Julia Kotlarsky
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Computer Science
Julia Kotlarsky's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Information Systems University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Computer Science University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Julia Kotlarsky Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Julia Kotlarsky is a New Zealand academic, and as of 2018 is a full professor at the University of Auckland. Academic career After her 2005 PhD thesis titled 'Management of globally distributed component-based software development projects' at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, Kotlarsky moved to the University of Warwick, and then in 2012 joined Aston University as a full professor. In 2018 she moved to University of Auckland.
Julia Kotlarsky's Published Works
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Published Works
- Social ties, knowledge sharing and successful collaboration in globally distributed system development projects (2005) (524)
- The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring (2009) (278)
- Knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams: the role of transactive memory (2008) (275)
- Developing a knowledge-based perspective on coordination: The case of global software projects (2008) (164)
- Managing Dispersed Expertise in IT Offshore Outsourcing: Lessons from Tata Consultancy Services (2007) (157)
- Global software development: Exploring socialization and face-to-face meetings in distributed strategic projects (2007) (142)
- Management of Globally Distributed Component-Based Software Development Projects (2005) (115)
- The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring 3rd edition (2015) (108)
- Are We on the Same Page? Knowledge Boundaries and Transactive Memory System Development in Cross-Functional Teams (2015) (104)
- Coordinating Expertise Across Knowledge Boundaries in Offshore-Outsourcing Projects: The Role of Codification (2014) (104)
- Strategic innovation through outsourcing: The role of relational and contractual governance (2015) (94)
- Global sourcing: recent trends and issues (2009) (77)
- Globally distributed component-based software development: an exploratory study of knowledge management and work division (2007) (74)
- Missing links: building critical social ties for global collaborative teamwork (2008) (54)
- Country attractiveness for offshoring and offshore outsourcing: additional considerations (2008) (51)
- Understanding the process of backsourcing: two cases of process and product backsourcing in Europe (2012) (41)
- Primary vendor capabilities in a mediated outsourcing model: Can IT service providers leverage crowdsourcing? (2014) (37)
- Crowdsourcing as a Strategic IS Sourcing Phenomenon: Critical Review and Insights for Future Research (2020) (30)
- Outsourcing and Offshoring Engineering Projects: Understanding the Value, Sourcing Models, and Coordination Practices (2011) (28)
- Social Ties in Globally Distributed Software Teams: Beyond Face-to-Face Meetings (2007) (27)
- Digital resources and their role in advanced service provision: a VRIN analysis (2015) (26)
- Beyond BRIC: offshoring in non-BRIC countries: Egypt – a new growth market: an LSE Outsourcing Unit report January 2009 (2009) (25)
- Outsourcing Global Services: Knowledge, Innovation and Social Capital (2008) (23)
- Knowledge Processes in Globally Distributed Contexts (2008) (21)
- New Capabilities: Can IT Service Providers Leverage Crowdsourcing? (2012) (20)
- Re-presentation as Work Design in Outsourcing: A Semiotic View (2018) (20)
- Editorial: Understanding strategic innovation in IT and business process outsourcing (2015) (16)
- Outsourcing Global Services (2008) (14)
- Re-engineering at LeCroy Corporation: The move to component-based systems (2007) (14)
- Bridging Knowledge Boundaries in Cross-Functional Groups: The Role of a Transactive Memory System (2009) (13)
- East, west, would home really be best? On dissatisfaction with offshore-outsourcing and firms' inclination to backsource (2017) (13)
- Global software development: exploring socialization in strategic distributed projects (2007) (12)
- Can Client Firms Achieve Radical Innovation in IT Outsourcing? (2011) (12)
- An Information Processing View on Joint Vendor Performance in Multi-Sourcing: The Role of the Guardian (2019) (12)
- The handbook of global outsourcing and offshoring : the definitive guide to strategy and operations (2015) (12)
- Extending Organizational Boundaries Through Outsourcing: Toward a Dynamic Risk-Management Capability Framework (2020) (11)
- Global Sourcing of Information Technology and Business Processes - 4th Global Sourcing Workshop 2010, Zermatt, Switzerland, March 22-25, 2010, Revised Selected Papers (2010) (10)
- A Conceptual Framework of Knowledge Integration in Multisourcing Arrangements (2012) (9)
- Special Issue on Global Sourcing: IT Services, Knowledge and Social Capital (2008) (9)
- Information security in networkable Windows-based operating system devices: Challenges and solutions (2007) (9)
- Managing Component-Based Development in Global Teams (2009) (8)
- Realising the Real Benefits of Outsourcing: Measurement Excellence and Its Importance in Achieving Long Term Value (2010) (8)
- Special issue on global sourcing of business and IT services (2012) (8)
- Towards agility in design in global component-based development (2008) (7)
- Knowledge sharing, social ties and successful collaboration in globally distributed system development projects (2008) (7)
- Expertise management in a distributed context: The case of offshore information technology outsourcing (2008) (7)
- On a Supplier's Paradoxical Practices: The Case of Technological Innovations in Outsourcing Engagements (2016) (7)
- Management of Distributed Project Teams in Networks (2008) (7)
- Towards Understanding Knowledge Integration in Multi-Sourcing Engagements (2014) (7)
- Understanding Knowledge Coordination Dynamics in Traditional and Fast-Response IT Organizations (2014) (6)
- Building Trust in Globally Distributed Teams (2008) (6)
- Innovation in Outsourcing : A Study on Client Expectations and Commitment (2011) (6)
- Socialization in a global context: lessons from dispersed teams (2008) (6)
- Strategic innovation through outsourcing - A theoretical review (2022) (6)
- Knowledge Transfer and Sharing in Globally Distributed Teams (2008) (5)
- Under pressure: Understanding the dynamics of coordination in IT functions under business-as-usual and emergency conditions (2020) (5)
- Overview of the global sourcing marketplace (2009) (5)
- Innovation in Outsourcing: Towards a Practical Framework (2011) (4)
- The role of a transactive memory in bridging knowledge boundaries (2009) (4)
- Achieving Success and Innovation in Global Sourcing: Perspectives and Practices (2015) (4)
- Governing Sourcing Relationships. A Collection of Studies at the Country, Sector and Firm Level (2014) (4)
- The Dynamics of Global Sourcing. Perspectives and Practices (2012) (4)
- Before, During, and After Face-to-Face Meetings: The Lifecycle of Social Ties in Globally Distributed Teams (2005) (3)
- Shared Services and Outsourcing: A Contemporary Outlook (2016) (3)
- Department of Information Systems London School of Economics and Political Science (2006) (3)
- An Information Security Strategy for Networkable Devices (2007) (3)
- Leveraging Knowledge and Expertise (2009) (3)
- Transactive Memory and the Transfer of Knowledge between Onsite and Offshore IT Outsourcing Teams (2009) (3)
- IS Sourcing (2018) (3)
- Information Security Policies for Networkable Devices (2007) (2)
- Case Research in Global Software Projects: Coordinating Through Knowledge (2006) (2)
- How Formal Governance Affects Multisourcing Success: A Multi-level Perspective (2018) (2)
- What Client Firms Want and Are Willing to Do to Achieve Innovation from Their Suppliers: Insights from the Nordic, Italian, and British Outsourcing Sectors (2018) (2)
- New Studies in Global IT and Business Service Outsourcing - 5th Global Sourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (2011) (2)
- Towards Understanding IT Value Co-creation in Crowdsourcing: the Multiple Stakeholders' Perspective (2014) (2)
- Expertise management in a distributed context: the case of offshore IT outsourcing (2007) (2)
- Joint Vendor Performance in Multi-sourcing Arrangements: The Moderating Role of the Guardian (2015) (2)
- Dynamic innovation in outsourcing: theories, cases, practices (2018) (2)
- Bridging gaps in globally dispersed collaboration: Developing knowledge bases (2008) (1)
- Shared services and outsourcing : a contemporary outlook:10th Global Sourcing Workshop 2016, Val d'Isère, France, February 16-19, 2016, revised selected papers (2016) (1)
- Scoping Review of Crowdsourcing Literature: Insights for IS Research (2020) (1)
- Relational and Contractual Governance for Innovation (2018) (1)
- Information Systems Sourcing (2020) (1)
- Evaluation of Russia’s Attractiveness as an IT Offshoring Destination (2013) (1)
- The IT outsourcing lifecycle and the transition phase (2009) (1)
- New Studies in Global IT and Business Services Outsourcing: 5th Global Sourcing Workshop 2011, Courchevel, France, March 14-17, 2011, Revised Selected ... Notes in Business Information Processing) (2012) (1)
- Enabling Strategic Technological Innovations in IS Outsourcing Relationships: Towards an Innovation-molding Framework (2018) (1)
- Global Sourcing of Digital Services: Micro and Macro Perspectives (2017) (1)
- Managing Globally Distributed Teams (2009) (1)
- Expertise Management in a Distributed Context (2007) (1)
- Bilateral versus Collective Governance : How Clients Promote Relational Norms in Multisourcing (2018) (1)
- The Attractiveness of Western Countries for Outsourcing Services and Backsourcing (2015) (1)
- Information technology for personal, impersonal, and automated e-coordination modes (2008) (1)
- Bilateral, Collective, or Both? Formal Governance and Performance in Multisourcing (2022) (1)
- Advances in global sourcing : models, governance and relationship:7th global sourcing workshop 2013, Val d’Isère, France, March 11-14, 2013, revised selected papers (2013) (1)
- A Process Perspective on Emerging Value in Tournament-based and Collaborative Crowdsourcing (2021) (1)
- Why Innovation and Why Now (2018) (1)
- Bulgaria, the Balkans, the Baltic, and beyond (2013) (0)
- Sourcing models: What and when to outsource/offshore (2009) (0)
- Supplier Configurations and Capabilities (2015) (0)
- From Knowing to Data-Driven Organizations: Review and Conceptual Framework (2022) (0)
- The client perspective: Vendor selection strategy, retained management capabilities, and legal issues (2009) (0)
- Logistics, Information, Networks and Knowledge (LINK) (2006) (0)
- Innovation through IT Outsourcing - Evidence from a Care Home (2020) (0)
- The Management of Globally Distributed Software Development (2009) (0)
- New Capabilities: Can IT Vendors Leverage Crowdsourcing? (2014) (0)
- Enabling Strategic Technological Innovation in Outsourcing Relationships (2018) (0)
- Global Sourcing Workshop (2008) (0)
- Governance of Outsourcing Relationships (2015) (0)
- Can outsourcing improve competitive advantage in direct retail banking? (2020) (0)
- Towards a Framework of Successful Global Distributed CBD (2009) (0)
- Supplier Selection, Retained Management Capabilities and Legal Issues (2015) (0)
- The Case of Baan: How Not to Manage Global Teams (2009) (0)
- Relativity of Space and Time Constraints in Dispersed Collaboration : Theoretical Explanation and an Empirical Investigation (2004) (0)
- How the World Understood the White Island Eruption: The Tales that Different Social Media Actors Tell Us (2022) (0)
- Emerging issues in sourcing strategy (2009) (0)
- What Can Be Learnt From These Cases (2009) (0)
- Observations of GD CBD at TCS (2009) (0)
- Proceedings of the CAiSE*03 10th Doctoral Consortium on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (2003) (0)
- TMS in Action: The Role of Professional Identity in Coordinating Organizational Knowledge Networks (2013) (0)
- Leveraging Information Systems Outsourcing for Innovation (2020) (0)
- Country Attractiveness for Sourcing (2009) (0)
- Digital Services and Platforms. Considerations for Sourcing (2018) (0)
- Managing Dispersed and Dynamic Expertise in Fluid Organizational Forms (2016) (0)
- Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing: Preface (2011) (0)
- Knowledge exploitation in product programs: a comparison between the mass production and made to order paradigm (2004) (0)
- Governance of outsourcing projects (2009) (0)
- On the soft side of global IT outsourcing: innovating in relationships, social capital, and knowledge (2008) (0)
- Captive and Shared Service Centres (2015) (0)
- Can your vendor innovate for you (2013) (0)
- New studies in global IT and business service outsourcing: 5th Global Sourcing Workshop: selected revised papers (2011) (0)
- Observations of GD CBD at LeCroy Corporation (2009) (0)
- Supplier’s core capabilities and strategies for sustainability and growth (2009) (0)
- Managing expertise in offshore outsourcing: the role of codification (2009) (0)
- Developing Internet-based integrated architecture for managing globally distributed software development projects (2001) (0)
- IT Offshore Outsourcing: Supplier Lessons on the Management of Expertise (2009) (0)
- Observations of GD CBD at SAP (2009) (0)
- Understanding Innovation in Outsourcing Services (2012) (0)
- The Management of Component-Based Software Development (2009) (0)
- Innovation Through Outsourcing (2015) (0)
- Crowdsourcing in Response to Disaster: A Literature Review (2022) (0)
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