Susan Krumdieck
New Zealand engineering academic, (1969 - ), Poland
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Susan Krumdieck's Degrees
- PhD Engineering University of Auckland
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Energy Transition Engineering, Antimicrobial Coatings
Susan Krumdieck was born in New Zealand. She is currently Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Krumdieck received her bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1983 from Colorado State University, and her master’s degree in energy systems in 1989 from Arizona State University. She then obtained her PhD in mechanical engineering in 1999 from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Krumdieck joined the faculty of the University of Canterbury in 2000. Krumdieck’s research focuses on ways to reduce fossil-fuel consumption by means of the development of innovative engineering methods and adaptive technologies. She has paid special attention to oil-supply problems arising in connection with transportation systems and urban planning.
Krumdieck is the leader of GATE (Global Association for Transition Engineering), a group of engineering academics and professionals working to facilitate the transition from a fossil fuel–based to a renewable fuel–based global economy.
Krumdieck has published more than 160 peer-review journal articles and book chapters. She is also the author of Transition Engineering: Building a Sustainable Future (CRC, 2019).
Featured in our ranking of The Most Influential Women in STEM
According to Wikipedia, Susan Pran Krumdieck is a New Zealand engineering academic. She was an academic from 2000 to 2020, and the first woman appointed to full professor in engineering in 2014 at the University of Canterbury. She is currently Professor and Chair in Energy Transition at Heriot-Watt University.
Susan Krumdieck's Published Works
Published Works
- Residential peak electricity demand response—Highlights of some behavioural issues (2013) (220)
- Price, environment and security: Exploring multi-modal motivation in voluntary residential peak demand response (2011) (84)
- An experimental and modelling study of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle unit with mixture working fluid (2015) (76)
- Global energy modelling — A biophysical approach (GEMBA) Part 2: Methodology (2012) (70)
- Feasibility assessment of refinery waste heat-to-power conversion using an organic Rankine cycle (2014) (66)
- Urban form and long-term fuel supply decline: A method to investigate the peak oil risks to essential activities (2010) (60)
- Scenario analysis of residential demand response at network peak periods (2012) (58)
- Delivering sustainable infrastructure that supports the urban built environment. (2010) (58)
- Net energy yield from production of conventional oil (2011) (53)
- Test Method and Equivalent Circuit Modeling of a PEM Fuel Cell in a Passive State (2007) (53)
- High efficiency water splitting photoanodes composed of nano-structured anatase-rutile TiO2 heterojunctions by pulsed-pressure MOCVD (2018) (45)
- Global energy modelling — A biophysical approach (GEMBA) part 1: An overview of biophysical economics (2012) (41)
- Nanostructured TiO2 anatase-rutile-carbon solid coating with visible light antimicrobial activity (2019) (40)
- Thermodynamic and economic analysis for the pre-feasibility study of a binary geothermal power plant (2015) (38)
- Growth rate and morphology for ceramic films by pulsed-mocvd (2001) (33)
- A dynamic function for energy return on investment (2011) (33)
- Lifetime design strategy for binary geothermal plants considering degradation of geothermal resource productivity (2017) (31)
- Strategic analysis methodology for energy systems with remote island case study (2009) (30)
- System-level energy efficiency is the greatest barrier to development of the hydrogen economy (2009) (29)
- Experimental characterization and modeling of pulsed MOCVD with ultrasonic atomization of liquid precursor (2001) (28)
- YSZ layers by pulsed-MOCVD on solid oxide fuel cell electrodes (2003) (27)
- Conversion Efficiency of Alkoxide Precursor to Oxide Films Grown by an Ultrasonic‐Assisted, Pulsed Liquid Injection, Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (Pulsed‐CVD) Process (2004) (26)
- Quantifying Transport Energy Resilience (2011) (25)
- Evaluating the Feasibility of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil for Spray Combustion Applications (1998) (24)
- Development of a model for high precursor conversion efficiency pulsed-pressure chemical vapor deposition (PP-CVD) processing (2008) (23)
- Energy risk to activity systems as a function of urban form (2007) (22)
- Optically transparent, dense α-Al2O3 thick films deposited on glass at room temperature (2008) (22)
- Efficiency improvement for geothermal power generation to meet summer peak demand (2009) (22)
- Compact, low energy CO2 management using amine solution in a packed bubble column (2008) (22)
- Step coverage of thin titania films on patterned silicon substrate by pulsed-pressure MOCVD (2007) (22)
- Solid oxide fuel cell architecture and system design for secure power on an unstable grid (2004) (21)
- Scale-up design for industrial development of a PP-MOCVD coating system (2013) (20)
- Implementation of unsteady sampling procedures for the parallel direct simulation Monte Carlo method (2008) (20)
- Selection and Conversion of Turbocharger as Turbo-Expander for Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) (2013) (19)
- Voluntary demand participation (VDP) for security of essential energy activities in remote communities with case study in Maldives (2019) (17)
- Researching Travel Behavior and Adaptability: Using a Virtual Reality Role-Playing Game (2011) (17)
- Rotordynamic modelling and analysis of a radial inflow turbine rotor-bearing system (2014) (17)
- Virtual reality simulation game approach to investigate transport adaptive capacity for peak oil planning (2012) (17)
- Kinetic model of low pressure film deposition from single precursor vapor in a well-mixed, cold-wall reactor (2001) (16)
- A novel design methodology for waste heat recovery systems using organic Rankine cycle (2017) (16)
- VOILA! A new measure of oil vulnerability for cities (2014) (16)
- Characterization of photocatalytic, wetting and optical properties of TiO2 thin films and demonstration of uniform coating on a 3-D surface in the mass transport controlled regime (2017) (16)
- Expansion transport regime in pulsed-pressure chemical vapor deposition (2007) (14)
- Al2O3 coatings on stainless steel using pulsed-pressure MOCVD (2013) (14)
- An iterative method for modelling the air‐cooled organic Rankine cycle geothermal power plant (2011) (14)
- The Survival Spectrum: The Key to Transition Engineering of Complex Systems (2011) (13)
- Unique precursor delivery and control afforded by low-pressure pulsed-CVD process with ultrasonic atomization (2001) (13)
- Conformality Investigation of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films on 3‐D Micrometer‐ and Nanometer‐scale Features by Pulsed‐Pressure Metal‐organic CVD (2011) (13)
- Scaling of Gas Turbine From Air to Refrigerants for Organic Rankine Cycle Using Similarity Concept (2016) (12)
- Growth rate, microstructure and conformality as a function of vapor exposure for zirconia thin films by pulsed-pressure MOCVD (2007) (12)
- Solid Yttria‐Stabilized Zirconia Films by Pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition from Metal‐organic Precursors (2004) (11)
- Meanline design of a 250 kW radial inflow turbine stage using R245fa working fluid and waste heat from a refinery process (2016) (11)
- Modelling of organic Rankine cycle system and heat exchanger components (2014) (10)
- Transition engineering: adaptation of complex systems for survival (2013) (10)
- Regeneration of carbon dioxide saturated monoethanolamine- glycol aqueous solutions at atmospheric pressure in a packed bubble reactor (2005) (9)
- Nanocrystalline ZrO2 thin films on silicon fabricated by pulsed-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (PP-MOCVD) (2008) (9)
- New Zealand energy strategy--Introduction to the energy policy special issue (2009) (9)
- Design and Build of a 1 Kilowatt Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generator (2013) (9)
- The Visioning Project: Part of the Transition Engineering Process (2008) (8)
- Deposition of Bio-Integration Ceramic Hydroxyapatite by Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD Using a Single Liquid Precursor Solution** (2010) (8)
- Precursor system for bio-integration ceramics and deposition onto tantala scaffold bone interface surfaces (2007) (8)
- Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of an Organic Rankine Cycle Unit of a Geothermal Power Plant (2010) (8)
- Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD Science, Materials and Technology (2009) (8)
- Demand response in the residential sector: A critical feature of sustainable electricity supply in New Zealand (2008) (8)
- Planning and Building the Sustainable World (2013) (6)
- Decarbonization of Nitrogen Fertilizer: A Transition Engineering Desk Study for Agriculture in Germany (2022) (6)
- Energy reliance, urban form and the associated risk to urban activities (2006) (5)
- New Zealand intermodal freight network and the potential for mode shifting (2012) (5)
- Antimicrobial and biofilm-disrupting nanostructured TiO2 coating demonstrating photoactivity and dark activity. (2021) (5)
- Biomaterials by CVD Methods, Introduction to the CVD Special Section (2010) (5)
- Pattern Recognition Residential Demand Response: An Option for Critical Peak Demand Reduction in New Zealand (2010) (5)
- Design and implementation of a community based sustainable development action research method (2012) (5)
- Optimizing wind-diesel hybrid energy systems including a demand side management strategy (2014) (5)
- Titania Solid Thin Films Deposited by pp‐MOCVD Exhibiting Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity (2018) (5)
- Study of precursor chemistry and solvent systems in pp‐MOCVD processing with alumina case study (2015) (5)
- Electrification in Remote Communities: Assessing the Value of Electricity Using a Community Action Research Approach in Kabakaburi, Guyana (2019) (5)
- Performance-objective design for a renewable energy transportation circuit of Christchurch, New Zealand (2004) (5)
- Carbon Dioxide Scrubbing from Air for Alkaline Fuel Cells Using Amine Solution in a Packed Bubble Column (2005) (5)
- Signs of Change National Networked e-Conference: Highlighting emerging sustainability and social business (2011) (5)
- Supply and demand is not sustainable (2004) (5)
- Analysis of the truck trip generation characteristics of supermarkets and convenience stores (2012) (4)
- A Sequential Optimization-Simulation Approach for Planning the Transition to the Low Carbon Freight System with Case Study in the North Island of New Zealand (2021) (4)
- Process-Induced Nanostructures on Anatase Single Crystals via Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD (2020) (4)
- Transition engineering of transport in megacities with case study on commuting in Beijing (2020) (4)
- A Langmuir‐Kinetic Model for CVD Growth from Chemical Precursors (2013) (4)
- Numerical Modeling of the Droplet Vaporization for Design and Operation of Liquid-pulsed CVD (2015) (4)
- Methodology of pre-feasibility study for a binary geothermal power plant utilizing moderate-temperature heat resources (2015) (4)
- Design investigation for three-dimensional uniformity of the mass transport field (2005) (4)
- Uniform molecular flux in a vertical reactor with pulsed transition regime gas flow (2003) (4)
- Growth stages of nano-structured mixed-phase titania thin films and effect on photocatalytic activity (2019) (4)
- Implementation of the Transient Adaptive Sub‐Cell Module for the Parallel DSMC Code (2009) (4)
- Price, environment and security: Multi-modal motivation in residential demand response (2010) (3)
- The role of faceting in biaxially textured thin films: Columnar morphology and abnormal tilting (2020) (3)
- Energy Return on Investment (EROI) for Distributed Power Generation from Low-Temperature Heat Sources Using the Organic Rankine Cycle (2013) (3)
- Substrate heater design investigation for uniform temperature in a cold-wall low pressure reactor (2005) (3)
- Retro-Analysis of Liquid Bio-Ethanol and Bio-Diesel in New Zealand (2013) (3)
- Chapter 2:CVD Reactors and Delivery System Technology (2008) (3)
- Bio‐integration Ceramics on 3D Specimens by Pulsed‐Pressure Metal‐Organic CVD (2010) (3)
- An Ecological Planning Approach to Community Based Sustainable Development (2008) (3)
- Analysis of zeotropic mixture in a geothermal organic rankine cycle power plant with an air-cooled condenser (2013) (3)
- An Adaptive Design Approach for A Geothermal Plant with Changing Resource Characteristics (2011) (3)
- Assessing the risk to suburban activities associated with transport energy availability as a function of urban form (2006) (3)
- Modelling Unsteady Processes with the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Technique (2007) (3)
- Fuel Retail Management System (2008) (2)
- Experimental characterization and modeling for the growth rate of oxide coatings from liquid solutions of metalorganic precursors by ultrasonic pulsed injection in a cold-wall low-pressure reactor (1999) (2)
- Travel Behaviour under Fuel Constraint Study: TACA SIM (2009) (2)
- Energy and exergy analysis of an air-cooled geothermal power plant with fixed nozzle turbine in subsonic expansion and supersonic expansion via CFD analysis (2014) (2)
- Survival is the driver for adaptation: safety engineering changed the future, security engineering prevented disasters and transition engineering navigates the pathway to the climate-safe future (2022) (2)
- Corrigendum to “Net energy yield from production of conventional oil” [Energy Policy 39 (11) (2011) 7095–7102] (2011) (2)
- A game-based survey for core travel demand and fuel price adaptability assessment (2009) (2)
- Transport behaviour assessment for adaptability (2008) (2)
- The direction decoupled Quiet Direct Simulation method for rapid simulation of axisymmetric inviscid unsteady flow in pulsed pressure chemical vapour deposition (2013) (2)
- Transition Engineering (2019) (2)
- Travel adaptive capacity assessment for particular geographic, demographic and activity cohorts (2012) (2)
- TACA Sim: a survey for adaptability assessment (2010) (2)
- Copper and nanostructured anatase rutile and carbon coatings induce adaptive antibiotic resistance (2022) (2)
- Effects of post-deposition heat treatment on nanostructured TiO2-C composite structure and antimicrobial properties (2021) (2)
- The effect of heat exchanger design on the return on investment of a geothermal power plant (2014) (2)
- Commissioning, initial testing and results from an experimental one kilowatt organic Rankine cycle (2014) (2)
- Exploring Multiple Precursors in Pulsed Pressure-MOCVD (2009) (2)
- Numerical modeling of the droplet vaporization for design and operation of liquid pulsed CVD (2015) (2)
- Titania‐based photocatalytic coatings on stainless steel hospital fixtures (2015) (2)
- Titania Solid Thin Films Deposited by pp‐MOCVD Exhibiting Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity (Phys. Status Solidi A 2∕2018) (2018) (1)
- Strategic Analysis Adaptation Assessment: An Alternative to the Storyline Scenario (2014) (1)
- The first rule and why it would work [reducing transport fuel use] (2008) (1)
- Multi‐Species Fluxes for the Parallel Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) Method (2011) (1)
- Complexity and Communication (2019) (1)
- Surface Tension Effects on Liquid Flow in Small Plastic Tubes When Gas Bubbles are Present (2005) (1)
- Systems Based Learning (2001) (1)
- The shape and stability of pinned rotating annular menisci (1990) (1)
- Impact of organic Rankine cycle working fluid selection on heat exchanger design and cost (2014) (1)
- Corrigendum to “A novel design methodology for waste heat recovery systems using organic rankine cycle” [Energy Convers Manage (2017) 1–12] (2018) (1)
- Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD Processing Investigation for TiO2 Films on Si3N4 Substrate from TTIP (2009) (1)
- Liquid Droplet Evaporation in Simulations of the Flow in Pulsed-Pressure MOCVD (2009) (1)
- Experimental characterisation of the thermal performance of a finned-tube heat exchanger (2013) (1)
- Preliminary Investigation into the Current and Future Growth and Affordability of ORC Electricity Generation Systems (2015) (1)
- EUROCVD‐14 and CVD XVI (2003) (1)
- Erratum: Global energy modelling — A biophysical approach (GEMBA) part 2: Methodology (2015) (0)
- InTIME Models and Methods (2019) (0)
- Transition engineering: Change projects for the energy transition (2017) (0)
- Conference Proceedings Paper - Energies "Whither Energy Conversion? Present Trends, Current Problems and Realistic Future Solutions" Strategic Analysis Adaptation Assessment: An Alternative to the Economic Storyline Scenario (2014) (0)
- CVD Flow Field Modeling Using the Quiet Direct Simulation (QDS) Method (2009) (0)
- Strategic Analysis of Continuity for Complex Energy and Environment Systems for Developing Regions (2007) (0)
- Copper and nanostructured anatase rutile and carbon coatings induce adaptive antibiotic resistance (2022) (0)
- Waste wood to heat: beyond technology to quality of life in Christchurch, New Zealand (2004) (0)
- Nanostructured TiO2 anatase-rutile-carbon solid coating with visible light antimicrobial activity (2019) (0)
- Assessment of Occupant Adaptive Heating Behaviour in Office Buildings - A Pilot Field Study (2022) (0)
- The Minimum Energy Transport Activity Access Model (2010) (0)
- Exploring Multiple Calcium Phosphate Precursors for Pulsed Pressure-MOCVD (2009) (0)
- Phase field model of faceted anatase TiO2 dendrites in low pressure chemical vapor deposition (2021) (0)
- Designing Organic Rankine Cycle Plants Based on a Design to Resource Method (2016) (0)
- Conclusion and Discussion (2019) (0)
- The Mega-Problems of Unsustainability (2019) (0)
- Systems approach to posing problems and finding sustainable solutions (2004) (0)
- Application of the InTIME Methodology for the Transition of Office Buildings to Low Carbon—A Case Study (2022) (0)
- Title of Paper: TransitionScape - Oamaru: A Case Study in Community- Based Sustainable Development (2008) (0)
- Pulsed-Pressure Mass Transport for High Conversion Efficiency Chemical Vapor Deposition (2006) (0)
- Rotordynamic modelling and analysis of a radial inflow turbine rotor-bearing system (2014) (0)
- Modelling shopping transport energy performance to explore low carbon potentials (2016) (0)
- The Geographic Energy Adaptive Potential of the Farmers’ Market System as Compared to the Conventional Supermarkets System (2013) (0)
- Local Area Transport Energy Evaluation (LATEE), New Zealand Warrant of Fitness Data and VKT Analysis Mapped to Census Unit AreasMethod Description and Validation (2013) (0)
- Problems of Unsustainability (2019) (0)
- Dynamic Modeling of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) System for Fault Diagnosis and Control System Design (2016) (0)
- The Rise of the Sustainable Society from the Ashes of the Oil Empire (2004) (0)
- Work unit city: a study of the transport design for Chinese small city urban form (2015) (0)
- Economic Decision Support (2019) (0)
- Measuring transport choice and energy resilience (2011) (0)
- An Approximate Method for Solving Unsteady Transitional and Rarefied Flow Regimes in Pulsed Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Process using the Quiet Direct Simulation Method (2011) (0)
- A study on the growth mechanism and the process parameters controlling aluminum oxide thin films deposition by pulsed pressure MOCVD (2016) (0)
- Chemical vapor deposition (2014) (0)
- Transition Economics (2019) (0)
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