Michael C. Reed
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American mathematician
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Michael C. Reed's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Princeton University
- Bachelors Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is Michael C. Reed Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Michael Charles Reed is an American mathematician known for his contributions to mathematical physics and mathematical biology. Reed first attended Yale University, where he graduated with a bachelor's degree. In 1969 he earned a PhD from Stanford University. Since 1977 he has taught at Duke University, where he is the Bishop-MacDermott Professor of Mathematics.
Michael C. Reed's Published Works
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Published Works
- Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. I: Functional Analysis (1972) (3715)
- Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. 2. Fourier Analysis, Self-adjointness (1975) (1852)
- Methods of modern mathematical physics. III. Scattering theory (1979) (1242)
- Analysis of Operators (1978) (628)
- Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness (1975) (593)
- Methods of modern mathematical physics (vol.) I : functional analysis / Reed Michael, Barry Simon (1980) (385)
- High-power optically pumped semiconductor lasers (2004) (195)
- Methods of Mathematical Physics (1980) (186)
- Abstract non-linear wave equations (1976) (122)
- Nonlinear microlocal analysis of semilinear hyperbolic systems in one space dimension (1982) (108)
- Recent advances in optically pumped semiconductor lasers (2007) (96)
- Widely tunable femtosecond optical parametric amplifier at 250 kHz with a Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier. (1994) (87)
- Microjoule-energy ultrafast optical parametric amplifiers (1995) (72)
- Methods of Mathematical Physics, V. I: Functional Analysis. (1973) (72)
- Jump discontinuities of semilinear, strictly hyperbolic systems in two variables: Creation and propagation (1981) (65)
- Double Gires-Tournois interferometer negative-dispersion mirrors for use in tunable mode-locked lasers. (2000) (64)
- Propagation of singularities for semilinear hyperbolic equations in one space variable (1980) (62)
- Singularities produced by the nonlinear interaction of three progressing waves;,examples (1982) (53)
- Stochastic Switching in Infinite Dimensions with Applications to Random Parabolic PDE (2014) (52)
- Blue and green optically pumped semiconductor lasers for display (2005) (51)
- Microlocal regularity theorems for nonsmooth pseudodifferential operators and applications to nonlinear problems (1984) (51)
- Nonlinear superposition and absorption of delta waves in one space dimension (1987) (48)
- Sensitivity to switching rates in stochastically switched odes (2013) (44)
- Tunable ultraviolet generation using a femtosecond 250 kHz Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier (1995) (44)
- Approximate traveling waves in linear reaction-hyperbolic equations (1990) (43)
- Support properties of the free measure for Boson fields (1974) (39)
- All-solid-state generation of 100-kHz tunable mid-infrared 50-fs pulses in type I and type II AgGaS(2). (1998) (36)
- Power-limiting mechanisms in VECSELs (2005) (35)
- Propagation of singularities for hyperbolic pseudo differential operators with non-smooth coefficients (1982) (33)
- 30-fs pulses tunable across the visible with a 100-kHz Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier. (1995) (32)
- Tensor products of closed operators on Banach spaces (1973) (30)
- Diode-laser-array-pumped neodymium slab oscillators. (1988) (29)
- Power-scaling of optically pumped semiconductor lasers (2007) (28)
- Robust hard-solder packaging of conduction cooled laser diode bars (2007) (27)
- Discontinuous progressing waves for semilinear systems (1985) (27)
- The scattering of classical waves from inhomogeneous media (1977) (27)
- The impact of host immune status on the within-host and population dynamics of antigenic immune escape (2012) (24)
- Tunable 50-fs pulse generation in the 250-310-nm ultraviolet range (1998) (22)
- Static gas conduction cooled slab geometry Nd:glass laser (1985) (22)
- Propagation of singularities for non-linear wave equations in one dimension (1978) (20)
- Striated solutions of semilinear two-speed wave equations (1985) (19)
- A Gårding domain for quantum fields (1969) (18)
- On self-adjointness in infinite tensor product spaces (1970) (18)
- The decay of solutions of the Carleman model (1981) (18)
- Two examples illustrating the differences between classical and quantum mechanics (1973) (16)
- Neurotransmitter concentrations in the presence of neural switching in one dimension (2016) (15)
- A spectral mapping theorem for tensor products of unbounded operators (1972) (14)
- A comparison of neutron beams for BNCT based on in-phantom neutron field assessment parameters. (2001) (11)
- Decay to Equilibrium for the Carleman Model in a Box (1984) (11)
- Functional analysis and probability theory (1973) (9)
- Acousto-optic modulators as unidirectional devices in ring lasers. (1992) (8)
- Classical conormal solution of semilinear systems (1988) (8)
- Fundamental ideas of analysis (1998) (8)
- Parabolic Behavior of a Hyperbolic Delay Equation (2006) (8)
- Propagation of singularities in non‐strictly hyperbolic semilinear systems: Examples (1982) (7)
- The output beam quality of a Q-switched Nd:glass slab laser (1990) (6)
- The damped self-interaction (1969) (6)
- Polarization-maintaining picosecond oscillator based on quantum dot SESAM (2006) (5)
- Prechirped fiber transport of 800-nm 100-fs pulses (1998) (5)
- Classical conormal, semilinear waves (1986) (5)
- Mode-locked operation of a Nd:YLF laser and amplification in a Q-switched Nd:glass slab laser (1990) (5)
- Singularities in non-linear waves of Klein-Gordon type (1978) (4)
- Torus invariance for the Clifford algebra, II☆ (1971) (4)
- Reflection of singularities of one-dimensional semilinear wave equations at boundaries (1979) (4)
- VI – Bounded Operators (1972) (4)
- Propagation of Singularities (1978) (3)
- High-efficiency and high-reliability 9xx-nm bars and fiber-coupled devices at Coherent (2006) (3)
- Higher order estimates and smoothness of nonlinear wave equations (1975) (3)
- Mixed-field dosimetry measurement of a target assembly for an accelerator-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy (1998) (3)
- VIII – Unbounded Operators (1972) (3)
- On the self-adjointness of quantum fields and hamiltonians (1968) (3)
- Torus invariance for the Clifford algebra. I (1971) (3)
- High-brightness line generators and fiber-coupled sources based on low-smile laser diode arrays (2008) (2)
- III – Banach Spaces (1972) (2)
- The spatially heterodyned spectrometer: A for high resolution Raman spectroscopy? (2015) (2)
- Nd:glass slab laser for x-ray lithography (1990) (2)
- Conduction Cooling Of Nd:Glass Slab Lasers (1986) (2)
- Vitesse: a compact diode-pumped Ti:sapphire ultrafast oscillator (1999) (2)
- Performance of a Conduction Cooled Nd:Glass Slab Laser (1987) (2)
- 8xxnm kW conduction cooled QCW diode arrays with both electrically conductive and insulation submounts (2008) (1)
- Covariant representations of infinite tensor product algebras (1972) (1)
- A general regularity theorem for semilinear hyperbolic waves in one space dimension (1982) (1)
- Development of a Flashlamp-Pumped, Conduction-Cooled, Nd: Glass Slab Laser (1992) (1)
- Optical Parametric Amplification of White-Light-Continuum Components at 250 kHz with a Ti:Sapphire Regenerative Amplifier (1994) (1)
- IV – Topological Spaces (1972) (1)
- Progress In High Peak And Average Power Lasers For Soft X-Ray Production (1984) (1)
- Compact diode-pumped solid state ultrafast oscillators (2000) (0)
- Locally Convex Spaces (1972) (0)
- On the absorption of singularities in dissipative nonlinear equations (1987) (0)
- Mathematics in medicine and the life sciences (1993) (0)
- Go with the Flow (2004) (0)
- Existence and properties of solutions (1976) (0)
- Geometry and Discrete Velocity Approximations to the Boltzmann Equation (1984) (0)
- A reaction-hyperbolic system in physiology (1987) (0)
- Second-harmonic generation of mode-locked Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers using LiB3O5 (1991) (0)
- Observation Of Second-order Susceptibility In Strain-compensated Type-n Asymmetric Quantum Wells And Selective Disordering By Patterned Ion Implantation (1997) (0)
- Single photon infrared lidar imagers for long range, continuous and autonomous methane monitoring (2021) (0)
- Ultrasingularities in nonlinear waves (1987) (0)
- Diode Laser Array Pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:Glass Slab Oscillators (1987) (0)
- Commercial applications of ultrafast lasers : 29-30 January 1998, San Jose, California (1998) (0)
- Mid-infrared femtosecond pulse generation with a 250 kHz Ti:sapphire pumped β-BaB2O4 optical parametric amplifier and DFG in AgGaS2 (1996) (0)
- Single-photon LiDAR gas imagers for continuous monitoring of industrial greenhouse gases (2021) (0)
- The Spectral Theorem (1972) (0)
- Ion Chamber Dosimetry for an ABNS for BNCT (1999) (0)
- II – Hilbert Spaces (1972) (0)
- Unsolved Problems in the Theory of Non-Linear Wave Equations (1978) (0)
- A system for minimizing the induced by thermally induced birefringence of a laser beam depolarisation (1995) (0)
- 250 kHz Optical Parametric Amplification of the White- Light-Continuum from a Ti:Sapphire Regenerative Amplifier (2004) (0)
- Infrared femtosecond pulse generation with a 250 kHz Ti:sapphire pumped ß-BaB2O4 optical parametric amplifier (1996) (0)
- Laser material processing with a 100-kHz 5-μJ ultrafast laser (2000) (0)
- Single-axial-mode Q-switched diode-pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers (1992) (0)
- Midinfrared Femtosecond Pulse Generation Using a 250 kHz Ti:Sapphire pumped BBO OPA and DFG in AgGaS2 (1996) (0)
- Laser a semi-conducteurs a pompage optique accordable comportant un miroir de resonateur polarisant (2003) (0)
- Single-photon LiDAR gas imagers for continuous monitoring of industrial methane emissions (2020) (0)
- microscopy with tomography reconstruction. (2017) (0)
- Kerr lens mode locking of Ti:Sapphire at 700 and 800 nm for two-photon microscopy (1998) (0)
- Neodymium: glass slab laser for soft x-ray lithography (1989) (0)
- An efficient diode-based Ti:sapphire ultrafast laser (1996) (0)
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