Paul R. Ehrlich
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American biologist and environmentalist noted for his warning about population growth being unsustainable
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Paul R. Ehrlichbiology Degrees
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Earth Sciences Biology
Paul R. Ehrlich's Degrees
- PhD Biology University of Kansas
Why Is Paul R. Ehrlich Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Paul Ralph Ehrlich is an American biologist known for his predictions and warnings about the consequences of population growth, including famine and resource depletion. Ehrlich is the Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies of the Department of Biology of Stanford University, and President of Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology.
Paul R. Ehrlich's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction (2015) (2471)
- Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines (2017) (1588)
- The Population Bomb. (1962) (1489)
- Human Appropriation of Renewable Fresh Water (1996) (1361)
- The Value of Nature and the Nature of Value (2000) (1049)
- Mammal Population Losses and the Extinction Crisis (2002) (814)
- Ecosystem consequences of bird declines (2004) (767)
- ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: Benefits Supplied to Human Societies by Natural Ecosystems (2007) (759)
- Economic value of tropical forest to coffee production. (2004) (715)
- Biodiversity Studies: Science and Policy (1991) (687)
- Effects of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity (2003) (650)
- Should agricultural policies encourage land sparing or wildlife‐friendly farming? (2008) (626)
- The Population Explosion (1990) (587)
- Human population and the global environment. (1974) (586)
- Population diversity and ecosystem services (2003) (558)
- Extinction: The Causes and Consequences of the Disappearance of Species (1981) (553)
- Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: modeling and policy implications (2012) (539)
- Are We Consuming Too Much? (2004) (536)
- Disappearance of insectivorous birds from tropical forest fragments (2002) (514)
- Population diversity: its extent and extinction. (1997) (512)
- Population Biology. (1962) (468)
- Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system? (2014) (467)
- Climate change hastens population extinctions (2002) (465)
- Differentiation of populations. (1969) (449)
- Extinction, Substitution, and Ecosystem Services (1983) (440)
- Social norms as solutions (2016) (427)
- The Evolution of Norms (2005) (412)
- Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided? (2013) (400)
- Differentiation of populations. (1969) (384)
- Global mammal distributions, biodiversity hotspots, and conservation (2006) (377)
- Population, Sustainability And Earth's Carrying Capacity (1992) (375)
- Intervention Ecology: Applying Ecological Science in the Twenty-first Century (2011) (370)
- The Birder's Handbook (1988) (355)
- Distribution of the Bay Checkerspot Butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis: Evidence for a Metapopulation Model (1988) (354)
- Countryside Biogeography of Moths in a Fragmented Landscape: Biodiversity in Native and Agricultural Habitats (2001) (350)
- Resilience in natural and socioeconomic systems (1998) (349)
- Introduction to insect biology and diversity (1978) (343)
- Looming Global-Scale Failures and Missing Institutions (2009) (335)
- Forest bolsters bird abundance, pest control and coffee yield. (2013) (331)
- When Agendas Collide: Human Welfare and Biological Conservation (2007) (318)
- The Birder's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Natural History of North American Birds (1989) (304)
- Human impacts on the rates of recent, present, and future bird extinctions. (2006) (298)
- Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect (2000) (296)
- Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction (2020) (296)
- Biological collections and ecological/environmental research: a review, some observations and a look to the future (2010) (293)
- Ecosystem Services of Tropical Dry Forests: Insights from Long-term Ecological and Social Research on the Pacific Coast of Mexico (2005) (279)
- Economic incentives for rain forest conservation across scales. (2000) (270)
- Intensive agriculture erodes β-diversity at large scales. (2012) (265)
- Persistence of Forest Birds in the Costa Rican Agricultural Countryside (2007) (256)
- Global Mammal Conservation: What Must We Manage? (2005) (250)
- More than just indicators: A review of tropical butterfly ecology and conservation (2010) (248)
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Maintaining Natural Life Support Processes (1999) (245)
- The Community Structure of Coral Reef Fishes (1981) (242)
- The "Balance of Nature" and "Population Control" (1967) (235)
- Conserving Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2001) (227)
- Social Norms and Global Environmental Challenges: The Complex Interaction of Behaviors, Values, and Policy (2013) (226)
- Ark II; social response to environmental imperatives (1973) (226)
- Conservation of tropical forest birds in countryside habitats (2002) (219)
- Conservation Biology for All (2010) (216)
- On the wings of checkerspots : a model system for population biology (2004) (211)
- Deletions spanning the neurofibromatosis 1 gene: identification and phenotype of five patients. (1994) (211)
- Securing natural capital and expanding equity to rescale civilization (2012) (208)
- Where does biodiversity go from here? A grim business-as-usual forecast and a hopeful portfolio of partial solutions (2008) (200)
- Checkerspot butterflies: a historical perspective. (1975) (199)
- Butterflies: Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight (2003) (198)
- The Population Biology of Coral Reef Fishes (1975) (197)
- Food Security, Population, and Environment (1993) (195)
- Ecosystem‐Service Science and the Way Forward for Conservation (2007) (195)
- Economic development and coastal ecosystem change in China (2014) (195)
- The behavior of heterotypic resting schools of juvenile grunts (Pomadasyidae) (1977) (192)
- Human behavior and sustainability (2012) (182)
- Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment (1977) (181)
- Population Structure and Dynamics of the Tropical Butterfly Heliconius ethilla (1973) (178)
- Identifying Extinction Threats: Global Analyses of the Distribution of Biodiversity and the Expansion of the Human Enterprise (1994) (177)
- Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future (2021) (177)
- The State of the Environment (1983) (174)
- Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war. (1983) (170)
- Local people value environmental services provided by forested parks (2010) (169)
- Emergence patterns in male butterflies: A hypothesis and a test (1983) (165)
- Techniques and guidelines for monitoring neotropical butterflies. (1994) (164)
- The Preservation of Species: The Value of Biological Diversity (1987) (164)
- The Effect of Crowding on Human Task Performance1 (1971) (163)
- The role of adult feeding in egg production and population dynamics of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha (1983) (161)
- Sustaining biodiversity in ancient tropical countryside (2008) (160)
- Butterflies and Plants (1967) (158)
- Investing in natural capital (1993) (153)
- Countryside Biogeography of Tropical Butterflies (2003) (152)
- Double keystone bird in a keystone species complex. (1993) (149)
- Bee community shifts with landscape context in a tropical countryside. (2007) (146)
- Socioeconomic equity, sustainability, and earth's carrying capacity (1995) (146)
- Conservation of Insect Diversity: a Habitat Approach (2000) (146)
- Which Animal Will Invade (1986) (146)
- The Sixth Extinction Crisis Loss of Animal Populations and Species (2010) (145)
- Preservation of biodiversity in small rainforest patches: rapid evaluations using butterfly trapping (1995) (145)
- The comparative morphology, phylogeny and higher classification of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) (1958) (145)
- The comparative morphology, phylogeny and higher classification of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) (1958) (145)
- Conservation Lessons from Long-Term Studies of Checkerspot Butterflies (1987) (143)
- Global distribution and conservation of marine mammals (2011) (141)
- Cost-effective priorities for global mammal conservation (2008) (140)
- Food Production, Population Growth, and the Environment (1998) (139)
- Climate change and the integrity of science. (2010) (137)
- Natural selection and cultural rates of change (2008) (136)
- Does butterfly diversity predict moth diversity? Testing a popular indicator taxon at local scales (2002) (136)
- Managing Earth's Ecosystems: An Interdisciplinary Challenge (1999) (128)
- Population genetics of euphydryas butterflies. I Genetic variation and the neutrality hypothesis. (1975) (126)
- The Population Bomb Revisited (1979) (119)
- Reservoirs of richness: least disturbed tropical forests are centres of undescribed species diversity (2012) (117)
- Plant-Herbivore Coevolution: Lupines and Lycaenids (1968) (115)
- Predictive model for sustaining biodiversity in tropical countryside (2011) (115)
- Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior (2005) (114)
- Opinion: To feed the world in 2050 will require a global revolution (2015) (112)
- Human Natures, Nature Conservation, and Environmental Ethics (2002) (112)
- Discoveries of new mammal species and their implications for conservation and ecosystem services (2009) (111)
- Extinction, reduction, stability and increase: The responses of checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas) populations to the California drought (1980) (108)
- Weather and the “Regulation” of Subalpine Populations (1972) (108)
- Intrinsic Barriers to Dispersal in Checkerspot Butterfly (1961) (108)
- Population, resources, environment. Issues in human ecology. (1971) (101)
- Population, Resources, Environment (1970) (99)
- Natural Selection in Water Snakes (Natrix sipedon L.) on Islands in Lake Erie (1958) (98)
- Role of economics in analyzing the environment and sustainable development (2019) (97)
- Diversity in Current Ecological Thinking: Implications for Environmental Management (2009) (96)
- Protecting Natural Capital through Ecosystem Service Districts (2001) (95)
- The limits to substitution: Meta-resource depletion and a new economic-ecological paradigm (1989) (93)
- Some Roots of Terrorism (2002) (91)
- Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation (2010) (89)
- Genetic diversity and interdependent crop choices in agriculture (2004) (88)
- The Ecology of the Pollinators and Predators of Frasera Speciosa (1973) (88)
- The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment (2008) (87)
- Antibiotic overuse: the influence of social norms. (2008) (85)
- Resilience and stability in bird guilds across tropical countryside (2011) (84)
- The misunderstood sixth mass extinction (2018) (84)
- The route to extinction: population dynamics of a threatened butterfly (2002) (83)
- Pervasive Externalities at the Population, Consumption, and Environment Nexus (2013) (83)
- Conservation in temperate forests: what do we need to know and do? (1996) (82)
- Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens our Future. (1996) (81)
- Knowledge and the environment (1999) (80)
- Climate engineering reconsidered (2014) (80)
- Population biology of checkerspot butterflies and the preservation of global biodiversity (1992) (79)
- Small is stupid: Blowing the whistle on the greens (1995) (78)
- Primers for exon-specific amplification of the KRT5 gene: identification of novel and recurrent mutations in epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients. (1997) (77)
- Optimum human population size (1994) (77)
- Coevolution: Heterotypic Schooling in Caribbean Reef Fishes (1973) (77)
- Nocturnality and species survival. (1996) (76)
- The Climate Change Challenge and Barriers to the Exercise of Foresight Intelligence (2016) (76)
- Plant Chemistry and Host Range in Insect Herbivores (1988) (74)
- Energy use and biodiversity loss (1994) (72)
- Coevolution of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas chalcedona and its larval food plant Diplacus aurantiacus: larval response to protein and leaf resin (1982) (71)
- A Test for Isolation-by-Distance in Central Rocky Mountain and Great Basin Populations of Edith's Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha) (1995) (71)
- The Population Structure of Erebia Epipsodea (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) (1970) (71)
- The science of ecology (1987) (70)
- Inferring population histories using cultural data (2009) (69)
- The Phenetic Relationships of the Butterflies I. Adult Taxonomy and the Nonspecificity Hypothesis (1967) (67)
- Wild Solutions: How Biodiversity is Money in the Bank (2001) (66)
- Population, Resources, Environment: Issues in Human Ecology. (1971) (66)
- How to know the butterflies (1961) (66)
- Key issues for attention from ecological economists1 (2008) (66)
- Population, Resources, Environment. Issues in Human Ecology (1971) (66)
- One With Nineveh: Politics, Consumption, and the Human Future (2004) (64)
- Is Current Consumption Excessive? A General Framework and Some Indications for the United States (2007) (63)
- Patterns and Populations (1962) (62)
- The stork and the plow : the equity answer to the human dilemma (1995) (62)
- Introducing the Scientific Consensus on Maintaining Humanity’s Life Support Systems in the 21st Century: Information for Policy Makers (2014) (61)
- Has the Biological Species Concept Outlived Its Usefulness (1961) (61)
- Rivets and redundancy (1998) (61)
- Countryside biogeography of Neotropical reptiles and amphibians. (2014) (60)
- Nectar source distribution as a determinant of oviposition host species in Euphydryas chalcedona (1984) (59)
- A World of Wounds: Ecologists and the Human Dilemma (1998) (58)
- Some Factors Affecting Pupation Site of Drosophila (1960) (58)
- Plant Resources and Butterfly Habitat Selection (1974) (58)
- Ecological Science and the Human Predicament (1998) (57)
- Oviposition behavior and offspring performance in herbivorous insects: consequences of climatic and habitat heterogeneity (2010) (56)
- Estimating female reproductive success of a threatened butterfly: influence of emergence time and hostplant phenology (1994) (56)
- New World, New Mind: Moving Toward Conscious Evolution (1990) (56)
- Evidence against the spermatophore as paternal investment in checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas: Nymphalidae). (1986) (55)
- The Cold and the Dark: The World After Nuclear War (1985) (55)
- Population biology of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona structure of the Jasper Ridge colony (2004) (54)
- One-Dimensional Ecology Revisited: A Rejoinder. (1972) (54)
- Knowledge and Perceptions in Costa Rica Regarding Environment, Population, and Biodiversity Issues (1995) (53)
- Can Sex Ratio be Defined or Determined? The Case of a Population of Checkerspot Butterflies (1984) (51)
- Alkaloid and predation patterns in colorado lupine populations (1973) (51)
- Long-term declines in bird populations in tropical agricultural countryside (2019) (51)
- Improving estimates of biodiversity loss (2012) (51)
- Growth and dispersal of larvae of the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha (1987) (50)
- Rainfall and the interaction of microclimate with larval resources in the population dynamics of checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas editha) inhabiting serpentine grassland (2004) (50)
- Epidermolysis bullosa simplex: a keratin 5 mutation is a fully dominant allele in epidermal cytoskeleton function. (1995) (49)
- Transformational change: creating a safe operating space for humanity (2015) (48)
- Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions. (1974) (48)
- Conservation Biology of California’s Remnant Native Grasslands (1989) (48)
- Insular biogeography of the montane butterfly faunas in the Great Basin: comparison with birds and mammals (1986) (47)
- Adult emergence phenology in checkerspot butterflies: the effects of macroclimate, topoclimate, and population history (1993) (47)
- Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap (1991) (47)
- The machinery of nature (1986) (45)
- The Golden Door (1979) (44)
- Intervening in evolution: Ethics and actions (2001) (42)
- Forest Canopy Structure at Overwintering Monarch Butterfly Sites: Measurements with Hemispherical Photography (1991) (41)
- Impacts of development and global change on the epidemiological environment (1996) (41)
- Diversification, Yield and a New Agricultural Revolution: Problems and Prospects (2016) (41)
- A direct assessment of the role of genetic drift in determining allele frequency variation in populations of Euphydryas editha. (1985) (40)
- From global change to a butterfly flapping: biophysics and behaviour affect tropical climate change impacts (2014) (39)
- Duration of Female Availability and Its Effect on Butterfly Mating Systems (1985) (39)
- Avoiding collapse: Grand challenges for science and society to solve by 2050 (2016) (39)
- The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants (1983) (39)
- Population, resources, environment: (1971) (38)
- Use of fruit bait traps for monitoring of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (2015) (38)
- Nature Divided, Scientists United: US–Mexico Border Wall Threatens Biodiversity and Binational Conservation (2018) (37)
- Quick Fixes for the Environment: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem? (2006) (37)
- Confronting and resolving competing values behind conservation objectives (2015) (36)
- Tropical countryside riparian corridors provide critical habitat and connectivity for seed-dispersing forest birds in a fragmented landscape (2015) (35)
- Evolutionary History and Population Biology (1967) (35)
- Butterfly Feeding on Lycopsid (1971) (35)
- Influence of social status on individual foraging and community structure in a bird guild (1994) (35)
- The Population Bomb. Population Control or Race to Oblivion (1970) (34)
- Genes and Cultures (2003) (34)
- Euphydryas anicia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) utilization of iridoid glycosides fromCastilleja andBesseya (Scrophulariaceae) host plants (1986) (33)
- Science and the Management of Natural Resources. (1993) (33)
- Human Carrying Capacity, Extinctions, and Nature Reserves (1982) (33)
- Some Axioms of Taxonomy (1964) (32)
- A common keratin 5 gene mutation in epidermolysis bullosa simplex--Weber-Cockayne. (1995) (32)
- Critical perspectives on Project Head Start : revisioning the hope and challenge (2000) (31)
- Down to Earth: Environment and Human Needs (1982) (31)
- Process Evolution (2009) (31)
- An exploratory model of the impact of rapid climate change on the world food situation (1990) (30)
- Adult Behavior and Population Structure in Erebia Epipsodea (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) (1970) (29)
- Food security requires a new revolution (2015) (29)
- WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. (2021) (29)
- A personal view: environmental education—its content and delivery (2011) (29)
- Solving the human predicament (2012) (28)
- Population Extinction and the Biodiversity Crisis (1995) (28)
- "Nonadaptive" Hilltopping Behavior in Male Checkerspot Butterflies (Euphydryas editha) (1986) (27)
- Property Rights Case Law and the Challenge to the Endangered Species Act (1995) (26)
- Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene (2020) (25)
- The race bomb: Skin color, prejudice, and intelligence (1977) (25)
- Diversity, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles from the San Vito Region, southwestern Costa Rica. (2007) (24)
- Host specialization of satyrine butterflies, and their responses to habitat fragmentation in Trinidad (1993) (24)
- Annotated checklist of the butterflies of the Tikal National Park Area of Guatemala. (1996) (24)
- Cultural evolution and the human predicament. (2009) (24)
- Knowledge of and attitudes toward population growth and the environment: university students in Costa Rica and the United States (1999) (24)
- Global change and carrying capacity: Implications for life on Earth (1989) (24)
- The most overpopulated nation. (1991) (23)
- World population crisis (1986) (23)
- The End of Affluence: A Blueprint for Your Future (1976) (23)
- The Cissia confusa species‐group in Costa Rica and Trinidad (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) (1983) (23)
- Environmental controls on the seasonality of a drought deciduous shrub, Diplacus aurantiacus and its predator, the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona (1980) (23)
- Colorado Checkerspot Butterflies: Isolation, Neutrality, and the Biospecies (1980) (22)
- Emergence patterns in male checkerspot butterflies: Testing theory in the field (1988) (22)
- Managing Earth's Life Support Systems: The Game, the Players, and Getting Everyone to Play (1996) (21)
- Temporal and spatial variability in the interaction between the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona and its principal food source, the Californian shrub, Diplacus aurantiacus (1981) (21)
- Population and Panaceas A Technological Perspective (1969) (21)
- Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere. Edited by Thomas E. Lovejoy and Lee Hannah; Foreword by Edward O. Wilson. New Haven (Connecticut): Yale University Press. $40.00. xv + 387 p. + 8 pl.; ill.; index. ISBN: 978-0-300-20611-1. 2019. (2019) (21)
- Population, development, and human natures (2002) (20)
- Estimating the Effects of Scientific Study on Two Butterfly Populations (1991) (20)
- Effects of microclimate and oviposition timing on prediapause larval survival of the Bay checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha bayensis (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (2000) (20)
- The reconstruction of fragmented ecosystems: global and regional perspectives (1993) (19)
- Food Production, Population Growth, and Environmental Security (1998) (19)
- Delayed population explosion of an introduced butterfly. (2006) (19)
- Do hypotheses from short‐term studies hold in the long‐term? An empirical test (2003) (19)
- Ecoethics: Now Central to All Ethics (2009) (19)
- History, selection, drift, and gene flow : complex differentiation in checkerspot butterflies (1990) (18)
- The culture gap and its needed closures (2010) (18)
- 21. Discussion: Ecology and Resource Management—Is Ecological Theory Any Good in Practice? (1989) (18)
- What happened to the population bomb (1979) (18)
- The MAHB, the Culture Gap, and Some Really Inconvenient Truths (2010) (17)
- Two California checkerspot butterfly subspeciesc one newc one on the verge of extinction (1981) (17)
- Local population dynamics of adult butterflies and the conservation status of two closely related species (1986) (17)
- How to be a survivor (1976) (17)
- The population explosion. Why isn't everyone as scared as we are? (1990) (16)
- Environment and Development Challenges : The Imperative to Act (2012) (16)
- The politics of extinction (1981) (16)
- Birds in Jeopardy: The Imperiled and Extinct Birds of the United States and Canada, Including Hawaii and Puerto Rico (1993) (16)
- Conservation of Tropical Forests (1981) (15)
- Environmental disruption: implications for the social sciences (1981) (15)
- Contrasting Population Biology of Two Species of Butterfly (1970) (15)
- Conservation in Practice: Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation (1999) (15)
- Integrated Pest Management in Latin America (1990) (15)
- The ecology and population genetics of an alpine checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas anicia (2004) (15)
- Ecological determinants of food plant choice in the checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha in Colorado (2004) (15)
- Long range dispersal in checkerspot butterflies: Transplant experiments with Euphydryas gillettii (1981) (14)
- The Cassandra Conference: Resources and the Human Predicament (1988) (14)
- Demography and Policy: A View from Outside the Discipline (2008) (14)
- Bioethics: Are Our Priorities Right? (2003) (14)
- Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity (2022) (13)
- Population structure of a hilltopping butterfly (1988) (13)
- The Annihilation of Nature: Human Extinction of Birds and Mammals (2015) (13)
- Wildlife-friendly farming vs land sparing (2009) (13)
- Global ecology;: Readings toward a rational strategy for man, (1971) (13)
- The behaviour of chaetodontid fishes with special reference to Lorenz' “poster colouration” hypothesis* (2009) (13)
- Population, Resources, and the Faith-Based Economy: the Situation in 2016 (2016) (13)
- Human impact: the ethics of I=PAT (2014) (13)
- Checkerspots and conservation biology (2004) (13)
- Nature’s Economy and the Human Economy (2008) (13)
- Ecoscience: Population, Resources, and Environment (1978) (13)
- Range Occupancy and Endangerment: A Test with a Butterfly Community (2007) (12)
- Scrub jay predation on starlings and swallows: attack and interspecific defense (1988) (12)
- The Jaw Epidemic: Recognition, Origins, Cures, and Prevention (2020) (12)
- Human Appropriation of the Products of Photosynthesis Nearly 40 % of potential terrestrial net primary productivity is used directly , co-opted , or foregone because of human activities (2007) (12)
- Evolution of an Advocate (2000) (12)
- Some Perspectives on Linked Ecosystems and Socio-Economic Systems (2013) (12)
- Population, plenty, and poverty (1988) (12)
- The Sixth Extinction Crisis (2009) (11)
- Systematics in 1970: Some Unpopular Predictions (1961) (11)
- Some observations on spatial distribution in a montane population of Euphydryas editha (1984) (11)
- Corridors of Clarity: Four Principles to Overcome Uncertainty Paralysis in the Anthropocene (2020) (11)
- Too many rich folks. (1989) (11)
- Environmental Quality And Regional Conflict (2003) (11)
- Puddling behavior by Bay checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas editha bayensis) (1996) (11)
- Consumption, Investment, and Future Well‐Being: Reply to Daly et al. (2007) (11)
- Environmental Malthusianism: Integrating Population and Environmental Policy (1997) (10)
- The Environmental Dimensions of National Security (1989) (10)
- The Essence of Science: The Social Responsibility of Communicating (1999) (10)
- Structure and function of the antennae of Euphydryas editha (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (1985) (10)
- Biophysical limits, women's rights and the climate encyclical (2015) (10)
- F1000Prime recommendation of Revisiting the limits to growth after peak oil. (2009) (10)
- Hilltopping Checkerspot Butterflies Revisited (1988) (10)
- The optimum population for Britain: A symposium convened by Dr. L. R. Taylor on behalf of the Institute of Biology, and in London, England, 25–26 September, 1969 (1970) (9)
- Human Effects on Ecosystems, Overview (2000) (9)
- B chromosome variation in Euphydryas colon (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (1979) (9)
- Sustainability. Millennium assessment of human behavior. (2005) (9)
- The Challenges of Conservation Biology. (1992) (8)
- Population Biology, Conservation Biology, and the Future of Humanity. (1987) (8)
- New World, New Mind: Changing the Way We Think to Save Our Future (1988) (8)
- Population diversity and the future of ecosystems. (1991) (8)
- A cage for maintaining stock colonies of parasitic mites and their hosts. (1960) (8)
- Complex population differentiation in checkerspot butterflies (Euphydryas spp.) (1989) (8)
- The Fertility Plateau in Costa Rica: a Review of Causes and Remedies (1993) (8)
- CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. (2021) (8)
- Humanity on a Tightrope: Thoughts on Empathy, Family, and Big Changes for a Viable Future (2010) (8)
- The Machinery of Nature. The Living World Around Us and How it Works (1987) (7)
- The Great Mismatch (2018) (7)
- The use of fluorescent pigments to study insect behaviour: investigating mating patterns in a butterfly population (1985) (7)
- Human Population and Environmental Problems (1974) (7)
- The missing link in biodiversity conservation. (2010) (7)
- ASSESSMENT OF THE FUNCTIONING OF THE “CLINICAL TRIALS DIRECTIVE” 2001/20/EC- PUBLIC CONSULTATION PAPER as published in consultation-paper.pdf Dear Sir or Madam, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) v (2010) (7)
- Genes, environments & behaviors (2007) (7)
- Man and the ecosphere (1971) (7)
- Biology and Society (2019) (7)
- Killing the Koala and Poisoning the Prairie: Australia, America, and the Environment (2015) (7)
- Governance in the Face of Extreme Events: Lessons from Evolutionary Processes for Structuring Interventions, and the Need to Go Beyond (2021) (7)
- Determinants of spatial distribution in a population of the subalpine butterfly Oeneis chryxus (1991) (7)
- Battling bad behavior (2006) (6)
- Human Ecology for Introductory Biology Courses: An Overview (1985) (6)
- Conservation and the Holy Grail: The Story of the Night Parrot (2014) (6)
- Eight Thousand Million People by the Year 2010? (1975) (6)
- Problems of Higher Classification (1958) (6)
- Get Off the Train and Walk (2003) (6)
- 19. The strategy of conservation, 1980-2000. (1980) (6)
- Environmental deterioration, biodiversity and the preservation of civilisation (1992) (5)
- Future collapse: how optimistic should we be? (2013) (5)
- AIBS News: Facing the habitability crisis (1989) (5)
- The seasonal dynamics of leaf resin, nitrogen, and herbivore damage in Eriodictyon californicum and their parallels in Diplacus aurantiacus (1984) (5)
- Introduction to Drug Discovery (2005) (5)
- The decoupling of human and natural systems makes me very grumpy (2013) (5)
- Dangers of Uninformed Optimism (1981) (5)
- Scientists' warning on population. (2022) (5)
- An ecologist standing up among seated social scientists. (1981) (4)
- Hope on Earth: A Conversation (2014) (4)
- Butterfly Nomenclature, Stability, and the Rule of Obligatory Categories (1983) (4)
- The Golden Door: International Migration, Mexico, and the United States (2008) (4)
- Environmental Science Input to Public Policy (2014) (4)
- Environmental anti-science. (1996) (4)
- Man and the Ecosphere: Readings from Scientific American (1971) (4)
- The birdwatcher's handbook : a guide to the natural history of the birds of Britain and Europe : including 516 species that regularly breed in Europe and adjacent parts of the Middle East and North Africa (1994) (4)
- Evolutionary History and Taxonomy (1967) (4)
- The value of protection (1988) (3)
- Don't forget the big picture (1990) (3)
- Old Myths Die Hard! (1983) (3)
- What it will take. (1995) (3)
- Fostering constructive debate: a reply to Chappell et al. (2009) (3)
- Native and Non‐Native Community Assembly through Edaphic Manipulation: Implications for Habitat Creation and Restoration (2011) (3)
- The Red Book: The Extinction Crisis Face To Face (2001) (3)
- The Butterflies of Jasper Ridge (1978) (3)
- Hidden Effects of Overpopulation. (1970) (3)
- The Global Commons and National Security (1989) (3)
- The role of experiments in ecology [1] (1995) (3)
- Notes on butterfly distributions in southern Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). (1994) (3)
- Response to Bartlett and Lytwak (1995): Population and immigration policy in the United States (1995) (3)
- [Diversity, natural history and conservation of mammals from San Vito de Coto Brus, Costa Rica]. (2006) (3)
- Social behavior of butterfly and surgeonfishes on coral reefs: Some mirror experiments (2004) (3)
- Urban Countryside Biogeography: A Decade of Comparing the Avifauna of a Sydney Suburb and Reserve (2007) (3)
- Population and development misunderstood. (1991) (2)
- Abortion and morality. (1972) (2)
- How Many Creatures (1987) (2)
- Conservation in human-dominated landscapes: Lessons from the distribution of the Central American squirrel monkey (2019) (2)
- Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB): Integrating Social Science and the Humanities into Solving Sustainability Challenges (2014) (2)
- The Future of Conservation in Polynesia (2009) (2)
- Environmental Problem Solving (1987) (2)
- Why We’re in the Sixth Great Extinction and What It Means to Humanity (2019) (2)
- Butterflies and biospecies (1983) (2)
- We've run the test (1991) (2)
- One ecologist's opinion on the so-called Stanford scandals and social responsibility (1992) (2)
- Towards a Theoretical Biology. 1, Prolegomena. Proceedings of an International Union of Biological Sciences symposium, Bellagio, Italy, Aug.-Sept. 1966. C. H. Waddington, Ed. Aldine, Chicago, 1968. viii + 234 pp., illus. $8.95 (1968) (2)
- What Should Conservation Biologists be Doing? An Homage to Ilkka Hanski (2017) (2)
- Paul Ehrlich: New High Priest of Ecocatastrophe (1971) (2)
- Homage to an avant-garde conservation leader, Navjot Sodhi. (2011) (2)
- Problems and Policy for Pesticide Exports To Less Developed Countries (1981) (2)
- Welcome to the Arbustocene (2005) (2)
- Human Impacts on Ecosystems: An Overview (2013) (2)
- Crows, bobs, tits, elfs and pixies: the phoney 'common name' phenomenon (1983) (2)
- Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic (2018) (2)
- Setting the record straight (again) (2010) (2)
- Reservoirs of richness: least disturbed tropical forests are centres of undescribed species diversity (2013) (2)
- Conservation biology and the endarkenment (2014) (2)
- Ecology of nuclear war: population resources environment. (1986) (2)
- Population, Environment, War, and Racism: Adventures of a Public Scholar (2008) (2)
- AIBS News: AIBS Task Force for the '90s (1990) (2)
- Health Screening in a Family Clinic (1980) (2)
- The Media and the Environment (2004) (2)
- Michael Soulé (1936–2020) (2020) (2)
- Returning to “Normal”? Evolutionary Roots of the Human Prospect (2022) (2)
- New World Pathogen Strategy Disclosed (2001) (2)
- Pessimism on the Food Front (2018) (2)
- Response: Commentary: Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future (2021) (1)
- Reply to Skoyles: Natural selection does appear to explain some cultural rates of change (2008) (1)
- Nomenclature, Taxonomy and Evolution (1982) (1)
- Emi's fate, our fate (2002) (1)
- A Call to Action: Marshaling Science for Society (2020) (1)
- Askö 2002: Coping with Uncertainty – A Call for a New Science-Policy Forum (2010) (1)
- Intelligent planning for safety (1989) (1)
- Comments on Petition of Pacific Legal Foundation, et al., for Rule-Making Under the Administrative Procedure Act (Which Aimed to Promulgate New Regulatory Definitions of “Species” and “Subspecies” Under the Endangered Species Act) (2018) (1)
- On the Regulation of Populations of Mammals , Birds , Fish , and Insects (2005) (1)
- Bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) pollination of field crops in the state of California. California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (2007) (1)
- A Migration of Urania fulgens (Uraniidae) in Costa Rica (1985) (1)
- The brownlash rides again (2002) (1)
- Ehrlichs' fables (1997) (1)
- AIBS News: The mission of AIBS (1989) (1)
- Perils of a modern Cassandra: Some personal comments (1994) (1)
- The effect of fluorescent pigments on butterfly copulation (1993) (1)
- Net Primary Production: Original Calculations (1987) (1)
- On butterfly taxonomy (1984) (1)
- Environmental challenges to American medicine. (1989) (1)
- International Year of No Child? (1979) (1)
- Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity: The Fundamental Questions (1986) (1)
- Reassessing Threats to Biodiversity: Two Replies (1995) (1)
- Effects of Chemical Fertilization of Diplacus aurantiacus on the Development and Persistence of the Postdiapause Larvae of Its Lepidopteran Herbivore Euphydryas chalcedona (1987) (1)
- Paul R. Ehrlich: Seeking environmental solutions in the social sciences (2011) (1)
- Ecology and the War on Hunger (1971) (1)
- Political Science in a New Era (2012) (1)
- Public outreach: Industries depend on biodiversity too (2014) (1)
- Southeast Asian refugees: from Khao I Dang to life in America. Health screening in a family clinic. (1980) (1)
- Evolutionary Processes@@@The Process of Evolution. (1964) (1)
- Identification of a common keratin 5 mutation in epidermolysis bullosa simplex-Weber-Cockayne (1994) (1)
- Net primary production: original calculations. (1987) (1)
- Population resources environment : issues in human ecology / Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich (1970) (1)
- The Morphology, Phylogeny and Higher Classification of the Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) (1957) (1)
- Why no mention of overpopulation in talk of food systems? (2021) (1)
- Warming Warning Global Warming: Entering the Greenhouse Century Stephen H. Schneider (1990) (1)
- The distribution and subspeciation of Erebia rossi Curtis (1952) (1)
- A keratin 14 mutational hot spot for epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Dowling-Meara: implications for diagnosis. (1993) (1)
- Extinction or a strategy of conservation (1981) (1)
- A Crying Need for Quiet Conferences: Personal Notes from Stockholm (1972) (1)
- Homage to Norman Borlaug (2009) (1)
- Enhancing the status of population biology. (1994) (1)
- Diversity and the steady state (1980) (1)
- A new subspecies of Erebia epipsodea Butler Lepidoptera Satyridae (1952) (0)
- The MAHB and the BioScience Gang (2010) (0)
- Using stable isotopes to measure the dietary responses of Costa Rican forest birds to agricultural countryside (2023) (0)
- UpdateBook ReviewEvolution, ecology and terrorismNatural Security: A Darwinian Approach to a Dangerous World, Raphael D. Sagarin, Terence Taylor (Eds.), University of California Press, Berkeley (2008), US $49.95 hbk (289 pages), ISBN: 978-0-520-25347-6 (2008) (0)
- Society for Conservation Biology Conservation in Practice : Overcoming Obstacles to Implementation (2008) (0)
- Wild Solutions (2008) (0)
- A note on the systematic position of the giant Lycaenid butterfly Liphyra bvassolis Westwood (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) (1960) (0)
- Back Matter (1989) (0)
- Foreword: Art, Science, and Birds (2017) (0)
- The benefits of saying YES (1975) (0)
- The process of evolution / Paul R. Ehrlich, Richard W. Holm, Dennis R. Parnell (1963) (0)
- Third world attitudes (1974) (0)
- Another Aussie parrot at risk (2015) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Ecological Engineering by a Mega-Grazer: White Rhino Impacts on a South African Savanna. (2008) (0)
- People vs. the Environment (1991) (0)
- Foreword uncertainty and insurance (1996) (0)
- Copyright by the Ecological Society of America (2006) (0)
- The United States: another leap backward? (2001) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Address of the President, Lord May of Oxford OM AC FRS, given at the Anniversary Meeting on 30 November 2005: Threats to tomorrow's world. (2012) (0)
- Walls of straw - the cyber risks to higher education (2014) (0)
- Tropical countryside riparian corridors provide critical habitat and connectivity for seed-dispersing forest birds in a fragmented landscape (2015) (0)
- Biological Interactions@@@Coevolution. (1984) (0)
- Biosystematics of the Euphydryas of the central Great Basin with the description of a new subspecies (1984) (0)
- Population growth: crash program needed. (1968) (0)
- Disarmament: the lesser risk (1982) (0)
- CA✩ FORUM ON ANTHROPOLOGY IN PUBLIC Genes and Cultures (2003) (0)
- Introduction Section 1 Introduction Section 1: Industrial Agriculture and Ape Conservation Introduction Section 1 Industrial Agriculture: Definitions and Usage State of the Apes 2015 Industrial Agriculture and Ape Conservation Industrial Agriculture and Apes Introduction Section 1 Chapter Highlights (0)
- Population/Resources/Environment. (1971) (0)
- Book Reviews: Soils for the Archaeologist (1959) (0)
- Population, Resources, and the Faith-Based Economy: the Situation in 2016 (2016) (0)
- Food Security: Going…Going… (2015) (0)
- More on Forest Defoliation (1968) (0)
- Thoughts on Living Systems: Towards a Theoretical Biology . 1, Prolegomena. Proceedings of an International Union of Biological Sciences symposium, Bellagio, Italy, Aug.-Sept. 1966. C. H. Waddington, Ed. Aldine, Chicago, 1968. viii + 234 pp., illus. $8.95. (1968) (0)
- Twitching Butterflies (2001) (0)
- The Root of Misaligned Jaws (2019) (0)
- Long-Term Consequences of European Invasions Killing the Koala and Poisoning the Prairie. (2018) (0)
- Population. Ressources Environnement. Issues in Human Ecology (1971) (0)
- Human Ecology for Introduetory Biology Courses: An Overview1 (2016) (0)
- A Controversial Analysis of Population Issues (1994) (0)
- The Nuclear Winter: The Cold and the Dark (1991) (0)
- Pervasive Externalities at the Population, Consumption, and (2014) (0)
- Book Reviews: American Politics (1990) (0)
- Population Growth: Crash Program Needed (1968) (0)
- Sociopolitical Aspects of Biology (1978) (0)
- Bad news: is it true? (1980) (0)
- Acknowledgements for refereeing (2004) (0)
- Donald Kennedy (1931–2020) (2020) (0)
- Nuclear winter debate. (1987) (0)
- A new subgenus and species of Callophrys sl from the southwestern United States Lepidoptera Lycaenidae (1960) (0)
- Environmental Quality And Regional Conflict By Donald Kennedy With (1998) (0)
- Volume Information (1989) (0)
- Introduction: Butterflies, Test Systems, and Biodiversity (2019) (0)
- How to Control the AMERICAN Population by Paul Ehrlich (2007) (0)
- Insect Migration . C. B. Williams. Macmillan, New York, 1958. xiii + 235 pp. Illus. + plates. $6. (1959) (0)
- The future of conservation in Polynesia (editorial) (2009) (0)
- For the common good: Redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future : Herman E. Daly and John B. Cobb, Jr. Beacon Press, Boston, MA. Hardback, 482 pp., US$24.95. ISBN 0-8070-4702-3. (1990) (0)
- Paul Ehrlich: Population, development and the poor (2009) (0)
- Quinkan art: preserving the deep past (2015) (0)
- The Role of Experiments in Ecology (1995) (0)
- Response : Differentiation of Populations (1970) (0)
- Reply to Wiersma and Nudds: Despite constraints, our approach still best available (2012) (0)
- Introduction Section 1 Introduction Section 1: Industrial Agriculture and Ape Conservation State of the Apes 2015 Industrial Agriculture and Ape Conservation Introduction Section 1 Industrial Agriculture: Definitions and Usage Industrial Agriculture and Apes Introduction Section 1 Chapter Highlights (0)
- A homozygous mutation in keratin 5 is a fully dominant allele responsible for epidermolysis bullosa simplex (1994) (0)
- We Know What to Do ; All We Need Is to Do It (2017) (0)
- Is the Tide Turning (1972) (0)
- Ecologists, Ethics, and the Environment (1977) (0)
- Letter to the Editor. (1963) (0)
- The process of evolution [by] Paul R. Ehrlich [and] Richard W. Holm. Illustrated by Anne H. Ehrlich. (1963) (0)
- Book reviews (2004) (0)
- Environment, Resources, Pollution and Society@@@Global Ecology: Readings towards a Rational Strategy for Man@@@Ecological Crisis Readings for Survival (1972) (0)
- Askö 1997: Food Production, Population Growth, and the Environment (2011) (0)
- Jaw Epidemic: A Reply to Singh (2020) (0)
- Finding Your Higher Power: A Seminar on Tape (1999) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Economic inequality predicts biodiversity loss. (2007) (0)
- Endocyclic Selection in Natrix (1979) (0)
- Frontiers inEcology and the Environment Human behavior and sustainability (2012) (0)
- Askö in Stanford 2000: Are We Consuming Too Much? (2010) (0)
- Donald Kennedy--The Next Editor-in-Chief of Science (2000) (0)
- Stephen Schneider (1945–2010) (2010) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Policy strategies to address sustainability of Alaskan boreal forests in response to a directionally changing climate. (2007) (0)
- Charles Duncan Michener, 1918–2015 (2016) (0)
- Population biology: bicentennial assessment. (1978) (0)
- Evolution, ecology and terrorism (2008) (0)
- Sustainability's Compass: Indicators of Genuine Wealth (2004) (0)
- Down to Earth: Environment and Human Needs. A Report Prepared in Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Historic Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Erik P. Eckholm (1983) (0)
- Askö 2000: Genetic Diversity and Interdependent Crop Choices in Agriculture (2010) (0)
- This uneasy planet (1974) (0)
- Welcome to the Arbustocene (editorial) (2005) (0)
- From Resource Scarcity to Ecological Security: Exploring New Limits to Growth (2005) (0)
- Population Resources Environment (1971) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Corridors increase plant species richness at large scales. (2007) (0)
- Resolution of Respect Charles Birch 1918–2009 (2010) (0)
- The population bomb: an explosive issue for the environmental movement? (1988) (0)
- Reply to Kirchhoff: Homogenous and mutually exclusive conservation typologies are neither possible nor desirable (2015) (0)
- Letter from Paul R. Ehrlich to Gaylord Nelson (1970) (0)
- 2 – Diversity and the Steady State (1981) (0)
- Askö 2001: Sustainability’s Compass – Indicators of Genuine Wealth (2010) (0)
- Authors' index Volume 34 (2004) (0)
- Response from Ehrlich (2002) (0)
- Why the club of earth? (1987) (0)
- The Essence and Ethics of Ecology and Conservation@@@A World of Wounds: Ecologists and the Human Dilemma (1998) (0)
- Laurie Mazur, Editor, A Pivotal Moment: Population, Justice and The Environmental Challenge, Island Press, Washington DC (2010) ISBN-13:978-1-59726-661-1, 432pp. (2010) (0)
- The new environmental age (1988) (0)
- Volume Information (1984) (0)
- 23. Conservation Of Coevolved Insect Herbivores And Plants (2019) (0)
- Reply to Sridhar: Agricultural landscapes remain an essential front for biodiversity conservation (2009) (0)
- A Personal View: Saving the World While Having Fun (2011) (0)
- The population explosion and ecology (1968) (0)
- Genes, environments & behaviors. Commentary (2007) (0)
- Is the Population Bomb Finally Exploding (2009) (0)
- Radical overhaul needed to halt Earth's sixth great extinction event (2016) (0)
- Askö 1998: The Value of Nature and the Nature of Value (2010) (0)
- Synthesis Ecosystem Services of Tropical Dry Forests : Insights from Long-term Ecological and Social Research on the Pacific Coast of Mexico (2005) (0)
- us birds from tropical (2016) (0)
- Askö 1995: Resilience in Natural and Socioeconomic Systems (2010) (0)
- The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World: John Firor and Judith E. Jacobsen, Yale University Press, New Haven, CN, 2002, ISBN 0-300-09320-9, xiii+237 pp (2003) (0)
- Introduction Box 1 Human Population and Conservation Introduction Box 2 Ecoethics (2011) (0)
- Ecology : Daily and Ehrlich (2005) (0)
- Enough of us now (2009) (0)
- The American Society of Naturalists (1974) (0)
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