Rey Chow
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Cultural critic
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Anthropology Literature
Rey Chow's Degrees
- PhD Comparative Literature Stanford University
- Masters Comparative Literature Stanford University
Why Is Rey Chow Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Rey Chow is a cultural critic, specializing in 20th-century Chinese fiction and film and postcolonial theory. Educated in Hong Kong and the United States, she has taught at several major American universities, including Brown University. Chow is currently Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences at Duke University.
Rey Chow's Published Works
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Published Works
- Writing Diaspora: Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies (1993) (532)
- The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism (2002) (406)
- Recoding RNA editing of AZIN1 predisposes to hepatocellular carcinoma (2013) (388)
- Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary (1996) (325)
- Primitive Passions: Visuality, Sexuality, Ethnography, and Contemporary Chinese Cinema (1995) (279)
- Woman and Chinese Modernity: The Politics of Reading Between West and East (1991) (202)
- Learning Places: The Afterlives of Area Studies (2002) (201)
- A disrupted RNA editing balance mediated by ADARs (Adenosine DeAminases that act on RNA) in human hepatocellular carcinoma (2013) (189)
- The Age of the World Target: Self-Referentiality in War, Theory, and Comparative Work (2006) (161)
- The Culture of Japanese Fascism (2009) (154)
- Text and the City: Essays on Japanese Modernity (2004) (134)
- Entanglements, or Transmedial Thinking about Capture (2012) (134)
- Ethics after Idealism: Theory, Culture, Ethnicity, Reading (1998) (132)
- Introduction: On Chineseness as a Theoretical Problem (1998) (116)
- Between Colonizers: Hong Kong's Postcolonial Self-Writing in the 1990s (2011) (110)
- Not Like a Native Speaker: On Languaging as a Postcolonial Experience (2014) (91)
- Japan After Japan: Social and Cultural Life from the Recessionary 1990s to the Present (2006) (84)
- Staging the World (2020) (63)
- miR-151a induces partial EMT by regulating E-cadherin in NSCLC cells (2017) (56)
- The Old/New Question of Comparison in Literary Studies: A Post-European Perspective (2004) (48)
- Loss of ATOH8 Increases Stem Cell Features of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. (2015) (46)
- Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies in the Age of Theory: Reimagining a Field (2001) (43)
- Ethics after idealism (1998) (41)
- How (the) Inscrutable Chinese Led to Globalized Theory (2001) (35)
- National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State, and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France, and the United States (2009) (35)
- When Whiteness Feminizes ...: Some Consequences of a Supplementary Logic (1999) (33)
- Comparative political culture in the age of globalization : an introductory anthology (2002) (30)
- King Kong in Hong Kong Watching the "Handover" from the U. S. A. (1998) (30)
- China as documentary: Some basic questions (inspired by Michelangelo Antonioni and Jia Zhangke) (2014) (29)
- The Interruption of Referentiality: Poststructuralism and the Conundrum of Critical Multiculturalism (2002) (29)
- CHD1L promotes lineage reversion of hepatocellular carcinoma through opening chromatin for key developmental transcription factors (2016) (28)
- Sacrifice, Mimesis, and the Theorizing of Victimhood (A Speculative Essay) (2006) (28)
- Woman And Chinese Modernity (1991) (27)
- Listening Otherwise, Music Miniaturized: A Different Type of Question about Revolution (2016) (26)
- Nostalgia of the New Wave: Structure in Wong Kar-wai's Happy Together (1999) (25)
- The Age of the World Target: Atomic Bombs, Alterity, Area Studies (2006) (24)
- 3. Gender and Representation (2001) (21)
- The Age of the World Target (2020) (20)
- Can One Say No to China? (1997) (20)
- Writing Taiwan : a new literary history (2007) (19)
- Rereading Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: A Response to the "Postmodern" Condition (1986) (17)
- Translator, Traitor; Translator, Mourner (or, Dreaming of Intercultural Equivalence) (2009) (17)
- Sentimental Returns: On the Uses of the Everyday in the Recent Films of Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai (2002) (17)
- What’s “in”? Disaggregating Asia through new media actants (2015) (16)
- The Protestant Ethnic & the Spirit of Capitalism (2004) (16)
- The Elusive Material, What the Dog Doesn’t Understand (2010) (16)
- AKR7A3 suppresses tumorigenicity and chemoresistance in hepatocellular carcinoma through attenuation of ERK, c-Jun and NF-κB signaling pathways. (2016) (13)
- A Phantom Discipline (2001) (13)
- Fateful Attachments: On Collecting, Fidelity, and Lao She (2001) (12)
- Towards an Ethics of Postvisuality: Some Thoughts on the Recent Work of Zhang Yimou (2004) (12)
- Framing the Original: Toward a New Visibility of the Orient (2011) (12)
- Sacrifice, Mimesis, and the Theorizing of Victimhood (2012) (11)
- The postcolonial difference: Lessons in cultural legitimation (1998) (11)
- Ethics after Idealism@@@The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues@@@"Scattered Speculations on the Question of Value"@@@"Speculations on Reading Marx: After Reading Derrida"@@@The Sublime Object of Ideology (1993) (11)
- "An Addiction from Which We Never Get Free" (2005) (10)
- In Pursuit of the Object of Sound: An Introduction (2011) (10)
- Reading Derrida on Being Monolingual (2008) (10)
- Poststructuralism: theory as critical self-consciousness (2006) (10)
- Postcolonial Visibilities: Questions Inspired by Deleuze's Method (2010) (10)
- The Writing Voice in Cinema (2017) (9)
- Walter Benjamin's Love Affair with Death (1989) (9)
- The Fascist Longings in Our Midst (1995) (8)
- A Pain in the Neck, a Scene of "Incest," and Other Enigmas of an Allegorical Cinema: Tsai Ming-liang's The River (2004) (8)
- In the Recesses of the High City: On Sōseki’s Gate (Yamanote no oku) (2004) (8)
- Edward Said—Accidental Feminist: Orientalism and Middle East Women's Studies (2005) (8)
- Larry Feign, Ethnographer of a "Lifestyle": Political Cartoons from Hong Kong (1997) (7)
- Violence in the Other Country : China as Crisis, Spectacle, and Woman (2018) (7)
- Borders of Chinese Civilization (2017) (7)
- Comment on Quillen's "Feminist Theory, Justice, and the Lure of the Human" (2001) (7)
- Male Narcissism and National Culture: Subjectivity in Chen Kaige's King of the Children (1991) (7)
- “Family Breakdown” and Invisible Homeless Women (2009) (7)
- AKR7A3 suppresses tumorigenicity and chemoresistance in hepatocellular carcinoma through attenuation of ERK, c-Jun and NF-κB signaling pathways (2016) (6)
- On Captivation: A Remainder from the “Indistinction of Art and Nonart” (written with Julian Rohrhuber) (2012) (6)
- Not One Less: The Fable of a Migration (2008) (6)
- Looking Backward, Looking Forward: MLA Members Speak (2000) (6)
- “I Insist on the Christian Dimension”: On Forgiveness... and the Outside of the Human (2009) (6)
- A Face Drawn in Sand (5)
- The Politics and Pedagogy of Asian Literatures in American Universities (1990) (5)
- Seminal Dispersal, Fecal Retention, and Related Narrative Matters: Eileen Chang’s Tale of Roses in the Problematic of Modern Writing (1999) (5)
- “This Is the Story of our Street”: Urban Preservation and the Post-Maoist Politics of Memory (2010) (5)
- Listening after “Acousmaticity”: (2018) (5)
- Race, Racism, and Postcoloniality (2013) (5)
- When Reflexivity Becomes Porn: Mutations of a Modernist Theoretical Practice (2012) (5)
- Theory, Area Studies, Cultural Studies: Issues of Pedagogy in Multiculturalism (2019) (5)
- Utopia of the Prisonhouse: A Reading of In Darkest Tokyo (Gokusha no yūtopia) (2004) (5)
- Too Early/Too Late: Temporality and Repetition in Hong Sang-su’s Films (2004) (5)
- Writing in the Realm of the Senses. Introduction (1999) (4)
- A Discipline of Tolerance (2011) (4)
- Berlin 1888: Mori Ōgai’s “Dancing Girl” (Berlin: 1888) (2004) (4)
- ‘Woman’, fetish, particularism: Articulating Chinese cinema with a cross-cultural problematic (2007) (4)
- We Endure, Therefore We Are: Survival, Governance, and Zhang Yimou’s To Live (1996) (4)
- "In the Blood": Sentiment, Sex, and the Ugly Girl (1999) (3)
- Their Time as Children: A Study of Higuchi Ichiyō’s Growing Up (Takekurabe) (Kodomo tachi no jikan) (2004) (3)
- Fetish power unbound : A small history of ‘woman’ in Chinese cinema 1 (2017) (3)
- Fetish Power Unbound (2013) (3)
- Pedagogy, trust, Chinese intellectuals in the 1990s — Fragments of a post-catastrophic discourse (1991) (3)
- Text and the City (2020) (3)
- Response: Fleeing objects (2010) (3)
- Sound Objects (2018) (3)
- Close reading and the global university (notes on localism) (2017) (2)
- Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: Female Melancholy as Fiction and Commodity (1985) (2)
- A Filmic Staging of Postwar Geotemporal Politics: On Akira Kurosawa's No Regrets for Our Youth, Sixty Years Later (2007) (2)
- An interview with Rey Chow (2010) (2)
- The Birth of the Uncontrollable Colonial Surplus: A Prehistory of the Korean Problem (2009) (2)
- Playing on the air : recollections from a Hong Kong childhood (1997) (2)
- South Korea as Social Space: Fredric Jameson Interviewed by Paik Nak-Chung, Seoul, 28 October 1989 (1996) (2)
- On the Graphic in Postmodern Theoretical Writing (2011) (2)
- Foucault, Race, and Racism (2018) (2)
- Lethal Work: Domestic Space and Gender Troubles in Happy End and The Housemaid (2004) (2)
- Manufacturing Modern Japanese Literature (2017) (2)
- Virtuous Transactions: A Reading of Three Short Stories by Ling Shuhua (2012) (2)
- Mingei and the Wartime State, 1937–1945 (2007) (1)
- Analyse statique et dynamique de la complexite des programmes scientifiques (1994) (1)
- Thinking with Food, Writing off Center: Notes on Two Hong Kong Authors (2010) (1)
- Things, Common/Places, Passages of the Port City: On Hong Kong and Hong Kong Author Leung Ping-kwan (1993) (1)
- Capital and the Fetish of the White Man (2001) (1)
- Asakusa as Theater: Kawabata Yasunari’s The Crimson Gang of Asakusa (Gekijō to shite no Asakusa) (2004) (1)
- Title AKR 7 A 3 suppresses tumorigenicity and chemoresistance in hepatocellular carcinoma through attenuation of ERK , c-Jun and NF-κ B signaling pathways (2017) (1)
- Recognizing Colonialism: The Philippines and Revolution (2002) (1)
- The Development of Popular Fiction in the Late Taishō Era: Increasing Readership of Women’s Magazines (Taishō kōki tsūzoku shōsetsu no tenkai: Fujin zasshi no dokusha-sō) (2004) (1)
- From Nation to Dissemi-Nation: Postmodern Hybridization and Changing Conditions for the Representation of Identity (2004) (1)
- The Jargon of Liberal Democracy (2022) (1)
- Introduction: Love and Remembrance (2010) (1)
- The Spirits of Abandoned Gardens: On Nagai Kafū’s “The Fox” (Haien no seirei: “Kitsune”) (2004) (1)
- Forum: Responses to Bill Brown's “The Dark Wood of Postmodernity (Space, Faith, Allegory)” (2005) (1)
- The First Precinct under Heaven: State Symbolism and Unplanned Urbanism at Tiananmen Square (2010) (1)
- “Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves”: Transgressive Agents, National Security, and Blockbuster Aesthetics in Shiri and Joint Security Area (2004) (1)
- Leung Ping-kwan (2016) (1)
- The provocation of Dim sum; or, making diaspora visible on film = 如何在電影中呈現"離散" :《點心》的啟示 (2009) (1)
- From Communal Performance to Solitary Reading: The Rise of the Modern Japanese Reader (Ondoku kara mokudoku e: Kindai dokusha no seiritsu) (2004) (1)
- Exile, Displacement, and Shifting Identities: Globalization and the Frontiers of Cultural Hybridity (2004) (1)
- Civilization as Universal Practice: The Context of Writing and Poetry (1996) (1)
- Introduction: Hunting for the Whale (2004) (1)
- Painting the City Red (2017) (1)
- War Correspondence I: Terror and the Wound (2002) (0)
- Toward the Postmodern: Taiwanese New Cinema and Alternative Visions of Nation (2004) (0)
- Conclusion: Strange Bedfellows (2001) (0)
- Re-Creating China’s World (2002) (0)
- New China, New Beijing: Staging the Socialist City of the Future (2010) (0)
- I. Relation: Film, Capital, Transformation (2002) (0)
- Hard Days Ahead: Women on the Move (2003) (0)
- Stabilizing Society and the Transition to Socialism, 1949–1957 (2010) (0)
- Labor Reportage and the Factoryscape (2002) (0)
- A Note on Diacritics (2002) (0)
- The Land of the Việt and Việt Nam (2002) (0)
- Renovating Greater East Asia (2007) (0)
- Introduction: European Theory in America (2006) (0)
- The Heritage of His Times: Teruya Rinsuke and Ethnographic Storytelling (2008) (0)
- Re)Flexibility in Inflexible Places (2001) (0)
- Language and Nationhood: Culture as Social Contestation (2004) (0)
- Politics and Poetics in The Tale of Genji (2004) (0)
- Work for Life, for Marriage, for Love (2003) (0)
- Jang Sun-woo’s Three “F” Words: Familism, Fetishism, and Fascism (2004) (0)
- American Studies in Japan; Japan in American Studies : Challenges of the Heterolingual Address (2008) (0)
- Modernity as Rupture: The Concentration of Print Capital (2010) (0)
- The Sense of Sound (2011) (0)
- Hozumi Yatsuka: The Religious Völkisch Family-State (2009) (0)
- Ueda Akinari: History and Community (2003) (0)
- Establishing Revolutionary Bases: From Jinggangshan to Yan’an, 1928–1935 (2010) (0)
- Deterritorializing Politics: The Pacific and Hawaii as Chinese National Space (2002) (0)
- The Promised Land: A Genealogy of Female Internationalism (2001) (0)
- Reform, Restoration, and the Repudiation of Maoism, 1976–Present (2010) (0)
- Internationalism as Resistance (2001) (0)
- No Future: Tomboy Melodrama (2010) (0)
- Postsocialist Melancholia: "Blue Sky Green Sea" (2010) (0)
- Liberal Social Imaginaries and the Interiority of History (2008) (0)
- Fujitani Mitsue: The Poetics of Community (2003) (0)
- The Politics of Osmosis: Korean Migration and the Japanese Empire (2005) (0)
- The Dynamic Canon: The Akutagawa and Naoki Prizes for Literature (2010) (0)
- The Modern Girl as a Representation of Consumer Culture (2003) (0)
- IV. Acting: Structure, Agent, Amateur (2020) (0)
- ‘Human’ in the Age of Disposable People: The Ambiguous Import of Kinship and Education in Blind Shaft (2007) (0)
- The Nationality of Expansion (2008) (0)
- Multiethnic Agrarian Communities (2005) (0)
- Before the Kojikiden: The Divine Age Narrative in Tokugawa Japan (2003) (0)
- Television as Public Mourning: Taiwan's Sad Young Women (2010) (0)
- The Message It Is Not: The Work of the Medium Known as Documentary (2020) (0)
- Chapter 5. Sexuality (2008) (0)
- Voluble Ellipsis: Second-Wave Schoolgirl Romance in Taiwan and Hong Kong (2010) (0)
- Noses to the Grindstone (2002) (0)
- Modern Literature and the World of Printing: (Kindai bungaku to katsujiteki sekai) (2004) (0)
- Defining and Defending Literary Value: Debates, 1919–1935 (2010) (0)
- China in the World in Mao’s Youth (2010) (0)
- The Rupture of Meiji and the New Japan (2008) (0)
- Remembering and Forgetting, Part I: History, Memory, and the Autobiographical Impulse (2004) (0)
- Ryūhoku in Paris: (Pari no Ryūhoku) (2004) (0)
- In a Samurai Village (2008) (0)
- Note on Non-English Sources (2014) (0)
- Fathers in Flux (2021) (0)
- The Historiographical Use of Poetry (1996) (0)
- Motoori Norinaga: Discovering Japan (2003) (0)
- Urban Expropriation and the Threat of the Outside: Korean Tenant Struggles against Housing Insecurity (2009) (0)
- Late Tokugawa Society and the Crisis of Community (2003) (0)
- Post-Trauma and Historical Remembrance in A Single Spark and A Petal (2004) (0)
- Introduction: Publishing and the Creation of an Alternate Economy of Value (2020) (0)
- Editors' Introduction: Between Languages (2005) (0)
- Introduction: Envisioning Taiwan in a Changing World (2004) (0)
- Fujiki Hayato: The Storyteller (2008) (0)
- French Revolution, Third Republic (2008) (0)
- Kakehi Katsuhiko: The Japanese Emperor State at the Center of the Shintō Cosmology (2009) (0)
- Section I: Resistances and Reflections (2005) (0)
- Nowhere to Run: Disenfranchised Men on the Road in The Man with Three Coffins, Sopyonje, and Out to the World (2004) (0)
- Tokieda’s Imperial Subject and the Textual Turn in Heian Literary Studies (2004) (0)
- II. Historiography: Nation, Narrative, Capital (2002) (0)
- Orthodoxation of a Holy War (2009) (0)
- 3.5 'WHERE HAVE All THE NATIVES GONE?' (2003) (0)
- Notes on Contributors (1987) (0)
- Yan’an, the War of Resistance against Japan, and Civil War, 1935–1949 (2010) (0)
- Book Reviews (2003) (0)
- The Cultural Revolution: Politics in Command, 1966–1969 (2010) (0)
- Male Crisis in the Early Films of Park Kwang-su (2004) (0)
- Between Nation and Market (2005) (0)
- Autumn hearts: filming feminine "psychic interiority" in Song of the exile (講演会報告 レイ・チョウ コロキュアム) (2009) (0)
- Women and the Emergence of Heian Kana Writing (2004) (0)
- Public Demonstrations: The Mise-en-Scène of History (2002) (0)
- Great Leap and Restoration, 1958–1965 (2010) (0)
- At the Edge of a Metropolis in A Fine, Windy Day and Green Fish (2004) (0)
- A Big Dyeing Vat: The Rise of Proletarian Shanghai and the Fall of Nanjing Road (2010) (0)
- Angel Sanctuaries: Taipei’s Gentrification and the Erasure of Veterans’ Villages (2010) (0)
- Introduction: The Proletarian Gamble (2009) (0)
- Civilization from the Center: The Geomoral Context of Tributary Expectations (1996) (0)
- The study of apocryphal texts is quite probably the single most important task facing Chinese Buddhist studies today. This volume has done much to get it off (2016) (0)
- The Colonial Surplus and the Virtual Pauper (2009) (0)
- Mansions of Uneven Rhyme: Beijing Courtyards and the Instant City (2010) (0)
- The Cultural Revolution: Denouement and Death of Mao, 1969–1976 (2010) (0)
- The Classroom of the Everyday: Fujiki Hayato and His “Shima to Asobimanabu” Seminar (2008) (0)
- theories and methodologies A Phantom Discipline (2020) (0)
- Silent Is the Ancient Plain: Music, Filmmaking, and the Conception of Reform in China's New Cinema (2016) (0)
- Ye Si And Lyricism (2017) (0)
- Introduction: Film and the Urban Contract (2010) (0)
- Intermediary Exploitation: Korean Workers in the Day Labor Market (2009) (0)
- Promoting the Ethnos: The Boer War and Discourses of the People (2002) (0)
- Remembering and Forgetting, Part II: Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s Taiwan Trilogy (2004) (0)
- From Constitutional Monarchy to Absolutist Theory (2009) (0)
- The Grain of Jade: (2016) (0)
- The Day Trip of Your Dreams: Globalizing Beijing and the Postspatial City (2010) (0)
- Le silence de la native (2021) (0)
- National Essence and the Family-State (2002) (0)
- The Discovery of Mingei (2007) (0)
- VI. Rereading: Canon, Body, Geopolitics (2002) (0)
- Assumptions and Images of Homeless Women’s Needs (2009) (0)
- Agency of Japanese Imperialism (2005) (0)
- The Feminization of Heian and Eighteenth-Century Poetics (2004) (0)
- The Utility of Objectification in the Geographic Treatise (1996) (0)
- National History and the Shape of the Nineteenth-Century World (2008) (0)
- The Beauty of Sorrow (2007) (0)
- The Static Canon: KaizōSha’s Complete Works of Contemporary Japanese Literature (2010) (0)
- The Dilemma of Progressive Intellectuals (2009) (0)
- Gender and the Nationalization of Literature (2004) (0)
- theory@buffalo 20 (2018) (0)
- Minobe Tatsukichi: The Secularization of Politics (2009) (0)
- Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies in the Age of Theory (2020) (0)
- Un souvenir d’amour (2011) (0)
- Negotiating Civilization and Westernization (1996) (0)
- At the Gates of Unemployment: The Struggles of Unemployed Korean Workers (2009) (0)
- The Stability of the Center: Tokyo Publishing and the Great Kantō Earthquake (2010) (0)
- Americanization and Historical Consciousness (2008) (0)
- Performing On the World Stage in Asia (2002) (0)
- The Hitchcockian Nudge; or, An Aesthetics of Deception (2017) (0)
- Books Received (2002) (0)
- The Interruption of Referentiality; or, Poststructuralism’s Outside (2006) (0)
- V. Pornography: Totality, Reality Culture, Films of History (2002) (0)
- National Literature, Intellectual History, and the New Kokugaku (2003) (0)
- Toward the Peasant Revolution, 1921–1927 (2010) (0)
- Uesugi Shinkichi: The Emperor and the Masses (2009) (0)
- Decline, Renewal, and the Rhetoric of Will (2008) (0)
- Introduction: The Battlefield of Memory (2008) (0)
- “Is This How the War Is Remembered?”: Violent Sex and the Korean War in Silver Stallion, Spring in My Hometown, and The Taebaek Mountains (2004) (0)
- Tachibana Moribe: Cosmology and Community (2003) (0)
- We “Other Victorians”? Novelistic Remains, Therapeutic Devices, Contemporary Televisual Dramas (2021) (0)
- The Rise of Mass Nationalism (2009) (0)
- Youth as Neoliberal Subjects of Welfare and Labor (2009) (0)
- Tragic Romance: The Chinese Going-In Story (2010) (0)
- III. Adaptation: Origin, Nation, Aesthetic (2002) (0)
- The Ethical Challenges of the Theory Establishment@@@Ethics after Idealism: Theory, Culture, Ethnicity, Reading (1999) (0)
- Journeys to the East: The Geography of Historical Sites and Self in the Travelogue (1996) (0)
- War Correspondence II: Guerrilla Landscapes (2002) (0)
- Housewives as Reading Women (2003) (0)
- From Liberal to Communist, 1912–1921 (2010) (0)
- Stories and Politics@@@The Power of the Story: Fiction and Political Change (1996) (0)
- The Panorama of Enlightenment (Kaika no panorama) (2004) (0)
- New Mingei in the 1930s (2007) (0)
- Dances of Memory, Dances of Oblivion (2008) (0)
- The Emergence of Agency: Women and Consumerism (2003) (0)
- Critical Presentism: New Chinese Lesbian Cinema (2010) (0)
- KRISTI MCKIM Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility (2008) (0)
- L’impact du laser 830 nm, 300 mW sur la cervicalgie chronique (2008) (0)
- Chronotypes, Commemoration: A New Sense of Time (2002) (0)
- Terrorism in the Land of the Gods (2009) (0)
- Confronting the Other, Defining a Self: Hsiang-t’u Literature and the Emergence of a Taiwanese Nationalism (2004) (0)
- Dispatches to the Dead: Delegation, Consumption, and Mischievous Pleasure (Thinking with Robert Pfaller in the So-called Present) (2022) (0)
- The Specter of the Social: Socialist Internationalism, the Minsaengdan, and North Korea (2005) (0)
- Kita Ikki: A Social-Democratic Critique of Absolute Monarchy (2009) (0)
- Gender and Heian Narrative Form (2004) (0)
- Derrida and Chinese Writing - Reply (2001) (0)
- The Country and the City: Modernization and Changing Apprehensions of Space and Time (2004) (0)
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