Pascal Boyer
French anthropologist
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Pascal Boyer's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology Université Paris Cité
- Masters Anthropology Université Paris Cité
- Bachelors Philosophy Université Paris Cité
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Pascal Robert Boyer is an American cognitive anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist of French origin, mostly known for his work in the cognitive science of religion. He taught at the University of Cambridge for eight years, before taking up the position of Henry Luce Professor of Individual and Collective Memory at Washington University in St. Louis, where he teaches classes on evolutionary psychology and anthropology. He was a Guggenheim Fellow and a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the University of Lyon, France. He studied philosophy and anthropology at University of Paris and Cambridge, with Jack Goody, working on memory constraints on the transmission of oral literature. Boyer is a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Pascal Boyer's Published Works
Published Works
- Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought (2001) (1449)
- The Naturalness of Religious Ideas: A Cognitive Theory of Religion (1995) (658)
- Why ritualized behavior? Precaution Systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural rituals (2006) (448)
- Religious thought and behaviour as by-products of brain function (2003) (378)
- Cognitive templates for religious concepts: cross-cultural evidence for recall of counter-intuitive representations (2001) (372)
- Evolutionary economics of mental time travel? (2008) (345)
- The detection of contingency and animacy from simple animations in the human brain. (2003) (238)
- Whence Collective Rituals? A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized Behavior (2006) (236)
- Religion explained : the human instincts that fashion gods, spirits and ancestors (2002) (216)
- What Makes Anthropomorphism Natural: Intuitive Ontology and Cultural Representations (1996) (192)
- Cognitive tracks of cultural inheritance: how evolved intuitive ontology governs cultural transmission (1998) (183)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: A Cognitive Description of Traditional Discourse (1990) (175)
- Evolutionary Perspectives on Religion (2008) (147)
- Threat-detection in child development: An evolutionary perspective (2011) (131)
- Increased Affluence Explains the Emergence of Ascetic Wisdoms and Moralizing Religions (2015) (130)
- Explaining moral religions (2013) (124)
- How the brain perceives causality: an event-related fMRI study (2001) (122)
- Future decision‐making without episodic mental time travel (2012) (117)
- Mapping the mind: Cognitive constraints on cultural representations: Natural ontologies and religious ideas (1994) (110)
- Being human: Religion: Bound to believe? (2008) (108)
- Religious Beliefs as Reflective Elaborations on Intuitions: A Modified Dual-Process Model (2013) (87)
- Imagining the Impossible: Intuitive Ontology and Cultural Input in the Acquisition of Religious Concepts (2000) (76)
- Memory in Mind and Culture: List of Contributors (2009) (71)
- Ritual Behavior in Obsessive and Normal Individuals (2008) (69)
- The naturalness of (many) social institutions: evolved cognition as their foundation (2011) (63)
- Precaution systems and ritualized behavior (2006) (62)
- Folk-economic beliefs: An evolutionary cognitive model (2017) (57)
- Domain Specificity and Intuitive Ontology. (2015) (51)
- Memory in Mind and Culture: What Are Memories For? Functions of Recall in Cognition and Culture (2009) (49)
- Extending the testimony problem: evaluating the truth, scope, and source of cultural information. (2006) (46)
- Anthropomorphism and the Evolution of Cognition (1996) (45)
- Origins of sinister rumors: A preference for threat-related material in the supply and demand of information (2018) (43)
- Cognitive Aspects of Religious Symbolism. (1994) (40)
- Safety, Threat, and Stress in Intergroup Relations (2015) (39)
- Natural epistemology or evolved metaphysics? Developmental evidence for early-developed, intuitive, category-specific, incomplete, and stubborn metaphysical presumptions (2000) (38)
- Threat-Related Information Suggests Competence: A Possible Factor in the Spread of Rumors (2015) (36)
- Explaining Religious Ideas: Elements of a Cognitive Approach (1992) (35)
- Varieties of self-systems worth having (2005) (30)
- The 'Empty' Concepts of Traditional Thinking: A Semantic and Pragmatic Description (1986) (30)
- Cognitive Aspects of Religious Symbolism (2008) (28)
- Cognitive aspects of religious ontologies: how brain processes constrain religious concepts (1999) (28)
- What changed during the axial age: Cognitive styles or reward systems? (2015) (27)
- Evolution and the human mind: Evolution of the modern mind and the origins of culture: religious concepts as a limiting-case (2000) (27)
- Filtrations de stratification de quelques vari\'et\'es de Shimura simples (2013) (26)
- Causal understandings in cultural representations: cognitive constraints on inferences from cultural input (1996) (26)
- Why Divination? (2020) (24)
- Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create (2018) (24)
- Safety, Threat, and Stress in Intergroup Relations: A Coalitional Index Model (2015) (22)
- Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Transmission (2000) (22)
- Pragmatic and idiosyncratic acts in human everyday routines: The counterpart of compulsive rituals (2010) (21)
- Are Ghost Concepts "Intuitive," "Endemic" and "Innate"? (2003) (20)
- Informal religious activity outside hegemonic religions: wild traditions and their relevance to evolutionary models (2020) (19)
- Evolution of fairness: cultural variability. (2010) (17)
- Ingredients of ‘rituals’ and their cognitive underpinnings (2020) (17)
- Intuitive expectations and the detection of mental disorder: A cognitive background to folk-psychiatries (2011) (17)
- Why Evolved Cognition Matters to Understanding Cultural Cognitive Variations (2010) (16)
- Evolved Intuitive Ontology: Integrating Neural, Behavioral and Developmental Aspects of Domain-Specificity (2004) (16)
- Science, Erudition and Relevant Connections (2003) (16)
- Relative contributions of kind- and domain-level concepts to expectations concerning unfamiliar exemplars (2000) (15)
- Threat-detection and precaution: Introduction to the special issue (2011) (15)
- Why “belief” is hard work (2013) (15)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: Pseudo-natural kinds (1993) (15)
- Minds Make Societies (2019) (15)
- The Fracture of an Illusion: Science and the Dissolution of Religion. Frankfurt Templeton Lectures 2008 (2010) (14)
- Further distinctions between magic, reality, religion, and fiction. (1997) (14)
- Congruences automorphes et torsion dans la cohomologie d'un syst\`eme local d'Harris-Taylor (2014) (14)
- Cultural Differences in Investing in Others and in the Future: Why Measuring Trust Is Not Enough (2012) (14)
- Prosocial aspects of afterlife beliefs: Maybe another by-product (2006) (13)
- Individual choose-to-transmit decisions reveal little preference for transmitting negative or high-arousal content (2018) (12)
- Truth-making institutions: From divination, ordeals and oaths to judicial torture and rules of evidence (2020) (11)
- Intuitive Ontologies and Domain Specificity (2015) (10)
- Ihara's lemma and level rising in higher dimension (2015) (10)
- Empirical problems with the notion of “Big Gods” and of prosociality in large societies (2015) (10)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: Contents (1990) (9)
- Studying institutions in the context of natural selection: limits or opportunities? (2013) (8)
- The Impact of Precaution and Practice on the Performance of a Risky Motor Task (2013) (8)
- Memory in Mind and Culture: Cognitive Predispositions and Cultural Transmission (2009) (8)
- The Diversity of Religious Systems Across History (2016) (7)
- Irrelevant idiosyncratic acts as preparatory, confirmatory, or transitional phases in motor behaviour (2013) (7)
- Evolutionary psychology : Potential and limits of a Darwinian framework for the behavioral sciences (2000) (6)
- The Mystery of Symbolic Culture: What fitness costs? What fitness benefits? (2020) (6)
- Extending the range of adaptive misbelief: Memory “distortions” as functional features (2009) (6)
- The Stuff 'Traditions' Are Made Of: On the Implicit Ontology of an Ethnographic Category (1987) (6)
- Deriving Features of Religions in the Wild (2021) (6)
- From Studious Irrelevancy to Consilient Knowledge: Modes of Scholarship and Cultural Anthropology1 (2011) (6)
- Galois irreducibility implies cohomology freeness for KHT Shimura varieties (2019) (5)
- Causal Thinking and Its Anthropological Misrepresentation (1992) (5)
- Specialized Inference Engines as Precursors of Creative Imagination (2007) (5)
- $p$-stabilization in higher dimension. (2018) (5)
- Gods and the Mental Instincts That Create Them (2005) (5)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: Frontmatter (1993) (5)
- If “tracking” is category-specific a “common structure” may be redundant (1998) (5)
- Coalitional affiliation as a missing link between ethnic polarization and well-being: An empirical test from the European Social Survey. (2015) (5)
- Potential and limits of an evolutionary psychology approach : Introductory notes (2000) (4)
- Projecting WEIRD features on ancient religions (2016) (4)
- Torsion classes in the cohomology of KHT Shimura varieties (2017) (4)
- The origins of anthropomorphic thinking (2006) (4)
- Creation of the Sacred: a Cognitivist View (1998) (3)
- Out Of Africa: Lessons From a By-product of Evolution (2004) (3)
- Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture. E. Thomas Lawson and Robert N. McCauley (1991) (3)
- Perception of Gay Men as Defectors and Commitment to Group Defense Predict Aggressive Homophobia (2016) (3)
- What is seen and what is not seen in the economy: An effect of our evolved psychology (2018) (3)
- Religion, Evolution, and Cognition (2004) (3)
- W. J. Ong, Orality and Literacy. The Technologizing of the Word (1983) (2)
- Computational complexity in the cognitive modelling of cosmological ideas (1993) (2)
- Cultural transmission with an evolved intuitive ontology: Domain-specific cognitive tracks of inheritance (1998) (2)
- Local Ihara's lemma and applications (2018) (2)
- Mirabolic group, ramified Newton stratification and cohomology of Lubin-Tate spaces (2016) (2)
- C. Geertz, Local Knowledge, Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology (1986) (2)
- On the irreductibility of some Igusa varieties (2007) (2)
- 5. How People Think about the Economy (2021) (1)
- Monodromy of the perverse sheaf of vanishing cycles of some simple Shimura varieties and applications (2005) (1)
- M. Jackson, Allegories of the Wilderness. Ethics and Ambiguity in Kuranko Narratives (1983) (1)
- Ten Problems for Integrated Behavioural Science: How to Make the Social Sciences Relevant (2005) (1)
- Lowering the level and Ihara's lemma for some unitary groups (2015) (1)
- Criteria of truth (1990) (1)
- Human Cultures through the Scientific Lens: Essays in Evolutionary Cognitive Anthropology (2021) (1)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: Cognitive processes and cultural representations (1993) (1)
- Uncertainties of Religious Belief (2018) (1)
- Missing links: The psychology and epidemiology of shamanistic beliefs (2018) (1)
- Why we blame victims, accuse witches, invent taboos, and invoke spirits: a model of strategic responses to misfortune (2022) (1)
- Are Multiple Minimal Outgroup Males Readily Associated with Threat (2017) (1)
- Science and human religiosity from the perspective of the cognitive science of religion (2018) (1)
- Whence Cultural Rituals ? A Cultural Selection Model of Ritualized Behavior (2006) (1)
- Human Cultures through the Scientific Lens (2021) (1)
- Why Ritualized Behavior? (2021) (1)
- M. Hollis & S. Lukes, eds.. Rationality and Relativism (1984) (1)
- J. Opland, Xhosa Oral Poetry. Aspects of a Black South African Tradition (1987) (0)
- Modes of Scholarship in the Study of Culture (2021) (0)
- 11 Pt V Boyer 1602 (2007) (0)
- 1. Anthropology, Useful and Scientific (2021) (0)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: References (1993) (0)
- Ownership psychology as a cognitive adaptation: A minimalist model. (2022) (0)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: Conclusions and programme (1990) (0)
- 6. Detecting Mental Disorder (2021) (0)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology (1990) (0)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: Bibliography (1990) (0)
- C. Lindholm, Charisma (1993) (0)
- Conserved world-views or salient memories? (1990) (0)
- Cohomology of Lubin-Tate spaces: a new natural geometric proof (2016) (0)
- Intuitive Expectations and the Detection of Mental Disorder (2021) (0)
- Introductory Notes (2000) (0)
- Mod $l$ cohomology of Harris-Taylor's varieties (2015) (0)
- Mazur's principle for U(1,d) (2015) (0)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: The structure of religious categories (1993) (0)
- On salience , counterintuitivity and tradition (2004) (0)
- Acknowledgment of Guest Reviewers (1999) (0)
- 7. The Ideal of Integrated Social Science (2021) (0)
- Hard Lefschetz Conjecture and Hodge Standard Conjecture on blowing-up of Projective Spaces (2009) (0)
- Local $\mathbb F_l$-monodromy and level fixing. (2019) (0)
- Customised speech (I): truth without intentions (1990) (0)
- 2. Institutions and Human Nature (2021) (0)
- Boyer installed in Henry Luce professorship in Arts & Sciences (2014) (0)
- From local to global congruences for automorphic representations (2022) (0)
- Construction of torsion cohomology classes for KHT Shimura varieties (2019) (0)
- The Naturalness of (Many) Social Institutions (2021) (0)
- Raising level for Kottwitz-Harris-Taylor Shimura varieties (2015) (0)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: How to think with ‘empty’ notions (1990) (0)
- How the brain perceives casuality: an event-related fMRI study (2001) (0)
- Morality, Valuation and Coalitional Psychology (2020) (0)
- Folk-Economic Beliefs (2021) (0)
- Ihara's lemma for some unitary groups (2015) (0)
- Ten Problems In Search Of A Research Programme: Towards Integrated Naturalistic Explanations of Human Culture (2005) (0)
- rational” and “practiced,” a distinction that he traces back to Vygotsky’s way of distinguishing between the cultural and the natural lines (2013) (0)
- ]. W. Fernandez, Bwiti. An Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in Africa (1984) (0)
- Beyond folk-sociology: Extending Pietraszewski's model to large-group dynamics (2022) (0)
- 4. Social Groups and Adapted Minds (2021) (0)
- Maurice E. E Bloch, How We Think They Think. Anthropological Approaches to Cognition, Memory and Literacy Literacy (1999) (0)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: The structure of ritual action (1993) (0)
- 3. Why Ritualized Behavior? (2021) (0)
- Galois reducibility and freeness of the cohomology classes of KHT Shimura varieties (2019) (0)
- Tradition as Truth and Communication: Customised speech (II): truth without meaning (1990) (0)
- Level lowering: a Mazur principle in higher dimension (2019) (0)
- Customised persons: initiation, competence and position (1990) (0)
- Lingua ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brain:Lingua ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brain. (2001) (0)
- Book Reviews (2007) (0)
- Cultural Inheritance Tracks and Cognitive Predispositions: The Example of Religious Concepts (2020) (0)
- Ihara's Lemma in higher dimension: the limit case (2023) (0)
- Cognitive aspects of religious symbolism: Acquisition and belief fixation (1993) (0)
- On the $\bar{\mathbb F}_l$-cohomology of a simple unitary Shimura variety (2015) (0)
- Automorphic congruences and torsion in the cohomology of a simple unitary Shimura variety (2016) (0)
- Re-review: Dan Sperber's Rethinking Symbolism (1994) (0)
- Acknowledgment of Guest Reviewers (2004) (0)
- Ethics: The good life (2011) (0)
- Detection of Outside Threat in Different Cultures: Ecological, Cultural and Cognitive Factors of Effective Influence (2013) (0)
- Studying institutions in the context (2012) (0)
- It's the economy, stupid! (2018) (0)
- GENERAL/THEORETICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Religion and Magic in the Life of Traditional Peoples. Alice B. Child and Irvin L. Child (1994) (0)
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Pascal Boyer is most known for their academic work in the field of anthropology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
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