Shanhui Fan
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Electrical engineer
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Shanhui Fanengineering Degrees
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Applied Physics
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Electrical Engineering
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Shanhui Fan's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Masters Electrical Engineering Stanford University
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University
Why Is Shanhui Fan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Shanhui Fan is a Chinese-born American electrical engineer and physicist, with a focus on theoretical, computational and numerical aspects of photonics and electromagnetism. He is a professor of electrical engineering, and a professor of applied physics at Stanford University. He is the director of the Edward L. Ginzton Lab and Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy.
Shanhui Fan's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Photonic crystals: putting a new twist on light (1997) (2700)
- Large single-molecule fluorescence enhancements produced by a bowtie nanoantenna (2009) (1785)
- Parity–time-symmetric whispering-gallery microcavities (2013) (1727)
- Passive radiative cooling below ambient air temperature under direct sunlight (2014) (1539)
- Optical absorption enhancement in amorphous silicon nanowire and nanocone arrays. (2009) (1219)
- Nanoscale thermal transport. II. 2003–2012 (2014) (1199)
- Analysis of guided resonances in photonic crystal slabs (2002) (1129)
- Guided modes in photonic crystal slabs (1999) (1030)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory for the Fano resonance in optical resonators. (2003) (970)
- Complete optical isolation created by indirect interband photonic transitions (2008) (897)
- Nanodome solar cells with efficient light management and self-cleaning. (2010) (859)
- Realizing effective magnetic field for photons by controlling the phase of dynamic modulation (2012) (810)
- A transparent electrode based on a metal nanotrough network. (2013) (794)
- Light management for photovoltaics using high-index nanostructures. (2014) (782)
- Fundamental limit of nanophotonic light trapping in solar cells (2010) (746)
- Ultrabroadband photonic structures to achieve high-performance daytime radiative cooling. (2013) (651)
- What is — and what is not — an optical isolator (2013) (638)
- High Extraction Efficiency of Spontaneous Emission from Slabs of Photonic Crystals (1997) (626)
- Coupling of modes analysis of resonant channel add-drop filters (1999) (619)
- Experimental realization of an on-chip all-optical analogue to electromagnetically induced transparency (2006) (611)
- Linear waveguides in photonic-crystal slabs (2000) (604)
- Bends and splitters in metal-dielectric-metal subwavelength plasmonic waveguides (2005) (603)
- Absorption enhancement in ultrathin crystalline silicon solar cells with antireflection and light-trapping nanocone gratings. (2012) (591)
- Channel Drop Tunneling through Localized States (1998) (577)
- Radiative human body cooling by nanoporous polyethylene textile (2016) (547)
- S4 : A free electromagnetic solver for layered periodic structures (2012) (538)
- Stopping light all optically. (2003) (522)
- Electrically driven nonreciprocity induced by interband photonic transition on a silicon chip. (2012) (517)
- Semiconductor nanowire optical antenna solar absorbers. (2010) (485)
- Radiative cooling to deep sub-freezing temperatures through a 24-h day–night cycle (2016) (483)
- Photonic-crystal slow-light enhancement of nonlinear phase sensitivity (2002) (481)
- Planar lenses based on nanoscale slit arrays in a metallic film (2009) (468)
- Total Absorption in a Graphene Monolayer in the Optical Regime by Critical Coupling with a Photonic Crystal Guided Resonance (2014) (450)
- Sharp asymmetric line shapes in side-coupled waveguide-cavity systems (2002) (442)
- Robust wireless power transfer using a nonlinear parity–time-symmetric circuit (2017) (418)
- Hybrid silicon nanocone-polymer solar cells. (2012) (413)
- Daytime radiative cooling using near-black infrared emitters (2017) (412)
- Channel drop filters in photonic crystals. (1998) (406)
- One-way electromagnetic waveguide formed at the interface between a plasmonic metal under a static magnetic field and a photonic crystal. (2008) (397)
- Stopping light in a waveguide with an all-optical analog of electromagnetically induced transparency. (2004) (390)
- Radiative cooling of solar absorbers using a visibly transparent photonic crystal thermal blackbody (2015) (385)
- Coherent photon transport from spontaneous emission in one-dimensional waveguides. (2005) (382)
- Transparent and conductive paper from nanocellulose fibers (2013) (370)
- Absorber and emitter for solar thermo-photovoltaic systems to achieve efficiency exceeding the Shockley-Queisser limit. (2009) (365)
- Molding the flow of light (2001) (362)
- All-optical transistor action with bistable switching in a photonic crystal cross-waveguide geometry. (2003) (345)
- Thermal rectification through vacuum. (2010) (341)
- High-contrast all-optical bistable switching in photonic crystal microcavities (2003) (339)
- Fundamental limit of light trapping in grating structures. (2010) (338)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory and the presence of non-orthogonal modes in lossless multimode cavities (2004) (338)
- Limitations of nonlinear optical isolators due to dynamic reciprocity (2015) (332)
- Mechanism for designing metallic metamaterials with a high index of refraction. (2005) (320)
- Coherent single photon transport in one-dimensional waveguide coupledwith superconducting quantum bits (2005) (312)
- Modes of Subwavelength Plasmonic Slot Waveguides (2007) (308)
- High-density integrated optics (1999) (307)
- Superscattering of light from subwavelength nanostructures. (2010) (303)
- Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide. I. Coupling to a cavity containing a two-level atom (2009) (302)
- Inference in artificial intelligence with deep optics and photonics (2020) (300)
- Guided subwavelength plasmonic mode supported by a slot in a thin metal film. (2005) (296)
- Photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect based on dynamic modulation. (2012) (295)
- A dual-mode textile for human body radiative heating and cooling (2017) (295)
- Strongly correlated two-photon transport in a one-dimensional waveguide coupled to a two-level system. (2007) (291)
- Enhanced coupling to vertical radiation using a two-dimensional photonic crystal in a semiconductor light-emitting diode (2001) (283)
- Non-reciprocal phase shift induced by an effective magnetic flux for light (2014) (279)
- Nonlinear photonic crystal microdevices for optical integration. (2003) (273)
- Sub-ambient non-evaporative fluid cooling with the sky (2017) (271)
- Waveguide branches in photonic crystals (2001) (267)
- Radiative cooling of solar cells (2014) (262)
- Spectrally Selective Nanocomposite Textile for Outdoor Personal Cooling (2018) (257)
- Optical circulators in two-dimensional magneto-optical photonic crystals. (2005) (256)
- Nanoporous polyethylene microfibres for large-scale radiative cooling fabric (2018) (254)
- Bends and splitters for self-collimated beams in photonic crystals (2003) (251)
- Training of Photonic Neural Networks through In Situ Backpropagation (2018) (249)
- Plasmonic computing of spatial differentiation (2017) (247)
- Measurements of CP-violating asymmetries in B0-->K(0)(s)pi(0) decays. (2004) (244)
- Enhancement of optical absorption in thin-film organic solar cells through the excitation of plasmonic modes in metallic gratings (2010) (233)
- Guiding optical light in air using an all-dielectric structure (1999) (233)
- Guided and defect modes in periodic dielectric waveguides (1995) (226)
- Theoretical investigation of compact couplers between dielectric slab waveguides and two-dimensional metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides. (2007) (226)
- Synthetic dimension in photonics (2018) (224)
- High‐Efficiency Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell on a Periodic Nanocone Back Reflector (2012) (218)
- Displacement-sensitive photonic crystal structures based on guided resonance in photonic crystal slabs (2003) (217)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory and the presence of non-orthogonal modes in lossless multimode cavities (2004) (215)
- Nanopatterned metallic films for use as transparent conductive electrodes in optoelectronic devices. (2010) (214)
- All-angle negative refraction for surface plasmon waves using a metal-dielectric-metal structure. (2006) (213)
- Scalable and hierarchically designed polymer film as a selective thermal emitter for high-performance all-day radiative cooling (2020) (212)
- Broadband light management using low-Q whispering gallery modes in spherical nanoshells (2012) (212)
- Progress in 2D photonic crystal Fano resonance photonics (2014) (210)
- Bound states in photonic crystal waveguides and waveguide bends (1998) (208)
- A Comprehensive Photonic Approach for Solar Cell Cooling (2017) (207)
- Warming up human body by nanoporous metallized polyethylene textile (2017) (206)
- Terrestrial radiative cooling: Using the cold universe as a renewable and sustainable energy source (2020) (200)
- Three-dimensional self-assembled photonic crystals with high temperature stability for thermal emission modification (2013) (198)
- Input-output formalism for few-photon transport in one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguides coupled to a qubit (2010) (196)
- Wave physics as an analog recurrent neural network (2019) (191)
- Optical Fano resonance of an individual semiconductor nanostructure. (2014) (188)
- Near-field radiative cooling of nanostructures. (2012) (184)
- Direct‐Write Assembly of Three‐Dimensional Photonic Crystals: Conversion of Polymer Scaffolds to Silicon Hollow‐Woodpile Structures (2006) (183)
- Enhanced high-harmonic generation from an all-dielectric metasurface (2017) (182)
- Extraordinary optical absorption through subwavelength slits. (2009) (177)
- Photonic gauge potential in a system with a synthetic frequency dimension. (2015) (175)
- Nanophotonic control of thermal radiation for energy applications [Invited]. (2018) (175)
- Anti–parity-time symmetry in diffusive systems (2019) (174)
- Principal modes in multimode waveguides. (2005) (171)
- Photonic Weyl point in a two-dimensional resonator lattice with a synthetic frequency dimension (2016) (170)
- 3D Metallo-Dielectric Photonic Crystals with Strong Capacitive Coupling between Metallic Islands (1998) (170)
- One-way total reflection with one-dimensional magneto-optical photonic crystals (2007) (162)
- Tungsten black absorber for solar light with wide angular operation range (2008) (162)
- Strongly correlated multiparticle transport in one dimension through a quantum impurity (2007) (161)
- Near-field radiative heat transfer between parallel structures in the deep subwavelength regime. (2015) (160)
- Sensitivity enhancement in photonic crystal slab biosensors. (2010) (155)
- A single photonic cavity with two independent physical synthetic dimensions (2019) (154)
- From electromagnetically induced transparency to superscattering with a single structure: a coupled-mode theory for doubly resonant structures (2012) (153)
- Adjoint Method and Inverse Design for Nonlinear Nanophotonic Devices (2018) (153)
- Design of midinfrared photodetectors enhanced by surface plasmons on grating structures (2006) (152)
- Multipole-cancellation mechanism for high-Q cavities in the absence of a complete photonic band gap (2001) (151)
- Large-area free-standing ultrathin single-crystal silicon as processable materials. (2013) (151)
- Angular and polarization properties of a photonic crystal slab mirror. (2004) (147)
- Color-preserving daytime radiative cooling (2013) (147)
- Total absorption by degenerate critical coupling (2014) (146)
- Measurement of the B-->Xsl+l- branching fraction with a sum over exclusive modes. (2004) (145)
- Transforming heat transfer with thermal metamaterials and devices (2020) (141)
- Photonic band structure of dispersive metamaterials formulated as a Hermitian eigenvalue problem. (2010) (141)
- Electronically programmable photonic molecule (2018) (136)
- Interband transitions in photonic crystals (1999) (136)
- Three-dimensional metamaterials with an ultrahigh effective refractive index over a broad bandwidth. (2008) (135)
- Air-bridged photonic crystal slabs at visible and near-infrared wavelengths (2006) (135)
- Design of subwavelength superscattering nanospheres (2011) (133)
- Ultra-compact photonic crystal waveguide spatial mode converter and its connection to the optical diode effect. (2012) (132)
- Erratum: Photonic crystals: putting a new twist on light (1997) (131)
- Choice of the perfectly matched layer boundary condition for frequency-domain Maxwell's equations solvers (2012) (129)
- Optimization of non-periodic plasmonic light-trapping layers for thin-film solar cells (2013) (129)
- Modal analysis and coupling in metal-insulator-metal waveguides (2008) (129)
- Deep-subwavelength focusing and steering of light in an aperiodic metallic waveguide array (2009) (128)
- Temperature Regulation in Colored Infrared-Transparent Polyethylene Textiles (2019) (128)
- Thermal Photonics and Energy Applications (2017) (127)
- Design for broadband on-chip isolator using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in dispersion-engineered chalcogenide waveguides. (2012) (126)
- Reprogrammable Electro-Optic Nonlinear Activation Functions for Optical Neural Networks (2019) (125)
- Transmission Line and Equivalent Circuit Models for Plasmonic Waveguide Components (2008) (124)
- Demonstration of strong near-field radiative heat transfer between integrated nanostructures. (2014) (123)
- Photonic chip based tunable and reconfigurable narrowband microwave photonic filter using stimulated Brillouin scattering. (2012) (123)
- Thermal meta-device in analogue of zero-index photonics (2018) (123)
- Highly tunable refractive index visible-light metasurface from block copolymer self-assembly (2016) (123)
- Generating arbitrary topological windings of a non-Hermitian band (2020) (122)
- Design of three-dimensional photonic crystals at submicron lengthscales (1994) (121)
- Creating an Eco‐Friendly Building Coating with Smart Subambient Radiative Cooling (2020) (121)
- Comment on “Nonreciprocal Light Propagation in a Silicon Photonic Circuit” (2011) (121)
- Omnidirectional resonance in a metal-dielectric-metal geometry (2004) (119)
- Temporal Coupled-Mode Theory for Fano Resonance in Light Scattering by a Single Obstacle † (2009) (118)
- Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions (2014) (117)
- Gain-induced switching in metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides (2008) (117)
- Photonic crystal slab Laplace operator for image differentiation (2018) (117)
- Three-dimensional photon confinement in photonic crystals of low-dimensional periodicity (1998) (116)
- Self-adaptive radiative cooling based on phase change materials. (2018) (116)
- Roadmap on optical metamaterials (2016) (115)
- Time reversal of light with linear optics and modulators. (2004) (115)
- Photonic thermal management of coloured objects (2018) (112)
- Hyperbolic Weyl Point in Reciprocal Chiral Metamaterials. (2016) (112)
- Elements for Plasmonic Nanocircuits with Three‐Dimensional Slot Waveguides (2010) (110)
- Towards ultra-thin plasmonic silicon wafer solar cells with minimized efficiency loss (2014) (110)
- Generating Light from Darkness (2019) (110)
- Dielectric nanostructures for broadband light trapping in organic solar cells (2011) (109)
- Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide. II. Coupling to a whispering-gallery resonator containing a two-level atom (2009) (108)
- Effect of the plasmonic dispersion relation on the transmission properties of subwavelength cylindrical holes (2005) (107)
- Stopping and storing light coherently (2005) (107)
- Near-field heat transfer between graphene/hBN multilayers (2017) (105)
- Magneto-optical defects in two-dimensional photonic crystals (2005) (104)
- All-pass transmission or flattop reflection filters using a single photonic crystal slab (2004) (102)
- Method for sensitivity analysis of photonic crystal devices. (2004) (102)
- Model dispersive media in finite-difference time-domain method with complex-conjugate pole-residue pairs (2006) (100)
- Computer-aided detection of small intestinal ulcer and erosion in wireless capsule endoscopy images (2018) (100)
- High-performance near-field thermophotovoltaics for waste heat recovery (2017) (99)
- Approaching total absorption at near infrared in a large area monolayer graphene by critical coupling (2014) (99)
- Optimization of Multilayer Optical Films with a Memetic Algorithm and Mixed Integer Programming (2017) (99)
- Simultaneously and Synergistically Harvest Energy from the Sun and Outer Space (2019) (98)
- Topological complex-energy braiding of non-Hermitian bands (2021) (96)
- Theoretical investigation of fabrication‐related disorder on the properties of photonic crystals (1995) (94)
- Roadmap on optical energy conversion (2016) (94)
- Universal modal radiation laws for all thermal emitters (2017) (93)
- Displacement sensing using evanescent tunneling between guided resonances in photonic crystal slabs (2005) (92)
- Low reflectivity and high flexibility of tin-doped indium oxide nanofiber transparent electrodes. (2011) (90)
- Persistent Directional Current at Equilibrium in Nonreciprocal Many-Body Near Field Electromagnetic Heat Transfer. (2016) (90)
- Air‐bridge microcavities (1995) (89)
- Experimental band structure spectroscopy along a synthetic dimension (2019) (89)
- Nature of lossy Bloch states in polaritonic photonic crystals (2004) (89)
- Optical filters from photonic band gap air bridges (1996) (89)
- Axion-Field-Enabled Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation in Weyl Semimetals. (2019) (88)
- Wireless energy transfer with the presence of metallic planes (2011) (88)
- Compact all-pass filters in photonic crystals as the building block for high-capacity optical delay lines. (2003) (88)
- Effects of non-Hermitian perturbations on Weyl Hamiltonians with arbitrary topological charges (2017) (86)
- Rectification of evanescent heat transfer between dielectric-coated and uncoated silicon carbide plates (2012) (86)
- Demonstration of systematic photonic crystal device design and optimization by low-rank adjustments: an extremely compact mode separator. (2005) (86)
- Radiative cooling for solar cells (2015) (85)
- Enhancing far-field thermal emission with thermal extraction (2013) (84)
- Graphene surface plasmons at the near-infrared optical regime (2014) (83)
- Directional perfect absorption using deep subwavelength low-permittivity films (2014) (83)
- Controlling the flow of light using the inhomogeneous effective gauge field that emerges from dynamic modulation. (2013) (83)
- GaN-based two-dimensional surface-emitting photonic crystal lasers with AlN∕GaN distributed Bragg reflector (2008) (83)
- Enhanced second-harmonic generation in AlGaAs/AlxOy tightly confining waveguides and resonant cavities. (2006) (82)
- Enhancing Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer with Si-based Metasurfaces. (2017) (82)
- Resonant Fiber Optic Gyroscope Using an Air-Core Fiber (2012) (81)
- Nearly Total Solar Absorption in Ultrathin Nanostructured Iron Oxide for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting (2014) (81)
- Enhancing Mo:BiVO4 Solar Water Splitting with Patterned Au Nanospheres by Plasmon‐Induced Energy Transfer (2018) (81)
- Input-output formalism for few-photon transport: A systematic treatment beyond two photons (2015) (81)
- Inverse-designed non-reciprocal pulse router for chip-based LiDAR (2020) (80)
- Emulation of two-dimensional photonic crystal defect modes in a photonic crystal with a three-dimensional photonic band gap (2001) (79)
- Bloch oscillation and unidirectional translation of frequency in a dynamically modulated ring resonator (2016) (78)
- Numerically exact calculation of electromagnetic heat transfer between a dielectric sphere and plate (2011) (78)
- Angle-selective perfect absorption with two-dimensional materials (2015) (77)
- Field expulsion and reconfiguration in polaritonic photonic crystals. (2003) (77)
- Mechanically switchable photonic crystal filter with either all-pass transmission or flat-top reflection characteristics. (2003) (77)
- Zero-Index Bound States in the Continuum. (2018) (76)
- Complete All-Optical Silica Fiber Isolator via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (2011) (75)
- Dalitz-plot analysis of the decays B±→K±π∓π± (2005) (74)
- Thermodynamic limits of energy harvesting from outgoing thermal radiation (2017) (74)
- Unidirectional reflectionless light propagation at exceptional points (2017) (74)
- Extraordinarily high spectral sensitivity in refractive index sensors using multiple optical modes (2011) (73)
- Direct CP violating asymmetry in B0-->K+pi- decays. (2004) (73)
- Ultrafast pyroelectric photodetection with on-chip spectral filters (2019) (72)
- Optical Circulation and Isolation Based on Indirect Photonic Transitions of Guided Resonance Modes (2017) (72)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory for resonant apertures (2010) (71)
- Fluctuational electrodynamics calculations of near-field heat transfer in non-planar geometries: A brief overview (2014) (70)
- Optical isolation based on nonreciprocal phase shift induced by interband photonic transitions (2009) (70)
- Directional photofluidization lithography for nanoarchitectures with controlled shapes and sizes. (2010) (70)
- Phonon-polariton excitations in photonic crystals (2003) (70)
- Experimental demonstration of a photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect at radio frequencies (2013) (70)
- Resonance-enhanced optical forces between coupled photonic crystal slabs. (2009) (70)
- Light Guiding by Effective Gauge Field for Photons (2014) (69)
- Thermodynamic upper bound on broadband light coupling with photonic structures. (2012) (68)
- Fundamental bounds on decay rates in asymmetric single-mode optical resonators. (2013) (68)
- Subambient daytime radiative cooling textile based on nanoprocessed silk (2021) (67)
- Planar metallic nanoscale slit lenses for angle compensation (2009) (67)
- Heat-flux control and solid-state cooling by regulating chemical potential of photons in near-field electromagnetic heat transfer (2015) (67)
- Branching fractions and CP asymmetries in B0-->pi0pi0, B+-->pi+pi0, and B+-->K+pi0 decays and isospin analysis of the B-->pipi system. (2004) (67)
- Double-layer Fano resonance photonic crystal filters. (2013) (66)
- Nanophotonic light-trapping theory for solar cells (2011) (65)
- A three-dimensional photonic topological insulator using a two-dimensional ring resonator lattice with a synthetic frequency dimension (2018) (65)
- Full inversion of a two-level atom with a single-photon pulse in one-dimensional geometries (2010) (65)
- Dynamic non-reciprocal meta-surfaces with arbitrary phase reconfigurability based on photonic transition in meta-atoms (2016) (65)
- Topologically Protected Complete Polarization Conversion. (2017) (65)
- Sensing With Slow Light in Fiber Bragg Gratings (2012) (65)
- Ultracompact nonreciprocal optical isolator based on guided resonance in a magneto-optical photonic crystal slab. (2011) (65)
- Propagating plasmonic mode in nanoscale apertures and its implications for extraordinary transmission (2008) (65)
- Two-dimensional chalcogenide nanoplates as tunable metamaterials via chemical intercalation. (2013) (65)
- Integrated near-field thermo-photovoltaics for heat recycling (2019) (64)
- Synthetic space with arbitrary dimensions in a few rings undergoing dynamic modulation (2017) (62)
- Microscopic theory of photonic one-way edge mode (2011) (62)
- Homotopy characterization of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians (2019) (62)
- Near-complete violation of detailed balance in thermal radiation (2014) (61)
- Hot Carrier-Based Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion. (2017) (61)
- Two-photon transport in a waveguide coupled to a cavity in a two-level system (2010) (60)
- Broadband Absorption Enhancement in Solar Cells with an Atomically Thin Active Layer (2016) (60)
- Metallic photonic crystals with strong broadband absorption at optical frequencies over wide angular range (2005) (60)
- Absorbing boundary conditions for FDTD simulations of photonic crystal waveguides (1999) (60)
- Detailed balance analysis and enhancement of open-circuit voltage in single-nanowire solar cells. (2014) (60)
- Doubly resonant χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystal cavity based on a bound state in the continuum (2019) (59)
- Photonics and thermodynamics concepts in radiative cooling (2022) (59)
- Guided modes supported by plasmonic films with a periodic arrangement of subwavelength slits (2006) (59)
- Optical Absorption Enhancement in Freestanding GaAs Thin Film Nanopyramid Arrays (2012) (58)
- Topological optical differentiator (2021) (58)
- Advances in Theory of Photonic Crystals (2006) (57)
- Crosstalk between three-dimensional plasmonic slot waveguides. (2008) (57)
- Understanding the dispersion of coaxial plasmonic structures through a connection with the planar metal-insulator-metal geometry (2009) (57)
- Time-integrated and time-dependent angular analyses of B → J/ψKπ: A measurement of cos2β with no sign ambiguity from strong phases (2005) (57)
- All-angle negative refraction and evanescent wave amplification using one-dimensional metallodielectric photonic crystals (2006) (56)
- One-dimensional photonic bandgap microcavities for strong optical confinement in GaAs and GaAs/Al/sub x/O/sub y/ semiconductor waveguides (1999) (56)
- Designing air-core photonic-bandgap fibers free of surface modes (2004) (55)
- Inverse design of photonic crystals through automatic differentiation (2020) (55)
- Understanding air-core photonic-bandgap fibers: analogy to conventional fibers (2005) (55)
- Improved measurement of CP asymmetries in B0 --> (cc)K(0(*)) decays. (2004) (55)
- High-Performance Ultrathin BiVO4 Photoanode on Textured Polydimethylsiloxane Substrates for Solar Water Splitting (2016) (55)
- Thermal-to-electrical energy conversion by diodes under negative illumination (2016) (55)
- Gain-induced switching in metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides (2008) (54)
- Dislocated double-layer metal gratings: an efficient unidirectional coupler. (2014) (54)
- Three-Dimensional Printable Nanoporous Polymer Matrix Composites for Daytime Radiative Cooling. (2021) (54)
- Tutorial on Electromagnetic Nonreciprocity and its Origins (2020) (54)
- Few-photon transport in a waveguide coupled to a pair of colocated two-level atoms (2011) (53)
- A Photonic Crystal Slab Laplace Differentiator (2017) (53)
- Subwavelength angle-sensing photodetectors inspired by directional hearing in small animals (2018) (53)
- Photonic crystal slabs demonstrating strong broadband suppression of transmission in the presence of disorders. (2004) (53)
- Analytic properties of two-photon scattering matrix in integrated quantum systems determined by the cluster decomposition principle. (2013) (52)
- Inverse-designed photonic circuits for fully passive, bias-free Kerr-based nonreciprocal transmission and routing (2019) (52)
- Photovoltaics: an alternative 'Sun' for solar cells. (2014) (52)
- Detailed balance analysis of nanophotonic solar cells. (2013) (52)
- Topological dissipation in a time-multiplexed photonic resonator network (2021) (52)
- Temporal coupled mode theory for thermal emission from a single thermal emitter supporting either a single mode or an orthogonal set of modes (2013) (52)
- Suppressing sub-bandgap phonon-polariton heat transfer in near-field thermophotovoltaic devices for waste heat recovery (2015) (52)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory for light scattering by an arbitrarily shaped object supporting a single resonance (2012) (51)
- High-performance near-field electroluminescent refrigeration device consisting of a GaAs light emitting diode and a Si photovoltaic cell (2017) (51)
- Exceptional Contours and Band Structure Design in Parity-Time Symmetric Photonic Crystals. (2016) (51)
- Light trapping in photonic crystals (2014) (50)
- Robust and efficient wireless power transfer using a switch-mode implementation of a nonlinear parity–time symmetric circuit (2020) (50)
- Cut-Through Metal Slit Array as an Anisotropic Metamaterial Film (2006) (50)
- Stimulated emission from a single excited atom in a waveguide. (2012) (50)
- Sub‐Wavelength Passive Optical Isolators Using Photonic Structures Based on Weyl Semimetals (2020) (50)
- Crosstalk between three-dimensional plasmonic slot waveguides (2008) (49)
- Near-complete transmission through subwavelength hole arrays in phonon-polaritonic thin films (2007) (49)
- Negative differential thermal conductance through vacuum (2012) (49)
- One-mode model for patterned metal layers inside integrated color pixels. (2004) (49)
- Significant Enhancement of Near-Field Electromagnetic Heat Transfer in a Multilayer Structure through Multiple Surface-States Coupling. (2018) (49)
- Coupled double-layer Fano resonance photonic crystal filters with lattice-displacement (2013) (49)
- Photonic Structure Textile Design for Localized Thermal Cooling Based on a Fiber Blending Scheme (2016) (48)
- Achieving Arbitrary Control over Pairs of Polarization States Using Complex Birefringent Metamaterials. (2017) (48)
- Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy at high concentrations using gold bowtie nanoantennas (2012) (48)
- Optical coherence tomography for whole eye segment imaging. (2012) (48)
- Photonic Gauge Potential in One Cavity with Synthetic Frequency and Orbital Angular Momentum Dimensions. (2019) (47)
- Condition for perfect antireflection by optical resonance at material interface (2014) (47)
- Nonvolatile bistable all-optical switch from mechanical buckling (2011) (47)
- Design methodology for compact photonic-crystal-based wavelength division multiplexers. (2011) (47)
- Tuning the coherent interaction in an on-chip photonic-crystal waveguide-resonator system (2010) (47)
- Measurement of branching fractions and charge asymmetries for exclusive B decays to charmonium. (2004) (47)
- Suppressing the effect of disorders using time-reversal symmetry breaking in magneto-optical photonic crystals: An illustration with a four-port circulator § (2006) (47)
- Sensitivity analysis and optimization of sub-wavelength optical gratings using adjoints. (2014) (47)
- Experimental demonstration of acoustic semimetal with topologically charged nodal surface (2020) (46)
- Enhancement of optics-to-THz conversion efficiency by metallic slot waveguides. (2009) (46)
- Performance Limitation of a Coupled Resonant Optical Waveguide Gyroscope (2009) (46)
- Angular constraint on light-trapping absorption enhancement in solar cells (2010) (45)
- Exceptional contours and band structure design in parity-time symmetric photonic crystals (2016) (45)
- Near-complete violation of Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation with a 0.3 T magnetic field. (2019) (45)
- Phase front design with metallic pillar arrays (2010) (44)
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- Search for B0 decays to invisible final states and to nunugamma. (2004) (0)
- Study of the decay B-0((B)over-bar(0))->rho(+)rho(-), and constraints on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-maskawa angle alpha RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2004) (0)
- Search for strange-pentaquark production in e(+)e(-) annihilation at root s=10.58 GeV RID A-8798-2012 RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurements of the branching fraction and CP-violating asymmetries of $B^0 \to K^0_{S} \pi^0$ decays (2004) (0)
- Measurement of the branching ratios Gamma(D-s(*+)-> D-s(+)pi(0))/Gamma(D-s(*+)-> D-s(+)gamma) and Gamma(D-*0 -> D-0 pi(0))/Gamma(D-*0 -> D-0 gamma) RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 (2005) (0)
- Branching Fraction for $B^0 \to \pi^ \ell^+ \nu$ and Determination of |Vub| in \Upsilon(4S) \to B^0 \overline{B}^0$ Events Tagged by $\overline{B}^0 \to D^{(*)+} \ell^- \overline{\nu}$ (2005) (0)
- Search for $b \to u$ transitions in $B^{-} \to$ (anti-) $D^0 K^{-}$ and $B^{-} \to$ (anti-) D*0 $K^{-}$ (2004) (0)
- Search for Flavor-Changing Neutral Current and Lepton-Flavor Violating Decays of D[superscript 0]-->l+l- (2004) (0)
- Search for the decay B0→J/ψγ (2004) (0)
- Electroencephalogram Dynamics of Etomidate-Induced Loss of Consciousness (2020) (0)
- Search for the rare decay B-0 ->tau(+)tau(-) at BABAR RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2006) (0)
- Evidence for B+->(K)over-bar(0)K(+) and B-0 -> K-0(K)over-bar(0), and measurement of the branching fraction and search for direct CP violation in B+-> K-0 pi(+); ; Physical review letters; (2005) (0)
- Constraints on r($B$) and $\gamma$ in $B^\pm \to D^{(*)} 0 K^\pm$ decays by a Dalitz analysis of $D^0 \to K_{S} \pi^{-} \pi^{+}$ (2004) (0)
- Search for the decay $\tau^ - \to 3 \pi^ - 2 \pi^ + 2 \pi^0 \nu_ tau $ (2005) (0)
- Bound on the ratio of decay amplitudes for -B0-->J/psiK*0 and B0-->J/psiK*0. (2004) (0)
- A Measurement of CP violating asymmetries in $B^0 \to$ f0(980) $K^0_{s}$ decays (2004) (0)
- Measurement of CP-Asymmetries for the Decays $B^{\pm}\to D^0_{cp} K^{*\pm}$ with the BABAR Detector (2004) (0)
- Measurements of the rare decays $B \to K \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$ and $B \to K^{*} \ell^{+} \ell^{-}$ (2005) (0)
- Branching Fraction for $B^+ \to \pi^0 \ell^+ \nu$, Measured in $\Upsilon(4S) \to B \overline{B}$ Events Tagged by $B^- \to D^0 \ell^- \overline{\nu}$ (X) Decays (2005) (0)
- Study of the e(+)e(-)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) process using initial state radiation with BABAR RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2004) (0)
- Search for CP violation and a measurement of the relative branching fraction in D+ -> K-K+ pi(+) decays RID A-8798-2012 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the $B^0 \to \pi^-\ell^+$ and B$^+ \to \pi^0\ell^+$ Branching Fractions and Determination of $\left|Vub\right|$ in $\gamma(4S) \to B\overline{B}$ Events Tagged by a Fully Reconstructed B Meson (2005) (0)
- B meson decays to [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] (2004) (0)
- Search for the decayB0→γγ (2004) (0)
- Determinations of vertical bar V-ub vertical bar from inclusive semileptonic B decays with reduced model dependence RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2006) (0)
- Study of $B \to u \ell \bar{\nu}$ decays on the recoil of fully reconstructed $B$ mesons and determination of $|V_{ub}|$ (2004) (0)
- Measurement of CP asymmetries in $B^0 \to K_s 0 \pi^0 \pi^0$ decays (2005) (0)
- Measurement of branching fractions and resonance contributions for B-0 ->(D)over-bar(0)K(+)pi(-) and search for B-0 ->(DK+)-K-0 pi(-) decays RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2006) (0)
- Measurement of the $B^\pm \to \rho^\pm \pi^0$ Branching Fraction and Direct CP Asymmetry (2005) (0)
- Search for $B^- \to D_s^{(*)-} \Phi$ (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the $B^0 \to \pi^{-} \ell^{+} \nu$ and $B^{+} \to \pi^0 \ell^{+} \nu$ branching fractions and determination of $|V_{ub}|$ in $\upsilon_{4S} \to B \bar{B}$ events tagged by a fully reconstructed $B$ meson (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the branching fraction and decay rate asymmetry of B--> D-pi(+)pi(-)pi K-0(-) RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle gamma in B--/+->(DK -/+)-K-(*) decays with a Dalitz analysis of D -> K-S(0)pi(-)pi(+) RID A-8798-2012 RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Study of the decay B0(B- 0)-->rho+rho-, and constraints on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle alpha. (2004) (0)
- Measurement of CP observables for the decays B-+/-->(DCPK)-K-0*(+/-) RID A-8798-2012 RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Branching Fractions and CP Asymmetries in B[superscript 0]→K[superscript +]K[superscript -]K[subscript S][superscript 0] and B[superscript +]→K[superscript +]K[subscript S][superscript 0]K[subscript S][superscript 0] (2004) (0)
- Bound on the ratio of decay amplitudes for (B)over-bar(0)-> J/psi K*(0) and B-0 -> J/psi K*(0) RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2004) (0)
- Search for the decay B+-> K+ v(v)over-bar (2005) (0)
- Measurements of CP-violating asymmetries in B-0 -> K-s(0)pi(0) decays RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 (2004) (0)
- Search for the decay $B^0 \to \rho^0 \rho^0$ (2004) (0)
- Branching fraction and CP asymmetries of B-0 ->(KSKSKS0)-K-0-K-0 RID A-8798-2012 RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurements of neutral B decay branching fractions to K-S(0)pi(+)pi(-) final states and the charge asymmetry of B-0 -> K*+pi(-) RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 (2006) (0)
- Measurement of the branching fractions and CP asymmetries of $B^{-} \to D_{CP} 0 K^{-}$ decays with the BABAR detector (2003) (0)
- Measurement of the ratio B(B-->(DK-)-K-*0)/B(B--> D-*0 pi(-)) and of the CP asymmetry of B-->(DCP+K)-K-*0- decays RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Study of $B^0(\bar{} \to \pi^0pi^0$, $B^\pm \pi^\pm\pi^0$ and $B^\pm \to K^\pm\pi^0$ decays (2004) (0)
- Searches for charmless decays $B^0 \to \eta \omega$, $B^0 \to \eta K^0$, $B^{+} \to \eta \rho^{+}$, and $B^{+} \to \eta^\prime \pi^{+}$ (2004) (0)
- Measurement of time-dependent CP asymmetries in B-0 ->(DD -/+)-D-(*)+/- decays RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry in the B0-->phiK0 decay. (2004) (0)
- Measurement of CP-violating parameters in fully reconstructed $B \to D^{(*)}$ +- $\pi^\mp$ and $B \to D^\pm \rho^\mp$ decays (2005) (0)
- Measurements of the absolute branching fractions of B-+/--> K-+/- Xc(c)over-bar-$ RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 (2006) (0)
- Measurement of Branching Fraction and CP-Violating Asymmetry for $B \to \omegaK^0_s$ (2005) (0)
- Study of $B^0$ (anti-B0) $\to \pi^0 \pi^0$, $B^\pm \to \pi^\pm \pi^0$ and $B^\pm \to K^\pm \pi^0$ decays (2004) (0)
- Study of $B \to \pi \ell\nu and B \to \rho\ell \nu$ Decays and Determination of \left|Vub\right|$ (2005) (0)
- Measurement of double charmonium production in e(+)e(-) annihilations at root s=10.6 GeV RID A-8798-2012 RID C-2728-2008 RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurement of the (B)over-bar(0)-> D(*+)l(-)(nu)over-bar(l) decay rate and vertical bar V-cb vertical bar (2005) (0)
- Search for the rare leptonic decay B-->tau(-)nu(tau) RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2005) (0)
- Measurement of $B \to D^{*+}$ form-factors in the semileptonic decay $\bar{B}^0 \to D^{*+} \ell^{-}$ anti-neutrino (2004) (0)
- Production and Decay of Ξc0 at BABAR (2005) (0)
- Study ofB→πℓνandB→ρℓνdecays and determination of|Vub| (2005) (0)
- Can silicon dimers form logic gates? (2001) (0)
- Design of Polarization Beam Splitter in Two-Dimensional Triangular Photonic Crystals (2004) (0)
- Structured 3D linear space–time light bullets by nonlocal nanophotonics (2021) (0)
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- A powerful new approach for the treatment of dispersive media in finite-difference time-domain method (2005) (0)
- Radiation Loss of Coupled-Resonator Waveguides can be Much Lower than for Single Resonators (2006) (0)
- Dynamic photonic bandgap nanostructures for coherent information processing (2005) (0)
- Dispersionless three-dimensional metamaterial with a very high refractive index (2008) (0)
- Optical transmission through arbitrarily located subwavelength apertures on metal films (2012) (0)
- Design of Light-Emitting Diodes and Photovoltaic Cells for Electroluminescent Refrigeration (2018) (0)
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- Developments in Photonic Crystal Theory: Nonlinearity, Strong Correlation, and Non-Maxwellian Meta-Materials (2007) (0)
- All-optical bistable transistor in photonic crystals (2003) (0)
- 2-D Planar Waveguide and Devices (2006) (0)
- A two-level Atom as a Macroscopic Scatterer for Ultraconfined 2D Surface Plasmon Polaritons (2020) (0)
- Anti-Hermitian photodetector facilitating efficient subwavelength photon sorting (2018) (0)
- Lorentz Reciprocity's Constraints on Reflection (2022) (0)
- Strong Photon-Photon Correlations in Photonic Crystals (2007) (0)
- Non-orthogonal modes in passive photonic crystals (2005) (0)
- Doubly Resonant Photonic Crystal Cavity Based on a Bound State in the Continuum for Efficient Second Harmonic Generation (2020) (0)
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- Photonic arbitrary linear transformations in the frequency synthetic dimension (2021) (0)
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- Teleportation-Based Photonic Quantum Computing Using a Single Controllable Qubit (2021) (0)
- Investigation on soliton mode-locked fiber laser with PbSe quantum dot as gain medium by numerical simulation (2020) (0)
- Enlarging the Bandwidth of Nano-scale Propagating Plasmonic Modes in Deep-subwavelength Cylindrical Holes (2007) (0)
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- On-chip optical twisted bilayer photonic crystal (2023) (0)
- Achieving arbitrary control over pairs of polarization states using complex birefringent meta-materials (2017) (0)
- Generation of arbitrarily oriented spatiotemporal optical vortices with nonlocal metasurfaces (2022) (0)
- Creating higher-order topological phases using synthetic dimensions in dynamically modulated ring resonators (2020) (0)
- Is one-way modal conversion sufficient for optical isolation (2011) (0)
- Exploring non-trivial topology in synthetic dimensions (2020) (0)
- Inverse-designed non-reciprocal pulse router for chip-based LiDAR (2020) (0)
- Systematic Thermalphotovoltaic Solar Cell Optimization (2017) (0)
- Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers (PCSELs) by Epitaxial Regrowth (2021) (0)
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- Complete All-Optical Silica Fiber Isolator via (2011) (0)
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- Disorder-Tolerant Waveguides in Magneto-Optical Photonic Crystals (2006) (0)
- One-way waveguide and strong photon-photon interaction in nanophotonic structures (2007) (0)
- Parity-time (PT)-symmetric optical microcavities (2014) (0)
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- Recurrent Machine Learning and Computing with Nonlinear Optical Waves (2020) (0)
- Optimized non-periodic photonic nanostructures as wavelength and mode splitters (2005) (0)
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- Photonic crystals for communications: stopping light and miniaturized non-reciprocal devices (2006) (0)
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- Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission from Quantum Optical Systems (2018) (0)
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- Designing waveguides in inverse opal photonic crystals (2006) (0)
- Simple analytical expression for the dispersion of plasmonic structures with coaxial geometry (2009) (0)
- Metamaterial band theory: fundamentals & applications (2013) (0)
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- Electro-Luminescent Refrigeration Enabled by Highly Efficient Photovoltaics (2017) (0)
- Mapping Local Optical Densities of States in Finite Si Photonic Structures with Monochromated, Nanoscale Electron Spectroscopy (2010) (0)
- Sub-Wavelength Passive Optical Isolators Using Weyl Semimetals (2020) (0)
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- Tunable Plasmon and Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Nanoplates Using Monochromated Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (2014) (0)
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- Tunable non-reciprocal thermal radiation with dynamic modulation of graphene (2023) (0)
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- All-optical coherent stopping, storage, and time-reversal of light (2004) (0)
- Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry in the B-0 ->phi K-0 decay RID C-5223-2009 RID C-5719-2008 RID D-1055-2009 RID A-2675-2009 (2004) (0)
- Broadband Linear-to-Circular Polarization Conversion Enabled by Birefringent Reflective Metasurfaces (2020) (0)
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- CHAPTER 2:Nanophotonic Light Trapping Theory for Photovoltaics (2014) (0)
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- Dual illumination OCT at 1050nm and 840nm for whole eye segment imaging (2014) (0)
- Extraordinary Optical Absorption through Plasmonic Subwavelength Slits (2009) (0)
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- Broadband Switches Using Photonic Aharonov-Bohm Interferometers and Dynamic Modulation (2019) (0)
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- Single Photon Transport In One-Dimensional Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Systems (2006) (0)
- Photonic structures: Advanced thermal control, and effective gauge field for light (2013) (0)
- Experimental Demonstration of Boundaries along a Synthetic Frequency Dimension (2022) (0)
- Energy efficient nanophotonics: Engineered light–matter interaction in sub-wavelength structures (2014) (0)
- Creating structured space-time light with nanophotonics (2023) (0)
- Enhanced Solid-State High-Harmonic Generation from a Silicon Metasurface (2018) (0)
- Electronically programmable photonic molecule (2018) (0)
- Temporal coupled mode theory for thermal emissions from a single thermal emitter. (2013) (0)
- Density-Matrix Theory with Renormalized Electron-Laser Coupling for Quantum-Dot Nonlinear Optical Response (2021) (0)
- Design of Nighttime Power Generation System to Optimally Utilize Outer Space Darkness (2021) (0)
- First-principles simulation of photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers using rigorous coupled wave analysis (Conference Presentation) (2019) (0)
- Plasmonic coaxial waveguides: cavity-based devices and slit-based couplers (2017) (0)
- Non-Hermitian topology and optical computing in synthetic dimensions (2022) (0)
- Title to be Determined (2015) (0)
- Coupled optical and electronic simulations of electrically pumped photonic-crystal-based LEDs (2005) (0)
- Non-volatile Bistable All-Optical Switch from Mechanical Buckling (2011) (0)
- Optical components and circuits with photonic crystals (2001) (0)
- Half-Space Light Absorption Enhancement for Leaky Mode Resonant Nanowires (2015) (0)
- Photonic band gap airbridge microcavity resonances in GaAs / Al xOy waveguides (2000) (0)
- Nanophotonic control of heat: New fundamental effects and applications (2016) (0)
- A general light trapping theory for grating structures (2011) (0)
- Shockley-Queisser analysis of the temperature-efficiency correlation of solar cells in the presence of non-radiative heat transfer: erratum. (2021) (0)
- Scattering of electromagnetic waves by cylinder inside uniaxial hyperbolic medium (2019) (0)
- Detecting the relative phase between different frequency components of a photon using a three-level $\Lambda$ atom coupled to a waveguide (2022) (0)
- Beating absorption in solid-state high harmonics (2020) (0)
- Near infrared surfaceplasmonpolariton with hyperbolic metamaterials. (2012) (0)
- Fundamental limits on the performance of electromagnetic devices (2020) (0)
- A polarization controller air-core photonic-bandgap fiber (2006) (0)
- Editorial: Introducing the Collection on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (2021) (0)
- Parallel Fault-Tolerant Programming and Optimization of Photonic Neural Networks (2020) (0)
- A pr 2 01 7 Complete photonic bandgaps in supercell photonic crystals (0)
- Making non-magnetic photons feel a taste for magnetism (2020) (0)
- Optically bistable photonic crystal device for optics integration (2003) (0)
- Temporal coupled-mode theory for the line shape of the optical force spectrum (2021) (0)
- Manipulating thermal electromagnetic fields by engineering nanophotonic resonances (2013) (0)
- Inference and Gradient Measurement for Backpropagation in Photonic Neural Networks (2022) (0)
- Few-photon scattering and emission from open quantum systems (2021) (0)
- Dispersion control of NIR surface plasmon polariton using hyperbolic metamaterials. (2013) (0)
- Universal Behavior of the Scattering Matrix Near Thresholds in Photonics (2021) (0)
- Constructing an effective Hamiltonian with local interaction in the synthetic space for photons (2020) (0)
- Nanostructures Technology, Research, and Applications (1997) (0)
- Propagating Modes with Large Bandwidth in Nanoscale Cylindrical Holes (2007) (0)
- Non-trivial Braiding of Band Nodes in Non-Hermitian Systems (2019) (0)
- Impact of Cavity Resonance Detuning on Watt-Level PCSELs (2022) (0)
- Direct thermal infrared vision via nanophotonic detector design (2021) (0)
- Manufacturable Nanostructured Solar Cells with Efficient Light Trapping and Charge Carrier Collection Investigators (2011) (0)
- Single domain magneto-optical circulators in photonic crystals (2005) (0)
- Analysis of weakly-driven multi-emitter cQED systems (2019) (0)
- Optical bistability in nonlinear photonic crystal systems (2003) (0)
- High-Effi ciency Amorphous Silicon Solar Cell on a Periodic (2012) (0)
- Nonreciprocal Thermal Emission Using Spatiotemporal Modulation of Graphene (2022) (0)
- Phonon Polariton Reflectance Spectra In a Silicon Carbide Membrane Hole Array (2007) (0)
- Perfect sunlight absorption in iron oxide photoanode (2014) (0)
- Subwavelength angle-sensing photodetectors inspired by internally coupled ears in small animals (2019) (0)
- Efficient electroluminescent cooling with a light-emitting diode coupled to a photovoltaic cell (Conference Presentation) (2017) (0)
- Non-reciprocal thermal emitter with dynamic modulation of graphene (2022) (0)
- Nonreciprocal optical nonlinear metasurfaces (2022) (0)
- Controllable non-reciprocity induced by in-band photonic transitions in χ(2) nonlinear optics (2016) (0)
- Photonic Quantum Programmable Gate Arrays (2020) (0)
- New properties of light in metamaterials (2007) (0)
- Capturing Light Pulses Completely Using a Few Dynamic Microcavities (2008) (0)
- Compact All Pass Transmission Filter using Photonic Crystal Slabs (2004) (0)
- Routes to Non-reciprocity in Nanophotonics: with or without Magneto-optics (2013) (0)
- Title to be announced (1993) (0)
- Dynamic modulation approach to topological photonics (Conference Presentation) (2016) (0)
- Dynamics of optical modes in modulated photonic structures (2009) (0)
- Publisher's Note: Strongly correlated multiparticle transport in one dimension through a quantum impurity [Phys. Rev. A76, 062709 (2007)] (2008) (0)
- Condition for Perfect Resonant Antireflection (2015) (0)
- AFOSR Project : Aperiodic Silicon Photonics : Inverse Design , Fast Algorithms , and Fundamentals (2019) (0)
- Photonic Meron Spin Texture in Momentum Space (2021) (0)
- Near-field radiative heat transfer between integrated nanostructures using silicon carbide (2015) (0)
- Dispersion control of near-infrared surface plasmon polariton using hyperbolic metamaterials (2013) (0)
- Transverse electro-magnetic modes in apertures filled with an extreme anisotropic meta-material (2011) (0)
- Inverse design of relativistic lightsail for efficient propulsion (2021) (0)
- Two-dimensional Magneto-photonic Crystal Circulators (2004) (0)
- All-optical stopping and quantum coherent storage of light (2004) (0)
- Controlling Current, Voltage and Heat in a Solar Cell with Photonic Nanostructures (2015) (0)
- Design Methodology for Compact Photonic Crystal Wavelength Division Multiplexers (2011) (0)
- Topological and non-Hermitian effects in photonic structures (Conference Presentation) (2018) (0)
- Generating structured 3D linear space-time light bullets with nonlocal nanophotonics (2023) (0)
- Near Perfect Sunlight Absorption in 20nm-Thick Iron Oxide Photoanode Based on Core-Shell Nanocone Structure (2013) (0)
- Plasmonic films with a periodic arrangement of subwavelength slits (2006) (0)
- Publisher’s Note: “Temperature dependence of surface phonon polaritons from a quartz grating” [J. Appl. Phys. 110, 043517 (2011)] (2012) (0)
- Increasing the Q-Contrast in Large Photonic Crystal Slab Resonators Using Bound-States-in-Continuum (2023) (0)
- Controlling diffraction and waveguide modes by exploiting spatial dispersions in photonic crystals (2006) (0)
- Arbitrary photonic linear transformations using synthetic frequency dimensions (2022) (0)
- Nontrivial topology from simple photonic structures (2019) (0)
- Response to “Comment on ‘High-performance near-field electroluminescent refrigeration device consisting of a GaAs light emitting diode and a Si photovoltaic cell’” [J. Appl. Phys. 122, 143104 (2017)] (2018) (0)
- Decoupled textures for broadband absorption enhancement beyond Lambertian light trapping limit in thin-film silicon-based solar cells (2018) (0)
- Passive and Active Control of Heat Transfer at Interfaces (2013) (0)
- Sufficient condition for perfect antireflection by optical resonance at dielectric interface (2015) (0)
- Sub-wavelength resonances in metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic structures (2005) (0)
- Omnidirectional reflector made of photonic crystal (1999) (0)
- Optimizing nano-patterned metal films for Use as transparent electrodes in optoelectronic devices (2010) (0)
- Extraordinary Transmission Through APoly-SiC Membranewith Subwavelength HoleArrays (2007) (0)
- Spectral emissivity modeling in multi-resonant systems using coupled-mode theory. (2022) (0)
- Efficient second harmonic generation in a doubly resonant photonic crystal cavity based on a bound state in the continuum (2020) (0)
- Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation From Magnetic Weyl Semimetals (2021) (0)
- Strongly correlated photons in one-dimensional waveguides (2008) (0)
- Absence of unidirectionally propagating surface plasmon-polaritons at nonreciprocal metal-dielectric interfaces (2020) (0)
- The Omniguide: An All-Dielectric Hollow Waveguide (1999) (0)
- Frequency domain modeling of nanophotonic devices (2005) (0)
- Fully quantum-mechanical analytic results for single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide coupled to a whispering-gallery resonator interacting with a two-level atom (2009) (0)
- Light-Emitting Diodes for Solid-State Refrigeration (2017) (0)
- Large-scale ideal waveguide lenses with complete power concentration in a single waveguide (2014) (0)
- Controlling Thermal Emission Using Photonic Structures for Radiative Cooling (2015) (0)
- Tunable Magnetless Optical Isolation with Twisted Weyl Semimetals (2023) (0)
- Publisher's Note: Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide. II. Coupling to a whispering-gallery resonator containing a two-level atom (2009) (0)
- Final Report for the GCEP Project : Ultra High Efficiency Thermo-Photovoltaic Solar Cells Using Metallic Photonic Crystals As Intermediate Absorber and Emitter Investigators (2013) (0)
- Generation of Structured 3D Linear Space-time Light Bullets Using Nonlocal Nanophotonics (2022) (0)
- Theory for Twisted Bilayer Photonic Crystal Slabs (2021) (0)
- Doubly resonant photonic crystal cavity based on a bound state in the continuum for efficient χ-2 nonlinear frequency conversion: supplementary material - 4051953.pdf (2019) (0)
- Nanophotonic Theory and Modeling (2010) (0)
- Device with a reflective layer in each direction several times to limit electromagnetic radiation (1999) (0)
- Roadmap Roadmap on optical metamaterials (2016) (0)
- Fabrication and performance of GaN-based two dimensional photonic crystal surface emitting lasers (2008) (0)
- Scaling Towards Efficient Monolayer WS2 Photonic Crystal Lasers (2018) (0)
- Experimental Demonstration of Dynamic Band Structure Measurement along a Synthetic Dimension (2021) (0)
- Comprehensive modeling on luminescent coupling dependency in multi-junction solar cells (2018) (0)
- Transfer printed nanomembrane high-Q filters based on displaced double-layer fano resonance photonic crystal slabs (2013) (0)
- Response to comment on “Does non-reciprocity break the Shockley–Queisser limit in single-junction solar cells?” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 016101 (2023)] (2023) (0)
- In-situ Backpropagation in Photonic Neural Networks (2018) (0)
- Theory of few-photon quantum scattering in nanophotonic structures (2017) (0)
- In-plane photonic crystal and nanophotonic devices (2006) (0)
- Topological Behaviors in Networks of Time-Multiplexed Optical Resonators (2020) (0)
- Novel binding pocket descriptors based on DrugScore potential fields encoded by 3D Zernike descriptors (2012) (0)
- Effect of Choices of Boundary Conditions on the Numerical Efficiency of Direct Solutions of Finite Difference frequency Domain Systems with Perfectly Matched Layers (2022) (0)
- Trajectory tracking through the control of non-equilibrium Casimir force (2022) (0)
- Efficient method for accelerating line searches using a combined Schur complement domain decomposition and Born series expansions in photonic-based adjoint optimization (2021) (0)
- Topology-Preserving Transformation Based on the Correspondence of Control Points Using Radial Basis Functions (2012) (0)
- Photonic thermal management of coloured objects (2018) (0)
- Neural network learning with photonics and for photonic circuit design (2023) (0)
- Observation of Negative Effective Thermal Diffusion in Gold Films (2023) (0)
- Polarization independent freeform color router for subwavelength-pixel CMOS image sensors (2023) (0)
- Semiconductor-based Multilayer Selective Solar Absorber for Unconcentrated Solar Thermal Energy Conversion (2017) (0)
- Warming up human body by nanoporous metallized polyethylene textile (2017) (0)
- Laser Cooling Assisted Thermal Management of Lightsails (2022) (0)
- Fundamental limits of the dew-harvesting technology Supplementary (2019) (0)
- Thermally Responsive Hydrogels for Passive Temperature Regulation under Direct Sunlight (2023) (0)
- Large-Scale Annual Modeling of Low-Emissivity Films for Energy-Saving Buildings (2022) (0)
- Integrated near-field thermo-photovoltaics for heat recycling (2020) (0)
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