Michael Keating
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Irish political scientist
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Political Science
Michael Keating 's Degrees
- PhD Political Science National University of Ireland
- Masters Political Science National University of Ireland
- Bachelors Political Science National University of Ireland
Why Is Michael Keating Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Michael Keating is a political scientist specialising in nationalism, European politics, regional politics, and devolution. He is Professor of Scottish Politics at the University of Aberdeen and Fellow of the Centre on Constitutional Change at the University of Edinburgh.
Michael Keating 's Published Works
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Published Works
- Paradiplomacy in Action : The Foreign Relations of Subnational Governments (1999) (192)
- Environmental Policy Analysis, Peer Reviewed: A Risk-Based Approach to Soil Remediation Modeling (1997) (13)
- L'imaginaire national. Réflexions sur l'origine et l'essor du nationalisme Benedict Anderson Traduit de l'anglais par Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat Paris: La Découverte, 1996, 213 p. (1998) (12)
- Is a Theory of Self-determination Possible? (2019) (9)
- Les défis du nationalisme moderne : Québec, Catalogne, Écosse (1997) (9)
- Classic and contemporary readings in sociology (1998) (9)
- Modeling of regional-scale atmospheric mercury transport and deposition using relmap. Book chapter (1995) (9)
- Les nationalités minoritaires d'Espagne face à l'Europe (1999) (6)
- The Rise and Decline of Micronationalism in Mainland France (1985) (6)
- The evolution of Australian macroeconomic strategy since World War 2 (2014) (5)
- Changing Borders in Europe (2018) (4)
- Earnings and Inequality (2003) (3)
- States, sovereignty, borders and self-determination in Europe (2019) (3)
- Auto/biography, personal testimony and epiphany moments: a case study in research-informed teaching (2010) (3)
- American sociology and the interactive self (2014) (3)
- Not Markets Versus Governments, but Markets Using Governments (2005) (2)
- L’intégration européenne et la question des nationalités minoritaires (2006) (2)
- Polycarbodiimide for Textile Dye Removal from Contaminated Water (2022) (2)
- Enterprise Zones: Implementing the Unworkable (1984) (2)
- Principes et problèmes du gouvernement asymétrique (1998) (2)
- L’étude des politiques publiques. Les acteurs et leur pouvoir de Vincent Lemieux, Sainte-Foy, Presses de l’Université Laval, 1995, 184 p. (1995) (1)
- Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique and Groupement de Recherches Co-ordinées sur 1'Administration Locale, Annuaire des Collectivités Locales, 1982. Paris: Librairies Techniques, 902 pp (1983) (1)
- Culture, institutions et Dèveloppement économique dans huit régions d'Europe (2003) (1)
- Nations sans État, our États régionaux? Le débat sur le territorialité et le pouvoir à l'heure de la mondialisation (2003) (1)
- Capacité politique (2020) (1)
- Gouvernement et politique en Grande-Bretagne Jacques Leruez Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1989, 423 p. (1990) (1)
- L'Après souveraineté. Les nations dans le nouvel ordre mondial (2001) (1)
- Stuart M. Butler, Enterprise Zones: Greenlining the Inner Cities , Heinemann, 1982, 168 pp. £4.95. (1983) (1)
- Race, ethnicity and nationalism (2009) (1)
- Jeffrey J. Anderson, The Territorial Imperative, Pluralism, Corporatism and Economic Crisis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 252 pp (1992) (0)
- Policies to revitalise local economies (1983) (0)
- Review: Local Government in Europe: Trends and Developments, Nothing to Fear: Risks and Hazards in American Society, Power and Policy in Liberal Democracies, Challenging Uneven Development: An Urban Agenda for the 1990s (1993) (0)
- Dumbing down or beefing up the curriculum? Integrating an 'academic skills framework' into a first year sociology programme (2009) (0)
- Studio Jazz Ensembles (1991) (0)
- BOOK REVIEWS CONTENTS Economic Geography and Public Policy, by Richard Baldwin, (2012) (0)
- Self-determination and the reconfiguration of the nation-state in Europe (2018) (0)
- Les régions européennes en question (2017) (0)
- Globalization and Inequality: Subnational Differentials within Nation States (2008) (0)
- Stan Openshaw, Nuclear Power. Siting and Safety. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. £9.95 paper. £20 cloth (1986) (0)
- Systèmes et procédés d'électrodes médicales (2008) (0)
- Refurbishment options to decarbonise a 1960s public office building by 2050s (2018) (0)
- La Réforme de la Gestion publique et le développement économique et social (2001) (0)
- Utilisation de l'orsaponine [3beta, 16beta, 17 alpha-trihydroxycholost-5-en-22-one 16-0-(2-0-4-methoxybenzoyl-beta-d-xylopyranosyl)-(1$m(7)3)-(2-0-acetyl-alpha-l-arabinopyranoside)], ou osw-1, et de ses derives pour des traitements therapeutiques anticancereux (2004) (0)
- The North Liberty City Council met in regular session in Council Chambers. Work session was held at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Mekota called the regular session to order at 7:00 p.m. (2004) (0)
- The lesson from Catalonia: we need better principles on who has the right to self-determination and how (2017) (0)
- Systemes et procedes d'hyperthermie induite par radiofrequences avec des nanoparticules et des cellules biologiques servant de supports renforçant les radiofrequences (2005) (0)
- Les nationalités minoritaires d'Espagne face à lèurope / Michael Keating. (2014) (0)
- 10 - Les élections autonomiques et les systèmes partisans régionaux : l’essor d’une compétition électorale multiniveaux (2012) (0)
- Par-delà de la souveraineté: La démocratie plurinationale dans un monde postsouverain (2001) (0)
- V. La dévolution au Royaume-Uni (2004) (0)
- Greater Visibility for R&D. (Corporate Strategy).(research and Development in North American Industry Classification System( (NAICS))(Brief Article) (2002) (0)
- Systemes et procedes d'hyperthermie induite par radiofrequence et radioimmunotherapie combinees (2005) (0)
- 3-bromo-2-oxopropionate de propyle et ses derives utilises comme nouveaux agents anticancereux (2005) (0)
- Procede et systeme permettant de verifier la surface d'un fluide et de la distribution d'un fluide (2001) (0)
- The Way We Live: Ross Terrill, The Australians: The Way We Live Now, Doubleday, Sydney, 2000 (2001) (0)
- Y. Mény (ed.), Dix Ans de Regionalisation on Europe. Bilan et Perspectives 1970–1980 , (Paris: Cujas1982), 336 pp. 90 French francs. (1983) (0)
- Jan-Erik Lane (ed), State and Market. The Politics of the Public and the Private. London: Sage Publications, pp. 320, £25.00 (1986) (0)
- Review: The Global Region: Production, State Policies and Uneven Development, the High-Tech Potential: Economic Development in Rural America, Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, Volume 38. Big City Politics in Transition, Water Resources Management: In Search of an Environmental Ethic (1993) (0)
- Les Petites Nations. Culture, politique et universalité (2020) (0)
- Predicted fate and transport of mercury emitted from utility boilers in the local atmosphere (1996) (0)
- Principes et problèmes du gouvernement asymétrique : Repenser la communauté politique (1998) (0)
- La dévolution au Royaume Uni (2004) (0)
- British Politics and European Elections 1994. By Butler David and Westlake Martin. New York: St. Martin's, 1995. 349p. $59.95. (1996) (0)
- Coping with Economic and Social Change: Peter Saunders, The Ends And Means Of Welfare: Coping With Economic and Social Change In Australia, Cambridge University Press, Australia, 2002 (2002) (0)
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