Lisa Jeffrey
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Canadian mathematician
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- PhD Mathematics Princeton University
Why Is Lisa Jeffrey Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Lisa Claire Jeffrey FRSC is a Canadian mathematician, a professor of mathematics at the University of Toronto. In her research, she uses symplectic geometry to provide rigorous proofs of results in quantum field theory.
Lisa Jeffrey's Published Works
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Published Works
- Localization for nonabelian group actions (1993) (376)
- Chern-Simons-Witten invariants of lens spaces and torus bundles, and the semiclassical approximation (1992) (242)
- Bohr-sommerfeld orbits in the moduli space of flat connections and the Verlinde dimension formula (1992) (168)
- Topological Lagrangians and cohomology (1990) (142)
- Extended moduli spaces of flat connections on Riemann surfaces (1994) (111)
- Group systems, groupoids, and moduli spaces of parabolic bundles (1995) (111)
- Localization and the quantization conjecture (1997) (79)
- Toric Structures on the Moduli Space of Flat Connections on a Riemann Surface: Volumes and the Moment Map (1994) (55)
- Symplectic Implosion (2001) (54)
- Group cohomology construction of the cohomology of moduli spaces of flat connections on $2$-manifolds (1994) (45)
- Half density quantization of the moduli space of flat connections and witten's semiclassical manifold invariants (1993) (38)
- Group-valued implosion and parabolic structures (2004) (37)
- Group cohomology construction of symplectic forms on certain moduli spaces (1994) (37)
- Cohomology pairings on singular quotients in geometric invariant theory (2001) (33)
- Representations with Weighted Frames and Framed Parabolic Bundles (1999) (30)
- Symplectic forms on moduli spaces of flat connections on 2-manifolds (1994) (28)
- Intersection pairings in moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles on a Riemann surface (1995) (28)
- The space of commuting n-tuples in SU(2) (2009) (24)
- Flat Connections on Oriented 2‐Manifolds (2005) (21)
- Connectivity properties of moment maps on based loop groups (2005) (15)
- Quantum Fields and Strings: A Course for Mathematicians, Volumes I and 2. (2016) (15)
- Toric structures on the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface II: Inductive decomposition of the moduli space (1997) (14)
- The Verlinde Formula for Parabolic Bundles (2000) (11)
- Intersection pairings in moduli spaces of vector bundles of arbitrary rank over a Riemann surface (1996) (11)
- Moduli of Framed Parabolic Sheaves (2005) (10)
- Localization theorems by symplectic cuts (2003) (10)
- Symplectic Reduction (2019) (9)
- Intersection pairings on singular moduli spaces of bundles over a Riemann surface and their partial desingularisations (2005) (9)
- Hamiltonian Group Actions and Equivariant Cohomology (2019) (9)
- Symplectic Geometry of the Moduli Space of Flat Connections on a Riemann Surface: Inductive Decompositions and Vanishing Theorems (2000) (8)
- On the cohomology of hyperkähler quotients (2008) (8)
- Products of Conjugacy Classes in SU(2) (2002) (7)
- Eta-invariants and anomalies in U(1)-Chern-Simons theory (2010) (6)
- The residue formula and the Tolman-Weitsman theorem (2002) (5)
- Nonabelian localization for U(1) Chern–Simons theory (2009) (5)
- Torus Actions, Moment Maps, and the Symplectic Geometry of the Moduli Space of Flat Connections on a Two-Manifold (1993) (5)
- The Volume of the Moduli Space of Flat Connections on a Nonorientable 2-Manifold (2003) (5)
- The prequantum line bundle on the moduli space of flat SU(N) connections on a Riemann surface and the homotopy of the large N limit (2014) (4)
- Real loci of based loop groups (2009) (4)
- The Triple Reduced Product and Hamiltonian Flows (2018) (4)
- Hamiltonian group actions and symplectic reduction (2006) (4)
- Spectral Curves for the Triple Reduced Product of Coadjoint Orbits for SU(3) (2017) (4)
- Symplectic Quantum Mechanics and Chern-Simons Gauge Theory II: Mapping Tori of Tori (2012) (3)
- Geometric Quantization in the Non-compact Setting (2011) (3)
- The Kirwan map, equivariant Kirwan maps, and their kernels (2002) (3)
- Intersection pairings in the N-fold reduced product of adjoint orbits (2019) (3)
- Intersection Cohomology of the Universal Imploded Cross-Section of SU(3) (2015) (2)
- Poisson maps between character varieties: gluing and capping (2021) (2)
- Geometric Quantization and Witten’s Semiclassical Manifold Invariants (1993) (2)
- The module structure of the equivariant K-theory of the based loop group of SU(2) (2010) (2)
- Hyperfunctions, the Duistermaat–Heckman Theorem and Loop Groups (2017) (2)
- The SU(2)-character variety of the closed surface of genus 2 (2017) (2)
- Bundles over Connected Sums (2021) (1)
- The $${\textit{SU}}(2)$$SU(2)-character variety of the closed surface of genus 2 (2018) (1)
- The Symplectic Structure on Coadjoint Orbits (2019) (1)
- The Kernel of the Equivariant Kirwan Map and the Residue Formula (2002) (1)
- A Note on Localization and the Riemann-Roch Formula (1996) (1)
- The volume of the N-fold reduced product of coadjoint orbits. (2018) (1)
- Memories of Sir Michael Atiyah (2019) (1)
- Connectedness of level sets of the moment map for torus actions on the based loop group (2010) (1)
- Symplectic quantum mechanics and Chern-Simons gauge theory. I (2012) (1)
- Poisson structure on character varieties (2020) (1)
- Flat Connections and the Commutator Map for SU(2) (2020) (1)
- Torsion and symplectic volume in Seifert manifolds (2015) (1)
- Symplectic fibrations and Riemann–Roch numbers of reduced spaces (2004) (1)
- Formulas for intersection numbers in q-Hamiltonian reduced spaces (2003) (1)
- Distinguishing the Chambers of the Moment Polytope (2003) (0)
- Chern-Simons gauge theory and symplectic quantum mechanics1 (2015) (0)
- Explicit Poincaré duality in the cohomology ring of the SU(2) character variety of a surface (2020) (0)
- Hamiltonian Group Actions (2019) (0)
- Goldman flows on the Jacobian (2008) (0)
- The prequantum line bundle on the moduli space of flat SU(N) connections on a Riemann surface and the homotopy of the large N limit (2017) (0)
- Intersection numbers in quasi-Hamiltonian reduced spaces (2003) (0)
- Toric Manifolds (2019) (0)
- Stable Bundles (Commentary on [95]) (2017) (0)
- Equivariant Cohomology (2019) (0)
- Surjectivity of the hyperk\"ahler Kirwan map (2014) (0)
- Flat Connections on 2-Manifolds (2019) (0)
- Geometric Quantization (2019) (0)
- Elementary Properties of Moment Maps (2019) (0)
- Geometry of Low-dimensional Manifolds: New results in Chern-Simons theory (1991) (0)
- The Darboux–Weinstein Theorem (2019) (0)
- A Duistermaat–Heckman type formula for the based loop group (2022) (0)
- Representations of fundamental groups of 2-manifolds (2016) (0)
- Poisson structure on character varieties (2020) (0)
- Representations of fundamental groups of nonorientable 2-manifolds (2004) (0)
- G T ] 3 1 O ct 2 01 5 Torsion and symplectic volume in Seifert manifolds (0)
- Book Review: Introduction to symplectic topology (1997) (0)
- MAT 1312 Hamiltonian Group Actions (2011) (0)
- On E. Verlinde’s Formula (Commentary on [96]) (2017) (0)
- Symplectic Vector Spaces (2019) (0)
- Surjectivity of the hyperkähler Kirwan map (2014) (0)
- Quantum Field Theory, Equivariant Cohomology, Symplectic Geometry and Moduli Spaces of Vector Bundles on Riemann Surfaces (2021) (0)
- The Duistermaat–Heckman Theorem (2019) (0)
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