Marsha M. Linehan
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Marsha M. Linehan's Degrees
- PhD Experimental Psychology Loyola University Chicago
Why Is Marsha M. Linehan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Marsha M. Linehan is an American psychologist and author. She is the creator of dialectical behavior therapy , a type of psychotherapy that combines cognitive restructuring with acceptance, mindfulness, and shaping.
Marsha M. Linehan's Published Works
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Published Works
- Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder (1993) (2191)
- Cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. (1991) (2022)
- Two-year randomized controlled trial and follow-up of dialectical behavior therapy vs therapy by experts for suicidal behaviors and borderline personality disorder. (2006) (1778)
- A biosocial developmental model of borderline personality: Elaborating and extending Linehan's theory. (2009) (937)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder and drug-dependence. (1999) (936)
- Reasons for staying alive when you are thinking of killing yourself: the reasons for living inventory. (1983) (867)
- Naturalistic follow-up of a behavioral treatment for chronically parasuicidal borderline patients. (1993) (812)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder. (2007) (790)
- Reasons for suicide attempts and nonsuicidal self-injury in women with borderline personality disorder. (2002) (716)
- Mindfulness and acceptance: Expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition. (2004) (709)
- Dialectical behavior therapy versus comprehensive validation therapy plus 12-step for the treatment of opioid dependent women meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder. (2002) (661)
- Mechanisms of change in dialectical behavior therapy: theoretical and empirical observations. (2006) (538)
- DBT Skills Training: Manual (2014) (531)
- Reasons for staying alive when you are thinking of killing yourself (1983) (483)
- Effectiveness of inpatient dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder: a controlled trial. (2004) (481)
- Interpersonal outcome of cognitive behavioral treatment for chronically suicidal borderline patients. (1994) (449)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for high suicide risk in individuals with borderline personality disorder: a randomized clinical trial and component analysis. (2015) (420)
- Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (SASII): development, reliability, and validity of a scale to assess suicide attempts and intentional self-injury. (2006) (393)
- Defining an Agenda for Future Research on the Clinical Application of Mindfulness Practice (2003) (376)
- DBT® skills training manual, 2nd ed. (2015) (375)
- Dialectical behavior therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder. (2010) (346)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder. Theory and method. (1987) (307)
- Facial expression recognition ability among women with borderline personality disorder: implications for emotion regulation? (1999) (305)
- Psychosocial intervention development for the prevention and treatment of depression: promoting innovation and increasing access (2002) (281)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for binge eating disorder. (1999) (280)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Adolescents (2006) (268)
- Disentangling emotion processes in borderline personality disorder: physiological and self-reported assessment of biological vulnerability, baseline intensity, and reactivity to emotionally evocative stimuli. (2009) (267)
- Evaluation of inpatient dialectical-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder--a prospective study. (2000) (261)
- A pilot study of the DBT coach: an interactive mobile phone application for individuals with borderline personality disorder and substance use disorder. (2011) (256)
- Aversive tension in patients with borderline personality disorder: a computer‐based controlled field study (2005) (246)
- Validation and psychotherapy. (1997) (241)
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of Dialectical Behavior Therapy with and without the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure protocol for suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder and PTSD. (2014) (240)
- Dialectical behavior therapy skills for transdiagnostic emotion dysregulation: a pilot randomized controlled trial. (2014) (240)
- Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents at High Risk for Suicide: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2018) (233)
- State affective instability in borderline personality disorder assessed by ambulatory monitoring (2007) (225)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Substance Abusers (2008) (216)
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Parasuicide (1987) (210)
- Treating Borderline Personality Disorder. The Dialectical Approach. Videotape and Program Manual. New York (Guilford) 1995. (1995) (204)
- Psychophysiological ambulatory assessment of affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder (2007) (191)
- Treating PTSD in suicidal and self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder: development and preliminary evaluation of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol. (2012) (188)
- Group dialectical behavior therapy for binge-eating disorder: A preliminary, uncontrolled trial (2000) (187)
- Borderline personality disorder (2004) (170)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy in a Nutshell (2001) (166)
- Treating co-occurring Axis I disorders in recurrently suicidal women with borderline personality disorder: a 2-year randomized trial of dialectical behavior therapy versus community treatment by experts. (2008) (161)
- Assessment of suicide ideation and parasuicide: hopelessness and social desirability. (1981) (157)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for clients with binge-eating disorder or bulimia nervosa and borderline personality disorder. (2008) (156)
- The Course and Evolution of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. (2015) (156)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for pervasive emotion dysregulation: Theoretical and practical underpinnings (2007) (154)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for treatment of borderline personality disorder: implications for the treatment of substance abuse. (1993) (148)
- The Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (RFL-A): development and psychometric properties. (1998) (145)
- Behavioral Treatments of Suicidal Behaviors. Definitional Obfuscation and Treatment Outcomes a (1997) (145)
- A Valence-Dependent Group-Specific Recall Bias of Retrospective Self-Reports: A Study of Borderline Personality Disorder in Everyday Life (2006) (140)
- Assessment of suicide ideation and parasuicide (1981) (139)
- Reduction of test anxiety through cognitive restructuring. (1978) (135)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: theoretical and empirical foundations (1994) (134)
- Research on dialectical behavior therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder. (2000) (131)
- Psychosocial treatments of suicidal behaviors: a practice-friendly review. (2006) (131)
- Shame as a prospective predictor of self-inflicted injury in borderline personality disorder: a multi-modal analysis. (2009) (130)
- One Population or Two? (1986) (130)
- The dialectical behavior therapy ways of coping checklist: development and psychometric properties. (2010) (128)
- The impact of experiential avoidance on the reduction of depression in treatment for borderline personality disorder. (2009) (125)
- Validation of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire and the Reasons for Living Inventory in an adult psychiatric inpatient sample (1999) (125)
- An Investigation of the Relationships among Negative Affect, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, and Features of Borderline Personality Disorder (2012) (122)
- Prediction of suicide intent in hospitalized parasuicides: reasons for living, hopelessness, and depression. (1992) (110)
- Olanzapine plus dialectical behavior therapy for women with high irritability who meet criteria for borderline personality disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. (2008) (109)
- Interpersonal problem solving and parasuicide (1987) (109)
- The Treatment of Maladaptive Shame in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study of "Opposite Action" (2005) (107)
- The Application of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder on Inpatient Units (2004) (106)
- Pocket Skills: A Conversational Mobile Web App To Support Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (2018) (106)
- Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Study of Perceived Sex Differences (1973) (106)
- Assertion therapy: Skill training or cognitive restructuring (1979) (101)
- Assessing and Managing Risk With Suicidal Individuals (2012) (101)
- Meditation experts try Virtual Reality Mindfulness: A pilot study evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of Virtual Reality to facilitate mindfulness practice in people attending a Mindfulness conference. (2017) (99)
- Impact of co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder on suicidal women with borderline personality disorder. (2010) (98)
- Risky assessments: participant suicidality and distress associated with research assessments in a treatment study of suicidal behavior. (2006) (96)
- Dialectical behavior therapy as a precursor to PTSD treatment for suicidal and/or self-injuring women with borderline personality disorder. (2010) (92)
- Sequences of emotions in patients with borderline personality disorder (2008) (91)
- Distress and Affective Dysregulation in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Psychophysiological Ambulatory Monitoring Study (2008) (91)
- Emotional responses to self-injury imagery among adults with borderline personality disorder. (2008) (91)
- Psychiatric Aspects of Suicidal Behaviour: Personality Disorders (2008) (88)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for substance abuse: A pilot application to methamphetamine-dependent women with borderline personality disorder * (2000) (85)
- The brief Reasons for Living Inventory for adolescents (BRFL-A) (1996) (85)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for pervasive emotion dysregulation (2007) (84)
- Treatment differences in the therapeutic relationship and introject during a 2-year randomized controlled trial of dialectical behavior therapy versus nonbehavioral psychotherapy experts for borderline personality disorder. (2012) (83)
- Interpersonal and Emotional Problem Solving Skills and Parasuicide among Women with Borderline Personality Disorder (1996) (83)
- Differentiating Adolescent Self-Injury from Adolescent Depression: Possible Implications for Borderline Personality Development (2012) (82)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Synthesizing Radical Acceptance with Skillful Means. (2004) (80)
- Skills Practice in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Women Meeting Criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (2007) (79)
- The Use of Virtual Reality to Facilitate Mindfulness Skills Training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Case Study (2016) (79)
- Patient-therapist ratings and relationship to progress in dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder (1992) (77)
- Fewer reasons for staying alive when you are thinking of killing yourself: The brief reasons for living inventory (1994) (75)
- A randomized controlled trial of an Internet delivered dialectical behavior therapy skills training for suicidal and heavy episodic drinkers. (2018) (73)
- Integrating Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Prolonged Exposure to Treat Co-Occurring Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD: Two Case Studies. (2008) (71)
- High-risk situations associated with parasuicide and drug use in borderline personality disorder. (2002) (69)
- The Empirical Basis of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Development of New Treatments Versus Evaluation of Existing Treatments (2006) (69)
- The therapeutic alliance as a predictor of outcome in dialectical behavior therapy versus nonbehavioral psychotherapy by experts for borderline personality disorder. (2015) (66)
- Suicide intervention research: a field in desperate need of development. (2008) (65)
- Dialectical behavior therapy: An intervention for emotion dysregulation. (2014) (65)
- Impact of dialectical behavior therapy versus community treatment by experts on emotional experience, expression, and acceptance in borderline personality disorder. (2014) (62)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Eating Disorders (2005) (61)
- Dialectical-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder (2006) (60)
- Dialectical behavior therapy with American Indian/Alaska Native adolescents diagnosed with substance use disorders: combining an evidence based treatment with cultural, traditional, and spiritual beliefs. (2015) (59)
- Therapeutic burnout among borderline personality disordered clients and their therapists: Development and evaluation of two adaptations of the maslach burnout inventory (2000) (57)
- On the Potential for Iatrogenic Effects of Psychiatric Crisis Services: The Example of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adult Women With Borderline Personality Disorder (2018) (57)
- Adapting dialectical behavior therapy for outpatient adult anorexia nervosa--a pilot study. (2015) (54)
- Presenting problems of parasuicides versus suicide ideators and nonsuicidal psychiatric patients. (1986) (52)
- Will the real social desirability please stand up? Hopelessness, depression, social desirability, and the prediction of suicidal behavior. (1984) (52)
- Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors in Borderline Personality Disorder Versus Borderline Personality Disorder With Substance Use Disorder (2007) (52)
- A comparison of borderline personality disorder with and without eating disorders (2009) (50)
- Relationship between childhood sexual abuse and topography of parasuicide among women with borderline personality disorder (1994) (49)
- Dialectical behavior therapy: An integrative approach to the treatment of borderline personality disorder. (1994) (48)
- Case formulation in dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder. (1997) (47)
- Temperament as a prospective predictor of self-injury among patients with borderline personality disorder. (2009) (46)
- Social desirability: its relevance to the measurement of hopelessness and suicidal behavior. (1983) (46)
- Dialectical behavior therapy and domains of functioning over two years. (2016) (44)
- Functional imaging of emotion reactivity in opiate-dependent borderline personality disorder. (2011) (38)
- DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets (2014) (38)
- New Developments in the Understanding and Treatment of Suicidal Behaviour (1992) (38)
- DBT® skills training handouts and worksheets, 2nd ed. (2015) (38)
- Applications of Dialectical Behavior Therapy to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Related Problems. (2006) (36)
- The Use of Virtual Reality to Facilitate Mindfulness Skills Training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Study (2018) (36)
- The dialectics of effective treatment of borderline personality disorder. (1995) (33)
- The Use of Virtual Reality Facilitates Dialectical Behavior Therapy® “Observing Sounds and Visuals” Mindfulness Skills Training Exercises for a Latino Patient with Severe Burns: A Case Study (2017) (33)
- Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) 2015: advancing efficient methodologies through community partnerships and team science (2016) (33)
- Investigating bang for your training buck: a randomized controlled trial comparing three methods of training clinicians in two core strategies of dialectical behavior therapy. (2015) (33)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for personality disorders (2005) (33)
- The Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual Risk Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Outpatients With Borderline Personality Disorder (2011) (33)
- Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) 2015: advancing efficient methodologies through community partnerships and team science (2016) (33)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Implications for the Treatment of Substance Abuse: (495912006-012) (1993) (33)
- Acceptance and forgiveness. (1999) (31)
- The role of shame in the development and treatment of borderline personality disorder. (2011) (31)
- Emerging Approaches to Counseling Intervention (2012) (30)
- Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: Efficacy, specificity, and cost effectiveness. (1999) (29)
- Predictors and moderators of recurring self-harm in adolescents participating in a comparative treatment trial of psychological interventions. (2019) (29)
- Development, evaluation, and dissemination of effective psychosocial treatments: Levels of disorder, stages of care, and stages of treatment research. (1999) (28)
- Assertion Training for Women (1979) (27)
- Commentary on innovations in dialectical behavior therapy (2000) (27)
- Parental Validation and Invalidation Predict Adolescent Self-Harm (2018) (25)
- Integrative therapy for borderline personality disorder: Dialectical behavior therapy. (1992) (24)
- An illustration of dialectical behavior therapy (1998) (24)
- Modeling Effects on Suicidal Behavior (1985) (23)
- Weekly therapist ratings of the therapeutic relationship and patient introject during the course of dialectical behavioral therapy for the treatment of borderline personality disorder. (2012) (23)
- The 24 hours before hospitalization: factors related to suicide attempting. (1986) (20)
- Supervision in dialectical behavior therapy. (1997) (19)
- Internet-Delivered Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Training for Suicidal and Heavy Episodic Drinkers: Protocol and Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (2017) (19)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Suicidal Self-Harming Youths: Emotion Regulation, Mechanisms, and Mediators. (2021) (19)
- Mechanisms of change in dialectical behavior therapy (2006) (18)
- The parent affect test: Development, validity, and reliability (1983) (18)
- Sleep in youth with repeated self-harm and high suicidality: Does sleep predict self-harm risk? (2020) (18)
- Suicidal behaviors among clients at an outpatient psychology clinic versus the general population. (1982) (17)
- Evaluating a Multimedia Tool for Suicide Risk Assessment and Management: The Linehan Suicide Safety Net. (2017) (17)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for Families of Individuals With Behavioral Disorders: Initial Feasibility and Outcomes (2017) (16)
- Conducting Research on Adolescent Suicide Attempters: Dilemmas and Decisions. (2014) (15)
- Pharmacotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Treatment (1999) (15)
- 7 – Structured Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Assertion Problems (1979) (14)
- Technique Factors in Treating Personality Disorders (2005) (13)
- Feasibility of Using Video to Teach a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skill to Clients With Borderline Personality Disorder (2009) (13)
- Self-Verification and Drug Abusers: Implications for Treatment (1997) (13)
- Psychological Treatment of Suicidal Behaviors (2014) (12)
- Overview of workshop on drug abuse and suicidal behavior. (2004) (12)
- The components of assertion: Factor analysis of a multimethod assessment battery (1983) (11)
- Instructions and experiential feedback in the treatment of social skills deficits in adults. (1989) (11)
- Sex and Contextual Differences in the Appropriateness of Assertive Behavior (1983) (11)
- The Use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Prolonged Exposure to Treat Comorbid Dissociation and Self-Harm: The Case of a Client With Borderline Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. (2015) (10)
- Modeling the suicidal behavior cycle: Understanding repeated suicide attempts among individuals with borderline personality disorder and a history of attempting suicide. (2020) (10)
- Group versus Individual Assertion Training. (1979) (9)
- Comparative Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder (1993) (9)
- Predictors of Adoption and Reach Following Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training™ (2018) (9)
- Comparing brief interventions for suicidal individuals not engaged in treatment: A randomized clinical trial. (2017) (9)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Telephone Coaching (2011) (8)
- Combining pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy for substance abusers with borderline personality disorder: strategies for enhancing compliance. (1995) (8)
- The Role of Supervision in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (1998) (8)
- Special feature: theory and treatment development and evaluation: reflections on Benjamin's "models for treatment". (1997) (8)
- Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship (2011) (8)
- The Third Wave: New Directions in Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention (2005) (7)
- Assessing Suicidal and NonSuicidal Self-Injury via In-Depth Interview or Self-Report: Balancing Assessment Effort and Results. (2018) (6)
- Single-session dialectical behavior therapy skills training versus relaxation training for non-treatment-engaged suicidal adults: a randomized controlled trial (2016) (5)
- Implementing a dialectical behavior therapy training program for graduate students. (2012) (5)
- Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (2019) (5)
- Behavior Therapy: Where We Were, Where We Are and Where We Need to Be Going (2016) (5)
- Functional Analysis of Borderline Personality Disorder Behavioral Criterion Patterns (1999) (4)
- Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (2013) (4)
- Principles of therapeutic change in the treatment of personality disorders (2005) (4)
- Cognitive and interpersonal factors in borderline personality disorder (1996) (4)
- What Psychiatrists Should Know about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (2013) (4)
- Sex Differences in Suicide and Attempted Suicide: A Study of Differential Social Acceptability and Expectations (1971) (4)
- Using Novel Technology in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (2018) (3)
- Dialectical Therapy for Personality Disorders (2005) (3)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Overview, Characteristics, and Future Directions (2017) (3)
- Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder and Secondary Effects on Somatization. (2020) (3)
- How Dialectical Behaviour Therapy changes emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder (2010) (2)
- Interpersonal Problem Solving and Parasuicide 1 (2)
- Reasons for living versus reasons for dying. (2000) (2)
- 17 Personality Disorders (1993) (2)
- Development and Initial Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Barriers to Implementation Scale (BTI-S). (2017) (2)
- Response to Nepon et al. Letter (2011) (2)
- An Illustration of Dialectical Behavior Therapy ammmmmmmmaammmam mmmmmmammammmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmamm mmmmamammmmmmmmm mm (1998) (1)
- The skills to quit: acquisition of skillful behaviours and emotional competencies in DBT as a mediator of drug absinence and psychopathology (2009) (1)
- Treating borderline personality disorder (2001) (1)
- Gold medal award for life achievement in the application of psychology. (2006) (1)
- Machine learning for Precise Targeting of a Mobile Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training Application (2017) (1)
- DBT and Treatment Engagement in the Context of Highly Suicidal Complex Clients (2017) (1)
- Differentiating Adolescent Self-Injury from Adolescent Depression: Possible Implications for Borderline Personality Development (2011) (1)
- A borderline dilemma. (1994) (0)
- Impact of experiential avoidance on outcome during treatment for borderline personality disorder: (502262008-001) (2008) (0)
- Dialectical beha v ior therapy v ersus comprehensi v e v alidation therapy plus 12-step for the treatment of opioid dependent women meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder (2002) (0)
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: A Critique and Evaluation (2009) (0)
- Best Practice- Washington State: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (2009) (0)
- Chain Analysis and Validation Strategies Knowledge Tests (2015) (0)
- BOOK REVIEWS (2006) (0)
- Reason for Living Inventory for Adolescents (RFL-A) 1998 (2007) (0)
- An Interactive Mobile Phone Application for the DBT Opposite Action Skill: Evidence of Effectiveness: (570162012-006) (2012) (0)
- PsycCRITIQUES: When the Reason Why You Hurt Is You (0)
- Read Online The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook Practical Dbt Exercises For Learning Mindfulness Interpersonal Effectiveness Emotion Regulation Tolerance New Harbinger Self Help Workbook (2022) (0)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy Barriers to Implementation Scale (2018) (0)
- Running head: MINDFULNESS APPROACHES 1 Mindfulness Approaches to Relapse Prevention in Eating Disorders and Addictions (2012) (0)
- “Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder”, Marsha M. Linehan, Bryan N. Cochran y Constance A. Kehrer, Capítulo 11 de Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders (comp. David H. Barlow), The Guilford Press, New York, 2001 (2003) (0)
- An Investigation of the Relationships among Negative Affect, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, and Features of Borderline Personality Disorder (2012) (0)
- Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy Better Than Community Treatment by Experts in Reducing Symptoms of Axis I Disorders in Recurrently Suicidal Women With Borderline Personality Disorder?: (507212010-007) (2009) (0)
- Treating Obsessions With Competitive Memory Training: A Pilot Study (2008) (0)
- A Conversation between Darracott Vaughan and Marston Linehan (2009) (0)
- Single-session dialectical behavior therapy skills training versus relaxation training for non-treatment-engaged suicidal adults: a randomized controlled trial (2016) (0)
- TLP Barcelona : a pioneering strategic alliance for a comprehensive approach of borderline personality disorder (2016) (0)
- Drinking and depression: Pilot of a brief intervention (2008) (0)
- Brief Thoughts on Zen and Behavior Therapy (2017) (0)
- F60.3 Borderline personality disorder. (2018) (0)
- Modifying CBT to Meet the Challenge of Treating Emotion Dysregulation (2018) (0)
- Reasons for Living Inventory (2011) (0)
- Parent Affect Test (PAT) 1983 (2007) (0)
- Behavior Therapy Emerging Approaches to Counseling Intervention: Dialectical (2014) (0)
- Pharmacotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder (1999) (0)
- University of Washington Behavioral Research and Therapy Clinics. (2011) (0)
- Self-Efficacy and Confidence Questionnaire (2015) (0)
- Motivation to Learn and Use Chain Analysis and Validation Strategies Measure (2015) (0)
- Evidence-based Training (2018) (0)
- VIDEO REVIEW (2007) (0)
- Behavioral Assessment in DBT: Commentary on the Special Series (2020) (0)
- Book Reviews (1977) (0)
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