Robert Tollison
American economist
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- Bachelors Economics University of Mississippi
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert D. Tollison was an American economist who specialized in public choice theory. Education A native of Spartanburg, South Carolina, Tollison attended local Wofford College where he earned an A.B. in business administration and economics in 1964. He completed an M.A. in economics at the University of Alabama a year later. After completing his master's in Tuscaloosa, Tollison moved to Virginia to begin teaching at Longwood University, then called "Longwood College." Shortly thereafter he commenced work on his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Virginia. He finished his doctoral degree in 1969.
Robert Tollison's Published Works
Published Works
- The Rise and Decline of Nations (1983) (3537)
- Toward a theory of the rent-seeking society (1982) (2186)
- The Economic Theory of Clubs (2004) (856)
- RENT SEEKING: A SURVEY (1982) (782)
- The Political economy of rent-seeking (1988) (469)
- Intellectual Collaboration (2000) (268)
- The theory of public choice--II (1984) (267)
- An economic theory of mutually advantageous issue linkages in international negotiations (1979) (254)
- Politicians, Legislation, and the Economy: An Inquiry into the Interest-Group Theory of Government (1981) (214)
- Sacred Trust: The Medieval Church as an Economic Firm (1996) (212)
- Congressional Influence and Patterns of New Deal Spending, 1933-1939 (1991) (190)
- Religious participation and income (2003) (153)
- An Economic Analysis of the Protestant Reformation (2002) (148)
- Antitrust Pork Barrel (1982) (141)
- Crime on the Court (1984) (135)
- Free Entry and Efficient Rent-Seeking (1988) (127)
- The Marketplace of Christianity (2006) (124)
- An Economic Model of the Medieval Church: Usury as a Form of Rent Seeking (1989) (118)
- Dry Holes in Economic Research (2003) (114)
- The National Collegiate Athletic Association: A Study in Cartel Behavior (1992) (109)
- Adam Smith's Analysis of Joint-Stock Companies (1982) (109)
- Free Riding, Shirking, and Team Production in Legal Partnerships (1980) (104)
- Mercantilism as a Rent-Seeking Society: Economic Regulation in Historical Perspective (1983) (102)
- Some simple economics of voting and not voting (1973) (96)
- Efficient rents 2 free entry and efficient rent seeking (1985) (94)
- Politicized Economies: Monarchy, Monopoly, and Mercantilism (1997) (88)
- Time inconsistency and fiscal policy : Empirical analysis of U.S. States, 1969-89 (1993) (88)
- Public Choice and Legislation (1988) (86)
- On the Incentives of Judges to Enforce Legislative Wealth Transfers (1989) (84)
- Racial Integration as an Innovation: Empirical Evidence from Sports Leagues (2002) (83)
- The Political economy of antitrust (1980) (82)
- The Economic Analysis of Rent Seeking (1995) (79)
- Smoking and Society: Toward a More Balanced Assessment (1985) (79)
- Constitutional Change in an Interest-Group Perspective (1979) (78)
- The Political Economy of Immigration Restrictions (1986) (77)
- Romance, Realism, and Economic Reform (1991) (76)
- Theory of public choice : political applications of economics (1972) (73)
- Representative democracy via random selection (1972) (72)
- The Random Character of Merger Activity (1984) (68)
- Preliminary Evidence on the Use of Inputs by the Federal Reserve System (1986) (66)
- Consumer Choice and the Popular Music Industry: A Test of the Superstar Theory (2002) (62)
- The economic theory of rent seeking (2012) (61)
- The Economic Determinants of Antitrust Activity (1973) (58)
- Explorations Into Constitutional Economics (1990) (55)
- Campaign Expenditures and Political Competition (1976) (54)
- Managerial Rents and Outside Recruitment in the Coasian Firm (1984) (53)
- The interest-group theory of government (2001) (49)
- The rookie draft and competitive balance: The case of professional football (1994) (49)
- Quality Control in Economics (2002) (49)
- Final voting in legislatures (1986) (49)
- Sir James Steuart as the Apotheosis of Mercantilism and His Relation to Adam Smith (1984) (47)
- Legislatures as Unions (1978) (46)
- The Executive Branch in the Interest-Group Theory of Government (1979) (45)
- Mercantilism as a Rent-Seeking Society (2008) (44)
- Why do black basketball players work more for less money (2001) (44)
- The economics of sin and redemption: Purgatory as a market-pull innovation? (1992) (43)
- Educational achievement and the cost of bureaucracy (1991) (43)
- Rent Seeking into the Income Distribution (2003) (42)
- The Disinterest in Deregulation (2016) (40)
- Adam Smith in the Customhouse (1985) (40)
- Information and voting: An empirical note (1975) (39)
- Mercantilist Origins of the Corporation (1980) (39)
- What Do Judges Maximize (1985) (37)
- Electoral Politics and the Executive Veto: A Predictive Theory (1995) (37)
- The Influence of Representation on Public Policy (1977) (37)
- Crime or punishment? : Enforcement of the NCAA football cartel (1988) (36)
- Attenuated Property Rights and the Market for Governors (1977) (35)
- Batter Up! Moral Hazard and the Effects of the Designated Hitter Rule on Hit Batsmen (1997) (35)
- On the Growth of Government and the Political Economy of Legislation (1986) (35)
- Terrorism and pork-barrel spending (2006) (34)
- Economic Regulation, Competitive Governments, and Specialized Resources (1984) (33)
- Going for the Gold: Property Rights and Athletic Effort in Transitional Economies (1993) (33)
- Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (2011) (33)
- Economics and the architecture of popular music (1997) (33)
- Advertising and Profitability (1971) (33)
- Legislative Monopoly and the Size of Government (1988) (32)
- Market Failure, the Common-Pool Problem, and Ocean Resource Exploitation (1974) (31)
- Political influence on civil war mortality rates: The electoral college as a battlefield (1991) (30)
- A public choice theory of the great contraction (1988) (30)
- Chaining Leviathan: the Case of Gladstonian Finance (1980) (29)
- The myth of the corporation as a creation of the state (1983) (28)
- Economics of Religious Belief (2011) (28)
- International Integration and the Interdependence of Economic Variables (1973) (28)
- On the Third Law of Demand (2003) (28)
- Drafting the competition: Labor unions and military conscription (1996) (27)
- On good government (2009) (27)
- Economics and English: Language Growth in Economic Perspective (2004) (27)
- The new political economy of J. S. Mill: the means to social justice (1976) (27)
- Regulators and Redskins (2010) (26)
- Economics : private markets and public choice (1997) (26)
- Rent-Seeking and Trade Protection (1988) (26)
- On secondhandism and scientific appraisal (2000) (25)
- The Behavior of Regulatory Activity over the Business Cycle: An Empirical Test (1985) (25)
- Chicago Political Economy (1989) (25)
- On the Survival of Corporate Executives (1977) (25)
- The Economics of American art (2017) (25)
- Legislative Majorities as Nonsalvageable Assets (1988) (25)
- A Theory of Legislative Organization: Making the Most of Your Majority (1980) (25)
- Interest Groups and the Courts (1998) (25)
- Interest Groups and Deficit (1986) (24)
- Legislators as Taxicabs: On the Value of Seats in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977) (24)
- The economic organization of the English East India Company (1983) (24)
- Adam Smith on Religion and Market Structure (2005) (24)
- Consumption Sharing and Non-Exclusion Rules (1972) (24)
- Alphabetized coauthorship (2006) (23)
- Corporate Chartering: An Exploration in the Economics of Legal Change (1985) (23)
- Economists as the Subject of Economic Inquiry (1986) (23)
- Secularism, Religion, and Political Choice in the United States (2013) (23)
- Ideology, Interest Groups, and the Repeal of the Corn Laws (1988) (23)
- Marginal Deterrence and Multiple Murders (2006) (22)
- The cyclical character of regulatory activity (1985) (22)
- Rates of Publication per Faculty Member in Forty-Five "Rated" Economics Departments (1975) (22)
- Behind the Veil: The Political Economy of Constitutional Change (1990) (22)
- Rent Seeking and the Restriction of Human Exchange (1988) (22)
- Evaluating the social costs of monopoly and regulation (1980) (21)
- Achieving Cartel Profits through Unionization (1979) (20)
- The utilitarian contract: A generalization of Rawls' theory of justice (1974) (20)
- The Sizes of Majorities (1980) (20)
- The stability inducing propensities of very unstable coalitions: avoiding the downward spiral of majoritarian rent-seeking (1999) (20)
- The Economics of the Counter‐Reformation: Incumbent‐Firm Reaction to Market Entry (2004) (20)
- On the Trail of Homo Economicus: Essays by Gordon Tullock (1994) (19)
- The Positive Economics of Antitrust Policy: A Survey Article (1985) (19)
- A note on centralized regulatory review (1984) (18)
- Strategy, Structure, and Antitrust in the Carbonated Soft-Drink Industry (1993) (18)
- Technology, Profit Risk, and Assessments of Market Performance (1972) (18)
- Macroeconomic Determinants of the Vote in Presidential Elections (1978) (18)
- Bureaucratic Structure and Congressional Control (1986) (18)
- The Prospect for Liberal Democracy (1978) (17)
- “Rubbin’ is racin''': evidence of the Peltzman effect from NASCAR (2010) (17)
- Public Choice and Antitrust (1985) (17)
- The Economics of Budget Deficits (2002) (17)
- The Half-Life of Dead Economists (1989) (17)
- Apologiae for Chartered Monopolies in Foreign Trade, 1600–1800 (1983) (17)
- The Allocation of Death in the Vietnam War: A Public Choice Perspective (1987) (16)
- Rational choice and the taxation of sin (1977) (16)
- The Homogenization of Heterogeneous Inputs (1981) (16)
- An Economic Interpretation of the Medieval Crusades (1992) (15)
- Cathedral Building as an Entry-Deterring Device (2005) (15)
- The Probability of Being President (1993) (15)
- Voters as Investors: A Rent-Seeking Resolution of the Paradox of Voting (1988) (15)
- A Budget Size in a Democracy: A Review of the Arguments (1975) (15)
- Efficient Lobbying and Earmarked Taxes (1990) (15)
- Public choice in the new century (2005) (15)
- Smoking and the state (1988) (14)
- Innovation and the opportunity cost of monopoly (2008) (14)
- Pigskins and publications (1986) (14)
- Economists and the Economy (1990) (14)
- Legislative Size and Voting Rules (1977) (14)
- Self-interest, public interest, and public health (1991) (13)
- Legislator specialization and the size of government (1985) (13)
- Competition and concentration: the economics of the carbonated soft drink industry (1991) (13)
- Contractual exchange and the timing of payment (1980) (13)
- Racial Integration of Coaching (2009) (13)
- The Employment Consequences of the Sherman and Clayton Acts (1991) (13)
- Legislation and Political Business Cycles (1985) (13)
- Antitrust Enforcement and Foreign Competition (1995) (12)
- Optimal Taxation in a Rent-Seeking Environment (1988) (12)
- Political economy of the military draft (1970) (12)
- Antitrust in the Reagan administration: A report from the Belly of the beast (1983) (12)
- Why is the Media so Liberal (1990) (11)
- Fiscal Federalism and the Laffer Curve (1991) (11)
- Methodenstreit: The economics of competing interests (1992) (11)
- The Rise and (Recent) Decline of Mathematical Economics (1986) (11)
- Smoking and the state : social costs, rent seeking, and public policy (1988) (11)
- Nassau Senior as Economic Consultant: The Factory Acts Reconsidered (1989) (11)
- Arbtrage in a Basketball Economy (1990) (11)
- The next twenty-five years of Public Choice (1993) (10)
- The Price of Influence in an Interest-Group Economy (1991) (10)
- Competition and concentration (1991) (10)
- State budget sizes and the marginal productivity of governors (1976) (10)
- Representation and Influence: A Reply (1981) (10)
- Bequests, sibling rivalry, and rent seeking (2008) (10)
- Celestial marriage and earthly rents: interests and the prohibition of polygamy. (1998) (10)
- Dual Enforcement of the Antitrust Laws (1987) (10)
- The Interest‐Group Theory of Government: Problems and Prospects (2001) (10)
- Political Entry Barriers and Tax Incidence: The Political Economy of Sales and Excise Taxes (1989) (10)
- Method and morals in constitutional economics : essays in honor of James M. Buchanan (2002) (10)
- The Pope and the Price of Meat: A Public Choice Perspective (2007) (10)
- Residual demand analysis of the carbonated soft drink industry (1995) (10)
- A Theory of Truth in Autobiography (1986) (10)
- The Economic Theory of Clubs: A Geometric Exposition (1974) (9)
- A Note on Consumption Sharing and Non-exclusion Rules (1974) (9)
- Life Among the Triangles and Trapezoids: Notes on the Theory of Rent-Seeking (1988) (9)
- Are Art Auction Estimates Biased (2013) (9)
- Laissez-faire in campaign finance (1988) (9)
- Dead Men Tell no Tales (2011) (9)
- On neoinstitutional theory and preclassical economies: mercantilism revisited (1997) (9)
- Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics (2002) (8)
- The convergence of satisficing to marginalism : An empirical test (1984) (8)
- Rent Seeking and Property Rights' Assigments as a Process: The Mesta Cartel of Medieval-Mercantile Spain. (1997) (8)
- An interest-group theory of population growth (1988) (8)
- The Political Economy of Antitrust: Principal Paper by William Baxter (1982) (7)
- Macroeconomic determinants of tenure in the U.S. house of representatives (1978) (7)
- Earning and Learning in Law Firms (1978) (7)
- Rent-seeking competition in political parties (1979) (7)
- The Perspective of Economics (2008) (7)
- The Disinterest in Deregulation: Reply (1986) (7)
- Democracy, Interest Groups, and the Price of Votes (1988) (7)
- Price Leadership with Incomplete Information (1989) (7)
- The economic approach to public policy : selected readings (1976) (7)
- The Incentive to Cite (1987) (6)
- Macroeconomics: Private Markets and Public Choice (1996) (6)
- Monopoly aspects of political parties (1979) (6)
- The Length of Legislative Sessions and the Growth of Government (1995) (6)
- Queuing, Conflict, and Violence (2009) (6)
- A comment on economic analysis and just compensation (1992) (6)
- A Theory of Commodity Bundling in Final Product Markets: Professor Hirshleifer Meets Professor Becker (2006) (6)
- The rationality of crime in a basketball economy. (1992) (6)
- The Use of Inputs by the Federal Reserve System: Reply (1984) (6)
- The unfinished business of public choice (2005) (6)
- Ricardo on the Public Debt: Principle Versus Practice (1986) (6)
- Property Rights within Government and Devices to Increase Government Efficiency (1976) (5)
- Rent Seeking and Inefficiencies Resulting from Pecuniary Externalities (2011) (5)
- On Equalizing the Distribution of Political Income (1974) (5)
- Predicting Politics: Essays in Empirical Public Choice (2016) (5)
- Old wine, new wine (2007) (5)
- Crime on the Court, Another Look: Reply to Hutchinson and Yates (2007) (5)
- On the extraordinary scholarly life and times of Gordon Tullock (2016) (5)
- Disqualification by Decree: Amateur Rules as Barriers to Entry (1988) (5)
- A public choice theory of the Great Contraction: Further evidence (1990) (5)
- Investment in early American art: the impact of transaction costs and no-sales on returns (2016) (5)
- The Political Economy of the Medieval Church (2011) (4)
- The Homogenization of Heterogeneous Inputs: Reply (1984) (4)
- Clearing the air : perspectives on environmental tobacco smoke (1988) (4)
- Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster Winning Teams or Losing Teams? A Comment (2010) (4)
- The Rent-Seeking Insight (2000) (4)
- The Supply of Occupational Regulation (1983) (4)
- Crime and income distribution in a basketball economy (1986) (4)
- Age and productivity: An empirical study of early American artists (2015) (4)
- Demerit in Merit Regulation (1977) (4)
- Collusion, Profits, and Rational Antitrust (1998) (4)
- The Welfare Basis of the “Failing Company” Doctrine (1985) (4)
- Tradeable Shares and the Supply-Side of Corporate Development: Reply (1983) (4)
- A theory of rational childhood (1991) (3)
- Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections (2004) (3)
- Antitrust Recidivism in Federal Trade Commission Data: 1914–1982 (1987) (3)
- Summary, Conclusions, and Future Directions (1981) (3)
- On The Sufficient Conditions For Wealth‐Maximizing Conduct (1978) (3)
- Public Choice from the Perspective of Economics (2004) (3)
- The Coase Theorem and Quasi-Rents: Correcting the Record (1978) (3)
- Smokers versus Nonsmokers (1986) (3)
- James M. Buchanan: In Memoriam (2013) (3)
- Clubs and Club Goods (2001) (3)
- The welfare costs of monopoly are larger than you think (2011) (3)
- Remembering Gordon Tullock (2016) (3)
- The Vote Motive and the Debt: A Contingent Liability Approach (1986) (3)
- The Pricing of Surrogate Crime and Law Enforcement (1983) (3)
- Power, Politics, and Prosperity: Alternative Views of Economic Interdependence (1982) (3)
- Do Loopholes Decrease or Increase Tax Revenue (1987) (3)
- Import Controls on Foreign Oil: Comment (1973) (3)
- Policy Challenges and Political Responses (2005) (3)
- Are Professional Basketball Fans Racists (1998) (3)
- The Logic of Natural Monopoly Regulation (1991) (2)
- J. S. Mill's New Political Economy: Another View (1978) (2)
- The Allocation of Death in the Vietnam War: Reply (1989) (2)
- The Designated Hitter Rule and the Distribution of Pitching Talent Across Leagues (2011) (2)
- Questions to be Answered (1981) (2)
- 1. The Economic Approach to Social Policy Questions: Some Methodological Perspectives (2019) (2)
- Explaining U.S. Federal Deficits: 1889–1998 (2002) (2)
- The Table of Contents of Economics Journals as Forecasts of Scientific Relevance (1986) (2)
- Perspectives on public choice: Rent seeking (1996) (2)
- Dry Holes in Economic Research: Reply (2004) (2)
- Elinor Ostrom and the commons (2010) (2)
- Creative maverick of public choice (1991) (2)
- Spatial aspects of ticket scalping (2010) (2)
- The Determinants of Executive Branch Compensation (1981) (1)
- Comment on Holt, "The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments" (1989) (1)
- Fiscal Federalism: a Voting System Where Spillovers Taper Off Spatially (1978) (1)
- Economics and metrology: Give 'em an inch and they'll take a kilometre (1981) (1)
- Would Cows Vote Carnivore (1987) (1)
- Graphs in Economics (2015) (1)
- Rent Seeking, Institutions and Economic Growth (2019) (1)
- The Demand and Supply of Wealth Transfers (1981) (1)
- Breakfast at the Federal Trade Commission (1998) (1)
- A Proposal for Marginal Cost Financing of Higher Education (1972) (1)
- Public Choice has demystified and undeified the state. The Public Choice Revolution (2004) (1)
- Smith, Steuart, and Mercantilism: Reply (1986) (1)
- Economist and the environment (1990) (1)
- Rational Self-Taxation: Complementary Inputs and Excise Taxation (1987) (1)
- The Monopsony Power of the Median Voter (2003) (1)
- Using (im)perfect markets to catch criminals (1993) (1)
- Economists and Public Policy: The Relevance Debate@@@The Economic Approach to Public Policy@@@The Economic Approach to Human Behavior@@@Economists at Bay: Why the Experts Will Never Solve Your Problems@@@The Economists (1978) (1)
- The Outside Earnings of Politicians (1981) (1)
- A Modern Interpretation of Aristotle on Legislative and Constitutional Rules (1976) (1)
- A Note on the Webb-Pomerene Law and the Webb-Cartels (1978) (1)
- A Defense of the CEA As an Instrument for Giving Economic Policy Advice: Comment (1975) (1)
- Unpaid Professionals: Commercialism and Conflict in Big‐Time College Sports, by A. Zimbalist, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999, xii+252 pp., $24.95 (cloth). (1999) (1)
- Political influence and the ratification of the income tax amendment (1993) (1)
- Fiscal preference and balanced budget fiscal policy (1974) (1)
- Is national defense a pure public good (1990) (1)
- A further partial changing of the guard (2007) (1)
- An Economic Model of Performance Contracting in Education (1974) (1)
- The Economics of Religious Schism and Switching (2014) (1)
- James M. Buchanan (1919 (2008) (1)
- George J. Stigler: Chicago political economist (1992) (1)
- Public choice and religion (2013) (0)
- Kurzbeiträge / Short Articles Litigation, The Business Cycle, and Government Growth (2016) (0)
- Roman Christianity: An Evolving Monopoly (2011) (0)
- Tobacco Warfare In America: An Overview (1992) (0)
- Government output and national income estimates: A comment (1978) (0)
- Entrepreneurship, Networking, and the Success of Early Christianity (2011) (0)
- Principle And Expediency In Public Policy (1992) (0)
- The Exercise of Market Power in Laboratory Experiments: Comment (1989) (0)
- The economic theory of rent seeking (2012) (0)
- 26. Representative Democracy via Random Selection (2019) (0)
- In memory of Cotton Mather Lindsay (6/17/1940–1/16/2015) (2015) (0)
- Regulatory finance in alternative models of regulation: General fund financing versus earmarked taxation (1990) (0)
- Book Review: Major League Losers: The Real Cost of Sports and Who’s Paying For It (2001) (0)
- Book reviews (1982) (0)
- Self Interest, Public Interest, And Legislation (1992) (0)
- James M. Buchanan (2020) (0)
- Smoking, Business Costs, And Social Cost (1992) (0)
- The Taxation And Regulation Of Smoking: Principle Vs. Expediency (1992) (0)
- Book Review: The (peculiar) economics of NCAA basketball (2015) (0)
- Announcement: Public choice society meetings (1995) (0)
- Social Cost Analysis (2017) (0)
- Rent Seeking : Setting the Record Straight (0)
- Investment in early American art: the impact of transaction costs and no-sales on returns (2015) (0)
- Book reviews (1993) (0)
- William F. Shughart II (Ed.), Taxing choice: The predatory politics of fiscal discrimination. An Independent Institute Book. Foreword by Paul W. McCracken. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997. xv + 396 pages. $39.95 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). (1998) (0)
- 28. Risk Avoidance and Political Advertising: Neglected Issues in the Literature on Budget Size in a Democracy (2019) (0)
- The Shadow Price of Sunshine: Reply (1994) (0)
- Book Review: Black Hole Tariffs and Endogenous Policy Theory (1990) (0)
- The All-Volunteer Army: An Analysis of Demand and Supply@@@The Case Against a Volunteer Army (1974) (0)
- Rational choice and the taxation of sin: Reply (1981) (0)
- The War on Drugs as Antitrust Regulation (1991) (0)
- Nicolaus Tideman: Collective decisions and voting rules: The potential for public choice (2007) (0)
- Welfare Economics, Public Policy, And Smoking (1992) (0)
- Book reviews (1985) (0)
- Charles K. Rowley: In Memoriam (2013) (0)
- On “Translating” History: A Rejoinder to Ramsay MacMullen (2013) (0)
- Constantine and Rome’s Acceptance of Christianity (2011) (0)
- Markets, Insurance, And The Medical Costs Of Smokers (1992) (0)
- Editorial announcement (1995) (0)
- he Marketplace of Christianity is a follow-up to 1996's Sacred Trust, writtenbyEkelund,Hébert,Tollison,andtwoothers.The Marketplace of ChristianitypicksupwhereSacred Trustleftoff—theendofthe medieval period and the cusp of the Protestant Reformation. The authors' premiseisthat"thehistoryandcontempor (2006) (0)
- 36. A Defense of the CEA as an Instrument for Giving Economic Policy Advice (2019) (0)
- Fed behavior in periods of price and wage controls (1991) (0)
- Book reviews (1994) (0)
- 16. A Menu of Distributional Considerations (2019) (0)
- The Supply of Majority Leadership (1981) (0)
- Conclusion: The Roman Church Monopoly Triumphant (2011) (0)
- 20. The Utilitarian Contract: A Generalization of Rawls' Theory of Justice (2019) (0)
- Efficacy of shaming penalties: Evidence from SEC football (2012) (0)
- ETS And Governmental Protection Of Consumers And Workers (1992) (0)
- Charles K. Rowley: In Memoriam (2013) (0)
- The Drive to Church Monopoly: Constantine to Charlemagne (2011) (0)
- Robert H. Bates, Avner Greif, Margaret Levi, Jean-Laurent Rosenthal and Barry R. Weingast, Analytic Narratives (2003) (0)
- Advertising, “Addiction,” And The Denial Of True Choice (1992) (0)
- The Political Economy of Merger between Regulated Firms (1990) (0)
- Affirmative action and unemployment (1988) (0)
- 30. Solving the Intensity Problem in Representative Democracy (2019) (0)
- Achieving Cartel Profits through Unionization: Reply (1981) (0)
- Legislative Majorities as Nonsalvageable Assets: Reply (1991) (0)
- Smoking And The Economic Cost Of Lost Production (1992) (0)
- Significant tee ratios (2010) (0)
- 10. The University and the Price System (2019) (0)
- Religion, History, and Social Science (2011) (0)
- A Snipe Hunt (2004) (0)
- Roman Christian Monopoly in the Early Medieval Period (2011) (0)
- Optimum Legislative Sizes and Voting Rules (1977) (0)
- Medicare, Medicaid, And The Social Cost Of Smoking (1992) (0)
- INO volume 33 issue 4 Front matter (1979) (0)
- Adam Smith as a Regulator (1984) (0)
- 13. The Economics of Fatal Mistakes: Fiscal Mechanisms for Preserving Endangered Predators (2019) (0)
- Social Cost, Rent Seeking, and Smoking: A Public Choice Perspective (1988) (0)
- Interest Groups And The Public’s Health (1992) (0)
- On the extraordinary scholarly life and times of Gordon Tullock (2016) (0)
- The Market Provision of Addiction Control Services (1999) (0)
- Legislatures as Wage Cartels (1981) (0)
- In memory of Cotton Mather Lindsay (6/17/1940–1/16/2015) (2015) (0)
- The allocative equivalence of contracting and regulation (1981) (0)
- Constitutional Job Creation (1996) (0)
- 27. Some Simple Economics of Voting and Not Voting (2019) (0)
- Remembering Gordon Tullock (2016) (0)
- A Creative Theorist in His Workshop: James M. Buchanan as a Positive Economist (2002) (0)
- Regulators and Redskins (2011) (0)
- Are auction revenues affected by rising art buyers’ premia? The case of early American art (2015) (0)
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