Monica Biernat
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American social psychologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Monica Rose Biernat is a social psychologist known for her research on social judgment, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. She is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Kansas.
Monica Biernat's Published Works
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Published Works
- Shifting standards and stereotype-based judgments. (1994) (495)
- Stereotypes and Standards of Judgment (1991) (407)
- Gender- and race-based standards of competence: lower minimum standards but higher ability standards for devalued groups. (1997) (364)
- Sharing of home responsibilities between professionally employed women and their husbands. (1991) (281)
- Toward a broader view of social stereotyping. (2003) (279)
- Mothers and Fathers in the Workplace: How Gender and Parental Status Influence Judgments of Job‐Related Competence (2004) (274)
- Prototypes of race and gender: The invisibility of Black women (2010) (266)
- The Ideology of Anti‐Fat Attitudes1 (1990) (232)
- Shifting Standards and the Evaluation of Competence: Complexity in Gender‐Based Judgment and Decision Making (2001) (224)
- Women with Multiple Roles: Role-Compatibility Perceptions, Satisfaction, and Mental Health (1990) (172)
- Violating American Values: A “Value Congruence” Approach to Understanding Outgroup Attitudes (1996) (169)
- Stigma and stereotypes. (2000) (151)
- Intergroup Anxiety: A Person × Situation Approach (1996) (147)
- Gender- and race-based standards of competence: lower minimum standards but higher ability standards for devalued groups (1997) (144)
- Selective self-stereotyping. (1996) (143)
- Gender stereotypes and the relationship between masculinity and femininity: a developmental analysis. (1991) (143)
- The Maternal Wall (2004) (138)
- She Swings, She Hits, She’s Great, She’s Benched: Implications of Gender-Based Shifting Standards for Judgment and Behavior (2002) (134)
- Derogating black sheep: Individual or group protection? (2003) (132)
- Stress, Social Support, and Health in Married Professional Women with Small Children (1991) (128)
- Remembering the real me: Nostalgia offers a window to the intrinsic self. (2015) (123)
- Motivated Shifting of Justice Standards (2010) (120)
- Coping with Role Overload (1991) (119)
- Decoding Subjective Evaluations: How Stereotypes Provide Shifting Standards (1997) (111)
- Motives and Values to Achieve: Different Constructs With Different Effects (1989) (110)
- Everyday base rates (sex stereotypes): Potent and resilient. (1990) (104)
- Categorization and Stereotyping: Effects of Group Context on Memory and Social Judgment (1993) (103)
- Black sheep and expectancy violation: integrating two models of social judgment (1999) (102)
- Simultaneous assimilation and contrast effects in judgments of self and others. (1997) (101)
- Standards and Expectancies: Contrast and Assimilation in Judgments of Self and Others (2005) (100)
- Comparison and expectancy processes in human judgment. (1991) (89)
- Effects of Employees’ Positive Affective Displays on Customer Loyalty Intentions: An Emotions-as-Social-Information Perspective (2017) (84)
- All that you can be: stereotyping of self and others in a military context. (1998) (80)
- Stereotypes and Shifting Standards: Some Paradoxical Effects of Cognitive Load (2003) (79)
- Blaming the Victim of Acquaintance Rape: Individual, Situational, and Sociocultural Factors (2019) (74)
- Stress, Support, and Coping among Women Professionals with Preschool Children (1990) (72)
- The shifting standards model: Implications of stereotype accuracy for social judgment. (1995) (71)
- Beyond prejudice: Toward a sociocultural psychology of racism and oppression. (2008) (67)
- Responding to Deviance: Target Exclusion and Differential Devaluation (2006) (66)
- The Academic Conference as a Chilly Climate for Women: Effects of Gender Representation on Experiences of Sexism, Coping Responses, and Career Intentions (2018) (66)
- Shifting Standards and the Inference of Incompetence: Effects of Formal and Informal Evaluation Tools (2010) (65)
- The Language of Performance Evaluations (2012) (61)
- Stereotypes and Shifting Standards: Forming, Communicating, and Translating Person Impressions (2012) (55)
- Commemorating Brown: The Social Psychology of Racism and Discrimination (2010) (55)
- When stereotype-based expectancies impair performance: the effect of prejudice, race, and target quality on judgments and perceiver performance (1999) (55)
- Gender Bias or Motherhood Disadvantage? Judgments of Blue Collar Mothers and Fathers in the Workplace (2009) (54)
- Race-Based Shifting Standards and Racial Discrimination (2009) (50)
- 'You Lost Me at Hello': How and When Accent-Based Biases are Expressed and Suppressed (2013) (45)
- The Social and Personal Identities Scale: A Measure of the Differential Importance Ascribed to Social and Personal Self-Categorizations (2004) (45)
- Gender and height: Developmental patterns in knowledge and use of an accurate stereotype (1993) (44)
- A shifting standards perspective on the complexity of gender stereotypes and gender stereotyping. (1999) (44)
- “Coming out” among gay Latino and gay White men: implications of verbal disclosure for well-being (2016) (40)
- Reexamining the Effects of Solo Status for Women and Men (2002) (37)
- Stereotypes and Shifting Standards (2009) (34)
- Evaluating the contributions of members of mixed-sex work teams: Race and gender matter (2013) (34)
- “Welcome to the U.S.” but “change your name”? Adopting Anglo names and discrimination (2017) (33)
- Stereotypes and the Confirmability of Trait Concepts (2005) (32)
- Family values and antipathy toward gay men. (2003) (32)
- Stereotypes in the communication and translation of person impressions (2009) (31)
- The Impact of Accent Stereotypes on Service Outcomes and Its Boundary Conditions (2009) (27)
- Analytic Review as a Solution to the Misreporting of Statistical Results in Psychological Science (2014) (25)
- Translating subjective language in letters of recommendation : The case of the sexist professor (2007) (22)
- Explaining Extremity in Evaluation of Group Members (2016) (22)
- Defining Discrimination in the Personal/Group Discrimination Discrepancy (2000) (21)
- standards to suspect and diagnose stereotypical traits (2008) (21)
- Shifting Standards and Contextual Variation in Stereotyping (2002) (20)
- Perceived importance of cross-race targets facilitates recall: Support for a motivated account of face memory (2013) (20)
- Interpreting and reacting to feedback in stereotype-relevant performance domains☆ (2012) (20)
- A multicomponent, developmental analysis of sex typing (1991) (20)
- Stereotyping and contact with social groups: Measurement and conceptual issues (1994) (18)
- Standards, Expectancies, and Social Comparison (2007) (17)
- The impact of power and powerlessness on blaming the victim of sexual assault (2019) (17)
- Assessment of PTSD symptoms in a community exposed to serial murder. (1997) (16)
- Creating stereotypes and capturing their content (1996) (16)
- “I Have Two Names, Xian and Alex”: Psychological Correlates of Adopting Anglo Names (2018) (15)
- Invisibility of Black women: Drawing attention to individuality (2018) (15)
- Stereotypes on Campus: How Contact and Liking Influence Perceptions of Group Distinctiveness (1990) (14)
- Chapter 11 Gut regulatory peptides and hormones of the small intestine 1 1 This work was financially supported by grants from the State Committe for Scientific Research, Poland (Grant No. 5 PO6K00716), and the POLONIUM French-Polish programme. (2002) (13)
- Stereotypes and implicit social comparison: Shifts in comparison-group focus (2006) (13)
- Gender and parenting: Effects of parenting failures on evaluations of mothers and fathers (2017) (11)
- Values and Prejudice (2005) (11)
- 22. A history of social psychological research on gender (2011) (11)
- More than the Sum of Its Parts: Intersections of Sexual Orientation and Race as They Influence Perceptions of Group Similarity and Stereotype Content (2020) (11)
- Compensatory Stereotyping in Interracial Encounters (2009) (11)
- Getting more from success: standard raising as esteem maintenance. (2007) (10)
- The new identity theft: Perceptions of cultural appropriation in intergroup contexts. (2020) (10)
- Gender, Race, and Grant Reviews: Translating and Responding to Research Feedback (2020) (9)
- Standards and Expectancies: An Introduction and Overview (2005) (7)
- Your Name Is Your Lifesaver: Anglicization of Names and Moral Dilemmas in a Trilogy of Transportation Accidents (2019) (7)
- Perceptions of the media in a community exposed to serial murder. (1997) (7)
- Explaining Extremity in Evaluation of Group Members: Meta-Analytic Tests of Three Theories (2016) (7)
- Sexualized images in professional contexts: Effects on anticipated experiences and perceived climate for women and men (2017) (6)
- Still Another Look at the Effects of Fit and Novelty on the Salience of Social Categories (1994) (6)
- Two tales of two protests: Principled and partisan attitudes toward politically charged protests (2021) (5)
- Communicating about others: Motivations and consequences of race-based impressions (2013) (5)
- Political Ideology and Labor Arbitrators' Decision Making in Work–Family Conflict Cases (2008) (4)
- Reactions to violence: a campus copes with serial murder (1994) (4)
- Race-Based Social Judgment by Minority Perceivers1 (2000) (4)
- Gender Stereotypes and Stereotyping (2018) (3)
- Gender stereotyping, prejudice, and shifting standards. (2018) (3)
- Linguistic Stereotyping in Call Centers (2015) (2)
- Gender-Based Standards of Competence in Parenting andWork Roles (2013) (2)
- Erratum to “‘You lost me at hello’: How and when accent-based biases are expressed and suppressed” [Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 30/2 (2013) 185–196] (2013) (2)
- Status of immigrants' country of origin and Americans' assimilation expectations. (2021) (2)
- Do Cognitive Biases Affect Adjudication?: A Study of Labor Arbitrators (with Monica Biernat) (2008) (2)
- Effects of dyadic communication on race-based impressions and memory (2018) (2)
- Models of Assimilation and Contrast (2005) (1)
- Racism's Cost and Other Consequences for White Americans. (1997) (1)
- ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION Stereotypes and Standards of Judgment (2004) (1)
- Target Evaluation Measure (2013) (1)
- Verbal Disclosure and Mental Health Among Gay Latino and Gay White Men (2021) (1)
- Relationship Norm Strength Questionnaire (2020) (0)
- Gay Black man does not equal gay + Black + man: An Intersectional Analysis of Race and Sexual Orientation Stereotypes (2019) (0)
- Complexity and Subtlety in Patterns of Stereotyping and Prejudice (2009) (0)
- Life in the Particular: Specificity in Representations and Productions of Knowledge. (1992) (0)
- Race, politics, and perceptions of anti-Black and anti-White discrimination over time (2021) (0)
- Assimilation and Contrast Revisited (2005) (0)
- Acknowledgment (2009) (0)
- Gender Gap in Parental Leave Intentions: Evidence from 37 Countries (2023) (0)
- Cultural Appropriation Menu Study (2019) (0)
- Judgment of Harm Index (2013) (0)
- Internalized Guides as Standards for Judging the Self (2005) (0)
- The Consequences of Social Exclusion on SelfRegulation of Unhealthy Eating Behavior (2017) (0)
- An Intersectional Examination of Ambivalent Sexism (2017) (0)
- Thanks to our Reviewers (2012) (0)
- Twenty-First-Century Discrimination: It's Not Your Grandparents' Racism (2008) (0)
- Model na medal (2001) (0)
- Perceptions of Harm and Benefit Predict Judgments of Cultural Appropriation (2023) (0)
- Wozki i tace - ile i jakie (2001) (0)
- Judging Others and the Self: Contextual Factors Affecting Assimilation and Contrast (2005) (0)
- Construal Level on Prejudice (2017) (0)
- Stereotypes as Standards for Judging the Self: Self-Stereotyping (2005) (0)
- Stereotypes and Stereotyping of Others (2005) (0)
- Other People as Standards: Social Comparison (2005) (0)
- Intergroup Anxiety Toward African Americans Scale (2016) (0)
- The Academic Conference as a Chilly Climate for Women: Effects of Gender Representation on Experiences of Sexism, Coping Responses, and Career Intentions (2017) (0)
- Savannah in the Rearview Mirror, LA in the Headlights (2002) (0)
- Stereotypes and Shifting Standards in Communication (2009) (0)
- On the strength of ties that bind: Measuring the strength of norms in romantic relationships (2019) (0)
- Job search resources (SPSP2020) (2020) (0)
- Beyond Assimilation: Toward a Broader View of Stereotyping Effects (2005) (0)
- Editorial (2015) (0)
- Self and Other Exemplars as Standards for Judging Others (2005) (0)
- My Start on Stereotyping and Prejudice (2005) (0)
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