Nathan Jacobson
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American mathematician
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Nathan Jacobson's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Chicago
Why Is Nathan Jacobson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Nathan Jacobson was an American mathematician. Biography Born Nachman Arbiser in Warsaw, Jacobson emigrated to America with his family in 1918. He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1930 and was awarded a doctorate in mathematics from Princeton University in 1934. While working on his thesis, Non-commutative polynomials and cyclic algebras, he was advised by Joseph Wedderburn.
Nathan Jacobson's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Structure of rings (1956) (1305)
- Basic Algebra I (1976) (1150)
- Basic Algebra II (1989) (1119)
- Structure and Representations of Jordan Algebras (1968) (1073)
- Lectures In Abstract Algebra (1951) (1067)
- Theory of rings (1943) (388)
- Finite-dimensional division algebras over fields (1996) (279)
- Jordan homomorphisms of rings (1950) (246)
- Pi-algebras: an Introduction (1975) (223)
- Composition algebras and their automorphisms (1958) (220)
- Structure Theory for Algebraic Algebras of Bounded Degree (1945) (196)
- The Radical and Semi-Simplicity for Arbitrary Rings (1945) (184)
- A note on automorphisms and derivations of Lie algebras (1955) (170)
- Lie and Jordan Triple Systems (1949) (154)
- Structure theory of Jordan algebras (1981) (142)
- General Representation Theory of Jordan Algebras (1951) (112)
- Abstract derivation and Lie algebras (1937) (110)
- Some Remarks on One-Sided Inverses (1950) (94)
- Schur’s theorems on commutative matrices (1944) (91)
- Lectures on quadratic Jordan algebras (1969) (87)
- Structure of Alternative and Jordan Bimodules (1954) (86)
- Exceptional Lie algebras (1971) (80)
- Some Groups of Transformations defined by Jordan Algebras. I. (1959) (76)
- Classes of restricted Lie algebras of characteristic $p$, II (1943) (76)
- Some groups of Transformations defined by Jordan Algebras. III. Groups of Type E61. (1961) (74)
- Completely Reducible Lie Algebras of Linear Transformations (1951) (73)
- Restricted Lie algebras of characteristic (1941) (69)
- Pseudo-Linear Transformations (1937) (68)
- A Topology for the Set of Primitive Ideals in an Arbitrary Ring. (1945) (66)
- Elements of representation theory (1968) (66)
- On Pseudo-Linear Transformations. (1935) (61)
- Structure theory of simple rings without finiteness assumptions (1945) (58)
- Cayley numbers and normal simple Lie algebras of type $G$ (1939) (56)
- Rational Methods in the Theory of Lie Algebras (1935) (54)
- Classification and Representation of Semi-Simple Jordan Algebras (1949) (54)
- On Reduced Exceptional Simple Jordan Algebras (1957) (53)
- Classes of Restricted Lie Algebras of Characteristic p. I (1941) (46)
- Clifford algebras for algebras with involution of type D (1964) (44)
- Some applications of Jordan norms to involutorial simple associative algebras (1983) (42)
- Homomorphisms of Jordan Rings of Self-Adjoint Elements (1952) (42)
- Derivation Algebras and Multiplication Algebras of Semi-Simple Jordan Algebras (1949) (41)
- A Note on Lie Algebras of Characteristic p (1952) (37)
- A Note on Division Rings (1947) (36)
- Generic norm of an algebra (1963) (34)
- Structure theory for a class of jordan algebras. (1966) (33)
- On the Theory of Primitive Rings (1947) (31)
- A note on non-associative algebras (1937) (30)
- An Extension of Galois Theory to Non-Normal and Non-Separable Fields (1944) (29)
- Galois Theory of Purely Inseparable Fields of Exponent One (1944) (29)
- A note on automorphisms of Lie algebras (1962) (29)
- Normal Semi-Linear Transformations (1939) (29)
- A Note on Three Dimensional Simple Lie Algebras (1958) (28)
- A note on hermitian forms (1940) (28)
- Structure groups and Lie algebras of Jordan algebras of symmetric elements of associative algebras with involution (1976) (27)
- The Fundamental Theorem of the Galois Theory for Quasi-Fields (1940) (27)
- Nickel and strontium distribution in some mouse tissues. Passage through placenta and mammary glands. (1978) (26)
- Simple Lie algebras over a field of characteristic zero (1938) (23)
- A Kronecker Factorization Theorem for Cayley Algebras and the Exceptional Simple Jordan Algebra (1954) (23)
- Locally Compact Rings. (1935) (21)
- In vitro production of sulphated mucosubstances by the labial and palatine glands of the monkey Macaca irus. (1975) (18)
- Triality and Lie Algebras of Type D 4 (1964) (18)
- Totally Disconnected Locally Compact Rings (1936) (16)
- Some groups of transformations defined by Jordan algebras. II. Groups of type F4. (1960) (15)
- Abraham Adrian Albert 1905–1972 (1974) (15)
- Salivary amylase. II. Alpha-amylase in salivary glands of the Macaca irus monkey, the Cercopithecus aethiops monkey, and man. (1970) (14)
- An application of E. H. Moore's determinant of a hermitian matrix (1939) (14)
- Non-Commutative Polynomials and Cyclic Algebras (1934) (13)
- Geometrically Reductive Hopf Algebras (2003) (12)
- Isomorphisms of Jordan Rings (1948) (12)
- Some projective varieties defined by Jordan algebras (1985) (12)
- $p$-algebras of exponent $p$ (1937) (11)
- In vitro production of alpha-amylase by monkey parotid gland. (1969) (11)
- On Jordan Algebras with Two Generators (1957) (10)
- MacDonald's theorem on Jordan algebras (1962) (9)
- Lectures in abstract algebra vol. I : basic concepts / Nathan Jacobson (1951) (9)
- Molecular weight and amino acid composition of Macaca irus parotid alpha-amylase. (1971) (9)
- Localization of jordan algebras (1978) (9)
- Basic, proline-rich glycoproteins in the submandibular gland secretion of the Cercopithecus aethiops. (1976) (8)
- Brauer Factor Sets, Noether Factor Sets, and Crossed Products (1983) (8)
- A Note on Topological Fields (1937) (8)
- Nilpotent elements in semi-simple Jordan algebras (1958) (8)
- Strontium, lead and nickel incorporation into mouse calvaria in vitro. (1975) (8)
- The Equation x′≡xd - dx = b (1989) (7)
- A Note on Non-Commutative Polynomials (1934) (6)
- A Class of Normal Simple Lie Algebras of Characteristic Zero (1937) (6)
- Operator commutativity in Jordan algebras (1952) (6)
- Commutative Restricted Lie Algebras (1955) (6)
- Structure and Automorphisms of Semi-Simple Lie Groups in the Large (1939) (5)
- A Note on Two Dimensional Division Ring Extensions (1955) (5)
- Cartan Subalgebras of Jordan Algebras (1966) (5)
- Isoelectric variants of Macaca irus salivary alpha-amylase. (1973) (4)
- Associative algebras with involution and Jordan algebras (1966) (4)
- Enveloping Algebras of Semi-Simple Lie Algebras (1950) (4)
- Emmy Noether Gesammelte Abhandlungen Collected Papers (1983) (4)
- Introduction: Concepts from Set Theory the System of Natural Numbers (1951) (4)
- Simple Lie Algebras of Type A (1938) (4)
- Human submandibular gland tissue in culture 2. Nickel affinity to secretory proteins. (1977) (4)
- Isoelectric separation of proteins after in vitro cultivation of sublingual tissue. (1971) (4)
- In Memory of Emmy Noether (1983) (4)
- The equation $x' \equiv xd - dx = b$ (1944) (4)
- Simple Lie Algebras of Type A. (1937) (4)
- In vitro incorporation of [14C] L-leucine into monkey (Macaca irus) parotid and submandibular gland proteins. (1970) (4)
- Some recent developments in the theory of algebras with polynomial identities (1978) (3)
- The center of a Jordan ring (1948) (3)
- Human submandibular gland tissue in culture I. Sulphate incorporation and tissue culture technique. (1977) (3)
- Collected mathematical papers (1989) (3)
- Generation of separable and central simple algebras (1989) (2)
- Groups with Operators (1951) (2)
- Relations Between the Composites of a Field and Those of a Subfield (1944) (2)
- Structure Theory of Fields (1964) (2)
- Nathan Jacobson Collected Mathematical Papers (1989) (2)
- Separable Jordan Algebras over Commutative Rings (2003) (2)
- Biochemical characteristics of certain salivary glycoproteins from Cercopithecus aethiops. (1976) (2)
- A Personal History and Commentary (1989) (1)
- Artin-Schreier Theory (1964) (1)
- Einar Hille, his yale years, A personal recollection (1981) (1)
- Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces (1953) (1)
- Triality and Lie algebras of typeD4 (1964) (1)
- Construction of Central Simple Associative Algebras (1944) (1)
- Forms of the generic norm of a separable Jordan algebra (1984) (1)
- Structure theory for finite-dimensional Jordan algebras (1968) (1)
- Lectures on Jordan algebras (1964) (1)
- Simple Algebras with Involution (1996) (1)
- Semi-Groups and Groups (1951) (1)
- The First Summer Mathematical Institute (2007) (1)
- Bimodule structure of certain Jordan algebras relative to subalgebras with one generator (1981) (1)
- Generic Norms, II (1995) (1)
- Products of Vector Spaces (1953) (0)
- Representation theory for separable Jordan algebras (1968) (0)
- Rings with minimum condition (1956) (0)
- Nathan Jacobson Collected Mathematical Papers: Volume 2 (1947-1965) (1990) (0)
- Galois Descent and Generic Splitting Fields (1996) (0)
- Non-commutative principal ideal domains (1943) (0)
- Basic algebra I / Nathan Jacobson (1985) (0)
- Jordan algebras with minimum conditions on quadratic ideals (1968) (0)
- The Ring of Linear Transformations (1953) (0)
- Peirce decompositions and Jordan matrix algebras (1968) (0)
- Rings, Integral Domains and Fields (1951) (0)
- Brauer Factor Sets and Noether Factor Sets (1996) (0)
- Euclidean and Unitary Spaces (1953) (0)
- Modules and Ideals (1951) (0)
- Journal of Algebra Algebra Editor-in-chief: Graham Higman Contents of Volume 70 (0)
- Lectures abstract algebra vol. II : linear algebra / Nathan Jacobson (1953) (0)
- Lectures in abtsract algebra vol. III : theory of field and Galois theory / Nathan Jacobson (1953) (0)
- Applications to finite dimensional algebras (1975) (0)
- THE EQUATION x'mXd-dx**b (2007) (0)
- The problem of descent in linear algebra (1965) (0)
- Generic minimum polynomials, traces and norms (1968) (0)
- Title Structure of alternative and Jordan bimodules (0)
- Multiplicative ideal theory (1943) (0)
- Sets of Linear Transformations (1953) (0)
- Nil ideals and prime ideals (1956) (0)
- Exceptional Jordan algebras (1968) (0)
- The problem of descent in linear algebra〔和文〕 (1965年度年会総合講演(特集)) (1965) (0)
- On Some Inner Derivations of Free Lie Algebras over Commutative Rings (2003) (0)
- Groups and endomorphisms (1943) (0)
- Irreducible modules and primitive rings (1956) (0)
- Smoeremiddelblanding comprising a lubricating oil and an oil-soluble copolymer (1969) (0)
- Algebras over a field (1943) (0)
- Isoelectric separation of proteins after in vitro cultivation of sublingual tissue. (1971) (0)
- Cultivation of the virus of foot and mouth disease on epithelial tissue from ox tongues. (1950) (0)
- Connections with Lie algebras (1968) (0)
- Structure of rings of endomorphisms and of abstract rings (1943) (0)
- Evolution in Colors by Frans Gerritsen, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Westchester, Pennsylvania, 1988, 88 pp. paper‐bound, $14.95 (1991) (0)
- Skew Polynomials and Division Algebras (1996) (0)
- Primitive rings having minimal one-sided ideals (1956) (0)
- Finite Dimensional Extension Fields (1964) (0)
- Book Review: The Classical Groups (1940) (0)
- THE NOVEMBER MEETING IN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA The five hundred and seventh meeting of the American Mathe- (2007) (0)
- Extensions of Rings and Fields (1951) (0)
- Elementary Factorization Theory (1951) (0)
- GENERIC NORM OF AN ALGEBRA* Dedicated to Professor K. Shoda on his sixtieth birthday (1989) (0)
- The Theory of a Single Linear Transformation (1953) (0)
- Completely reducible modules. Galois theory for the ring of linear transformations (1956) (0)
- THE OCTOBER MEETING IN NEW YORK The four hundred fiftieth meeting of the American Mathematical (2007) (0)
- Galois Theory of Equations (1964) (0)
- Review: Hermann Weyl, The Classical Groups (1940) (0)
- The radical and semi-simplicity (1956) (0)
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