Philip Zimbardo
American social psychologist, author of Stanford Prison Experiment
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Philip George Zimbardo is an American psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University. He became known for his 1971 Stanford prison experiment, which was later severely criticized for both ethical and scientific reasons. He has authored various introductory psychology textbooks for college students, and other notable works, including The Lucifer Effect, The Time Paradox, and The Time Cure. He is also the founder and president of the Heroic Imagination Project.
Philip Zimbardo's Published Works
Published Works
- Putting Time in Perspective: A Valid, Reliable Individual-Differences Metric (1999) (2824)
- The human choice: Individuation, reason, and order versus deindividuation, impulse, and chaos. (1969) (1368)
- Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison (1972) (908)
- Prosocial Foundations of Children's Academic Achievement (2000) (824)
- Who's Smoking, Drinking, and Using Drugs? Time Perspective as a Predictor of Substance Use (1999) (742)
- The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence (1991) (700)
- Present time perspective as a predictor of risky driving (1997) (614)
- The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (2007) (554)
- The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That Will Change Your Life (2008) (504)
- A Global Look at Time (2014) (411)
- Transformational Teaching: Theoretical Underpinnings, Basic Principles, and Core Methods (2012) (376)
- Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison (1973) (367)
- Shyness: What it is What to Do About it (1977) (351)
- Personalizing politics: a congruency model of political preference. (2004) (313)
- Influencing attitudes and changing behavior (1969) (286)
- On the degree of stability of measured hypnotizability over a 25-year period. (1989) (278)
- Affective consequences of inadequately explained physiological arousal. (1979) (249)
- Balancing Time Perspective in Pursuit of Optimal Functioning (2015) (237)
- Time perspective, emotional intelligence and discounting of delayed awards (2011) (235)
- Heroism: A Conceptual Analysis and Differentiation between Heroic Action and Altruism (2011) (235)
- A situationist perspective on the psychology of evil: Understanding how good people are transformed into perpetrators. (2004) (234)
- Testing Zimbardo’s Stanford Time Perspective Inventory (STPI) - Short Form (2003) (231)
- Time Perspective, Health, and Risk Taking. (2006) (221)
- The Role of Moral Disengagement in the Execution Process (2005) (220)
- On the ethics of intervention in human psychological research: with special reference to the Stanford Prison Experiment. (1973) (217)
- The past and future of U.S. prison policy. Twenty-five years after the Stanford prison experiment. (1998) (210)
- Personality profiles and political parties (1999) (208)
- Involvement and communication discrepancy as determinants of opinion conformity. (1960) (207)
- Escaping Homelessness: The Influences of Self-Efficacy and Time Perspective on Coping With Homelessness1 (1999) (201)
- Toward an attribution therapy: the reduction of fear through induced cognitive-emotional misattribution. (1969) (178)
- Anxiety, fear, and social affiliation. (2011) (176)
- How We Feel is a Matter of Time: Relationships Between Time Perspectives and Mood (2014) (174)
- Personalities of politicians and voters: unique and synergistic relationships. (2003) (154)
- Emotional comparison and self-esteem as determinants of affiliation. (1963) (136)
- On rethinking the psychology of tyranny: the BBC prison study. (2006) (134)
- 心理学与生活=Psychology and life (2003) (133)
- Time Perspective Therapy: A New Time-Based Metaphor Therapy for PTSD (2014) (130)
- The psychological impact of viewing the film JFK: Emotions, beliefs, and political behavioral intentions. (1995) (130)
- The Time Cure: Overcoming PTSD with the New Psychology of Time Perspective Therapy (2012) (130)
- The Lucifer effect (2007) (125)
- The Social Language of Time: The Time Perspective–Social Network Connection (2009) (116)
- Modifying shyness-related social behavior through symptom misattribution. (1981) (113)
- Pathology of Imprisonment (1972) (112)
- Cooperative College Examinations: More Gain, Less Pain When Students Share Information and Grades (2003) (106)
- The effect of effort and improvisation on self-persuasion produced by role-playing (1965) (100)
- When Parsimony Subdues Distinctiveness: Simplified Public Perceptions of Politicians’ Personality (2002) (97)
- Understanding the Complexity of Human Aggression: Affective, Cognitive, and Social Dimensions of Individual Differences in Propensity Toward Aggression (1996) (93)
- Induced hearing deficit generates experimental paranoia (1981) (92)
- Time to find the right balance. (2003) (89)
- Effects of “Free-Environment” Rearing upon Exploratory Behavior (1957) (87)
- Comment: Pathology of imprisonment (1972) (81)
- Influencing Attitudes and Changing Behavior: An Introduction to Method, Theory and Applications of Social Control and Personal Power (1977) (79)
- Psychology of Terrorism (2006) (78)
- Hypnotic control of peripheral skin temperature: a case report. (1972) (75)
- Constructing Time After Death (1997) (72)
- Similarities and Differences between Dreaming and Waking Cognition: An Exploratory Study (1997) (71)
- Does psychology make a significant difference in our lives? (2004) (69)
- The Psychology of Evil : A Situationist Perspective on Recruiting Good People to Engage in Anti-Social Acts (1995) (66)
- Politicians' uniquely simple personalities (1997) (65)
- PSYCHOLOGY core concepts (2006) (64)
- Facilitation of exploration by hunger in rats. (1958) (59)
- To defy or not to defy: An experimental study of the dynamics of disobedience and whistle-blowing (2012) (58)
- Modifying the impact of persuasive communications with external distraction (1970) (57)
- Control of Pain Motivation by Cognitive Dissonance (1966) (54)
- The Silent Prison of Shyness. (1977) (53)
- Time Perspective Profiles of Cultures (2015) (52)
- Induced hearing deficit generates experimental paranoia. (1982) (52)
- The Personal and Social Dynamics of Shyness (1979) (52)
- Psychology and life, 9th ed. (1975) (48)
- Influencing attitudes and changing behavior : a basic introduction to relevant methodology, theory, and applications (1972) (48)
- The relative strengths of consummatory responses in hunger, thirst, and exploratory drive. (1957) (47)
- The cognitive control of motivation : the consequences of choice and dissonance (1969) (46)
- Motives for fear-induced affiliation: emotional comparison or interpersonal similarity? (1966) (42)
- Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Social Phobia (2014) (41)
- Heroism Research: A Review of Theories, Methods, Challenges, and Trends (2018) (40)
- The cognitive control of motivation. (1966) (40)
- Persistent Dispositionalism in Interactionist Clothing: Fundamental Attribution Error in Explaining Prison Abuse (2009) (39)
- Shyness as a clinical condition: The Stanford model. (2001) (38)
- Discontinuity Theory: Cognitive and Social Searches for Rationality and Normality—May Lead to Madness (1999) (37)
- On "Obedience to authority." (1974) (35)
- Defying Unjust Authority: An Exploratory Study (2010) (35)
- Revisiting the Stanford Prison Experiment: A Lesson in the Power of Situation. (2007) (34)
- The effects of early avoidance training and rearing conditions upon the sexual behavior of the male rat. (1958) (34)
- Psychophysiological consequences of unexplained arousal: a posthypnotic suggestion paradigm. (1993) (33)
- Collateral damage: The psychological consequences of America's war on terrorism. (2006) (33)
- The Shy Child (1982) (32)
- Multiple Facets of Compassion: The Impact of Social Dominance Orientation and Economic Systems Justification (2015) (32)
- Smooth tracking of visual targets distinguishes lucid REM sleep dreaming and waking perception from imagination (2018) (31)
- After years of media coverage, can one more video report trigger heuristic judgments? A national study of American terrorism risk perceptions (2010) (26)
- The Socialization into Criminality: On Becoming a Prisoner and a Guard. (1974) (26)
- Effect of Sensory and Behavioral Deprivation upon Exploratory Behavior in the Rat (1957) (26)
- Liberating Behavior from Time‐Bound Control: Expanding the Present Through Hypnosis (1971) (26)
- The demise of guys: Why boys are struggling and what we can do about it. (2012) (25)
- Hypnosis and the Psychology of Cognitive and Behavioral Control. (1970) (25)
- Social Representations of Hero and Everyday Hero: A Network Study from Representative Samples (2016) (25)
- Aggregation and amplification of marginal deviations in the social construction of personality and maladjustment (1996) (24)
- Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Social Anxiety Disorder (2010) (24)
- Academic cheating and time perspective: Cheaters live in the present instead of the future (2016) (24)
- New perspectives on time perspective and temporal focus (2020) (24)
- The Psychological Consequences of Terrorist Alerts (2006) (23)
- Corporate funding and conflicts of interest: a primer for psychologists. (2007) (23)
- The Process of Desistance Among Core Ex-Gang Members (2017) (23)
- Effects of caffeine and chlorpromazine on the sexual behavior of male rats. (1958) (22)
- A school-based intervention for reducing posttraumatic symptomatology and intolerance during political violence. (2016) (22)
- Attributional biases among clinicians: a comparison of psychoanalysts and behavior therapists. (1986) (22)
- The Phenomenon of Time Perspective across Different Cultures: Review of Researches Using ZTPI Scale (2007) (22)
- Experimental Modification of the Relationship Between Effort, Attitude, and Behavior. (1970) (22)
- When Men Revolt and Why: A Reader in Political Violence and Revolution. (1971) (21)
- The Dark Side of Social Encounters: Prospects for a Neuroscience of Human Evil (2011) (20)
- Quiet rage : the Stanford prison experiment (1992) (20)
- How Compulsive Buying Is Influenced by Time Perspective—Cross-Cultural Evidence from Germany, Ukraine, and China (2018) (18)
- The effects of threat of surveillance and actual surveillance on expressed opinions toward marijuana. (1980) (18)
- Teachers' ratings of student personality traits as they relate to IQ and social desirability. (1968) (17)
- On rethinking the psychology of tyranny: The BBC prison study (2006) (16)
- Heroism and Eudaimonia: Sublime Actualization Through the Embodiment of Virtue (2016) (16)
- The role of anxiety and defensiveness in children's verbal behavior. (1963) (16)
- The Stanford Shyness Project (1986) (16)
- Essentials of psychology and life (1979) (16)
- Why the world needs heroes (2011) (16)
- “Exclusive” and “Inclusive” Visions of Heroism and Democracy (2013) (15)
- Comorbidity in chronic shyness (2000) (14)
- Understanding mind control: Exotic and mundane mental manipulations. (1993) (14)
- Thoughts on Psychologists, Ethics, and the Use of Torture in Interrogations: Don't Ignore Varying Roles and Complexities (2007) (12)
- Behavioral neuroscience, exploration, and K.C. Montgomery's legacy (2007) (12)
- The Psychology of Evil: Or the Perversion of Human Potential. (1975) (12)
- Optimizing the Power and Magic of Teaching (2005) (12)
- Objective Assessment of Hypnotically Induced Time Distortion (1973) (12)
- Actor-Observer Differences in the Perceived Stability of Shyness (1985) (12)
- Verbal Ambiguity and Judgmental Distortion (1960) (11)
- On the dynamics of disobedience: experimental investigations of defying unjust authority (2017) (10)
- Fostering the Heroic Imagination: An Ancient Ideal and a Modern Vision (2009) (9)
- The Psychology of Evil (2000) (8)
- A Social-Psychological Analysis of Vandalism: Making Sense out of Senseless Violence (1970) (8)
- Social psychology & modern life (1980) (8)
- The Tactics and Ethics of Persuasion (1972) (8)
- Transforming California's Prisons- into Expensive Old Age Homes for Felons: Enormous Hidden Costs and Consequences for California's Taxpayers (1994) (7)
- On Resisting Social Influence (1979) (7)
- Out of Mind, Out of Sight: Unexpected Scene Elements Frequently Go Unnoticed Until Primed (2013) (7)
- Social Roles, Role-Playing, and Education: On the High School as Prison. (1973) (6)
- Statement by SPSSI on current IQ controversy: Heredity versus environment. (1969) (6)
- A New Measure of the Expanded Present Time Perspective (2017) (6)
- The Choice: Embrace the Possible (2017) (6)
- The Chilling Effects of Surveillance: Deindividuation and Reactance (1975) (6)
- Physical Integration and Social Segregation of Northern Negro College Students (1953, 1963 and 1965). (1966) (5)
- Canvassing for peace : a manual for volunteers (1970) (5)
- Psychology for our times;: Readings (1973) (5)
- Psychology for Our Times (1977) (5)
- Lucifer’s last laugh: The devil is in the details. (2008) (5)
- Social intensity syndrome: The development and validation of the social intensity syndrome scale (2015) (5)
- American Psychologist Task Force report. Clarifying mission, coverage, communication, and review process. (2002) (4)
- Resisting Mind Control. (1980) (4)
- Carrying on Kurt Lewin's Legacy in Many Current Domains Lewin Award 2015 (2016) (4)
- Shyness--the People Phobia. (1977) (4)
- Quiet rage : Stanford prison (1990) (3)
- The paradoxical effect of climate on time perspective considering resource accumulation (2017) (3)
- Psychology in the public service. (2002) (3)
- Continuing to acknowledge the power of dehumanizing environments: Comment on Haslam et al. (2019) and Le Texier (2019). (2020) (3)
- Time Perspective and Financial Health: To Improve Financial Health, Traditional Financial Literacy Skills Are Not Sufficient. Understanding Your Time Perspective Is Critical (2017) (3)
- The Media Audience (1971) (3)
- The Political Psychology of Terrorism Five Years after September 11 (2007) (3)
- Mind Control in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four: Fictional Concepts Become Operational Realities in Jim Jones’s Jungle Experiment (2010) (3)
- A passion for psychology: Teaching it charismatically, integrating teaching and research synergistically, and writing about it engagingly. (1997) (2)
- The Influence of Personal, Social, and System Factors on Team Problem Solving (1983) (2)
- Speaking of Psychology: Philip Zimbardo on Heroism, Shyness and the Stanford Prison Experiment: (501052019-001) (2018) (2)
- Effects of System and Social Variables on Gender Differences in Communication and Team Decision Making (1982) (2)
- The Prison Simulation (1996) (2)
- A reply to Jordan's attack on dissonance theory. (1964) (2)
- Public Education of Psychology: An Interview with Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (2013) (2)
- The path from classroom seating to hypnotizability--a dead end: a brief communication. (1987) (2)
- Shyness Can Be a Quiet Yet Devastating Problem. (1977) (2)
- Culture, militarism, and America’s heroic future (2015) (2)
- PTSD and female military returnees from Iraq and Afghanistan: What does the evidence tell us? (2010) (2)
- A medical issue affecting the diagnosis of mood, attention and autistic disorders: a closer look at celiac disease and gluten sensitivity (2012) (2)
- Improving Team Performance and Participation via Computer-mediated Turn Taking and Informational Prompts. (1981) (2)
- Commentary on Part III Developmental Outcomes and Clinical Perspectives (1999) (2)
- “Exclusive” and “Inclusive” Visions of Heroism and Democracy (2013) (1)
- Issue 11: Does the Stanford Prison Experiment Help Explain the Effects of Imprisonment? (2007) (1)
- Feedback from our readers (1971) (1)
- Psychological and System Variables in Team Problem Solving: Experimental Studies of Computer-Mediated Participation. (1982) (1)
- Sexism Springs Eternal--in the Reader's Digest. (1974) (1)
- How Orwell’s 1984 has influenced Rev. Jim Jones to dominate and then destroy his followers: With extensions to current political leaders. (2020) (1)
- Exploring human nature (2013) (1)
- The Subtle Power of Psychological Time. (1986) (1)
- Time perspective in Iranian students (2013) (1)
- Exploring human nature and inspiring heroic social action (2017) (1)
- we Are all Prisoners or Guards in Our Self-imposed Psychological Prison (2016) (1)
- Jacob Max Rabbie (1927-2013). (2014) (1)
- Critical Situations (2020) (1)
- Dispositional Self-Consciousness and Hypnotizability (2021) (1)
- The Berkeley Civic Courage and Heroism Experiment: The Group Dynamics of Individuals Acting in Concert to Advance Ethical Goals in the Public Interest (2017) (1)
- A Conference on the Educational Transformation of Today’s Emerging Adults Into Tomorrow’s Extraordinary Heroes (2017) (1)
- Temporal perspective and mental functioning of socially maladjusted youth held in conditions of institutional isolation (2021) (1)
- An Excerpt from “Living & Loving Better with Time Perspective Therapy: Healing from the Past, Embracing the Present, Creating an Ideal Future” (2018) (1)
- Reducing the Agony of Writing Letters of Recommendation (1976) (1)
- Person x Situation x System Dynamics (2007) (1)
- Social Determinants of Group Loyalty, Innovation, and Activism. (1973) (1)
- Transformational Teaching: Theoretical Underpinnings, Basic Principles, and Core Methods (2012) (0)
- Essentials of Psychology and life / by Philip G. Zimbardo; from earlier editions by Floyd L. Ruch. (1979) (0)
- Viewpoints in Homeland Defense and Security: Stanford Prison Experiment and Abu Gharib: Two Studies in Human Nature [video] (2007) (0)
- The effects of severity of initiation on activism: Responses to decline in firms, organizations, and (1970) (0)
- Chapter 5. Biography Intersects History (2019) (0)
- On Heroes and Villains (2021) (0)
- The Power and the Gory of Psychology (1989) (0)
- Saga of My Stealth Bomber Chapter (2011) (0)
- On becoming successfully shy. (2000) (0)
- Moral Universes of Torturers and Murderers (2002) (0)
- Chapter 4. Deposing Atrocity and Managing Secrecy (2019) (0)
- Conclusion. The Alchemy of Torture and Execution (2019) (0)
- Out of Mind, Out of Sight: Unexpected Scene Elements Frequently Go Unnoticed Until Primed (2013) (0)
- Cults in Everyday Life: Dependency and Power. (1992) (0)
- The president's address. (2003) (0)
- Dealing with toxic behaviour (2018) (0)
- chapter 10 Secret and Insular Worlds of Serial Torturers and Executioners (2019) (0)
- Hung Out to Dry (2002) (0)
- Self-instructional program in psychology : to accompany Psychology and life, ninth edition (1967) (0)
- Extensive observations of the pattern of seating by Negro and white college students in the cafeterias (2012) (0)
- How the U.S. War on Terrorism is Harming American Mental Health (2006) (0)
- Hypnosis as a Means of Studying Cognitive and Behavioral Control (2017) (0)
- A Formative Quarantine (2020) (0)
- Situation Stanford (2020) (0)
- Outright Denial (2020) (0)
- Shaping Identities and ObedienceA Murderous Dynamic (2002) (0)
- Working with psychology : a student's resource book to accompany Psychology and life (1975) (0)
- Dehumanization in Institutional Settings (1973) (0)
- Corrections: Perspectives on Research, Policy and Impact (1975) (0)
- Chapter 12. Hung Out to Dry (2019) (0)
- Chapter 9. Shaping Identities and Obedience (2019) (0)
- Emotional response paradigm. (1972) (0)
- The Flip Side (2020) (0)
- Chapter 1. Violent Lives (2019) (0)
- An Invitation to Discover (1993) (0)
- Chapter 7. Bureaucratizing Masculinity (2019) (0)
- Secret and Insular Worlds of Serial Torturers and Executioners (2002) (0)
- A New Gender Gap (2020) (0)
- A sourcebook on the Holocaust. (1982) (0)
- Cross-cultural assessment of time perspective: Equivalence and bias study: (578442014-010) (2015) (0)
- Two Ways of Being with Others: Cognitive Versus Empathic Relations: (463452008-249) (2013) (0)
- Locating Torturers and Murderers (2002) (0)
- A Blind Mind's Eye: Perceptual Defense Mechanisms and Aschematic Visual Information (2006) (0)
- The journey from the Bronx to Stanford to Abu Ghraib. (2008) (0)
- More about Discovering Psychology. (1993) (0)
- Philip G. Zimbardo on his career and the Stanford Prison Experiment's 40th anniversary. Interview by Scott Drury, Scott A. Hutchens, Duane E. Shuttlesworth, and Carole L. White. (2012) (0)
- Chapter 8. Blended Masculinity (2019) (0)
- 健康、精神、および行動 (1992) (0)
- Social Psychology Comes of Age. (1963) (0)
- Glossary of Psychological Terms (2011) (0)
- Smooth tracking of visual targets distinguishes lucid REM sleep dreaming and waking perception from imagination (2018) (0)
- A Time to Get Vaccinated? The Role of Time Perspective, Consideration of Future Consequences, Conspiracy Beliefs, Religious Faith, Gender, and Race on Intention to Vaccinate for COVID-19 in the United States (2023) (0)
- Fear, anxiety and social affliation (1961) (0)
- Deposing Atrocity and Managing Secrecy (2002) (0)
- Chapter 11. Moral Universes of Torturers and Murderers (2019) (0)
- Section 9.0: Behavior Analysts and Research (2019) (0)
- The Heroic Imagination Project: The Making of Tomorrow's Heroes, Today [video] (2014) (0)
- Chapter 6. Personalistic Masculinity (2019) (0)
- Event-related Potential Correlates of Suggested Hypnotic Amnesia (2000) (0)
- The Aftermath (2020) (0)
- List of Tables, Figures, and Photographs (2019) (0)
- Public Education of Psychology (2003) (0)
- Society divided: fear as the key factor of John Wayne style leaders (2022) (0)
- Biography Intersects History (2002) (0)
- Readings on Human Behavior: The Best of Science '80-'86 (1987) (0)
- How We Feel is a Matter of Time: Relationships Between Time Perspectives and Mood (2013) (0)
- Chapter 3. Locating Torturers and Murderers (2019) (0)
- Spreading The Word (2020) (0)
- Racial factors in intelligence—A rebuttal (1969) (0)
- Phil Zimbardo Remembers Neal Miller (2010) (0)
- Message of Prof. Philip Zimbardo (2015) (0)
- An Invitation to Start a Social Revolution (2017) (0)
- Chapter 2 Grammars and Languages (2011) (0)
- "2002 Annual Report of the American Psychological Association": Correction. (2004) (0)
- Telling It Like It Was: A History of Psychology Spun by a Master Storyteller. (1994) (0)
- Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Science of Psychology. (2004) (0)
- Transforming good people into perpetrators of evil: can we reverse the process? (2005) (0)
- What Is the Psychological Impact of Films About Political Violence?: (683452007-001) (2007) (0)
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What Are Philip Zimbardo's Academic Contributions?
Philip Zimbardo is most known for their academic work in the field of psychology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Philip Zimbardo has made the following academic contributions: