) (0)
- Role for Eurasian Arctic shelf sea ice in a secularly varying hemispheric 1 climate signal during the 20 th century 2 3 By (2013) (0)
- An examination of the processes coupling boundary layer clouds to climate (1996) (0)
- Simulation of a Coupled Mechanism for Local Intraseasonal Variability in the Tropics (2007) (0)
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