Malcolm Todd
British archaeologist
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Malcolm Todd's Degrees
- PhD Archaeology University of Oxford
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Malcolm Todd was an English archaeologist. Born in Durham, England, the son of a miner, Todd was educated in classics and classical archaeology at St David's College, Lampeter and Brasenose College, Oxford. He subsequently served as a reader and professor at the University of Nottingham and the University of Exeter respectively. During this time, Todd conducted notable excavations at sites of Roman Britain. He was later principal at Trevelyan College, Durham. Todd retired from Durham in 2000, and subsequently dedicated himself to research and writing. He was the author and editor of several works on the archaeology of Roman Britain and the Germanic peoples in the Migration Period.
Malcolm Todd's Published Works
Published Works
- Hydrological drivers of wetland vegetation community distribution within Everglades National Park, Florida (2010) (107)
- Temporal and spatial patterns of wetland extent influence variability of surface water connectivity in the Prairie Pothole Region, United States (2016) (87)
- Hydrology as a driver of biodiversity: Controls on carrying capacity, niche formation, and dispersal (2013) (53)
- G. Ausenda (ed.), After Empire. Towards an Ethnology of Europe's Barbarians . Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1995. Pp. vi + 317, illus. ISBN 0-8511-5634-7. £39.50. (1997) (41)
- Rome and the Barbarians . By Barry Cunliffe. Bodley Head, 1975. 128 pp. Price: £2.95 (1976) (39)
- High Sediment Oxygen Demand Within an Instream Swamp in Southern Georgia: Implications for Low Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Coastal Blackwater Streams 1 (2009) (38)
- The walls of Rome (1978) (37)
- The South West to AD 1000 (1987) (28)
- Democracy and participation : popular protest and new social movements (2004) (27)
- The northern barbarians, 100 B.C.-A.D. 300 (1975) (24)
- Possible climate change impacts on the hydrological and vegetative character of Everglades National Park, Florida (2010) (22)
- A companion to Roman Britain (2003) (20)
- Research on Roman Britain, 1960-89 (1991) (19)
- The Small Towns of Roman Britain (1970) (19)
- Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire 1980–85. By R. P.J. Jackson and T. W. Potter (1997) (18)
- Famosa Pestis and Britain in the Fifth Century (1977) (16)
- Geostatistical modeling of the spatial distribution of sediment oxygen demand within a Coastal Plain blackwater watershed. (2010) (14)
- 21st Century Leadership and Technology (1996) (12)
- Excavations at Hembury (Devon), 1980–83: A Summary Report (1984) (10)
- The Rediscovery of Roman Britain (2007) (10)
- Excavations at Winterton Roman Villa and other Roman Sites in North Lincolnshire . By I. M. Stead. H.M.S.O., 1976. Dept. of the Environment Archaeological Reports No. 9. Pp. 324, pls. 38, figs. 148. Price: £25. (1980) (10)
- Longthorpe II: The Military Works Depot: An Episode in Landscape History (1987) (10)
- Power, Identity, Integrity, Authenticity, and the Archives: A Comparative Study of the Application of Archival Methodologies to Contemporary Privacy (2006) (9)
- The Early Roman Phase at Maiden Castle (1984) (8)
- The long-term preservation of identifiable personal data: a comparative archival perspective on privacy regulatory models in the European Union, Australia, Canada and the United States (2007) (8)
- The Early Germans (1994) (8)
- The Commoner Late Roman Coarse Wares of the East Midlands (1968) (7)
- Everyday life of the barbarians: Goths, Franks and Vandals; (1972) (7)
- Effectiveness of space planted trees for controlling soil slippage on pastoral hill country (2009) (7)
- The Falkirk hoard of denarii: trade or subsidy? (1987) (6)
- Recordkeeping, Ethics and Law: Regulatory Models, Participant Relationships and Rights and Responsibilities in the Online World (2007) (6)
- The Germanic peoples (1997) (6)
- The Roman Settlement at Margidunum: the Excavations of 1966–8 . By Malcolm Todd. Trans, of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire , Vol. lxxiii for 1969. Nottingham, 1970. Pp. 112, II plates, 42 figs. Price £1.25. (1971) (5)
- Das Romische Kastell Ellingen (1996) (5)
- Measurement of Water Residence Time, Flowpath and Sediment Oxygen Demand in Seasonally Inundated Floodplain Swamps of the Georgia Coastal Plain (2007) (5)
- The Germanic peoples and Germanic society (2005) (5)
- British Statutory Sector Partnerships with the Voluntary Sector (2002) (5)
- Hydrologic Landscape Classification to Estimate Bristol Bay, Alaska Watershed Hydrology (2017) (4)
- Laterarium Iscanum: the Antefixes, Brick and Tile-Stamps of the Second Augustan Legion . By George C. Boon. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1984. Pp. vi + 56, ill.22. Price: £4.00. ISBN 0 7200 0284 2. (1985) (4)
- Roman Britain, 55 B.C.-A.D.400: The Province Beyond Ocean (1981) (4)
- An illustrated history of Roman roads in Britain (1981) (4)
- Baths or baptisteries? Holcombe, lufton and their analogues (2005) (4)
- Roman Military Occupation at Hembury (Devon) (2007) (3)
- The Excavation of a Fourth-Century Roman Pottery Production Unit at Stibbington, Cambridgeshire (2008) (3)
- Roman Officers and English Gentlemen: The Imperial Origins of Roman Archaeology . By R. Hingley. Routledge, London, 2000. Pp. xv + 224, figs 11. Price: £50.00 (bound); £16.99 (paper). ISBN 0 415 23579 0 (bound); 0 415 2358 0 (paper). (2002) (3)
- Waffen in germanischen Gräbern der älteren römischen Kaiserzeit südlich der Ostsee . By Timm Weski. 29 × 21 cm. Pp. iv + 314, 172 maps, 38 tables. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports (International Series, 147), 1982. IBSN 0–86054–180–0. £16.00. (1984) (3)
- A Relief of a Romano-British Warrior-God (1971) (3)
- Hembury (Devon): Roman troops in a hillfort (1984) (2)
- An Arretine bowl from Margidunum (1967) (2)
- The Haverfield Bequest, 1921–2000, and the Study of Roman Britain (2003) (2)
- Great Lakes Regulation by Lake Superior Plan 1977 (1983) (2)
- The latest inscriptions of Roman Britain (1999) (2)
- Roman Military Occupation at (2007) (2)
- Low dissolved oxygen levels in Georgia floodplain swamps: Effect of flowpath and sediment oxygen demand (2007) (2)
- Migration Period Europe (2002) (2)
- The Claudian Conquest and its Consequences (2007) (2)
- Pretia Victoriae ? Roman Lead and Silver Mining on the Mendip Hills, Somerset, England (1996) (2)
- The new United Kingdom Trade Marks Law (1995) (1)
- The Digital Preservation Roadshow 2009-10: The Incomplete Diaries of Optimistic Travellers (2010) (1)
- The ‘Alamannic’ Brooch from Londesborough (Yorks.) (1975) (1)
- Robin Lane Fox. Pagans and Christians in the Mediterranean world from the second century AD to the conversion of Constantine . London: Viking & New York: Knopf, 1986. 799 pages, 5 maps. £17.95 hardback. (1987) (1)
- Rome and the Germans: The Frontier and Beyond (1992) (1)
- Jet in Northern Gaul (1992) (1)
- Goethe and prehistory (1985) (1)
- The south-west peninsula (2011) (1)
- The Roman Town at Ancaster, Lincolnshire: the Excavations of 1955–71 . By Malcolm Todd. Universities of Nottingham and Exeter, 1981. Pp. v + 110 with 30 text-figures. Price: £2.00. ISBN 0 950761 30 3. (1982) (1)
- Daniel G. Russo. Town Origins and Development in Early England, c. 400-950 A.D. (Contributions to the Study of World History, no. 58.) Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. 1998. Pp. x, 309. $65.00. ISBN 0-313-30079-8. (1999) (0)
- A Legionary Cuirass-Hinge from the Great Casterton Fort (1981) (0)
- The Roman Fort at Bury Barton, Devonshire (1985) (0)
- A.L.F. Rivet (1915–1993) (1994) (0)
- Ex-Cuba Resident Says Missle Removal Not Enough To Curtail Communist Tide (1962) (0)
- Early Romano-British Slip-coated Wares (1969) (0)
- From the Sword to the Plough. Edited by N. Roymans (1997) (0)
- Two Arretine Moulds from the Early Workshops of M. Perennius (1970) (0)
- The South West to 1000 AD (2014) (0)
- Mining, Bullion and the Balance of Payments in the Roman West (2002) (0)
- Class, narrative technique and language in James Kelman's The busconductor Hines, A disaffection and How late it was, how late. (1996) (0)
- Instream Swamps and their Influence on Dissolved Oxygen Levels within Blackwater Streams on the Southeastern Coastal Plain (2009) (0)
- Roman Britain . By Peter Salway. (The Oxford History of England, IA.) 22 × 14·5 cm. Pp. xx + 824 + 10 maps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981. ISBN 0-19-821717-x. £19·50.--- Either ISSN or Journal title must be supplied. (1983) (0)
- The Making of the Roman Army from Republic to Empire . By Lawrence Keppie. 24 × 16 cm. Pp.271, 52 figs. + 20 pls. London: B. T. Batsford, 1984. ISBN 0-7134-3651-4. £14.95. (1986) (0)
- A Roman Bowl with Leaf-stamp Ornament (1968) (0)
- Boudica . By Graham Webster. London: Batsford, 1978. Pp. 152, 24 pls., 8 maps. Price: £6.50. (1979) (0)
- A History of the Ostrogoths . By Thomas Burns. 24 × 16 cm. Pp. xvii + 299, 17 ills., 4 maps. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. ISBN 0-253-32831-4. $24.95. (1986) (0)
- Essential law for information professionals (2014) (0)
- Excavations at Brough-on-Humber, 1958–61 . By J. S. Wacher. Oxford University Press, 1969. Research Reports of the Society of Antiquaries of London, no. XXV. Price £3.75. (1971) (0)
- After the Romans (1984) (0)
- Z. Vánă: The world of the Ancient Slavs. London: Orbis Publishing Ltd, 1983. 240 pp., many illustrations. £17.50. (1984) (0)
- J. M. Coles. Meare Village East: the excavations of A. Bulleid and H. St George Gray 1932-1956. [Somerset Levels papers 13.] 260 pages, 4 colour plates, 168 figures. 1987. Thorverton (Devon): Somerset Levels Project; ISSN 0307 8582 paperback £15. (1989) (0)
- Reviews of Books:After Rome's Fall: Narrators and Sources of Early Medieval History Alexander Callander Murray (2002) (0)
- The Coritani . By Malcolm Todd. Pp. xii and 164, pls. 10, figs. 26. The Regni . By Barry Cunliffe. Pp. x and 152, pls. 17, figs. 29. London: Duckworth. 1973. Price £3·25 (hardback), £1·60 (paperback) each. (1974) (0)
- Alan K. Bowman: The Roman writing tablets from Vindolanda. London: British Museum Publications, 1983. 48 pp., 25 figs. £2.50. (1984) (0)
- Warner Peter. The Origins of Suffolk. (Origins of the Shire.) Manchester: Manchester University Press; dist. by St. Martin's Press, New York, N.Y. 1996. Pp. xiv, 241. $24.95 paper. ISBN 0-7190-3817-0. (1997) (0)
- Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson: Barbarians and Romans. The birth struggle of Europe, AD 420–700 . London & Canberra: Croom Helm, 1983. 420 pp., 84 pls., 17 colour pls., 6 maps. £17.95. (1984) (0)
- Susan M. Pearce: The archaeology of South West Britain. London: Collins, 1981. 288 pp., 55 pls., 92 figs. £13.50. (1982) (0)
- Robin Birley: Vindolanda A Roman frontier post on Hadrian's Wall . London: Thames and Hudson 1977. New Aspects of Antiquity Series. 184 pp., 99 pls. (15 in colour), 45 figs. £9.50; £ 3.95 paperback. (1979) (0)
- The Prehistory of Germanic Europe, by Herbert Schutz, Germanic Kinship Structure. Studies in Law and Society in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, by Alexander C. Murray (2016) (0)
- Ralph Merrifield: City of the Romans. London: Batsford, 1983. 300 pp., 60 pls., 40 maps & plans. £17.50. (1984) (0)
- The Fall of the Roman Empire. The Military Explanation. By Arthur Ferrill. 24×16 cm. Pp. 192, 48 ills. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986. ISBN 0-500-25095-2. £12.50. (1987) (0)
- Germania Superior. By W. Spickermann. Religion der Römischen Provinzen 2. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2003. Pp. xxiii + 663, figs 28. Price: €110.00. ISBN 3 16 146686 1. (2005) (0)
- Der obergermanisch-Raetische Limes des Römerreiches. Fundindex . By Jürgen Oldenstein. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, 1982. Pp. xxx + 146, 2 Tafeln. Price: DM 75. ISBN 3 8053 0549 4. (1983) (0)
- Isokinetische Kraftmessung vor und nach Naht der Rotatorenmanschette — eine prospektive klinische Studie (1993) (0)
- Neufunde römischer Ziegelstempel in Krefeld-Gellep (1964) (0)
- Die letzten Jahrzehnte des pannonischen Limes . By Sandor Soproni. (Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 38). 30×21.5 cm. Pp. 128, 52 ills.+21 pls. and 2 fold. maps. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1985. ISBN 3-406-30453-2. Price not stated. (1987) (0)
- H. Cüppers (ed.), Die Römer in Rheinland-Pfalz . Stuttgart: Theiss, 1990. Pp. 711, 629 illus. ISBN 3-8062-0308-3. DM 98. (1992) (0)
- W. Zanier, Das Römische Kastell Ellingen (Limesforschungen XXIII). Mainz: von Zabern, 1992. Pp. 343, 105 pls, 75 figs, I fold-out. ISBN 3-8053-1264-4. DM 198. (1996) (0)
- Beiträge zur Archäologie des römischen Rheinlands . 4. Edited by D. Haupt. Rheinische Ausgrabungen 23. Cologne, Rheinland Verlag1984 (for Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn). Pp. 476. Numerous text figs., Taf. 201. Price: Dm 198. ISBN 3 7927 0597 4. (1986) (0)
- Techniken für die Ratenregelung eines Anzeigedatenstroms (2011) (0)
- Germania Inferior . By W. Spickermann. Religion der Römischen Provinzen 2. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2008. Pp. xxiii + 392, figs 21. Price: €100.00. ISBN 978 3 16 149381 2. (2009) (0)
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