Paul Thompson
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Neuroscientist, born 1971
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Paul Thompson is a professor of neurology at the Imaging Genetics Center at the University of Southern California. Thompson obtained a bachelor's degree in Greek and Latin languages and mathematics from Oxford University. He also earned a master's degree in mathematics from Oxford and a PhD degree in neuroscience from University of California, Los Angeles.
Paul Thompson 's Published Works
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Published Works
- Dynamic mapping of human cortical development during childhood through early adulthood. (2004) (4977)
- The Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI): MRI methods (2008) (2996)
- Mapping cortical change across the human life span (2003) (2210)
- Evaluation of 14 nonlinear deformation algorithms applied to human brain MRI registration (2009) (2122)
- A probabilistic atlas and reference system for the human brain: International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). (2001) (2057)
- The clinical use of structural MRI in Alzheimer disease (2010) (1556)
- In vivo evidence for post-adolescent brain maturation in frontal and striatal regions (1999) (1409)
- Longitudinal Mapping of Cortical Thickness and Brain Growth in Normal Children (2004) (1394)
- Mapping brain asymmetry (2003) (1296)
- Sexual dimorphism of brain developmental trajectories during childhood and adolescence (2007) (1199)
- Dynamics of Gray Matter Loss in Alzheimer's Disease (2003) (1092)
- Genetic influences on brain structure (2001) (1013)
- Mapping Continued Brain Growth and Gray Matter Density Reduction in Dorsal Frontal Cortex: Inverse Relationships during Postadolescent Brain Maturation (2001) (927)
- Growth patterns in the developing brain detected by using continuum mechanical tensor maps (2000) (888)
- Mapping brain maturation (2006) (867)
- The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography (2017) (852)
- Subcortical brain volume abnormalities in 2028 individuals with schizophrenia and 2540 healthy controls via the ENIGMA consortium (2015) (810)
- Subcortical brain alterations in major depressive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group (2015) (797)
- HHS Public Access (2018) (765)
- Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures (2015) (731)
- Cortical abnormalities in adults and adolescents with major depression based on brain scans from 20 cohorts worldwide in the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group (2016) (725)
- Early role of vascular dysregulation on late-onset Alzheimer's disease based on multifactorial data-driven analysis (2016) (716)
- Structural Abnormalities in the Brains of Human Subjects Who Use Methamphetamine (2004) (706)
- PET of brain amyloid and tau in mild cognitive impairment. (2006) (671)
- Sex differences in cortical thickness mapped in 176 healthy individuals between 7 and 87 years of age. (2007) (669)
- The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data (2014) (646)
- Mapping hippocampal and ventricular change in Alzheimer disease (2004) (593)
- MRI of hippocampal volume loss in early Alzheimer's disease in relation to ApoE genotype and biomarkers (2008) (579)
- The analysis of 51 genes in DSM-IV combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: association signals in DRD4, DAT1 and 16 other genes (2006) (550)
- Mapping Changes in the Human Cortex throughout the Span of Life (2004) (548)
- A surface-based technique for warping three-dimensional images of the brain (1996) (547)
- Localizing Age-Related Changes in Brain Structure between Childhood and Adolescence Using Statistical Parametric Mapping (1999) (536)
- Cortical abnormalities in children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (2003) (534)
- Conversion of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer disease predicted by hippocampal atrophy maps. (2006) (502)
- Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods (2011) (495)
- Beyond the dual pathway model: evidence for the dissociation of timing, inhibitory, and delay-related impairments in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (2010) (492)
- Dynamics of the Hippocampus During Encoding and Retrieval of Face-Name Pairs (2003) (486)
- Neuropsychological testing of cognitive impairment in euthymic bipolar disorder: an individual patient data meta‐analysis (2013) (484)
- Cortical change in Alzheimer's disease detected with a disease-specific population-based brain atlas. (2001) (445)
- Neurobiology of intelligence: science and ethics (2004) (432)
- Parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, controlled trial with a community sample. (2001) (429)
- Subcortical brain volume differences in participants with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: a cross-sectional mega-analysis. (2017) (427)
- Widespread white matter microstructural differences in schizophrenia across 4322 individuals: results from the ENIGMA Schizophrenia DTI Working Group (2017) (423)
- The topography of grey matter involvement in early and late onset Alzheimer's disease. (2007) (415)
- Dynamic mapping of normal human hippocampal development (2006) (409)
- Genus zero surface conformal mapping and its application to brain surface mapping (2003) (398)
- Mapping cortical change in Alzheimer's disease, brain development, and schizophrenia (2004) (397)
- Computer-assisted imaging to assess brain structure in healthy and diseased brains (2003) (391)
- Genetics of Brain Fiber Architecture and Intellectual Performance (2009) (385)
- Mathematical/computational challenges in creating deformable and probabilistic atlases of the human brain (2000) (376)
- Functional Brain Connectivity Using fMRI in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease (2014) (376)
- Subcortical volumetric abnormalities in bipolar disorder (2016) (371)
- Age, APOE and sex: Triad of risk of Alzheimer’s disease (2016) (369)
- Mapping cortical thickness and gray matter concentration in first episode schizophrenia. (2005) (366)
- Detection and mapping of abnormal brain structure with a probabilistic atlas of cortical surfaces. (1997) (360)
- Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative biomarkers as quantitative phenotypes: Genetics core aims, progress, and plans (2010) (360)
- Association of DISC1/TRAX haplotypes with schizophrenia, reduced prefrontal gray matter, and impaired short- and long-term memory. (2005) (360)
- Altered functional and structural brain network organization in autism☆ (2012) (356)
- The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex (2018) (355)
- Tensor-based morphometry as a neuroimaging biomarker for Alzheimer's disease: An MRI study of 676 AD, MCI, and normal subjects (2008) (347)
- Cortical Brain Abnormalities in 4474 Individuals With Schizophrenia and 5098 Control Subjects via the Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics Through Meta Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium (2018) (343)
- Gender effects on cortical thickness and the influence of scaling (2006) (341)
- Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: A pilot project of the ENIGMA–DTI working group (2013) (328)
- Relationships between IQ and regional cortical gray matter thickness in healthy adults. (2007) (327)
- Gender differences in cortical complexity (2004) (326)
- Cortex mapping reveals regionally specific patterns of genetic and disease-specific gray-matter deficits in twins discordant for schizophrenia (2002) (325)
- Regional variability of imaging biomarkers in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease (2013) (318)
- Spatial patterns of neuroimaging biomarker change in individuals from families with autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease: a longitudinal study (2018) (316)
- Thinning of the cerebral cortex visualized in HIV/AIDS reflects CD4+ T lymphocyte decline (2005) (312)
- Update on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2010) (311)
- Mapping gray matter development: Implications for typical development and vulnerability to psychopathology (2010) (311)
- A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five Loci Influencing Facial Morphology in Europeans (2012) (300)
- Genus zero surface conformal mapping and its application to brain surface mapping. (2004) (300)
- Progressive brain structural changes mapped as psychosis develops in ‘at risk’ individuals (2009) (297)
- Genetics of brain structure and intelligence. (2005) (295)
- Diffusion imaging, white matter, and psychopathology. (2011) (292)
- Abnormal Cortical Complexity and Thickness Profiles Mapped in Williams Syndrome (2005) (292)
- Cortical and Subcortical Brain Morphometry Differences Between Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Healthy Individuals Across the Lifespan: Results From the ENIGMA ASD Working Group. (2017) (289)
- ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries (2019) (288)
- A prospective study of self-esteem in the prediction of eating problems in adolescent schoolgirls: questionnaire findings. (1996) (287)
- Cortical variability and asymmetry in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. (1998) (280)
- Application of Information Technology: A Four-Dimensional Probabilistic Atlas of the Human Brain (2001) (275)
- Physical activity predicts gray matter volume in late adulthood (2010) (274)
- Towards multimodal atlases of the human brain (2006) (273)
- Regional specificity of hippocampal volume reductions in first-episode schizophrenia (2004) (270)
- Voxelwise genome-wide association study (vGWAS) (2010) (269)
- Subregional hippocampal atrophy predicts Alzheimer's dementia in the cognitively normal (2010) (268)
- Smaller Hippocampal Volume in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Multisite ENIGMA-PGC Study: Subcortical Volumetry Results From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Consortia (2018) (268)
- Abnormal asymmetries in subcortical brain volume in schizophrenia (2016) (267)
- Mapping Corpus Callosum Deficits in Autism: An Index of Aberrant Cortical Connectivity (2006) (264)
- Greater Cortical Gray Matter Density in Lithium-Treated Patients with Bipolar Disorder (2007) (264)
- Early and late neurodevelopmental influences in the prodrome to schizophrenia: contributions of genes, environment, and their interactions. (2003) (264)
- Detection, visualization and animation of abnormal anatomic structure with a deformable probabilistic brain atlas based on random vector field transformations (1997) (263)
- A curvature-based approach to estimate local gyrification on the cortical surface (2006) (262)
- Neuroimaging endophenotypes: Strategies for finding genes influencing brain structure and function (2007) (259)
- Hippocampal Atrophy and Ventricular Enlargement in Normal Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer Disease (2012) (257)
- Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study (2018) (256)
- Pericyte degeneration causes white matter dysfunction in the mouse central nervous system (2018) (254)
- Regional brain shape abnormalities persist into adolescence after heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. (2002) (253)
- 3D comparison of hippocampal atrophy in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. (2006) (253)
- Effectiveness of regional DTI measures in distinguishing Alzheimer's disease, MCI, and normal aging☆ (2013) (252)
- Does maternal ADHD reduce the effectiveness of parent training for preschool children's ADHD? (2002) (251)
- A commonly carried allele of the obesity-related FTO gene is associated with reduced brain volume in the healthy elderly (2010) (248)
- Genetics of white matter development: A DTI study of 705 twins and their siblings aged 12 to 29 (2011) (247)
- High-Resolution Random Mesh Algorithms for Creating a Probabilistic 3D Surface Atlas of the Human Brain (1996) (245)
- Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume (2017) (238)
- Automated mapping of hippocampal atrophy in 1-year repeat MRI data from 490 subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and elderly controls (2009) (237)
- Distinct Subcortical Volume Alterations in Pediatric and Adult OCD: A Worldwide Meta- and Mega-Analysis. (2017) (235)
- Tracking Alzheimer's Disease (2007) (233)
- Relationship between white matter fractional anisotropy and other indices of cerebral health in normal aging: Tract-based spatial statistics study of aging (2007) (229)
- Thinning of sensorimotor cortices in children with Tourette syndrome (2008) (228)
- Common variants at 12q14 and 12q24 are associated with hippocampal volume (2012) (227)
- Mapping sulcal pattern asymmetry and local cortical surface gray matter distribution in vivo: maturation in perisylvian cortices. (2002) (227)
- Longitudinal stability of MRI for mapping brain change using tensor-based morphometry (2006) (224)
- Atlas-based hippocampus segmentation in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment (2005) (223)
- The Development of the Corpus Callosum in the Healthy Human Brain (2010) (223)
- Comparison of AdaBoost and Support Vector Machines for Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Through Automated Hippocampal Segmentation (2010) (222)
- Lifespan trajectory of myelin integrity and maximum motor speed (2010) (222)
- Mapping local hippocampal changes in Alzheimer's disease and normal ageing with MRI at 3 Tesla. (2008) (220)
- Reduced neocortical thickness and complexity mapped in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. (2007) (219)
- Genetic studies of quantitative MCI and AD phenotypes in ADNI: Progress, opportunities, and plans (2015) (219)
- Brain differences in infants at differential genetic risk for late-onset Alzheimer disease: a cross-sectional imaging study. (2014) (219)
- Evidence for deficient modulation of amygdala response by prefrontal cortex in bipolar mania (2008) (217)
- Abnormal cortical thickness and brain-behavior correlation patterns in individuals with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure. (2008) (216)
- Reduced cortical thickness in hippocampal subregions among cognitively normal apolipoprotein E e4 carriers (2008) (213)
- The role of image registration in brain mapping (2001) (212)
- Connectomics and epilepsy. (2013) (211)
- Hippocampal morphology and distinguishing late-onset from early-onset elderly depression. (2008) (211)
- Statistical Properties of Jacobian Maps and the Realization of Unbiased Large-Deformation Nonlinear Image Registration (2007) (209)
- Brain Anatomical Structure Segmentation by Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Models (2008) (207)
- Cortical sulcal maps in autism. (2003) (207)
- Along-tract statistics allow for enhanced tractography analysis (2012) (206)
- Validation of a fully automated 3D hippocampal segmentation method using subjects with Alzheimer's disease mild cognitive impairment, and elderly controls (2008) (205)
- Cortical Thinning in Cingulate and Occipital Cortices in First Episode Schizophrenia (2005) (204)
- Automated 3D mapping of hippocampal atrophy and its clinical correlates in 400 subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and elderly controls (2009) (202)
- Basal forebrain degeneration precedes and predicts the cortical spread of Alzheimer's pathology (2016) (201)
- Autism symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Familial trait which Correlates with Conduct, Oppositional Defiant, Language and Motor Disorders (2009) (201)
- Four distinct trajectories of tau deposition identified in Alzheimer’s disease (2021) (200)
- Voxel-based morphometric analyses of the brain in children and adolescents prenatally exposed to alcohol (2001) (198)
- Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: large-scale proof-of-concept and roadmap for future studies (2016) (198)
- Inverse Consistent Mapping in 3D Deformable Image Registration: Its Construction and Statistical Properties (2005) (196)
- Age‐related morphology trends of cortical sulci (2005) (195)
- Standardization of analysis sets for reporting results from ADNI MRI data (2013) (193)
- 3D pattern of brain abnormalities in Williams syndrome visualized using tensor-based morphometry (2007) (192)
- Novel genetic loci underlying human intracranial volume identified through genome-wide association (2016) (192)
- Mapping cortical gray matter in the young adult brain: Effects of gender (2005) (191)
- Steps to standardization and validation of hippocampal volumetry as a biomarker in clinical trials and diagnostic criterion for Alzheimer’s disease (2011) (191)
- Brain Imaging of the Cortex in ADHD: A Coordinated Analysis of Large-Scale Clinical and Population-Based Samples. (2019) (189)
- Neuroanatomy of fragile X syndrome is associated with aberrant behavior and the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) (2008) (188)
- Obesity is linked with lower brain volume in 700 AD and MCI patients (2010) (188)
- Mapping cortical asymmetry and complexity patterns in normal children (2001) (186)
- A framework for computational anatomy (2002) (185)
- Generalized Tensor-Based Morphometry of HIV/AIDS Using Multivariate Statistics on Deformation Tensors (2008) (185)
- The EADC-ADNI Harmonized Protocol for manual hippocampal segmentation on magnetic resonance: Evidence of validity (2015) (182)
- Partial volume correction in quantitative amyloid imaging (2015) (182)
- The influence of serotonin- and other genes on impulsive behavioral aggression and cognitive impulsivity in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Findings from a family-based association test (FBAT) analysis (2008) (182)
- Effects of nadir CD4 count and duration of human immunodeficiency virus infection on brain volumes in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era (2010) (182)
- 3D pattern of brain atrophy in HIV/AIDS visualized using tensor-based morphometry (2007) (182)
- Impact of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, 2004 to 2014 (2015) (175)
- Neuroanatomical Correlates of Intelligence. (2009) (174)
- Barriers to, and facilitators of, parenting programmes for childhood behaviour problems: a qualitative synthesis of studies of parents’ and professionals’ perceptions (2013) (173)
- Boosting power for clinical trials using classifiers based on multiple biomarkers (2010) (173)
- Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: A one-year follow up study using tensor-based morphometry correlating degenerative rates, biomarkers and cognition (2009) (173)
- Association study of a dopamine transporter polymorphism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in UK and Turkish samples (2001) (173)
- Relationships between sulcal asymmetries and corpus callosum size: gender and handedness effects. (2003) (172)
- 3D characterization of brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using tensor-based morphometry (2008) (171)
- DSM‐IV combined type ADHD shows familial association with sibling trait scores: A sampling strategy for QTL linkage (2008) (170)
- Hemispheric asymmetries in cortical thickness. (2006) (170)
- The natural history of psychosis and depression in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease: persistence and new cases over 1 year of follow-up. (2001) (170)
- Development of brain structural connectivity between ages 12 and 30: A 4-Tesla diffusion imaging study in 439 adolescents and adults (2013) (169)
- Common Alzheimer's Disease Risk Variant Within the CLU Gene Affects White Matter Microstructure in Young Adults (2011) (169)
- ENIGMA and the individual: Predicting factors that affect the brain in 35 countries worldwide☆☆☆★ (2015) (168)
- Mapping cortical brain asymmetry in 17,141 healthy individuals worldwide via the ENIGMA Consortium (2017) (168)
- Sex and age differences in atrophic rates: an ADNI study with n=1368 MRI scans (2010) (166)
- Structural Correlates of Apathy in Alzheimer’s Disease (2007) (166)
- Increased volume of the amygdala and hippocampus in bipolar patients treated with lithium (2008) (165)
- Surface-Constrained Volumetric Brain Registration Using Harmonic Mappings (2007) (164)
- White matter disturbances in major depressive disorder: a coordinated analysis across 20 international cohorts in the ENIGMA MDD working group (2019) (164)
- Positive correlations between corpus callosum thickness and intelligence (2007) (163)
- Ferritin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid predict Alzheimer's disease outcomes and are regulated by APOE (2015) (161)
- Mapping callosal morphology and cognitive correlates (2001) (161)
- Cortical Abnormalities Associated With Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group. (2017) (161)
- Genetics of microstructure of cerebral white matter using diffusion tensor imaging (2010) (161)
- Analysis of sampling techniques for imbalanced data: An n=648 ADNI study (2014) (161)
- Multi-source feature learning for joint analysis of incomplete multiple heterogeneous neuroimaging data (2012) (161)
- Brain anatomy of persistent violent offenders: More rather than less (2008) (160)
- A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the revised new forest parenting programme for preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2009) (160)
- An Optimized Individual Target Brain in the Talairach Coordinate System (2002) (158)
- Mega-Analysis of Gray Matter Volume in Substance Dependence: General and Substance-Specific Regional Effects. (2019) (158)
- Subcortical brain atrophy persists even in HAART-regulated HIV disease (2011) (158)
- Improved DTI registration allows voxel-based analysis that outperforms Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (2014) (157)
- Substance abuse among patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia: characteristics and implications for clozapine therapy. (1994) (157)
- Current and future uses of neuroimaging for cognitively impaired patients (2008) (157)
- Genome-wide analysis reveals novel genes influencing temporal lobe structure with relevance to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (2010) (156)
- Genetics of the connectome (2013) (156)
- Genetic analysis of quantitative phenotypes in AD and MCI: imaging, cognition and biomarkers (2013) (153)
- Twelve-month metabolic declines in probable Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment assessed using an empirically pre-defined statistical region-of-interest: Findings from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2010) (153)
- Elucidating a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Neuroanatomic Biomarker for Psychosis: Classification Analysis Using Probabilistic Brain Atlas and Machine Learning Algorithms (2009) (152)
- Breakdown of Brain Connectivity Between Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease: A Structural k-Core Network Analysis (2013) (148)
- Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals (2019) (148)
- Mapping the human connectome. (2012) (148)
- Hippocampal, caudate, and ventricular changes in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia (2010) (147)
- Intensity non-uniformity correction using N3 on 3-T scanners with multichannel phased array coils (2008) (147)
- Three-dimensional mapping of gyral shape and cortical surface asymmetries in schizophrenia: gender effects. (2001) (147)
- Fast and accurate modelling of longitudinal and repeated measures neuroimaging data (2014) (146)
- Dopamine and serotonin transporter genotypes moderate sensitivity to maternal expressed emotion: the case of conduct and emotional problems in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. (2009) (146)
- Impaired default network functional connectivity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease (2013) (146)
- Characterizing Alzheimer's disease using a hypometabolic convergence index (2011) (145)
- Dynamic mapping of cortical development before and after the onset of pediatric bipolar illness. (2007) (145)
- A Hough transform global probabilistic approach to multiple-subject diffusion MRI tractography (2011) (145)
- Local cortical surface complexity maps from spherical harmonic reconstructions (2011) (144)
- Brain surface contraction mapped in first-episode schizophrenia: a longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study (2009) (143)
- Three-Dimensional Mapping of Hippocampal Anatomy in Unmedicated and Lithium-Treated Patients with Bipolar Disorder (2008) (143)
- Three-dimensional mapping of temporo-limbic regions and the lateral ventricles in schizophrenia: gender effects (2001) (143)
- Optimizing power to track brain degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment with tensor-based morphometry: An ADNI study of 515 subjects (2009) (143)
- Genome-wide scan of healthy human connectome discovers SPON1 gene variant influencing dementia severity (2013) (143)
- Why size matters: Differences in brain volume account for apparent sex differences in callosal anatomy The sexual dimorphism of the corpus callosum (2014) (142)
- Mapping Cortical Gray Matter Asymmetry Patterns in Adolescents with Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (2002) (142)
- Cerebral Metabolic Dysfunction and Impaired Vigilance in Recently Abstinent Methamphetamine Abusers (2005) (142)
- Cortex and amygdala morphology in psychopathy (2011) (142)
- Heritability of Working Memory Brain Activation (2011) (141)
- Phospholipids and insulin resistance in psychosis: a lipidomics study of twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia (2012) (141)
- Mapping Histology to Metabolism: Coregistration of Stained Whole-Brain Sections to Premortem PET in Alzheimer's Disease (1997) (141)
- Genetic influences on brain asymmetry: A DTI study of 374 twins and siblings (2010) (141)
- Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group (2019) (140)
- When more is less: Associations between corpus callosum size and handedness lateralization (2010) (140)
- Sparse reduced-rank regression detects genetic associations with voxel-wise longitudinal phenotypes in Alzheimer's disease (2012) (139)
- Dynamically spreading frontal and cingulate deficits mapped in adolescents with schizophrenia. (2006) (139)
- Human dopamine transporter gene: coding region conservation among normal, Tourette's disorder, alcohol dependence and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder populations (2000) (138)
- Erratum: Subcortical brain volume abnormalities in 2028 individuals with schizophrenia and 2540 healthy controls via the ENIGMA consortium (Molecular Psychiatry (2015) DOI:10.1038/mp.2015.63) (2016) (136)
- The effects of physical activity, education, and body mass index on the aging brain (2011) (136)
- Predicting Alzheimer’s disease progression using multi-modal deep learning approach (2019) (136)
- Delay Aversion in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An empirical investigation of the broader phenotype (2009) (136)
- Autism-Associated Promoter Variant in MET Impacts Functional and Structural Brain Networks (2012) (135)
- Assessing expressed emotion in mothers of preschool AD/HD children: psychometric properties of a modified speech sample. (2003) (135)
- Gray matter deficits, mismatch negativity, and outcomes in schizophrenia. (2011) (135)
- Irritable bowel syndrome in female patients is associated with alterations in structural brain networks (2014) (134)
- Impaired Inter-Hemispheric Integration in Bipolar Disorder Revealed with Brain Network Analyses (2013) (134)
- Quantifying the heritability of task-related brain activation and performance during the N-back working memory task: A twin fMRI study (2008) (133)
- Topological correction of brain surface meshes using spherical harmonics (2010) (133)
- Fractional anisotropy of cerebral white matter and thickness of cortical gray matter across the lifespan (2011) (133)
- In vivo neuropathology of the hippocampal formation in AD: A radial mapping MR-based study (2006) (132)
- Abnormal gyral complexity in first-episode schizophrenia (2004) (132)
- Depressive Symptoms in Mild Cognitive Impairment Predict Greater Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease-Related Regions (2012) (131)
- Maps of the Brain (2001) (130)
- Increased local gyrification mapped in Williams syndrome (2006) (130)
- On the genetic architecture of cortical folding and brain volume in primates (2010) (130)
- Three-dimensional gray matter atrophy mapping in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer disease. (2007) (127)
- Total Brain Volume and Corpus Callosum Size in Medication-Naïve Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2009) (126)
- 3D PIB and CSF biomarker associations with hippocampal atrophy in ADNI subjects (2010) (126)
- 3D mapping of ventricular and corpus callosum abnormalities in HIV/AIDS (2006) (126)
- Varieties of preschool hyperactivity: multiple pathways from risk to disorder. (2005) (126)
- APOE4 is associated with greater atrophy of the hippocampal formation in Alzheimer's disease (2011) (125)
- Voxelwise gene-wide association study (vGeneWAS): Multivariate gene-based association testing in 731 elderly subjects (2011) (125)
- Fluid Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using Information Theory (2008) (125)
- Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder in a study of 54 datasets (2019) (123)
- Magnetic resonance imaging in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 2 (2015) (123)
- Brain abnormalities in early-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorder observed with statistical parametric mapping of structural magnetic resonance images. (2000) (123)
- Whole-genome analyses of whole-brain data: working within an expanded search space (2014) (122)
- Mapping cerebellar vermal morphology and cognitive correlates in prenatal alcohol exposure (2005) (122)
- Gender effects on callosal thickness in scaled and unscaled space (2006) (122)
- White matter microstructural alterations across four major psychiatric disorders: mega-analysis study in 2937 individuals (2019) (121)
- Mapping morphology of the corpus callosum in schizophrenia. (2000) (121)
- Mapping progressive brain structural changes in early Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment (2008) (121)
- In vivo mapping of incremental cortical atrophy from incipient to overt Alzheimer’s disease (2009) (120)
- Detection and mapping of hippocampal abnormalities in autism (2006) (120)
- Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex (2016) (120)
- Time-lapse mapping of cortical changes in schizophrenia with different treatments. (2009) (117)
- Practitioner Review: Current best practice in the use of parent training and other behavioural interventions in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2018) (117)
- Automatic clustering of white matter fibers in brain diffusion MRI with an application to genetics (2014) (117)
- White matter lesions and brain gray matter volume in cognitively normal elders (2012) (116)
- Unbiased tensor-based morphometry: Improved robustness and sample size estimates for Alzheimer's disease clinical trials (2013) (116)
- Three-dimensional brain growth abnormalities in childhood-onset schizophrenia visualized by using tensor-based morphometry (2008) (116)
- Brain structure changes visualized in early- and late-onset blind subjects (2010) (116)
- Sex differences in brain structure in auditory and cingulate regions (2009) (115)
- Plaque and tangle imaging and cognition in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (2010) (115)
- Adaptive n-back training does not improve fluid intelligence at the construct level: Gains on individual tests suggest that training may enhance visuospatial processing (2013) (115)
- Mapping correlations between ventricular expansion and CSF amyloid and tau biomarkers in 240 subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and elderly controls (2009) (114)
- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure (2007) (112)
- EFNS task force: the use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of dementia (2012) (111)
- Three-dimensional patterns of hippocampal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment. (2006) (111)
- Nonpharmacological Interventions for Preschoolers With ADHD: The Case for Specialized Parent Training (2006) (111)
- Age-related slowing in cognitive processing speed is associated with myelin integrity in a very healthy elderly sample (2011) (110)
- Comparison of nine tractography algorithms for detecting abnormal structural brain networks in Alzheimer’s disease (2015) (110)
- BDNF gene effects on brain circuitry replicated in 455 twins (2011) (110)
- Typical and atypical brain development: a review of neuroimaging studies (2013) (110)
- Discovery and Replication of Gene Influences on Brain Structure Using LASSO Regression (2012) (110)
- Large-scale mapping of cortical alterations in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: Convergence with idiopathic psychosis and effects of deletion size (2018) (109)
- 3D maps localize caudate nucleus atrophy in 400 Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy elderly subjects (2010) (109)
- Rich club analysis in the Alzheimer's disease connectome reveals a relatively undisturbed structural core network (2015) (108)
- Functional MRI BOLD response to Tower of London performance of first-episode schizophrenia patients using cortical pattern matching (2005) (106)
- Surface-based TBM boosts power to detect disease effects on the brain: An N=804 ADNI study (2011) (106)
- Functional connectivity in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer disease. (2014) (106)
- Heritability and reliability of automatically segmented human hippocampal formation subregions (2015) (106)
- The tensor distribution function (2008) (105)
- Widespread white matter microstructural abnormalities in bipolar disorder: evidence from mega- and meta-analyses across 3033 individuals (2019) (105)
- Multivariate tensor-based morphometry on surfaces: Application to mapping ventricular abnormalities in HIV/AIDS (2010) (105)
- Regional cortical thinning in subjects with violent antisocial personality disorder or schizophrenia. (2007) (104)
- Global and regional alterations of hippocampal anatomy in long‐term meditation practitioners (2013) (104)
- Hexanucleotide repeat expansions in C9ORF72 in the spectrum of motor neuron diseases (2012) (104)
- Early detection and intervention for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2011) (104)
- Unfolding the human hippocampus with high resolution structural and functional MRI (2001) (103)
- Hippocampal shape analysis in Alzheimer’s disease: A population-based study (2007) (102)
- Inferring brain variability from diffeomorphic deformations of currents: An integrative approach (2008) (101)
- Using structural MRI to identify bipolar disorders – 13 site machine learning study in 3020 individuals from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorders Working Group (2018) (100)
- Structural Neuroimaging of Anorexia Nervosa: Future Directions in the Quest for Mechanisms Underlying Dynamic Alterations (2018) (100)
- Altered Structural Brain Connectivity in Healthy Carriers of the Autism Risk Gene, CNTNAP2 (2011) (100)
- Callosal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: Different effects in different stages (2010) (99)
- Investigation of cortical thickness abnormalities in lithium-free adults with bipolar I disorder using cortical pattern matching. (2011) (99)
- Relationship among neuroimaging indices of cerebral health during normal aging (2008) (99)
- The effect of increased genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease on hippocampal and amygdala volume (2016) (99)
- Piecewise affine registration of biological images for volume reconstruction (2006) (98)
- Does parental expressed emotion moderate genetic effects in ADHD? an exploration using a genome wide association scan (2008) (98)
- Federated Learning in Distributed Medical Databases: Meta-Analysis of Large-Scale Subcortical Brain Data (2018) (98)
- Mathematical methods for diffusion MRI processing (2009) (98)
- Structural MRI and brain development. (2005) (97)
- ENIGMA MDD: seven years of global neuroimaging studies of major depression through worldwide data sharing (2019) (97)
- Ventricular volume and dementia progression in the Cardiovascular Health Study (2007) (97)
- Relationships between brain activation and brain structure in normally developing children. (2009) (97)
- Subregional hippocampal deformations in major depressive disorder. (2010) (97)
- Prefrontal cortical thinning links to negative symptoms in schizophrenia via the ENIGMA consortium (2017) (96)
- Functional brain architecture is associated with the rate of tau accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (96)
- Parent training for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: is it as effective when delivered as routine rather than as specialist care? (2004) (96)
- Mapping callosal morphology and cognitive correlates: Effects of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (2001) (95)
- Comparing gray matter loss profiles between dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease using cortical pattern matching: diagnosis and gender effects (2004) (95)
- The hierarchical factor model of ADHD: invariant across age and national groupings? (2012) (94)
- Genetic Contributions to Altered Callosal Morphology in Schizophrenia (2002) (94)
- Implicit brain imaging (2004) (94)
- Subcortical brain structure and suicidal behaviour in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis from the ENIGMA-MDD working group (2017) (94)
- Support Vector Machine Classification of Major Depressive Disorder Using Diffusion-Weighted Neuroimaging and Graph Theory (2015) (94)
- The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study. Part 1: ADHD symptom patterns (2011) (93)
- Mapping cortical thickness in children with 22q11.2 deletions. (2007) (93)
- Mapping genetic influences on human brain structure (2002) (93)
- Association of White Matter With Core Cognitive Deficits in Patients With Schizophrenia (2017) (93)
- The contribution of genes to cortical thickness and volume (2011) (93)
- Beyond SNP heritability: Polygenicity and discoverability of phenotypes estimated with a univariate Gaussian mixture model (2018) (92)
- Asymmetries of cortical shape: Effects of handedness, sex and schizophrenia (2007) (92)
- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization With the Ricci Flow (2012) (92)
- Increasing power for voxel-wise genome-wide association studies: The random field theory, least square kernel machines and fast permutation procedures (2012) (92)
- Parent training for preschool ADHD: a randomized controlled trial of specialized and generic programs. (2015) (91)
- Effects of the menstrual cycle on mood, neurocognitive and neuroendocrine function in healthy premenopausal women (2004) (91)
- Mapping brain size and cortical gray matter changes in elderly depression (2003) (91)
- Myelin breakdown mediates age-related slowing in cognitive processing speed in healthy elderly men (2013) (91)
- Occipital sources of resting-state alpha rhythms are related to local gray matter density in subjects with amnesic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (2015) (90)
- Mapping the regional influence of genetics on brain structure variability — A Tensor-Based Morphometry study (2009) (89)
- Gender differences in the left inferior frontal gyrus in normal children (2004) (89)
- Co-transmission of conduct problems with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: familial evidence for a distinct disorder (2008) (89)
- ADHD performance reflects inefficient but not impulsive information processing: a diffusion model analysis. (2013) (89)
- Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders. (2020) (89)
- Genetics of primary cerebral gyrification: Heritability of length, depth and area of primary sulci in an extended pedigree of Papio baboons (2010) (89)
- Behaviour problems and pre-school intellectual attainment: the associations of hyperactivity and conduct problems. (1994) (88)
- Anatomically Driven Strategies for High-Dimensional Brain Image Warping and Pathology Detection (1999) (88)
- 3D comparison of low, intermediate, and advanced hippocampal atrophy in MCI (2010) (87)
- Expert knowledge-guided segmentation system for brain MRI (2004) (87)
- Identification of gene pathways implicated in Alzheimer's disease using longitudinal imaging phenotypes with sparse regression☆ (2012) (87)
- Surface fluid registration of conformal representation: Application to detect disease burden and genetic influence on hippocampus (2013) (87)
- Brain structural mapping using a novel hybrid implicit/explicit framework based on the level-set method (2005) (86)
- Detecting brain growth patterns in normal children using tensor‐based morphometry (2009) (86)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the dopamine D4 receptor gene: evidence of association but no linkage in a UK sample (2001) (86)
- Mapping Alzheimer's disease progression in 1309 MRI scans: Power estimates for different inter-scan intervals (2010) (85)
- Brain structure in healthy adults is related to serum transferrin and the H63D polymorphism in the HFE gene (2012) (85)
- Subcortical brain volume abnormalities in 2028 individuals with schizophrenia and 2540 healthy controls via the ENIGMA consortium. (2016) (84)
- Accurate measurement of brain changes in longitudinal MRI scans using tensor-based morphometry (2011) (84)
- Multisystem component phenotypes of bipolar disorder for genetic investigations of extended pedigrees. (2014) (84)
- Cortical thickness across the lifespan: Data from 17,075 healthy individuals aged 3–90 years (2021) (84)
- Algorithms to Improve the Reparameterization of Spherical Mappings of Brain Surface Meshes (2011) (83)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in pre-school children: current findings, recommended interventions and future directions. (2009) (83)
- Measuring brain variability by extrapolating sparse tensor fields measured on sulcal lines (2007) (83)
- No effect of 5HTTLPR or BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on hippocampal morphology in major depression (2011) (83)
- Cortical thickness predicts the first onset of major depression in adolescence (2015) (82)
- Automated 3D mapping of baseline and 12-month associations between three verbal memory measures and hippocampal atrophy in 490 ADNI subjects (2010) (82)
- Resting-state fMRI can reliably map neural networks in children (2011) (82)
- Do maternal attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms exacerbate or ameliorate the negative effect of child attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms on parenting? (2008) (82)
- Abnormal hippocampal shape in offenders with psychopathy (2009) (82)
- Genetic Overlap Between Schizophrenia and Volumes of Hippocampus, Putamen, and Intracranial Volume Indicates Shared Molecular Genetic Mechanisms (2018) (81)
- Alterations in midline cortical thickness and gyrification patterns mapped in children with 22q11.2 deletions. (2009) (81)
- Meeting the Challenges of Neuroimaging Genetics (2008) (80)
- Mapping connectivity in the developing brain (2013) (80)
- The neurocognitive performance of drug‐free and medicated euthymic bipolar patients do not differ (2009) (80)
- White matter abnormalities in autism detected through transverse relaxation time imaging (2006) (80)
- Subcortical shape alterations in major depressive disorder: Findings from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group (2019) (80)
- Detecting Disease-Specific Patterns of Brain Structure Using Cortical Pattern Matching and a Population-Based Probabilistic Brain Atlas (2001) (80)
- Adaptive elastic segmentation of brain MRI via shape-model-guided evolutionary programming (2002) (79)
- Cerebral Ventricular Changes Associated With Transitions Between Normal Cognitive Function, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Dementia (2007) (79)
- Expert Knowledge Guided Segmentation System for Brain MRI (2003) (79)
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- Normal amygdala activation but deficient ventrolateral prefrontal activation in adults with bipolar disorder during euthymia (2012) (78)
- Optimization of Surface Registrations Using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow (2010) (78)
- Three‐dimensional hippocampal atrophy maps distinguish two common temporal lobe seizure–onset patterns (2009) (78)
- Verbal memory is associated with structural hippocampal changes in newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease (2012) (78)
- Three‐dimensional surface maps link local atrophy and fast ripples in human epileptic hippocampus (2009) (78)
- Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups. (2020) (78)
- A high-density SNP linkage scan with 142 combined subtype ADHD sib pairs identifies linkage regions on chromosomes 9 and 16 (2008) (77)
- Mapping white matter integrity in elderly people with HIV (2014) (77)
- 3D pattern of brain abnormalities in Fragile X syndrome visualized using tensor-based morphometry (2007) (77)
- Mapping tumor growth rates in patients with malignant gliomas: A test of two algorithms (2000) (76)
- Patterns of behaviour problems among pre-school children (1997) (75)
- White matter abnormalities across different epilepsy syndromes in adults: an ENIGMA Epilepsy study (2019) (74)
- Multivariate Statistics of the Jacobian Matrices in Tensor Based Morphometry and Their Application to HIV/AIDS (2006) (74)
- Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Striatal Morphometry in Major Depressive Disorder (2016) (74)
- Developmental changes in multivariate neuroanatomical patterns that predict risk for psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. (2011) (74)
- Computational anatomical methods as applied to ageing and dementia. (2007) (74)
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- Non-coding variability at the APOE locus contributes to the Alzheimer’s risk (2019) (74)
- Automated Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Based on a Supervised Learning Approach (2007) (73)
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- Bi-level multi-source learning for heterogeneous block-wise missing data (2014) (73)
- White matter microstructural abnormalities in bipolar disorder: A whole brain diffusion tensor imaging study☆ (2013) (73)
- Differentiating Prenatal Exposure to Methamphetamine and Alcohol versus Alcohol and Not Methamphetamine using Tensor-Based Brain Morphometry and Discriminant Analysis (2010) (72)
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- Regular fish consumption and age-related brain gray matter loss. (2014) (72)
- How does angular resolution affect diffusion imaging measures? (2010) (72)
- Apolipoprotein E genotype is associated with temporal and hippocampal atrophy rates in healthy elderly adults: a tensor-based morphometry study. (2011) (72)
- Review: Neurodegenerative processes in temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis: Clinical, pathological and neuroimaging evidence (2018) (71)
- Disease classification with hippocampal shape invariants (2009) (71)
- Comparing 3 T and 1.5 T MRI for tracking Alzheimer's disease progression with tensor‐based morphometry (2010) (71)
- Decreased Callosal Thickness in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2009) (71)
- Automated ventricular mapping with multi-atlas fluid image alignment reveals genetic effects in Alzheimer's disease (2008) (71)
- Brain Imaging Genomics: Integrated Analysis and Machine Learning (2020) (70)
- 3D mapping of language networks in clinical and pre-clinical Alzheimer’s disease (2008) (70)
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- Callosal Function in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Linked to Disrupted White Matter Integrity (2015) (70)
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- Childhood adversity impacts on brain subcortical structures relevant to depression. (2017) (70)
- White matter disruption in moderate/severe pediatric traumatic brain injury: Advanced tract-based analyses (2015) (70)
- Robust Identification of Alzheimer’s Disease subtypes based on cortical atrophy patterns (2017) (69)
- Head Motion and Inattention/Hyperactivity Share Common Genetic Influences: Implications for fMRI Studies of ADHD (2016) (69)
- Positive symptoms associate with cortical thinning in the superior temporal gyrus via the ENIGMA Schizophrenia consortium (2017) (69)
- Staging Alzheimer's disease progression with multimodality neuroimaging (2011) (69)
- Preschool hyperactivity is associated with long‐term economic burden: evidence from a longitudinal health economic analysis of costs incurred across childhood, adolescence and young adulthood (2015) (69)
- Local amygdala structural differences with 3T MRI in patients with Alzheimer disease (2011) (68)
- The pattern of atrophy in familial Alzheimer disease (2013) (68)
- Mapping the effect of APOE ε4 on gray matter loss in Alzheimer's disease in vivo (2009) (68)
- Multi-source learning with block-wise missing data for Alzheimer's disease prediction (2013) (68)
- Temporal dynamics of brain anatomy. (2003) (67)
- Genetic markers of ADHD-related variations in intracranial volume (2017) (67)
- Influence of cognitive status, age, and APOE-4 genetic risk on brain FDDNP positron-emission tomography imaging in persons without dementia. (2009) (67)
- Systemic inflammation as a predictor of brain aging: Contributions of physical activity, metabolic risk, and genetic risk (2018) (67)
- Single nucleotide polymorphism in the neuroplastin locus associates with cortical thickness and intellectual ability in adolescents (2014) (67)
- Testing the Interactive Effect of Parent and Child ADHD on Parenting in Mothers and Fathers: A Further Test of the Similarity-Fit Hypothesis. (2007) (67)
- Reliability of neuroanatomical measurements in a multisite longitudinal study of youth at risk for psychosis (2014) (66)
- Association of DISC 1 / TRAX Haplotypes With Schizophrenia , Reduced Prefrontal Gray Matter , and Impaired Short-and Long-term Memory (2005) (66)
- Optimized Conformal Surface Registration with Shape-based Landmark Matching (2010) (66)
- Hierarchical topological network analysis of anatomical human brain connectivity and differences related to sex and kinship (2012) (66)
- Direct mapping of hippocampal surfaces with intrinsic shape context (2007) (66)
- 3D Mapping of Mini-mental State Examination Performance in Clinical and Preclinical Alzheimer Disease (2006) (65)
- Diffusion weighted imaging-based maximum density path analysis and classification of Alzheimer's disease (2015) (65)
- Maximizing power to track Alzheimer's disease and MCI progression by LDA-based weighting of longitudinal ventricular surface features (2013) (65)
- Optimization of Brain Conformal Mapping with Landmarks (2005) (65)
- Probabilistic approaches for atlasing normal and disease-specific brain variability (2001) (65)
- Abnormal hippocampal morphology in dissociative identity disorder and post‐traumatic stress disorder correlates with childhood trauma and dissociative symptoms (2015) (65)
- Disrupted Brain Networks in the Aging HIV+ Population (2012) (65)
- Multimodal MRI analysis of the corpus callosum reveals white matter differences in presymptomatic and early Huntington's disease. (2012) (65)
- Disconnection and hyper-connectivity underlie reorganization after TBI: A rodent functional connectomic analysis (2016) (65)
- Brain growth rate abnormalities visualized in adolescents with autism (2013) (65)
- Applying tensor-based morphometry to parametric surfaces can improve MRI-based disease diagnosis (2013) (64)
- Regional hippocampal damage in heart failure (2015) (64)
- Cerebral metabolite abnormalities in human immunodeficiency virus are associated with cortical and subcortical volumes. (2010) (64)
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- Heritability of the shape of subcortical brain structures in the general population (2016) (64)
- Genetic influence of apolipoprotein E4 genotype on hippocampal morphometry: An N = 725 surface‐based Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiative study (2014) (64)
- Anomalous sylvian fissure morphology in Williams syndrome (2006) (64)
- Landmark constrained genus zero surface conformal mapping and its application to brain mapping research (2007) (64)
- Medial temporal atrophy in early and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (2014) (64)
- Hippocampal and ventricular changes in Parkinson's disease mild cognitive impairment (2012) (63)
- Emerging Global Initiatives in Neurogenetics: The Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium (2017) (63)
- The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study: Part 2: Dimensional measures of psychopathology and intelligence (2011) (63)
- Thalamic atrophy in antero-medial and dorsal nuclei correlates with six-month outcome after severe brain injury☆ (2013) (63)
- Mapping brain abnormalities in boys with autism (2009) (63)
- Mothers’ expressed emotion toward their school-aged sons (2007) (63)
- Altered white matter microstructure is associated with social cognition and psychotic symptoms in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome (2014) (62)
- The link between callosal thickness and intelligence in healthy children and adolescents (2011) (62)
- Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images (2003) (62)
- Brain structural abnormalities in obesity: relation to age, genetic risk, and common psychiatric disorders (2020) (62)
- An Empirical Comparison of Meta- and Mega-Analysis With Data From the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group (2019) (62)
- Dynamic mapping of hippocampal development in childhood onset schizophrenia (2007) (62)
- Three-dimensional mapping of hippocampal anatomy in adolescents with bipolar disorder. (2008) (61)
- Estimating Orientation Distribution Functions with Probability Density Constraints and Spatial Regularity (2009) (61)
- Mapping Cortical and Subcortical Asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Consortium (2020) (61)
- Topology Preserving Log-Unbiased Nonlinear Image Registration: Theory and Implementation (2007) (61)
- Network-based atrophy modeling in the common epilepsies: A worldwide ENIGMA study (2020) (60)
- Automated Surface Matching Using Mutual Information Applied to Riemann Surface Structures (2005) (60)
- Mapping 22q11.2 Gene Dosage Effects on Brain Morphometry (2016) (60)
- Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function, and bipolar disorder susceptibility (2014) (60)
- Investigating brain community structure abnormalities in bipolar disorder using path length associated community estimation (2014) (60)
- Hippocampal morphology in lithium and non‐lithium‐treated bipolar I disorder patients, non‐bipolar co‐twins, and control twins (2012) (60)
- Automated brain tissue assessment in the elderly and demented population: Construction and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic brain atlas (2005) (59)
- Neuroimaging Measures as Endophenotypes in Alzheimer's Disease (2011) (59)
- Pattern of hippocampal shape and volume differences in blind subjects (2009) (59)
- Scanner invariant representations for diffusion MRI harmonization (2019) (59)
- Homocysteine effects on brain volumes mapped in 732 elderly individuals (2011) (59)
- Association of common genetic variants in GPCPD1 with scaling of visual cortical surface area in humans (2012) (59)
- Genetic Complexity of Cortical Structure: Differences in Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing Cortical Surface Area and Thickness (2019) (58)
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- Disrupted cerebral metabolite levels and lower nadir CD4 + counts are linked to brain volume deficits in 210 HIV-infected patients on stable treatment☆ (2013) (58)
- Autism Symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Familial Trait which Correlates with Conduct, Oppositional Defiant, Language and Motor Disorders (2009) (58)
- Gene Network Effects on Brain Microstructure and Intellectual Performance Identified in 472 Twins (2012) (58)
- Multilocus Genetic Analysis of Brain Images (2011) (58)
- Modeling of the Hemodynamic Responses in Block Design fMRI Studies (2014) (58)
- Greater male than female variability in regional brain structure across the lifespan (2020) (57)
- Inhibitory deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are independent of basic processing efficiency and IQ (2007) (57)
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- Structural and functional reorganization of the corpus callosum between the age of 6 and 8 years. (2011) (57)
- Imaging genomics: Mapping the influence of genetics on brain structure and function (2007) (56)
- White matter microstructural abnormalities in girls with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Fragile X or Turner syndrome as evidenced by diffusion tensor imaging (2013) (56)
- Influence of APOE Genotype on Hippocampal Atrophy over Time - An N=1925 Surface-Based ADNI Study (2016) (56)
- Diffusion MRI Indices and Their Relation to Cognitive Impairment in Brain Aging: The Updated Multi-protocol Approach in ADNI3 (2018) (56)
- Challenges and Opportunities with Causal Discovery Algorithms: Application to Alzheimer’s Pathophysiology (2020) (56)
- Effects of ApoE4 and maternal history of dementia on hippocampal atrophy (2012) (56)
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- Discovery and replication of dopamine-related gene effects on caudate volume in young and elderly populations (N=1198) using genome-wide search (2011) (56)
- Localizing gray matter deficits in late-onset depression using computational cortical pattern matching methods. (2004) (55)
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- Comparing registration methods for mapping brain change using tensor-based morphometry (2009) (55)
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- Linkage to Chromosome 1p36 for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Traits in School and Home Settings (2008) (54)
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- Genetic Analysis of Cortical Thickness and Fractional Anisotropy of Water Diffusion in the Brain (2011) (54)
- An advanced white matter tract analysis in frontotemporal dementia and early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (2015) (54)
- Three-dimensional surface mapping of the caudate nucleus in late-life depression. (2009) (54)
- Cerebral Amyloid and Hypertension are Independently Associated with White Matter Lesions in Elderly (2015) (54)
- Mapping brain asymmetry in health and disease through the ENIGMA consortium (2019) (54)
- Brain structural covariance networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a graph analysis from the ENIGMA Consortium (2020) (53)
- Volumetric grey matter alterations in adolescents and adults born very preterm suggest accelerated brain maturation (2017) (53)
- Mismatch Negativity in Recent-Onset and Chronic Schizophrenia: A Current Source Density Analysis (2014) (53)
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- Automatic Subcortical Segmentation Using a Contextual Model (2008) (52)
- Regional brain volume differences in symptomatic and presymptomatic carriers of familial Alzheimer's disease mutations (2012) (52)
- The BIN1 rs744373 SNP is associated with increased tau-PET levels and impaired memory (2019) (52)
- Combined Effects of Alzheimer Risk Variants in the CLU and ApoE Genes on Ventricular Expansion Patterns in the Elderly (2014) (52)
- Angular versus spatial resolution trade‐offs for diffusion imaging under time constraints (2013) (51)
- Altered White Matter Microstructural Organization in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder across 3,047 Adults: Results from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Consortium (2019) (51)
- Comparing 3T and 1.5T MRI for Mapping Hippocampal Atrophy in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013) (51)
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- Predicting White Matter Integrity from Multiple Common Genetic Variants (2012) (51)
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- Altered hippocampal morphology in unmedicated patients with major depressive illness (2009) (50)
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- Anxiety Modulates Insula Recruitment in Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Youth and Adults (2011) (49)
- Predictability of oppositional defiant disorder and symptom dimensions in children and adolescents with ADHD combined type (2010) (48)
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- Comparing Hippocampal Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Dementia and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (2012) (47)
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- What we learn about bipolar disorder from large‐scale neuroimaging: Findings and future directions from the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group (2020) (47)
- Striatal morphology in early-onset and late-onset Alzheimer's disease: a preliminary study (2013) (47)
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- Mutual information-based 3D surface matching with applications to face recognition and brain mapping (2005) (47)
- Altered white matter microstructure in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a multisite diffusion tensor imaging study (2019) (47)
- A tensor-based morphometry analysis of regional differences in brain volume in relation to prenatal alcohol exposure (2014) (46)
- Quantitative Amyloid Imaging in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease: Results from the DIAN Study Group (2016) (46)
- Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults (2020) (46)
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- ApoE &egr;4 Is Associated With Cognition, Brain Integrity, and Atrophy in HIV Over Age 60 (2016) (46)
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- Cerebellar grey matter deficits in first-episode schizophrenia mapped using cortical pattern matching (2010) (46)
- A resting state fMRI analysis pipeline for pooling inference across diverse cohorts: an ENIGMA rs-fMRI protocol (2018) (46)
- Neural correlates of proactive and reactive aggression in adolescent twins (2016) (45)
- Heritability estimates on resting state fMRI data using the ENIGMA analysis pipeline (2017) (45)
- Shape-Based Diffeomorphic Registration on Hippocampal Surfaces Using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow (2010) (44)
- Partitioning heritability analysis reveals a shared genetic basis of brain anatomy and schizophrenia (2016) (44)
- Physical activity, inflammation, and volume of the aging brain (2014) (44)
- Robust Surface Reconstruction via Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Projection and Boundary Deformation (2010) (44)
- MRI-based brain atrophy rates in ADNI phase 2: acceleration and enrichment considerations for clinical trials (2015) (44)
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- Interactive impact of childhood maltreatment, depression, and age on cortical brain structure: mega-analytic findings from a large multi-site cohort (2019) (44)
- Genome‐wide association analysis links multiple psychiatric liability genes to oscillatory brain activity (2018) (44)
- Detecting genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease in whole genome sequence data via Lasso screening (2015) (43)
- Spread of Epileptic Seizure Activity in Humans (1985) (43)
- Genetic influences on individual differences in longitudinal changes in global and subcortical brain volumes: Results of the ENIGMA plasticity working group (2017) (43)
- Studying ventricular abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment with hyperbolic Ricci flow and tensor-based morphometry (2015) (43)
- A Multivariate Surface-Based Analysis of the Putamen in Premature Newborns: Regional Differences within the Ventral Striatum (2013) (43)
- Shape matching with medial curves and 1-D group-wise registration (2012) (43)
- Schizophrenia severity, social functioning and hippocampal neuroanatomy: three-dimensional mapping study (2013) (42)
- Neuroimaging genomics in psychiatry—a translational approach (2017) (42)
- Extending Genetic Linkage Analysis to Diffusion Tensor Images to Map Single Gene Effects on Brain Fiber Architecture (2009) (42)
- Consortium neuroscience of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: The ENIGMA adventure (2020) (42)
- No evidence for association between bipolar disorder risk gene variants and brain structural phenotypes. (2013) (42)
- Mapping corpus callosum morphology in twin pairs discordant for bipolar disorder. (2011) (42)
- Multimodal neuroimaging of male and female brain structure in health and disease across the life span (2016) (42)
- An overview of the first 5 years of the ENIGMA obsessive–compulsive disorder working group: The power of worldwide collaboration (2020) (42)
- Mapping structural differences of the corpus callosum in individuals with 18q deletions using targetless regional spatial normalization (2005) (42)
- Tensor-Based Morphometry (2013) (41)
- A Focus on Structural Brain Imaging in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2014) (41)
- Segmentation of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Using Sparse Riemannian Manifold Clustering (2014) (41)
- Common Genetic Variation Indicates Separate Causes for Periventricular and Deep White Matter Hyperintensities (2020) (41)
- Deformations of amygdala morphology in familial pediatric bipolar disorder. (2013) (41)
- 2015 Brainhack Proceedings (2016) (41)
- Evaluation of a model of attention with confirmatory factor analysis. (2000) (41)
- The ENIGMA Toolbox: multiscale neural contextualization of multisite neuroimaging datasets (2021) (41)
- Role of frontal white matter and corpus callosum on social function in schizophrenia (2018) (41)
- Atypical nucleus accumbens morphology in psychopathy: another limbic piece in the puzzle. (2013) (41)
- Mapping genetic influences on ventricular structure in twins (2009) (41)
- Magnetic Resonance Field Strength Effects on Diffusion Measures and Brain Connectivity Networks (2013) (41)
- Dose response of the 16p11.2 distal copy number variant on intracranial volume and basal ganglia (2018) (40)
- Smaller hippocampal CA1 subfield volume in posttraumatic stress disorder (2018) (40)
- Amygdala Reactivity in Healthy Adults Is Correlated with Prefrontal Cortical Thickness (2010) (40)
- Volumetric and shape analyses of subcortical structures in United States service members with mild traumatic brain injury (2016) (40)
- Mapping cerebellar degeneration in HIV/AIDS (2008) (40)
- Sex differences in the human connectome: 4-Tesla high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) tractography in 234 young adult twins (2011) (40)
- ApoE4 effects on automated diagnostic classifiers for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (2014) (40)
- Investigating brain connectivity heritability in a twin study using diffusion imaging data (2014) (40)
- Localizing Age-related Changes in Brain Structure between Childhood and Adolescence Using Statistical Mapping Techniques (1998) (40)
- Asymmetry of the brain surface from deformation field analysis (2003) (40)
- Relationship of a Variant in the NTRK1 Gene to White Matter Microstructure in Young Adults (2012) (40)
- Reproducibility of tract‐based white matter microstructural measures using the ENIGMA‐DTI protocol (2017) (40)
- Common folate gene variant, MTHFR C677T, is associated with brain structure in two independent cohorts of people with mild cognitive impairment☆ (2012) (40)
- Patterns of Brain Atrophy in Clinical Variants of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (2013) (40)
- Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy: Effect of depressive symptoms and febrile seizures (2011) (40)
- Understanding human intelligence by imaging the brain. (2013) (40)
- Extracting and Representing the Cortical Sulci (1999) (39)
- Brain amyloidosis ascertainment from cognitive, imaging, and peripheral blood protein measures (2015) (39)
- Association of Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures With Psychosis Onset in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Developing Psychosis: An ENIGMA Working Group Mega-analysis. (2021) (39)
- ENIGMA‐DTI: Translating reproducible white matter deficits into personalized vulnerability metrics in cross‐diagnostic psychiatric research (2020) (39)
- Body mass index, but not FTO genotype or major depressive disorder, influences brain structure (2013) (39)
- Brain Fiber Architecture, Genetics, and Intelligence: A High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) Study (2008) (39)
- Hippocampal morphometry in population-based incident Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia: the HAAS (2010) (39)
- Mapping Subcortical Brain Alterations in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Effects of Deletion Size and Convergence With Idiopathic Neuropsychiatric Illness. (2020) (39)
- Regional differences in white matter breakdown between frontotemporal dementia and early-onset Alzheimer's disease. (2014) (39)
- Mapping cortical atrophy in Parkinson's disease patients with dementia. (2013) (39)
- The dopamine receptor D4 7-repeat allele and prenatal smoking in ADHD-affected children and their unaffected siblings: no gene-environment interaction. (2008) (39)
- Cortical surface parameterization by p-harmonic energy minimization (2004) (38)
- Age effects on hippocampal structural changes in old men: The HAAS (2008) (38)
- 6 – Disease-Specific Brain Atlases (2000) (38)
- Hippocampal structure and human cognition: key role of spatial processing and evidence supporting the efficiency hypothesis in females. (2013) (38)
- Relation between variants in the neurotrophin receptor gene, NTRK3, and white matter integrity in healthy young adults (2013) (38)
- 3D tract‐specific local and global analysis of white matter integrity in Alzheimer's disease (2016) (38)
- Test-Retest Reliability of Graph Theory Measures of Structural Brain Connectivity (2012) (38)
- Symptom control in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder on switching from immediate-release MPH to OROS® MPH (2005) (38)
- Comparison of heritability estimates on resting state fMRI connectivity phenotypes using the ENIGMA analysis pipeline (2018) (38)
- Hamilton–Jacobi Skeleton on Cortical Surfaces (2008) (38)
- An African American family with early-onset Alzheimer disease and an APP (T714I) mutation (2005) (38)
- Extrapolation of Sparse Tensor Fields: Application to the Modeling of Brain Variability (2005) (37)
- Accelerated vs. unaccelerated serial MRI based TBM-SyN measurements for clinical trials in Alzheimer's disease (2015) (37)
- A nonparametric Riemannian framework for processing high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI) (2009) (37)
- Hippocampal and amygdalar volume changes in elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia (2011) (36)
- Tractography density and network measures in Alzheimer'S disease (2013) (36)
- Structural brain imaging studies offer clues about the effects of the shared genetic etiology among neuropsychiatric disorders (2019) (36)
- Diffusion-weighted imaging uncovers likely sources of processing-speed deficits in schizophrenia (2016) (36)
- Puberty in the corpus callosum (2014) (36)
- Automatic clustering and population analysis of white matter tracts using maximum density paths (2014) (36)
- Evaluating the parent-of-origin effect in bipolar affective disorder. Is a more penetrant subtype transmitted paternally? (2000) (36)
- Emotion-recognition abilities and behavior problem dimensions in preschoolers: Evidence for a specific role for childhood hyperactivity (2015) (36)
- Heritability of Regional Brain Volumes in Large-Scale Neuroimaging and Genetic Studies. (2018) (36)
- Mapping abnormal subcortical brain morphometry in an elderly HIV + cohort (2015) (36)
- Predicting Short-term MCI-to-AD Progression Using Imaging, CSF, Genetic Factors, Cognitive Resilience, and Demographics (2019) (35)
- Mega‐analysis methods in ENIGMA: The experience of the generalized anxiety disorder working group (2020) (35)
- Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of blood DNA methylation and its association with subcortical volumes: findings from the ENIGMA Epigenetics Working Group (2018) (35)
- Obesity gene NEGR1 associated with white matter integrity in healthy young adults (2014) (35)
- Structural abnormality of the corticospinal tract in major depressive disorder (2014) (35)
- Partitioning heritability analysis reveals a shared genetic basis of brain anatomy and schizophrenia. (2016) (35)
- Age Effects on Cortical Thickness in Cognitively Normal Elderly Individuals (2014) (35)
- The Relationship Between White Matter Microstructure and General Cognitive Ability in Patients With Schizophrenia and Healthy Participants in the ENIGMA Consortium. (2020) (35)
- Predicting temporal lobe volume on MRI from genotypes using L1-L2 regularized regression (2012) (35)
- Joint genetic analysis of hippocampal size in mouse and human identifies a novel gene linked to neurodegenerative disease (2014) (35)
- Understanding cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease based on neuroimaging findings (2013) (35)
- Region-specific sex differences in the hippocampus (2020) (35)
- Global and regional putamen volume loss in patients with heart failure (2011) (35)
- Applying surface-based hippocampal morphometry to study APOE-E4 allele dose effects in cognitively unimpaired subjects (2019) (34)
- Structural Neuroimaging Genetics Interactions in Alzheimer's Disease. (2015) (34)
- Increased executive functioning, attention, and cortical thickness in white‐collar criminals (2012) (34)
- Association of AKT1 with verbal learning, verbal memory, and regional cortical gray matter density in twins (2009) (34)
- Large-scale genomics unveil polygenic architecture of human cortical surface area (2015) (34)
- Machine Learning on High Dimensional Shape Data from Subcortical Brain Surfaces: A Comparison of Feature Selection and Classification Methods (2015) (34)
- Brain structure-function associations in multi-generational families genetically enriched for bipolar disorder. (2015) (34)
- The attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication-related attitudes of patients and their parents. (2008) (34)
- Diffusion tensor imaging in seven minutes: Determining trade-offs between spatial and directional resolution (2010) (34)
- Revolution of Resting-State Functional Neuroimaging Genetics in Alzheimer’s Disease (2017) (34)
- Hippocampal volume is related to body mass index in Alzheimer's disease (2011) (34)
- FGWAS: Functional genome wide association analysis (2017) (33)
- Functional network connectivity impairments and core cognitive deficits in schizophrenia (2019) (33)
- EnigmaVis: Online Interactive Visualization of Genome-Wide Association Studies of the Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium (2012) (33)
- DTNBP1 is associated with imaging phenotypes in schizophrenia (2009) (33)
- FiberNET: An ensemble deep learning framework for clustering white matter fibers (2017) (33)
- A Family of Fast Spherical Registration Algorithms for Cortical Shapes (2013) (33)
- Corrigendum to “Multi-site genetic analysis of diffusion images and voxelwise heritability analysis: A pilot project of the ENIGMA–DTI working group” [NeuroImage 81 (2013) 455–469] (2014) (33)
- International Multicenter Analysis of Brain Structure Across Clinical Stages of Parkinson's Disease (2021) (33)
- Learning Object Correspondences with the Observed Transport Shape Measure (2003) (33)
- Multivariate Tensor-Based Brain Anatomical Surface Morphometry via Holomorphic One-Forms (2009) (33)
- Cortical and Hippocampal Atrophy in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Familial Alzheimer’s Disease (2011) (33)
- The reliability and heritability of cortical folds and their genetic correlations across hemispheres (2019) (32)
- Evaluation of octree regional spatial normalization method for regional anatomical matching (2000) (32)
- A commonly carried genetic variant in the delta opioid receptor gene, OPRD1, is associated with smaller regional brain volumes: Replication in elderly and young populations (2014) (32)
- Neurocognitive intra-individual variability in mood disorders: effects on attentional response time distributions (2015) (32)
- A comparison of the clinical effectiveness and cost of specialised individually delivered parent training for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and a generic, group-based programme: a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of the New Forest Parenting Programme versus Incredible Y (2017) (32)
- No Alterations of Brain Structural Asymmetry in Major Depressive Disorder: An ENIGMA Consortium Analysis. (2019) (32)
- Volumetric and topographic differences in hippocampal subdivisions in borderline personality and bipolar disorders (2012) (32)
- Diverging white matter trajectories in children after traumatic brain injury (2017) (32)
- The ENIGMA‐Epilepsy working group: Mapping disease from large data sets (2020) (32)
- The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain–behavior relationships after stroke (2020) (32)
- Partial Replication of a DRD4 Association in ADHD Individuals Using a Statistically Derived Quantitative Trait for ADHD in a Family-Based Association Test (2007) (32)
- Cortical volume abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder: an ENIGMA-psychiatric genomics consortium PTSD workgroup mega-analysis (2020) (32)
- White Matter in Schizophrenia Treatment Resistance. (2019) (32)
- Hippocampal Volume Reduction in Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (2009) (32)
- Brain Structure and Function Associated with Younger Adults in Growth Hormone Receptor-Deficient Humans (2017) (32)
- A Parameterization-Based Numerical Method for Isotropic and Anisotropic Diffusion Smoothing on Non-Flat Surfaces (2009) (31)
- An adaptive level set segmentation on a triangulated mesh (2004) (31)
- Blockwise Human Brain Network Visual Comparison Using NodeTrix Representation (2017) (31)
- Localizing Sources of Brain Disease Progression with Network Diffusion Model (2016) (31)
- 3D Mapping of brain differences in native signing congenitally and prelingually deaf subjects (2009) (31)
- Low Plasma ApoE Levels Are Associated with Smaller Hippocampal Size in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Cohort (2014) (31)
- Quantitative comparison and analysis of brain image registration using frequency-adaptive wavelet shrinkage (2002) (31)
- Brain Surface Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure (2005) (31)
- Genome‐wide association study of neurocognitive impairment and dementia in HIV‐infected adults (2012) (31)
- Connectivity network measures predict volumetric atrophy in mild cognitive impairment (2015) (30)
- Alzheimer's CSF markers in older schizophrenia patients (2011) (30)
- Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors (2009) (30)
- A Framework for Quantifying Node-Level Community Structure Group Differences in Brain Connectivity Networks (2012) (30)
- Delayed white matter growth trajectory in young nonpsychotic siblings of patients with childhood-onset schizophrenia. (2012) (30)
- Applying sparse coding to surface multivariate tensor-based morphometry to predict future cognitive decline (2016) (30)
- Intrinsic brain surface conformal mapping using a variational method (2004) (30)
- Conformal Slit Mapping and Its Applications to Brain Surface Parameterization (2008) (30)
- Susceptibility of brain atrophy to TRIB3 in Alzheimer’s disease, evidence from functional prioritization in imaging genetics (2018) (30)
- Surface parameterization using Riemann surface structure (2005) (30)
- Cerebrospinal fluid Aβ levels correlate with structural brain changes in Parkinson's disease (2013) (30)
- Boosting power to detect genetic associations in imaging using multi-locus, genome-wide scans and ridge regression (2011) (30)
- Mapping ventricular changes related to dementia and mild cognitive impairment in a large community-based cohort (2006) (30)
- White Matter Differences in Monozygotic Twins Discordant or Concordant for Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: A Combined Diffusion Tensor Imaging/Voxel-Based Morphometry Study (2011) (30)
- Cerebral amyloid is associated with greater white-matter hyperintensity accrual in cognitively normal older adults (2016) (29)
- Grey and white matter loss along cerebral midline structures in myotonic dystrophy type 2 (2008) (29)
- Cortical mapping of genotype–phenotype relationships in schizophrenia (2007) (29)
- Medial demons registration localizes the degree of genetic influence over subcortical shape variability: An N= 1480 meta-analysis (2015) (29)
- Automatic Segmentation of MS Lesions Using a Contextual Model for the MICCAI Grand Challenge (2008) (29)
- Significant concordance of genetic variation that increases both the risk for obsessive-compulsive disorder and the volumes of the nucleus accumbens and putamen. (2018) (29)
- Sphenoidal Electrode Positions and Basal EEG During Long Term Monitoring (1985) (29)
- Parent of origin effects in attention/deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Analysis of data from the international multicenter ADHD genetics (IMAGE) program (2008) (29)
- Neuroimaging of the Injured Pediatric Brain: Methods and New Lessons (2018) (29)
- Genome-wide association identifies genetic variants associated with lentiform nucleus volume in N = 1345 young and elderly subjects (2012) (29)
- Fast 3D fluid registration of brain magnetic resonance images (2008) (29)
- Structural neuroimaging biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder in the ENIGMA-OCD consortium: medication matters (2019) (29)
- Larger hippocampal dimensions in meditation practitioners: differential effects in women and men (2015) (29)
- Warping strategies for intersubject registration (2000) (29)
- Feature selection improves the accuracy of classifying Alzheimer disease using diffusion tensor images (2015) (28)
- Mood-state effects on amygdala volume in bipolar disorder. (2012) (28)
- Mapping heritability and molecular genetic associations with cortical features using probabilistic brain atlases (2007) (28)
- Subcortical surface morphometry in substance dependence: An ENIGMA addiction working group study (2019) (28)
- Gene Expression Data to Mouse Atlas Registration Using a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother and Landmark Points Constraints (2012) (28)
- Reproducibility of brain‐cognition relationships using three cortical surface‐based protocols: An exhaustive analysis based on cortical thickness (2015) (28)
- Genetic studies of plasma analytes identify novel potential biomarkers for several complex traits (2016) (28)
- The common genetic influence over processing speed and white matter microstructure: Evidence from the Old Order Amish and Human Connectome Projects (2016) (28)
- Visualization and Mapping of Anatomic Abnormalities Using a Probabilistic Brain Atlas Based on Random Fluid Transformations (1996) (28)
- Hemispheric brain asymmetry differences in youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2018) (28)
- Peer relationships and prosocial behaviour differences across disruptive behaviours (2018) (28)
- Cerebrovascular risk factors and brain microstructural abnormalities on diffusion tensor images in HIV-infected individuals (2012) (28)
- Genetic Architecture of Subcortical Brain Structures in Over 40,000 Individuals Worldwide (2017) (28)
- Novel Neuroimaging Methods to Understand How HIV Affects the Brain (2015) (28)
- Ictal Depth EEG and MRI Structural Evidence for Two Different Epileptogenic Networks in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (2015) (28)
- Frontal and striatal alterations associated with psychopathic traits in adolescents (2015) (28)
- Inter-hemispheric functional connectivity changes with corpus callosum morphology in multiple sclerosis (2014) (28)
- White matter microstructure and its relation to clinical features of obsessive–compulsive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA OCD Working Group (2019) (28)
- In vivo hippocampal subfield volumes in bipolar disorder—A mega‐analysis from The Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta‐Analysis Bipolar Disorder Working Group (2020) (27)
- Multi-Modality Disease Modeling via Collective Deep Matrix Factorization (2017) (27)
- Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan (2021) (27)
- The right inhibition? Callosal correlates of hand performance in healthy children and adolescents callosal correlates of hand performance (2013) (27)
- Serum cholesterol and variant in cholesterol-related gene CETP predict white matter microstructure (2014) (27)
- Connectomics Sheds New Light on Alzheimer’s Disease (2013) (27)
- Detecting dynamic and genetic effects on brain structure using high-dimensional cortical pattern matching (2002) (27)
- Impact of apolipoprotein ɛ4–cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid interaction on hippocampal volume loss over 1 year in mild cognitive impairment (2011) (27)
- Presymptomatic atrophy in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: A serial magnetic resonance imaging study (2017) (27)
- Cognitive and behavioral correlates of caudate subregion shape variation in fragile X syndrome (2014) (27)
- Clozapine therapy for older veterans. (1998) (27)
- A Tensor-Based Morphometry Study of Genetic Influences on Brain Structure Using a New Fluid Registration Method (2008) (26)
- Tensor-Based Morphometry Reveals Volumetric Deficits in Moderate=Severe Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (2016) (26)
- Disease-specific probabilistic brain atlases (2000) (26)
- Women can bear a bigger burden: ante- and post-mortem evidence for reserve in the face of tau (2020) (26)
- Differential early subcortical involvement in genetic FTD within the GENFI cohort (2021) (26)
- Empowering imaging biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (2015) (26)
- Genetic Determinants of Cortical Structure (Thickness, Surface Area and Volumes) among Disease Free Adults in the CHARGE Consortium (2018) (26)
- Classification of Major Depressive Disorder via Multi-site Weighted LASSO Model (2017) (26)
- Genetic Determinants of Cortical Structure (Thickness, Surface Area and Volumes) among Disease Free Adults in the CHARGE Consortium (2018) (26)
- Development of the “rich club” in brain connectivity networks from 438 adolescents & adults aged 12 to 30 (2013) (26)
- FDDNP binding using MR derived cortical surface maps (2010) (26)
- Boosting brain connectome classification accuracy in Alzheimer's disease using higher-order singular value decomposition (2015) (26)
- Population differences in the International Multi‐Centre ADHD Gene Project (2008) (26)
- ENIGMA‐anxiety working group: Rationale for and organization of large‐scale neuroimaging studies of anxiety disorders (2020) (25)
- Abnormalities in Cortical Gray Matter Density in Borderline Personality Disorder (2015) (25)
- Lingual Gyrus Surface Area Is Associated with Anxiety-Depression Severity in Young Adults: A Genetic Clustering Approach (2018) (25)
- Labeling white matter tracts in hardi by fusing multiple tract atlases with applications to genetics (2013) (25)
- Unbiased Volumetric Registration via Nonlinear Elastic Regularization (2008) (25)
- Preschool hyperactivity specifically elevates long-term mental health risks more strongly in males than females: a prospective longitudinal study through to young adulthood (2016) (25)
- Greater regional cortical gray matter thickness in obsessive-compulsive disorder (2008) (25)
- Diffusion MRI in pediatric brain injury (2017) (25)
- FreeSurfer‐based segmentation of hippocampal subfields: A review of methods and applications, with a novel quality control procedure for ENIGMA studies and other collaborative efforts (2020) (25)
- Optimized Conformal Parameterization of Cortical Surfaces Using Shape Based Matching of Landmark Curves (2008) (25)
- Multimodal Brain Atlases (1998) (25)
- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization with Algebraic Functions (2006) (25)
- Constructing the resting state structural connectome (2013) (25)
- The apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele is associated with ventricular expansion rate and surface morphology in dementia and normal aging (2014) (25)
- Differential information content in staggered multiple shell hardi measured by the tensor distribution function (2011) (25)
- The clinical utility of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in traumatic brain injury: recommendations from the ENIGMA MRS working group (2019) (24)
- Small world network measures predict white matter degeneration in patients with early-stage mild cognitive impairment (2012) (24)
- Acceleration of cerebral ventricular expansion in the Cardiovascular Health Study (2007) (24)
- Basal ganglia T2 relaxation times in schizophrenia: a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study in relation to tardive dyskinesia (1995) (24)
- Pathologic lesions in neurodegenerative diseases. (2012) (24)
- Fluid registration of medical images using Jensen-Renyi divergence reveals 3D profile of brain atrophy in HIV/AIDS (2006) (24)
- Stressful Life Events, ADHD Symptoms, and Brain Structure in Early Adolescence (2019) (24)
- A Nonconservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration—SAFIRA (2011) (24)
- Growth Patterns in the Developing Human Brain Detected Using Continuum-Mechanical Tensor Maps and Serial MRI (1998) (24)
- Comparison of Biomarkers in Transgenic Alzheimer Rats Using Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI (2016) (24)
- Measuring, mapping, and modeling brain structure and function (1997) (24)
- An investigation of care-based vs. rule-based morality in frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and healthy controls (2015) (24)
- Callosal tissue loss in multiple system atrophy—A one‐year follow‐up study (2010) (24)
- Fibernet 2.0: An Automatic Neural Network Based Tool for Clustering White Matter Fibers in the Brain (2017) (24)
- Mental Health of Preschool Children and their Mothers in a Mixed Urban/Rural Population (1996) (24)
- No association between two polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene and combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2009) (24)
- Multi-atlas tensor-based morphometry and its application to a genetic study of 92 twins (2008) (24)
- A Novel Measure of Fractional Anisotropy Based on the Tensor Distribution Function (2009) (24)
- Algebraic connectivity of brain networks shows patterns of segregation leading to reduced network robustness in Alzheimer's disease. (2014) (23)
- A meta‐analysis of deep brain structural shape and asymmetry abnormalities in 2,833 individuals with schizophrenia compared with 3,929 healthy volunteers via the ENIGMA Consortium (2021) (23)
- Cortical changes in incipient Alzheimer's disease. (2011) (23)
- Structural and Functional Reorganization of the Brain in Migraine Without Aura (2019) (23)
- Imaging genomics. (2010) (23)
- Multi-Shell Hybrid Diffusion Imaging (HYDI) at 7 Tesla in TgF344-AD Transgenic Alzheimer Rats (2015) (23)
- Genetic and environmental influences on cortical thickness among 14-year-old twins (2012) (23)
- Automated multi-atlas labeling of the fornix and its integrity in alzheimer's disease (2015) (23)
- Visualization Tools for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (2008) (23)
- Active fibers: Matching deformable tract templates to diffusion tensor images (2009) (23)
- Mesh-based spherical deconvolution: A flexible approach to reconstruction of non-negative fiber orientation distributions (2010) (23)
- K-SVD for HARDI denoising (2011) (23)
- How do spatial and angular resolution affect brain connectivity maps from diffusion MRI? (2012) (23)
- Fractional anisotropy derived from the diffusion tensor distribution function boosts power to detect Alzheimer's disease deficits (2017) (23)
- Uncovering Biologically Coherent Peripheral Signatures of Health and Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease in the Aging Brain (2018) (23)
- Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort (2020) (23)
- Effects of changing from non-accelerated to accelerated MRI for follow-up in brain atrophy measurement (2015) (23)
- Diverging volumetric trajectories following pediatric traumatic brain injury (2017) (23)
- Profiles, co-morbidity and their relationship to treatment of 191 children with AD/HD and their families (2004) (23)
- Three-dimensional mapping of the lateral ventricles in autism (2008) (23)
- Progressive brain atrophy in chronically infected and treated HIV+ individuals (2019) (23)
- White matter lesions in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder (2009) (23)
- Multilocus genetic profiling to empower drug trials and predict brain atrophy☆ (2013) (23)
- Network-based approaches to examining stress in the adolescent brain (2018) (23)
- Brain Imaging and Neurodevelopment in HIV-uninfected Thai Children Born to HIV-infected Mothers (2015) (22)
- A Framework for Registration, Statistical Characterization and Classification of Cortically Constrained Functional Imaging Data (2005) (22)
- Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in 39 datasets (2020) (22)
- ENIGMA brain injury: Framework, challenges, and opportunities (2020) (22)
- Relationship of a common OXTR gene variant to brain structure and default mode network function in healthy humans (2017) (22)
- Investigating the differential contributions of sex and brain size to gray matter asymmetry (2018) (22)
- Recent advances in imaging Alzheimer's disease. (2012) (22)
- Discovery of genes that affect human brain connectivity: A genome-wide analysis of the connectome (2012) (22)
- Plasma BDNF levels associate with Pittsburgh Compound B binding in the brain (2015) (22)
- 18F-florbetapir Positron Emission Tomography–determined Cerebral &bgr;-Amyloid Deposition and Neurocognitive Performance after Cardiac Surgery (2018) (21)
- Intelligence in DSM‐IV combined type attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not predicted by either dopamine receptor/transporter genes or other previously identified risk alleles for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2008) (21)
- HARDI Denoising: Variational Regularization of the Spherical Apparent Diffusion Coefficient sADC (2009) (21)
- Genomic structural variants are linked with intellectual disability (2015) (21)
- Genetic correlations between subcortical brain volumes and psychiatric disorders (2020) (21)
- Mapping Therapeutic Response in a Patient with Malignant Glioma (2001) (21)
- Parenting behaviour described by mothers in a general population sample. (2002) (21)
- Neuroimaging, nutrition, and iron-related genes (2013) (21)
- 3 D Harmonic Mapping and Tetrahedral Meshing of Brain Imaging Data (2004) (21)
- Voxelwise Spectral Diffusional Connectivity and Its Applications to Alzheimer's Disease and Intelligence Prediction (2013) (21)
- How Many Gradients are Sufficient in High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI)? (2008) (21)
- Reprint of: Mapping connectivity in the developing brain (2014) (21)
- Heritability of complex white matter diffusion traits assessed in a population isolate (2016) (21)
- Automatic Population HARDI White Matter Tract Clustering by Label Fusion of Multiple Tract Atlases (2012) (21)
- Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study (2016) (21)
- Regional specificity of cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in first episode schizophrenia (2006) (21)
- Ventricular Enlargement and its Clinical Correlates in the Imaging Cohort From the ADCS MCI Donepezil/Vitamin E Study (2013) (21)
- Lithium augmentation fails to reduce symptoms in poorly responsive schizophrenic outpatients. (1999) (20)
- Cortical thickness and semantic fluency in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. (2013) (20)
- Accelerated brain growth and cortical gray matter thinning are inversely related during post adolescent frontal lobe maturation (2001) (20)
- Dissecting autism and schizophrenia through neuroimaging genomics (2021) (20)
- Evaluating Brain Anatomical Correlations via Canonical Correlation Analysis of Sulcal Lines (2007) (20)
- Asymmetric and symmetric unbiased image registration: Statistical assessment of performance (2008) (20)
- Automatic Landmark Tracking and its Application to the Optimization of Brain Conformal Mapping (2006) (20)
- Reduced caudate nuclei volumes in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (2009) (20)
- A White Matter Connection of Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s Disease (2020) (20)
- The ENIGMA Toolbox: Cross-disorder integration and multiscale neural contextualization of multisite neuroimaging datasets (2020) (20)
- Homogenizing Estimates of Heritability Among SOLAR-Eclipse, OpenMx, APACE, and FPHI Software Packages in Neuroimaging Data (2019) (20)
- Visualization of anatomic covariance tensor fields (2004) (20)
- Mapping Adolescent Brain Maturation Using Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2007) (20)
- Mapping creatinine- and cystatin C-related white matter brain deficits in the elderly (2013) (20)
- How do substance use disorders compare to other psychiatric conditions on structural brain abnormalities? A cross‐disorder meta‐analytic comparison using the ENIGMA consortium findings (2020) (20)
- Spectral graph theory and graph energy metrics show evidence for the alzheimer's disease disconnection syndrome in APOE-4 risk gene carriers (2015) (20)
- Genes influence the amplitude and timing of brain hemodynamic responses (2016) (20)
- Association between body mass index and subcortical brain volumes in bipolar disorders–ENIGMA study in 2735 individuals (2021) (20)
- Adaptive reproducing kernel particle method for extraction of the cortical surface (2006) (20)
- White matter hyperintensities and their relationship to cognition: Effects of segmentation algorithm (2020) (20)
- Genome-wide interaction analysis reveals replicated epistatic effects on brain structure (2015) (20)
- Brain network efficiency and topology depend on the fiber tracking method: 11 tractography algorithms compared in 536 subjects (2013) (20)
- TREM2 and neurodegenerative disease. (2013) (20)
- Voxel Level Survival Analysis of Grey Matter Volume and Incident Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer's Disease. (2015) (20)
- 1q21.1 distal copy number variants are associated with cerebral and cognitive alterations in humans (2021) (20)
- Mapping genetic influences on brain fiber architecture with high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) (2008) (20)
- Brain structural correlates of insomnia severity in 1053 individuals with major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA MDD Working Group (2020) (20)
- Anterior cingulate activation relates to local cortical thickness (2012) (19)
- TREM2 Risk Variant and Loss of Brain Tissue (2013) (19)
- Evidence for similar structural brain anomalies in youth and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a machine learning analysis (2019) (19)
- Use of 3-D cortical morphometry for mapping increased cortical gyrification and complexity in Williams syndrome (2006) (19)
- Neuroanatomical correlates of emotional blunting in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and early-onset Alzheimer's disease. (2014) (19)
- P.2.b.017 Structural brain alterations in major depression: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group (2015) (19)
- Altered connectivity patterns among resting state networks in patients with ischemic white matter lesions (2017) (19)
- Teichmüller Shape Space Theory and Its Application to Brain Morphometry (2009) (19)
- What influences clinicians’ decisions about ADHD medication? Initial data from the Influences on Prescribing for ADHD Questionnaire (IPAQ) (2013) (19)
- Testing associations between cannabis use and subcortical volumes in two large population‐based samples (2018) (19)
- A Novel Joint Brain Network Analysis Using Longitudinal Alzheimer’s Disease Data (2019) (19)
- FragFlow Automated Fragment Detection in Scientific Workflows (2014) (19)
- Genetic imaging consortium for addiction medicine: From neuroimaging to genes. (2016) (19)
- KL-VS heterozygosity is associated with lower amyloid-dependent tau accumulation and memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease (2021) (19)
- Three-dimensional mapping of hippocampal and amygdalar structure in euthymic adults with bipolar disorder not treated with lithium (2013) (19)
- Surface Feature-Guided Mapping of Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Cognitively Normal and Mildly Impaired Elderly (2009) (19)
- Preterm birth leads to hyper-reactive cognitive control processing and poor white matter organization in adulthood (2017) (19)
- Shape Registration with Spherical Cross Correlation (2008) (19)
- The genetic architecture of human cortical folding (2021) (19)
- ADHD comorbidity can matter when assessing cortical thickness abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder (2012) (19)
- Structural and functional neuroimaging phenotypes in dysbindin mutant mice (2012) (19)
- The impact of maternal mental health and child's behavioural difficulties on attributions about child behaviours. (2003) (19)
- Group action induced averaging for HARDI processing (2012) (18)
- Hyperbolic Space Sparse Coding with Its Application on Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease in Mild Cognitive Impairment (2016) (18)
- In Vivo Neuropathology of Cortical Changes in Elderly Persons with Schizophrenia (2009) (18)
- An Introduction to Maps and Atlases of the Brain (2000) (18)
- Brain Mapping with the Ricci Flow Conformal Parameterization and Multivariate Statistics on Deformation Tensors (2008) (18)
- White matter integrity measured by fractional anisotropy correlates poorly with actual individual fiber anisotropy (2009) (18)
- Heritability of White Matter Fiber Tract Shapes: A HARDI Study of 198 Twins (2011) (18)
- 3D elastic registration improves HARDI-derived fiber alignment and automated tract clustering (2011) (18)
- The Evolutionary History of Common Genetic Variants Influencing Human Cortical Surface Area (2019) (18)
- Translating ENIGMA schizophrenia findings using the regional vulnerability index: Association with cognition, symptoms, and disease trajectory (2020) (18)
- A genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with specific lobar brain volumes (2019) (18)
- An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis: Behavioral Treatments for Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. (2021) (18)
- Multi-source Multi-target Dictionary Learning for Prediction of Cognitive Decline (2017) (18)
- Integration of routine QA data into mega‐analysis may improve quality and sensitivity of multisite diffusion tensor imaging studies (2018) (18)
- Intracranial and subcortical volumes in adolescents with early‐onset psychosis: A multisite mega‐analysis from the ENIGMA consortium (2020) (18)
- Assessment of brain age in posttraumatic stress disorder: Findings from the ENIGMA PTSD and brain age working groups (2021) (18)
- Assessing the reliability to detect cerebral hypometabolism in probable Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (2010) (18)
- 9 – Brain Mapping in Dementia (2000) (18)
- Reading skill is related to individual differences in brain structure in college students (2011) (18)
- LONI MiND: Metadata in NIfTI for DWI (2010) (18)
- Information-Theoretic Analysis of Brain White Matter Fiber Orientation Distribution Functions (2007) (18)
- Concordance of genetic variation that increases risk for anxiety disorders and posttraumatic stress disorders and that influences their underlying neurocircuitry. (2019) (18)
- Transcriptomics of cortical gray matter thickness decline during normal aging (2013) (18)
- Educational attainment polygenic scores are associated with cortical total surface area and regions important for language and memory (2020) (18)
- Left versus right hemisphere differences in brain connectivity: 4-Tesla HARDI tractography in 569 twins (2012) (18)
- Cortical and subcortical brain structure in generalized anxiety disorder: findings from 28 research sites in the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group (2021) (18)
- Hippocampal and amygdalar local structural differences in elderly patients with schizophrenia. (2015) (18)
- Predicting brain network changes in Alzheimer's disease with link prediction algorithms. (2017) (18)
- The subcortical connectome: Hubs, spokes and the space between – a vision for further research in neurodegenerative disease (2014) (18)
- Age and sex effects on advanced white matter microstructure measures in 15,628 older adults: A UK biobank study (2020) (17)
- Best individual template selection from deformation tensor minimization (2008) (17)
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of family income-to-needs ratio with cortical and subcortical brain volume in adolescent boys and girls (2020) (17)
- Toward High Reproducibility and Accountable Heterogeneity in Schizophrenia Research. (2019) (17)
- The joint effect of aging and HIV infection on microstructure of white matter bundles (2019) (17)
- Localized Components Analysis (2007) (17)
- Blockmodels for connectome analysis (2015) (17)
- Mapping hippocampal degeneration in 400 subjects with a novel automated segmentation approach (2008) (17)
- Sex differences in the neuroanatomy of alcohol dependence: hippocampus and amygdala subregions in a sample of 966 people from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group (2021) (17)
- Multivariate variance-components analysis in DTI (2010) (17)
- A data-driven disease progression model of fluid biomarkers in genetic frontotemporal dementia (2021) (17)
- Estrogen, brain structure, and cognition in postmenopausal women (2020) (17)
- What dementia reveals about proverb interpretation and its neuroanatomical correlates (2013) (17)
- Seemingly unrelated regression empowers detection of network failure in dementia (2015) (17)
- Deep Representation Learning For Multimodal Brain Networks (2020) (17)
- Impact of family structure and common environment on heritability estimation for neuroimaging genetics studies using Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (2014) (17)
- Cerebral metabolite abnormalities in human immunodeficiency virus are associated with cortical and subcortical volumes (2011) (17)
- Compression of surface registrations using Beltrami coefficients (2010) (17)
- Regionally specific increased volume of the amygdala in Williams syndrome: Evidence from surface‐based modeling (2014) (17)
- Artificial intelligence for classification of temporal lobe epilepsy with ROI-level MRI data: A worldwide ENIGMA-Epilepsy study (2021) (17)
- Integrating Heterogeneous Brain Networks for Predicting Brain Disease Conditions (2019) (17)
- Memory performance and fMRI signal in presymptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease (2013) (16)
- Mental Health of Preschool Children and their Mothers in a Mixed Urban/Rural Population (1996) (16)
- A Riemannian Framework for Intrinsic Comparison of Closed Genus-Zero Shapes (2015) (16)
- Random forest classification of depression status based on subcortical brain morphometry following electroconvulsive therapy (2015) (16)
- Effects of ketamine and midazolam on resting state connectivity and comparison with ENIGMA connectivity deficit patterns in schizophrenia (2019) (16)
- Mental and Physical Health Co-Morbidity in Looked after Children (2003) (16)
- A deformable Brodmann area atlas (2004) (16)
- Shape Analysis with Conformal Invariants for Multiply Connected Domains and its Application to Analyzing Brain Morphology (2009) (16)
- Dynamics of Brain Structure and its Genetic Architecture over the Lifespan (2020) (16)
- Atlas-based fiber clustering for multi-subject analysis of high angular resolution diffusion imaging tractography (2011) (16)
- Comparison of Standard and Riemannian Fluid Registration for Tensor-Based Morphometry in HIV/AIDS (2007) (16)
- Effects of copy number variations on brain structure and risk for psychiatric illness: Large‐scale studies from the ENIGMA working groups on CNVs (2021) (16)
- Genome-wide association analysis of hippocampal volume identifies enrichment of neurogenesis-related pathways (2016) (16)
- Alzheimer's Disease Risk Gene, GAB2, is Associated with Regional Brain Volume Differences in 755 Young Healthy Twins (2012) (16)
- Isolating N400 as neural marker of vocal anger processing in 6–11-year old children (2011) (16)
- Thicker Temporal Cortex Associates with a Developmental Trajectory for Psychopathic Traits in Adolescents (2015) (16)
- Preliminary evidence of within-subject changes in gray matter density associated with remission of bipolar depression (2011) (16)
- Brain warping with implicit representations (2004) (16)
- Mapping cortical and subcortical asymmetries in substance dependence: Findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group (2021) (16)
- Plasma phosphorylated-tau181 as a predictive biomarker for Alzheimer’s amyloid, tau and FDG PET status (2021) (16)
- Sulcal morphology in Alzheimer's disease: an effective marker of diagnosis and cognition (2019) (16)
- Subregional Hippocampal Morphology and Psychiatric Outcome in Adolescents Who Were Born Very Preterm and at Term (2015) (15)
- Multimodal Learning with Incomplete Modalities by Knowledge Distillation (2020) (15)
- Reports of Perceived Adverse Events of Stimulant Medication on Cognition, Motivation, and Mood: Qualitative Investigation and the Generation of Items for the Medication and Cognition Rating Scale (2016) (15)
- Structural Brain Changes in Early‐Onset Alzheimer's Disease Subjects Using the LONI Pipeline Environment (2015) (15)
- Shape analysis of the corpus callosum in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes. (2014) (15)
- Subtly altered topological asymmetry of brain structural covariance networks in autism spectrum disorder across 43 datasets from the ENIGMA consortium (2021) (15)
- Right, left, and center: How does cerebral asymmetry mix with callosal connectivity? (2013) (15)
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of fiber tracts in children with traumatic brain injury: A combined MRS – Diffusion MRI study (2018) (15)
- Genetic and Neuroimaging Approaches to Understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2020) (15)
- Subcortical brain volume, regional cortical thickness and cortical surface area across attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (2019) (15)
- Cortical Thickness Trajectories across the Lifespan: Data from 17,075 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years (2020) (15)
- Mapping Dynamic Changes in Ventricular Volume onto Baseline Cortical Surfaces in Normal Aging, MCI, and Alzheimer's Disease (2013) (15)
- Special Issue on Mathematics in Brain Imaging (2009) (15)
- Optimizing brain connectivity networks for disease classification using EPIC (2014) (15)
- Elucidating brain connectivity networks in major depressive disorder using classification-based scoring (2014) (15)
- Brain Structure and Degeneration Staging in Friedreich Ataxia: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Volumetrics from the ENIGMA‐Ataxia Working Group (2021) (15)
- Utility of perfusion PET measures to assess neuronal injury in Alzheimer's disease (2018) (15)
- Whole Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Determinants of Functional Outcomes in Pediatric Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. (2018) (15)
- [Accepted Manuscript] Presymptomatic atrophy in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: A serial MRI study. (2017) (15)
- Characterizing white matter connectivity in major depressive disorder: Automated fiber quantification and maximum density paths (2014) (15)
- Accurate brain age prediction using recurrent slice-based networks (2020) (15)
- Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging traits as endophenotypes for genetic mapping in epilepsy (2016) (15)
- Scalar connectivity measures from fast-marching tractography reveal heritability of white matter architecture (2010) (15)
- Imaging genomics discovery of a new risk variant for Alzheimer's disease in the postsynaptic SHARPIN gene (2020) (15)
- Brain atlases of normal and diseased populations. (2005) (15)
- Gray matter volumetric changes with a challenging adaptive cognitive training program based on the dual n-back task (2016) (15)
- Disease and genetic contributions toward local tissue volume disturbances in schizophrenia: A tensor‐based morphometry study (2012) (15)
- Concordance of genetic variation that increases risk for Tourette Syndrome and that influences its underlying neurocircuitry (2018) (15)
- The Moderating Effect of Self-Reported State and Trait Anxiety on the Late Positive Potential to Emotional Faces in 6–11-Year-Old Children (2018) (15)
- Hippocampal Surface Analysis Using Spherical Harmonic Function Applied to Surface Conformal Mapping (2006) (14)
- Continuous representations of brain connectivity using spatial point processes (2017) (14)
- Heritability and genetic correlation between the cerebral cortex and associated white matter connections (2016) (14)
- Exploration of Shared Genetic Architecture Between Subcortical Brain Volumes and Anorexia Nervosa (2018) (14)
- Improving data availability for brain image biobanking in healthy subjects: Practice-based suggestions from an international multidisciplinary working group (2017) (14)
- Workflow Reuse in Practice: A Study of Neuroimaging Pipeline Users (2014) (14)
- Brain Correlates of Suicide Attempt in 18,925 Participants Across 18 International Cohorts (2020) (14)
- Exploration of Shape Variation Using Localized Components Analysis (2009) (14)
- Toward a global and reproducible science for brain imaging in neurotrauma: the ENIGMA adult moderate/severe traumatic brain injury working group (2019) (14)
- Genetic effects on the cerebellar role in working memory: Same brain, different genes? (2014) (14)
- Irritability and brain volume in adolescents: cross-sectional and longitudinal associations (2019) (14)
- The Impact of Pre‐school Children's Intelligence and Adjustment on their Parents’ Long‐term Educational Expectations (1995) (14)
- Tensor-Based Analysis of Genetic Influences on Brain Integrity Using DTI in 100 Twins (2009) (14)
- Relationship between Systemic and Cerebral Vascular Disease and Brain Structure Integrity in Normal Elderly Individuals. (2015) (14)
- Relationships Between Altered Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activation and Cortical Thickness in Patients With Euthymic Bipolar I Disorder. (2016) (14)
- The structure of the corpus callosum in obsessive compulsive disorder (2013) (14)
- Adapting an attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder parent training intervention to different cultural contexts: The experience of implementing the New Forest Parenting Programme in China, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United Kingdom (2017) (14)
- Challenges and Opportunities in dMRI Data Harmonization (2019) (14)
- A probabilistic atlas of the human brain in alzheimer's disease: Emerging patterns of variability, asymmetry and degeneration (1999) (14)
- Neuroimaging and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease and addiction-related degenerative brain disorders (2014) (14)
- Hot Topics in Research: Preventive Neuroradiology in Brain Aging and Cognitive Decline (2015) (13)
- Do Candidate Genes Affect the Brain’s White Matter Microstructure? Large-Scale Evaluation of 6,165 Diffusion MRI Scans (2017) (13)
- Ten years of enhancing neuro‐imaging genetics through meta‐analysis: An overview from the ENIGMA Genetics Working Group (2020) (13)
- Genome-wide association study of working memory brain activation. (2017) (13)
- Millon clinical multiaxial inventory assessments of patients manifesting either psychogenic or epileptic seizures (1992) (13)
- Neural phenotypes of common and rare genetic variants (2008) (13)
- Empowering cortical thickness measures in clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease with spherical sparse coding (2017) (13)
- Genetics of the Connectome and the ENIGMA Project (2016) (13)
- ENIGMA military brain injury: A coordinated meta-analysis of diffusion MRI from multiple cohorts (2018) (13)
- The C677T variant in MTHFR modulates associations between brain integrity, mood, and cognitive functioning in old age. (2017) (13)
- Investigating the uncertainty in multi-fiber estimation in high angular resolution diffusion imaging (2009) (13)
- Automated Image Segmentation: Issues and Applications (2005) (13)
- Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of a specialist and a generic parenting programme for the treatment of preschool ADHD (2014) (13)
- Evaluating 35 Methods to Generate Structural Connectomes Using Pairwise Classification (2017) (13)
- Brain Image Registration Using Cortically Constrained Harmonic Mappings (2007) (13)
- Subcortical shape and volume abnormalities in an elderly HIV+ cohort (2015) (13)
- Subcortical shape and neuropsychological function among U.S. service members with mild traumatic brain injury (2019) (13)
- Brain structural changes following adaptive cognitive training assessed by Tensor-Based Morphometry (TBM) (2016) (13)
- Brain Differences Visualized in the Blind Using Tensor Manifold Statistics and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (2007) (13)
- Leveraging genome characteristics to improve gene discovery for putamen subcortical brain structure (2017) (13)
- Joint Sulci Detection Using Graphical Models and Boosted Priors (2007) (12)
- Sex is a defining feature of neuroimaging phenotypes in major brain disorders (2020) (12)
- Genome-wide analysis reveals novel genes in fl uencing temporal lobe structure with relevance to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer ' s disease (2010) (12)
- Registering Cortical Surfaces Based on Whole-Brain Structural Connectivity and Continuous Connectivity Analysis (2014) (12)
- Diffusion imaging protocol effects on genetic associations (2012) (12)
- Atlas55+: Brain Functional Atlas of Resting-State Networks for Late Adulthood (2020) (12)
- 28 – Subpopulation Brain Atlases (2002) (12)
- Subcortical Volume Trajectories across the Lifespan: Data from 18,605 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years (2020) (12)
- The Impact of Alcohol Use on Frontal White Matter in HIV (2018) (12)
- Independent value added by diffusion MRI for prediction of cognitive function in older adults☆ (2017) (12)
- Staging tau pathology with tau PET in Alzheimer’s disease: a longitudinal study (2021) (12)
- A semi-mechanism approach based on MRI and proteomics for prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease (2016) (12)
- Altered regional brain volumes in elderly carriers of a risk variant for drug abuse in the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) (2015) (12)
- Cortical and subcortical neuroanatomical signatures of schizotypy in 3004 individuals assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study (2021) (12)
- Genomic kinship construction to enhance genetic analyses in the human connectome project data (2018) (12)
- The Added Value of Diffusion-Weighted MRI-Derived Structural Connectome in Evaluating Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Multi-Cohort Validation1. (2018) (12)
- Brain ageing in schizophrenia: evidence from 26 international cohorts via the ENIGMA Schizophrenia consortium (2022) (12)
- Differential putaminal morphology in Huntington’s disease, frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (2012) (12)
- Does MRI scan acceleration affect power to track brain change? (2015) (12)
- Nonlinear Elastic Registration with Unbiased Regularization in Three Dimensions (2008) (12)
- A systems-level analysis highlights microglial activation as a modifying factor in common forms of human epilepsy (2018) (12)
- Comparison of fractional and geodesic anisotropy in diffusion tensor images of 90 monozygotic and dizygotic twins (2008) (12)
- Connectopathy in ageing and dementia. (2014) (12)
- Informatics and computational neuroanatomy. (1996) (12)
- Supporting Japanese Mothers of Children with ADHD: Cultural Adaptation of the New Forest Parent Training Programme† (2017) (12)
- Intelligence, educational attainment, and brain structure in those at familial high‐risk for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (2020) (12)
- Smaller Hippocampal CA-1 Subfield Volume in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2018) (12)
- Quantitative analysis of structural neuroimaging of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. (2013) (12)
- Agreement-Based Semi-supervised Learning for Skull Stripping (2010) (12)
- Partial least squares modelling for imaging-genetics in Alzheimer's disease: Plausibility and generalization (2016) (12)
- Classifying Phenotypes Based on the Community Structure of Human Brain Networks (2017) (11)
- Machine Learning for Brain Image Segmentation (2012) (11)
- Localized measures of callosal atrophy are associated with late-life hypertension: AGES–Reykjavik Study (2008) (11)
- Automated and manual hippocampal segmentation techniques: Comparison of results, reproducibility and clinical applicability (2018) (11)
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- Carriers of a common variant in the dopamine transporter gene have greater dementia risk, cognitive decline, and faster ventricular expansion (2015) (11)
- Brain and Surface Warping via Minimizing Lipschitz Extensions (PREPRINT) (2005) (11)
- Adaptive Identification of Cortical and Subcortical Imaging Markers of Early Life Stress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2018) (11)
- WITHDRAWN: Progressive brain structural changes mapped as psychosis develops in 'at risk' individuals. (2008) (11)
- A new registration method based on Log-Euclidean Tensor metrics and its application to genetic studies (2008) (11)
- Structural Neuroimaging and Neuropsychologic Signatures in Children With Vertically Acquired HIV (2017) (11)
- Analyzing multi-fiber reconstruction in high angular resolution diffusion imaging using the tensor distribution function (2009) (11)
- Robust identification of partial-correlation based networks with applications to cortical thickness data (2012) (11)
- Genetic Clustering on the Hippocampal Surface for Genome-Wide Association Studies (2013) (11)
- Prediction of cognitive decline based on hemispheric cortical surface maps of FDDNP PET (2012) (11)
- Early developmental gene enhancers affect subcortical volumes in the adult human brain (2016) (11)
- Ethical issues in global neuroimaging genetics collaborations (2020) (11)
- Applying surface-based morphometry to study ventricular abnormalities of cognitively unimpaired subjects prior to clinically significant memory decline (2020) (11)
- Genetics of Path Lengths in Brain Connectivity Networks: HARDI-Based Maps in 457 Adults (2012) (11)
- White matter tract analysis in 454 adults using maximum density paths (2011) (11)
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- Information-theoretic characterization of blood panel predictors for brain atrophy and cognitive decline in the elderly (2015) (11)
- Multiple Stages Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Structural Brain Networks Using Generalized Low Rank Approximations (GLRAM) (2014) (10)
- The analysis of 51 genes in DSM-IV combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: association signals in DRD4, DAT1 and 16 other genes (2006) (10)
- Brain cortical structural differences between non-central nervous system cancer patients treated with and without chemotherapy compared to non-cancer controls: a cross-sectional pilot MRI study using clinically indicated scans (2017) (10)
- Gene effects mapped using fractional and geodesic anisotropy in diffusion tensor images of 92 monozygotic and dizygotic twins (2008) (10)
- Exhaustive Search of the SNP-SNP Interactome Identifies Epistatic Effects on Brain Volume in Two Cohorts (2013) (10)
- 7T multi-shell hybrid diffusion imaging (HYDI) for mapping brain connectivity in mice (2015) (10)
- Effects of sex chromosome dosage on corpus callosum morphology in supernumerary sex chromosome aneuploidies (2014) (10)
- White matter integrity in traumatic brain injury: Effects of permissible fiber turning angle (2015) (10)
- Rich club network analysis shows distinct patterns of disruption in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease. (2014) (10)
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- A Learning Based Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of the Cortical Sulci (2006) (10)
- Longitudinal Structural Brain Changes in Bipolar Disorder: A Multicenter Neuroimaging Study of 1232 Individuals by the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group (2021) (10)
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- Linear and non-linear geometric object matching with implicit representation (2004) (10)
- Models of Normal Variation and Local Contrasts in Hippocampal Anatomy (2008) (10)
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- A systems‐level analysis highlights microglial activation as a modifying factor in common epilepsies (2021) (10)
- Going beyond hippocampocentricity in the concept of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (2012) (10)
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- Relation of Callosal Structure to Cognitive Abilities in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (2014) (9)
- Association of Immunosuppression and Viral Load With Subcortical Brain Volume in an International Sample of People Living With HIV (2021) (9)
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- Relationships Between Subcortical Shape Measures and Subjective Symptom Reporting in US Service Members With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2018) (9)
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- Construction, testing, and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic human brain atlas for the elderly and demented populations (2000) (9)
- Gender-related neuroanatomical differences in alcohol dependence: findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group (2021) (9)
- ADNI-3 MRI PROTOCOL (2017) (9)
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- Communication of brain network core connections altered in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia but possibly preserved in early-onset Alzheimer's disease (2015) (9)
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- Detecting dynamic (4D) profiles of degenerative rates in Alzheimer's disease patients, using high-resolution tensor mapping and a brain atlas encoding atrophic rates in a population (2001) (9)
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- Is Neuroscience FAIR? A Call for Collaborative Standardisation of Neuroscience Data (2022) (8)
- Genetic influences on human brain morphology (2004) (8)
- Polygenic selection underlies evolution of human brain structure and behavioral traits (2017) (8)
- Predicting alcohol dependence from multi‐site brain structural measures (2020) (8)
- Altered cortical brain structure and increased risk for disease seen decades after perinatal exposure to maternal smoking: A study of 9,000 adults in the UK Biobank (2018) (8)
- Sex and dependence related neuroanatomical differences in regular cannabis users: findings from the ENIGMA Addiction Working Group (2021) (8)
- The additive impact of cardio‐metabolic disorders and psychiatric illnesses on accelerated brain aging (2022) (8)
- Cross disorder comparisons of brain structure in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A review of ENIGMA findings (2022) (8)
- A telescope GWAS analysis strategy, based on SNPs-genes-pathways ensamble and on multivariate algorithms, to characterize late onset Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (8)
- How a common variant in the growth factor receptor gene, NTRK1, affects white matter (2012) (8)
- A network approach to examining injury severity in pediatric TBI (2017) (8)
- Distinct Subcortical Volume Alterations in Pediatric and Adult OCD: A Worldwide Meta-and Mega-Analysis (vol , pg , 2016) (2017) (8)
- Social support modulates the association between PTSD diagnosis and medial frontal volume in Chinese adults who lost their only child (2020) (8)
- Multiphase Segmentation of Deformation using Logarithmic Priors (2007) (7)
- Integrating Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-Task Dictionary Learning for Cognitive Decline Prediction with Longitudinal Images. (2020) (7)
- Gene-social environment interplay in relation to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2008) (7)
- Multi-Site Meta-Analysis of Morphometry (2019) (7)
- Discriminative fusion of multiple brain networks for early mild cognitive impairment detection (2016) (7)
- Generalized Tensor-Based Morphometry of HIV / AIDS Using Multivariate Statistics on Strain Matrices (2006) (7)
- Large Deformation Unbiased Diffeomorphic Nonlinear Image Registration: Theory and Implementation (2006) (7)
- Anxiety and actualization: a reconceptualization. (1977) (7)
- A Study of Information Gain in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) (2008) (7)
- Decreased functional connectivity of hippocampal subregions and methylation of the NR3C1 gene in Han Chinese adults who lost their only child (2020) (7)
- The ENIGMA sports injury working group:– an international collaboration to further our understanding of sport-related brain injury (2020) (7)
- Obesity and brain structure in schizophrenia – ENIGMA study in 3021 individuals (2022) (7)
- Presurgical localization and spatial shift of resting state networks in patients with brain metastases (2019) (7)
- Coordinating Global Multi-Site Studies of Military-Relevant Traumatic Brain Injury: Opportunities, Challenges, and Harmonization Guidelines (2019) (7)
- Dynamic changes in brain lateralization correlate with human cognitive performance (2022) (7)
- Changes in anatomical brain connectivity between ages 12 and 30: A HARDI study of 467 adolescents and adults (2012) (7)
- A Dynamical Clustering Model of Brain Connectivity Inspired by the N-Body Problem (2013) (7)
- Flow-based network measures of brain connectivity in Alzheimer'S disease (2013) (7)
- Mapping ventricular expansion and its clinical correlates in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using multi-atlas fluid image alignment (2009) (7)
- A Hough transform global approach to diffusion MRI tractography (2009) (7)
- Preface to the special issue (2003) (7)
- Step by Step Help for Children with ADHD: A Self-Help Manual for Parents (2010) (7)
- Generalized reduced rank latent factor regression for high dimensional tensor fields, and neuroimaging-genetic applications (2017) (7)
- Large‐scale collaboration in ENIGMA‐EEG: A perspective on the meta‐analytic approach to link neurological and psychiatric liability genes to electrophysiological brain activity (2020) (7)
- ENIGMA HALFpipe: Interactive, reproducible, and efficient analysis for resting‐state and task‐based fMRI data (2022) (7)
- Multivariate tensor-based morphometry on surfaces: Application to mapping ventricular changes in HIV/AIDS (2009) (7)
- Estimating Local Surface Complexity Maps Using Spherical Harmonic Reconstructions (2010) (7)
- Comparison of EEG derived from sphenoidal, infrazygomatic, anterior temporal, and midtemporal electrodes during complex partial seizures (1993) (7)
- Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels for the Human Connectome (2015) (7)
- Common and gender‐specific associations with cocaine use on gray matter volume: Data from the ENIGMA addiction working group (2020) (7)
- Genetics of Brain Structure (2016) (7)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Classification with Novel Microstructural Metrics from Diffusion-Weighted MRI (2016) (7)
- Challenges and opportunities for neuroimaging in young patients with traumatic brain injury: a coordinated effort towards advancing discovery from the ENIGMA pediatric moderate/severe TBI group (2019) (7)
- Modeling diffusion-weighted MRI as a spatially variant gaussian mixture: application to image denoising. (2011) (7)
- Correlation between Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes using non-negative matrix factorization (2021) (7)
- Data-driven cluster selection for subcortical shape and cortical thickness predicts recovery from depressive symptoms (2017) (7)
- 3D Grid-Attention Networks for Interpretable Age and Alzheimer's Disease Prediction from Structural MRI. (2020) (7)
- Human Brain Mapping with Conformal Geometry and Multivariate Tensor-Based Morphometry (2011) (7)
- MRI-based Biomarker Detection using Conformal Slit Maps and Machine Learning (2010) (7)
- Multi-task sparse screening for predicting future clinical scores using longitudinal cortical thickness measures (2018) (7)
- The multivariate A/C/E model and the genetics of fiber architecture (2009) (6)
- Diffusion MRI metrics and their relation to dementia severity: effects of harmonization approaches (2021) (6)
- Information-Theoretic Clustering of Neuroimaging Metrics Related to Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (2015) (6)
- Predicting Alzheimer’s disease progression using multi-modal deep learning approach (2019) (6)
- ENIGMA-Viewer: interactive visualization strategies for conveying effect sizes in meta-analysis (2016) (6)
- Innovations in Practice: Adapting a specialized ADHD parenting programme for use with 'hard to reach' and 'difficult to treat' preschool children. (2015) (6)
- Hippocampal subfield volumes are uniquely affected in PTSD and depression: International analysis of 31 cohorts from the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Working Group (2019) (6)
- Brain Warping Via Landmark Points and Curves with a Level Set Representation (2004) (6)
- Morphometric analysis of hippocampus and lateral ventricle reveals regional difference between cognitively stable and declining persons (2016) (6)
- Coordinated cortical thickness alterations across six neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders (2022) (6)
- Automatic landmark tracking applied to optimize brain conformal mapping (2006) (6)
- Molecular and connectomic vulnerability shape cross-disorder cortical abnormalities (2022) (6)
- Landmark matching on the sphere using distance functions (2006) (6)
- Morphological Variability Maps of the Corpus Callosum and Fornix in Schizophrenia (1998) (6)
- Predictive value of ATN biomarker profiles in estimating disease progression in Alzheimer's disease dementia (2021) (6)
- Population learning of structural connectivity by white matter encoding and decoding (2016) (6)
- Parallel Lasso Screening for Big Data Optimization (2016) (6)
- A genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with specific lobar brain volumes (2019) (6)
- Ironing out neurodegeneration: is iron intake important during the teenage years? (2012) (6)
- 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease with T1-Weighted Brain MRI (2021) (6)
- Exhaustive search of the SNP-SNP interactome identifies replicated epistatic effects on brain volume (2014) (6)
- Studying brain morphometry using conformal equivalence class (2009) (6)
- Federated Morphometry Feature Selection for Hippocampal Morphometry Associated Beta-Amyloid and Tau Pathology (2021) (6)
- The Center for Computational Biology: resources, achievements, and challenges (2012) (6)
- Dissociation of tau pathology and neuronal hypometabolism within the ATN framework of Alzheimer’s disease (2022) (6)
- Shape analysis with multivariate tensor-based morphometry and holomorphic differentials (2009) (6)
- A single nucleotide polymorphism associated with reduced alcohol intake in the RASGRF2 gene predicts larger cortical volumes but faster longitudinal ventricular expansion in the elderly (2013) (6)
- Understanding scanner upgrade effects on brain integrity & connectivity measures (2014) (6)
- Multivariate group-wise genetic analysis of white matter integrity using orientation distribution functions (2010) (6)
- Testing a convolutional neural network-based hippocampal segmentation method in a stroke population (2020) (6)
- Association and Causation in Brain Imaging in the Case of OCD: Response to McKay et al. (2017) (6)
- Comprehensive analysis of epigenetic clocks reveals associations between disproportionate biological ageing and hippocampal volume (2022) (6)
- Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Its Application in Studying Lateral Ventricle Morphometry (2012) (6)
- Analysis of FMRI bold activation during the tower of London task using cortical pattern matching (2003) (6)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Classification Accuracy is Improved by MRI Harmonization based on Attention-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks (2021) (6)
- A new combined surface and volume registration (2010) (6)
- Enhancing diffusion MRI measures by integrating grey and white matter morphometry with hyperbolic wasserstein distance (2017) (6)
- Low risk of neurodevelopmental impairment among perinatally acquired HIV‐infected preschool children who received early antiretroviral treatment in Thailand (2019) (6)
- Semi-Synchronous Federated Learning for Energy-Efficient Training and Accelerated Convergence in Cross-Silo Settings (2021) (6)
- Deformable Organisms and Error Learning for Brain Segmentation (2011) (6)
- Validating unbiased registration on longitudinal MRI scans from the Alzheimer’S Disease neuroimaging initiative (ADNI) (2008) (6)
- Hierarchical Structural Mapping for Globally Optimized Estimation of Functional Networks (2012) (6)
- Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function, and bipolar disorder susceptibility (2014) (6)
- Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder: large-scale analysis via the ENIGMA Consortium (2019) (6)
- Systemic Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Protein Levels Correlate with Neuroimaging Measures in Chronically HIV-Infected Individuals. (2020) (6)
- Deep Learning for Quality Control of Subcortical Brain 3D Shape Models (2018) (6)
- Correction: Quantitative Amyloid Imaging in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease: Results from the DIAN Study Group (2016) (6)
- Genetic analysis of cortical sulci in 1,009 adults (2016) (6)
- 941. White Matter Microstructural Differences in Major Depression: Meta-Analytic Findings from Enigma-MDD DTI (2017) (6)
- White matter microstructure differences in individuals with dependence on cocaine, methamphetamine, and nicotine: Findings from the ENIGMA-Addiction working group. (2021) (6)
- Regional relationships between CSF VEGF levels and Alzheimer's disease brain biomarkers and cognition (2021) (6)
- ENIGMA Bipolar disorder working group findings from 1 , 747 cases and 2 , 615 controls (6)
- Brain surface conformal mapping (2003) (6)
- Are Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure Associated With Sex Differences in Behavior? (2021) (5)
- FKBP5 haplotypes and PTSD modulate the resting-state brain activity in Han Chinese adults who lost their only child (2020) (5)
- Intrinsic Feature Extraction on Hippocampal Surfaces and Its Applications (2012) (5)
- Mapping adolescent brain change reveals dynamic profile of accelerated gray matter loss in childhood-onset schizophrenia (2001) (5)
- The BIN1 rs744373 SNP is associated with increased tau-PET levels and impaired memory (2019) (5)
- Principal components regression: Multivariate, gene-based tests in imaging genomics (2011) (5)
- 3D Surface Matching with Mutual Information and Riemann Surface Structures (2005) (5)
- The Australian, US, Scandinavian Imaging Exchange (AUSSIE): an innovative, virtually-integrated health research network embedded in health care (2014) (5)
- Predicting Brain Amyloid Using Multivariate Morphometry Statistics, Sparse Coding, and Correntropy: Validation in 1,101 Individuals From the ADNI and OASIS Databases (2021) (5)
- Machine Learning for Large-Scale Quality Control of 3D Shape Models in Neuroimaging (2017) (5)
- Inferring Sources of Dementia Progression with Network Diffusion Model (2014) (5)
- Smaller spared subcortical nuclei are associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes in 28 cohorts worldwide (2020) (5)
- An IL1RL1 genetic variant lowers soluble ST2 levels and the risk effects of APOE-ε4 in female patients with Alzheimer’s disease (2022) (5)
- Regional quantitative analysis of cortical surface maps of FDG PET images (2005) (5)
- Geodesic Refinement Using James-Stein Estimators (2015) (5)
- A disproportionate role for the fornix in recall rather than recognition memory - tractography evidence in temporal lobe epilepsy (2009) (5)
- Genetic analysis of structural brain connectivity using DICCCOL models of diffusion MRI in 522 twins (2015) (5)
- Statistically assisted fluid image registration algorithm - SAFIRA (2010) (5)
- Large-scale analysis of structural brain asymmetries in schizophrenia via the ENIGMA consortium (2022) (5)
- Modeling diffusion-weighted MRI as a spatially variant Gaussian mixture: Application to image denoising. (2011) (5)
- Hierarchical clustering of the genetic connectivity matrix reveals the network topology of gene action on brain microstructure: An N=531 twin study (2011) (5)
- Supporting Japanese Mothers of Children at Risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Small Scale Randomized Control Trial of Well Parent Japan (2020) (5)
- Heritability of brain network topology in 853 twins and siblings (2015) (5)
- Bivariate Genome-Wide Association Study of Genetically Correlated Neuroimaging Phenotypes from DTI and MRI through a Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model (2013) (5)
- Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline With Longitudinal Brain Images (2021) (5)
- The Potential for New Understandings of Normal and Abnormal Cognition by Integration of Neuroimaging and Behavioral Data: Not an Exercise in Carrying Coals to Newcastle (2008) (5)
- Effects of Diffusion MRI Model and Harmonization on the Consistency of Findings in an International Multi-cohort HIV Neuroimaging Study (2019) (5)
- Ranking diffusion tensor measures of brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease (2018) (5)
- Impaired Empathy Versus General Hypoemotionality in Frontotemporal Dementia. (2019) (5)
- Corrigendum to “Validation of a fully automated 3D hippocampal segmentation method using subjects with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, and elderly controls” [NeuroImage 43 (2008) 59–68] (2009) (5)
- Boosting classification accuracy of diffusion MRI derived brain networks for the subtypes of mild cognitive impairment using higher order singular value decomposition (2015) (5)
- Combining meta- and mega- analytic approaches for multi-site diffusion imaging based genetic studies: From the ENIGMA-DTI working group (2014) (5)
- White Matter Changes Associated with Resting Sympathetic Tone in Frontotemporal Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s Disease (2015) (5)
- Gene to mouse atlas registration using a landmark-based nonlinear elasticity smoother (2009) (5)
- Overlap in genetic risk for cross-disorder vulnerability to mental disorders and genetic risk for altered subcortical brain volumes. (2021) (5)
- An International Multicenter Analysis of Brain Structure across Clinical Stages of Parkinson's Disease: The ENIGMA-Parkinson's Study (2020) (5)
- Mesh-based spherical deconvolution for physically valid fiber orientation reconstruction from diffusion-weighted MRI (2009) (5)
- Large-scale classification of major depressive disorder via distributed Lasso (2017) (5)
- Gene Interactions and Structural Brain Change in Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease Subjects Using the Pipeline Environment (2015) (5)
- Associations Between Maternal Depression and Infant Fronto-Limbic Connectivity (2019) (5)
- Parent Training for ADHD in Preschool Children (2007) (5)
- Patch-based surface morphometry feature selection with federated group lasso regression (2020) (4)
- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization (2005) (4)
- Multi-task Dictionary Learning Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Longitudinal Clinical Score Predictions in Alzheimer's Disease (2019) (4)
- Testing a convolutional neural network‐based hippocampal segmentation method in a stroke population (2020) (4)
- Mapping hippocampal atrophy with a multi-scale model of shape (2009) (4)
- Predicting Brain Amyloid Using Multivariate Morphometry Statistics, Sparse Coding, and Correntropy: Validation in 1,125 Individuals from the ADNI and OASIS Databases (2020) (4)
- FDDNP-PET Scanning of Cerebral Amyloid and Tau Deposits in MCI (2006) (4)
- The attribution of animacy and agency in frontotemporal dementia versus Alzheimer's disease (2017) (4)
- A Lagrangian formulation for statistical fluid registration (2009) (4)
- Guest editorial: Special Issue on Computational Neuroanatomy (2007) (4)
- Multisite test–retest reliability and compatibility of brain metrics derived from FreeSurfer versions 7.1, 6.0, and 5.3 (2022) (4)
- The core genetic network underlying sulcal morphometry (2017) (4)
- Predictability and construct validity of oppositional defiant disorder in children and adolescents with ADHD combined types (2011) (4)
- Genome-wide association reveals dopamine-related genetic effects on caudate volume (2011) (4)
- Associations Between Exposure to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus In Utero and Daily Energy Intake, Brain Responses to Food Cues, and Adiposity in Children (2020) (4)
- Fast Approximate Stochastic Tractography (2011) (4)
- Disrupted Brain Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease: Effects of Network Thresholding (2013) (4)
- Genetic Heterogeneity Shapes Brain Connectivity in Psychiatry (2022) (4)
- Brain‐wide versus genome‐wide vulnerability biomarkers for severe mental illnesses (2022) (4)
- Su1963 Cortical Thinning in Female Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2012) (4)
- Skull-stripping with deformable organisms (2011) (4)
- Genome-wide association analysis links multiple psychiatric liability genes to oscillatory brain activity (2017) (4)
- The thalamus and its subnuclei—a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder (2022) (4)
- Alternative diffusion anisotropy measures for the investigation of white matter alterations in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (2018) (4)
- A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Multi-Site Diffeomorphic Image Atlases (2015) (4)
- Erratum: Policy Implications of Early Onset Breast Cancer Among Mexican‐Origin Women (2011) (4)
- Multi-site meta-analysis of image-wide genome-wide associations of morphometry (2015) (4)
- Measuring inter-hemispheric integration in bipolar affective disorder using brain network analyses and HARDI (2012) (4)
- Segmentation-free measurement of cortical thickness from MRI (2008) (4)
- Neuroanatomical heterogeneity and homogeneity in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis (2022) (4)
- The C677T variant in MTHFR modulates associations between blood-based and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of neurodegeneration (2016) (4)
- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization with Holomorphic Flow Method and Its Application to HIV/AIDS (2009) (4)
- Whole Brain Atrophy and Sample Size Estimate via Iterative Principal Component Analysis for Twelve-month Alzheimer's Disease Trials (2013) (4)
- Large-scale Feature Selection of Risk Genetic Factors for Alzheimer's Disease via Distributed Group Lasso Regression (2017) (4)
- Hippocampal surface discrimination via invariant descriptors of spherical conformals maps (2007) (4)
- Exogenous Sex Hormone Effects on Brain Microstructure in Women: A diffusion MRI Study in the UK Biobank (2020) (4)
- Combination of Brain Conformal Mapping and Landmarks: A Variational Approach (2005) (4)
- Reply to: New Meta- and Mega-analyses of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Schizophrenia: Do They Really Increase Our Knowledge About the Nature of the Disease Process? (2019) (4)
- Sex-Dependent Age Trajectories of Subcortical Brain Structures: Analysis of Large-Scale Percentile Models and Shape Morphometry (2020) (4)
- Brain surface conformal parameterization with the slit mapping (2008) (4)
- Robust Shape Correspondence via Spherical Patch Matching for Atlases of Partial Skull Models (2012) (4)
- Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer (2020) (4)
- A comparative study of genetic variation at five VNTR loci in three ethnic groups of Houston, Texas. (1995) (4)
- Big Data Initiatives in Psychiatry: Global Neuroimaging Studies (2020) (4)
- Fast 3 D Fluid Registration of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images (2008) (4)
- Shared genetic etiology between cortical brain morphology and tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use (2021) (4)
- Multisite Metaanalysis of Image-Wide Genome-Wide Associations With Morphometry (2018) (4)
- Structural and Functional Neuroimaging : Focussing on Mild Cognitive Impairment (2006) (4)
- Author Correction: The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography (2017) (4)
- Dynamic Mapping of Alzheimer’s Disease (2004) (4)
- Relative value of diverse brain MRI and blood-based biomarkers for predicting cognitive decline in the elderly (2016) (4)
- Automatic Subcortical Segmentation Using a Novel Contextual Model (2008) (4)
- Power Estimates for Voxel-Based Genetic Association Studies Using Diffusion Imaging (2013) (4)
- A variational model for denoising high angular resolution diffusion imaging (2012) (4)
- FiberNeat: Unsupervised White Matter Tract Filtering (2021) (4)
- Reliability of structural connectivity examined with four different diffusion reconstruction methods at two different spatial and angular resolutions (2016) (3)
- Evaluation of diffusion imaging protocols for the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2014) (3)
- Systemic Inflammatory Markers, Cognition and Brain Structure among Cognitively Normal Elderly (P02.061) (2012) (3)
- P-020 Regional gray matter reductions in Alzheimer’s dementia and amnestic mild cognitive impairment: Preliminary findings from the Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative using voxel-based morphometry (2007) (3)
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- Impact of apolipoprotein varepsilon4-cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid interaction on hippocampal volume loss over 1 year in mild cognitive impairment (2011) (3)
- Simultaneous registration of structural and diffusion weighed images using the full DTI information (2015) (3)
- Visual Analysis of Brain Networks Using Sparse Regression Models (2018) (3)
- Early cortical change in Alzheimer's disease detected using cortical pattern matching and a disease-specific population-based brain atlas (2000) (3)
- Age effects on cerebral grey matter and their associations with psychopathology, cognition and treatment response in previously untreated schizophrenia patients (2014) (3)
- Secure multivariate large-scale multi-centric analysis through on-line learning: an imaging genetics case study (2017) (3)
- Genetic influences on brain structure and fiber architecture mapped using diffusion tensor imaging and tensor-based morphometry in twins (2006) (3)
- Effects of EPI distortion correction pipelines on the connectome in Parkinson's Disease (2016) (3)
- TDF-TRACT: Probabilistic tractography using the tensor distribution function (2011) (3)
- Altered network topology in pediatric traumatic brain injury (2017) (3)
- Genetic influences on longitudinal changes in subcortical volumes: results of the ENIGMA Plasticity Working Group (2015) (3)
- Rich Club Analysis of Structural Brain Connectivity at 7 Tesla Versus 3 Tesla (2013) (3)
- Response to Dr Fried & Dr Kievit, and Dr Malhi et al. (2016) (3)
- Brain Deficit Patterns May Signal Early-Onset Schizophrenia (2002) (3)
- Genetics of Anisotropy Asymmetry: Registration and Sample Size Effects (2009) (3)
- Cracking the brain’s genetic code (2015) (3)
- Dopamine metabolism in postmortem caudate-nucleus in neurodegenerative disorders (1994) (3)
- Variable clustering reveals associations between subcortical brain volume and cognitive changes in pediatric traumatic brain injury (2017) (3)
- P1-311: Use of the support vector machine and sensitivity of an Alzheimer's disease-related region-of-interest gray matter classifier in identifying amnestic mild cognitive impairment subjects who convert to Alzheimer's disease: Preliminary findings from the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging initiati (2008) (3)
- Voxelwise meta-analysis of brain structural associations with genome-wide polygenic risk for Alzheimer’s disease (2018) (3)
- Neuroimaging, genetics, and personalized psychiatry: Developments and opportunities from the ENIGMA consortium (2020) (3)
- Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI Measures of Brain Aging: A Preliminary Comparison From ADNI3 (2019) (3)
- Automated Piecewise Affine Registration of Biological Images (2003) (3)
- Exploratory factor analysis of brain networks reveals sub-networks related to cognitive performance (2013) (3)
- Can tissue segmentation improve registration? A study of 92 twins (2009) (3)
- A Fast Method for Estimating Statistical Power of Multivariate GWAS in Real Case Scenarios: Examples from the Field of Imaging Genetics (2018) (3)
- Structural and Functional Neuroimaging: Focusing on Mild Cognitive Impairment (2006) (3)
- Local Volume Change Maps in Nonrigid Registration : When Are Computed Changes Real ? (2007) (3)
- Classifying Stages of Mild Cognitive Impairment via Augmented Graph Embedding (2019) (3)
- Identifying Genetic Risk Factors via Sparse Group Lasso with Group Graph Structure (2017) (3)
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- Discretizing stochastic tractography: A fast implementation (2010) (3)
- Automatic classification of cortical thickness patterns in Alzheimer’s disease patients using the Louvain modularity clustering method (2018) (3)
- Classification of MRI and psychological testing data based on support vector machine. (2017) (3)
- Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness Reveals Shared Neurobiology Across Six Psychiatric Disorders (2020) (3)
- P.1.i.040 Enhancing neuro imaging genetics through meta analysis: global collaborations in psychiatry by the ENIGMA consortium (2017) (3)
- P.2.d.044 Bipolar disorder and white matter microstructure: ENIGMA bipolar disorder fractional anisotropy DTI results (2017) (3)
- Concurrent validity and reliability of suicide risk assessment instruments: A meta analysis of 20 instruments across 27 international cohorts (2021) (3)
- Enigma, Big Data, and Neuroimaging Genetics In 50,000 People From 35 Countries: Challenges and Lessons Learned (2019) (3)
- Correction: Brain structural abnormalities in obesity: relation to age, genetic risk, and common psychiatric disorders (2021) (3)
- Diagnosis of bipolar disorders and body mass index predict clustering based on similarities in cortical thickness—ENIGMA study in 2436 individuals (2021) (3)
- Genetic, clinical underpinnings of subtle early brain change along Alzheimer’s dimensions (2022) (3)
- In vivo white matter microstructure in adolescents with early-onset psychosis: a multi-site mega-analysis (2022) (3)
- Harmonizing PTSD severity scales across instruments and sites. (2022) (3)
- Coordinated Cortical Thickness Alterations across Psychiatric Conditions: A Transdiagnostic ENIGMA Study (2022) (3)
- Fetal programming of human energy homeostasis brain networks: Issues and considerations (2021) (3)
- Topographic divergence of atypical cortical asymmetry and atrophy patterns in temporal lobe epilepsy (2021) (3)
- Functional brain architecture is associated with the rate of tau accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (3)
- Predicting brain amyloidosis in MCI using clinical, cognitive, imaging and peripheral blood protein measures (2012) (3)
- Averaging flat maps of hippocampal activity across subjects (2000) (3)
- Challenges and Opportunities with Causal Discovery Algorithms: Application to Alzheimer’s Pathophysiology (2020) (3)
- Glucose metabolism patterns: A potential index to characterize brain ageing and predict high conversion risk into cognitive impairment (2022) (3)
- DTI-based maximum density path analysis and classification of Alzheimer’s disease (2015) (3)
- Neuroanatomical correlates of polygenic risk for Parkinson Disease (2022) (3)
- Are sex differences in human brain structure associated with sex differences in behaviour? (2021) (3)
- Structural brain alterations associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people: results from 21 international studies from the ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours consortium (2021) (3)
- Phospholipids and insulin resistance in psychosis: a lipidomics study of twin pairs discordant for schizophrenia (2012) (3)
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- Association of AKT1 with verbal learning and memory and regional cortical grey matter density in twins (2008) (2)
- Morphometry of the Corpus Callosum (2018) (2)
- Registration of cortical surfaces using sulcal landmarks for group analysis of MEG data. (2007) (2)
- Cystatin C Predicts Changes in Brain Structure and Cognition in the Elderly (P02.063) (2012) (2)
- Investigating multidimensionality of language lateralisation in left and right handed adults: an update on Woodhead et al. 2019 (2020) (2)
- 3D comparison of low, intermediate, and advanced hippocampal atrophy in MCI (2010) (2)
- Ventricular maps in 804 subjects correlate with cognitive decline, CSF pathology, and imminent Alzheimer's disease (2010) (2)
- The Genetic Architecture of Amygdala Nuclei (2021) (2)
- Multi-subject Diffusion MRI Tractography via a Hough Transform Global Approach (2009) (2)
- Genetic analysis of high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI) (2010) (2)
- A Model of Volumetric Shape for the Analysis of Longitudinal Alzheimer's Disease Data (2010) (2)
- Automatic Generation of Portions of Scientific Papers for Large Multi-Institutional Collaborations Based on Semantic Metadata (2017) (2)
- The Importance of Being Negative: A serious treatment of non-trivial edges in brain functional connectome (2016) (2)
- Separating Clinical and Subclinical Depression by Big Data Informed Structural Vulnerability Index and Its impact on Cognition: ENIGMA Dot Product (2021) (2)
- Advanced diffusion-weighted MRI metrics detect sex differences in aging among 15,000 adults in the UK Biobank (2020) (2)
- A Volumetric Conformal Mapping Approach for Clustering White Matter Fibers in the Brain (2016) (2)
- Predicting Future Cognitive Decline with Hyperbolic Stochastic Coding (2021) (2)
- Mapping APOE4 and gender effects on hippocampal atrophic rates: A longitudinal MRI study of normal aging (2005) (2)
- WITHDRAWN: The structure of the corpus callosum in obsessive compulsive disorder. (2012) (2)
- Using the raw diffusion MRI signal and the von Mises-Fisher distribution for classification of Alzheimer's disease (2014) (2)
- Cerebral Cortex Diseases and Cortical Localization (2003) (2)
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- Cortical Brain Alterations in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in aAolescence and Adulthood: Findings from the ENIGMA-MDD Working Group (2016) (2)
- Realizing Unbiased Deformation : A Theoretical Consideration (2011) (2)
- Reproducibility of brain-cognition relationships using different cortical surface-based analysis protocols (2014) (2)
- Multimodal unbiased image matching via mutual information (2008) (2)
- Depression predicts progressive brain atrophy in mild cognitive impairment (2011) (2)
- In vivo neuropathology of cortical changes in incipient Alzheimer's disease (2010) (2)
- Adaptive algorithms to map how brain trauma affects anatomical connectivity in children (2015) (2)
- The feasibility of a strategy for the remote recruitment, consenting and assessment of recent referrals: a protocol for phase 1 of the On-Line Parent Training for the Initial Management of ADHD referrals (OPTIMA) (2021) (2)
- Improved clinical diffusion MRI reliability using a tensor distribution function compared to a single tensor (2017) (2)
- White matter differences in major depression: meta-analytic findings from enigma-MDD DTI (2016) (2)
- Mapping the internal cortex: A probabilistic brain atlas based on high-dimensional random fluid transformations (1996) (2)
- Symmetric Interleaved Geodesic Shooting in Diffeomorphisms (2017) (2)
- Age Effects on Cortical Thickness in Cognitively Normal Elderly Individuals (P03.103) (2012) (2)
- Associations of alcohol use, HIV infection, and age with brain white matter microstructure (2021) (2)
- Network and connectivity Brain connectivity and novel network measures for Alzheimer ’ s disease classi fi cation (2015) (2)
- Effects of ApoE4 and ApoE2 genotypes on subcortical magnetic susceptibility and microstructure in 27,535 participants from the UK Biobank (2021) (2)
- Extracting and Representing the (1999) (2)
- Significant linkage and structural genomic variants at 12q24.21-q24.32 found in genetic isolate with aggregation of unspecific mental retardation (2013) (2)
- Genetic Influences on Brain Architecture from Multivariate Diffusion Tensor Data (2010) (2)
- Learning Interpretable Regularized Ordinal Models from 3D Mesh Data for Neurodegenerative Disease Staging (2022) (2)
- Measures of Tractography Convergence (2018) (2)
- Structural, functional and molecular imaging as intermediate phenotypes for studies of candidate genes, pathways and GWAS in Alzheimer's disease (2012) (2)
- Age‐dependent white matter disruptions after military traumatic brain injury: Multivariate analysis results from ENIGMA brain injury (2022) (2)
- Lossless Online Ensemble Learning (LOEL) and Its Application to Subcortical Segmentation (2009) (2)
- 2 Probabilistic Brain Atlases of Normal and Diseased Populations (2003) (2)
- Hemispheric cortical surface map for assessing the rate of changes of regional cortical FDDNP distribution volume versus MMSE score (2007) (2)
- vGWAS revisited: a novel and powerful approach to voxelwise genome-wide association studies (2013) (2)
- 1 2 3 D mapping of language networks in clinical 3 and pre-clinical Alzheimer ’ s disease 4 (2007) (2)
- 87. Volume of Sub-Cortical Structures in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from Multi-Site Investigation by ENIGMA and PGC Consortia (2017) (2)
- Analysis and Simulation of Biomedical Images (2006) (2)
- Memory impairment is associated with hippocampal atrophy in newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease (2011) (2)
- Full exploitation of high dimensionality in brain imaging: The JPND working group statement and findings (2019) (2)
- Planar cell polarity pathway and development of the human visual cortex (2018) (2)
- Atlas of functional connectivity relationships across rare and common genetic variants, traits, and psychiatric conditions (2021) (2)
- Common genetic variation indicates separate etiologies for periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities (2019) (2)
- Elevated PiB precedes dementia in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: PiB, FDG and atrophy in the DIAN cohort (2012) (2)
- Comparison of volumetric registration algorithms for tensor-based morphometry (2011) (2)
- Hippocampal Morphometry Study by Automated Surface Fluid Registration and its Application to Alzheimer's Disease (2011) (2)
- The reliability and heritability of cortical folds and their genetic correlations across hemispheres (2020) (2)
- A Landmark-Based Image Registration Model using a Nonlinear Elasticity Smoother for Mapping Mouse Atlas to Gene Expression Data (2009) (2)
- TOMM40 rs2075650, TOMM40 rs157580 and TOMM40 PolyT Polymorphism Effects on Ventricular Enlargement in Individuals with and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment (2011) (2)
- Support Vector Based Autoregressive Mixed Models of Longitudinal Brain Changes and Corresponding Genetics in Alzheimer's Disease (2019) (2)
- Mapping sulcal pattern asymmetry in vivo: Maturation in posterior Perisylvian cortices (2000) (2)
- ENIGMA + COINSTAC: Improving Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Re-usability (2021) (2)
- A Restaurant Process Mixture Model for Connectivity Based Parcellation of the Cortex (2017) (2)
- Genetic Influences on the Developing Young Brain and Risk for Neuropsychiatric Disorders (2023) (2)
- Abstract 14: Effects of Lesion Laterality on Post-Stroke Motor Performance: An ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Analysis (2017) (2)
- Intelligence in DSM‐IV combined type attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not predicted by either dopamine receptor/transporter genes or other previously identified risk alleles for attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2)
- Optimized Conformal Parameterizations of Cortical Surfaces Using Shape Based Landmark Matching (2008) (2)
- Education and self-assessment (2001) (2)
- Neuroimaging genomics in psychiatry—a translational approach (2017) (2)
- Simultaneous surface and volumetric registration using harmonic maps (2007) (2)
- Brain functional connectivity mirrors genetic pleiotropy in psychiatric conditions. (2022) (2)
- Rare CNVs and phenome-wide profiling highlight brain structural divergence and phenotypical convergence. (2023) (2)
- Analyzing Mild Cognitive Impairment Progression via Multi-view Structural Learning (2019) (2)
- Effectiveness of Thalamic Ventralis Oralis Anterior and Posterior Nuclei Deep Brain Stimulation for Posttraumatic Dystonia (2022) (2)
- O2-02-05 FDDNP-PET binding values from cortical hemispheric surface maps correlate with MMSE scores (2007) (2)
- Coordinating Global Multi-Site Studies of Military-Relevant Traumatic Brain Injury: Opportunities, Challenges, and Harmonization Guidelines (2021) (2)
- Structural Brain Correlates of Childhood Inhibited Temperament: An ENIGMA-Anxiety Mega-analysis (2022) (2)
- A Riemannian model of regional degeneration of the hippocampus in Alzheimer's disease (2010) (2)
- Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder modulate polygenic predictors of hippocampal and amygdala volume (2021) (2)
- Diffusion tensor distribution function metrics boost power to detect deficits in Alzheimer's disease (2016) (2)
- Functional Connectivity Analyses Suggest Shared Molecular Mechanisms Across 12 Neuropsychiatric Mutations, Autism and Schizophrenia (2020) (2)
- 16. Brain Imaging of ADHD Across the Lifespan – Results of the Largest Study Worldwide From the Enigma ADHD Working Group (2019) (2)
- Brain Mapping Methods: Segmentation, Registration, and Connectivity Analysis (2013) (2)
- 121. Biological Insight From Large-Scale Studies of Bipolar Disorder With Multi-Modal Imaging and Genomics (2018) (2)
- Multilocus genetic pro fi ling to empower drug trials and predict brain atrophy ☆ NeuroImage: Clinical (2013) (2)
- Genetic findings using ADNI multimodal quantitative phenotypes: A 2014 update (2015) (2)
- P2-161 Automated brain tissue assessment in the elderly and demented population: construction and validation of a sub-volume probabilistic brain atlas (2004) (2)
- Widespread Cortical Thinning in Parkinson’s Disease: Findings from the ENIGMA-Parkinson’s Disease Working Group (S45.008) (2018) (2)
- Graph theoretical approaches towards understanding differences in frontoparietal and default mode networks in Autism (2017) (2)
- 188. ENIGMA-CNV: Unraveling the Effects of Rare Copy Number Variants on Brain Structure (2019) (2)
- Large-Scale Replication of Bipolar Disorder Dysconnectivity: A Diffusion MRI Analysis of 959 Individuals From the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorder Working Group (2021) (2)
- Abnormalities in the cerebral cortex in Gaucher disease type 1: Findings from the ENIGMA storage disease working group (2020) (2)
- Association of Subcortical Brain Volumes with CNVS: A Mega-Analysis From The Enigma-CNV Working Group (2017) (2)
- Three Dimensional Analysis of Lateral Ventricles in Schizophrenia (1998) (2)
- Reply: Lithium and Increased Cortical Gray Matter—More Tissue or More Water? (2008) (2)
- 99. A Large Scale Study of Cortical and Cerebellar Morphology in ADHD across the Life span: An ENIGMA-ADHD Collaboration (2017) (2)
- P.1.b.020 Subcortical volumes across the life span in ADHD: an ENIGMA collaboration (2015) (2)
- White Matter Integrity and Nicotine Dependence: Evaluating Vertical and Horizontal Pleiotropy (2021) (2)
- 758. Harmonized Large-Scale Anatomical Shape Analysis: Mapping Subcortical Differences across the Enigma Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Major Depression Working Groups (2017) (2)
- T235. Brain Abnormalities in Cotwins, Siblings, Offspring and Parents of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Patients: An ENIGMA Collaboration (2018) (2)
- Comparison of template registration methods for multi-site meta-analysis of brain morphometry (2016) (2)
- Neuroimaging Phenotypes Implicated For GWAS of PTSD Through The PGC And ENIGMA Worldwide Consortia (2019) (2)
- Smaller limbic structures are associated with greater immunosuppression in over 1000 HIV-infected adults across five continents: Findings from the ENIGMA-HIV Working Group (2019) (1)
- Age-specific Subcortical Volumetric Abnormalities in Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD): Findings from the ENIGMA-OCD Working Group (2016) (1)
- Product Space Decompositions for Continuous Representations of Brain Connectivity (2017) (1)
- Machine Learning on Vertex-Wise Brain Shape Metrics Improves the Diagnostic Classification of Bipolar Disorders (2020) (1)
- Plasma BDNF associations with cortical thickness in normal controls and mild cognitive impairment (2011) (1)
- Robust automatic corpus callosum analysis toolkit: mapping callosal development across heterogeneous multisite data (2018) (1)
- Genetic influences on sulcal patterns of the brain (2012) (1)
- Mapping genetic influences on the lateral ventricles using multi-atlas fluid image alignment in twins (2008) (1)
- Evaluating NODDI‐based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (1)
- Neuroanatomical Correlates of Symptoms on the Frontal Systems Behavior Scale in Frontotemporal Dementia and Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease (P06.048) (2013) (1)
- Genetics of White Matter Asymmetry Mapped using Diffusion Tensor Anisotropy Measures in 100 Twins (2009) (1)
- Diffusion MRI metrics of brain microstructure in Alzheimer’s disease: Boosting disease sensitivity with multi‐shell imaging and advanced pre‐processing (2020) (1)
- Erratum to: Optimization of Surface Registrations Using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow (2012) (1)
- Mapping Cortical Thickness and Gray Matter Density in First Episode Schizophrenia (2004) (1)
- A tensor based morphometry study of patients with cognitive impairment and dementia in parkinson's disease (2009) (1)
- A Geometric Framework for Feature Mappings in Multimodal Fusion of Brain Image Data (2019) (1)
- An MRI-DTI study of monozygotic twins discordant for obsessive-compulsive symptoms (2009) (1)
- P3-250: The APOE-E4 allele is associated with greater atrophy of the temporal cortex in Alzheimer's disease: An in vivo MRI study (2008) (1)
- Analysis of Regional Brain Atrophy in A Single Case of Semantic Dementia Using Serial MRI with Inverse-Consistent Non-Rigid Registration (2005) (1)
- The impact of matching functional on atrophy measurement from geodesic shooting in diffeomorphisms (2017) (1)
- Behavioral problems in perinatally HIV-infected young children with early antiretroviral therapy and HIV-exposed uninfected young children: prevalence and associated factors (2020) (1)
- Scalable Visualization Toolkits for Brains to Bays (2000) (1)
- White matter differences in Parkinson’s disease mapped using tractometry (2017) (1)
- A Non-Synonymous SHARPIN Variant is Associated with Limbic Degeneration and Family History of Alzheimer’s Disease (2019) (1)
- Genetic connectivity-correlated genetic control of cortical thickness, brain volume, and white matter (2018) (1)
- Mapping Genetic Influences on Brain Fiber Architecture and Intellectual Performance - A High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) Study (2009) (1)
- ENIGMA pediatric msTBI: preliminary results from meta-analysis of diffusion MRI (2018) (1)
- Adaptive gradient descent optimization of initial momenta for geodesic shooting in diffeomorphisms (2017) (1)
- Absolute and relative estimates of genetic and environmental variance in brain structure volumes (2019) (1)
- Genetic markers for brain plasticity (2020) (1)
- Optimizing Connectivity-Driven Brain Parcellation Using Ensemble Clustering (2020) (1)
- 3D atlas of sulcal trajectories and asymmetries in schizophrenic and normal populations: Gender effects (2000) (1)
- 2 A Framework for Computational Anatomy (2001) (1)
- Clustering white matter fibers using support vector machines: a volumetric conformal mapping approach (2017) (1)
- Genetic correlation between cortical gray matter thickness and white matter connections (2018) (1)
- Common Brain Volume Signatures Associated with Immunosuppression and Viral Load in Over 1000 Adults Living with HIV Across 5 Continents: Findings from the ENIGMA-HIV Working Group (2019) (1)
- for diffusion imaging under time constraints (2012) (1)
- A Population Based Multimodality Atlas of the Alzheimer's Brain: Integrating Pathology and Metabolism (1998) (1)
- 757. Machine Learning Insights from Enigma’s Studies of Major Depressive Disorder: Classification via Distributed Analysis (2017) (1)
- Embedded sparse representation of fMRI data via group-wise dictionary optimization (2016) (1)
- Differences in fractional anisotropy between the patients with schizophrenia and healthy comparison subjects (2020) (1)
- ENIGMA Military Brain Injury: A Preliminary Meta-Analysis of Diffusion MRI Measures (S49.006) (2018) (1)
- Heritability of regional brain volumes in large-scale neuroimaging and genetic studies (2017) (1)
- Frontotemporal asymmetry in socioemotional behavior: A pilot study in frontotemporal dementia (2020) (1)
- P2-373 3D mapping of gray matter atrophy in semantic dementia and frontal variant frontotemporal dementia (2006) (1)
- Heritability of regional brain volumes in large-scale neuroimaging and genetic studies (2017) (1)
- Brain Asymmetry Mapped in Velo-vardio-facial Syndrome and in Normally Developing Children (2010) (1)
- Sulcal-based morphometry in Parkinson’s disease: a study of reliability and disease effects (2018) (1)
- The ENIGMA Cancer and Chemotherapy Working Group and Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment (P6.171) (2018) (1)
- Hyperbolic Ricci Flow and Geodesic Curve Lifting for Consistent Ventricular Surface Registration (2014) (1)
- Heritability analysis of surface-based cortical thickness estimation on a large twin cohort (2015) (1)
- Enhancing neuroimaging genetics through meta-analysis for Tourette syndrome (ENIGMA-TS): A worldwide platform for collaboration (2022) (1)
- White matter microstructure shows sex differences in late childhood: Evidence from 6,797 children (2021) (1)
- Individual differences in general/fluid intelligence are evoked by functional integration and the efficiency of long-distance connections in the brain (2014) (1)
- Imaging Genomics and ENIGMA (2016) (1)
- Probabilistic multi-tensor estimation using the Tensor Distribution Function (2008) (1)
- Brain Mapping in Adolescents With Very Early Onset Schizophrenia (2003) (1)
- Simultaneous Matrix Diagonalization for Structural Brain Networks Classification (2017) (1)
- Alzheimer's CSF markers in older schizophrenia patients (2010) (1)
- detecting multiple sclerosis lesions with a fully bioinspired visual attention model (2013) (1)
- A spatially variant mixture model for diffusion weighted MRI : application to image denoising (2009) (1)
- ENIGMA-Vis: A Web Portal to Browse, Navigate & Visualize Brain Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) (2021) (1)
- ENIGMA Mega-Analysis of Brain Structure in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (2020) (1)
- Comparing empirical kinship derived heritability for imaging genetics traits in the UK biobank and human connectome project (2021) (1)
- 755. The Enigma Bipolar Disorder Working Group: Recent Structural and DTI Findings from the Largest Neuroimaging Study of Bipolar Disorder (N=6,500) (2017) (1)
- Author Correction: The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography (2019) (1)
- 108. Hippocampal Subfield Volumes Relate to Unique Phenotypes of PTSD: International Analysis by the PGC-ENIGMA PTSD Working Group (2019) (1)
- White Matter Diffusion MRI Findings in Carriers of 16p11.2 Copy Number Variants (2021) (1)
- The neuroanatomy of cannabis use: does gender matter? Findings from the ENIGMA addiction working group (2019) (1)
- Sex‐dependent age trajectories of subcortical brain volume: A UK Biobank study (N=39,544) (2021) (1)
- Multivariate Statistics of Tensor-Based Cortical Surface Morphometry (2009) (1)
- Sensitivity of NODDI Microstructural Measures to the Effects of Age With and Without White Matter Skeletonization (2021) (1)
- 44. Brain Aging in Major Depressive Disorder: Results From the ENIGMA MDD Consortium (2018) (1)
- T150. Evaluating the Effects of Ketamine and Midazolam Using Enigma Resting State fMRI Pipeline (2019) (1)
- 124. Large-Scale Machine Learning and Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (2018) (1)
- Reconstructing Karcher Means of Shapes on a Riemannian Manifold of Metrics and Curvatures (2015) (1)
- Lack of structural brain alterations associated with insomnia: findings from the ENIGMA-Sleep Working Group. (2022) (1)
- Biological Knowledge Guided Deep Neural Network for Brain Genotype-Phenotype Association Study (2019) (1)
- White matter microstructure shows sex differences in late childhood: Evidence from 6797 children (2022) (1)
- Genetic Influences on Hippocampal Structure Mapped in 288 Twins (2009) (1)
- Associations of medication with subcortical morphology across the lifespan in OCD: Results from the international ENIGMA Consortium. (2022) (1)
- Association between brain similarity to severe mental illnesses and comorbid cerebral, physical, and cognitive impairments (2022) (1)
- Shape analysis of subcortical structures in obsessive‐compulsive disorder and the relationship with comorbid anxiety, depression, and medication use: A meta‐analysis by the OCD Brain Imaging Consortium (2022) (1)
- The role of educational attainment and brain morphology in major depressive disorder: Findings from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder consortium. (2022) (1)
- Neuroanatomical Correlates of SCN1A Common Variant Linking Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Hippocampal Sclerosis, and Febrile Seizures (2017) (1)
- Bayesian super-resolution in brain diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) (2017) (1)
- Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex (2016) (1)
- Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals (2019) (1)
- ENIGMA-Viewer: interactive visualization strategies for conveying effect sizes in meta-analysis (2017) (1)
- Microstructural changes in the white matter tracts of the brain due to mild cognitive impairment (2022) (1)
- The General Impact of Haploinsufficiency on Brain Connectivity Underlies the Pleiotropic Effect of Neuropsychiatric CNVS (2020) (1)
- Educational attainment polygenic risk scores predict surface area of cortical regions important for language and memory (2019) (1)
- Spinal cord damage in Friedreich's ataxia: Results from ENIGMA-Ataxia (2022) (1)
- Linking cerebral grey matter and mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizophrenia (2008) (1)
- Event‐based modeling in temporal lobe epilepsy demonstrates progressive atrophy from cross‐sectional data (2022) (1)
- Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern (2022) (1)
- The functional connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder: resting-state mega-analysis and machine learning classification for the ENIGMA-OCD consortium. (2023) (1)
- Hippocampal subfield microstructure abnormalities mediate associations between tau burden and memory performance (2020) (1)
- Rare CNVs and phenome-wide profiling: a tale of brain-structural divergence and phenotypical convergence (2022) (1)
- Predicting Amyloid Positivity from Hippocampal and Entorhinal Cortex Volume and APOE Genotype (2022) (1)
- Progressive Spinal Cord Degeneration in Friedreich's Ataxia: Results from ENIGMA‐Ataxia (2022) (1)
- Maternal free fatty acid concentration during pregnancy is associated with newborn hypothalamic microstructure in humans (2022) (1)
- The Queensland Twin Adolescent Brain Project, a longitudinal study of adolescent brain development (2023) (1)
- Harmonization of multi-scanner in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy: ENIGMA consortium task group considerations (2023) (1)
- Bridging Big Data: Procedures for Combining Non-equivalent Cognitive Measures from the ENIGMA Consortium (2023) (1)
- 4-Tesla High Angular Resolution Diffusion Tractography Analysis of the Human Connectome in 234 Subjects: Sex Differences and EPI Distortion Effects (2016) (1)
- Abstract TMP48: Subcortical Volumes Associated With Post-Stroke Motor Performance Vary Across Impairment Severity, Time Since Stroke, and Lesion Laterality: an ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Analysis (2018) (1)
- A transformation similarity constraint for groupwise nonlinear registration in longitudinal neuroimaging studies (2015) (1)
- Peripheral blood gene expression correlates of cortical atrophy across cognitively normal elderly and MCI (2011) (1)
- Are early atrophy patterns in autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer's disease gene-dependent? (2013) (1)
- Tract-based spectroscopy to investigate pediatric brain trauma (2017) (1)
- Amygdalar atrophy as the genetically mediated hub of limbic degeneration in Alzheimer's disease (2017) (1)
- A vectorial total variation model for denoising high angular resolution diffusion images corrupted by Rician noise (2014) (1)
- Brain Imaging in People with HIV (2015) (1)
- Prevalence and growth of cerebral microhemorrhages in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease (2013) (1)
- Microtubule-associated protein tau H2 haplotype is associated with frontotemporal atrophy in cognitively normal elders (2012) (1)
- Sparse models for imaging genetics (2016) (1)
- Progressive white matter abnormalities in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: Results of the DIAN study (2012) (1)
- IC-03-06: Six month MRI gray matter declines in Alzheimer's dementia evaluated by voxel-based morphometry with multivariate network analysis: Preliminary findings from the ADNI study (2008) (1)
- Genetic influences on brain plasticity: First results of the ENIGMA plasticity working group (2015) (1)
- Smaller Total and Subregional Cerebellar Volumes in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Mega-Analysis by the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD Workgroup (2022) (1)
- Genetic covariation among hippocampal subfields (2016) (1)
- Brain Morphology in Twins Discordant for Bipolar Disorder (2004) (1)
- Size matters; but so does what you do with it! Response (2016) (1)
- A definition of average brain size, shape and orientation (2000) (1)
- Tensor-based morphometry as surrogate marker for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: Optimizing statistical power (2009) (1)
- Striatal Abnormalities in Early-Onset and Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease (P05.043) (2012) (1)
- The relationship between hippocampal atrophy and neuropathology markers: A 7T MRI study (2013) (1)
- Identifying candidate gene effects by restricting search space in a multivariate genetic analysis of white matter microstructure (2014) (1)
- Disrupted functional connectivity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: Preliminary findings from the DIAN study (2012) (1)
- Author Correction: Spread of pathological tau proteins through communicating neurons in human Alzheimer’s disease (2021) (1)
- Prevalence and growth of cerebral microhemorrhages in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease (2013) (1)
- Age-related memory decline is mediated by processing speed and myelin integrity (2012) (1)
- Relating Fiber Crossing in HARDI to Intellectual Function (2010) (1)
- Unifying inference on brain network variations in neurological diseases: The Alzheimer's case (2015) (1)
- A tensor-based morphometry study of brain volume changes in symptomatic and pre-symptomatic patients with familial Alzheimer's disease (2010) (1)
- Statistical analysis of functional brain data using sub-volume thresholding and an elderly population probabilistic atlas: Effects of education on brain perfusion in Alzheimer's disease (2000) (1)
- Tensor-based morphometry as surrogate marker for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: optimizing statistical power (2009) (1)
- Correction: Dose response of the 16p11.2 distal copy number variant on intracranial volume and basal ganglia (2019) (1)
- No association between two polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene and combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2009) (1)
- A genetic analysis of cortical thickness in 372 twins (2010) (1)
- Polymorphisms in the Delta Opioid Receptor Gene ( OPRD1 ) and Drug Addiction (2016) (1)
- Integrating Transcriptomics, Genomics, and Imaging in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Federated Model (2021) (1)
- Morphological differences in the striatum in early and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (2012) (1)
- Dynamic patterns of accelerated gray matter loss are linked with clinical and cognitive change in childhood-onset schizophrenia (2001) (1)
- Identifying imaging genetic associations via regional morphometricity estimation (2021) (1)
- Fast and accurate modelling of longitudinal neuroimaging data: an application to ADNI data (2013) (1)
- ENIGMA Laterality Working Group (2018). Mapping cortical brain asymmetry in 17,141 healthy individuals worldwide via the ENIGMA Consortium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 115 (22), E5154-E5163. (2018) (1)
- Effect of APOE4 and APOE2 genotype on white matter microstructure (2021) (1)
- Joint genetic analysis of hippocampal size in mouse and human identifies a novel gene linked to neurodegenerative disease (2014) (1)
- Tensor-based morphometry as surrogate marker for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: Optimizing statistical power (2009) (1)
- ENIGMA-ODS: a platform for global neuroscience collaborations in the ENIGMA Consortium (2018) (1)
- Genetics of brain networks and connectivity (2019) (1)
- Quantitative genetic modeling of lateral ventricular shape and volume using multi-atlas fluid image alignment in twins (2008) (1)
- Sex differences in subcortical aging: A nomogram study of age, sex, and apoe (N = 9,414) (2020) (1)
- Age-associated memory impairment is associated with greater rate of longitudinal brain atrophy (2011) (1)
- Predicting Tau accumulation in cerebral cortex with multivariate MRI morphometry measurements, sparse coding, and correntropy (2021) (1)
- Age-Related Heterochronicity Of Brain Morphometry May Bias Voxelwise Findings (2021) (1)
- Reconstruction of major fibers using 7T multi-shell Hybrid Diffusion Imaging in mice (2015) (1)
- P2-374 MR-guided 3D PET mapping of longitudinal changes in regional cerebral metabolism of normal subjects (2006) (1)
- neuroanatomy: three-dimensional mapping study Schizophrenia severity, social functioning and hippocampal (2013) (1)
- The relationship between APOE genotype and subcortical volume: A UK Biobank study (N=36,920) (2021) (1)
- Empirical indices of spatial and executive processes in visuo-spatial working memory (2006) (1)
- Tensor-based morphometry as surrogate marker for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment: optimizing statistical power (2009) (1)
- Online Parent Training for The Initial Management of ADHD referrals (OPTIMA): the protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a digital parenting intervention implemented to support parents and children on a treatment waitlist (2022) (1)
- Cortical measures and heritability in 326 identical and fraternal twins (2010) (1)
- MVNet: Multi-Variate Multi-View Brain Network Comparison Over Uncertain Data (2021) (1)
- Cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular risk effects on resting brain regional homogeneity (2022) (1)
- Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures (2022) (1)
- White matter hyperintensities correlate to cognition and fiber tract integrity in older adults with HIV (2017) (1)
- Learning Optimal White Matter Tract Representations from Tractography using a Deep Generative Model for Population Analyses (2022) (1)
- The Case for Specialized Parent Training (2018) (1)
- Behavioral and Brain Functions (2005) (1)
- Multi-site Normative Modeling of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Metrics Using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression (2022) (1)
- NeuroimagingMeasures as Endophenotypes in Alzheimer ’ s Disease (2011) (1)
- Mapping age effects along fiber tracts in young adults (2017) (1)
- Phantom-based MRI corrections and power to track brain change (2012) (1)
- A Univariate Persistent Brain Network Feature Based on the Aggregated Cost of Cycles from the Nested Filtration Networks (2020) (1)
- T201. Mega-Analysis of Subcortical Structures and Intracranial Volume in Early Onset Psychosis – an ENIGMA Study (2019) (0)
- Genome-wide association identifies genetic variants associated with lentiform nucleus volume in N = 1345 young and elderly subjects (2012) (0)
- 111. Lower White Matter Integrity in PTSD: Results From the PGC-Enigma PTSD Working Group (2019) (0)
- Fiber Tracking in Traumatic Brain Injury: Comparison of 9 Tractography Algorithms (2015) (0)
- IC-P-085 MR-guided 3D PET mapping of longitudinal changes in regional cerebral metabolism of normal subjects (2006) (0)
- 313 Gray Matter Morphometric Differences Associated With Clinical and Behavioral Phenotypes in IBS Patients and Healthy Controls (2012) (0)
- Study of tissue atrophy involvement in semantic dementia using elastic mapping (2005) (0)
- S226. Ranking Resting-State Functional Connectivity Deficits in Schizophrenia Using ENIGMA rsfMRI and DTI Approaches (2018) (0)
- Brain Structural Differences in Adults Reporting Localized Chronic Pains Mediate Risk for Suicidal Behaviors (2022) (0)
- 484. Autism is Associated With Reduced Gray Matter Volume in Sensory Brain Regions Among Males but Not Females (2023) (0)
- A tensor-based morphometry study of patients with cognitive impairment and dementia in Parkinson's disease (2009) (0)
- 87. Deviations From Normative Age-Brain Associations in Over 3,000 Individuals With Major Depressive Disorder (2019) (0)
- P1-278: In vivo mapping of incremental cortical atrophy from health to overt Alzheimer's disease (2008) (0)
- Atlas of cerebellar cortical grey matter thickness (2006) (0)
- Growth tensor mapping: A rostro-caudal wave of peak growth rates detected in the developing human brain in the first 15 years of life (2000) (0)
- What influences clinicians’ decisions to prescribe ADHD medication? Initial data from a new questionnaire (2012) (0)
- 24.1 White Matter Microstructure Is Associated With Participant Sex and Dimensional Psychopathology in Late Childhood (2021) (0)
- 3D Mapping of Verbal Memory in Clinical and Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease (2013) (0)
- Cortical microstructural associations with CSF amyloid and pTau (2021) (0)
- Mismatch negativity and cognitive and functional impairment in the schizophrenia prodrome. Preliminary results from the Minds in Transition (MinT) study (2012) (0)
- Multimodal Brain Image Analysis (MBIA) (2019) (0)
- Neuroimaging sharpens focus on mild cognitive impairment (2006) (0)
- F251. Psychiatric Liability Genes are Linked to Oscillatory Brain Activity: A Genome-Wide Association Study (2018) (0)
- P.3.14 Brain structural correlates of insomnia severity in major depressive disorder: Results from the ENIGMA-MDD consortium (2019) (0)
- Altered White Matter Microstructure in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: A Multi-Site Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study Running Title: DTI in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (2019) (0)
- Exercise, TNFα and volume of the aging brain (2013) (0)
- Complex morphometric effects of sex and aging on subcortical brain structures (N = 9,872) (2020) (0)
- White Matter Microstructure in ADHD: Evidence From 2500 Individuals From the Enigma-ADHD Collaboration (2021) (0)
- Lingual Gyrus surface area is associated with anxiety-depression severity 1 in young adults : a genetic clustering approach 2 3 Abbreviated title : Anxiety-depression and lingual gyrus surface area 4 5 (2019) (0)
- Mapping Transdiagnostic Vulnerability Across Multiple Scales With the Enigma-Toolbox (2023) (0)
- White matter changes in monozygotic twins discordant or concordant for obsessive-compulsive symptoms: a combined VBM–DTI study (2010) (0)
- 77. Co-Occurring ASD+ADHD is Associated With Shared and Distinct Alterations in White Matter Microstructure (2023) (0)
- Advanced diffusion‐weighted MRI methods demonstrate improved sensitivity to white matter aging: Percentile charts for over 15,000 UK Biobank participants (2021) (0)
- Erratum to: Fast Predictive Simple Geodesic Regression (2017) (0)
- Effect of age on ventricular enlargement when comparing cognitively normal elderly, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease subjects (2009) (0)
- Comparing Fluid Registration Conclusions: Mapping Structural Brain Differences in the Blind (2009) (0)
- O32. Functional Network Connectivity Impairments and Core Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia (2019) (0)
- 928. Cortical Abnormalities Associated with Pediatric and Adult Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings from the Enigma Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group (2017) (0)
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- 122. Convergent Brain Mechanisms in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and Schizophrenia (2018) (0)
- Shared Genetic Architecture Between Bipolar Disorder and Cortical Brain Structure (2023) (0)
- Title: Caudate Atrophy & Clinical Correlates in 400 Alzheimer’s Disease, MCI, & Healthy Elderly Subjects Authors: (2010) (0)
- The relationship between VEGF and cerebral vascular territory glucose metabolism is modified by cardiovascular risk in Alzheimers disease: Neuroimaging / Optimal neuroimaging measures for early detection (2020) (0)
- Brain Deficit Patterns in Metabolic Illnesses and Their Overlap With Brain Deficits in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (2023) (0)
- Motor system hyperexcitability constitutes a possible endophenotype in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (2013) (0)
- Revealing Continuous Brain Dynamical Organization with Multimodal Graph Transformer (2022) (0)
- 190. Novel Diffusion MRI Measures in 22q Deletion Syndrome: Large-Scale International Studies by the ENIGMA-22q Consortium (2019) (0)
- Conditional False Discovery Rate Analysis Of Genome-Wide Association Studies Uncovers Genetic LOCI Shared Between Schizophrenia And Volumes Of Hippocampus, Putamen And Intracranial Volume (2019) (0)
- Association of eye disease with increased diffusivity in the sagittal stratum (2015) (0)
- Neuroanatomical Correlates of Psychotic-Like Experiences Assessed in 2,695 Individuals via the ENIGMA Consortium (2020) (0)
- Amygdalar Local Structural Differences in Alzheimer's Patients: Relation with Age and APOE Genotype (P03.100) (2012) (0)
- 198. Identifying Structural Brain Alterations in Adolescent Depression Based on Individual Deviations From Normative Age-Related Patterns of Brain Structure (2018) (0)
- P416. Cerebral Blood Flow and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Effects on Resting Brain Regional Homogeneity (2022) (0)
- Chromosome 22q, velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) and schizophrenia (2000) (0)
- Subcortical brain trajectories in later life between sexes and APOE genotypes: A UK Biobank study of individuals of self‐identified Indian ancestry (2021) (0)
- Impact of Aging and Sex on Advanced Diffusion-Weighted MRI Measures of White Matter Microstructure (2021) (0)
- 278. ENIGMA-Relatives – Brain Volumes in First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Patients (2017) (0)
- Amygdalar Local Structural Differences in Alzheimer's Patients on 3T MRI (2010) (0)
- 251. Diverging Cognitive Trajectories in Pediatric Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (2017) (0)
- The thalamus and its subregions – a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder (2022) (0)
- Structural connectome validation using pairwise classification (2017) (0)
- An advanced white matter tract analysis in frontotemporal dementia and early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (2015) (0)
- The thalamus and its subnuclei: a gateway to obsessive-compulsive disorder findings from the ENIGMA-OCD Working Group (2021) (0)
- Investigating Polygenic Contributions of Common Hippocampal Variants to Epilepsy Predisposition (2015) (0)
- Differential patterns of atrophy in behavioral versus language subtypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A tensor-based morphometry study (2009) (0)
- Subcortical brain alterations in carriers of genomic copy number variants (2023) (0)
- Independent and interactive effects of APOEε4 and β‐amyloid on cortical thickness in Alzheimer’s disease (2022) (0)
- The Overlap of Brain Deficit Patterns in Metabolic Illnesses With Those in Major Depressive Disorder (2023) (0)
- Comparison of Anatomical and Diffusion MRI for detecting Parkinson’s Disease using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (2023) (0)
- Effect of age on ventricular enlargement when comparing cognitively normal elderly, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease subjects (2009) (0)
- The foundation and architecture of precision medicine in neurology and psychiatry (2023) (0)
- Normative modeling of brain morphometry in Clinical High-Risk for Psychosis (2023) (0)
- Structural network alterations in focal and generalized epilepsy follow axes of epilepsy risk gene expression: An ENIGMA study (2021) (0)
- Amygdalar local structural differences in early- and late-onset Alzheimer's patients (2011) (0)
- Variational Autoencoders for Generating Synthetic Tractography-Based Bundle Templates in a Low-Data Setting (2023) (0)
- Normative Modeling of Brain Morphometry Across the Lifespan Using CentileBrain: Algorithm Benchmarking and Model Optimization (2023) (0)
- Childhood trauma moderates schizotypy-related brain morphology: Analyses of 1,182 healthy individuals from the ENIGMA Schizotypy working group (2022) (0)
- Multimodal Imaging-Based Classification of PTSD Using Data-Driven Computational Approaches: A Multisite Big Data Study from the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD Consortium (2022) (0)
- Application of a sub-volume probabilistic human brain atlas for the elderly and demented populations: Automated mapping of regional grey matter loss (2000) (0)
- Deciphering structural asymmetry of the habenula in the human brain (2022) (0)
- Correction to “Brain‐wide versus genome‐wide vulnerability biomarkers for severe mental illnesses” (2022) (0)
- Imaging genomics in the ENIGMA Consortium (2020) (0)
- 3D mapping of associations amongst amyloid-PET and CSF biomarkers and hippocampal morphology (2009) (0)
- The Relationship Between Cortical Thickness and Semantic Fluency in Clinical and Pre-Clinical Alzheimer's Disease (P06.037) (2013) (0)
- Predicting the risk of incident dementia in older adults: The ADNI‐dementia risk score (2021) (0)
- Unique contributions of brain amyloid load and APOE4 Status to Regional Brain Volume (2022) (0)
- Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder: Analysis via the ENIGMA Consortium (2019) (0)
- Using rare genetic mutations to revisit structural brain asymmetry (2023) (0)
- Brain Surface Conformal Mapping Brain Surface Conformal Mapping (2000) (0)
- Presurgical localization and spatial shift of resting state networks in patients with brain metastases (2018) (0)
- Interactions between the lipidome and genetic and environmental factors in autism (2023) (0)
- Learning Streamline Embeddings with Variational Autoencoder for Intersubject Bundle Comparison in Alzheimer’s Disease (2022) (0)
- Multimodal Analysis of Secondary Cerebellar Alterations after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (2022) (0)
- Effects of topiramate on cognition - Reply (2001) (0)
- Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index is associated with newborn offspring hypothalamic mean diffusivity: a prospective dual-cohort study (2023) (0)
- The heritability of the functional connectome is robust to common nonlinear registration methods (2016) (0)
- Altered connectivity patterns among resting state networks in patients with ischemic white matter lesions (2017) (0)
- A New Multivariate Variance Components Analysis for Genetic Analysis of DTI data (2010) (0)
- Cortical gray matter density in twins discordant for bipolar I disorder (2008) (0)
- Progressive brain atrophy in chronically infected and treated HIV+ individuals (2019) (0)
- Along-Tract Statistical Mapping of Microstructural Abnormalities in Bipolar Disorder: A Pilot Study (2023) (0)
- Evaluating Big-Neuroimaging-Data Informed Vulnerability Indices for Neuropsychiatric Disorder (2022) (0)
- Structural Mri and Brain Development Book Chapter for International Review of Neurobiology (2005) (0)
- Region Specific Automatic Quality Assurance For MRI-Derived Cortical Segmentations (2021) (0)
- Identifying genes associated with brain volumetric differences through tissue specific transcriptomic inference from GWAS summary data (2022) (0)
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- Association of eye disease with increased diffusivity in the sagittal stratum (2015) (0)
- IC-P-018 3D mapping of gray matter atrophy in semantic dementia and frontal variant frontotemporal dementia (2006) (0)
- Alzheimer’s Disease Related Neurodegeneration Partially Mediates Associations Between Air Pollution and Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy in Older Women (2022) (0)
- Imaging the Brain as Schizophrenia Dynamic Genetic Brain Maps (2002) (0)
- Cortical and subcortical correlates of intraindividual variability in reaction time (2014) (0)
- Age-associated memory impairment is associated with greater rate of longitudinal brain atrophy (2011) (0)
- Author Correction: Altered structural brain asymmetry in autism spectrum disorder in a study of 54 datasets (2021) (0)
- Brain deficit patterns of metabolic illnesses overlap with those for major depressive disorder: A new metric of brain metabolic disease (2023) (0)
- Automated Piecewise A ne Registration of 2-D Images via Hierarchical Clustering of Dense Similarity Maps (2003) (0)
- Retinal neurodegeneration in euglycemic hyperinsulinemia, prediabetes, and diabetes. (2022) (0)
- Mapping cortical and subcortical asymmetry in OCD: Findings from the ENIGMA Consortium (2019) (0)
- Common folate genevariant , MTHFR C 677 T , is associatedwithbrain structure in two independent cohorts of people with mild cognitive impairment ☆ (2013) (0)
- Global brain health modulates the impact of lesion damage on post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes (2022) (0)
- Using fMRI to study euthymic bipolar patients: a new paradigm for investigating language processing (2001) (0)
- Functional Brain Connectivity Using fMRI in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease (2014) (0)
- Mapping of linkages between genetic similarity and brain structure reveals a pattern of differential genetic control for subregions of the human cerebral cortex (2001) (0)
- On study design in neuroimaging heritability analyses (2014) (0)
- White matter abnormalities across different epilepsy syndromes in adults : an ENIGMA Epilepsy study Short Title : White matter across epilepsy syndromes (2020) (0)
- Correction: Obesity and brain structure in schizophrenia - ENIGMA study in 3021 individuals. (2023) (0)
- Sources of variation in cerebellar activation during cognition: A twin fMRI study (2010) (0)
- Genetic Specificity of Hippocampal Subfield Volumes, Relative to Hippocampal Formation, Identified in 2148 Young Adult Twins and Siblings (2022) (0)
- Multi-modal Registration Improves Group Discrimination in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (2016) (0)
- Non-linear association of anxiety-depression (SPHERE) score with cortical surface and surface area (2015) (0)
- Persistence of Anxiety/Depression Symptoms in Early Adolescence: A Prospective Study of Daily Life Stress, Rumination, and Daytime Sleepiness in a Genetically Informative Cohort (2022) (0)
- Volumetric Differences in Brain Structure in Identical and Fraternal Twins Computed using Riemannian Tensor-Based (2008) (0)
- Volume of subcortical brain regions in social anxiety disorder: mega-analytic results from 37 samples in the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group (2023) (0)
- A systematic review of neuroimaging epigenetic research: calling for an increased focus on development (2023) (0)
- Stressful Life Events, ADHD Symptoms, and Brain Structure in Early Adolescence (2018) (0)
- Using fMRI to study euthymic bipolar patients: studies of verbal fluency (2001) (0)
- Neuroimaging and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease and addiction-related degenerative brain disorders (2013) (0)
- Multisite study of cortical variability in normal adults (2000) (0)
- Subcortical brain structure and APOE genotype: An analysis of 43,000 participants from the UK Biobank (2022) (0)
- Predicting Cognitive Impairment Using a Data-Driven Cortical Vulnerability Index (2022) (0)
- Do mother and father ADHD symptoms affect parenting of the child with ADHD symptoms in a similar way (2004) (0)
- ENIGMA, big data, and the human brain: worldwide neuroimaging & genomics of 30 brain diseases in 100,000 people from 45 countries (Conference Presentation) (2023) (0)
- Altered lateralization of the cingulum in deployment‐related traumatic brain injury: An ENIGMA military‐relevant brain injury study (2022) (0)
- Early Validation of a Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metric for Tracking Dementia‐Related Neurodegeneration (2022) (0)
- Deep Brain Structure Volume and Cortical Thickness Associations With Negative Symptom Domains in Schizophrenia (2021) (0)
- Utilizing brain measures for large-scale classification of autism applying EPIC (2017) (0)
- The design of the ADHD Medication Related Attitudes and Behaviours Questionnaire (2004) (0)
- Brief Research Communication No Association Between Two Polymorphisms of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and Combined Type Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2008) (0)
- Leveraging genome characteristics to improve gene discovery for putamen subcortical brain structure (2017) (0)
- Partial replication of a DRD 4 association in ADHD individuals using a statistically derived quantitative trait for ADHD in a family-based association test 2007 (2011) (0)
- Different atrophy profiles detected in AD patients who carry APOE4 versus non‐carriers: An ENIGMA‐VBM Multicohort Analysis (N=1,893) (2022) (0)
- Sex‐specific genetic predictors of memory, executive function, and language performance (2022) (0)
- Correction: Obesity and brain structure in schizophrenia – ENIGMA study in 3021 individuals (2022) (0)
- Mega-analysis of association between obesity and cortical morphology in bipolar disorders: ENIGMA study in 2832 participants. (2023) (0)
- ENIGMA Military Brain Injury: Altered Subcortical Volume in Chronic TBI Revealed by Mega-Analysis (P2.9-061) (2019) (0)
- A survey of altered brain anatomical asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2018) (0)
- Callosal Thinning in Children Prenatally Exposed to Methamphetamine (2009) (0)
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or hyperactivity in preschool children. (2007) (0)
- Relationships between physical activity, healthy eating and cortical thickness in children and young adults (2022) (0)
- The LONI Pipeline Reuse Survey Results (2015) (0)
- Gene expression correlates of hippocampal atrophy across in cognitively normal elderly and MCI (2010) (0)
- Background Results (2020) (0)
- Identifying lifestyle factors that promote brain resilience in ApoE4 carriers (2022) (0)
- Association between late‐life air pollution exposure and medial temporal lobe atrophy in older women (2022) (0)
- Dissociable Cellular and Genetic Mechanisms of Cortical Thinning at Different Life Stages (2022) (0)
- Exploration of Shared Genetic Architecture Between Subcortical Brain Volumes and Anorexia Nervosa (2018) (0)
- Reply to: “Parkinson's Disease, Premature Mortality, and Amygdala” (2022) (0)
- Cortical Surface Variability of the Alzheimer's Brain: Correlates with Cognition (1998) (0)
- Connectome architecture shapes large-scale cortical reorganization in schizophrenia: a worldwide ENIGMA study (2023) (0)
- Commentary: Do we need new parenting programmes for different cultural groups or should we adapt those that already exist: a commentary on Ward et al. (2019). (2020) (0)
- Hyperphosphorylated tau burden in temporal lobectomy patients with chronic epilepsy: distribution patterns and correlation with cognitive decline (2016) (0)
- An Advanced technique for volumetric analysis (2018) (0)
- Cell‐Level Transcriptomic Network Analysis Provides Insights into Distinct Biological Mechanisms for Alzheimer’s Disease Enabling Targeted Drug Repositioning (2022) (0)
- SCN1A overexpression, associated with a genomic region marked by a risk variant for a common epilepsy, raises seizure susceptibility (2022) (0)
- The Genetic Heterogeneity of Multimodal Human Brain Age (2023) (0)
- Video News Video : Always On The Go : Strategies for Living with Hyperactive Children Manual for Professionals Working with Families with a Child Who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) 2 – 9 years (2000) (0)
- Poorer Sleep Health is Associated With Altered Brain Activation During Cognitive Control Processing in Healthy Adults (2023) (0)
- Association of Brain Age, Lesion Volume, and Functional Outcome in Patients With Stroke. (2023) (0)
- The new forest parenting programme, a tailored, timely programme for children with preschool type ADHD problems (2012) (0)
- Genetic map of regional sulcal morphology in the human brain from UK biobank data (2021) (0)
- Structural neuroimaging biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder in the ENIGMA-OCD medication matters. (2020) (0)
- Continuous inflation analysis: a threshold-free method to estimate genetic overlap and boost power in imaging genetics (2017) (0)
- A review of published genetic studies using ADNI multimodality quantitative phenotypes: MRI, PET, fluid biomarkers, cognition and clinical status (2013) (0)
- Power of multivariate GWAS: real case scenarios using brain phenotypes from MRI (2016) (0)
- Comparison of accelerated and nonaccelerated MRI in ADNI: Effects on measures of brain and ventricular volumes and rates of atrophy (2013) (0)
- Moving from efficacy to effectiveness research for psychosocial treatments for preschool ADHD: Challenges in the translation to different cultures (2013) (0)
- Microtubule-associated protein tau H2 haplotype is associated with frontotemporal atrophy in cognitively normal elders (2012) (0)
- Disrupted functional connectivity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease demonstrates network specificity and precedes brain volume loss: Findings from DIAN (2013) (0)
- Structural Covariance Networks in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Multisite ENIGMA-PGC Study (2021) (0)
- Amygdalar local structural differences in early- and late-onset Alzheimer's patients (2011) (0)
- 1218 Frontal lobe activity during memory encoding in temporal lobe epilepsy (2012) (0)
- Multiomic approach and Mendelian randomization analysis identify causal associations between blood biomarkers and subcortical brain structure volumes (2023) (0)
- In vivo localization of aging and Alzheimer's disease effects on cortical gray matter in normal elderly and patients with mild cognitive impairment (2011) (0)
- Progressive white matter abnormalities in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease: Results of the DIAN study (2012) (0)
- Are early atrophy patterns in autosomal dominant familial Alzheimer's disease gene-dependent? (2013) (0)
- Brain growth and atrophy: Relationships between gray matter thinning and cortical surface morphology during normal development and aging (2001) (0)
- Child and Family Influences on EE in ADHD Disentangling Child and Family Influences on Maternal Expressed Emotion toward Children with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (2013) (0)
- Author Correction: Multimodal hippocampal subfield grading for Alzheimer’s disease classification (2020) (0)
- Effects of Dementia and MCI on Diffusion Tensor Metrics Using the Updated ADNI3 DTI Preprocessing Pipeline (2022) (0)
- Myelin integrity mediates age-related slowing in cognitive processing speed in a sample of healthy elderly men (2011) (0)
- Test-Retest Reliability in Fibre Orientation Distribution ( FOD ) Measurements in HARDI Data (2012) (0)
- ApoE and age at onset in AD : a cortical pattern matching study (2012) (0)
- Lifestyle Factors That Promote Brain Structural Resilience in Individuals with Genetic Risk Factors for Dementia (2022) (0)
- Effects of changing from non-accelerated to accelerated MRI in brain atrophy measurement (2013) (0)
- Author Correction: Multimodal hippocampal subfield grading for Alzheimer’s disease classification (2020) (0)
- Myelin integrity mediates age-related slowing in cognitive processing speed in a sample of healthy elderly men (2011) (0)
- TOMM40 rs2075650, TOMM40 rs157580 and TOMM40 PolyT polymorphism effects on ventricular enlargement in individuals with and without mild cognitive impairment (2011) (0)
- Spread of pathological tau proteins through communicating neurons in human Alzheimer’s disease (2020) (0)
- Cerebral amyloid is associated with poorer integrity of white matter lesions, penumbra, and healthy white matter in the elderly (2015) (0)
- Meta-analysis of sex and handedness effects on human subcortical asymmetries: ENIGMA-Lateralization (2015) (0)
- Cortical Thickness Across the Lifespan in Relation to Psychopharmacological Treatment in OCD (2018) (0)
- Five negative symptom domains are differentially associated with resting state amplitude of low frequency fluctuations in Schizophrenia (2023) (0)
- Brain segmentation using deformable organisms and error learning (2011) (0)
- lucidating a Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based euroanatomic Biomarker for Psychosis : Classification nalysis Using Probabilistic Brain Atlas and Machine earning Algorithms (0)
- Cross-sectional cerebral volumetric differences and associations with estimated time to age-at-onset in familial Alzheimer's disease: Findings from the DIAN study (2012) (0)
- Memory impairment is associated with hippocampal atrophy in newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease (2011) (0)
- Combined Surface / Volume Fluid Registration-Performance Evaluation using Brain MRIs from 342 Adults (2010) (0)
- Effects of changing from nonaccelerated to accelerated MRI in brain atrophy measurement (2013) (0)
- Verbal memory associations with cortical thickness (2011) (0)
- Cortical surface asymmetries and sulcal shape variability in schizophrenia (2000) (0)
- Chapter 43 – Image Registration and the Construction of Multidimensional Brain Atlases (2009) (0)
- Empowering Anatomical Shape Analysis with Medial Curves and 1-D GroupWise Registration (2012) (0)
- Neuroimaging, nutrition, and iron-related genes (2013) (0)
- Multi‐ethnic differences in brain and biopsychosocial risk factors for ADRD in UK immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (2022) (0)
- Computational Anatomy in Alzheimer's Disease (2010) (0)
- Elevated plasma cortisol associated with larger ventricles and smaller hippocampal volumes – a study in 2 independent elderly cohorts (2020) (0)
- Importance Sampling Spherical Harmonics to Improve Probabilistic Tractography (2013) (0)
- Network Centrality and Modularity of Structural Covariance Networks in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Multisite ENIGMA-PGC Study. (2022) (0)
- Cerebral amyloid is associated with poorer integrity of white matter lesions, penumbra, and healthy white matter in the elderly (2015) (0)
- Amplitude-modulated phase-only filtering and high-dimensional warping for registration on MRI brain images (2006) (0)
- The role of maternal BMI on brain food cue reactivity in children: a preliminary study (2021) (0)
- 292. Large-Scale Investigation of Bipolar Disorder Topological Variance: A Graph Theory Analysis of 959 Individuals From the Enigma Bipolar Disorder Working Group (2023) (0)
- Volumetric and morphometric analysis of the caudate nucleus in the normal pediatric and adult human brain (2000) (0)
- Abnormal Gyral Complexity in First-Episode (2004) (0)
- Cerebrovascular risk factors and brain microstructural abnormalities on diffusion tensor images in HIV-infected individuals (2012) (0)
- The role of cortical thickness in memory and strategy use in older adults (2011) (0)
- Automated Diagnostic Classifiers Using Imaging, Genotyping, and Gene Expression Data (2011) (0)
- Chapter 39 – Warping Strategies for Intersubject Registration (2009) (0)
- The Impact of Susceptibility Distortion Correction Protocols on Adolescent Diffusion MRI Measures (2022) (0)
- Minds in transition (MinT):: a prospective study examining neurocognitive correlates of transition from ultra-high risk mental state to schizophrenia (2010) (0)
- ImpactoftheAlzheimer'sDiseaseNeuroimagingInitiative,2004to2014 (2015) (0)
- Author Correction: FAM222A encodes a protein which accumulates in plaques in Alzheimer’s disease (2022) (0)
- Cross-sectional cerebral volumetric differences and associations with estimated time to age-at-onset in familial Alzheimer's disease: Findings from the DIAN study (2012) (0)
- Automatic HARDI White Matter Tract Labeling with Multiple Atlas Fusion (2012) (0)
- A voxel-based morphometry study of volumetric MRI in familial Alzheimer's disease (2012) (0)
- Ancestral, Pregnancy, and Negative Early-Life Risks Shape Children’s Brain (Dis)similarity to Schizophrenia (2023) (0)
- Comparison of accelerated and nonaccelerated MRI in ADNI: Effects on measures of brain and ventricular volumes and rates of atrophy (2013) (0)
- Regional extra-cortical CSF increases despite absence of significant gray matter losses in schizophrenia (2003) (0)
- The relationship between VEGF and cerebral vascular territory glucose metabolism is modified by cardiovascular risk in Alzheimer's disease (2020) (0)
- Cortical Microstructure Mediates CSF Amyloid and Tau Associations with Episodic Memory Performance (2022) (0)
- Discovery of the first genome-wide significant risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (2018) (0)
- Peripheral Blood Gene Expression Correlates of Cortical Atrophy Across in Cognitively Normal Elderly and MCI (2011) (0)
- 20. An Enigma Mega-Analysis of Cortical Structure and Subcortical Volumes in Youths With Conduct Disorder: Influence of Sex, Callous-Unemotional Traits and Age-Of-Onset (2023) (0)
- Predicting individual brain MRIs at any age using style encoding generative adversarial networks (2023) (0)
- FDG metabolism in the DIAN study of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease (2012) (0)
- Increase in caudate size with age in carriers of the A431E PSEN1 mutation (2011) (0)
- Brain and hippocampal rates of atrophy in familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers: Preliminary findings from the DIAN study (2012) (0)
- Brain and hippocampal rates of atrophy in familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers: Preliminary findings from the DIAN study (2012) (0)
- MR spectroscopic neurometabolite profile in aged rodents: a study in Sprague‐Dawley and Wistar rats, and C57bl/6J mice (2022) (0)
- Explainable Contrastive Multiview Graph Representation of Brain, Mind, and Behavior (2022) (0)
- Prediction of cognitive change based on hemispheric cortical surface maps of FDDNP (2009) (0)
- Advanced diffusion‐weighted MRI sensitively detects age and sex effects in 34,423 adults (2022) (0)
- A Deep Transfer Learning Framework for 3D Brain Imaging Based on Optimal Mass Transport (2020) (0)
- Registration of Spherical Functions from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging using the Heat Kernel Signature and Möbius Transformation (2012) (0)
- CSF Abeta and tau, hippocampal atrophy and lateral ventricle enlargement in Parkinson's disease with and without mild cognitive impairment (2010) (0)
- Altered White Matter Organization after Military Brain Injury: Preliminary Results from ENIGMA (2018) (0)
- Cortical topography in normal children (2000) (0)
- Disrupted functional connectivity in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease demonstrates network specificity and precedes brain volume loss: Findings from the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (2013) (0)
- Higher CSF sTREM2 attenuates ApoE4-related risk for cognitive decline and neurodegeneration (2020) (0)
- Dissociating volume and intensity differences in familial Alzheimer's disease (2013) (0)
- New Results - Computational Anatomy (2006) (0)
- A voxel-based morphometry study of volumetric MRI in familial Alzheimer's disease (2012) (0)
- A review of published genetic studies using ADNI multimodality quantitative phenotypes: MRI, PET, fluid biomarkers, cognition and clinical status (2013) (0)
- Plasma protein associations with hippocampal atrophy across the cognitive spectrum from normal aging to Alzheimer's disease (2011) (0)
- A gene co-expression module in peripheral blood correlates with hippocampal atrophy in elderly subjects (2013) (0)
- Evaluation of a Landmark Curve Matching Technique in Brain Mapping based on the Level Set Method (2004) (0)
- 39. Subcortical Brain Volumes in Social Anxiety Disorder: An Enigma-Anxiety International Mega-Analysis of 37 Samples (2023) (0)
- Statistically assisted fluid registration algorithm - SAFIRA (2010) (0)
- Semantic clustering and hippocampal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (2011) (0)
- A gene coexpression module in peripheral blood correlates with hippocampal atrophy in elderly individuals (2013) (0)
- Hippocampal atrophy and lateral ventricle enlargement in Parkinson's disease subjects with mild cognitive impairment (2010) (0)
- Low serum levels of ApoE associate with hippocampal atrophy in the ADNI cohort (2011) (0)
- Effects of Brain MRI Classification and Segmentation on Cortical Atlases and Maps (2010) (0)
- The trend of disruption in the functional brain network topology of Alzheimer’s disease (2021) (0)
- Right Prefrontal Cortical Thickness is Associated With Response to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Children With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. (2022) (0)
- Peripheral blood plasma protein levels are associated with Pittsburgh compound B binding in the brain (2013) (0)
- APOE4 genotype associations with longitudinal change in hippocampal microstructure (2022) (0)
- Peripheral blood plasma protein levels are associated with Pittsburgh compound B-binding in the brain (2013) (0)
- Multisite ENIGMA and PGC Consortium Findings From Multimodal Neuroimaging of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (2020) (0)
- Dissociating volume and intensity differences in familial Alzheimer's disease (2013) (0)
- Differential patterns of atrophy in behavioral versus language subtypes of frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A tensor-based morphometry study (2009) (0)
- IC-P3-169: Lifespan trajectories of speed and myelin integrity: Implications for cognition (2008) (0)
- New Results - Computational Diffusion MRI (2009) (0)
- White Matter Disruption in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Results from ENIGMA Pediatric msTBI (2020) (0)
- Low serum levels of APOE associate with hippocampal atrophy in the ADNI cohort (2011) (0)
- Deep learning-based polygenic risk analysis for Alzheimer’s disease prediction (2023) (0)
- Supporting Japanese Mothers of Children at Risk for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Small Scale Randomized Control Trial of Well Parent Japan (2020) (0)
- 3D maps of cortical gray matter concentration in schizophrenic and normal populations (2000) (0)
- Remodeling of the Cortical Structural Connectome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results From the ENIGMA-PGC Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Consortium (2022) (0)
- TV‐L1 Ordinal Logistic Regression Reveals New Morphometric Patterns Related to Parkinsonian Symptom Severity: An ENIGMA‐PD study (2022) (0)
- Remodeling of the Cortical Structural Connectome in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Results from the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD Consortium. (2022) (0)
- Characteristic patterns of inter- and intra-hemispheric metabolic connectivity in patients with stable and progressive mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (2018) (0)
- 3D mapping of delayed recall of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test in clinical and preclinical Alzheimer's disease (2013) (0)
- Pattern Discovery in Brain Imaging Genetics via SCCA Modeling with a Generic Non-convex Penalty (2017) (0)
- Cortical Complexity Measured via Regional Surface Shape (2004) (0)
- Comparison of Automated and Manual Hippocampal Segmentation (P03.101) (2012) (0)
- In vivo voxel-based morphometric analyses of the brain in fetal alcohol syndrome: Abnormalities in posterior Temporo-Parietal cortex (2000) (0)
- 3D cortical surface asymmetry and variability profiles in first episode schizophrenia (2001) (0)
- The relationship between hippocampal atrophy and neuropathology markers: A 7T MRI study (2013) (0)
- Increase in caudate size with age in carriers of the A431E PSEN1 mutation (2011) (0)
- Semantic clustering and hippocampal atrophy in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (2011) (0)
- Association of anxiety-depression score with right lingual surface area: true association or false positive? (2017) (0)
- Elevated PiB precedes dementia in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease: PiB, FDG and atrophy in the DIAN cohort (2012) (0)
- The role of cortical thickness in memory and strategy use in older adults (2011) (0)
- University of Groningen Brain Aging in Major Depressive Disorder: Results from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group ‘for the ENIGMA-MDD Consortium’; Han, (2019) (0)
- P.506 Altered neurite density and dispersion in the white matter of carriers of 16p11.2 copy number variants (2020) (0)
- Morphological differences in the striatum in early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (2012) (0)
- Depression predicts progressive brain atrophy in mild cognitive impairment (2011) (0)
- The Influence of Brain MRI Defacing Algorithms on Brain-Age Predictions via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (2023) (0)
- A resting state fMRI analysis pipeline for pooling inference across diverse cohorts: an ENIGMA rs-fMRI protocol (2018) (0)
- Other Grants and Activities - Foreign associated team (2005) (0)
- A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the revised new forest parenting programme for preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (2021) (0)
- IM-01 3D and 4D MR imaging of aging and dementia: Principles and pitfalls (2007) (0)
- Approximating principal genetic components of subcortical shape (2017) (0)
- Corrigendum to: Heritability of regional brain volumes in large-scale neuroimaging and genetic studies. (2021) (0)
- Nucleus Accumbens atrophy in early-and late-onset Alzheimer ’ s disease (2012) (0)
- Genetic heterogeneity of four MCI/AD neuroanatomical dimensions discovered via deep learning (2022) (0)
- Deep transfer learning of brain shape morphometry predicts Body Mass Index (BMI) in the UK Biobank (2020) (0)
- IC-P3-223: Automated longitudinal 3D mapping of hippocampal ADASCPG delayed recall effects in 293 normal elderly, MCI and AD subjects (2008) (0)
- Mapping Amygdalar structural differences in Alzheimer ' s patients with 3 T MRI (2011) (0)
- Integrating Transcriptomics, Genomics, and Imaging in Alzheimer's Disease: A Federated Model (2022) (0)
- Theoretical Underpinnings of Parent-Led Interventions to Treat Psychopathology in Children (2021) (0)
- P163. Fiber Density vs. Dispersion in 16p11.2 Deletion: A Multi-Site Study of Advanced Diffusion MRI Measures (2022) (0)
- Hippocampal Atrophy and Lateral Ventricle Enlargement in Parkinson's Disease Subjects With Mild Cognitive Impairment (2010) (0)
- Predicting Spatio-Temporal Human Brain Response Using fMRI (2022) (0)
- Childhood Trauma Exposure and PTSD Diagnosis Interact With Polygenic Determinants of Hippocampal and Amygdala Volume (2023) (0)
- Genome-wide association studies using cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers as an endophenotype for Alzheimer's disease (2012) (0)
- Sex differences in APOE effects on cognition are domain‐specific (2022) (0)
- White Matter Hyperintensity Volume Modifies the Association between CSF Vascular Inflammatory Biomarkers and Regional FDG-PET Along the Alzheimer's Disease Continuum (2023) (0)
- Automated hippocampal segmentation improved by convolutional neural network approach in participants with a history of cerebrovascular accident (2020) (0)
- Previous in vivo morphometric studies of human brain maturation between childhood and young adulthood have revealed a spatial and temporal pattern of progressive brain changes (2001) (0)
- VEGF’s Relationship to Brain Aging Biomarkers (P3.029) (2018) (0)
- A Matlab user interface for the statistically assisted fluid registration algorithm and tensor-based morphometry (2015) (0)
- Retrieval of Face-Name Pairs Dynamics of the Hippocampus During Encoding (2006) (0)
- Altered regional brain volumes in elderly carriers of a risk variant for drug abuse in the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) (2014) (0)
- Brain Structural Differences in the Salience-Sensorimotor Networks of People Reporting Chronic Pain in the UK Biobank (2021) (0)
- Brain changes in 676 ADNI subjects: summary of 10 studies using tensor based-morphometry and automated hippocampal mapping (2009) (0)
- An imaging study of Australian twins: Quantifying genetic and environmental influences on fMRI and Hardi phenotypes (2008) (0)
- Subcortical shape and neuropsychological function among U.S. service members with mild traumatic brain injury (2018) (0)
- 2 Neuroimaging Alzheimer ’ s Disease (2002) (0)
- Neuroimaging Advances in Diagnosis and Differentiation of HIV, Comorbidities, and Aging in the cART Era. (2021) (0)
- CSF Abeta and Tau associations with 3-D hippocampal radial distance mapped in 282 ADNI subjects (2009) (0)
- Gene hunting in DTI : Boosting Power to Detect Genes that Influence Fiber Tracts (2010) (0)
- Cortical connectome registration using spherical demons (2017) (0)
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging Summary Statistics of White Matter Regions of Interest (2011) (0)
- Non-lesioned subcortical brain volumes are associated with post-stroke sensorimotor behavior across 28 cohorts worldwide: An ENIGMA Stroke Recovery study (2020) (0)
- Mapping corpus callosum deficits in twins discordant for bipolar disorder (2007) (0)
- Examination of corticothalamic fiber projections in United States service members with mild traumatic brain injury (2017) (0)
- Using Geometry of the Set of Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Matrices to Classify Structural Brain Networks (2016) (0)
- Multivariate analysis of eigenvalues and eigenvectors in tensor based morphometry (2015) (0)
- Improved Prediction of Beta-Amyloid and Tau Burden Using Hippocampal Surface Multivariate Morphometry Statistics and Sparse Coding (2022) (0)
- Predicting Dementia Severity by Merging Anatomical and Diffusion MRI with Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (2022) (0)
- Heritability of FMRI response in young adult twins (2010) (0)
- Tensor Based Morphometry as Surrogate Marker for Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Optimizing Statistical Power (2009) (0)
- Brain changes in 676 ADNI subjects: Summary of 10 studies using tensor based morphometry and automated hippocampal mapping (2009) (0)
- Topographic Divergence of Atypical Cortical Asymmetry and Regional Atrophy Patterns in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Worldwide ENIGMA Study (2021) (0)
- P1-245: Mapping local structural hippocampal changes in Alzheimer's disease and normal aging on MR imaging at 3T (2008) (0)
- IC-P3-165: 3D comparison of low, intermediate and advanced hippocampal atrophy in MCI (2008) (0)
- Presence of Brain Amyloidosis Can Be Ascertained from Cognitive, Imaging and Peripheral Blood Protein Measures (IN3-1.004) (2013) (0)
- Automated diagnostic classifiers for cognitively normal and mild cognitive impairment subjects using imaging, genotyping, and gene expression (2011) (0)
- Preoperative amygdala fMRI in mesial TLE (mTLE): A possible predictor for mood disturbances after temporal lobe surgery (2007) (0)
- Gene expression correlates of hippocampal atrophy across in cognitively normal elderly and MCI (2010) (0)
- FMRI bold cerebellar activation of first-episode schizophrenia patients during the Tower of London task (2005) (0)
- No association between two polymorphisms of the serotonin transporter gene and combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (0)
- Social Dysfunction in Patients with Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia and Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease (P05.112) (2013) (0)
- White Matter Complexity for Population Studies using Q-Ball Imaging: Application to Brain Asymmetry (2009) (0)
- WITHDRAWN: Mapping Connectivity in the Developing Brain. (2013) (0)
- IC-P2-072: Automated 3D mapping of caudate atrophy and ventricular enlargement in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia (2008) (0)
- Evaluation of a level-set based method for brain surface mapping (2004) (0)
- Geriatric depression and white matter integrity in Alzheimer's disease patients (2014) (0)
- Understanding Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Structural imaging of Alzheimer's disease (2010) (0)
- Overview of Scanner Invariant Representations (2020) (0)
- Brain Connectomics in Man and Mouse (2013) (0)
- Using Multiple Diffusion MRI Measures to Predict Alzheimer’s Disease with a TV-L1 Prior (2016) (0)
- Predicting Brain Amyloid Positivity from T1 weighted brain MRI and MRI-derived Gray Matter, White Matter and CSF maps using Transfer Learning on 3D CNNs (2023) (0)
- Tensor Distribution Function in Multiple Shell High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (2011) (0)
- Brain Neuroscience Cognitive Effects for Efficient Neurobusiness (2020) (0)
- Databasing the brain (2000) (0)
- Preliminary Validation of a Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metric for Tracking Dementia-Related Neurodegeneration and Future Decline (2022) (0)
- Computational anatomic methods as applied to aging and dementia (2008) (0)
- A longitudinal study of inter-hemispheric interaction and corpus callosum development in 6 and 8 year old children (2009) (0)
- An Empirical Study of Continuous Connectivity Degree Sequence Equivalents (2016) (0)
- Genetics of structural brain connectivity matrices: A HARDI study of 228 healthy young adult twins (2011) (0)
- Multimodal Brain Image Analysis (2012) (0)
- A comparison of network definitions for detecting sex differences in brain connectivity using Support Vector Machines (2017) (0)
- Automated analysis of the shape of sulcal curves using the anisotropic Helmholtz equation (2013) (0)
- MRI results from the DIAN study The pattern of atrophy in familial Alzheimer disease : Volumetric (0)
- 79. Association Between Illness Duration and Psychotropic Medication in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Altered Brain Structural Covariance Networks: A Multi-Center Analysis (2019) (0)
- Investigating the Effect of Tau Deposition and Apoe on Hippocampal Morphometry in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Federated Chow Test Model (2022) (0)
- VKučinskas-2001-2016 (2016) (0)
- Continuous connectomics: an exploratory framework for connectivity analysis in brain imaging (2014) (0)
- Facilitating big data meta-analyses for clinical neuroimaging through ENIGMA wrapper scripts (2016) (0)
- Common Variants in ABCA7, MS4A6A, and PICALM Are Associated with Cortical Atrophy (PD5.001) (2013) (0)
- Novel Measure of Fiber Integrity based on Q-Ball Imaging and the Tensor Distribution Function avoids Problems with Fractional Anisotropy Measures (2009) (0)
- Improving fluid registration through white matter segmentation in a twin study design (2010) (0)
- New Results - Restauration et segmentation d'images (2002) (0)
- Segmenting crossing fiber geometries using fluid mechanics tensor distribution function tractography (2009) (0)
- Higher homocysteine associated with thinner cortical gray matter in 803 ADNI subjects (2014) (0)
- Genome-wide association identifies genetic variants associated with lentiform nucleus volume in N 0 1345 young and elderly subjects (2012) (0)
- CSF Abeta and tau, hippocampal atrophy and lateral ventricle enlargement in Parkinson's disease with and without mild cognitive impairment (2010) (0)
- O1-02-05: Automated longitudinal 3D mapping of hippocampal ADAS-cog delayed recall effects in 293 normal elderly, MCI and Alzheimer's disease subjects (2008) (0)
- P1-216: Six month MRI gray matter declines in Alzheimer's dementia evaluated by voxel-based morphometry with multivariate network analysis: Preliminary findings from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2008) (0)
- A 3D Statistical Fluid Registration Algorithm (2010) (0)
- Analysis of Fiber Reconstruction Accuracy in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images (HARDI) (2009) (0)
- P1-217: Automated 3D mapping of caudate atrophy and ventricular enlargement in Parkinson's disease with and without dementia (2008) (0)
- Leveraging Spatial Transcriptomics to Identify Drivers of Cortical Alterations in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (2021) (0)
- Response to: Size matters; but so does what you do with it! (2016) (0)
- Hippocampal Atrophy and Lateral Ventricle Enlargement in Parkinson's Disease Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment (2010) (0)
- 3-D mapping of associations amongst amyloid-PET and CSF biomarkers and hippocampal morphology (2009) (0)
- Genetic contributions to brain structure (2016) (0)
- Differential Rates of Brain Volume Loss as a Function of Time To Develop AD among Cognitively Normal Individuals (S14.005) (2012) (0)
- Explorer Epigenome-wide meta-analyses of blood DNA methylation and its association with subcortical volumes (2019) (0)
- Thursday abstracts (2015) (0)
- Mapping Genetic Influences on Brain Shape Using Multi-Atlas Fluid Image Alignment (2007) (0)
- Validating the Tensor Distribution Function for Fiber Reconstruction in HARDI (High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging) (2009) (0)
- Tensor Distribution Function Demixes Fibers in Multi-Shell High Angular Resolution Diffusion Images (2010) (0)
- A Surface-Based Federated Chow Test Model for Integrating APOE Status, Tau Deposition Measure, and Hippocampal Surface Morphometry (2023) (0)
- Use of an Alzheimer's Disease-Related Hypometabolic Convergence Index to Predict Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Dementia (2010) (0)
- BrainDifferencesinInfantsatDifferentialGeneticRisk forLate-OnsetAlzheimerDisease ACross-sectionalImagingStudy (2013) (0)
- A Fast, Accurate Two-Step Linear Mixed Model for Genetic Analysis Applied to Repeat MRI Measurements (2017) (0)
- Title A Learning Based Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Permalink (2006) (0)
- Disease Mechanisms in Neuroscience (2007) (0)
- Analysis of structural brain connectivity in 6 cases of hemispherectomy (2014) (0)
- Use of Iterative Principal Component Analysis Based Whole Brain Atrophy to Detect Twelve-month Change in Alzheimer's Disease in Multi-center Trials: Findings from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2013) (0)
- Reducing structural variation to determine the genetics of white matter integrity across hemispheres - A DTI study of 100 twins (2009) (0)
- Genetic analysis of quantitative phenotypes in AD and MCI: imaging, cognition and biomarkers (2013) (0)
- IC-P3-197: Apolipoprotein genotype predicts rate of brain atrophy in healthy elderly adults: A tensor-based morphometry study (2008) (0)
- IC-103-02 Cerebral FDDNP-PET binding increases in MCI and aging as neurodegeneration progresses (2006) (0)
- ENIGMA-CNV and Other Initiatives to Understand the Impact of Rare Copy Number Variants on Brain Structure and Other Measures (2021) (0)
- Automaticclusteringandpopulationanalysisofwhitemattertractsusing maximum density paths (2014) (0)
- 3D mapping of associations between Amyloid-PET and CSF biomarkers and hippocampal morphology in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (2009) (0)
- Mapping the regional in fl uence of genetics on brain structure variability — ^ A Tensor-^ Based Morphometry study (2009) (0)
- The power of negative thinking. (2016) (0)
- - 1-Delayed white matter growth trajectory in young non-psychotic 1 siblings of childhood-onset schizophrenia patients 2 (2011) (0)
- Predicting Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease using MRI-based Cortical Features and a Two-State Markov Model (2021) (0)
- Time Perception through the Processing of Verb Tenses: An ERP study regarding Mental Time Travel (2020) (0)
- P.787 Prefrontal cortical thickness is associated with response to cognitive-behavioural therapy in children and adolescents with OCD (2019) (0)
- P.0035 Structural brain correlates of childhood inhibited temperament: rationale and methodology for an ENIGMA-Anxiety mega-analysis (2021) (0)
- T60. ADHD and the Cortex: Evidence From Large Clinical and Population Based Samples (2018) (0)
- 21. ENIGMA-Relatives: The Association Between Familial Risk for Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder and Brain Abnormalities (2019) (0)
- 88. Advanced Brain Age and its Clinical Correlates in Bipolar Disorder: A Global, Multi-Site Analysis of Data From the ENIGMA Bipolar Disorders Working Group (2019) (0)
- Association Between Obesity and Subcortical Brain Volumes in Bipolar Disorders – ENIGMA Study in 2,735 Individuals (2021) (0)
- 485. Cortical Signatures of Positive and Negative Schizotypy: A Worldwide Enigma Study (2023) (0)
- New Results - Registration (2003) (0)
- 78. Machine Learning Classification of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Using Structural Neuroimaging Data: ENIGMA Working Group (2019) (0)
- UNet trained on MNI registered T1w, T2w, and FLAIR images from UK Biobank (2023) (0)
- Topological Correction of 3D Volumes using Spherical Harmonics (2011) (0)
- Brain Network Architecture Intricately Linked to Morphological Abnormalities in Major Psychiatric Disorders (2021) (0)
- White matter hyperintensity associated with cerebral amyloidosis independent of hypertension history (I9-2A) (2015) (0)
- Genetic Control Over Cerebral Blood Flow and Resting State Regional Homogeneity Signal (2020) (0)
- 100. Investigating the Overlap between Common Genetic Factors for ADHD Risk and Brain Volume Measures (2017) (0)
- PRS Associations With Subcortical Volumes, Cortical Thickness and Surface Area in ENIGMA-OCD (2023) (0)
- Age effects on white matter microstructure in individuals of self‐identified Indian ancestry from the UK Biobank (2021) (0)
- P463. The Thalamus and its Subnuclei - A Gateway to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (2022) (0)
- 453. Diffusion Tensor Imaging White Matter Abnormalities Associated With Copy Number Variants: A Normative Modeling Approach (2023) (0)
- Genetic Factors For Adhd Risk Overlap With Those Influencing Intracranial Volume (2019) (0)
- An Overview of Variation (2007) (0)
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