Kenneth Judd
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American economist
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Kenneth Judd's Degrees
- PhD Economics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Kenneth Judd Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Kenneth Lewis Judd is a computational economist at Stanford University, where he is the Paul H. Bauer Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1980. He is perhaps best known as the author of Numerical Methods in Economics, and he is also among the editors of the Handbook of Computational Economics and of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Kenneth Judd's Published Works
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Published Works
- Numerical methods in economics (1998) (2895)
- Equilibrium Incentives in Oligopoly (1984) (1479)
- Redistributive Taxation in a Simple Perfect Foresight Model (1985) (1345)
- Handbook of Computational Economics, Volume 2: Agent-Based Computational Economics (Handbook of Computational Economics) (2006) (662)
- Projection methods for solving aggregate growth models (1992) (622)
- The law of large numbers with a continuum of IID random variables (1985) (501)
- On the Performance of Patents (1985) (364)
- Constrained Optimization Approaches to Estimation of Structural Models (2011) (352)
- The Welfare Cost of Factor Taxation in a Perfect-Foresight Model (1987) (313)
- Credible Spatial Preemption (1985) (299)
- Liquidity Constraints, Fiscal Policy, and Consumption (1986) (295)
- Observable Contracts: Strategic Delegation and Cooperation (1991) (273)
- New Dynamic Public Finance: A User's Guide [with Comments and Discussion] (2006) (265)
- Optimal taxation and spending in general competitive growth models (1999) (261)
- Social Security and Individual Welfare: Precautionary Saving, Liquidityconstraints, and the Payroll Tax (1985) (207)
- Stochastic integrated assessment of climate tipping points indicates the need for strict climate policy (2015) (199)
- Stochastic integrated assessment of climate tipping points indicates the need for strict climate policy (2015) (199)
- Short-Run Analysis of Fiscal Policy in a Simple Perfect Foresight Model (1985) (184)
- Smolyak Method for Solving Dynamic Economic Models: Lagrange Interpolation, Anisotropic Grid and Adaptive Domain (2013) (171)
- Social Security and Individual Welfare: Precautionary Saving, Borrowing Constraints, and the Payroll Tax (1987) (146)
- Asymptotic methods for aggregate growth models (1997) (142)
- Computing Supergame Equilibria (2003) (139)
- Approximation, perturbation, and projection methods in economic analysis (1996) (133)
- Price and Quality in a New Product Monopoly (1994) (124)
- Computational Economics and Economic Theory: Substitutes or Complements (1997) (118)
- Merging Simulation and Projection Approaches to Solve High-Dimensional Problems (2012) (114)
- Capital-Income Taxation with Imperfect Competition (2002) (107)
- Taxation and Uncertainty (1989) (101)
- An alternative to steady-state comparisons in perfect foresight models (1982) (101)
- Asymptotic methods for asset market equilibrium analysis (2001) (101)
- The Social Cost of Stochastic and Irreversible Climate Change (2013) (97)
- Computational suite of models with heterogeneous agents: Incomplete markets and aggregate uncertainty (2010) (89)
- High Performance Quadrature Rules: How Numerical Integration Affects a Popular Model of Product Differentiation (2011) (84)
- The Optimal Tax Rate for Capital Income is Negative (1997) (83)
- Environmental tipping points significantly affect the cost−benefit assessment of climate policies (2015) (83)
- Asset Trading Volume with Dynamically Complete Markets and Heterogeneous Agents (2003) (75)
- Perturbation Solution Methods for Economic Growth Models (1993) (71)
- DSICE: A Dynamic Stochastic Integrated Model of Climate and Economy (2012) (62)
- Debt and distortionary taxation in a simple perfect foresight model (1987) (57)
- A Cluster-Grid Projection Method: Solving Problems with High Dimensionality (2010) (56)
- Optimal Income Taxation with Multidimensional Taxpayer Types (2006) (55)
- Effects of Capital Gains Taxation on Life‐Cycle Investment and Portfolio Management (1987) (54)
- Dynamic Limit Pricing and Internal Finance (1986) (54)
- Solving the Multi-Country Real Business Cycle Model Using Ergodic Set Methods (2010) (53)
- Asset market equilibrium with general tastes, returns, and informational asymmetries (2000) (53)
- Open science is necessary (2012) (49)
- Computationally Intensive Analyses in Economics (2006) (48)
- Computational suite of models with heterogeneous agents: Multi-country real business cycle models (2011) (46)
- A Solution Method for Incomplete Asset Markets Wih Heterogeneous Agents (2002) (45)
- Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Computational Methods for Dynamic Equilibria with Heterogeneous Agents (2003) (41)
- Taxes, Uncertainty, and Human Capital (1998) (41)
- Closed-loop equilibrium in a multi-stage innovation race (2003) (41)
- Solving Dynamic Programming Problems on a Computational Grid (2013) (39)
- Tariffs, Technology Transfer, and Welfare (1982) (38)
- Numerically Stable Stochastic Simulation Approaches for Solving Dynamic Economic Models (2009) (38)
- Continuous-Time Methods for Integrated Assessment Models (2012) (38)
- Cyclical and Chaotic Behavior in a Dynamic Equilibrium Model, with Implications for Fiscal Policy (1986) (38)
- Advances in Numerical Dynamic Programming and New Applications (2014) (36)
- Equilibrium Existence and Approximation for Incomplete Market Models with Substantial Heterogeneity (2012) (34)
- Shape-preserving dynamic programming (2012) (34)
- Stable and Efficient Computational Methods for Dynamic Programming (2010) (33)
- Tipping Points in a Dynamic Stochastic IAM (2012) (33)
- Computing equilibria in infinite-horizon finance economies: The case of one asset (2000) (33)
- Optimal Rules for Patent Races (2011) (32)
- Numerical Dynamic Programming with Shape-Preserving Splines (1999) (32)
- Parametric Path Method: An alternative to Fair-Taylor and L-B-J for solving perfect foresight models (2002) (31)
- How to Solve Dynamic Stochastic Models Computing Expectations Just Once (2011) (30)
- Equilibrium Incentives in Oligopoly: Corrigendum (2006) (27)
- Numerical Solution of Dynamic Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs (2013) (26)
- Existence , Uniqueness , and Computational Theory for Time Consistent Equilibria : A Hyperbolic Discounting Example (2003) (25)
- Mergers and Dynamic Oligopoly (1997) (23)
- The Impact of Tax Reform in Modern Dynamic Economies (2002) (22)
- A Dynamic Theory of Factor Taxation (1987) (22)
- Dynamic programming with shape-preserving rational spline Hermite interpolation (2012) (21)
- Finding All Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Games with Continuous Strategies (2010) (20)
- Solving a savings allocation problem by numerical dynamic programming with shape-preserving interpolation (2000) (20)
- A note on the core of the overlapping generations model (1980) (19)
- Solving an Incomplete Markets Model with a Large Cross-Section of Agents (2017) (18)
- Computing equilibria of dynamic games (2010) (18)
- Computation of Moral-Hazard Problems (2005) (15)
- A Cluster-Grid Algorithm : Solving Problems With High Dimensionality ∗ (2011) (15)
- Reply to “Asset trading volume in infinite-horizon economies with dynamically complete markets and heterogeneous agents: Comment” ☆ (2006) (14)
- Complex Evolutionary Systems in Behavioral Finance, In: Handbook of Financial Markets: Dynamics and Evolution, Edited by T. Hens and K.R. (2011) (13)
- A Nonlinear Certainty Equivalent Approximation Method for Dynamic Stochastic Problems (2015) (13)
- Lower Bounds on Approximation Errors to Numerical Solutions of Dynamic Economic Models (2017) (13)
- Volume and Price Formation in an Asset Trading Model with Asymmetric Information (1996) (12)
- Bond Ladders and Optimal Portfolios (2009) (11)
- CIM-EARTH: Framework and Case Study (2010) (10)
- Marginal excess burden in a dynamic economy (1985) (10)
- Finite Lifetimes, Borrowing Constraints, and Short-Run Fiscal Policy (1987) (10)
- CIM-EARTH: Community integrated model of economic and resource trajectories for humankind. (2010) (10)
- Equilibrium open interest (2010) (10)
- Strategic Delegation and Delay in Negotiations over the Bargaining Agenda (2007) (9)
- Minimum weighted residual methods for solving aggregate growth models (1991) (9)
- Statistical Approximation of High-Dimensional Climate Models (2016) (9)
- A Computational Approach to Proving Uniqueness in Dynamic Games (2005) (9)
- Climate Policy Under Cooperation and Competition between Regions with Spatial Heat Transport (2018) (9)
- Approximation Methods (2008) (8)
- Stabilized optimization via an NCL algorithm (2017) (7)
- Computational Public Economics (2004) (7)
- A Partial Equilibrium Model of Option Markets (2000) (6)
- Computation and economic theory: Introduction (2001) (6)
- Dynamic Stochastic Games with Sequential State-to-State Transitions (2007) (6)
- Efficiency, Adverse Selection, and Production (1984) (6)
- Stochastic integrated assessment of climate tipping points calls for strict climate policy (2015) (6)
- Climate Policy under Spatial Heat Transport: Cooperative and Noncooperative Regional Outcomes (2019) (6)
- How to solve dynamic stochastic models computing expectations just once: How to solve dynamic stochastic models (2017) (5)
- Capital Gains Taxation by Realization in Dynamic General Equilibrium (1986) (5)
- Efficiency of Asset Markets with Asymmetric Information (1997) (5)
- Equilibrium Incentives in Oligopoly Author ( s ) : (2008) (4)
- Comments on Marcet, Rust and Pakes (1994) (4)
- A Review of Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics (1991) (4)
- A New Optimization Approach to Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Structural Models (2006) (4)
- Social Impacts of New Radio Markets in Ghana: A Dynamic Structural Analysis (2017) (4)
- Optimal Policies for Patent Races (2002) (4)
- Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling: Solving Dynamic Stochastic Competitive General Equilibrium Models (2005) (3)
- Capital Market Imperfections and Tax Policy Analysis in the Life Cycle Model (1988) (3)
- Special issue on Mathematical Programming (2004) (3)
- Structural estimation of discrete-choice games of incomplete information with multiple equilibria (2010) (3)
- Finding All Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Static and Dynamic Games with Continuous Strategies (2010) (3)
- Numerical Dynamic Programming with Verification and Uncertainty Quantification: An Application to Climate Policy (2018) (3)
- Supergames with States ∗ (2015) (3)
- An Agenda for Economic Reform in Korea: International Perspectives (2000) (3)
- One-Node Quadrature Beats Monte Carlo: A Generalized Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (2011) (3)
- Dynamic Programming with Hermite Interpolation (2012) (3)
- Optimal Consumption Plans and Portfolio Management with Duration- Dependent Returns (1985) (3)
- CFEnetwork: The annals of computational and financial econometrics, 3rd issue (2014) (2)
- Which economic states are sustainable under a slightly constrained tax-rate adjustment policy (2014) (2)
- Dynamic stochastic games with random moves (2018) (2)
- Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series N ° 08 – 32 Bond Ladders and Optimal Portfolios (2008) (2)
- Exercises in Voodoo Economics (1983) (2)
- Dynamic limit pricing a refcmulation (1985) (2)
- A Big Data Approach to Optimal Sales Taxation (2014) (2)
- Bond Portfolios and Two-Fund Separation in the Lucas Asset-Pricing Model (2006) (2)
- Lower Bounds on Approximation Errors: Testing the Hypothesis That a Numerical Solution Is Accurate (2014) (2)
- Solution Methods for Markov Perfect Nash Equi-libria of Continuous Time, Finite State Stochastic Gam (2004) (2)
- O curse of dimensionality, where is thy sting? (2006) (2)
- Effects of asset market structure on welfare and trading volume (2004) (1)
- Numerical methods in ecoomics / Kenneth Judd (1998) (1)
- Optimal Path for Global Land Use under Climate Change Uncertainty (2013) (1)
- Big Data Techniques as a Solution to Theory Problems (2016) (1)
- Optimal Dynamic Fiscal Policy with Endogenous Debt Limits (2017) (1)
- Modeling Uncertainty in Large Natural Resource Allocation Problems (2020) (1)
- Material Supplement to “ Numerically stable and accurate stochastic simulation approaches for solving dynamic economic models ” : Appendices (2011) (1)
- Efficient Likelihood Ratio Confidence Intervals using Constrained Optimization (2019) (1)
- Experience and Technology Adoption May 2002 (2002) (1)
- The Macroeconomic Effects of Uncertain Fiscal Policy (1984) (1)
- Perturbation Methods and Change of Variable Transformations (2003) (1)
- Modeling the human dimensions of climate change: The CIM-EARTH project (2009) (0)
- Preface to the Special Issue on Computational Economics (2010) (0)
- Operations Research Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Economics: Submission deadline extended: August 31, 2008 (2008) (0)
- Agricultural RD Policy in the Face of Climate and Economic Uncertainty (2016) (0)
- Handbooks in Economics - Computational Economics (2014) (0)
- Dynamic stochastic games with random moves (2018) (0)
- Comments on Prof. Mirowski's "Markets Come to Bits: Evolution, Computation and Markomata in Economic Science" (2007) (0)
- Shape-preserving dynamic programming (2012) (0)
- Tepper School of Business 5-29-2007 Optimal Rules for Patent Races (2015) (0)
- Solution Methods for Models with Quasi-Geometric Discounting (2003) (0)
- The Timing and Location of Entry in Growing Markets: Subgame Perfection at Work (2019) (0)
- Operations Research Call for Papers: Special Issue on Computational Economics: Submission deadline: March 31, 2008 (2007) (0)
- Agricultural R&D policy under climate and economic uncertainty (2016) (0)
- The Importance of Asymmetric Tax Policy and Dangers of Aggregation (2011) (0)
- Algorithms and Economic Dynamics (1998) (0)
- Dynamic programming with Hermite approximation (2015) (0)
- Asymptotic Expansion Methods for Dynamic Models with Incomplete Asset Markets (2002) (0)
- A Simple but Powerful Simulated Certainty Equivalent Approximation Method for Dynamic Stochastic Problems (2021) (0)
- Learning About Learning in Dynamic Economic Models 1 (2011) (0)
- Three Essays on Exchange Rate Pass-Through Aurora Ascione (2008) (0)
- Finite sample bias of GMM estimation (1992) (0)
- Optimal Income Taxation with Multidimensional Taxpayer Types∗ Preliminary and Incomplete (2006) (0)
- Teaching Numerical Methods to Economics Students (2004) (0)
- Solving Dynamic Programming Problems on a Computational Grid (2014) (0)
- Solving Continuous-Time Markov-Perfect Nash Equilibria (2004) (0)
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