Savas Dimopoulos
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American physicist
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Savas Dimopoulos's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Chicago
Why Is Savas Dimopoulos Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Savas Dimopoulos is a particle physicist at Stanford University. He worked at CERN from 1994 to 1997. Dimopoulos is well known for his work on constructing theories beyond the Standard Model. Life He was born an ethnic Greek in Istanbul, Turkey and later moved to Athens due to ethnic tensions in Turkey during the 1950s and 1960s.
Savas Dimopoulos's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Hierarchy problem and new dimensions at a millimeter (1998) (5076)
- New dimensions at a millimeter to a Fermi and superstrings at a TeV (1998) (3294)
- Softly Broken Supersymmetry and SU(5) (1981) (1894)
- Phenomenology, astrophysics and cosmology of theories with submillimeter dimensions and TeV scale quantum gravity (1998) (1804)
- String Axiverse (2009) (1025)
- Supersymmetric unification without low energy supersymmetry and signatures for fine-tuning at the LHC (2004) (1003)
- Supersymmetry and the Scale of Unification (1981) (749)
- Black holes at the Large Hadron Collider. (2001) (723)
- Mass Without Scalars (1979) (685)
- Aspects of Split Supersymmetry (2004) (601)
- Composite Higgs scalars (1984) (588)
- N-flation (2005) (507)
- Naturalness constraints in supersymmetric theories with non-universal soft terms (1995) (503)
- Neutrino masses from large extra dimensions (1998) (367)
- A Small cosmological constant from a large extra dimension (2000) (360)
- Mini-Split (2012) (314)
- Tumbling Gauge Theories (1980) (273)
- Testing general relativity with atom interferometry. (2006) (249)
- Black holes and sub-millimeter dimensions (1998) (238)
- Proton decay in supersymmetric models (1982) (234)
- Non-Local Modification of Gravity and the Cosmological Constant Problem (2002) (191)
- Millimetre-Range Forces in Superstring Theories with Weak-Scale Compactification (1997) (191)
- Soft masses in theories with supersymmetry breaking by TeV compactification (1998) (189)
- Sparticle spectroscopy and electroweak symmetry breaking with gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking (1996) (187)
- Atomic gravitational wave interferometric sensor (2008) (185)
- Predictive Landscapes and New Physics at a TeV (2005) (183)
- Light composite fermions (1980) (169)
- Stability bounds on flavor-violating trilinear soft terms in the MSSM (1996) (164)
- The Supersymmetric flavor problem (1995) (163)
- Baryon number of the universe (1978) (162)
- Dark matter in theories of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking (1996) (158)
- Stabilization of submillimeter dimensions: The New guise of the hierarchy problem (1998) (150)
- Lepton- and baryon-number violating collider signatures from supersymmetry (1988) (148)
- Black Hole Mergers and the QCD Axion at Advanced LIGO (2016) (145)
- Astrophysical probes of unification (2008) (144)
- General Relativistic Effects in Atom Interferometry (2008) (141)
- Rapid asymmetric inflation and early cosmology in theories with sub-millimeter dimensions (1999) (138)
- Challenges for extended technicolour theories (1981) (134)
- Massless Composites With Massive Constituents (1982) (127)
- String Balls at the LHC and Beyond (2001) (126)
- Is the Universe Closed by Baryons? Nucleosynthesis with a Late-decaying Massive Particle (1988) (123)
- Gravitational wave detection with atom interferometry (2007) (123)
- Baryogenesis at the MeV era (1987) (113)
- Macroscopic forces from supersymmetry (1996) (112)
- Dynamical soft terms with unbroken supersymmetry (1997) (106)
- Large-misalignment mechanism for the formation of compact axion structures: Signatures from the QCD axion to fuzzy dark matter (2019) (95)
- Little String Theory at a TeV (2001) (90)
- Limits on Late Decaying Particles From Nucleosynthesis (1989) (88)
- Splitting Supersymmetry in String Theory (2004) (88)
- Matter-wave Atomic Gradiometer Interferometric Sensor (MAGIS-100) (2018) (83)
- Dynamical relaxation of the supersymmetric CP violating phases (1995) (82)
- Sound of Dark Matter: Searching for Light Scalars with Resonant-Mass Detectors. (2015) (78)
- New origin for approximate symmetries from distant breaking in extra dimensions (1998) (78)
- Probing submicron forces by interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms (2003) (76)
- Resonant Absorption of Bosonic Dark Matter in Molecules (2017) (75)
- Natural Generation of Fermion Masses (1983) (69)
- Phenomenology of TeV little string theory from holography. (2011) (68)
- Stopping Gluinos (2005) (67)
- Experimental Predictions from Technicolor Theories (1981) (67)
- Small Numbers From Tunneling Between Brane Throats (2001) (66)
- A collider observable QCD axion (2016) (66)
- Maximally natural supersymmetry. (2014) (65)
- Decaying Dark Matter As a Probe of Unification And TeV Spectroscopy (2009) (64)
- Multi-Messenger Theories of Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (1996) (63)
- Electric dipole moments as a test of supersymmetric unification (1994) (60)
- Incomplete multiplets in supersymmetric unified models (1981) (60)
- Generating Small Numbers by Tunneling in Multi-Throat Compactifications (2001) (56)
- Heavy families: Masses and mixings (1985) (55)
- Is there a local source of magnetic monopoles? (1982) (55)
- String Photini at the LHC (2009) (51)
- An Atomic Gravitational Wave Interferometric Sensor (AGIS) (2008) (51)
- Split families unified (2012) (50)
- Baryon asymmetry in the very early universe (1979) (45)
- A small weak scale from a small cosmological constant (2016) (45)
- A simple complete model of Gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking and dynamical relaxation mechanism for solving the μ-problem (1997) (44)
- Black Holes at the LHC (2001) (43)
- Solution of the gauge hierarchy problem (1982) (40)
- The weak mixing angle from an SU(3) symmetry at a TeV (2002) (38)
- Many fold universe (1999) (38)
- Dynamical inflation and unification scale on quantum moduli spaces (1997) (37)
- O(18) Revived: Splitting the Spinor (1984) (36)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis without a computer (1991) (34)
- Unification of Couplings (1991) (34)
- Discretuum versus continuum dark energy (2003) (33)
- Renormalization group constraints in two-Higgs theories (1985) (33)
- How to test atom and neutron neutrality with atom interferometry. (2007) (30)
- A solution of the strong CP problem in models with scalars (1979) (30)
- The Beyond the standard model working group: Summary report (2001) (29)
- Atomic enhancements in the detection of weakly interacting particles (1986) (29)
- Axiorecombination: A New Mechanism for Stellar Axion Production (1986) (28)
- Problems and virtues of scalarless theories of electroweak interactions (1980) (27)
- Superfield Derivation of the Low-Energy Effective Theory of Softly Broken Supersymmetry (1995) (27)
- New inflation in supersymmetric theories (1983) (25)
- Phenomenological implications of low energy supersymmetry breaking (1996) (25)
- A realistic theory of family unification (1985) (25)
- Electroweak unification into a five-dimensional SU(3) at a TeV (2002) (24)
- LHC, SSC and the universe (1990) (23)
- Large extra dimensions: A new arena for particle physics (2002) (22)
- Automatic invisible axion without domain walls (1982) (22)
- Manyfold universe (22)
- Extended Survival Hypothesis and Fermion Masses (1984) (18)
- Disoriented and plastic soft terms: a dynamical solution to the problem of supersymmetric flavor violations (1995) (18)
- Logarithmic unification from symmetries enhanced in the sub-millimeter infrared (1999) (15)
- Black Hole Production at Future Colliders (2002) (13)
- Beyond The Standard Model Working Group (2002) (13)
- Auto-concealment of supersymmetry in extra dimensions (2014) (13)
- Technicolored solution to the strong CP problem (1978) (13)
- Reply to ``Comment on `Atomic gravitational wave interferometric sensor' '' (2011) (12)
- Non-unified sparticle and particle masses in unified theories (1995) (12)
- TeV dark matter (1991) (12)
- Supersymmetric Unified Models (1983) (10)
- Electroweak phase transition and dark matter abundance (1990) (10)
- Heavy family masses: Analytic results (1985) (10)
- Proton lifetime in orthogonal theories of family unification (1984) (7)
- Mass generation by non-strong interactions (1981) (7)
- The vacuum abhors top-bags (1991) (7)
- Dark QED from inflation (2021) (6)
- Early inflation and cosmology in theories with sub-millimeter dimensions (1999) (6)
- Number of neutrino species and the lepton number of the universe (1979) (6)
- Flipping away proton decay (1985) (4)
- Virial Theorems on Instantons (1977) (4)
- A Half composite standard model at a TeV and sin**2 theta(W) (2002) (4)
- A Half-Composite Standard Model at a TeV and Sin 2 θ W (2002) (3)
- Soft Supersymmetry Breaking and the Supersymmetric Standard Model (2001) (3)
- Large new dimensions and quantum gravity around the corner (2003) (2)
- Alternative symmetry breaking and exotica (1990) (2)
- Supersymmetric Unification (1994) (2)
- Theories of fermion masses (1984) (1)
- A 750 GeV QCD axion (2016) (1)
- The Cosmic Neutrino Background on the Surface of the Earth (2022) (1)
- A small weak scale from a small cosmological constant (2017) (1)
- Work supported in part by US Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 Gravitational Wave Detection with Atom Interferometry (2007) (0)
- Confinement and massless fermions in two dimensions (1978) (0)
- O(18) revived (1984) (0)
- CERN-TH-99-219 SU-ITP-99 / 38 LBNL-44031 Logarithmic Unification From Symmetries Enhanced in the SubMillimeter Infrared (2004) (0)
- Ju n 20 08 An Atomic Gravitational Wave Interferometric Sensor ( AGIS ) (2008) (0)
- Macroscopic Forces from Supersymmetry 1 (1996) (0)
- Primordial nucleosynthesis during the keV era (1987) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Title Infinitely Large New Dimensions Permalink (2004) (0)
- 99 07 20 9 v 1 29 J ul 1 99 9 Infinitely Large New Dimensions (2004) (0)
- General relativity, atom interferometry, and gravitational wave detection (2014) (0)
- Supercompositeness Inspired From (1996) (0)
- Beyond the Standard Model (1995) (0)
- unification from enhanced in the sub-millimeter infrared (2004) (0)
- Class I: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Section 1: Mathematics (2007) (0)
- September 2004 CERN-PH-TH / 2004-183 Aspects of Split Supersymmetry (2004) (0)
- Split families unified (2012) (0)
- A collider observable QCD axion (2016) (0)
- Auto-concealment of supersymmetry in extra dimensions (2015) (0)
- Nuclear Physics B229 (1983) 528-540 © North-Holland Pubhshing Company NEW INFLATION IN SUPERSYMMETRIC THEORIES (2002) (0)
- UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) First top quark physics with ATLAS : a prospect van der Kraaij (2009) (0)
- 01 05 03 4 v 1 3 M ay 2 00 1 1 Soft Supersymmetry Breaking and the Supersymmetric Standard Model ∗ (2001) (0)
- UNIFICATION OF COUPLINGS Recent high-precision experimental results support the predictions of the minimal supersymmetric 5U(5) model that unifies electromagnetism and the weak and strong interactions. (1991) (0)
- Gravitational Waves in the Mid-band with Atom Interferometry (2019) (0)
- A dynamical approach for suppressing supersymmetric flavor violations (1995) (0)
- A Diffraction Grating for the Cosmic Neutrino Background and Dark Matter (2023) (0)
- Theories beyond the standard model, one year before the LHC (2006) (0)
- A ug 2 00 1 Stanford ITP-01 / 36 String Balls at the LHC and Beyond (2001) (0)
- 11302 Stopping Gluinos (2005) (0)
- SLAC-PUB-8014 Neutrino Masses from Large Extra Dimensions (1998) (0)
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