Michael Fisher
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English physicist, chemist and mathematician
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Why Is Michael Fisher Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Michael Ellis Fisher was an English physicist, as well as chemist and mathematician, known for his many seminal contributions to statistical physics, including but not restricted to the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena. He was the Horace White Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics at Cornell University. Later he moved to the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, where he was University System of Maryland Regents Professor, a Distinguished University Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher.
Michael Fisher's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The theory of equilibrium critical phenomena (1967) (1667)
- Linear Magnetic Chains with Anisotropic Coupling (1964) (1533)
- Magnetism in One-Dimensional Systems—The Heisenberg Model for Infinite Spin (1964) (1116)
- Critical Exponents in 3.99 Dimensions (1972) (1105)
- The renormalization group in the theory of critical behavior (1974) (1005)
- Scaling Theory for Finite-Size Effects in the Critical Region (1972) (898)
- Detailed Magnetic Behavior of Nickel Near its Curie Point (1964) (826)
- Critical Exponents for Long-Range Interactions (1972) (749)
- The theory of condensation and the critical point (1967) (701)
- Dimer problem in statistical mechanics-an exact result (1961) (699)
- Walks, walls, wetting, and melting (1984) (630)
- Resistive Anomalies at Magnetic Critical Points (1968) (593)
- Correlation Functions and the Critical Region of Simple Fluids (1964) (574)
- Renormalization of Critical Exponents by Hidden Variables (1968) (509)
- Renormalization group theory: Its basis and formulation in statistical physics (1998) (501)
- Statistical Mechanics of Dimers on a Plane Lattice (1961) (484)
- Relation between the specific heat and susceptibility of an antiferromagnet (1962) (476)
- Molecular motors: a theorist's perspective. (2007) (475)
- The influence of age, gender, and race on the prevalence of depression in heart failure patients. (2004) (471)
- Bounded and Inhomogeneous Ising Models. I. Specific-Heat Anomaly of a Finite Lattice (1969) (450)
- Theory of Critical-Point Scattering and Correlations. I. The Ising Model (1967) (435)
- Some Cluster Size and Percolation Problems (1961) (398)
- Infinitely Many Commensurate Phases in a Simple Ising Model (1980) (393)
- Yang-Lee Edge Singularity and ϕ 3 Field Theory (1978) (334)
- Multicriticality of Wetting, Prewetting, and Surface Transitions (1982) (311)
- Universal critical amplitudes in finite-size scaling (1984) (294)
- Scaling for first-order phase transitions in thermodynamic and finite systems (1982) (284)
- On the Dimer Solution of Planar Ising Models (1966) (282)
- Finite-size effects at first-order transitions (1983) (278)
- Dual-chamber pacing with a short atrioventricular delay in congestive heart failure: a randomized study. (1995) (277)
- Helicity Modulus, Superfluidity, and Scaling in Isotropic Systems (1973) (275)
- Transformations of Ising Models (1959) (272)
- Padé Approximant Studies of the Lattice Gas and Ising Ferromagnet below the Critical Point (1963) (270)
- Statistical Mechanics of Magnetically Ordered Systems (1988) (262)
- Interfacial, Boundary, and Size Effects at Critical Points (1967) (250)
- The story of coulombic critiality (1994) (236)
- The force exerted by a molecular motor. (1999) (235)
- Critical point shifts in films (1983) (233)
- Effect of kidney transplantation on left ventricular systolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure in patients with end-stage renal disease. (2005) (230)
- The three-dimensional Ising model revisited numerically (1989) (229)
- Shape of a Self‐Avoiding Walk or Polymer Chain (1966) (229)
- Perpendicular Susceptibility of the Ising Model (1963) (224)
- The free energy of a macroscopic system (1964) (223)
- Hard‐Sphere Lattice Gases. I. Plane‐Square Lattice (1965) (220)
- Decay of Correlations in Linear Systems (1969) (220)
- Beneficial effects of metoprolol in heart failure associated with coronary artery disease: a randomized trial. (1994) (200)
- Increased Resting Metabolic Rate in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure (1994) (199)
- Critical Behavior of Magnets with Dipolar Interactions. I. Renormalization Group near Four Dimensions (1973) (196)
- Bicritical and tetracritical points in anisotropic antiferromagnetic systems (1976) (196)
- Nesiritide Does Not Improve Renal Function in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure and Worsening Serum Creatinine (2004) (196)
- Excluded-Volume Problem and the Ising Model of Ferromagnetism (1959) (195)
- Criticality in the hard-sphere ionic fluid (1996) (194)
- Effect of Excluded Volume on Phase Transitions in Biopolymers (1966) (188)
- Scaling theory for the criticality of fluids between plates (1981) (187)
- Statistical Mechanics of Dimers on a Plane Lattice. II. Dimer Correlations and Monomers (1963) (184)
- Spin Flop, Supersolids, and Bicritical and Tetracritical Points (1974) (182)
- Ising Model and Self-Avoiding Walks on Hypercubical Lattices and (1964) (180)
- Quantum lattice gas and the existence of a supersolid (1973) (180)
- Depression is common and precludes accurate assessment of functional status in elderly patients with congestive heart failure. (2000) (170)
- Commensurate melting, domain walls, and dislocations (1984) (169)
- Toeplitz Determinants: Some Applications, Theorems, and Conjectures (2007) (168)
- The Effect of Coenzyme Q10 in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure (2000) (166)
- Intrinsic Critical Velocity of a Superfluid (1967) (165)
- Scaling, universality and renormalization group theory (1983) (165)
- Velocity statistics distinguish quantum turbulence from classical turbulence. (2008) (164)
- Asymmetric fluid criticality. I. Scaling with pressure mixing. (2002) (155)
- Soluble renormalization groups and scaling fields for low-dimensional Ising systems (1975) (151)
- Crossover scaling functions for exchange anisotropy (1974) (148)
- Routine preoperative exercise testing in patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery. (1985) (145)
- Effects of BG9719 (CVT-124), an A1-adenosine receptor antagonist, and furosemide on glomerular filtration rate and natriuresis in patients with congestive heart failure. (2000) (145)
- Monte Carlo study of the spatially modulated phase in an Ising model (1979) (143)
- Universality class of criticality in the restricted primitive model electrolyte. (2001) (143)
- Low temperature analysis of the axial next-nearest neighbour Ising model near its multiphase point (1981) (134)
- Critical Temperatures of Anisotropic Ising Lattices. II. General Upper Bounds (1967) (133)
- Zeros of the Partition Function for the Heisenberg, Ferroelectric, and General Ising Models (1971) (133)
- Effects of exercise training on peak performance and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients. (1999) (126)
- Three-state Potts model and anomalous tricritical points (1973) (126)
- Critical Probabilities for Cluster Size and Percolation Problems (1961) (122)
- Light Scattering and Pseudospinodal Curves: The Isobutyric-Acid-Water System in the Critical Region (1969) (122)
- Analytic functions and distributions in physics and engineering (1969) (122)
- Theory of critical point scattering and correlations. III. The Ising model below T c and in a field (1975) (120)
- Some Basic Definitions in Graph Theory (1970) (119)
- Prognostic importance of the serum magnesium concentration in patients with congestive heart failure. (1990) (118)
- Daily energy expenditure in free-living heart failure patients. (1997) (117)
- Critical phenomena in systems of finite thickness I. The spherical model (1973) (115)
- Configuration and Free Energy of a Polymer Molecule with Solvent Interaction (1961) (115)
- Echocardiographic Features of Constrictive Pericarditis (1978) (112)
- Unbiased Estimation of Corrections to Scaling by Partial Differential Approximants (1982) (111)
- Lattice statistics in a magnetic field, I. A two-dimensional super-exchange antiferromagnet (1960) (110)
- Wall wandering and the dimensionality dependence of the commensurate-incommensurate transition (1982) (110)
- The susceptibility of the plane ising model (1959) (107)
- Theory of Critical-Point Scattering and Correlations. II. Heisenberg Models (1972) (106)
- A simple kinetic model describes the processivity of myosin-v. (2002) (104)
- Nonlinear scaling fields and corrections to scaling near criticality (1983) (103)
- Use of the Frank-Starling mechanism during submaximal versus maximal upright exercise. (1986) (98)
- Tolerability of &bgr;-Blocker Initiation and Titration in the Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (MERIT-HF) (2002) (97)
- Interface wandering in adsorbed and bulk phases, pure and impure (1986) (96)
- Dipolar Interactions at Ferromagnetic Critical Points (1973) (96)
- On hearing the shape of a drum (1966) (95)
- Renormalization-Group Analysis of Bicritical and Tetracritical Points (1974) (94)
- Susceptibility scaling functions for ferromagnetic Ising films (1976) (93)
- Precise simulation of criticality in asymmetric fluids. (2001) (93)
- Domain walls and the melting of commensurate surface phases (1982) (87)
- The Yang–Yang relation and the specific heats of propane and carbon dioxide (2000) (87)
- Magnetic Critical Point Exponents—Their Interrelations and Meaning (1967) (87)
- Antiferromagnetic susceptibility of the plane square and honeycomb ising lattices (1962) (86)
- Critical Behavior of the Anisotropic n-Vector Model (1972) (86)
- On the stabilization of matrices and the convergence of linear iterative processes (1958) (86)
- Lattice Statistics‐A Review and an Exact Isotherm for a Plane Lattice Gas (1963) (83)
- Two-dimensional ising models with competing interaction—a Monte Carlo study (1980) (82)
- Finite-size effects in fluid interfaces (1990) (82)
- Molecular motors and the forces they exert (1999) (82)
- Critical Phenomena in Films and Surfaces (1973) (79)
- Rigorous Inequalities for Critical-Point Correlation Exponents (1969) (77)
- Plasma leptin concentrations and energy expenditure in heart failure patients. (1997) (77)
- Inhomogeneous differential approximants for power series (1980) (76)
- Periodic sequential kinetic models with jumping, branching and deaths (2000) (74)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The shape of the van der Waals loop and universal critical amplitude ratios (1998) (73)
- Asymptotic behavior of Toeplitz matrices and determinants (1969) (73)
- Lidocaine and its active metabolites (1978) (72)
- Skeletal muscle atrophy and peak oxygen consumption in heart failure. (1997) (72)
- Yang-Lee Edge Singularities at High Temperatures (1979) (71)
- Finite-Size and Surface Effects in Heisenberg Films (1973) (71)
- Energy expenditure and symptom severity in men with heart failure. (1996) (71)
- Two-dimensional lattice vesicles and polygons (1991) (69)
- Phase transitions in one-dimensional cluster-interaction fluids IA. Thermodynamics (1970) (69)
- Critical temperatures of classical n-vector models on hypercubic lattices (1974) (68)
- The acute hemodynamic effects of right ventricular septal pacing in patients with congestive heart failure secondary to ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. (1997) (68)
- Static and dynamic critical behavior of a symmetrical binary fluid: a computer simulation. (2006) (68)
- Kinesin crouches to sprint but resists pushing. (2005) (66)
- The validity of hyperscaling in three dimensions for scalar spin systems (1985) (65)
- On random walks with restricted reversals (1958) (64)
- The nature of criticality in ionic fluids (1996) (62)
- Critical dynamics in a binary fluid: simulations and finite-size scaling. (2006) (61)
- Wall effects in critical systems: Scaling in Ising model strips (1980) (61)
- Clinical indicators of left main coronary artery disease in unstable angina. (1979) (60)
- Sarcopenia in aging humans: the impact of menopause and disease. (1995) (60)
- Magnetization of Cubic Ferromagnets and the Three-Component Potts Model (1976) (60)
- Reconnection dynamics for quantized vortices (2008) (60)
- Bounded and inhomogeneous Ising models. II. Specific-heat scaling function for a strip (1975) (60)
- Asymptotic free energy of a system with periodic boundary conditions (1970) (58)
- Scaling Axes and the Spin-Flop Bicritical Phase Boundaries (1975) (57)
- Destruction of first-order transitions by symmetry-breaking fields (1977) (56)
- Precise simulation of near-critical fluid coexistence. (2003) (55)
- Wetting transitions near bulk triple points (1983) (55)
- Extended kinetic models with waiting-time distributions: Exact results (2000) (54)
- Critical Isotherm of a Ferromagnet and of a Fluid (1964) (53)
- Visibility of Critical-Exponent Renormalization (1970) (53)
- The reunions of three dissimilar vicious walkers (1988) (53)
- Three-component model and tricritical points: A renormalization-group study. Two dimensions (1981) (53)
- Antiferromagnetic susceptibilities of the simple cubic and body-centered cubic Ising lattices (1962) (53)
- University in Analytic Corrections to Scaling for Planar Ising Models (1980) (52)
- Renormalization-group analysis of metamagnetic tricritical behavior (1975) (52)
- Critical Temperatures of Anisotropic Ising Lattices. I. Lower Bounds (1967) (52)
- Quantum Corrections to Critical-Point Behavior (1966) (52)
- Lattice models of ionic systems (2001) (51)
- Correlation Functions and the Coexistence of Phases (1965) (51)
- Charge oscillations in Debye-Hückel theory (1997) (51)
- Changes in left ventricular function during recovery from upright bicycle exercise in normal persons and patients with coronary artery disease. (1986) (50)
- Melting and wetting transitions in the three-state chiral clock model (1983) (49)
- A practical approach to exercise echocardiography: immediate postexercise echocardiography. (1984) (49)
- Effects of intravenous magnesium sulfate on arrhythmias in patients with congestive heart failure. (1993) (49)
- Phase transitions in 2:1 and 3:1 hard-core model electrolytes. (2002) (48)
- Scaling Function for Critical Scattering (1973) (48)
- Decay of Order in Classical Many-Body Systems. I. Introduction and Formal Theory (1972) (47)
- Convergence of Finite-Size Scaling Renormalisation Techniques (1983) (47)
- On the corrections to scaling in three-dimensional Ising models (1990) (47)
- Universal surface-tension and critical-isotherm amplitude ratios in three dimensions (1996) (45)
- First-order transitions in spherical models: Finite-size scaling (1986) (43)
- Cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure. (2002) (42)
- Force-velocity relation for growing microtubules. (2001) (42)
- Daily energy requirements in heart failure patients. (1997) (42)
- Scaling function for two-point correlations. I. Expansion near four dimensions (1974) (41)
- Scaling theory of nonlinear critical relaxation (1976) (41)
- Critical point scaling in the Percus-Yevick equation (1981) (41)
- Phase transitions in one-dimensional cluster-interaction fluids IB. Critical behavior (1970) (40)
- Prewetting Transitions in a Near-Critical Metallic Vapor (1997) (39)
- Critical wall perturbations and a local free energy functional (1980) (38)
- Bounds for the Derivatives of the Free Energy and the Pressure of a Hard‐Core System near Close Packing (1965) (37)
- Critical Scattering in a Field and Below T c (1973) (36)
- The universal repulsive‐core singularity and Yang–Lee edge criticality (1995) (36)
- Critique of primitive model electrolyte theories (1997) (36)
- Partial Differential Approximants for Multicritical Singularities (1977) (35)
- Critical behavior of a three-dimensional dimer model (1983) (35)
- Nonuniversality of Tricritical Behavior (1978) (35)
- Tricriticality and the failure of scaling in the many-component limit (1978) (35)
- Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema in the Elderly: Factors Predicting In‐Hospital and One‐Year Mortality (1982) (35)
- On the theory of critical point density fluctuations (1962) (35)
- Behavior of Two-Point Correlation Functions at High Temperatures (1971) (34)
- Asymmetric fluid criticality. II. Finite-size scaling for simulations. (2003) (34)
- Susceptibility of the Ising Model of an Antiferromagnet (1958) (34)
- The Conceptual Foundations of the Statistical Approach in Mechanics (1960) (33)
- Fractal and nonfractal shapes in two-dimensional vesicles (1989) (33)
- Renal response to indomethacin in congestive heart failure secondary to ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. (1992) (33)
- The effects of diuresis on the pharmacokinetics of the loop diuretics furosemide and torsemide in patients with heart failure. (1998) (33)
- Classical, n-Component Spin Systems or Fields with Negative Even Integral n (1973) (33)
- CORRIGENDUM: Many commensurate phases in the chiral Potts or asymmetric clock models (1981) (32)
- The Yang-Lee edge singularity in spherical models (1978) (32)
- Effect of postural changes, nitroglycerin and verapamil on diastolic ventricular function as determined by radionuclide angiography in normal subjects. (1988) (32)
- Corrections to Scaling and Crossover in Two-Dimensional Ising and Scalar-Spin Systems (1984) (32)
- Lattice statistics in a magnetic field. II. Order and correlations of a two-dimensional super-exchange antiferromagnet (1960) (32)
- Transcutaneous temporary pacing in the operating room. (1985) (31)
- Specific Heat of a Gas Near the Critical Point (1964) (31)
- The perpendicular susceptibility of an anisotropic antiferromagnet (1960) (31)
- Discretization dependence of criticality in model fluids: a hard-core electrolyte. (2004) (30)
- Fluid coexistence close to criticality: scaling algorithms for precise simulation (2004) (30)
- Back-stepping, hidden substeps, and conditional dwell times in molecular motors. (2006) (30)
- Identity of the universal repulsive-core singularity with Yang-Lee edge criticality. (1999) (30)
- Three-component model and tricritical points: A renormalization-group study. (1981) (30)
- Effect of metoprolol on absolute myocardial blood flow in patients with heart failure secondary to ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. (2002) (28)
- The interaction of ions in an ionic medium (1994) (28)
- Asymmetric primitive-model electrolytes: Debye-Hückel theory, criticality, and energy bounds. (2001) (28)
- Simple Ising models still thrive (1981) (28)
- Wall and boundary free energies (1977) (27)
- Critical Scattering and Integral Equations for Fluids (1981) (27)
- The heat capacity of the restricted primitive model electrolyte (2000) (27)
- Protein-energy malnutrition in patients with ischemic and nonischemicdilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure☆ (1994) (27)
- Bounded and inhomogeneous Ising models. III. Regularly spaced point defects (1976) (27)
- Assessing left ventricular filling pressure with flow-directed (Swan-Ganz) catheters. Detection of sudden changes in patients with left ventricular dysfunction. (1975) (27)
- Analysis of the multiphase region in the three-state chiral clock model (1984) (26)
- Mechanoenzymes under superstall and large assisting loads reveal structural features (2007) (26)
- Semiflexible planar polymeric loops (1991) (26)
- Critical behavior of a dilute interacting Bose fluid (1984) (26)
- Effect of chronic changes in heart rate on congestive heart failure. (2007) (26)
- Behavior of Two-Point Correlation Functions Near and on a Phase Boundary (1971) (25)
- Singular coexistence-curve diameters: Experiments and simulations (2005) (25)
- Yang-Lee edge singularity in the hierarchical model (1979) (24)
- Fluid Critical Points from Simulations: the Bruce-Wilding method and Yang-Yang anomalies (2003) (24)
- Critical Phenomena in Systems of Finite Thickness. III. Specific Heat of an Ideal Boson Film (1973) (24)
- Improvement in depressed cardiac function in hypertensive patients during pindolol treatment. (1984) (23)
- On discontinuity of the pressure (1972) (23)
- On the stiffness of an interface near a wall (1994) (23)
- Universality of ionic criticality: size- and charge-asymmetric electrolytes. (2005) (23)
- Crossover scales at the critical points of fluids with electrostatic interactions (1999) (23)
- Cavity Forces and Criticality in Electrolytes (1994) (22)
- Relation of ventricular premature beat suppression to serum quinidine concentraton determined by a new and specific assay. (1980) (21)
- Analogue computing at ultra-high speed (1962) (21)
- Equations of state for bicritical points. III. Cubic anisotropy and tetracriticality (1977) (21)
- Multiphase behavior and modulated ordering in soluble Ising models (1981) (21)
- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nifedipine in Patients at Steady State (1986) (21)
- Exact thermodynamic formulation of chemical association (1998) (21)
- Electrocardiogram and clinical characteristics of patients referred for cardiac transplantation: Implications for pacing in heart failure (2004) (20)
- Soluble Model Fluids with Complete Scaling and Yang-Yang Features. (2016) (20)
- Self-interacting walks, random spin systems, and the zero-component limit (1976) (20)
- Spatially Modulated phase in ising models with competing interactions (1980) (20)
- Criticality in charge-asymmetric hard-sphere ionic fluids. (2004) (20)
- Finite‐size rounding of first‐order transitions (1985) (20)
- The Entropy of an Antiferromagnet in a Magnetic Field (1962) (19)
- Phase transitions in one-dimensional cluster-interaction fluids II. Simple logarithmic model (1970) (19)
- Monte Carlo study of multicriticality in finite Baxter models (1975) (19)
- Finite-size effects in surface tension: Thermodynamics and the Gaussian interface model (1988) (19)
- Kinetic models for mechanoenzymes: structural aspects under large loads. (2008) (19)
- Serum creatine kinase in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Optimal sampling frequency. (1983) (19)
- Higher Order Differences in the Analogue Solution of Partial Differential Equations (1956) (19)
- The preoperative electrocardiogram as an indicator of risk in major noncardiac surgery. (1986) (19)
- Protein-energy malnutrition in patients with ischemic and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. (1994) (18)
- Left anterior fascicular block: electrocardiographic criteria for its recognition in the presence of inferior myocardial infarction. (1979) (18)
- Vectorial loading of processive motor proteins: implementing a landscape picture (2005) (18)
- The winding angle of planar self-avoiding walks (1984) (18)
- Tricritical coexistence in three dimensions: The multicomponent limit (1979) (18)
- The critical behavior of model electrolytes. Comment on: J. Chem. Phys. 93, 8405 (1990) (1992) (18)
- Quinidine therapy in hospitalized patients with ventricular arrhythmias. (1979) (17)
- Routine serum enzyme tests in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Cost-effectiveness. (1983) (17)
- General Scaling Theory for Critical Points (1973) (17)
- Ionic criticality: an exactly soluble model. (2003) (17)
- Value and limitations of exercise radionuclide angiography for detecting myocardial ischemia in healed myocardial infarction. (1985) (16)
- Criticality in the Yvon–Born–Green and similar integral equations (1983) (16)
- Critical point phenomena - The role of series expansions (1974) (16)
- Cardiac catheterization in patients with unstable angina. Recent onset vs crescendo pattern. (1980) (16)
- Short-range Ising spin glasses in general dimensions (1988) (16)
- Systemic sarcoidosis and electrocardiographic conduction abnormalities. Electrophysiologic evaluation of two patients. (1980) (15)
- Assessment of severity of mitral stenosis by echocardiographic leaflet separation. (1979) (15)
- Reactions of ZrOCl2·8H2O with carboxylic acids and thionyl chloride: crystal and molecular structures of K4[Zr(mal)4]·2H2O and K4[Zr(dipic)3]2·13.5H2O (1998) (15)
- Erratum: The renormalization group in the theory of critical behavior (1975) (15)
- Sustained hemodynamic response to flosequinan in patients with heart failure receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. (1993) (15)
- Simulating critical dynamics in liquid mixtures: short-range and long-range contributions. (2007) (14)
- Conceptual foundations of quantum field theory: Renormalization group theory: its basis and formulation in statistical physics (1999) (14)
- Classifying first-order phase transitions (1986) (14)
- The decoupling point of the axial next-nearest-neighbour Ising model and marginal crossover (1982) (14)
- Collateral circulation in patients with unstable angina. (1982) (14)
- Sum of Inverse Powers of Cosines (L. A. Gardner, Jr.) (1971) (14)
- Broken Symmetry and Decay of Order in Restricted Dimensionality (1969) (13)
- Evolutionarily stable strategies in differential and difference equation models (1988) (13)
- CORRIGENDUM: On the critical polynomial of the simple cubic Ising model (1995) (13)
- Critical endpoints, interfaces, and walls (1991) (13)
- An infinity of commensurate phases in a simple Ising system: The ANNNI model (invited) (1981) (13)
- Electrophysiologic effects of cigarette smoking in patients with and without chronic beta-blocker therapy. (1987) (13)
- Beta-blockers in congestive cardiomyopathy. Conceptual advance or contraindication? (1986) (13)
- Wall and boundary free energies (1979) (13)
- Equations of state for bicritical points. II. Ising-like ordered phases (1977) (13)
- Determinants of the renal response to ACE inhibition in patients with congestive heart failure. (1992) (12)
- Systolic time intervals in hypothyroidism: end organ function as a reflection of clinical status (1979) (12)
- Novel two-variable approximants for studying magnetic multicritical behavior (1977) (12)
- Coronary collateral blood flow in a patient with angiographically normal coronary arteries. (1987) (12)
- Phases and phase diagrams - Gibbs' legacy today ☆ (1990) (12)
- Critical phenomena in fluid films: critical-temperature-shifts (1983) (12)
- Continuum fluids with a discontinuity in the pressure (1983) (12)
- Universality of magnetic tricritical points (1975) (12)
- Critical Points, Large-Dimensionality Expansions, and the Ising Spin Glass (1990) (12)
- Left atrial mass. Thrombus mimicking myxoma. (1985) (12)
- Cubic fields, bicritical crossover, the spherical and van der Waals limits (1980) (11)
- Ventricular arrhythmias in patients with rest angina: correlation with ST segment changes and extent of coronary atherosclerosis. (1983) (11)
- Diverging correlation lengths in electrolytes: Exact results at low densities (1999) (11)
- Quantized vortex reconnection: Fixed points and initial conditions (2012) (11)
- The electrophysiologic effects of oral cibenzoline. (1984) (11)
- Partial differential approximants for multivariable power series. I. Definitions and faithfulness (1982) (11)
- Near critical electrolytes: are the charge-charge sum rules obeyed? (2012) (11)
- Specific heats of classical spin systems and inhomogeneous differential approximants (1981) (11)
- The Critical Locus of a Simple Fluid with Added Salt (2001) (10)
- Lars Onsager, 27 November - 5 October 1976 (1978) (10)
- Renormalization group theory: its basis and formulations in statistical physics (1999) (10)
- How multivalency controls ionic criticality. (2005) (10)
- When is a conductor not perfect? Sum rules fail under critical fluctuations. (2011) (10)
- Right and wrong near critical endpoints (2002) (10)
- Estimation of Spectra from Moments—Application to the Hubbard Model (1972) (10)
- Dynamics of the tug-of-war model for cellular transport. (2010) (10)
- Tests of strong scaling in the three-dimensional Ising model (1975) (10)
- Convergence of fine-lattice discretization for near-critical fluids. (2005) (9)
- CORRIGENDUM: The theory of equilibrium critical phenomena (1968) (9)
- Universality tests at Heisenberg bicritical points (1980) (9)
- Pindolol in the treatment of hypertension: systolic time intervals as a predictor of response to beta receptor blockade. (1980) (9)
- Comments concerning the Ising model and two letters by N.H. March (2015) (9)
- Tricritical scaling in the spherical model limit (1978) (9)
- Rest angina with transient S-T segment elevation. Correlation of clinical features with coronary anatomy. (1978) (9)
- Quinidine saliva concentrations: Absence of correlation with serum concentrations at steady state (1983) (8)
- Scaling for interfacial tensions near critical endpoints. (2004) (8)
- Analogue computing at ultra-high speed : an experimental and theoretical study (1962) (8)
- Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity of pindolol. Evidence for interaction with pretreatment sympathetic tone. (1983) (8)
- On the continuous solution of integral equations by an electronic analogue. I (1957) (7)
- Propagating and annihilating vortex dipoles in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (2012) (7)
- Multisingularity and scaling in partial differential approximants. I (1988) (7)
- Bicriticality and Partial Differential Approximants (1982) (7)
- Critical temperatures of continuous spin models and the free energy of a polymer (1975) (7)
- Exponent Inequalities for Critical Point Spin Correlation Functions (1969) (7)
- Risk stratification. A cost-effective approach to the treatment of patients with chest pain. (1985) (7)
- Measuring the Limping of Processive Motor Proteins (2011) (6)
- Aspects of Equilibrium Critical Phenomena (1969) (6)
- Spectra, Moments, and Lattice Walks for Hubbard Magnetic Insulators (1973) (6)
- Crossover behavior of the specific heat and the nonordering susceptibility of the anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet (1976) (6)
- On the absence of intermediate phases in the two-dimensional Coulomb gas (1995) (6)
- ICU syndrome. (1984) (6)
- Criticality in Gaussian-molecule mixtures (1996) (6)
- Isothermal binodal curves near a critical endpoint (2001) (6)
- Errata: On the absence of intermediate phases in the two-dimensional Coulomb gas (1995) (6)
- Series Expansion Approximants for Singular Functions of Many Variables (1977) (6)
- Periodic sequential kinetic models with jumping, branching and deaths: [Physica A 279 (2000) 1–20]☆ (2000) (6)
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- Velocity statistics in superfluid and classical turbulence (2009) (0)
- Some Fruits of Genius: Lars Onsager and the Ising Model (2006) (0)
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- First-order transitions from singly peaked distributions (2010) (0)
- Condensed Matter Physics: Does Quantum Mechanics Matter? (2016) (0)
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- Analytic transfer-matrix verification of the droplet picture in the anisotropic d = 2 Ising model (0)
- Nonlinearities in Differential Equations for Near-Critical Pair Correlation Functions (1984) (0)
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- Low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: Criticality and series expansions at zero temperature (1990) (0)
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- Creatine Kinase Isozyme Measurements in Patients With Suspected Myocardial Infarction-Reply (1984) (0)
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- Cost-effective Sampling of Serum Creatine Kinase in Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction-Reply (1983) (0)
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- Stochastic Mechanochemistry for Processive Motor Proteins: Kinesin Crouches before Sprinting. (2005) (0)
- How to Simulate Fluid Criticality: The simplest ionic model has Ising behavior but the proof is not so obvious! (2003) (0)
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- Cardiac function in alcohol withdrawal: non invasive studies in patients without clinical evidence of heart disease (1975) (0)
- Visual estimate of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) by echocardiography: Comparison to quantitative echo methods and radionuclide angiography (1995) (0)
- 965-47 Comparison of Regional Myocardial Blood Flow and Metabolism in Patients with Ischemic and Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy (1995) (0)
- A Plenitude of Commensurate Phases in Simple Models (1984) (0)
- Erratum: Trigonometric models for scaling behavior near criticality [Phys. Rev. B59, 14 533 (1999)] (2001) (0)
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- Simulations of Planar Vesicles and Their Transitions (1993) (0)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Convergence of Finite-Size Scaling Renormalisation Techniques (1988) (0)
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